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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 600x325, SilhouetteOfWomanDrinkingWine_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9741539 No.9741539 [Reply] [Original]

Drinking and avoiding your family edition

>> No.9741563
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>"I'll have dessert in my room"

>> No.9741584

Goddamn it it just sucks. I've been drinking for 9 years now and if I have like a handful of beers I sober up what seems like immediately, I can't be drunk for hours without drinking more liquor than I even want to. I wish I could be satisfied with a remotely moderate level of drinking, but it just doesn't have enough of an effect unless I hammer down liquor, and I quit doing that because of how badly it was fucking my life up.

>> No.9741608

wish these normals would leave so i could go get some food

>> No.9741625

seriously, it takes too much time and effort to be buzzed even 1/4 of waking hours once you are an alcky. i need a better drug

>> No.9741744

whoops guess i'm drunk again. weed gets boring after a while.

>> No.9741763


Fuckin weed and it's boring ass burnt out tired shit

>> No.9742431

Drink cheaper booze. Do you get drunk on old Bordeaux wine, or does your country/state have Muslim tier moral taxes?

>> No.9742493
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>mfw my family thinks i've just been sipping all day but really i'm fucking drunk off my ass and can barely summon the brain power to put words into sentences

>> No.9742517

>bought a 12 pack of Stella
>second beer in
>fuck this shit
>start drinking me vodka

Thought I could be classy, but beer just doesn't work

>> No.9742522

unless you've gotten drunk off beer and drink that as your main drink it just doesnt work
my tolerance is so fucked because of vodka consumption it would take me ridiculous amounts of beer to get drunk

>> No.9742527

>all the food places are closed for thanksgiving
>liquor store is open
It's like they want me to drink away this shitty ass holiday.

>> No.9742543

why are you such a fucking retard

>> No.9742556

>I do that

>> No.9742563

mix with weed

>> No.9742584
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>> No.9742689
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>wake up in the morning thinking that I cleared out the whole case of beer
>Grab something out the fridge
>mfw 4 beers sitting tucked away behind everything else

>> No.9742707

are 40s a meme

>> No.9742772

Fuck off newfag

>> No.9742773

I recommend switching to wine or beer exclusively.

>> No.9742787

I love when this happens.

>> No.9742815

I do this every weekend. Don't care for wine but beer is good, except the amount of calories it brings

>> No.9742837
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That's a good thing, it will make you drink less than you do of the artificially empty liquor.

Distillation is what ruined drink for humanity.

>> No.9742847
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haha feel bad for you fuckers, I got thanksgiving over with over a month ago


>> No.9742859

Kinda fell off the wagon after a week and a half, but I am meeting with a support group soon so hopefully I can stay on.

I don't know if I'm frustrated or relieved that I can't buy booze here today.

>> No.9742867

I live on the west coast of Canada where weed has always been around but in the past ten years we've gone from having to call a guy to there literally being over five dispensaries within a five minute walk from my house. I've been a daily weed smoker for almost as long as I've been an alcoholic but it's hard to tell.

getting wasted every day without weed sounds so bizarre to me. The two have always gone together and now that I think of it that's probably why I'm not at death level alcoholism yet. I feel really bad for people who live in most of the world where weed is still actually Capital-I-Illegal.

>> No.9742976

At what point should I be concerned with a fever? not sure if it's from cutting down drinking or if its because I'm actually really sick (im both), but I have a 101.6 fever. Should I go to a doctor tomorrow you think? and how bad would it be to have a few beers?

>> No.9742991

Is cheap vodka usually just as good as expensive vodka? Like can I buy sobieski and not be dissapointed? What about gin? I usually get sapphy but i feel like cheap gin will do the job too

>> No.9742998

I don't even take my kids to the doctor unless it's over 102

>> No.9743007

Don't go cold turkey. Never go cold turkey if you drink a lot and have physical withdrawals.
What are other symptoms?

Cheap vodka is OK, bottomest shelf is crap, but you can pass it through a brita filter and have high quality I heard.

>> No.9743021


I dunno man. I consume about 8 beers on a week day and I am still 165 lbs at 5'11".

On the weekends I drink enough to have 8 hours of I don't know what happened. When I finish a big job (industrial electrician lol) I buy beer by the pallet.

>> No.9743026

Ive had strep and a ruptured eardrum from an infection for about 2 weeks. Havent really improved at all and honestly feel worse now. Just stopped drinking a couple days ago and now im freezing and sweating even though im in bed all day. When they took my temp at the docs a couple weeks ago I had no temp, but now I do. Don't know if I should go back or not. I haven't really paid attention to my health for a long time so I don't know if this is bad or not.

>> No.9743186

Supreme. Can’t sleep through the night. 4th night in a row I’ve had to wake for an enormous shit. Too pissed off to get back to sleep.
Is insomnia the worst thing about being al/ck?

>> No.9743394

>Woman silhouette in al/ck/ op


>> No.9743457

Don't be retarded

>> No.9743476

4chan is too childish for a community like this. Too many ranting brats screaming “retarded”, too many deluded faggots hoping to fuck straight guys, too many conspiracy babbies screaming niggerjews and just too much teenage cringe. Real shame.

>> No.9743477

But there's lots of girls here.

>> No.9743479

You could always return to where you came from.

>> No.9743485

this image hits home hard

>> No.9743492

There really isn't. Just because there's marginally more women or retarded men who consider themselves women on this board then a few other boards, doesn't mean there's a lot. It's over 3/4 male.
I swear this girl on /ck/ thing is becoming a shitpost people do to derail threads. It always turns into a bunch of people telling that person they're wrong while that person just basically repeats no u ad nauseam.

>> No.9743502

.t niggerjew

>> No.9743503

Coming up on 2 years sober here, gents. If you ever want to quit, it helps to spend the holidays far the fuck away from your family.

