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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9702837 No.9702837 [Reply] [Original]

Since it's November and November is Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is native Americans I want to make "Indian" food. So does anyone know any good recipes for fry bread? Any tips and secrets?

>> No.9702842

Fry bread was invented on the trail of tears because that's all they could make. The best examples of Native American food would be dishes from pre-Columbian Mexican.

>> No.9702845


one was colonization, the other was terrorism

also that number is totally bunk

>> No.9702852
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>Wants to honor Native Americans
>Fry Bread
I might be mistaken but I believe that was created through starvation and forced migration during The Trail of Tears...

>> No.9702851

Haha yeah chill out guys it was only a couple million

>> No.9702865


Acorn bread and Pemiccan are awful. All "Native" cuisine is garbage-tier.

According to DNA and genetic facts, East Asians migrated over the Bering straight and decimated/committed genocide against the pre-existing peoples of the Americas that migrated thousands of years before them from Oceania.


>> No.9702874

Shove your redpills back up your ass where they belong savage.

>> No.9702881


"Native" Americans dragged their black slaves along with them on the trail of tears. Factually speaking Natives held slaves long after the Emancipation proclamation and acts due to sovereign land agreements. Some tribes like ghe Seminoles held on to their slaves well into the 20th century.

>> No.9702882

Oh and variants of pemmican. There's even a native tale about a hunter who got stranded and fed it to a hawk for weeks, training it to hunter larger game for him. He eventually used the skin to create enough leather to form a rope to escape.

>> No.9702892

>durr I saw a reddit image, time to go into /pol/ mode

you're hurting more then helping your cause

>> No.9702894

You didn't read that article at all, did you?

>> No.9702904


What cause, facts?


Sure did.

>> No.9702907

>durr I saw a reddit image, time to go into /pol/ mode

an hero

>> No.9702923
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>facts confuse me


>> No.9702936

Nowhere in that article is genocide or migration from Oceania mentioned. It states that multiple distinct genetic groups came over the land bridge, and one of those groups shared a common ancestor with abos. The main Eurasian group mixed with the abo-related group, and the Amazonian tribes, which are cut off from other Natives because of the remote location, have more of the abo-related genes because they didn't mix with the main group. Learn to read.

>> No.9702948


Idk what else to call genetic replacement other than genocide. It also states the Abbos having been in the Americas significantly longer than the east asian usurpers. I enjoy facts. Facts make me happy. "Natives" are just snowchinks that got lost.

>> No.9702951

Wrong. The researches don't even know when the abo-related group came over in relation to the main group, so your "thousands of years before them" shit is just as wrong as your assertion that they came from Oceania. The article clearly states that both groups crossed the Siberian land bridge.

>> No.9702958

>Because the groups have about as much in common with Australians as they do with New Guineans, the researchers think that they all share a common ancestor that lived tens of thousands of years ago in Asia but that doesn’t otherwise persist today. One branch of this family tree moved north to Siberia, while the other spread south to New Guinea and Australia. The northern branch likely migrated across the land bridge in a separate surge from the Eurasian founders. The researchers have dubbed this hypothetical second group “Population y” for ypykuéra, or “ancestor” in Tupi, a language spoken by the Suruí and Karitiana.
>When exactly Population y arrived in the Americans remains unclear—before, after or simultaneously with the first wave of Eurasians are all possibilities. Reich and his colleagues suspect the line is fairly old, and at some point along the way, Population y probably mixed with the lineage of Eurasian settlers.
Basically everything you said was either a baseless assertion or a flat-out lie.

>> No.9702960
File: 45 KB, 589x444, f47035fc4f2680448e7d5a3f80ce4af79b01763c_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>oldest remains are genetically related to aborigines in Australia
>n-no that's wrong

I see you don't enjoy facts and prefer to live in a hugbox. Only a Mestizo would deny this truth and insist they're "native".

Tough luck, hombre.

>> No.9702962


>> No.9702964


The geographic proximity of those 2 places= same group of people. Man, how awful it must be to support abbo genocide. Australians couldn't even win a war against emus, why they make fun of Abbos is beyond me.

>> No.9702968

You're really grasping at straws now, dummy.

>> No.9702969

Native Canadian and Metis cuisine is actually pretty decent, honestly. Bannock, frycakes, various stews and soups. They're all pretty decent, really.

>> No.9702974


Sorry to burst your bubble Panchito, you're not native. Does "getting somewhere first" make one "native"? Serious question. If that's true, then I am a moonanite. MY people first staked claim to the moon. It belongs to me. Stop looking at my property.

>> No.9702976

I backed up everything I said with direct quotes from the text. Can you do the same?

>> No.9702977
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Nope, just repeating facts. I like facts.

>> No.9702980

Direct quotes, please.

