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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9697063 No.9697063 [Reply] [Original]

Why do gamers like mountain dew when a superior and more beneficial drink known as coffee exists?

>> No.9697064

Gamers are wrong about literally everything else. Why should beverage be any different?

>> No.9697065

Hello, Reddit

>> No.9697066

Because coffee is only good when you put cream and sugar into it

>> No.9697067
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Why do you drink your caffeine when you can take a pill you retards?

>> No.9697068


>> No.9697069



stay retarded, basement dweller.

>> No.9697070


>> No.9697071

you must be 18 to post here

>> No.9697072
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>> No.9697073

who are you quoting tho

>> No.9697074


>> No.9697075
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>> No.9697076

cause drinks taste good

>> No.9697077
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>not maximizing your focus with adderall
Fucking poorfags.

>> No.9697078

I don't care for coffee, usually when I'm playing something I'll either drink water, beer or bourbon.

>> No.9697079

Who /icedtea/ master race here?

>> No.9697080

chasing adderall with a shot of espresso

>> No.9697081

Enjoy your diabetes moron.

>> No.9697082

>You can take them anywhere
>May need water to get in down, but is not required
>Fits into a pocket
>Doesn't smell like shit
>Won't give you yellow teeth
>Isn't addicting
Is this the chad of Caffeine products?

>> No.9697083

>People drink raw black coffee to try to look tough
It tastes like shit without milk anyway.

>> No.9697084

Would drink coffee if I didn't hate the taste. I drink g-fuel 1-2 times a week for a caffeine boost without tolerance.

>> No.9697085

top tier choices, change bourbon to rye

>> No.9697086


>Energy drinks

Kill yourself soyboy

>> No.9697087

Because I can't be a snob and endlessly debate the correct way to eat a pill.

>> No.9697088
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because its the dew. its the drink of gods. also coffee taste like ass and thats why mainly yurpoors drink it.

>> No.9697089

coffee is disgusting no matter how you drink it

>> No.9697090

>doesnt know what water is
ok kid

>> No.9697091
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Scientifically, how does coffee snobbery even exist?

Coffee is merely beans, which all are grown in Africa or Latin-American countries. An aficionado doesn't really have any control on whether or not the Bolivian farmer lets his dogs poop near the bean stalks or not.

The importing process to the cold north plays a part but you can't really control how well it's handled there. Those two things mean the most

So snobs are like "haha knave, this obscure Belgian brand is the best ever!" when it's not actually Belgian, really rural African, just sold there

>> No.9697092 [SPOILER] 
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i mix chocolate with my coffee

>> No.9697093

>being productive

Way to fall for the meme, good goy.

>> No.9697094

I drink black coffee because I think it tastes shit WITH milk

>> No.9697095

doesn't coffee just make you twitchy and make it more hard to focus?

i don't think it does the same thing as aderall at all

though to be fair, i don't think aderall really helps normal people so much that it's like a huge disadvantage or whatever, wouldn't surprise me if most of the people that take aderall to be better at games actually need to take it in the first place because they have ADD or ADHD or some shit and can't focus like a normal person

>> No.9697096

nah you just dont know how to make coffee lol

>> No.9697097
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>that pic

>> No.9697098
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Xtreme Focus Z

>> No.9697099

>tfw fell for adderall meme
>tfw ended up selling and doing crank one year later
Fuck your speed and fuck you

>> No.9697100

Yes good. Continue this train of thought and apply it to all things.
You'll learn that humans are delusional as shit.

>> No.9697101
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>to look tough

yeah man I totally wanna look tough when I drink my coffee in the moring

>> No.9697102

>never butt chugged coffee

>> No.9697103
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>taking caffeine via a beverage is addicting
>taking caffeine neat via a pill somehow isnt

Also coffee is a good excuse to take a break and an easy way to foster friendship, like giving someone a cigarette used to be when everyone smoked.

