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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9597611 No.9597611 [Reply] [Original]

I'm spending way too much money of food.

This month I spent around 500$ on food just for myself.

I don't know how to cook so I eat out all the time, mostly subway and panda express.

Wtf should I do??? Is there anything easy + healthy I can make? I don't mind eating the same thing every day.

>> No.9597618

dumb frogposter

>> No.9597619

Do you know what Google is?

>> No.9597622

I don't want google's help, I want /ck/ to help.

>> No.9597626

do you like tacos?

>> No.9597628

the first thing you need to do is get a crock pot and start slow cooking big hunks of inexpensive meat

>> No.9597635

You're a fat fuck and you should be ashamed of yourself. You could have spent a fraction of that on any hobby, martial arts, instrument lessons, full benefits gym membership, a fucking personal trainer, an assortment of cookbooks, if you have 500 dollars to spare on just fucking fast food, then you need to get your shit straight and either save that money or spend it on something productive, because as you are now, you are a waste of a life.

>> No.9597636

And I want cocksuckers like you to stop shitting up this board with questions that can be answered by a five second Google search

>> No.9597642

Rice, beans, a salad, and meat. My mom made it for me everyday and I look like I workout when i rarely ever even touch weights. I'll pose recipe for all four if you want.

>> No.9597645

Don't listen to these fags... you can still eat out

Just use coupons at fast food restaurants or eat a costco or little caesars. You can easily spend less than $8/day on 2000 calories that way.

>> No.9597647
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>full benefits gym membership

>> No.9597648

>is on a board about food
>asks for recipes
>a possibility about discussion and sharing recipes from human beings, not people paid to write out shit on the internet
>hurr durr google it faggot

It's cocksuckers like YOU shitting up this board, not OP.

>> No.9597661

Wow, you must live in some rural shithole. The local gym near me has a normal membership, with 24 hour, 7 days a week access to all equipment, sauna, and fresh towels washed daily for members. Full benefits, or premium, gives you all of the above plus the added benefit of having access to a personal trainer certain days and times of the week, who writes out routines and diets for you depending on your goals, these trainers are all certified. On top of that you get access to the aerobics, pilates, and yoga lessons, and complimentary gym clothes and running shoes.

>> No.9597671

>complimentary gym clothes and running shoes.
literally wow

>> No.9597677

Just a shirt/tank top (you choose) shorts, and a shitty pair of shoes, all sporting the gym logo.

>> No.9597686

Just bread and spread. You can feed yourself for like a week on nothing but PB&J for less than $15, and it probably won't even kill you.

>> No.9597746

dirty bulk

>> No.9597760
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>no bench press machine anywhere
>get thrown out for making grunting noises
>get thrown out for strenuous exercise
>they keep fattening you up so you never lose weight

this is literally a racket

>> No.9597785

first of all I'd like to express my disgust of people like you. How do you make it into adulthood without learning even the most basic of life skills? Cooking food so you can survive? Pathetic.

Ok. So I'd get started with some simple shit. Stirfrys are great, as a are one-pot/one-pan dishes.

Get some:
Assorted veggies
Pantry basics like oil, sugar, salt etc

Basic chicken stirfry
Cook rice 1:2 ratio of rice to water simmering it once it has been brought to a boil.
In a hot pan fry off some onion. Add chicken and garlic. Add veggies. Season liberally with soysauce and a little fishsauce. Taste and adjust. Get some lime in there for acidity maybe.

Bam, there you have it. Incredibly simple, very healthy and tasty as well.

>> No.9597795

This. If you can build Legos following instructions, then you can follow a simple recipe and improve upon it with time and experience.

>> No.9597803
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it's simple, you have your mom cook all your meals until you're kicked out or go to college.
There's a reason many colleges force you to get a meal plan, most students coming in DO NOT know how to feed themselves without going to fast food.
It's surreal just how useless these kids are, they can't feed themselves, and once the batteries run out, they're completely fucking useless.

>> No.9597818

>i must go, my people need me

>> No.9597887

What this anon says. It doesn't have to be complicated in the slightest if you only want to put in minimum effort. Frozen veggies and chicken thighs are cheap and delicious in a stir fry.

>> No.9597949

If you're really lazy, sandwiches and wraps are easy and don't really require any cooking.

For simple stuff that lasts a few days and doesn't cost too much, I'd say rice with any sort of topping. Stir fry some chicken and veggies and have it on rice. It's also really easy to make taco meat with some ground meat and the seasoning packets from the store. If you also get some beans, you can eat for a week pretty easily and cheaply. You can also change up what you throw in the tacos or burritos so that you don't get tired of eating the same thing every day. I usually just do cheese, meat, bean, lettuce, and salsa.

