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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 502 KB, 486x481, ferris tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9690726 No.9690726 [Reply] [Original]

in this ITT us girls discuss what tea we are drinking. I'm having some earl grey today!

>> No.9690734

That's not a girl.

I had earl grey last night after dinner though, it was good.

>> No.9690880

It's 2017, you know? "Girl" now means a submissive young crossdresser. Where have you been?

>> No.9690890

I'm enjoying a big cup of Rooibos per my usual daily proceedings

>> No.9691056
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1505137239303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Girl (male), a different thing entirely

Recently I've been enjoying regular old Assam with lemon slices and honey

>> No.9691391

Girls can be boys!!! I'm drinking the comma tea, guricha.

>> No.9691413 [DELETED] 

You poor misguided degenerates

>> No.9691433
File: 181 KB, 309x431, Diana_Cavendish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl (male) here.

I got some Grand Shou Pu-Erh from Lincang and am sipping it's sweet autumn taste.


>> No.9691447

Why not just a tea general?
Why do you have to be so obnoxious about it?

>> No.9691458
File: 72 KB, 900x566, tea bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like tea but I almost only drink it socially. Just kinda forget it exists in between.

>> No.9691459

I agree somewhat, but you're no better.

>> No.9691476

Honeybush tea, tastes like rooibos with honey

>> No.9691480

i'm drinking yerba mate, can i be a girl too
that sounds nice, i have had a hard time getting used to pu erh though

>> No.9691482
File: 1.62 MB, 500x281, 1500202819829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about yalls gender, perceived or real, I just like tea.

>> No.9691509

Yeah, it's different but I like it. The first time I drank some I oversteeped it so it tasted bad, but if I actually look it up, you're only supposed to steep it for like 2 minutes and it's really nice. In addition, it lasts a long time -- you can get a bunch of infusions from a small amount of tea.

>> No.9691518
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then post about tea instead of gender..?

>> No.9691602

i'll have to give it another try some day, i usually prefer easy drinking oolongs like tung ting and tie kuan yin desu

>> No.9691932

Drank some wild Ba Xian from YS today, quite bitter for a dancong which I'm starting to favour over the sour and more vibrant notes of Mi lan xiang

>> No.9692475

That sounds please pleasant actually. Have you tried rooibos with hibiscus?

>> No.9692514

breakfast: Yorkshire gold, with a splash of 2% milk
elevenses: off-brand gunpowder green with dried ginger
noon: Yorkshire gold, let it stew, no milk
after supper: chamomile and just the smallest bit of rose honey

>> No.9692522

I did I said I liked tea, I just don't get all the extra bullshit.

>> No.9693058

not even the original /jp/ threads were this bad. thanks for reminding me why I don't come here anymore.

>> No.9693073

/jp/ had tea threads?
What were they like?

>> No.9693095

Are there actually cute girly traps that enjoy cooking here? I want to believe.

>> No.9693109

Nah, just females and those weirdos who wear stockings but have obvious male legs.

>> No.9693118

I cooked dinner and did housework in a maid outfit I borrowed once, I felt pretty cute doing it.
Does that count?

>> No.9693148

>thanks for reminding me why I don't come here anymore
Hi, nice to see you back!

>> No.9693163
File: 63 KB, 699x720, 1445909454252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yunnan Mao Feng
Dragon Well
Masala Chai
Zhengshan Xiaozhong
Bai Hao Yinzhen
Shou Mei
Bai Mudan
Shui Xian
Da Hong Pao

I am deciding between brewing some pu-erh or a special blend of herbs at the moment.

Purple clay is best teapot material.

>> No.9693167

>noon: Yorkshire gold, let it stew, no milk
Do you add sugar? That stuff is undrinkably astringent straight.

>> No.9693170

Girls don't browse 4chan.

>> No.9693171

I wanna branch out into tea, but all the good teas are from china and I can't shake the feeling that it's all grown with polluted sewage water because they give literally zero fucks about health regulations or public safety

>> No.9693181

I've been drinking Chinese tea for 5 years and I haven't died yet.

>> No.9693193

thats why you need to get the high quality tea, and its not cheap girl.

>> No.9693200

Order Japanese tea from Yuuki-cha, it's all organic.

>> No.9693215

I don't want japanese tea though.

>> No.9693218

Wait is that real? I often confuse hobbit stuff and real Brit stuff

>> No.9693321
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More like Earl GAY!