>> No.9697104

It's difficult to get into various hard liquors. I found I enjoy four roses so I mostly stick to that.

>> No.9697105

Children or faggots, this is the questionm

>> No.9697106

I see it like drinking a beer. The taste isn't great but it works.
>inb4 craft fags
Get fucked you queers.

>> No.9697107

its fine in small quantities but made me shake while watching porn so i put a stop to amphetamines

>> No.9697108

You probably have shit coffee where you live, so I kinda understand your point.

>> No.9697109

>People drink raw black coffee to try to look tough
I like coffee both with and without milk but I'll freely admit to doing exactly this.
The retarded thing is, it sometimes works.

>> No.9697110

I only do coffee or /sips/, but i should really consider just replacing /sips/ with caffeine pills. I grind my coffee in a hand-grinder then use a french press. Rewarding and comfy. /sips/ are for when I cannot be assed to do that.

>> No.9697111

Yes, people have different tastes than you. That automatically makes them children and faggots.

>> No.9697112
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Atleast you didn't suck a dick for a shot of meth...right?

>> No.9697113
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Or you can be a normal human being and drink fucking water?

>> No.9697114

>Doesn't even know proper english
The real question is, are you retarded? Nevermind, I already know.

>> No.9697115


'Gamers' are walking sacks of disposable income and are very suggestible.

>> No.9697116

Meth is cheap as fuck.
That's why it's the poor man's drug of choice.

>> No.9697117

*sips tea*

>> No.9697118
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You need to be 18 to post here, son.

>> No.9697119

Literally any young adult is like this, not only 'gaymurs'

>> No.9697120

Sup tumblr

>> No.9697121

Plenty of people enjoy the taste of beer you tremendous faggot

>> No.9697122

Green tea

Are the only drinks

>> No.9697123

No, but I did brutally attack a man with a baseball bat to get some money he owed for some meth i gave him up front

>> No.9697124

It's an acquired taste. Unless it's piss shit like Bud Light.

>> No.9697125
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It's just preference m8. I drink black first thing in the morning out of addiction to caffeine and laziness, but most old-fashioned coffee recipes include milks or sugar in them

I mean you don't go to an Italian cafe and ask for a milked coffee type with no milk

>> No.9697126

Switched to only water for a month, heart burn/gerd symptoms gone. If you're having digestive issue. highly recommend, was even able to stop taking meds.

>> No.9697127

cortado is top tier

>> No.9697128

>Eight variants for fags who don't like the taste of coffee

>> No.9697129
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not having a morning black coffee and a cigarette before an all day /v/ session

>> No.9697130
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>being a gamer
>not drinking Monster

>> No.9697131

Pajeet pls

>> No.9697132

just drink water you faggots

>> No.9697133
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Partician choice

>> No.9697134
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The only time I ever put cream in coffee is if the coffee taste like piss and there's no other caffeine option around, otherwise coffee is superior black. Real dark Americano is top tier

>> No.9697135

>wake up
>drink a big fat black coffee
>take a big fat black shit
>ready for vidya

>> No.9697136


>> No.9697137
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Hey /v/

>> No.9697138

>smoking in 2017
Stop it, you cunt.

>> No.9697139
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You can do both!

>> No.9697140

>200mg caffeine drink with no sugars and added vitamins/nutrients
>equivalent to an "energy drink" such as a monster

>> No.9697141

the morning shit after a strong black coffee and/or a cigarette is fucking majestic

>> No.9697142

because coffee is fucking disgusting, only if you add something like mint / chocolate flavor, it's decent.
I've drank coffee about 5 times in my whole life and I'm 23

>> No.9697143

>falling for the marketing

>> No.9697144

I know right. It just flies out of there, no pushing necessary.

>> No.9697145

there's water in both

>> No.9697146
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>not smoking in 2017

>> No.9697147
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Manmore beverage guide:
>Organic coffee (no chemicals or weirdness added)
>Filtered water, lots
>Protein shakes
>Veggie smoothies with lots of broccoli and kale

>> No.9697148

>you must be 18 to post here
HOW DARE HE?! Drinking his coffee so much differently than you

>> No.9697149
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>> No.9697150
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Enjoy your teeth, caffeine junkies.

