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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9559099 No.9559099 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about Japanese food.
All I know is sushi, mochi and okonomiyaki.

>> No.9559126

Sushi, sashimi, teriyaki, tempura, dumplings. Green tea is common, typically as matcha.

>> No.9559896

Ramen is an obvious one, but it's good shit.
Teppenyaki is also good shit, it's like a stir-fry.
Donburi is some tasty stuff served on top of rice, it's great and simple.
Soba are cold noodles, hard to get into, but underrated.

>> No.9559913

incredibly bland

>> No.9559922
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Not enough sugar and deep fried goodies?

>> No.9559932

Not enough cooking technique
Not enough any seasoning
What little seasoning there is is just soy sauce
I see video recipes from japanese cooks where they do everything in their power to avoid browning anything, and they still wash the pan just in case, I mean we wouldn't want any of that fucking flavor to get in to the food.

>> No.9559954

You're retarded. Couldn't just ignore that, sorry.

>> No.9559956
File: 80 KB, 399x614, 1503497066740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot slathering things in fucking mayonnaise. Mad that your stupid weeb food is a fucking meme?

>> No.9559962

I don't care to argue your stupid and meaningless post.
"Not enough cooking technique".
The jokers on this board.

>> No.9559967

Weeb mad someone is shitting on Japanese cuisine.

>> No.9559972

Sure thing.
Maybe I just don't have enough technique or seasoning in my shitposting, right?

>> No.9559983

how euro centric of you
plenty of world cuisines dont rely on a european conception of the maillard reaction, they achieve that flavour or added savouriess via other methods

its also just plin wrong to think japanese food doesnt brown anything, grilling is a popular method of cooking, sukiyaki involves cooking food on a hot pan with beef tallow, tepanyaki is all about browning, yakiniku, okonomiyaki or takoyaki...

>> No.9559984
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>has no argument so complains about phrasing
enjoy your unseasoned boiled beef which is only edible cut razor thin because MUH SAMURAI BANZAI CUTTING TECHNIQUE THE ICHIBAN MOST IMPORTANT SKIRRU

>> No.9560031

except japs eat everything fried and all of their ingredients have tablespoons of sugar added

>> No.9560073

>Because Tonkatsu, tempura, and karaage exist and they were the only foods I felt safe eating on my week trip to Japan, all Japanese food is fried

>> No.9560104

Japan tempura fries a shit tons of food. They don't go to the level of dessert-frying like parts of the US, but Japan loves to batter up food and fry it in oil (but they don't do a lot of baking).

>> No.9560140

Both of you are right in ways. I get anon's point about a limit of seasoning because Japanese food is more about savoring individual flavor profiles one at a time. However, they definitely have a shit load of technique.

Love me some takoyaki and sashimi.

>> No.9560144

Almost every Japanese place here does some kind of katsu. Maybe they realized Burgers are very fond of fried cutlets and it's not as popular in Japan, though.

>> No.9560155 [DELETED] 

Japanese don't do home baking, but there are many restaurants that bake just as well if not better than any bakery you'd find in Paris. I'm not as fond of that crunchy a crust but its properly made and highly regarded

>> No.9560158

no wonder weebs get so defensive over j*p """"food""""
they literally eat everything flyovers eat:
fish sticks
only uses salt and pepper
everything has shitloads of mayonnaise on it
rice is bland as fuck and soft so little timmy's teeth don't break
everything is made cute for their manchild sensibilities

>> No.9560165

Why Deleted?

>> No.9560166

Japanese don't do home baking, but there are many bakeries that bake just as well if not better than any bakery you'd find in Paris. I'm not as fond of that crunchy a crust but its properly made and highly regarded

>> No.9560374

It's all pretty simple and just an Eastern version of American cross-culture food stacks, but it's nice in it's own way.

>> No.9560384

I'm a complete and total weeb but chinese food is easily better. It just is.