>> No.9693330
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, ttwnlt3_lgr_00_twlagr3ozlot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go gayer

>> No.9693342

i like to take my cypro/estrogen with a cup of this peach cream tea mix i have and some milk

makes tummy feel good

>> No.9693393

At least Tolkien never referenced "clotted cream" or I would have slammed it closed and missed a good story.

>> No.9693415

>good story
>not just something done 100x over

>> No.9693423

Slowly getting cuter and girlier, but yes, I love cooking.

>> No.9693429

Lavender Earl Grey though.

>> No.9693488
File: 49 KB, 381x604, 1506112056758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck /ck/.

Having a dedicated thread at all time for the alcoholics are one thing but come the fuck on was that really necessary ?

>> No.9693498
File: 43 KB, 435x425, DOP6JN0V4AAHUXv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9693520

We can't have tea threads now?
You alcoholic fucks have 2 nonstop generals 24 hours a day.

>> No.9693526

we had a tea general for years until the anti-weeb normalfags decided to camp here and shitpost them into the ground.

>> No.9693704

I freaking love tea but I feel I've only have basic ass shit so far. I mean I've had some "fancy" tea from a specialty store but it's closed now. Whats a good starter tea?

>> No.9694527

Somehow the gayest post in the thread, congrats

>> No.9694549

Never forget the day moot posted in a thread saying he was drinking iced peach tea. Good times.

>> No.9694805

>I wanna make a thread about tea but I also want everyone to know that im a fucking degenerate at the same time

>> No.9694814


Begone degenerate American shits

>> No.9694827 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 288x650, 9773dbe6f1e9d82652cc4bc284760315--military-art-military-history[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you retards just make a normal fucking tea thread? God, it's like you can't go five minutes without switching off the button in your head that says "GIVE /pol/ A MILLION REASONS TO GAS ME KTHX". I can. I can make normal threads and be disgusting filth at the same time. Why can't you?

Holy shit people like you make me so fucking mad 10/10

>> No.9694845

remember that these people are getting worked up because op wrote the word "girl" in the subject line

>> No.9694850

OP is a tranny and made it obvious. Learn to hide your fucking power level for Christ's sake.

>> No.9694852

No you fucking cockloving degenerate, maybe read a little bit deeper into the thread.

>> No.9694859
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1475451659325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website
/pol/ is a /stormfront/ containment board to keep nutjobs away from the comfy weeb threads.

What kind of tea do you drink when you're mad about nothing?

>> No.9694863

Hi what kind of tea do you enjoy?

>> No.9694882

How about /pol/ fucking stays in /pol/ and stops shitting up every other fucking board then
t. /k/ommando

>> No.9694896 [DELETED] 

When /pol/ doesn't stay in their containment board everyone moans but when trap loving fags leak from /b/ it's fine?
Eat shit faglover.

>> No.9694901

Huangshan Maofeng

>> No.9694908

Traps are part of 4chan's culture ten times more than poltards will ever be.

>> No.9694910

Any attempt to define 4chan culture leads to pissants shitting up about moral theories. Just keep your MtF shit where it belongs please.

>> No.9694914

>us girls
more like huge flaming faggots

>> No.9694920

So are furfags but you see them shitting every board.

>> No.9694923

you don't*
I'm a shit phoneposter.

>> No.9694925

Lots of tea threads in the past. Why do the teenbros have a problem with this one?

>> No.9694930

Those were about people drinking tea not faggots crossdressing.

>> No.9694937

How many posts in this thread are about crossdressing? Wouldn't the mods delete posts if they were actually off-topic?

>> No.9694939

>Normal OPs with normal images taken from GIS not from your favored tranny anime with no implications of transgenderism whatsoever in either the OP or the following posts

Gee I wonder why people are commenting about your personal life.

>> No.9694949

If mods gave enough shit to follow their own rules they would've closed this shit from the OP alone.

>> No.9694953

A thread like was breaking rules and was deleted just today, but this one is breaking no rules. You're obviously mistaken.

>> No.9694962
File: 60 KB, 800x640, 1509027123976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stay out of this deer fucker.

>> No.9695035
File: 201 KB, 1684x1191, 1508368672907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rights on this board SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!

>> No.9695137

I like to cook but I don't really have anyone to cook for and I don't care enough to cook for myself.