Here's a better solution: get some fucking sleep.

>> No.9697151

Coffee is a meme drink and caffeine is bad for your heart. Enjoy your cardiac arrest retards.

>> No.9697152

>not drinking garlic juice

>> No.9697153

Enjoy your life anon, nobody ever gets out alive.

>> No.9697154

>All these faggots shitting on black coffee
It's an acquired taste you sissies. Might as well take estrogen and wear a cage if you can't handle coffee you gay bois.

>> No.9697155

Yellow is the natural coloration of teeth enamel. The whiter your teeth are, the weaker they are.

>> No.9697156

>Filtered water
Do Americans actually have to filter their water? I thought it was only a couple of cities with fucked up water supplies

>> No.9697157

>get prescribed adderall even though I have a fucking anxiety disorder
>i show up to work literally shaking for a month straight until i get fired
thanks doc, really earned your phd

>> No.9697158

America is a third world country, I wouldn't drink the tap water there.

>> No.9697159

Im trying
For the last two weeks ive been smoking old ass pipe tobacco
But last three days have been smoke free

Im drenched in sweat please pray for me

>> No.9697160

>suffered unacceptable side effects from prescribed medication
>kept taking it

Who's the real dummy here?

>> No.9697161
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Who /nespressomasterrace/ here?

>> No.9697162
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don't be a faggot

>> No.9697163

Literally the razer of the coffee world.

>> No.9697164

No thanks
Only troglodytes drink it with no sugar though.
Or they're actually drinking coffee so weak it's basically black colored water.

>> No.9697165

How can America be the only world superpower while a third world country at the same time?

>> No.9697166

>who here can't brew a fucking coffee and pays out of the ass for shittier coffee ?

>> No.9697167

>yes, I would also like DRM in my coffee

>> No.9697168

I can one up you
>Wake up
>make some quality coffee
>cook some eggs and make some toast
>sit down with some orange juice
>smoke a joint and then eat
>smoke cigarette after
>vidya and music of your choice later
This is a recipe for a perfect comfy saturday morning it literally cannot get better than this.

>> No.9697169

"Cream" is american for "milk" right? You put milk in coffee. I tried putting actual cream in there and it didn't work at all.

>> No.9697170
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This is not true. Natural whiteness from cleanliness is healthy. It's fake whiteners that can temporarily weaken enamel because they're strong chemicals.

People's teeth get darker as they age from the staining and whatnot, you cannot say that the yellow teeth of a 70 year old is better than the Argentinian teeth of a teenager

>> No.9697171

Tea > Coffee

>> No.9697172

I prefer my coffee to be black as midnight on a moonless night

>> No.9697173
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>> No.9697174

The rich people are rich and very powerful.

The rest are exploited as fuck and don't care because they believe in what you just wrote.

>> No.9697175

Cream is cream. It's usually a lower fat hyper pasteurised version that's used in coffee though.

>> No.9697176

Theyre gonna take my leg man

>> No.9697177

>you cannot say that the yellow teeth of a 70 year old is better than the Argentinian teeth of a teenager
>Yellow elderly teeth vs. black teenage teeth
Yeah I can

>> No.9697178

I like my coffee how I like my women.

Literally anything will do, just fucking give me some Jesus Christ

>> No.9697179

>cannot get better than this.
What about accomplishing something meaningful in life?

>> No.9697180
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i rarely smoke weed in the morning but if i do, that's how.

>> No.9697181

>the only world superpower
Is this how amerifags think?

>> No.9697182

Who is the other current world superpower besides America?