>> No.9560389

>entire thread is full of flyover NEETs who love the one thing their local """japanese""" (actually owned by chinese and staffed by mexicans) restaurant cooks, or alternately hate it
>love or hate, they have very firm assumptions that everything is like it, and will gladly accept okonomiyaki and ramen as native or wagashi as foreign to protect their preconceptions
japanese is a cuisine that rapidly rocketed from "periphery mimics" to "global center", like british or american. you can find anything you want in it, and there are no hard and fast rules, as you can see from this thread where >>9560158 hates the nipshit for only being seasoned with salt while >>9559932 hates it for using soy instead of salt.
like american cooking, its shining moments aren't in fully traditional recipes. those are mainly vehicles for at best amazingly fresh and varied fish or ephemerally-delicate flavor distinctions in rice like ours are for garden-fresh veg of every sort and countless near-imperceptible variations in meat.
where japanese food really shines is its ability to mug other cuisines for good ideas - whisky-making on a par with the scots, hyper-quality premium beef in a country which had nearly banned its consumption for centuries, yoshoku's range of french-style sauces with the tang of eastern and preserved ingredients, and of course modern Tokyo's ability to provide Queens-tier access to top-quality takeout anything within 20 or 30 minutes of anywhere, except to 30 million residents rather than 3 million.

>> No.9561140

Only good answer in this thread

>> No.9561149

It's pretty popular here too desu. There are restaurant chains with their main dish being a Katsu of some kind. Usually pork, but have had beef Katsu too. It's been gaining popularity lately. There is also skewered Katsu (kushikatsu) which is pretty tasty too.

>> No.9561164

Is all your knowledge about Japanese food from youtube?

>> No.9561219

katsu are just some skewer with meat on it and probably teriyaki sauce, actually not that magical.

>> No.9561239

It's pretty bland.
Much like the Hokkaido mongs who were the original Japanese the cuisine has never evolved.
Korean and Afghan food is were it’s at when it comes to Asian cuisine.

>> No.9561244
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I made pork Katsu and curry the other day. I fucking love it.
I made the curry for this batch with the rendered fat from the chops and it was way too salty.

>> No.9562740

jap food is the most overrated in the world. their traditional food is just unseasoned fish and pickled vegetables. all of the "good" jap food is actually adopted from other countries.

>ramen: china
>curry: india via england
>tempura: portugal

>> No.9562752

gomenasai anon-sama I haven't been to kyoto to experience pure nippon perfection like you clearly have

>> No.9562852

Kinpira gobo
Anything nabe.

>> No.9563388

i love kimchi best japenese food

>> No.9563471
File: 187 KB, 1500x1125, 20160802-oyakodon-4-thumb-1500xauto-433467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making some Oyakodon on Friday. Should be good.

>> No.9563538
File: 22 KB, 289x500, Pre-China Japanese-Clothing-Kofun-Yamato-Period-250-A-D-538-A-D-japan-31064394-289-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of "traditional" Japanese culture is borrowd from China anyways.

>> No.9563603

>soy sauce

>> No.9563628

Literally "throw whatever table scraps you can find in it": The food.

>> No.9563632

this thread is cancer, and I'd expect nothing less from a bunch of neet weebs obsessed with "japanese culture".

>> No.9563712

Inferiority complex, the post.

>> No.9563831

Mochi is always delicious. It's easy to make and snack sized.

>> No.9563862
File: 380 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_7897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is Ochazuke. Its essentially rice with toppings and then hot tea poured over it to make soup. Its cheap, easy, fast, tastes good and outside the weeb sphere.

>> No.9563895

Moving back to Japan next week. Here's what I'm looking forward to.

Kaitenzushi, particularly negi toro in all its forms.
Thick Tonkotsu ramen.
Sukiyaki w/ raw egg.
Thin sliced yakiniki.
BYO shabu shabu joints.
Drunken late night gyuudon tsuyudaku.
Indian curry.
CoCoIchi Katsu Curry.
Unaju / Unagidon.
Saizeriya doria (cheap shit can be good!)
Famima Onigiri.
Street cart karaage.
Aji fry.
Izakaya style greasy gyoza and beer.
Upscale hand fried in your face Tempura.
Cheap train station Kani Cream Korroke.

That's just off the top. Gonna eat my face off the first few weeks.

>> No.9563926

Kamo negi soba.
Morozoff chocolate.
Hayashi rice.
Nikuman, PizzaMan, etc. steamed buns.
Konbini bentos too numerous to mention.
Ika kakiyage

Sorry. Got me day dreaming about the weeks to come. I'm salivating.

