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9739154 No.9739154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9739178

I knew soy did this since like 2009

>> No.9739191

You know that Asians consume large quantities of soy regularly, right? Well that’s just wrong! This is what the industry wants us to believe because it’s a common fact that Asians generally live longer and healthier than Americans. The industry then only had to point us to the consumption of soy products of Asians for us to believe in the health benefits of it.

If you ask an Asian family you know, chances are you’ll realize that they don’t eat that much soy.

This is another of those ideas that were implanted in the general consciousness that we take for a fact without questioning its origin.

Asians traditionally eat small amounts of soy and most of it is in a fermented form like nato, miso or tempeh. When you properly ferment beans and grains, they usually lose a lot of their lectin and phytate content.

When they don’t have a fermented form of soy, they usually have it with fish broth in soups, which is very high in minerals and somewhat counter acts the effects of soy.

It’s funny to learn that a lot of those other cultures seem to instinctively know how to prepare certain foods to minimize their downsides (soaking, sprouting, fermenting)

It’s also revealing to learn that Asian people generally don’t eat brown rice and prefer the most refined white rice. Again, the rice looses most of its toxic effects when refined. Of course, eating high quantities of rice is still eating a high proportion of carbohydrates, but then again, it’s not from fructose, the worst kind of sugar.

>> No.9739203

What about Almond milk? I prefer the taste of liquid nuts in my mouth

>> No.9739210


>> No.9739211

Is this pasta?

If not there are many other factors that singling out soy. For one, their consumption of meat is more of a garnish and flavoring in most of their dishes, and eating a 1/2 lb burger or steak is kind of unheard of (exceptions do apply). But their mortality rate is upping as they become more westernized.

tl:dr ur a faget

>> No.9739232

>estrogen mimicing compounds

this seems to be implying that something mimicing estrogen works like estrogen. I'm not convinced. After using CO2 boosters in place of a dedicated CO2 system in my aquarium and seeing no results, i'm fairly skeptical about compound-likes

>> No.9739240


And yes, compare Sudafed (pseudo ephedrine) to Bronkaid (ephedrine). Or even Adderall (dextro-amphetamine) to methamphetamine.

>> No.9739257

If you have any sort of thyroid issues going on, however, it is really the best policy to avoid all soy all the time as soy is a potent goitrogen (thyroid suppressor) even if fermented.
Dangers of Soy #1
A 1991 study found that eating only 2 TBL/day of roasted and pickled soybeans for 3 months to healthy adults who were receiving adequate iodine in their diet caused thyroid suppression with symptoms of malaise, constipation, sleepiness, and goiters (Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi 1991, 767: 622-629)!
Still think munching on edamame instead of popcorn is a healthy habit?
Dangers of Soy #2
Six premenopausal women with normal menstrual cycles were given 45 mg of soy isoflavones per day. This is equivalent to only 1-2 cups of soy milk or 1/2 cup of soy flour! After only one month, all of the women experienced delayed menstruation with the effects similar to tamoxifen, the anti-estrogen drug given to women with breast cancer (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994 Sep;60(3):333-340).
Dangers of Soy #3
Dietary estrogens in the form of soy foods were found to have the potential to disrupt the endocrine system with the effects in women similar to taking the breast cancer drug tamoxifen (Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 1995 Jan;208(1):51-9).
Dangers of Soy #4
Estrogens consumed in the diet at low concentrations were found to stimulate breast cells much like DDT to increase enzymatic activity which leads to breast cancer (Environmental Health Perspectives 1997 Apr;105 (Suppl 3):633-636).