>> No.9743504


>> No.9743516

just survived thanksgiving without a single drink

holy god it's been 6 hours since they opened the crown royal up and im still sweating

>> No.9743538
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Passed out from the benzos I needed to survive the dinner with the family (stealth-drinking isn't nearly enough.) But at least now I'm back on my normal drinking schedule - gin and tonic for weeks.

>> No.9743540

>woman alcoholic

hue hue hue.

Women can't be alcoholics, They literally live on easy mode daily. What is there to be sad and depressed about? Too many men to choose from?


>> No.9743542


I'm at 26 days without spirits and 12 days without beer. Trying to make it to Christmas without a drink at which point I might treat myself to some drinks with the family.
Goddamn, it's tempting to buy beer though.

>> No.9743547

>i might treat myself

aaaaaand you're enslaved again!

>> No.9743558

Don’t be pathetic anon.

>> No.9743559

Yeah, that's obviously a worry. It would be bizarre to have Christmas without booze. I bet you my family would all remark on me not drinking. They don't even drink, it's just that I really enjoy a boozy Christmas. Last year my mother made subtle remarks about me drinking too much.

>> No.9743582

poor bait.

>> No.9743586

Good for you, Anon. I know how much it sucks when the thirst just won't go away even when it seems like it should've long passed. The worst is over though, you're gonna be okay soon.

You can do it man! I know it seems like you're upending your whole tradition but every day you don't take a drink is a victory, even on Christmas.

>> No.9743607

>You can do it man! I know it seems like you're upending your whole tradition but every day you don't take a drink is a victory, even on Christmas.

I guess. I host Christmas so it's really comfy spending the day between the kitchen and living room, beer in hand, having a great meal and settling into night watching Carols with the family on the tv followed by National Lampoons Christmas Vacation accompanied by bourbon.
I've got my mom staying with me for two weeks too. I love her but she can be trying and alcohol makes her continued presence in the house way more tolerable.

>> No.9743654

4th day no booze, just shitloads of weed. I have madeira in the house for chutney, ale for oxtail stew, white wine for chicken and cognac for chocolate coated cherries. Still not drinking any, probably the longest I’ve had unopened bottles for years

>> No.9743762

Stick with weed, buddy, it won't kill you. 4 days with a clean liver is a good start. I'm proud of you, Anon.

>> No.9743958
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In the last few days I hit a point where I get a deblilitating and blinding migraine each time I consume even one or two drinks. It has finally all caught up with me and I have a solid reason to quit for good. Been a fun ride, good luck fellas.

>> No.9744102

Don’t think about what you’re going to do on Christmas just focus on not drinking today. I stopped back in April originally for only two weeks. Once the two weeks was up I said I would go for one more day. Next thing you know I was sober for six months; went on an all inclusive family vacation, got wasted, and woke up the next morning and realized drinking wasn’t that fun anymore. I’ve been sober since then and I know I’ll drink again, but it’s not going to be today.

>> No.9744104

Stay strong brother.

>> No.9744123

no nigger you should only pay $50+ per bottle of alcohol and ideally $90+
do you want to be rejected online for drinking a certain brand or something?

>> No.9744163
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It was nice knowing you lads

>> No.9744164

I find that you really don't get to that next level of despair if you don't get into daily liquor drinking.

Of course you can fuck yourself up with beer but being a vodka drunk is way worse.

>> No.9744173

on the easy-to-fuck-yourself-up scale i think weed is about a 2/10, beer is a 5 and liquor is an 8-9

>> No.9744183

>tfw fucked myself on all of them, individually


>> No.9744198

Fucking withdrawals kept me up all night and I have work later today. Busy as fuck on Fridays, and it is black Friday to boot.

Tfw can't call in sick because I don't know the fucking number

>> No.9744204

Is it possible I'm immune to alcohol withdrawal symptoms? Most days I drink at least 500 ml of vodka, I've been doing this for months now with the occasional 3-day break where I don't drink at all. I never get hungover and I never get withdrawal syptoms when I stop drinking for a few days.

>> No.9744213

Id rather be fired than go to work hung over. I have to stealth drink at all times.
I used to know builders who’d drink 30 pints of bitter a day, 10 of which they’d have at lunch time, before going back to work knocking down houses. F u c k that. I’m too much of a delicate trainwreck to open my damn eyes.
Beat yourself up, shove a condom up your ass and lay unconscious in a public place. It’ll get you out of work and it’ll feel better than going in.

>> No.9744238
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Sherry is underrated.

Feels like upper class day drinking.

>> No.9744241

It is dirt cheap. It is anything but upper class.

>> No.9744245

It's just a type of wine, it can be both dirt cheap and very expensive.

But I feel pretentious drinking it. I like it.

>> No.9744255

I'm guessing you don't drink during the day.

>> No.9744312

Probably more of a late bloomer than immune.

>> No.9744353

I think withdrawal symptoms only start appearing once you try to go sober and relapse and gets worse each time

I'm in a similiar situation to you, 750ml bottle of vodka everyday for over 9 months and when I stopped cold turkey I didn't have any withdrawals

>> No.9744405

Could have been something in life

But here I am drinking my life away to the bottom of the bottle

>> No.9744408

What's your favourite cocktail, al/ck/?

I've been enjoying Harvey Wallbangers (2 vodka : 2 orange : 0.5 galliano, dash of bitters if you like) and vodka martini's lately (2 vodka : 0.5 martini : twist if you can be bothered). In both cases they seem to be good for week day drinking and still being functional in the morning.

>> No.9744417

Time you enjoyed wasting wasn’t wasted time

>> No.9744428

The problem with most likkerbois is that they no longer enjoy it though.

You need to stay somewhat moderate in your drinking for alcohol to be fun.

