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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9633048 No.9633048 [Reply] [Original]

I'd post this in /tg/ but this is related to food rather than the games themselves.

Every week (or at least ideally so) I contact some friends I have in another city to play roleplaying games. I usually buy snacks beforehand, and they buy their stuff. When I used to live there we'd go out together to buy our snacks. Then, we would play after some banter.

Thing is, as I've been all by myself for the past year and a half, I usually buy a big bag of, say, chips or something similar, a bottle or two of soda, a chocolate bar and cookies. But I can tell this will probably take a huge toll on me if I keep this behaviour.

For this reason I seriously need healthy alternatives. I definitely don't want something vegan or super low on everything, but I'd love to have something that won't take that big of a toll. At the bare minimum, I'd like to have replacements for everything I eat, while keeping my budget constrained. I can buy stuff that I will use repeatedly.

I'm no cook, but I can learn. Simpler meals are better.


>> No.9633059

just dinner and then play, that is what I used to do

>> No.9633067

Two things to keep in mind.

One, that I usually stay anytime from 9 pm to midnight all the night up to 6 am. It's impossible to dinner then play, I will eventually need something to eat anyways.

And two, they will be eating and having drinks and such and it's not easy to keep the craving for food, especially if you end up hungry.

>> No.9633095

>its impossible

No its not you fucking fat ass. Those are normal times to not eat.

>> No.9633096

Cheese and crackers.

>> No.9633107

Eat a fruit?

>> No.9633113

Dude. A normal body needs food every 2 to 3 hours. Those are normal times to not eat, that is, if you're sleeping, which I clearly am not.

How are crackers healthier?

Kind of depends of the fruit, but that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Maybe a smoothie?

>> No.9633116

learn to eat less sugar OP if you want to be healthy. just having chips instead of cookies + chocolate and you've vastly improved your diet. ideally you should eat no sugar

>> No.9633118 [DELETED] 
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Do not for the love of fucking shit bring anything greasy. I was at a Pokemon tournament one day and some fat prick had Domino's delivered and ate while he played. Thank fucking Christ I didn't have to play against him, as he had already lost a match or two. I pity whoever did. Granted, it is very rare someone tries to touch your cards... But he always had to read what attack you used or card you played.

Bring something dry, but filling. Crackers work, but if you want to bring something more filling try normal sandwiches with floury dough.

>> No.9633128

What should be a replacement for sugar?

Oh, I call my friends over Skype and I'd have whatever all of us would buy. I was also careful enough to clean my hands before touching anything sensible (my friend has an alcohol soap). So that's not too big of an issue.

>> No.9633137

op what is your height and weight?

>> No.9633142

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were retarded

>> No.9633145

Smoothies are god tier for full day sesions. I also recommend cold salads that are easy to store and then take a bit if you are feeling hungry.
What game are you playing atm?

>> No.9633152

5'10'' or 11'', and I don't know what's my weight. 154 lb? 176 lb? I'm literally unaware of my weight, but last time I weighted myself it was somewhere in that range. My build hasn't changed much.

>I also recommend cold salads that are easy to store and then take a bit if you are feeling hungry.
Hm, salads? What would be some good options? I'm not too fond of salads but maybe they'll help me feel more full.

>What game are you playing atm?
We play a variety of games with my friends. Right now my friend is pulling a HxH game with some rules he made himself, I guess.

>> No.9633159

What do you like to eat?

The obvious answer is a platter of vegetables, but yuck. Somewhere inbetween?

Pop corn is cheap as fuck and you can buy an air popper for ~$30. That's about 5 bags of Doritos worth of money, to put it in perspective.
Grapes, apples, whatever fruit you like. High in sugar but not as high as candy.
Beef jerky. It's pricey.
Nuts are good, but are super calorie dense so don't pig out on them. Peanuts or pistachios in the shell are better because they keep your hands busy and it's harder to scarf them.
Why not a good sandwich?

For me? I'd take some small boule or baguette of fresh bread, a wedge of triple cream brie, some cured meat, and an apple.

