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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9694576 No.9694576 [Reply] [Original]

Why is our food superior to the rest of the country?

>has it's own identity
>uses some of the best cheeses in the world
>meat is local as its usually hunted
>hearty for those cold winters
>often eaten as group that bonds us together

Why can't the rest compete?

>> No.9694583

Who /Wisconsin/ here?
>tfw said that I dislike Spotted Cow and people looked at me funny

>> No.9694585
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>tfw deli on every corner
goddamn i love chicago

>> No.9694595
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>b-b-but at least us coastalcucks have a sushi/ramen/pho/asianmeme joint every twenty feet!!!

>> No.9694647

>has it's own identity
Yeah, just like every other cuisine. No shit.

>uses some of the best cheeses in the world
Can't argue with that.

>meat is local as its usually hunted
Maybe a little more often than most, but most of the meat I eat is from the grocery store.

>hearty for those cold winters
Bullshit word, "hearty".

>often eaten as group that bonds us together
What? Are you implying that people outside of the Midwest don't eat together? Do you drink well water that gets a lot of pesticide runoff from the corn fields?

>> No.9694676

Anything can be a casserole if you try hard enough.

>> No.9694693

I like both, why can't we all just get along?

t. Californian

>> No.9694792

MN here. I work near the border and find it amusing how many people will drive 20-40min to Hudson just to buy that mediocre beer. New Glarus makes some great brews, but Spotted Cow is not one of them.

>> No.9694804

>b-b-b-ut m-m-muh N-n-new york style p-p-pizza
Yes we're all impressed by your poverty bread
with tomato jam lmao, neva been done befo.

>> No.9694806

because California is a fucking tumor
t. Pennsylvanian who lives in California

>> No.9694828
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Madison reporting. Have you tried this yet?

>> No.9694893

chicago thin crust is the true kino

>> No.9694942
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>has it's own identity
>uses some of the best meats and sauces in the nation
>meat is local because we breed and grow it ourselves
>no need for winter, so we can enjoy this quality year-round
>eaten at tables bigger than your state
get fucked, you flyover cunt. love, Tejas

>> No.9694950

>a french translation of an arawak word
>'it's our identity'

>> No.9694958
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>cornfuckers believe this unironically

The insecurity, the butthurt KEK

>> No.9694961
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>the name's foreign, that means it doesn't count!
not an argument

>> No.9694963

>Spanish word used by spics to claim your land
>'it's our identity'

>> No.9694964
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>> No.9694972

>import cattle import horses import mexicans import white people import all the words you use in day to day life import your politics import everything but the oil you pump from the ground
>'it's our identity'

>> No.9694973

You know you're part of the Midwest right?

>> No.9694975

Shh, let the texas pretend he's people.

>> No.9694977
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>import cattle & horses
wrong, sweetie
>still not an argument
fuck no, texas is strictly southwest

>> No.9694981

>middle of the nation
>west from the original 13 colonies

>> No.9694989


Full retard

>horses are NATIVE TO TEXAS! NATIVE!!!

Is this what texans tell themselves?

>> No.9695002
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>touching the mexican border
all the criteria i need, and besides, i dom't want to be associated with Cornfucker McPoutine here
we made horses and cattle better. thanks for proving my point.

>> No.9695008
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This is what texas tell themselves. LOL! enjoy your turkish-pakistani import

>> No.9695017

what part of
>we made it better
do you not understand, cletus?

>> No.9695031
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>Russia doesn't know how regions work
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.9695069
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>2 flyover troglodites fighting over nothing

Both of you're cuisines are overrated and shit.

You fat fucks.

>> No.9695199

go get raped by ghosts you stupid coastie faggot

>> No.9695205

>Tfw in Wisconsin
>everything is dipped in cheese and served with potatoes
> no Carolina style Barbecue brisket

>> No.9695206

With you f.am
>Casseroles for maximum reheat potential
>Never have to come up with new recipes thanks to grandma's rolodex
>Plenty of winter coats to cover up the ever-growing gut from poor diet

Life's great!