>> No.9744453

I don't even enjoy my life sober

why do you think I drink

>> No.9744456

to enjoy it?

>> No.9744459


>> No.9744532

So bored and want to get hammered. I wish I could drink in moderation.

>> No.9744551

what's a cosy country with cheap alcohol, preferably in europe

i have a job where i can work remotely pretty much and my only hobbies are drinking, reading and excessively posting on the guardian comments sections

>> No.9744563

Slovenia, Estonia, Czech Republic

>> No.9744573

Get paid in dollars, or keep your savings in dollars, and move to the uk. Once this brexit shit is over you’ll be rich.

>> No.9744582
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Christ, Amanda Bynes really didn’t take well to addiction.

>> No.9744590

sat waiting for this Garth Marenghi paedo glasses phase to end

>> No.9744603

who cares

the trend will just move onto some other dumb shit

>> No.9744605

because i like women with good facial bone structure and these things make everyone look like fuckin cabbage patch kids, this fad is directed at me personally

>> No.9744613
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do cute girls post on alck?

>> No.9744616

nigger mountain

>> No.9744627

Good looking people look good in anything m8

>> No.9744631

you think they wouldn't?

though being an alcoholic generally means you are less attractive

>> No.9744655

i live in the north east of england, they're pretty thin on the fucking ground

>> No.9744694

British girls can be unconventionally attractive even when they're a bit goofy looking.

>> No.9744717

i already do get paid in dollars & already do live in london

>> No.9744724

My work here is done.
Alternatively I’d move to Spain. Housing costs nothing, food and booze are cheap, you can grow weed legally and the age of consent recently was 13, can’t be bad.

>> No.9744748

>its another americans assuming everyone lives in america episode

>> No.9744770

Im an average looking lesbian, but the booze is giving me moonface. Probably irrelevant to the question though since i assume you meant girls who could, in theory, potentially suck your dick.

>> No.9744783

>booze is giving me moonface
sounds like a load of bullshit to me

>> No.9744796
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It's common for alcohol to make the face look less defined and more bloated. Just look at chloe moretz. Used to have pretty visible bone structure but now her face is moon central. Pretty sure she's a heavy drinker.

>> No.9744813

I have become a master at drunkenly doing this, sincerely a glorious way to start your day

>> No.9744819

ahh yes, you've definitely convinced me with your proven scientific evidence and factual examples

>> No.9744820

>he's never seen an alcohol caused moonface

Shit, in uni I had some friends who'd get serious moonface from even two consecutive days of drinking. It was also fun seeing people in class on mondays with their heads resembling a ball of dough.

>> No.9744832

oh I misinterpreted what moonface meant

I've never heard it used for anything other than acne/pimples etc didn't know it was for puffy face as well

>> No.9744837

Anyone else enjoy drinking an ice cold beer while taking a warm shower? Shit is cash. Wonderful way to wake up imho.

>> No.9744844

love drinking in the shower

it's so fucking comfy

>> No.9744857

Caved and bought some beers.

>> No.9744895

Fuck I love being drunk so much

My self awareness and anxiety is crippling - the relief that liquor brings is incredible

>> No.9744964

Just finished an 11-day stretch at the new job and now have 2 days off to get obliterated. Not that I wasn't drinking during the 11 days but I was regulating enough to not let it show.

>> No.9744966

What are you drinking?

>> No.9744988

>tfw have a little window in the shower that leads to a small skylight
>tfw I can smoke weed leaning out the window while taking a shower
get on my level

>> No.9744994

kill yourself

>> No.9744996


>dude weed lmao

>> No.9744999

>not smoking pipes of nepalese temple balls laying in the tub drinking red wine

>> No.9745012

Evan Williams this week but probably switching to vodka tonight.

>> No.9745070

What does this even mean?

>> No.9745076

I have to go outside or my neighbors threaten to call the cops. It’s a hell of a lot better than drinking though, it’s like a comfy holiday away from booze if I’ve got loads of weed. Even if I’ve only got a little, it takes a lot less booze to get me rekt if I have a joint with it.

>> No.9745081
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Hello, pothead here. I spent thanksgiving alone, avoiding my family, eating microwave brownies with my cats. Feels cozy.

>> No.9745098

Truly one of the best feelings there is.

>> No.9745112
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I've had 9 5% beers in 2 hours and I'm still sober enough.

Lyfe sucks

>> No.9745117

Keep it up and eventually you'll get the hangovers back, and it ramps up with the fear and anxiety etc. It's just a matter of when, not really if.

>> No.9745124

It means potfucks need to fuck off out of here forever.

>> No.9745131

You sound like just the kind of person we should have guiding these threads.
Stop being such a prick. Weed has helped me to avoid booze more than anything. I’m not denying other alchies a chance of escaping just because you have some secret, probably ignorant fucking problem with it.

>> No.9745132

>mad at plants

>> No.9745137

Rate this scene


>> No.9745138
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how do i quit without drinking without dying? do i taper? I drink roughly a pit of liquor a night

body can't deal with this shit anymore

>> No.9745141


>> No.9745145

Polite company does not talk about politics, money, or religion. She should know that

>> No.9745171

It's going to be more widespread. Pot becomes legal in Canada in July. I'm opening up a business to sell pharmaceutical grade (I'm a biochemist) pot in large amounts legitimately :)

>> No.9745183

Is that Gwyneth Paltrow? I reckon she only enjoys those talks because every person at the table is a rich Dem. and they just such eachother's dicks instead of challenging anything.

Very true. I love discussing politics and I know others in the family do as well but we'd never do it at the dinnertable. Maybe later in the night one-on-one over a drink. Or several drinks.

>> No.9745314


I went to private school in Manhattan...one big circle jerk

>> No.9745321

Reminder that nothing good ever comes from social drinking.

