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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9559000 No.9559000 [Reply] [Original]

Coworkers are making fun of my lunch again
>"Anon are you eating that boiled chicken and broccoli again?

>> No.9559010
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>boiled chicken and broccoli
I would make fun of you too. Learn to cook. Or at least buy a slow cooker and cook like a girl.

>> No.9559911
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>Boiled chicken
What do you season it with, anon?

>> No.9559929

Fuck off, boiled chicken is good. Especially with a little bit of salt. Not OP, btw. Only a fag would complain about getting shit for eating one of nature's best foods.

>> No.9559935

Just salt?

>> No.9559979
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>coworkers making frivolous small talk about each others lunches

>> No.9560435

stop being wagecucks, and start your own bussines

>> No.9560538

>not using that as a way to redpill them about mealprep

>> No.9560549

>starting a business with watching netflix/anime all day and playing video games
Terrible idea tßh

>> No.9560563

mirin muh gainz

>> No.9560583

>boiled meat
>after the 16th century
What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.9560606
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>Want to eat lunch
>Break room is the size of a gas station bathroom
>No chairs or table, Just a mirror
>Half if it is filled with boxes from months ago
>Waitresses like to pack themselves inside like sardines and talk
>Only option is to move dry stock off the shelves and steal a chair from the lobby so you can relax while you eat

>> No.9560625

That's what you get for being a fatty /fit/fag. Protip: no amount of toned musculature will make you a Chad that chicks will get moist and beg for attention at the sight of. Become a real alpha and learn to cook some real food that will have you wishing they stopped begging you for more of your shows of culinary prowess and to just fuck them already.

>> No.9560650


I sometimes get made fun of for the food that I bring into work, but compared to the greasy shit they buy at the cafeteria I don't feel bad about it.

>> No.9560696

I don't eat at work and everyone treats me like a weirdo.

>> No.9560950

Poached chicken is delicious, what's wrong with you guys? Tender, moist, and amazing.

>> No.9560982

bring a boiled monkey and broccoli next time they make fun of you

>> No.9561032

>anon are you eating sopa de macaco again

>> No.9561035

uma delicia :-DDDDDDD

>> No.9561036

But I din't think I have any profitable passions.

>> No.9561122

I want to touch the fluff

>> No.9561171
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>don't usually eat lunch
>colleagues keep inviting me to it
>running out of excuses for declining

>> No.9561182

Stop being a faggot and just tell them no thanks I like to eat alone and not have my ear talked off about trivial bullshit like celebrity drama or their home life.

>> No.9561201

boiled chicken with white rice and pepper and salt. simple but satisfying, not very nutritious though, poor mans pilaf

>> No.9561204

It would be that easy if they actually were bumbling idiots.

>> No.9561247
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I ate some rice cracker and peanuts with my sandwich last week and someone laughed at me and brought my lunch to the attention of a girl nearby. she laughed too.

>> No.9561335

as long as you don't eat a banana with ketchup you are ok i think

>> No.9561367

What shit kind of place do you work?

>> No.9561474

>Be a fat fuck
>Decide to lose weight
>Eat a light salad with either chicken, eggs or leftover meat for lunch
>People constantly have to crack a joke, or comment it, as if it is just impossible for a fat person to start eating healthy
Pisses me off, but I've lost 9 kilo in 6 weeks, so the joke is on them.

>> No.9561507

Former landwhale here, bro. Keep at it- after 100 pounds I have all of them eating fucking crow, and it feels good.

>> No.9561512

Its just monkey chatter. Ignore it.

>> No.9561541

If I can lose another 10kg and go below 100kg before Christmas, then I'll be a very happy clam.
Yeah I know. I just find it disrespectful as fuck.

>> No.9561568

>boiled chicken
I'd make fun of you too tbqh

>> No.9561573

coworkers fucking suck, and the only way for a sensible man to be happy at work is either working as a freelancer or with the intellecual elite (this is still not foolproof though)

>> No.9561579

every day i bring ice cream.


>> No.9561591

What the fuck get some seasonings/make a sauce, chop the chicken and broccoli up, fry it with the broccoli and add it to rice or noodles or pasta or something. Why are you eating like an absolute peasant? No wonder youre getting made fun off.

>> No.9561601

Thats the point, Youll either let it get to you and be a fat fuck all your life or you will show them. This is how most if not all weight loss is achieved. Being called a fatty is why Im no longer a fatty.

>> No.9561613
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>bring tin of kippered herring for lunch
>coworkers complain to boss about the smell

>> No.9561618

Iam always eating the leftovers from the others dishes.

>> No.9561643

Is it so hard to use an oven?
>inb4 I have no oven

>> No.9561648

t. white boi
season your meats dumbasses

>> No.9561649

if you are alpha, shouldn't the woman make the food?

>> No.9561659

>eating healthy
>Dude you should make it unhealthy, so I don't have to feel bad

>> No.9561661

working with thai "people". Allways smells like babyshit in the lunch room. So I allways east at the loading dock.

>> No.9561706

>bury yourself in debt for a 80% chance at failure
Might as well get a masters in womens studies kek

>> No.9561713

>boiled chicken and broccoli
Why not roast them instead? Easier method and tastes better

>> No.9561726

You only get to live once, might as well make it a high risk/reward sort of life.