>> No.9633160
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Make a charcuterie board. This usually involves fruit, crackers, multiple types of cheeses, some cured meats like salami/parma ham, and maybe some olives or pickles.
Have your dinner, and you can pick at it over the course of hours. Smoothies are also not a bad idra, but ill usually make a charcuterie board for my group when we play.
We're also winos, as well, so it may make more sense for my group as everyone will usually bring a bottle or two of wine to taste and try.

>> No.9633186

If and when I'm able to buy an air popper, that is if we don't have one already, I could make some popcorns topped with butter. It pays itself in little time and they're good to trick my belly, so I should at least consider it.

>Grapes, apples, whatever fruit you like. High in sugar but not as high as candy.
But won't the fiber of the fruits also help me digest the sugar better anyways?

>Beef jerky. It's pricey.
There's a nearby store that sells lots of types of jerky. Maybe I should keep an eye on it, and it may not be as expensive here.

>Nuts are good, but are super calorie dense so don't pig out on them. Peanuts or pistachios in the shell are better because they keep your hands busy and it's harder to scarf them.
Good point, but even then I should just grab a handful and keep myself from eating more.

>Why not a good sandwich?
Your idea of sandwich is good. What should I keep in mind to make sure my sandwich isn't as bad as any junk I would buy elsewhere?

Honestly a charcuterie board sounds god tier and classy as hell. Do I just grab whatever seems good and mix them into my board, or are there some suggestions to make one? I could also accompany it with a cup of bean coffee to keep myself awake.

>> No.9633187

theres no replacement for sugar really.

eat meat and fat, carbs

>> No.9633196

Aren't carbs technically the replacement anyways?

>> No.9633225

Just try a regular chicken salad with veggies you can tolerate.
Easy choices -
Red onion
Romaine or lettuce
Feta or your preferred cheese( small cubes are ideal)
Throw some crutons, roasted pinenuts or pumpkin seed
Oil or a thick sauce depending on you.

Will pitch this to my group.

>> No.9633227


A bag of grapes is a really simple and easy snack. Just gotta rinse 'em and people can snack on that shit. Hummus and pita bread is also cool.

>> No.9633234

They break down into sugars, but this isn't a paleo/keto thread, right? If you want to go that route then you have to take a deep plunge for it to make a big difference.

>Good point, but even then I should just grab a handful and keep myself from eating more.
Portion control is a big deal. On a diet, I eat nuts a lot but I weight them out. INB4...

>What should I...
Don't dump cane sugar on it? I think it's more important to make it something you WANT to eat using quality meats and cheese. For me? Tonight it's what I mentioned in my post. I'm cheating on my diet. It's pretty much what >>9633160 also suggested.

>> No.9633235

uhhhh pizza, delivered

or chili if I'm being a jew

>> No.9633253

relevant? decades ago, when i played d&d, my overnight trips would include a can of chili with beans, and a block of cheddar cheese. id heat it up in a sauce pan, and add grated cheese. everyone was jealous. i was raised right, and expected my meals to be real food. thats pretty real food.

>> No.9633254

>chili if I'm being a jew
That's actually a really good idea, too. My workplace used to have parties where one or two different people would make chili while everyone was drinking.
It's cheap to make, filling, and if you cook it on location it creates a ... sense of community?
The smell of it cooking is pretty comfy too.
Use a recipe that uses canned ingredients to make it easier. Soups are perfect gateway to learning how to cook.

>> No.9633267

>with veggies you can tolerate
Not like I can tolerate many veggies, at least not cold. I already push myself to have them at lunch time.

I've heard that a veggie smoothie is a good enough way to incorporate them. Is that true?

>but this isn't a paleo/keto thread, right?
How is paleo/keto stuff relevant? I know what they are but what do you mean?

>Don't dump cane sugar on it? I think it's more important to make it something you WANT to eat using quality meats and cheese.
Um, let me think a bit.

Diced chicken, diced cheese... cured meats or salami maybe, crackers, grapes, cherry tomatoes? Maybe with some sort of cream to dip my stuff in it.