>> No.9695215
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Who gives a fuck?

>> No.9695292

Ayy me too. Kill me

>> No.9695361
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There is no "superior" food in the US, its all over-processed, toxic industrial waste assembled to resemble something eatable.

>> No.9695391

Especially the ‘cheese’
It’s got wood pulp and fiber glass in it.

>> No.9695397

Franklin's is overrated as fuck. Pleb.

>> No.9695405

>Texas is strictly southwest.
Only if you're talking about the southern half of the state. The north is fucking bible belt, aaaand the food gets worse.

>> No.9695409

Moxie was invented in Massachusetts

>> No.9695410

I wish you uncultured yuro memelords would just kill yourselves already

>> No.9695418

I’m from Australia.
Your cheese fucking sucks.

>> No.9695424

Confirmed for not knowing anything about actual cheese from America

>> No.9695425

I bet you think all our cheese is literal plastic. That's okay, more god-tier Vermont and Wisconsin cheeses for us then ya retard.

>> No.9695434

This thread is sad.

>> No.9695463

At least, in Europe, we dont have HFCS, fluoridated water and laboratory created GMO's. The food over here is also way, WAY less processed compared to the US. We also have less additives to food compared to the US in addition to having low-pasteurized dairy products. I know there is tasty and good food in the US but for the most part the US food is horrifying - it really is.

>> No.9695470
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>made with pasteurized milk
Land of the free my arse.

>> No.9695471

US food is like that if you shop at Walmart. Maybe go to an actual grocery store retard

>> No.9695476

There's plenty of unpasteurized cheese here. It just has to be made within the state it's sold from.

>> No.9695481

Shit you really ARE retarded.

>> No.9695523
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>amerisharts so cucked they aren’t allowed non pasteurised milk

>> No.9695530

Uh, yes we are.... do you memelords even do your research?

>> No.9695594

>Why is our food superior to the rest of the country?
Because we just don't give a fuck. Everyone else? Gives a fuck. Bitches and pussies.

>> No.9695613

>>often eaten as group that bonds us together
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9695620

>american cuisine

>> No.9695644

Is actually very good

>> No.9696318

From Kansas City here.
Our food is best. Protip: you can't get better than KC BBQ

>> No.9696331
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>>meat is local as its usually hunted
Not much to hunt out on the cornfield

>> No.9696717

I used to feel the same way, but as I tried more Belgian beers the subtle complexity of spotted cow really grew on me.

>> No.9696739

Are you retarded? There are deer and turkey fucking everywhere in those fields

>> No.9697042

That was before GMO's. Now they're all killed off by the Roundup saturation.

>> No.9697284

Is that why they're constantly running through my yard now? Those Monsanto fucks

>> No.9697306

>Not much to hunt out on the cornfield

If the movies have taught me anything there's ghostly baseball players, daughters hiding from their abusive alchoholic fathers, and gangsters in them thar fields.

>> No.9697314

>dislikes spotted cow
what is wrong with you
i used to work at a small airport and pilots from out of state would often pick up a case or two of new glarus

>> No.9697334

Your relatives made better food I guess

>> No.9697335

>just a bunch of fucking meat and cheese

I unironically love midwestern food. Throw in some spice and pickled stuff and it's pretty much perfect.

>> No.9697343

Don't forget potatoes

>> No.9697378

Midwest food is just shit on top of other shit with some shit melted on top of it.

>> No.9697384

>coastalcucks think this is somehow bad

>> No.9697803

Don't listen to anyone else talking shit about the Midwest. If you like your own food and it makes you feel comfy then it has served its purpose. I know there is nothing quite like scalloped potatoes, and there is noting wrong with casseroles.

How is the beer in the Midwest? Is there a type of beer that people generally go for out there? I know where I live orange wheats are pretty much king.