>> No.9561729

>boiled chicken
fucking disgusting, anon

>> No.9561730

>eating healthy
*eating healthily

>> No.9561746
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>Go to /fit/
>Half of them eat chicken broccoli and brown rice every single day


>> No.9561784

>boiled chicken with broccoli is healthy
>fried chicken with broccoli and rice/noodles/pasta is unhealthy
>it has to taste like shit to be healthy

What does it feel like to be retarded?

>> No.9562174

how much of a fucking loser do you have to be to laugh at what someone is eating? Just remember that these people are gonna be old and boring people with no hobbies so they just bug other family members all day.

>> No.9562180

If you don't do EXACTLY as everyone else, then you're a weirdo, weirdo.

>> No.9562230

I agree with you but FYI the term "fried chicken" in America almost always refers to breaded and deep fried, so it might not be the best choice of words.

>> No.9562797

>absolutely no work friends
>only ever eat breakfast or lunch, not both
>on days i don't eat, just want to keep working and not stop in middle of things
>or at least fuck around on computer
>work mandate says we MUST take a lunch break, away from work area. no working
>nowhere to go, breakroom always has others in it at this time
>drive around corner to where no one can see me and sit in car for an hour

>> No.9562942

>He hasn't carved out a tiny dining area in the back of a store room behind some strategically positioned boxes
>He doesn't tell coworkers he's taking inventory on his lunch break

>> No.9563366

It's not my fault your palate lacks subtlety and needs to be doused with flavors like some child.

>> No.9563378

I don't get it. Most people I've seen are way too busy worrying about themselves or who they're talking with to notice something as mundane as other people's food

>> No.9563383

>the only reason to do this is see how mad and insecure people like you get

>> No.9563384

Children have notoriously sensative palates and tend to only like dull food. Perhaps you meant old people?

>> No.9563385

>to ss honest
What did this retard mean by this

>> No.9564871

Why dont you just get a handheld console or something and play it in your car if you are gonna be that autistic.

>> No.9564991


I just either make the excuse that I'm going home to feed the dog (which I don't have anymore), or that I meet a friend for lunch a couple of times a week. But I do have a friend that I meet sometimes, and I live close to work. I really hate lunch - but I do dinner and happy hours with coworkers so I'm not at all an outcast.

I just hate lunch. I hate that people run back to their desks with a shitty prepped/reheated meal so they can squeeze in more work minutes when they should be enjoying their actual right to time away from their desk to recharge.

Mostly, I cut out and watch ESPN somewhere or have a beer or two, since I'm allowed to on my break.

>> No.9565070

>work 90 hours a week
>take on crushing debt
>bend over backwards for asshole customers daily
>still make jack shit after expenses
no thanks

>> No.9565073

>tfw overcooking my rice and turning it to mush 2 days in a row

>> No.9565116

We should take pity on them and teach them to at least brine and pan-sear their chicken.

>> No.9565127

I don't understand how some people have trouble cooking rice. Plain white rice with butter, salt, and pepper is one of my go-to dishes for when I'm dead tired and I want to make something I cannot possibly fuck up and expend minimal energy on.

>> No.9565146

>adding butter and salt to your rice
found the white person

>> No.9565225

i don't know what i could be doing wrong besides overcooking it

whenever i let it sit and come back there's a roiling white froth on it

>> No.9565240
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honestly why do you care? I've been eating the same boiled chicken rice and beans for weeks and as long as you like it, let your fat coworkers talk shit.

>> No.9565243

>allowing inferior women to prepare your sustenance

beta as fuck.

>> No.9565348

You deserve tin, fishfags are absolute autists

>> No.9565569

I came here to post about this problem.

>> No.9565729

>never eat lunch
>get comments on it every single lunch break
>five days a week for the past five years
>the exact same fucking comments

what drives these people

>> No.9565788

Broccoli is god-tier food, are you a child?

>> No.9565793

It's society keeping you from getting yourself killed.

>> No.9565795
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>> No.9565799

Don't boil your meat, all the nutrients are getting sucked out into the water

>> No.9565800

Good job on the broccoli.

>> No.9565806

That's why you use that water to cook the rice.

>> No.9565816

>fried chicken and pasta
Holy shit, how fucking fat are you?

>> No.9565819

You make them insecure

>> No.9565824

why not baked chicken intead?
is poached chicken healthier than baked chicken somehow

>> No.9565828
File: 27 KB, 500x333, hainanese-chicken-86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese boil chicken
>"wow what a unique and delicious dish!"
>op boils chicken
>"absolutely disgusting, kill yourself!"

>> No.9565848

Well, given that the Hainanese "boiled chicken" is poached in master stock whereas I'm sure OP's "boiled chicken" was literally boiled in plain water, yes there is a fucking huge difference.

>> No.9565851

Right, I'm sure their reaction was exactly that.

>> No.9565867

Of course you're sure, you can read the reactions in this thread.

>> No.9565877

I don't see any of the reactions referring to Chinese chicken.

>> No.9565883

Including the one literally right above your post?

>> No.9565887

Why don't you eat lunch anon?
You can have some of mine if you want.
Come down to the shop anon, you need lunch to have energy throughout the day.
No leftovers from yesterday, eh?
How come you didn't bring any food?

>> No.9565898

Are you referring to my other post calling out the stupidity of >>9565828?

>> No.9565926

Babyshit kek

>> No.9565970

but why, I don't give a shit of or what they eat

there's one woman who keeps trying to give me money to go buy lunch, but I've heard every single variation of those. every day. for five years.

>> No.9565998
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Stop wagecucking.

>> No.9566010
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No. Go be poor somewhere else.

>> No.9566199

White people's food is so 'tasty'