Another really easy dish that my mom would make is basically just cook a pound of pasta and then add the zest and juice of three or four lemons and 1/3 to 1/2 cup of olive oil. Mix. Serve with some Italian blend cheese or parmesan. It's best with some chicken on it too. Maybe a salad on the side.

>> No.9598073
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I once lived with a guy like you, OP. I tried to teach him how to cook but he was stubborn and weird about cooking. I think it had to do with the fact that his girlfriend thought he was a manchild for not knowing how to cook for himself and basically living off one meal of McDonalds every day. He was probably resentful of me and didn't want to see me as a "gatekeeper" do a marker of adulthood that he felt his girlfriend arbitrarily set.

I know how to cook alright but I can understand how some people can go without knowing. I had a friend from Taiwan who told me that pretty much the only people who cook are the restaurants because everybody works all day.

>>9597785 's idea is alright but I think it's still very elaborate for a complete beginner and has a huge initial outlay of ingredients and utensils for a beginner (I'm also wondering if a beginner should be dealing with chicken.) Once your pantry and fridge are properly stocked it's really a simple recipe. But between now and then, buy some eggs, onions, a good knife, a good pan, oil/butter and a spatula and make yourself an omelette every now and than while you ween yourself from take-away. Then you can decide if there are other things you want to add to your omelette and use them for later recipes.

>>9597785 is also very good if you want to get into Asian cooking which very good to get into for beginners. Having soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil and rice can enable you to do a lot. With left over rice, you can use the sesame oil and soy sauce with garlic and white pepper for the base of fried rice.

>> No.9598174

look at youtube videos. they tend to step by step tell you what to do.
Find things you like, look for a video or two on it.
Watch them, buy the stuff, watch the video again before you cook, and during, pause the video until you catch up to where they are.
It's not going to turn out as pretty as theirs but you should be able to learn new skills and get better each time.

>> No.9598534

Chicken thighs are delicious as fuck. Not as healthy as chicken breast obviously but it taste much much better. Look up any easy marinade.

Stir fries are easy too. A basic stir fry usually consists of any combination of garlic, chillies, ginger, soy sauce, chicken stock, brown sugar, fish sauce, cornstarch.

Flank steak is quite cheap too. If you pile your plate with veggies you can stretch out the amount of servings for your flank steak

>> No.9598555

So can you actually get a decent semblance of a stirfry going if you only have an electric stovetop?
I've been out of home for 10 months and haven't had a gas oven in both places I've been in. I used to make stirfrys all the time at home (could get decent heat if you were cooking for 1-2 servings) but I assumed it would be utterly pointless trying to use a wok on an electric.
But I'm fucking dying because I love making stirfry. Honestly thinking of getting a gas burner thing because I have a big balcony.

>> No.9598560

>So can you actually get a decent semblance of a stirfry going if you only have an electric stovetop?

Sure. Use a really thick and heavy pan, like a cast iron skillet. Heat the fuck out of it before you start. Instead of relying on the power of the burner you are relying on the stored-up heat in the pan. Think of it like saving up to buy something expensive if you can't afford it out of a normal paycheck.

You can also get a wok and use it on an outdoor propane burner, or stick it straight on the coals of your grill.

>> No.9598565

Chicken thighs, beans, lentils. In season fruits are cheap, so are frozen fruits and veggies and are perfectly fine for you.

>> No.9598576

>Instead of relying on the power of the burner you are relying on the stored-up heat in the pan.
Yeah that's sort of what I was thinking because electric tops can definitely build up a fuck ton of heat, it just has to be under a flat surface.
I only have a gas BBQ so I might just look into propane burners. I have access to so much cheap meat through work and I really want to stirfry all that shit and cooking outside is fun.

>> No.9598587
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You can put your wok on your gas BBQ. Just take out the "lava rock" or whatever other kind of heat spreader your grill might have. Just stick the wok straight over the gas.

Or if you prefer, find a "turkey fryer" propane burner like pic related. They often go on sale in November for Thanksgiving.

>> No.9598593

yeah make taco bowls. cook chicken breast cook rice. cook beans. get salsa. get cheese. get tuberwares portion all that shit into like 4 tuberwares bam thats 4 meals right there

>> No.9598602

Nah it's one of those shitty flat surface grills, couldn't do anything with it like that. Was only $100 though.
I'm not American but I definitely seen shit like that around definitely gonna hook myself up.

>> No.9598603

Not OP but yeh mate would be appreciated

>> No.9598629

To be honest though if that is your work-out gear then you might as well not even bother, and just come in for the free pizza.

>> No.9598685

Meal plans are more expensive than eating fast food 3x a day, it's a racket