>> No.9695246

I'm genuinely curvy but also fat so..make of that what you will
But I do like to cook and can cook well

>> No.9695256

must me a newfag, everyone knows /pol/ and /k/ have a massive overlap in users
and dont post that faggy willis comic he was a newfag too that tried to push that angle

>> No.9695259
File: 31 KB, 720x367, 23472841_10213340784928357_3570100096152158945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace white tea

>> No.9695278


>> No.9695922
File: 158 KB, 308x326, 1510637645202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking Chai while wearing stockings
max comfy desu

>> No.9695938 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 4128x3096, 20171114_152048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasted tung ting

>> No.9695954 [DELETED] 
File: 2.65 MB, 4128x3096, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roasted tung ting

>> No.9696252
File: 39 KB, 371x450, 71dAAwLmGDL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these triggered transphobes complaining instead of comfyposting about tea
Drinking a nice Darjeeling right now, tastes flowery af.

pic related

>> No.9696527

Elevenses is basically what yanks call a coffee break. It's a shortish break to have tea or maybe a small snack

>> No.9696724

oh. we do that but not at eleven

>> No.9696863
File: 212 KB, 850x1211, 1508339148808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earl grey + Thyme, or as I've recently took to calling it, Earl Grey/Thyme.
It's fantastic.

>> No.9696899

Irish Breakfast is underrated as fuck

>> No.9696952
File: 52 KB, 480x600, amZa9PrL3_480w_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good alternative to coffee? something to keep me awake?

>> No.9696959

agreed, I don't like this dogwhistle for literal faggot board tourists

>> No.9696962

that girl isn't even holding the cup

>> No.9696966


>> No.9696972

Any black tea

>> No.9697018

Man (man)
i drink PG tips with milk

>> No.9697217

Right now, I am on chai white tea, with a splash of almond milk.

>> No.9697233


>> No.9697264

If you want a tea that has a caffeine content closer to coffee, black tea, or oolong is the preferred choice.
If choosing by bagged teas then twinning is a good choice to go with otherwise loose leaf teas are pretty amazing.

>> No.9697358

mate or green tea
or you could just a caffeine tablet

>> No.9697421


>> No.9697429

I like chamomile. come at me

>> No.9697501

Corn silk

mmmm, corn

>> No.9697573
File: 24 KB, 320x400, Catgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried mate but really did not like the aftertaste.

is there any way to make it drinkable? Or how long does it take to get used to it?

(drinking my coffee black btw, not even a fan of sweet stuff)

>> No.9697606

pussies like you drink it with honey or sugar
put aromatic herbs on it too

>> No.9697638
File: 2.28 MB, 3120x4160, 1510692273513-658536665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mans on a tea thang right now desu

>> No.9697670

>PG Tips
>Not Barry's
Plebians detected

>> No.9697718

I want to fuck a trap while he's drinking tea, trying not to spill and lose control

>> No.9697957

Why would anyone add milk to tea?
It just makes it taste like milky water.
Are you adding more milk than tea?
That's fucking gross.

>> No.9698220
File: 238 KB, 1600x960, 4-ez7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make masala chai without milk senpai

>> No.9698228

Brewing some pomegranate infused bai hao yinzhen white tea this evening. Lovely florid bouquet, whith a vaguely sweet undertones and a sort of lightly grassy wholesomeness from the bai hao yinzhen.

>> No.9698235

I volunteer.

>> No.9698242

In your dreams maybe

>> No.9698486

What tea would you drink while I rail your tight boipussy?

>> No.9698511

Gween tea

>> No.9698654

D'aww :3c Don't spill on the sheets or I'll have to spank and cage you

>> No.9698658

Either sounds like a win for me, honestly.

>> No.9698807 [DELETED] 

>mods deleting comments calling people degenerates
Mods confirmed to be pozzed faggots

>> No.9698890

You are such a sissy. Hope you don't mind some milk in your tea

>> No.9698904

Maybe they're just getting tired of poltards sperging out in every thread of every board like the rest of us.

>> No.9699033

I'd gladly drink it down to the last drop.

>> No.9699060

will drinking jasmine tea make me a pretty trap?

>> No.9699203

You are 2cute~ are you really a cute trap?

>> No.9699211

I don't dress up too often since I'm single right now but I get mistaken for a girl all the time even going out in guy's clothes.

>> No.9699324

That's adorable. I think I'd like to get to know you. I want to make you mine.

>> No.9699331

I could cook for you and you could cook for me!