>> No.9745332
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>> No.9745433

I drank like 10 beers on wednesday night, and I went through a mini withdrawl on thursday morning, and today I still don't feel 100%. I don't think it's worth it anymore.

>> No.9745440

please put "alcoholism" in your OPs from now on
your cancerous containment threads are slipping past my filter
thanks in advance!
-the rest of /ck

>> No.9745458

Nobody cares what you want.
-everyone except you.

>> No.9745461

Yes because all of the other threads on this board are of such amazing quality.
This is thread I think you're looking for you gigantic homo >>9745129

>> No.9745477

I do have a problem with it and it's based on personal bias because it doesn't work for me and at worst makes me feel like I'm going insane. Waking existential nightmares about the nature of perception, matter, and reality.
Believe me I tried to make it work. I've been high like over a hundred times and had a good time only once or twice.
So yeah I was fucking around, if you want to smoke weed just do it.

>> No.9745598

except a lot of ptp

>> No.9745855

>tfw getting drunk and thinking about this feeling of existential dread when you're gonna wake up tomorrow

>> No.9745948

Anyone else have to sleep off the nausea sometimes?

>got drunk
>fell asleep at 12
>wake up at 10 am feeling nauseous
>fall back asleep until 1 pm
>wake up and feel great

>> No.9746007

Yes but anything more than 7 hrs and there's no nausea.

>> No.9746019

I'm a regular and I think we should keep a constant name for filters. We'll just have more complains and trolls otherwise.
That being said, the usual name is "al/ck/"
Try making the filter "al/ck/"|"alcoholism" if we fail at having a regular name, that should cover most of the threads.

>> No.9746058

Looking for advice, you al/ck/ys. I moved in with my parents back in June after living on my own for years in very unhappy, depressing circumstances. Lots of drinking involved, of course. I didn't have to move back in, and it wasn't like I did so under a cloud of shame or personal catastrophe or anything like that. I just got tired of paying way too much money to live on my own and still feel isolated and miserable.

Overall, my life has gotten a lot better since I moved in with my parents. But the catch is that I can't drink here. I've stayed sober, mostly, by taking Antabuse.

I now have enough money saved for a down payment on a modest house in the next two or three months, and I've already started the process. I do plan on drinking again (hopefully weekends only) when I move out, but since I'm going to be moving out soon anyway I'm tempted to start weekend-drinking now, and just conceal it from my parents as best I can.

I've already missed a few days of antabuse pills and I'm starting to get antsy. But my parents will be furious if they find out I've been drinking again under their roof. They've already found out about one lapse and we moved past it quickly enough, but they'll quickly lose their patience if it keeps happening and they know about it. I'm not so much worried about being kicked out or anything, but I don't want to ruin my relationship with them.

What do you think, should I stay sober until I move out, or should I risk it and attempt concealed drinking on the weekend? Am I getting greedy? Impatient, for sure.
Your thoughts are much appreciate.

>> No.9746106

Waiting for my mother to go to bed so I can get drunk. I've had 1 liter of cider but all of my beer is outside, to keep it cold without having to store it in the fridge.

What's good, al/ck/?

>> No.9746155
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this is you

>> No.9746157

lmaoing at your life
put it outside your window you idiot or buy a mini fridge, stop being a cuck and move out

>> No.9746187

get a ct scan, friendo. you might have a tumor

>> No.9746195
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cooking sherry though..

>> No.9746235

Take your antabuse and don't drink.

>> No.9746297
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I think you should try to stay off the sauce (obviously), at least do it for your parents, if they're nice enough to let you move in, try to be nice to them. I'm not familiar with Antabuse (Distra is what is commonly used here), but it sounds pretty evil, from what information I can get off of wikipedia. Best case scenario is you not starting to drink and replacing Antabuse with something more wholesome, some kind of hobby or a collection of furry porn, no idea. You might want to consider talking to your doc about medication against depression, or anxiety, whatever the cause of your drinking was to begin with. I'd say hold off with the weekend drinking until you're stable and grounded in life.

>> No.9746347

Any of you tried a rum flip? Is it worth a go?

>> No.9746656

yoooo i wanna do i backflip
how do it learn???

>> No.9746686

haha help im turning into an alcoholist haha

>> No.9746745
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>> No.9746755

different person, it's not exactly a controversial opinion that drinking a lot causes bloating and chubbiness

>> No.9746762

weird, I've heard pizza face a lot but never moon face. I get why though, craters and stuff

>> No.9746772

8 pints in

>> No.9746776
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warning all my ((friends))

>> No.9746781

HAHA great meme!!!

gonna go post this on my facebook haha bet ill get tonnes of likes! haha

>> No.9746846

EPIC!!! You Sir get a Upvote!!!

>> No.9747027

Thanks for the solid advice. Much obliged.
I'm already on antidepressants, and they work pretty well. I just really, really like the way booze makes me feel. It's as simple as that. Never used it to run away from anything.
But you're right, I don't seem to handle it very well, and at least while I'm freeloading off Mom and Dad I should be respectful and abstain. Thanks again.

>> No.9747032

should i walk 20 minutes to the convenience store in the dark for more beer and then another 20 minutes back?

>> No.9747074

is this even a fucking question

what are you scared of the fucking dark? lol

>> No.9747111
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Not scared of the dark, just the beer.
I'm already walking because I've had too much to drive.

>> No.9747190

What time is it where you are?

>> No.9747201


>> No.9747224

Everywhere around here closes around 10:30. I’m in Michigan

>> No.9747235

I'm in suburban NY. There's a 7/11 every half mile open 24 hours. I can buy beer until 3 am.

>> No.9747264


>> No.9747273

so you were expecting people to tell you not to go because it's a 40min walk and it's dark?

>> No.9747321

No, I was expecting people to convince me not to drink anymore.
Too late now though, just got back.

>> No.9747332

Alright, fuck this. I need a way to quit my job.