>> No.9697183

>brew coffee
>cut the potatoes and onions and begin frying
>make a spanish tortilla
>Pour a nice hearty glass of stale cheap bourbon
>get smashed and eat
>start playing vidya
>forget about your coffee until midday and just drink it over ice for an energy boost

>> No.9697184

I like my coffee how I like my men.
Incredibly black and hurting my throat.

>> No.9697185

My post made no mention of "Americans". Anyways, no modern city, anywhere, cares enough about male health to filter out oestrogen from the water, which is there because of birth control substances peed out. The molecules are not filtered out like say heavy metals are

>> No.9697186

Actually natural healthy teeth are either light greyish/bluish white or light yellow.

>> No.9697187

just stop with this meme

>> No.9697188


>> No.9697189

i drink mountain dew because you faggots memed it hard so i went to taste it and i liked it

>> No.9697190

America is the only world superpower right now. For America's population apart from the very rich, it is also a third world country.

>> No.9697191

Everywhere iv'e ever lived and been to in the northeast and on the coast has had terrible tap water. I wouldn't trust it if i was dying of thirst, it tastes like milk if that means anything it's gross.

>> No.9697192

Russia and the UK

>> No.9697193
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>> No.9697194

ok well maybe just smoke weed instead

>> No.9697195

Coffee has antioxidants and stuff

>> No.9697196
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Get on my level posers

>> No.9697197


i dont support arab businesses

>> No.9697198
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Why not? people became like that after vaping became a thing. I would be surprised if "pillerz" became an actual subculture.

>> No.9697199

Thats what im doing
Something something marijuana expanding veins helps my leg, while cigs is converse.

>> No.9697206

Because wealthy people are known for pissing their money away?

Nespresso is great if you're a teenage girl and want to impress your friends by being able to make their favourite doubleshot half caramel latte. Just put the expensive pod in the cheap plastic machine and get your freeze dried drink a few seconds later.

If you have a set of testicles you should be buying either whole beans or ground coffee.

>> No.9697209
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We /ck/ now

>> No.9697212



>> No.9697215


why would you go through the effort of moving an obvious shitpost thread to a board where it would be even more clearly just a even bigger meme bait shitpost

>> No.9697216

How is this not “video game culture”? /v/ mods are truly the biggest faggots.

>> No.9697219
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hello /ck/

>> No.9697227

I dunno pham, one time a mod gave everyone who posted a warning because visual novels aren't vidya supposedly.

Cappuccino is best drink.

>> No.9697230

I rarely buy soda but when i do i have the perfect combo.
>Cherry dr. pepper
>barqs rootbeer
Pepsi always tastes like it's flat and mountain dew gets old after a can or two but it's nice every one in awhile. Sprite and lemon lime soda is a great drink to relax with but i wouldn't eat it with meals.

>> No.9697240
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It sucks for home use but is nice for public places. My mental health clinic I've been interned in thrice had one, it was nice stuff for the morning and break. We had drug addicts the floor above and many chugged sugar/coffee for withdrawal or whatever so they hogged the machine.

>> No.9697245

>manually making espresso
Have fun spending two hours just making a cup of coffee when you can do it in seconds literally with a press of a button.

>> No.9697246

At least he didn't move it to trash

>> No.9697258

>One year into Adderall
>Dude meth lmao

Wat. Nigga how little self control do you have? I've taken Adderall for five years straight, to the point they stopped affecting me and the good old doc took me off them. Are you one of those that would pop and Addy and then start bouncing off the walls? If so, bad genes man.

>> No.9697262

Two hours is a bit of an exaggeration. If you have the equipment, it takes around 3-4 minutes.

>> No.9697263

Espresso requires either a machine or a moka pot but I don't drink espresso. A cafetiere is my preferred method, and it takes five minutes from start to finish.

>> No.9697266

So what kind of coffee do you faggots drink? Call me a tool but i really enjoy dunken donuts coffee, it's expensive but i like it.

>> No.9697270
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black americano, add 2 brown sugars if youre feeling lucky.

>> No.9697272

Decaf Starbucks coffee. I get it for free.