>> No.9564037

convenience store food sucks, man.

>> No.9564234

Sez you. I think it's wonderful. But, I've had to ride on packed rush hour trains on the daily, and I'd take Japanese konbini food over a lot of other choices. Many of the bentos are made locally each day and delivered a few times a day. It's fresh, cheap, fast, and tastes mostly like Bachelor Chow, which I happen to like. Fried stuff with mayonnaise is a favorite. Not everything good has to be fancy. Welcome to Flavortown.

>> No.9564290

at least pick up a bento from grocery store or one of the bento shops, you idiot

>> No.9564345

Why? The grocery store ones were consistently worse to my taste. I'll grant you that speciality bento shops are usually great but you often have to detour a while to reach one, which on a day with 3+ hours of commuting time isn't an ideal situation.

>> No.9564843
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No way, me too

>> No.9565061
File: 31 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that salad they serve at shopping mall food court teriyaki places?

I'm thinking it's mostly napa cabbage, but there's also some kind of dressing.

>> No.9565076
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Besides all the obvious, Japs make the best goddamn pancakes on the planet. If you ever visit Japan, don't leave until you try them.

>> No.9565706

Why don't you move closer to work instead of commuting 3+ hours a day?

>> No.9565708

Don't see how that can be. Most grocery stores make stuff on premise. convenience stores (have stuff shipped in). It's processed, salty garbage. I never understood the obsession foreigners have with convenience stores in Japan, but whatgever...

>> No.9565973
File: 37 KB, 437x437, 1483444777518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna go to Osaka for about 2 weeks in winter.

What do I absolutely have to eat?

>> No.9566025


551horai and sukiyaki. Basically set, then head out to numerous izakayas, like if you have the budget to go the high end places every izakaya is going to be the best experience ever (assuming you are from the states). Torikizoku on low end is good they have so much good stuff and its so cheap. Try chicken heart for example with a good mug of "beer".

I dunno what do you like, now there are so many restaurants of different styles it sick. Ofc if its your first time in japan get a good okonomiyaki, sushi whatever. Also italian and french food in really high end places is better that in europe(i'm european so I know), chinese restaurants are top notch, korean places all around maybe you go to Tsuruhashi, go beyond the touristy yakiniku and find some good bistro/bar. Really authentictic korean food really really cheap.

There are so many "oroshiya" type places to get fresh seafood you can grill yourself around that you are best set with finding the ones that really entice you some way. Ok so shinsaibashi has always been touristic but now its china land, you have to be a bit of the main or know where you are going to not get ripped off in some generic as fuck touristy sushiripoff.

Take a kaitensushi when you are down on money:


That sushi will be better than you get in any "nyc omakase" shit place and will cost pennies.

Generally don't go to the first place you see, go the places that are popular in japan( low end is cheap yet in the total scale really ok, mid priced japanese places tend to be really really good, high end can be a ripoff but mostly amazing really there are some places that are tourist traps like anywhere else.

>> No.9566031

thanks man, appreciate it

>> No.9566033

It's pretty popular on this board.
Though I can't blame anyone, it's fucking great comfort food, and I wasn't even brought up with it. I just have comfy memories of my time in Japan and it tastes fucking great.

>> No.9566034

Takoyaki, it is the Osaka dish

While you're there try Ramen everywhere, Sushi anywhere and GoGo Curry

>> No.9566045


On the sweet side japanese artisan chocolate has some gems. Most bakeries which are not totally in the suburbia are spectacular, really over the edge in goodness. Try local stuff like sweet potato based stuff.

Good coffee as in really good coffee is pretty UG, but you'll get a drinkable cup in most places.

Go in to a place with wagashi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagashi)) and tea, aim for high end to get something new to you palate. The tastes are really mild so maybe not after a night you with curry.

Speaking of curry japanese curry places are definately worth a visit, most places have a really original taste and method. Also there are loads and loads of authentic indian places with regionally different recepies from india/nepal with actual indians making them.

Also try "asian" food as in SEA places, really really much going on in there too. Vietnamese tends to be bit meh, but find a place with a bit more than peanuts and pho.

Breads and cheeses in japan are meh.

>> No.9566079


For value go to an all you can eat shabu shabu or yakiniku. Take the bit higher priced course + no limit alcohol. Fire up the grill for 120min and get absolutely pissed on high balls and beer.