>Calls California cancerous as they admit to invading it
>Calls California cancerous as he attempts to derail a thread about the Midwest to be about his hateboner

>> No.9697815

Seasonal stuff. I'm from Ohio and people often drink the seasonal Great Lakes stuff. Usually it's weaty and heavy. But shandys are popular during summer and spring.

>> No.9698070

Then why did you come here?

>> No.9698162

Michigan here. Everything is great except it’s haed to get good fish

>> No.9698175

fuck you spotted cow is GOAT

>> No.9698181

maine is a great example of how "coastal" and "flyover" are not actually mutually exclusive

>> No.9698247

Midwest food is basically just 2,000 calorie meals that taste half-decent.

The only identity the midwest has is that they drink fried Coke and the miniscule population they have is all morbidly obese.

>> No.9698274

>fried coke
That's the south brah.

>> No.9698343

doesn't look any different than jap food desu

>> No.9698811

>nobody mentioning cajun food

>> No.9698856
File: 5 KB, 232x218, download (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the only cheese from the Midwest is factory block cheese and the only slightly better sartori brand. The west coast features many, many better creameries. Pick any style of cheese and I'll show you a superior west coast equivalent.

>> No.9698897

>just moved from California to smallish town in midwest
>everything is served on tasteless white bread
>impossible to find food with any amount of spice
>literal land whales lining up around the block at local McDonald's
>restaurants regularly serve canned green beans
>extremely difficult to find good ethnic foods
The food out here is objectively inferior

>> No.9698909

Not midwestern.

>> No.9698929

Oh also
>visit major midwestern city
>go out to bars in nice area with friend
>people are unironically ordering bottles of bud light
I'd never seen this before. Who orders a shitty bottle of bud light at a bar?

>> No.9698941

I'll do it if I'm done for the night and I'm waiting for a slow drinker to finish their drink. Gives me something to hold, and make drinking motions, but I don't lose any real money if I leave it half finished, and if I do finish it I don't get any drunker than I already am

>> No.9698950

Virtually every whitetrash in the south. Driving along any road it's by far the largest volume of litter other than fundamentalist bible tracts.

>> No.9699027

This I can see. I live in a popular party college town and this is our version of a designated driver.

>> No.9699078

>Extremely difficult to find good ethnic foods

M8 is there any non chain Mexican joint around there? Midwest has some good ass authentic mexican places if you know where to look.

>> No.9699113

Yeah and Florida is west coast.

>> No.9699142

Unfortunately no. I actually had some pretty good Mexican food when I visited Memphis, so I believe you. Nothing can top the 24/7 access to top-tier Mexican food that can be found in Southern California tho

>> No.9699159
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As a wise man from a thread not long ago said, the tenderloin is Indiana's.

>> No.9699189

I've never been to the West Coast. How is the food out there forreal? I've always appreciated a good, hot, cheap meal like I get at the mom and pop places around here.

>> No.9699220

Depends where you are, but for the most part very good with lots of different options. It can be pricey, but Mexican is always the go to if you want something cheap and filling. I miss burritos badly. This meme >>9694595 is actually pretty spot on. You're more likely to find a $15 Poke place or organic burger joint that serves "real sugar" soda than you are the type of mom and pop place that I think you're talking about, but again depends where you are. There's a big microbrew scene too in most majors cities put west which isn't my thing but its pretty popular. I think the biggest difference I've noticed is just fewer options where I am (lots of bar/grill fried food), but that's probably also because I moved from a major city to a smaller town

>> No.9699246
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Fair food frequently; like funnel-cake and sometimes taffy. Oh do I miss the water-gun games, dart throwing, box or hammer hitting, and roller-coaster-like BS. And the fishing for pets.

>> No.9699264

Not wisconsin, but I take regulars drive up there from Chicago to get me my cheese and spotted cow. Mars cheese castle is only like 40 minutes away from me.