I'm too much of a filthy doormat beta cuckold to actually quit, and as you can probably guess I doubt I could get myself fired for the same reason.

I keep getting withdrawals during the workday, and if I drink I'll just have to work through horrible hangovers the next day. I need shorter hours, less days, or just no job.

>> No.9747349

What do you do?

>> No.9747354

Dishwashing, which should be easy as fuck. Not with withdrawals or hangovers though.

>> No.9747371

Get drunk at work. No more hangovers, no more cuckmat and you’ll be fired soon enough

>> No.9747374

How old are you?

>> No.9747388

Wtf is this shit? I keep waking, devastated by exhaustion, at 3am. 5.30 now and still rolling around moaning in pain and trying desperately to get a few more hours.

>> No.9747391
File: 39 KB, 600x1200, 1177784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking this right now. Can someone tell me what the appeal of mudcake tasting beer is? It literally just tastes like mudcake.

>> No.9747414
File: 39 KB, 600x600, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girlfriend hangs around our house all day without even getting dressed
>suddenly gets all dressed just to "go for a drive" at eleven thirty at night because she's bored


>> No.9747426

I'd be sweating too bud

>> No.9747427

Buy two hoop earrings. Install either side of her goodies. Attach padlock. Chain only key to your bed.

>> No.9747448


>> No.9747449

>allowing this

>> No.9747457
File: 180 KB, 719x1278, IMG_0332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let the demon out last night.
Ended up diving head first into a shallow pond and bashing my head on the bottom

>> No.9747466

>pure rage
>a few little cuts on your hand


talk about a drama queen

>> No.9747471

>I need shorter hours, less days, or just no job.
why don't you just explain this to your boss, you dunce. you don't have to quit outright. give them the opportunity to accommodate you, and quit if they refuse

>> No.9747478

Mods, ban this turd

>> No.9747485

I seem to jump into things when blackout rekt. Last time, I jumped off a bridge into the sea, and was arrested by a police boat. Only had an audience of maybe 20 people this time though, and I was treated better in jail - that is to say that they gave me some toilet paper for a change.
Fug, I’ve jumped into ponds, through a hairdresser’s window, off sand dunes and small cliffs, hm. I should probably drink less.

>> No.9747496
File: 169 KB, 719x1278, IMG_0333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also fucked up the foot a bit
>bruised the wrist on the other hand
>have cuts on my scalp
>a pain my neck
>and tooth hurts from bashing my head into the trunk of my car

Not trying to be a drama queen just distracting myself until I can fall asleep

>> No.9747502

Can I ask why?

>> No.9747506

At least you had an audience

>> No.9747512
File: 48 KB, 620x413, 2YiLU4FN50evPX1yC0aZ6RLziy7XNuYQU7tXtdcd-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out, fellas. We got us a badass over here.

>> No.9747519

I wanna say I just did it for the fuck of it but, I probably had some slurred reason at the time

>> No.9747523
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>> No.9747590

>and a few scratches on your foot

still a little bitch

>> No.9747623

You first.

>> No.9747645

Will I ever have any in ever again as long as I live? Every time I feel remotely good about anything I immediately start obsessing over alcohol. Can’t listen to music even.

>> No.9747647

>Your thoughts are much appreciate.

Switch to weed.

Illegal state? Take CBD instead.

CBD kills my desire to drink, no side effects, excellent non-drowsy sleep aid.

Weed/THC is just a superior drug of choice.

>> No.9747653

*any fun

>> No.9747661

Not him but you got me to look up CBD. Does it show on standard drug tests, and do dispensaries/companies in legal areas tend to sell it?

>> No.9747692

I dont miss those days

>> No.9747698

Maybe. The sweats and extreme anxiety are bad too

>> No.9747714


lets see your head

>> No.9747734

Wrong thread lol

>> No.9747773

you fucking faggot. you're not as alpha as me bro i fucking dive head first into fucking wasp nests fuck you bro your shit does not compare to my bad ass shit. chug a vodka

>> No.9747779
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Hard to get a good picture of it.

>> No.9747785

You really wanna win this pissing contest. Fucking sad

>> No.9747834

>whatis:blatant irony

>> No.9747858

Are you the same anon that's posted injuries in past threads? That has posted tons of crazy stories? Like going to the grocery store as soon as they open for vodka and everyone else in line feeling bad for you when you run outside to puke?

>> No.9747881
File: 63 KB, 953x323, alck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this guy?

>> No.9747918


Come on man, get out of here with that shit. I got so smashed once I ended up starting a brawl with some randos at a bar fractured and cut up both hands, got bottled and still have gnarly face scars, and lost and chipped a few teeth on a school night. Showed up to work drunk the day after just to cap off my degeneracy.

>> No.9747928

drink more malted beer like belgian beer it usually comes in at 6% or above and looks like ur just 'having a beer' when really its a decent buzz off just two

>> No.9747939

I find it hard to believe posts like this are true

maybe 50% true

>> No.9747948


Over a decade of suicidal drinking I could easily believe all that. The hardest thing to believe is that he's still alive but scumbags usually have the devil's luck.

>> No.9747953

Yup, that's the one.