>> No.9697278

We have a Costa at work so I get mine there. Black americano most of the time, occasionally a cortado. Espresso is a bit too harsh.

>> No.9697281

Not him but i can see why it's addictive, i used to steal vyvanse from a family member and i pretty much got hooked on that shit after a few weeks. I stopped after a took 120mg and stayed up all night masturbating, the come down is so hard not even 30mg of ambien could put me down and i decided to stop.

>> No.9697282

>black americano

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought an americano was a black coffee?

>> No.9697287
File: 2.71 MB, 1280x720, OATZ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingredients for Coffee (2 cups/16oz; 0f fat; 4.8cal)

•Brown Cane Sugar/Turbinado (3TB) [0g fat; 135cal]
•Powdered Pink Himalayan Salt (several dashes) [0g fat; 0cal]
•Ceylon Cinnamon (1/2tsp) [0g fat; 1.58cal]
•Butter (1TB) [11g fat; 100cal]
•Cocoa (1/2tsp) [0.08g fat; 1cal]

Fill mug with ingredients
Fill halfway with coffee
Stir until butter is metled
Fill mug up with coffee.

This is meant to be a substitute for breakfast.

Total: 11.08g fat; 242.38cal

>> No.9697291

Americano is an espresso topped up with hot water. It's similar but different to filter coffee.

>> No.9697295

so many faggots have milk in their coffee you have to specify nowadays.

>> No.9697298

It's the chemicals inside

>> No.9697299

Panera Bread's bagged coffee is good.

>> No.9697331

I drive trucks for a living and for the first few months, after I got promoted, I would have a Monster when I felt sleepy. That shit is poison and I had piss on the hour, every hour because of it.

I did some research and found Caffine Pills. I never went back Monster. When I know I didn't get enough I sleep and I'm working a long shift, I just pop a caf pill 4 to 5 hours before I get off and I'm good to for that amount of time. On particularly bad days I'll take 1 1/2 or 2 pills, spread out over time. They work in about 30 to 45 minutes. I've found its best to pop one and then take a power nap.

I will never go without caffeine pills again.

>> No.9697336

I've had a can of monster every day for the last 8 hours. Any tips on how to stop?

>> No.9697337

That's cool you get it for free. I was pissed off when i got my first cup of starbucks coffee. Iv'e only heard good things about it, i went to one and expected the best for how much to costs. It was weak as fuck, tasted like water that was coffee flavored and it tasted bad at that. I thought store brand coffee i had at home was better than that. Never again.

>> No.9697339

I meant years.

>> No.9697355

fyi coffee drinking is associated with lower risk of mortality and cardiovascular disease

>> No.9697374

Water and amphetamines
If I'm feeling like it ill eat a cigarette for dessert

>> No.9697383

Coffee lobby is hard at work, I see.

>> No.9697391

Well, first things first, you have to know that you're addicted and want to change.

Describe your Monster routine. When do you typically have one? Where do you buy them? Do they help you to relieve stress? How long does ut take you to drink one? Do you enjoy them? Do you look forward to having one?

>> No.9697415

This just in, everyone who breaths oxygen dies. You should probably cover your face with a plastic bag and save yourself before it's too late.

>> No.9697434

would you deny that smoking is associated with lung cancer?

i said lower not higher risk

>> No.9697436

I'm quite an habitual person (I smoke on routine, not just when I 'feel' I need one)

So my monster habit, I mostly drink them at night (except if I'm out drinking, I'll have monster vodkas).
I drink them when playing the Xbox, most of the time when online and playing with friends. I normally have a smoke, then wash it down with a monster. It can take anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour to drink, depending on whether I have eaten much that day,

I don't particularly enjoy gaming online, unless I have a monster. I look forward to drinking them, but only when pairing them with playing games.

The only other drink I have during the day is water (probably not enough, I only piss around 3 times a day) and maybe a few cups of tea a week.