>> No.9699410

I hope you can cook a good meal. I would like that so much. And if you're a good little sissy I would be happy to cook you a hot meal

>> No.9699417

I'd do my best! It makes me happy to cook for others.

>> No.9700573


>> No.9700662
File: 50 KB, 255x368, gween tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gween tea

>> No.9700889

Oh I love your eagerness! You're gonna make an excellent sissy. I want you to contact me outside of here. Care to give a throwaway email?

>> No.9700935

is this a tea thread or a proxy sissy meetup/roleplay thread? because it seems to have devolved into the second pretty quickly.

>> No.9700939

I am fairly positive it was the latter originally. I responded seriously to it, but I see now that I was in error.

Fucking degenerates.

>> No.9700940

what if I am tea boy?

Had the classic green tea today nothing fancy.

>> No.9700946

Pretty sure mods are dead anyway there's a blacked thread that was still up last time I checked.

>> No.9700947

I once started drinking tea to impress a girl. This thread pretty much sums up her expectations and why I stopped.

>> No.9700949


>> No.9700970

"to impress a girl"

about as gay as this thread

>> No.9700981
File: 433 KB, 739x806, astolfo_sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.9701030

Been here a lot longer than you have, sweetie.

>> No.9701035

I'm a cute trap. And I'm currently trying to seduce my best friend and win my way to his heart through my cooking. Wish me luck!

>> No.9701059

If you want to post one, I'll get back to you later, I've had a busy day and I'm about to go to bed.

>> No.9701063
File: 46 KB, 255x238, Screenshot_198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl (girl) here~

some nice chai with milk and a bit of honey. i like my tea on the sweeter side~

>> No.9701072

>sweet chai
Leave and never return.

>> No.9701088
File: 237 KB, 616x480, 1510725094293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9701097

>implying you're not the tourist

>> No.9701351 [DELETED] 

I'll be waiting, cutie~

>> No.9701371 [DELETED] 

I'll be waiting, cutie~

>> No.9701387

I'll be waiting, cutie~

>> No.9701412

What do you cook for someone to turn them gay, or at the very least, make them okay with being with a former male?

>> No.9701440
File: 26 KB, 480x416, da0047f3debcb880b408f49c561d27a9accf8464ba376e15892953bb26835b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was a tea thread not a gay hook-up thread
can you guys go have AIDS somewhere else

>> No.9701579

jasmine and green tea blend is so nice!

>> No.9701592

i usually have a cup of darjeeling, oolong, and green (with mango) every day with half of a teaspoon of organic raw honey. theyre all amazing

>> No.9702105
File: 48 KB, 381x640, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else here /lapsang souchong/?

My dad swears by it and bought be a box a few years ago. Now its my regular and i never looked back.

>> No.9702137

I can't drink it outside the winter or the summer. It goes perfectly with fires. Nothing comfier than sitting in front of a roaring fire and drinking smoky tea.

>> No.9702144

i had a Hot Toddy last night mmmmmmmm kuwai

>> No.9702146

why do so many people have shit taste?

>> No.9702154

because its all tesco down the road sells

>> No.9702171

You can't order things online?

>> No.9702183

UK pays 50% import tax on everything not sold domestically now that they left the EU

>> No.9702186

> UK pays 50% import tax on everything not sold domestically now that they left the EU
I really hope you didn't vote for Brexit, but if you did, I'm laughing at you right now.

Sorry about the shit country, senpai.

>> No.9702224

Never cared to order online. Twinning is convenient, cheap and tastes better than a couple of other brands i have tried for lapsang souchong. I'm not going to go out of my way to order stuff online when it might be worse.


I voted for Brexit and desu the last of my concerns was the cost of foreign goods. I'm a pretty big fan of holding politicians to account.

>> No.9702297

>What do you cook for someone to turn them gay, or at the very least, make them okay with being with a former male?
Just have to pass and not try to seduce a redneck poltard

>> No.9702303

>WTO Tariffs are set at 50%

>> No.9702311

The U.K hasn't left the EU yet, dumb weeb.

>> No.9702378

i always stick with some good nothing fancy lemon tea

>> No.9702388

>in this ITT

>> No.9703398

i don't much about tea, but I do like constant comment, I make it every time I'm too lazy to make coffee
earl gray is overrated

>> No.9703410

gay people prefer tea, what a surprise

>> No.9703422

Jean is this you?