>> No.9747955

it's not that I don't believe these things might happen to someone

I just doubt posts like that on al/ck/ threads

cause it's almost like boasting for attention

case in point that person screenshot the post, so it clearly got attention

people are (You) hungry on 4chan and there's absolutely nothing stopping them making up everything

>> No.9748028

>hosted some atrocious open-bar event for student hoodlums

Drinking beers into oblivion while forgetting about the aftermath and social opportunities that I could enjoy with the status of a host without the responsiibiliities of one

I just want to drink by myself because that comfort is all that I know, no screaming and no closing time

>> No.9748038

this is me, next thing you know you're all alone though

>> No.9748045

what would you recommend for cheap drinks within the monolopoloy for Canada help

>I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain
We start to love what we become used to, and for me that is loneliness

>> No.9748051

yeah Im comfortably numb, I just get this feeling that I'm going to die alone and the only person that will show up to my funeral is my estranged daughter if I'm lucky

>> No.9748064

>this is me, next thing you know you're all alone though

Not that guy but I am now. The last three people I had are gone. One dumped me from their life via text and the other two both had social functions I didn't go to, getting alone drunk instead. One called me a few months after that and got interrupted halfway through the call and told me they'd call back. Never called me back and the others just didn't even inquire after I didn't show (can't blame them) and that's it.
No one left.
I'm 32 and single. There is no way I'm ever going to be able to make friends again and I don't meet women so likely to die alone.

>> No.9748070

So make a change while you are still alive.

>> No.9748075

Jesus man I'm way before of what to say about that from my young shitty position
>comfortably numb
If only we can just sorta coast through life in this sorta way

But just hang in there chief

>tfw it's 4am but friends are still responding bc it's al/ck/

>> No.9748082

What if we did like a paastemebin where we sorta collected our thoughts on the newbies and the fuckers about alcoholism, things we woulda wanted to have tell people who were us at some point just like, you know?

My wrists hurt

>> No.9748118

>tfw none of the alcoholics in my life - including myself - can muster themselves to be even remotely encouraging

I love you

>> No.9748126

who /drunkjogger/ here?

>> No.9748133

I get out of breath just going to sleep.

>> No.9748180

Not if it's pure CBD without THC (or less than 0.3%)
And some do.

>> No.9748224
File: 42 KB, 362x362, 1508187866112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got birdseed for the winter and now a gang of sparrows moved into the hedge outside my window and i can look at birds all day while drinking wine

>> No.9748243

How do you guys deal with the sadness? I just want to die. Alcohol makes me feel better but I also am much, much more likely to cry myself to sleep. How do you guys deal with it?

>> No.9748260

More alcohol. Know it’s a hopelessly predictable answer but it really is the only solution to just about everything.

>> No.9748280

I try with all my might to resist >>9748260 this tactic and tell myself that it will get better if I stay dry for long enough.

>> No.9748286

You're both telling me that drinking more is the only solution. One of you is jaded and thinks more alcohol is the only solution. The other has not given up hope entirely. We're all gonna make it. Even if I cry like a bitch every night for a year.

>> No.9748383

I've actually tapered and then switched to beer and wine, went try for a few weeks and now I have been a succesful casual drinker for a month or so.

I feel a lot better and happier. I get like two bottles of wine or two sixpacks of beer per weekend, so about four drinks an evening for three days of the week and I don't drink during the week.

>> No.9748390

*went dry

Also I should add, with liquor I simply could not moderate. There is something about that concentration that just means one drink and I'm off to the races, it hijacks the reward system immediately.

>> No.9748510

imagine being that immune to caring about fuckups

>> No.9748525

Nah that’s all legit.

>> No.9748550
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>> No.9748565

What sources? If you don’t want to believe me then I’m ok with that, I promise.
I’ve done worse shit than that, I’m just not posting about it.

>> No.9748591
File: 141 KB, 600x818, 8F88338E-FCDE-4F79-9E47-ADB7126E7F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live in the room pictured, here...


With an orchard, a still, and an organic farm, run by my team of Victoria Justices. Is it so much to ask?

>> No.9748613

>neighbors that close
>windows that big making the place bright as fuck

how about no

>> No.9748707

not very cozy

>> No.9748771
File: 1.75 MB, 368x368, 14456174_366268353761525_8957663940922310656_n_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of Victoria Justice can I have fit girls?

>> No.9748812

They can still be dumb enough to fall into addiction patterns though. Also plenty of women are quite depressed even if it is over comparatively trivial shit at times. I saw a lot of serious women alcoholics when I used to go to AA, it happens.

>> No.9748820

If you seriously think someone can't get that far gone through alcoholism then you have a rude awakening coming if you get that bad. I'm not as bad as that guy, but I've done some shit I'm not proud of myself and I know plenty of others who have done similar.

>> No.9748821

When I was drinking liquor every single day, the relief of finally getting drunk enough felt good, but outside of that my life was a complete and constant nightmare.

>> No.9748840

>tfw drinking liquor completely naked all day long living alone
>tfw walking around naked with a stark erection with a handle of vodka in your hand
>tfw taking a pull as you sit on the couch and jack off and when you cum you just let the jizz fly

>> No.9748879

shit-tier fetish
girls are supposed to be soft, squishy and vulnerable

>> No.9748914

Relief is a good word for it, like taking off shoes that are too tight or finally getting your nicotine fix after a long shift.

It's more a break of feeling bad than a positive good.

>> No.9748940


>> No.9748941

>Spill a drink
>A 500£ carpet is dead
>Your neighbours saw everything

A bit further down alcoholism :
>Fuck up feet and carpet when walking
>Fall head first into table
>Blood on carpet (will be dry and unwashable by the time you sober up, if you ever sober up)
>Your neighbours, trying to help, call an ambulance.
>You're forced into inpatient rehab for a week. It's the 10th time in the last 2 years
>You drink again as soon as you leave the hospital after being told they won't accept you any more

>> No.9748996
File: 1.78 MB, 368x368, 14794796_171677753288656_4241265095105052672_n_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9749006

she did porn, suzanna spears. just dildo stuff sadly

>> No.9749010
File: 2.27 MB, 368x368, 20770602_260170874475787_515344733480943616_n_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know m8. She looks better now though

>> No.9749024

>don't drink as much as many of you
>drank entire pint of rum yesterday in course of 7-8 hours
>don't have a bad hangover
So if you space the drinking out, you don't get raging hangovers next day. Normally the 5-6 range would do a noticeable hangover, but that's drunk over the course of 2 hours.