>> No.9702989


What part of "first Americans were Oceanic" was confusing? 2 different groups of people, at least. Oceanic people having colonized the Americas first. Listen Chino-man, it might be time to go back to the tundra.

>> No.9702993


Comfirmed for butthurt Mestizo.

How does it feel to know people who invented a stick are stealing your thunder?


>> No.9703003

I would like a direct quote on the assertion that the first Americans were Oceanic. I believe the article you quoted states that, "Because the groups have about as much in common with Australians as they do with New Guineans, the researchers think that they all share a common ancestor that lived tens of thousands of years ago in Asia but that doesn’t otherwise persist today. One branch of this family tree moved north to Siberia, while the other spread south to New Guinea and Australia." This means that there was no movement from Oceania, but a movement from Asia to North America by way of Siberia and to Oceania. In addition, the article says, "When exactly Population y arrived in the Americans remains unclear—before, after or simultaneously with the first wave of Eurasians are all possibilities." The researchers do not know which group arrived first. It's possible that the group related to the Abos arrived first, but it's also possible that the Eurasian group we commonly associate with Native American populations arrived first. Simultaneous arrival is another possibility; the researchers do not know.

>> No.9703006

>one day vs several years
>a calculated attack between defenses is comparable to years of just guns making whites superior
Really makes me think.

>> No.9703012


>no body left Oceania
>first americans genetically confirmed abbos

Yea, idk why you're even posting anymore. The OP pic even looks like a Chinamen. Amazonians on the other hand...not so much.

>> No.9703016

I think you need to reread the text, and perhaps look into the concept of a "common ancestor." It appears that you are not familiar with the term.

>> No.9703022

Whatever, millions were still murdered by Christians after they saved their lives and fed them through winter.

And given smallpox blankets? That's some shady shit.

>> No.9703047

All the polar gooks I ever met loved "walking taco" or taco in a bag. Its just a small crushed up bag of doritos with taco stuff: ground beef, lettuce, cheese, salsa, sour cream, etc. That and hard liquor. On a side note, why can't a modern brown coat tolerate alcohol as well as the incorrigible slav?

>> No.9703058

Because Native Americans are more closely related to East Asians than to Slavs.

>> No.9703061

I wasn't aware that unintentionally spreading disease counts as killing

>> No.9703077

>what is Manifest Destiny
>what is encomienda

>> No.9703084

Fry bread actually came later from the reservation era. The government would send them shitty excess flour and excess coffee and they made fry bread from that

>> No.9703101

I always read that they made fry bread from the rations of flour and lard they were given on the Trail of Tears.

>> No.9703106

>Get firewater.
>Drink firewater.
>Drink more.
>Fuck cousin.
>Blame White man.
>Drink more firewater.
>Use casino money to drive to White man store to steal more firewater.

>> No.9703114


What does the word "first" mean to you?

Are facts you don't like subjective?


Revenge for for Khan dynasty. They raped so much that 1/200 men of ANY race are direct blood descendents of theirs.


>> No.9703115
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also that 12 billion number makes they think they are counting deaths from smallpox and infectious disease and not actually fighting stats

>> No.9703120


>they made

Their slaves made*****


>> No.9703127

There are different tribes and I'm sure they discovered fry bread in their own way and times. Maybe you are both right.

That kinda also goes for natives are not natives anon. There are many different groups.

>> No.9703135

A total of about 5 tribes owned nigger slaves
"When exactly Population y arrived in the Americans remains unclear—before, after or simultaneously with the first wave of Eurasians are all possibilities."

>> No.9703136


It's not like their was an America before Europeans, ya know. So many different nations and tribal territories. Fuck man, the Natives where I'm from traded the island of Manhattan to the Dutch for a small chest of beads. Granted beads were their currency but useless/valueless on a global scale. The Mexican, Central American and South American natives were smarter than NE American "natives" for sure. Cortez and his Morisco army decimated you people.

>> No.9703143


Genetics don't lie amigo. Abbos = rightful claim to the Americas. When are you planning to make reservations for them to occupy, then huff petrol and play digireedoos on?


>> No.9703145

How did a poor Indian get it's hands on a black slave? Didn't white christians own them all?

>> No.9703150
File: 714 KB, 978x978, 20170725-234635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>5 tribes

A lot more than that. Don't salsa-wash history.

>> No.9703152

>Because the groups have about as much in common with Australians as they do with New Guineans, the researchers think that they all share a common ancestor that lived tens of thousands of years ago in Asia but that doesn’t otherwise persist today. One branch of this family tree moved north to Siberia, while the other spread south to New Guinea and Australia. The northern branch likely migrated across the land bridge in a separate surge from the Eurasian founders. The researchers have dubbed this hypothetical second group “Population y” for ypykuéra, or “ancestor” in Tupi, a language spoken by the Suruí and Karitiana.
>When exactly Population y arrived in the Americans remains unclear—before, after or simultaneously with the first wave of Eurasians are all possibilities.