>> No.9703437

You have to be cute... and then feed them rich hearty winter fare. I think my cheddar and broccoli soup will win his affection.

Also, alcohol. The trick to getting a straight guy to get with a former male is to get him past the mental block. Once you are sexing, a decent trans girl is too soft to be mistaken for anything masculine.

>> No.9703459
File: 236 KB, 423x422, top-grade-jasmine-font-b-pearl-b-font-font-b-tea-b-font-250g-dragon-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got dragon balls if you want to try.

>> No.9703491

>trannies are so desperate they literally have to drug and take advantage of men at their most vulnerable to have any chance of getting laid
drunk men can't give consent btw, you rapist

>> No.9703563

I need a bubble butt trap gf to drink bubble tea with

>> No.9703567


pick one

>> No.9703763

Haven't you heard of a feminine penis, anon?

>> No.9703771
File: 34 KB, 666x666, snibbidy snab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't think my current method of using a steeper w/ 2 tbsps for 16 oz of water is really working with this Gyokuro (even after doing a steep at 120) So I guess I need to get an actual tea set

suggestions without paying out the ass? idk if I need a hohin specifically, although if that mattered I'd be open to it

>> No.9703821

Why is tea a gay thing?
What do lesbians drink? Bovril?

>> No.9703833

I finished off all my pu er tea but I get to go back to china soon so I can pick up some more

>> No.9703854

Tea contains phytoestrogens to make you feminine (inb4 triggered soyboy thinks SERMs are gr8 for you) and fluoride to make you susceptible to programming.

>> No.9703885

Even if it's not a feminine drink, it's not particularly masculine either.
And colonial britain literally raped half the world to get more of it which is so weird, because english men aren't really a paragon of manliness in any sense.

>> No.9703887

According to this
Tea has about the same amount as coffee, and beer (apart from bitter) has a lot more so I don't see what makes tea so special. Seems to me trannys just like the idea of playing with a tea set so they can pretend to be a little girl.

>> No.9703903

>english men aren't really a paragon of manliness in any sense
This is just americlap garbage. I don't see how fattys going round on mobility scooters who get upset by banter are any manlier than the average englishman.

>> No.9703917
File: 296 KB, 578x2655, fat people britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9703930

cherry picking

>> No.9703942

I get where he's coming from, I had a heroin trolley come around at my rehab center

>> No.9703945 [DELETED] 

I hope all you fags die of aids. Including the fag enabling mods. Fucking degenerates

>> No.9703948

>tea thread
>spend half the thread shitting on trannies even though there's no mention of them anywhere in this thread up until you brought it up

>> No.9703952

the op picture is literally a trap

>> No.9703991
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 2949_propellerbeanie300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good tea for one who wants to get into it?
All of the places that I've seen tea served at is that Lipton garbage.

>> No.9704491

Way too much water volume for gyokuro. You probably want about 2oz for a tablespoon, and make sure your water is only about 120F. You drink gyokuro in intense shots over 4 or 5 steeps from the same leaves, not as a long drink. 120secs first brew, then 90, then back to 120.

>> No.9704528

Hohin or shiboridashi is great for the aesthetics, but you can make do with a gaiwan or just any small bowl and a fine mesh strainer

>> No.9704859

Translate those names you gook bastard

>> No.9704921

A lot of the Chinese tea vendors do trips to the plantations and processing plants or families or whatever, if it was that bad they wouldn't be drinking tea non stop every day.

>> No.9704988

I really need to forage some of the wild lavender and chamomile that grows around here, and just have a pleasant floral tea one of these days.

>> No.9705136

Does tea stain your mug and your teeth if it's shit quality or is it because I'm pouring the water in at boiling temp?
It's black tea, if you're wondering.

>> No.9705449

>Is too stupid to realize what the thread was actually about

>> No.9705613

How much of a fucking SJW are you that you think having a drink with someone makes any sex that you engage in rape?

>> No.9705620

unironcally newmans black tea one cup every day, and right now thai boba tea

>> No.9705660

that's how the law works tho?

>> No.9705666

Tannins have been used as a dye for centuries, they'll stain your mug and teeth regardless.

Mugs can be washed but your teeth are doomed to take on that distinctive ivory tint brits are so famous for

>> No.9705681

Darjeeling or Yorkshire Tea, milk and two sugars. Every morning. Unfortunately, because America I had to order the Yorkshire Tea from Amazon.