>> No.9739260

Dangers of Soy #5
The soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein appear to stimulate existing breast cancer growth indicating risk in consuming soy products if a woman has breast cancer. (Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2001 Sep;35(9):118-21).
Dangers of Soy #6
Direct evidence that soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein suppress the pituitary-thyroid axis in middle-aged rats fed 10 mg soy isoflavones per kilo after only 3 weeks as compared with rats eating regular rat chow (Experimental Biology and Medicine 2010 May;235(5):590-8).
Dangers of Soy #7
Don’t eat soy when you are pregnant ladies! Scientific research has shown that the developing male fetus which is exposed to soy phytoestrogens may suffer from higher susceptibility to prostate cancer later in life (Prostate 1994;24(2):67-78).
Dangers of Soy #8
Keep that soy away from your daughters! Dietary genistein (soy phytoestrogen) in developing female rats had the effect of significantly accelerated puberty (Toxicol Sci 1999 Oct;51(2):236-44).
In addition, early exposure to soy is associated with less female typical play patterns in girls at 42 months of age (Environ Health Perspect v. 119(12); Dec 2011).
Dangers of Soy #9
Hey guys! Soy protein powder strips your masculinity! A study of 12 men aged 18 years and older experienced a 19% drop in serum testosterone in only 28 days when supplemented with 56 grams of soy protein powder over that same time period (Prev 2007;16:829—33).
Dangers of Soy #10
Do NOT feed soy formula to your babies! Female newborns who are orally exposed to genisin, the glycosylated form of genistein (soy phytoestrogen) experienced harm to the reproductive system in the form of “delayed vaginal opening… abnormal estrous cycles, decreased fertility, and delayed parturition.” (Environmental Health Perspective 2009 Dec;117(12):1883-9).

>> No.9739265
File: 29 KB, 480x360, harvey-weinstein-donald-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9739266

Co2 boosters only work in small aquariums and are pretty useless in anything over 20 gallons. It's also not a compound like but instead is various simple carbon compounds that release co2 as they degrade.

>> No.9739267


Plant estrogen?


Looks like it only affects fertility. It has no affect outside of pregnancy and birth. So I guess dont eat soy if you're trying to conceive and have a healthy baby

>> No.9739275

>Looks like it only affects fertility. It has no affect outside of pregnancy and birth.
Wow that's amazing that you're able to say that with perfect confidence based on the non peer reviewed link you just pulled out of your ass, when there are other studies in this thread directly and irrefutably contradicting your pathetic attempt to downplay the dangers of soy.

Almost like you're a shill.

>> No.9739278

Are you saying the mother, father, or both?

>> No.9739283
File: 86 KB, 518x621, 1509173669153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr fertility exists in a vacuum
>the way your body becomes more or less fertile has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with any other part of your body ever
>don't question it goy eat your soy
Holy fucking jew

>> No.9739286

>when there are other studies in this thread

what? where?

Doesnt look like it affects men. Just women. eating phytoestrogens in bulk can cause birthdefects or make it difficult for women to become pregnant.

>Exposure to phytoestrogens is mainly through diet. The estrogenic plant compounds are widespread in food, including herbs and seasonings (garlic, parsley), grains (soybeans, wheat, rice), vegetables (beans, carrots, potatoes), fruits (date, pomegranates, cherries, apples), and drinks (coffee). The two most studied phytoestrogen groups are lignans and isoflavones. Lignans are products of intestinal microbial breakdown of compounds found in whole grains, fibers, flax seeds and many fruits and vegetables. Enterodiol and enterolactone are examples of lignans. Isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, occur in soybeans and other legumes.

It isnt just soy either but that seems to get the most flack

>> No.9739287

Nigga no one was reading your copypasta. What about sample size, methodology, and a conclusive result? Not even trying to be contradictory, but just show me the smoking gun.

>> No.9739289


t. angry thirdworld corn farmers

>> No.9739292
File: 332 KB, 485x679, 1510362072899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm too lazy to look at a study (for which you provided a link) for even one moment
>this means i win the argument
Nah man, just kys

>> No.9739299

No one said they won an argument, I'm just looking for more proof than some college kids in 1991 doing a project for a grade with the sample size of 12 people. Give up the golden goose, or get lost in your own static.