I normally stock up on 4 packs of monster (often alternate between original and sugar free) when I do the weekly shop, however, if I do try not to buy monster with the weekly shop, I normally go to the local shop and get a single can each night.

>> No.9697441

>You like to drink coffee differently than I
>Therefore you must simply be pretending!

>> No.9697444

'associated' is just a lazy buzzword used by researchers who can't fudge the p value low enough, but need a conclusion anyway

Faggotry is associated with HIV, but how many people will say faggotry causes HIV?

>> No.9697452

I am intrigued.
Do you have a job?
How many hours do you sleep?
What do you typically eat and how often?

>> No.9697454

i know what you mean, but i spent a while looking into this, and the mortality protective effect of caffeine has been replicated over many cohorts of diverse ethnicities in multiple longitudinal studies, and the aggregate evidence is actually pretty strong

>> No.9697476

I have a minimum wage job and am currently on very few hours.
On average I sleep around 6-7 hours.
If I don't have a monster, I struggle to sleep.
And food; I eat cereal, sandwiches and junk, and it varies. Some days it will be very little, some days it will be a binge

>> No.9697702

He's making a joke


>> No.9697843

My parents bought Nespresso, it was a dumb decision. It was cool at first, now they barely use the machine because the pods cost so much. When they could have spent half that for an espresso machine at brews coffee in the same amount of time. Kek

>> No.9697941

because coffee requires preparation and they could kill themselves stepping into the kitchen

>> No.9697949

because if you stay too woke, you start seeing the lizardmen and the messages that say CONSUME

>> No.9697959

I prefer chasing two lexapros with bourbon

>> No.9697980

I like monster, I really do. But I will never forgive them doing a cross promotion with Jack Daniels (and I won't forgive Jack's for that either) That was a fucking travesty, selling monster with jack at music festivals. Disgusting.

>> No.9698078
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I remember being a tryhard teenager who drank my coffee black. Now that I'm an adult I agree with you. I prefer non-dairy creamer like International Delight and I put more sugar than most people like. I also need to drink dark blends because those survive the onslaught of cream and sugar and you can still taste the coffee.

>> No.9698089

Mountain Dew ruins my teeth/kidneys and Coffee kills my stomach. So fuck me, I guess.

>> No.9698121

Good point.

>> No.9698226

Sugary sweet citrus flavor + memes. Coffee is good too and I usually drink it when gaming, but I do the Dew during special occasions. Best two flavors are Code Red and Baja Blast, prove me wrong.

wew lad


Muh dic

>> No.9698248

I drink coffee that's been sitting out for days cold, I make a pot and leave it out. Is there something wrong with my taste buds because it tastes sort of bad but I crave the bitter taste.

>> No.9698416
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neck yourself

>> No.9698542

video-gaming is an adolescent hobby, it's only natural that those who partake in it are drawn to liquid candy like soda.

>> No.9699213

what anime?

>> No.9699241

I get all my dietary advice from gamers.

>> No.9699274

Mtn Dew is a childs drink. Sweet, fizzy, fake fruity flavor. Hence the child-like gamers flock to it like flys on shee-ite. Not everyone matures to the point where their palate can appreciate the nuances presented in a proper cup of coffee. (note: starbucks does NOT count as coffee)

>> No.9700200

English next time hun.

>> No.9700203

How is the flavor fake ? Lemon and limes actually exist. Plus so of the flavoring is all natural.

>> No.9700208

Starbucks is coffee.

>> No.9700238

Be wary of these, my dad took em daily as a coffee replacement and ended up with kidney stones.

That said I still take them at work all the time, they're a perfect pick me up.

>> No.9700351
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Why maximize my focus? I don't owe anyone shit.

>> No.9700412

To be fair it sounds a lot healthier than what I do which is have like 3-4 sodas a day.