>> No.9749029


Just drink more and the hangover disappears

>> No.9749039

Yeah I know, kratom and benzos help a lot too. Just kind of surprised that I don't feel terrible after drinking that amount. When your body has more time to process the byproducts of alcohol metabolism, it seems you don't feel as bad the next day.

>> No.9749064
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Children - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.45_[2017.11.23_23.54.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people shouldnt get drunk at 9 am

>> No.9749065


>> No.9749068

Liquor is too quick. Weak beer too slow. Strong beer (8.0% + ABV) is still a good.

>> No.9749075

They shouldn't, but withdrawals are a bitch

>> No.9749100

When it comes to vodka it's generally wise to avoid the very cheapest shit but the very most expensive shit as well. Cheap shit is what Russians use to defrost their wind shields and could potentially kill you, but expensive shit is what retards (who happen to have gotten rich and don't understand good booze because they came right from poverty) blow their money on.

>> No.9749122
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>> No.9749145

>7 beers in 1.5 hrs and no buzz

I...just kill me

>> No.9749206

Lo cal drinks to get drunk quick?
Im getting tired of beer.

>> No.9749210
File: 15 KB, 158x54, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 50 dollars to my name until next payday
>put 25 dollars on my online casino account
>tell myself I can only drink off of money I make playing blackjack bc obviously I'm gonna lose and ill end up not drinking
>up to $90 in 5 minutes
should I keep playing or withdraw and buy a 60 of vodka and some lemon san pellegrinos?

>> No.9749214

Just gamble it, it’ll only kill your soul, not your body.

>> No.9749218

Dilute baileys with double cream, add a pint of cider, some vermouth and pulled pork you’ve had marinading in mulled wine.

>> No.9749222

I've read that l-theanine can help kill a hangover, nothing scientific, but my experience suggests it might be true. That said, I usually don't have too much trouble in the morning,:just one round on the toilet and I'm pretty much good to go.

>> No.9749310

>that time me and a mate found that in a shop and got fucked up on it and I ended up finding a giant soft toy elephant which we took to his house

That fucking toy was like four foot tall

>> No.9749477

>went to the liquor sore
>could barely stand

>> No.9749613

what kind of beer you drinking famm

>> No.9749624

Go get it. Be truly up for a while, anon.

>> No.9749649

quick question


>> No.9749667

>no "under 20" option

>> No.9749700
File: 696 KB, 500x749, boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking to get drunk
Lol you're all pathetic

>> No.9749720

Why else would you drink, the taste itself isn't that amazing

>> No.9749722

>drinking socially

>> No.9749727

I haven't spoken to my mom in just over 4 years now. She stalks me and found out where my new job was within a week of me starting there. She sent me a birthday present at work. I'm thinking about looking into a restraining order.

>> No.9749732

You’re scum

>> No.9749740

>sitting outside bar because it was too hot inside
>chick walks over to me and sits on my lap
>starts kissing me on the cheek
>says “oh darling, I’m so glad I found you”
>takes a second glance at me, gets up and says “I’m sorry, I thought you were my boyfriend”
>she sees her boyfriend leaving the bar and runs up to him

>> No.9749741

aaaah your foot is very long!

>> No.9749744

You're a bad son

>> No.9749752

>nothing a mother could ever do could possibly justify her son not wanting to talk to her

>> No.9749764

There's literally no other reason to drink you fuckin soyboy drone. If you aren't looking at the very least for a real buzz don't drink at all you idiot.

>> No.9749769
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1506121458390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is actually what r9kucks believe

>> No.9749775
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>He thinks he gets it

>> No.9749821

There's not really anything that implies r9k in that. There was nothing about drinking alone.

>> No.9749852

Drinking to deal with a situation is r9k tier

>> No.9749860

That honestly wasn't implied either in that post.

>> No.9749875
File: 35 KB, 403x1200, campari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my more sober moments a couple after work are relaxing and makes you hungrier so dinner tastes better

plus I like aromatic stuff like pic related

>> No.9749891

Why else would you wanna get drunk?

>> No.9749909

Because you like the fuckin feeling dude. It doesn't have to do with anyone else, it doesn't have to do with being alone. I myself am an alchy who has drunk negatively in my time, but I'm just saying there was nothing in that post that implied what I said it didn't.

>> No.9749930
File: 69 KB, 637x504, 1508642088448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life is the problem you wanna get away from. If everything's good, you'd want to be sober to experience more of it.

>> No.9749938

Well whatever you think dude. Ok.

>> No.9749940
File: 206 KB, 605x350, nowfuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow you're so right Sigmund Fraud, we're all going to change our lives and tell you how fucking sorry we are for ourselves to make you feel better about whatever fucking insecurity you have which makes you feel the need to be a cunt armchair psychologist.

Now either have a fucking drink or fuck off.

If we wanted an intervention we'd ask for one.


>> No.9749956
File: 100 KB, 502x493, 1501753085207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trying to explain how you're all pathetic. Didn't wanna get so into it but you guys keep disagreeing with me.

>> No.9749968
File: 225 KB, 1600x900, bronson_blu-ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you think you're not pathetic for going around wanting to try and make other people feel pathetic?

You're fucking pathetic, fuck off and mind your own fucking business.

>> No.9749970

I want you to know that I'm better than you people is all. I like to think it helps you change yourselves, but I know that people never do.

>> No.9749971

>this is what brainlets actually believe
Explain then why every rich/powerful/famous person drinks. It enhances experiences. I own a decent sailing boat that took me over 8 months to make sailable. I could go out and lay in the sun drifting along in the lake, or I could bring a cooler of beer, get buzzed and enjoy it 5 times more.