>> No.9739342

>Or even Adderall (dextro-amphetamine) to methamphetamine.
But Adderall was specifically engineered to mimic the specific chemical properties wanted from methamphetamines while removing as many unwanted side effects as possible.
Also Adderall is a combination of dextroamphetamine Saccharate, Amphetamine Aspartate, Dextroamphetamine Sulfate, and Amphetamine Sulfate. It's not one thing.
In fact, those four things are actually two pairs of molecules that are chemically the same. The only difference is that they spin in different directions, sort of like how your right hand is still a hand but not a left hand. And that minute difference means that they (can) have different reactions when interacting with other chemical or biological compounds.

>> No.9739345

Cool info, didn't know. Usually get Vyvanse, which iirc is pure dextro (I reserve the right to be wrong).

>> No.9739355

>Explosive laughter

>> No.9739360
File: 23 KB, 166x482, a_big_bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big bang

>> No.9739361

>muh asians live longer
Dumb wapanese. That's more due to the fact they eat less (fat shaming in culture) and they walk around more.

Fermented food also lasts longer. But continue with your armchair analysis.

>the worst kind of sugar
Not really, you're just fishing for a boogeyman to hate. HFCS still contains a large percentage of glucose. Fructolysis is a similar pathway to glucolysis. And always, the dose makes the poison.

>brown rice
I'm done

>> No.9739372

Specifically: Vyvanse is lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, which is dextroamphetamine combined with an essential amino acid on the chemical level. The body breaks it down into the amino acid and dextroamphetamine.
The benefits of doing this is that it's harder to abuse, and more importantly absorption is affected less by food/drink that you consume. (Most acidic foods/substances will decrease the amount of adderall that your body absorbs and stuff that creates a more acidic urine will make you excrete it faster. Antacid does the opposite. If you're having trouble sleeping because you took your medicine late, drink some cranberry juice to help get it out of your system. Be careful and do your research though, you'd think orange juice is acidic but your body metabolizes it into not acid or antacid by the time it gets to your urine.)

>> No.9739444

In this context what it mimics is receptor bonding.

>> No.9739474

anon, that doesnt say Bang's. It's Barq's in cursive

>> No.9739490

>what it mimics is receptor bonding

explain what this means like im a retard

>> No.9739494
File: 15 KB, 355x355, 5mnNMaN_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb? It says bangs. Pic related oliet bangs

>> No.9739497

Are you fucking stupid? Go look up the Japanese standard of living. Their standard of living is the highest IN THE FUCKING WORLD. They have the BEST DIETS you retard. Soy sauce is your argument? "DURR HURR JAPANESE ARE SO UNHEALTHY CAUSE THEY UH, EAT HEALTHY lawl"
And Mcdonalds hamburgers and steak is so much better, right?
Uh, yeahNO.

>> No.9739498

Your body is such a slut it doesn't care what molecule sticks its dick in its hormones as long as its big enough.

>> No.9739502

It's like a fat kid with an airsoft gun, aiming at everything hoping he hits something.

>> No.9739517

Japan does not have the highest standard of living in the world, it’s not even in the top ten.

>> No.9739548

>JUST affects fertility and causes birth defects

>> No.9739549


>> No.9739567

prove it wrong, i'll wait

>> No.9739583


can somebody debunk this guy for me because his arguments make sense and i dont like it

>> No.9739596

>you're built like a daffodil

fuck that made me laugh.

This video is long so im not actually going to watch it but the guy talking does have a high voice. That's kind of feminine even if he can snap the other guy like a cookie stick

>> No.9739601

>which is very high in minerals and somewhat counteracts the effects of soy
through magic?

>> No.9739657


>makes good arguments

Sorry man but you should probably just off yourself. Friendly reminder that guy literally works for Alex 'Obama turned my frogs gay' Jones

>> No.9739658

no im talking about the vegan guy

i know PJW is fucktarded

>> No.9739756

Anon, I have to tell you something...