>> No.9699294

Yeah Mom and Pop places here in my town are just that. Granddad opened the place and that's his grandson working the grill with grandma's recipes type of stuff. It's not meant to be a business gimmick just they want to run the family business in peace.

There's only like four restaurants in town and three of them are mom/pop styled.

A Mexican joint called Best Burrito
More of a chicken shack called Donna's Diner
And a breakfast/dinner diner that has a second location the next town over.

Shit is good and you can always go over to KC since it's a short drive for all your BBQ restaurants like Jack Stack and Gates

>> No.9699307
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Reminder of where the midwest actually is.

>> No.9699323

Really? Ohio?

>> No.9699340

what else would it be? Northeast?

>> No.9699356

Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois belong in the Hell section. California, Louisiana, and Florida belong in the 'Fall into the Ocean' section.

>> No.9699357

If you don't border a Great Lake, you are not the midwest. Except Iowa, they kind of count

>> No.9699362

Ohio is a weird no man's land taking all of the worst features of the Midwest, the south and the northeast

>> No.9699364

The midwest just seems kinda dull desu.

>> No.9699402
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>> No.9699412

coastalcucks have an actual culture outside of farming

>> No.9699419

there's only one Stanford

>> No.9699426

>New Glarus beer
>Not drinking superior Moon Man

>> No.9699431

Missouri is not midwest? Literally how much more "middle" and "west" can you get besides Kansas?

>> No.9699433

Not true. I sell raw milk across state borders and all the way to Hong Kong.

>> No.9699445

Missouri is complicated. St. Louis is pretty midwestern, Kansas City is a great plains city, and the rest of the state is basically the south

>> No.9699450

Culturally it's pretty southern. I could give you a history lesson on why but let's not.

>> No.9699459

Nebraska here. Have had spotted cow and agree, it's not the best beer in the world like some people make it out to be.

Also Midwestern food to me really doesn't seem to be a category at all. Most of our stuff is influenced by eastern Europe where blandness reigns supreme but we just don't have a strong food identity other than
>muh meat and potaters

>> No.9699471
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Basically, if your area isn't historically catholic and lutheran, you are not the midwest

>> No.9699474

You're confusing midwest with great Lakes region you miserable fuck.

But you can have Iowa

>> No.9699486

The Great Lakes region is the midwest, besides New York, but upstate New York is culturally quite similar

>> No.9699503

Well I live here I know exactly which parts are Midwest and which parts are southern. Missouri is historically a pretty important state though that's what I love about it.

>> No.9699517
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>The Great Lakes region is the midwest

>> No.9699550

>Missouri is historically a pretty important state
How so?

>> No.9699563

um yeah, it is

>> No.9699629

The historically important stuff is centered around like the wars and slavery and westward expansions so mostly during the 1800s. Plus we got KCMO because of Missouri which is one of the most important cities for global trade.

Also, home of Annheuser-Busch and Boulevard beer which is pretty damn important.

There's lots of reasons Missouri is important if I'm honest but it would take forever to list all the reasons why. Personally, I find the history very interesting especially with all the border war stuff and the rise of Kansas City to being the place it is today. I really suggest you all read up on it.

>> No.9699653

>Also, home of Annheuser-Busch
but their real home is in Belgium, and they are owned by a bunch of brazilian bankers

How is being home to AB anything but an embarrassment?

>> No.9699654


>> No.9699706

Well like their beer or not they're the largest brewing company in America.

That being said there's plenty of reason to be proud to be from Missouri
Hallmark, Harry Truman, Mark Twain, waffle cones and even sliced bread all came from here.

>> No.9699714

apparently hogs are destroying Texas farms as we speak

>> No.9699730

>kansas city
>one of the most important cities for global trade

>> No.9699732

>Well like their beer or not they're the largest brewing company in America.
They are definitely not an American brewing company though

>> No.9699746
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Those are just called Texans, anon.

>> No.9699752

Bruh we got the subtropolis, all the fucking shipping companies, and a world trade center here. Look the shit up if you don't believe me.