>> No.9749980
File: 96 KB, 646x404, louistheroux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, you're pathetic. Way more pathetic than anyone here is due to you caring oh so much about the lives of people that will never affect your life. Here we are shooting the shit then some dickweed like you comes in posturing, it's pathetic. Don't pretend like you'd ever say anything to anyone IRL internet tough guy.

Now do fuck off.

>> No.9749982

Your problem is that you think sailing is boring and need to turn your brain down a bit to enjoy it. You're not wrong about it, you just chose a poor way to have fun.

>> No.9750005

Not even sure why I responded to a bad troll.

>> No.9750038

Trolling an AA board on 4chan is not a great way to convince anyone that you've got your shit together.

>> No.9750204

Well I got fired, if you any of you anons remember I am the guy that lost a job 2 weeks ago after going on a 7 day bender and losing almost 30 pounds. (6ft dropped from 160 to 131). Lost the new job cuz of the sauce. Gonna probably try my hand at Uber. Who knows. At least the love of my life isn’t upset with me, she’s a real angel I don’t know why she tolerates me.

>> No.9750222

>alchie working a driving job
Not worth risking prison.
I’ve decided that either I have shelter, sufficient food and water, something to ferment and net access, and all without having to work, or I’ll just drift past the point of no return and let myself die. It takes me half a damn hour in the morning to open my eyes and another 3 hours of coffee and shots just to get dressed, like fuck can I hold down a job.
Thinking about buying a tent and a solar panel, living in the woods and distilling moonshine for booze/cash.

>> No.9750263

I love my mom but tons of people have shitty abusive moms that they want to be away from

>> No.9750267

this is a poorly made poll. I'm 29 so I chose '20 something' but a 29 year old is in a very different place than a 21 year old. I'd redo it with 'early-mid-late' options for the decades. Ten years is a long time.

>> No.9750299

went out with some coworkers last night and actually didn't black out for once and it was actually kind of fun. there was an eighties rock dance night at my local and I actually paced myself but I felt worse this morning than I do when I pound 10 drinks in two hours and get a good nights' sleep.

working my way through a six pack and heading out for another pretty quick, holed up in my room listening to college radio and feeling pretty cozy.

sorry for the blogpost

>> No.9750332

Don't drive have fun

>> No.9750340

I don't have a car and I live in a smallish very walkable city. I drove drunk once five or six years ago and got caught, vowed to never do it again.

>> No.9750348

Good man

>> No.9750359

>drive drunk once
>get caught
damn dude you suck at driving drunk

>> No.9750393

haha yeah. It was really stupid. I went over a curb at one point and I guess I was speeding a bit. Thank fucking god I didn't hurt anyone. The officer told me the drunk driving laws were going to get a lot more severe in like a week or two so I was lucky I got pulled over sooner rather than later. Paid a few thousand dollars and had my license revoked for like nine months but that's it. Could've gone so much worse.


>> No.9750394

This isn't an AA board fool

>> No.9750502

Except when they look like ugly hags

>> No.9750520

I almost died drinking an entire bottle of everclear (150 proof) two weeks ago.

Clogged a bathtub to one inch of standing puke then just fell onto my side and slept in it.

>> No.9750632

my life in a nutshell

>> No.9750898
File: 22 KB, 400x400, I8QlqUVh_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single one of my friends will respond to my texts.
>just going to get drunk by myself and stare at the floor
>even my cat hates me

What do you guys do to stave off those feelings of suicide?

>> No.9750903


>> No.9750908

Ok. Got that covered.

>> No.9750930
File: 60 KB, 1860x2371, Thumbs_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9750957

Survey from /r/criplingAlcoholism, it's probably a similar population. Can't find a more recent one.

>> No.9751041

Alright, /alk/ I'm out of wine. Now what do I drink, Two Hearted Ale, or Reserva Ducale Chianti?

>> No.9751045

whichever is stronger

then drink the other once that is gone

>> No.9751051
File: 32 KB, 480x360, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys come up with the right answers every time. How'd you get so smart?

>> No.9751223

There a new?

>> No.9751364

6am. Woke at 3.30 to an empty bottle and the realisation that it’s fucking Sunday. I’ve just spent an hour on my hands and knees with a flashlight, picking up little spilled bits of bud. Now enjoying a joint full of crumbs and hair. Fuck me. I need this to end.

>> No.9751366

Ugh, I think that was a piece of pork. It’s a damn good thing that I can throw up and still get high.

>> No.9751431

>crawling around on the floor picking up crumbs of weed
may as well start smoking crack at this point

>> No.9751511

W-what does crack have to do with anything?

>> No.9751536
File: 212 KB, 800x800, Korean-Flavoured-Sochu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, al/ck/ threads weren't quite as dark last time I was here
anyway, I wanted to get drunk tonight but couldn't stomach vodka or whiskey, I went and got 2 bottles of soju. Of course probably around 3x what they cost in korea, but still not bad, 375ML each one 20% and one 13%, about $12 total
didn't get me drunk but a decent buzz. If you want something different (think kind of shit vodka made of rice) try soju or nip variant shochu, is a bit stronger
I like you al/ck/, you suggested my favorite 'get drunk for the fuck of it' drink, Wild Turkey 101.
You're gonna make it

>> No.9751554

this guy gets it

>> No.9751569

Oh god fucking dammit, what hypernew cunt just created this atrocity? >>9751325

>> No.9751570

by realizing that dying alone really isnt that bad, that all relationships come to an end, usually sooner rather than later, that life is fundamentally disappointing and we should make the most of what we have (alcohol)

>> No.9751711

why so butt flustered anon

>> No.9751731

Finally turned my life around somewhat.
>Totally dropped my drug addiction to the back of my mind for months
>Got a new job that gives me a full 40 hour week
>I think my Girl and In-law are starting to appreciate me more.

And to think I used to prefer gnomes to this.