>> No.9701079

Never had a cup of coffee and I'm 54

>> No.9701102

Gamers do not like Mountain Dew.
Pepsi positions Mountain Dew as the designated "gamer soda" in their marketing, in order to stratify their portfolio and avoid cannibalizing the sales of other, similar products.
Same way Sprite was the designated "hip black people soda" 15 years ago and, indeed, the same way coffee was re-positioned as the beverage for aspiring professionals in the '80s:

>> No.9701103

Gamers are children with baby taste buds.

>> No.9701108

Caffeine is a shit tier stimulant. It ramps up your anxiety and makes you more prone to anger. All reasons why athletes and other professionals stay away from it. All you need is water and glucose.

>> No.9701230

>Le people drink something I don't like just so they can appear tough meme

>> No.9701236

>mountain dew isnt the most reddit beverage under the sun
Delusion runs deep.

>> No.9701243
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how on earth do people get so hung up on coffee
it's the most benign drink I can think of

>> No.9701280

There is a large chain called Starbucks which has been gentrifying the trailer parks of flyover land for the last 20 years, introducing them to such exotic concepts as "cappucinos", "croissants", and music that isn't Ted Nugent child molestation ballads or Al Jolson minstrel songs. While it basically gets ignored in real cities due to serving shit-tier coffee, it's causing quite a splash in trailer land owing to its provocatively "progressive" decor and the fact that they force you to say crazy shit like "grande" which is mexican for "big". This is part of the UN globalist conspiracy, to make whites feel guilty for having those cushy coal mining jobs.

Since this "new" chain isn't the McDonalds or Waffle House they're familiar with, they're terrified of it, and they associate it, and by extension coffee, with scary things like Obama, smart phones, and pretensions of going away to college.

>> No.9701292

Lol. I love idiots.

>> No.9701312

We get it. You're a yankee asshole. You didn't need to write a book about it.

>> No.9701317

I get it you can't bread.

>> No.9701318

"Grande" means large in a whole bunch of Latin-based languages famalam, including English

>> No.9701329

He's being """satirical"""" because he watched a few episodes of Honey Boo Boo and thinks most people outside of cities are like that.

>> No.9701330

kek. Flyovers btfo.

>> No.9701332

Get yourself checked:


>> No.9701525

the only gamers immature enough to consistently drink mountain dew tried coffee once, thought it was icky, and decided to never touch it again.

>> No.9701534

>thanks doc, really earned your phd
Doctors, even quack psychiatrists, get MDs, not PhDs

>> No.9701849

I genuinely enjoy the bitter richness of black coffee, but that is what I've been raised on. I suppose it can sound unbelievable to some people, because I can't even begin to believe how someone can genuinely enjoy the taste of hard alcohol, but some do.

>> No.9701873

>drinking something hot when playing a videogame
The fuck is wrong with you? That being said, a nice Black Boss and vidya goes nicely.

>> No.9701879

Holy shit that's a lot of (you)s. Good job anon, hook line and sinker.

>> No.9701888

No I didn't, in fact I just recently bought a pour over kettle and drip.

>> No.9701897

hola rebbit

>> No.9702496
File: 125 KB, 600x600, Jolt Cola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, the true patrician choice: Volt Cola. It has the exact same recipe as Jolt Cola because the German producer of Jolt Cola got to keep it after American Jolt Cola got bankrupt.

>> No.9702710

Because coffee makes you look like a pretentious Douche.

>> No.9702735

This isn't 2007, no one actually gives a fuck about Mountain Dew. We have /sips/ now, or Banq for the hardcore.

>> No.9702754

Where do you find this in America?

>> No.9702776

>drink coffee all the time
>am not a professional.
>coffee doesnt even make me aspiring.

>> No.9703362


No one mentions based Cyan here?

>> No.9704563
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I really do enjoy the flavor. I don't drink them as much anymore, but out of any soda I loved the variety of Mtn dews.

Voltage was the best, then white out. Baja was okay.

Diet is piss.

>> No.9704580
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i prefer my japanese marching powder.