I can barely tolerate spicy food, so chili is a terrible idea for me. And isn't pizza super unhealthy anyways?

Chili with beans... I'm trying to think of a replacement. Tomato sauce maybe?

>> No.9633284

If you got a bulk barn of some sort around hit them up. I usually get dehydrated peas, or wasabi peas, chili almonds, or seasame cashews, maybe a little dark chocolate, or yogurt pretzels, really dig their little nut crunch bars (cashews, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds in a light honey glaze to bind), also cherry fig energy balls are great. All in moderation but other wise healthy, tasty, and fills that void in yer gut.

>> No.9633296
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Meatbread, idiot

>> No.9633322

>bulk barn
Had to google to know what's that. Um, what sort of store is it?

Like I had any idea that even existed.

What does it have? How often should I have them?

>> No.9633326


I honestly didn't read your entire post, sorry, missed the healthy part

desu the night you do stuff like this should be the night you eat the stuff you shouldn't - it would be much better for you to eat healthier every meal OTHER than this one and have this as your cheat day. just a thought

>> No.9633327

Never had a veg smoothie, not very picky with food but that sounds horrid. Could strech as far maybe a avocado one.

>> No.9633332


quoted wrong post idk if OP is who I was speaking to lol sorry

>> No.9633357

>what does it have
>(((goes on /tg/))))
Alright man this bait has gone on far enough.

>> No.9633360

Sells snacks and baking/cooking ingredients for a good price. Basically that section in every grocers with bins full of nuts and what have you. Fill a bag, write down bin number and pay by wieght.

>> No.9633369
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Just look up a good charcuterie set up. Usually I just londa grab what we like, but there some some good suggestions out there as far as, say, set ups for pairing food with certain wines. Usually Ill get some kind of nicer cheddar, brie, and whatever stuff I pick up at my farmers market (last few times its been a soft goats cheese, studded sheeps cheese, and a 'cowboy' cheddar made with hoppy beer, plus whatever odds and ends I had leftover from the last board.
Add some salami, proschuito, grapes, strawbs, cherry tomatoes, pit-in olives (assorted) and Ill throw in a bit of dark chocolate for fun. Have plenty of crackers.
I will warn, this can run up expensive until you get ahead a bit - we play once a weekish, so I usually have most of what I need on hand except for needing new wines and cheeses every week, as thetes usually leftovets I can reuse.
Pic related was one of my first tries at one a few months back, its gotten to be a hit with my group. You kind of refine what you use the more you make 'em.

>> No.9633376

It's fine!

>it would be much better for you to eat healthier every meal OTHER than this one and have this as your cheat day. just a thought
Well, let me give a quick review of the meals I usually have in a week.

I get homemade lunch daily, and very rarely I get something else for lunch. Due to cultural reasons, dinners aren't exactly dinners and most times I eat some sort of sandwich with tea or coffee. Sometimes I also have some pastry with that. I would have breakfast if not because my schedule is messed up, but when I do it's a coffee with a sandwich, although a time ago I'd have a smoothie made the night before instead. That'd be enough to fill myself a little bit but I'd need a coffee because I'd be too sleepy to do anything.

I don't cheat often but I think I do cheat every week. And I don't think eating a whole bag of chips is going to do good to my health, even less if I do it weekly.

Wish I was baiting.

Oh. I've seen those but none is nearby as far as I know. The closest supermarkets in my town don't do that and I'm unsure where to find one near my location, sadly.

>> No.9633386

>this can run up expensive until you get ahead a bit
I guess cheeses and wine make most of the costs, right? Because I do have to keep my costs low. I can forego the wine if it helps.

>> No.9633394

Youll find something man just dont give up. Eating like that even just once a week will make you regret it within a couple months. Try and find something you like, healthy, and you can pick at. Drink lots of water too itll help cure hunger when your mouths lonely.

>> No.9633435

Water is a definitive must. I have a bottle so I'll be filling it often.

How often and how much avocado should I eat? I could buy one and mash it, dice it or slice it and have it somewhere.