>> No.9699780

But they make their beer here and is sold here since 1852. They make some of the most popular brews in America such as Budweiser, Bud Light, and Busch.

They may be headquartered in Belgium but they are most definitely based out of St. Louis.

>> No.9699804

The have done more damage to American brewing tradition than anyone else

>> No.9699811

Can Pittsburgh be midwest? It's not really like a northeast city or southern city. It's just like whatever.

>> No.9699833

How have they done damage to the brewing tradition when the only other major brewing company besides the Vassar family was Pabst? They were all founded right in the same era.

If you don't like it don't drink it but the rest of America that does drink it and likes it can thank Missouri for it.

>> No.9699859

lol you're a blind faggot I'll list some ways

>hides money in offshore accounts
>buys up hop farms producing unique varieties for the market and sequesters them for themselves
>illegal offers upgrades to establishments in return for exclusive contracts
>by owning so many brands they can force retailers to carry all their beers not just some of them so forcing less space for American beer

The only decent thing Budweiser has ever done is that duri the huge hop shortage when craft went mainstream they sold some of their hops to brewers rather than completely kill all their competition

>> No.9699906

>How have they done damage to the brewing tradition
by brewing shitty watery beer and spending literally billions of dollars marketing the flavor out of beer

Also more insidiously by spending a lot of money lobbying the government to try and fight better smaller breweries, and by buying up distributors to limit market access for better breweries, and by buying up good breweries when they realized people actually like drinking good things

> but the rest of America that does
If by the rest of America you mean a bunch of rednecks and middle aged women

>> No.9699921

I could say the same thing/nearly the same awful things about PepsiCo and Coca Cola so I guess you better not drink those, either. This isn't news about any large company like that.

Sure the company as it sits now isn't very great but historically (which is how I was talking about it in the first place) and for a long time they have been the most innovative American beer company to exist.

>> No.9699930

>PepsiCo and Coca Cola so I guess you better not drink those, either.

You really shouldn't.

>> No.9699931

>I could say the same thing/nearly the same awful things about PepsiCo and Coca Cola
Except beer is better, and more important than soda, so who gives a shit?

>> No.9699935

except AB was always worse than the Milwaukee breweries

>> No.9699973
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>Miseryian acting like his shit state still fucking matters.

>> No.9699985

Why do Americans fight against each other over the simplest shit? You're all from the greatest country and should love each other instead of fighting over what arbitrarily defined chunk of land you were born in

>> No.9700021

You're still welcome for sliced bread, ice cream cones, and westward expansion. Maybe y'all should actually visit the state and you can see why it's such a great place for yourselves.

We don't have just AB here we've got Boulevard which is a much better brew anyways.

>> No.9700029

We get it, you're an illegal.

>> No.9700032

It's just banter. Besides we need someone to blame when the country fucks up.

>> No.9700074

Holy fuck that last line reveals you're AbInbev PR troll or something. They've absolutely terrible and in recent years actively stymied actually American breweries. Most innovative is a joke that'd be Coors, Bud just had the best advertising team

>> No.9700120

They sort of invented the whole pasteurization of beer and refrigerated box cars and all that. They invented the shipping brewery in short so I'd say yes they've been innovative in their field. Like I said though I am talking about the historic company that was referenced in my original post.

And Actually American breweries? Y'all do know that that AB was literally founded in America and only moved their main headquarters overseas because they became a global company and have breweries all over the world now? Like. Just so y'all know it is most definitely an American based company still.

I'm not trying to put them on a pedestal even if that's what it seems like. Just seems everybody is trying to factor in preference and doesn't know/doesn't know all of the older history of these companies.

>> No.9700648

shullsberg sharp cheddar GOAT cheese no pun intended

>> No.9700763

Like crime and homelessness?

>> No.9700857
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>> No.9700888

Florida here, Ohioans are constantly invading our state, and they're all basically the worst kind of meth-addled redneck.