>> No.9705705

> no tea general
> tea girl general
> I'm a gay guy
> fuck it, I'll post anyway

>> No.9705711

>you wanna know how to tell if someone is gay?
>they'll fucking tell you

>> No.9705716
File: 1.11 MB, 245x280, d20164fa-db3f-47df-9ff0-96eac24b20ee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent comment, 10/10

>> No.9705786

Where's my trap tea sissy?

>> No.9705811

>btw i'm a guy
sick of this shit

>> No.9707329

Is this the actual tea thread?

>> No.9707353

Just check the r/tea vendor list, there's no shame

>> No.9707408

>you wanna know how to tell if someone is gay?
>put it in dere butt. if dey smile, dey gey

>> No.9708674


Been drinking shui xian, cheap sencha, and oriental beauty

>> No.9708717

Is pu'er at all similar to kombucha because kombucha tastes like vinegary garbage. I feel like people in the West only drink it because "muh oriental mysticism, it cures everything" bullshit.
Also where's that trap who said they'd hmu? Traps and trannies are flaky as fuck I've come to realize

>> No.9708739

>Is pu'er at all similar to kombucha

are you retarded

>> No.9708994

That depends. They're both fermented teas aren't they?

>> No.9709029


>> No.9709122

Yes they are you dingus. They're just fermented at different points.

>> No.9709153
File: 35 KB, 1024x768, Kombucha-Step-11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, retard.

Pu'er is pressed and aged.
A cheaper variety is left loose and fermented to simulate aging, but these are whole leaves fermented in heaps.

Kombucha is a SCOBY based beverage, basically fungus flavored with tea.

>> No.9709253

Okay, sure. But seriously, from what I understand puer is fermented

>> No.9709285
File: 52 KB, 647x842, puerh_diagram_e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger if you're not going to accept information then why are you asking in the first place

>> No.9710948
File: 188 KB, 325x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kombucha isn't fermented you idiot.

>> No.9711108

Way to assert yourself when you're actually wrong.
Both sheng and shu puerh are fermented tea. The processing deliberately leaves moisture in the leaf after firing to encourage microbial fermentation. Shu puerh production, where the leaves are piled in dank conditions, aims to speed up the fermentation process to approximate the slow fermentation that occurs naturally over time in sheng.

>> No.9711120
File: 1.30 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad owns a high-end tea shop, AMA

I work at the storefront in our town, and he manages the office that fills online orders

>> No.9711132

Do you mix blends? (Irish Breakfast, English Breakfast, etc.)

>> No.9711134

>Kombucha isn't fermented you idiot.
Then where does the alcohol and carbonation come from? Faerie spit?

>> No.9711145

Nah, its all Chinese/Japanese/Taiwanese stuff thats sold pure. Shui xian/wu yi oolongs, rare whites, pu'ers, etc

>> No.9711148

Interesting, do you have a favourite that you sell?

>> No.9711205

Be my tea gf.

22 y/o man (male).

>> No.9712197

Underage, get out

>> No.9712327

We have an espresso machine at work. Aside from London fog what are some good meme tea drinks I can make with this thing?

>> No.9712662

Do you work at the retard factory?

>> No.9712692

I'm having some genmaicha, I love it

>> No.9712768

Nigga why the fuck would a retard factory have an espresso machine? Use your head nigga.

>> No.9712794

To make tea, obviously

>> No.9712878

I made some yesterday, amazing

>> No.9712891

how is a french press for tea?

>> No.9713097

Some argue it's the best brewing vessel for tea, since it offers plenty of room for the leaves to expand and can be pumped to stir them up.

Don't try and use it for both coffee and tea though, that'll just make your tea taste like watered down coffee.
Also don't press down on the leaves like you would for coffee either, that will squeeze out bitter tannins.

There are "tea presses" where the plunger doesn't go down far enough to press the leaves, but that obviously depends on how much tea you put in and how much the leaves themselves expand.

>> No.9713131

French press is really good for tea.
A moca pot is terrible. I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.9713308

I use it and it's awesome, just don't push on the leaves and you're fine.

>> No.9713517

As a girl(male), I prefer the mating press.

>> No.9714295

Is that where I take my cock and press it between your buttcheeks slowly, filling your butt with hot cum?

>> No.9714314

yes, except you also push their legs up and over your head in order to create the most submissive sex position possible

>> No.9714346

Pretty much what he said. I'd have no choice but to submit in that case.