>> No.9703155
File: 1.68 MB, 720x404, activated almonds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its a nice story but the cherokee actually had their own meals they are while they were foraging and on the move. The first record of what we think of frybread came from the Navaho in 1864 http://www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/frybread.html

That said making quick unlevened bread has been a thing since the kikes in egypt so the origins are still debatable

I have never actually eaten fry bread before. I live in Bakersfield and apparently the stuff they have at the local pow wows kind of taste shitty because they are frozen and driven up instead of made of the pot. I took a native american history class with a guy who got his PHD in indian history
if you want northeastern squanto tier food you are gonna need a fuck ton of Squash, Corn and some fish. Maybe some deer if you want to pretend you were a big baller. that said just eat normal fucking food and dont go /leftypol/ at thanksgiving dinner
I am a mexican senpai I am just saying at 12 gorrilian number sounded bullshit

>> No.9703157


Blacks were currency/property. Exchange for lands/titles to said lands. Hunting/mining/farming rights etc etc etc. Fair trade all things considered.

>> No.9703159

Stormfags can't read, they can only spam the same generic 'redpill' endlessly hoping a retard doesn't dig deeper and takes it for face.

>> No.9703161

maybe he meant the 5 civilized tribes? The Cherokee were master nigger wranglers and fought for the south in the civil war

>> No.9703167


Do you understand the geographical proximity of New Guinea and mainland Australia? Those are the same people. Mexicans and Central Americans are more closely related to Chinese people than abbos, according to genetic facts.

>> No.9703176

>the researchers think that they all share a common ancestor that lived tens of thousands of years ago in Asia but that doesn’t otherwise persist today. One branch of this family tree moved north to Siberia, while the other spread south to New Guinea and Australia.

>> No.9703178


>muh hugbox

Yea yea. Keep politics out of scientific discussion please. Get your Trump posting out of the way now so we can get back on topic.

>> No.9703183

do note that you're probably arguing with women here. you need to remember to keep your audience in mind.

>> No.9703184


What does the word "first" mean to you?

>> No.9703187

>When exactly Population y arrived in the Americans remains unclear—before, after or simultaneously with the first wave of Eurasians are all possibilities.

>> No.9703188

>/pol/yp AND a petrol sniffer defender
Can he get anymore retarded?

>> No.9703242

I think I'm gonna make it then make it into an "Indian taco" which is just a chalupa. I love chalupas.

>> No.9703253

Well, a flour chalupa, but close enough.

>> No.9703289


>all possibilities
>genetics confirm abbos were first Americans

SAD that you're still posting.

>> No.9703293


Abbo reservations when?

>> No.9703303

Give it up. You lost. You look like a fool, and everyone knows it.

>> No.9703314

there are no records even that high. they had territories but no large scale civilization. I'd wager at less than four hundred thousand at most.

>> No.9703318

They pretty much already have them, Australia is super fucking racist.

>> No.9703566

>ask a white robe and hood weaving fastfood board for native american recipes
>get /pol/tard responses attempting to ameliorate the fact that native american warrior cultures were much stronger and better warriors who lost simply because they were overrun by sheer numbers of much physically, disease ridden weaker beings who bred like flies

Anon, just google native american recipes like this one. I've made this with venison and home cured bacon (not the supermarket versions) and it was enjoyed by all. It's a staple along with 3 sisters stew on my thanksgiving table as a tribute to them.


>> No.9703570

>as a tribute to them
That's a mighty anti-american sentiment you're setting there, Runs-With-Scissors

>> No.9703582

You sound exactly like the wehraboos claiming Nazi Germany was some sort of super civilization that was overrun by hordes of mongrelfolk allies.

>> No.9703591


There is no winning or losing, only facts. Abbos colonized the Americas first. Fact.

>> No.9703595



Dying breath of someone with nothing better to say. SAD.

>> No.9703599


I meant ones in the Americas so they can reclaim their birthright and send the rice farmers back home where they belong.

>> No.9703675

kek, okay bud. Have fun LARPing as a retarded man.

>> No.9703685


>> No.9703695

he's a le ebin /r/The_Donald troll xD

>> No.9704042

>you muh nazi cause you hurt muh fee-fees

Holy fuck, you're pathetic. Never post on this board again faggog.

>> No.9704055

It's literally the same as "muh nazi germany was perfect, we only lost because of filthy slav numbers"

>> No.9704156

I dont think you understand the correlation I'm making, do you?

>> No.9704366
File: 97 KB, 640x479, IMG_1199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be native american
>hunt, trap, and fish your whole life
>die of old age

>be american
>recieve the mark of the jew
>wage cuck your whole life
>get shot