One idea I was having was to dice a chicken breast, prepare baked potato chips (which have less salt and oil than whatever I buy from the store), maybe a smoothie somewhere? Or a sandwich with cheese, ham, tomato and oregano. Those were some of the ideas I was having.

If I go the chicken breast + baked chips route I could make a sauce to dip everything in.

>> No.9633447

>How is paleo/keto stuff relevant? I know what they are but what do you mean?
tl;dr your body breaks carbs down into sugar. Keto people say that eating bread is the equal to eating cake. It's a bit hyperbolic.

>Um, let me think a bit.
Ham, turkey, salami, cheddar, pepperjack, pepperoncini, mixed greens, olive oil, balsamic, dijon mustard, mayonnaise, oregano, not necessarily in that order, on a baguette. Tomatoes if in season.

You can make some other soup or stew if you don't want chili. Crock pots are as cheap as air poppers. And, really, don't tell anyone I said this, but chili doesn't HAVE to be spicy hot.

>> No.9633466

I have to go cook now, but also try to get into diet soda if you can't make the leap to just give it up cold turkey. I've found diet peach snapple to be pretty decent when cut with a bit of water. Or just make it the one night a week that you drink soda.

>> No.9633481

>tl;dr your body breaks carbs down into sugar. Keto people say that eating bread is the equal to eating cake. It's a bit hyperbolic.
So wait, I should forego sugars and eat carbs instead?

>Ham, turkey, salami, cheddar, pepperjack, pepperoncini, mixed greens, olive oil, balsamic, dijon mustard, mayonnaise, oregano, not necessarily in that order, on a baguette. Tomatoes if in season.
That's a lot, but definitely should keep them in mind, although they do sound a bit expensive. Especially the cheeses.

>And, really, don't tell anyone I said this, but chili doesn't HAVE to be spicy hot.
Even mild hot bothers me. It has to be very light for me to be able to eat it well enough.

I know of some sugar low juices that should work, too. I can also drink water alongside everything.

Happy cooking!

>> No.9633844

>So wait, I should forego sugars and eat carbs instead?
If you are on a diet, specifically one that is low carb/high fat, then yes. If you are not on that specific diet then it doesn't matter. If you aren't living a paleo lifestyle, then don't worry about it.

>Happy cooking!
Thanks. Got some shit done.
Imma pretend to be helpful on fecesbook now.
Hope someone got a good read out of this thread.

>> No.9634183

Get a fuckton celery sticks and drink a ton of water, takes care of that nibbling feel, and doesn't give you any calories, and should be satisfying enough to not be hungry.

>> No.9634221


>> No.9634241

Is alcohol involved?

>> No.9634814

I seriously hope you dont do this

>> No.9634874

Apple crisps.

>> No.9635407

This seems like a good thread to ask.

What are some good low-calorie foods to snack on constantly? I'm on prednisone for the next two weeks and the hunger hits me like a fucking freight train with an infinite amount of cars.

I already browsed google suggestions, but I was hoping /ck/ could be a bit more inventive. Grapes and carrots aren't gonna cut it, it would be like flicking droplets at a house fire.

>> No.9636269

I smoke cigarettes and drink salt water throughout the day.

>> No.9636349

>This seems like a good thread to ask.
It is not. Go to QTDDTOT or make a new thread.
Watermelon, greek yogurt, vegetable soups, oatmeal, hummus, chips and salsa

>> No.9636378
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>A normal body needs food every 2 to 3 hours

>> No.9636411
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Chips, dip, pretzels, and soda are the de facto gamer food. If you want something healthier, easy to make, and cheap to buy, make a pot of soup and take some in a thermos, or bring the whole pot to share. Then all you need is some bread or crackers.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.9636475

air poppers are a scam. paper bag and microwave works just fine

>> No.9638372
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just freeze up some water and snack on it while you're at it desu

>> No.9638383

What a delightful assortment of ladies, c-can I just pick them all?

>> No.9638389
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>> No.9638392
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>> No.9638393

Yeah, I didn't want to make a new thread for something so small.

Thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.9638415

I think I'd really love to play a /tg/ game but fuck finding a group