Its value if you have a stomach that can take it.

In buffets you leave no leftovers so don't over order.

Anyways you should also eat meat, real waguy like get the japanese meat not american or aussie if the all you can eat place has the choice. Its not something you get everyday elsewhere.



Places like that are literally everywhere. Many izakayas will also be drink as much you can stomach with a food course(not all you can eat).

Good times remember going in for lunch at a mall with my father in law for shabu shabu(you should try it also its good) all you can eat+ all you can drink (900yen how fucking cheap for unlimited beers is that???)

90minutes we ate a horseload of meat and veggies, tofu all there was and drank a barrel of beer. This was 1 p.m and nobody even bats an eye. Truly gorgeus.

>> No.9566085

Food pics from Japan.

>> No.9566106


Is this all the same person?

>> No.9566107

Oyakodon is amazing. Egg yellow on top is a must for the rice.

>> No.9566118

japanese literally invented term umami.
your post is so stupid and ironic in it's own way
>anime shitposting
should've known better

>> No.9566121



So you obviously have to try different types of sake, go to a shop in a touristy place and ask if they can help you in english. Its not for everyone personally think it better than white wine.

shochu (japanese up to 25% or something abv) Get a cheap buzz or buy something decent, it tastes like alcohol so as an alco I personally like it.

High ball: drink from whisky and tonic+flavouring mostly 7-9% This stuff is dangerously good. Its a smooth ride to drunken town and its literally dirt cheap in any supermarket( btw try to avoid going to 7/11 and lawson etc. konbinis are for the busy japanese its price but convenient. Do you shopping in actual stores..

Chuhai: A drink mix with cheap bubbly alcohol and flavourings. Get a strong one at 9% be a man and drink in the middle of the rush and see the frowny faces. (public drinking is not in any way illegal in japan btw.)

Ok so the daisan and other beer imitations : if you want something that tastes somewhat beer like and costs less that beer buy it.

Beer: asahi or kirin thats it. Ok try and artisan hipster gay beer whatever I'm personally in that gay shit.

Whisky: prices have gone so much up that its sick, I used to get a good bottle for 2300yen 10 years ago now its all high prices since the foreigners found out that japanese whisky actually is the shit. Its really good try it.

Wine: Most japanese fruit "wines" and drinks are a bit pricy but lets say you want to drink a peach wine, japan has that and its really good.

Protip for night life: Alcohol is generally cheap, you get free drink tickets too. Clubs are not so common best to find some on the net and just visit to see if its your style. People go drinking in izakayas, so its a little less grinding and dancing but osaka has that too . Just remember to update your fashion game, people here use a LOT of money of clothes.

Personal tip: get the cheapest possible shochu in the store and drink it. In a milk carton kind of container.

>> No.9566123


Yes just trynna help.

>> No.9566148

The company I worked for sent me to different locations every few weeks. Sometime 20 minutes away, sometimes 1.5 hours. I didn't have much choice, and the Japanese have little sympathy for long commutes.

Grocery store bento: made in house, sits for hours and hours if not in a popular store.
Konbini bento: made in a commissary 20 minutes away, sold in less than 3 hours. Fresh ones delivered twice a day. I actually lived across the street from one of the comissaries and would watch them load up for morning delivery.

The York Mart and Livre Keisei bentos near me were always greasier and less fresh. Plus if I'm in a grocery store, I can probably just get something from one of the shops/restaurants attached, like the katsu stand or soba shop.

My experience may be unique, I suppose.

>> No.9566149

>Yes just trynna reddit.

Fair enough

>> No.9566161



>> No.9566559

l m f a o kys, my man

>> No.9567091

umami is nipbark for savory

>> No.9567257

Came here to say this. Love nip games, cars, ecchi, etc etc, but the food is just way too bland for my taste.

>> No.9567481

>savory is a poor attempt to describe umami that cumskins use because they aren't intelligent enough to detect the additional nuances in food


>> No.9568305

shut up weeb

>> No.9568597

>inb4 some autistic weeb tries to say that you're wrong

>> No.9569434

why is your curry so black? did you make kanazawa curry?

>> No.9569440

As the pork fat was slowly rendering some bit were getting charred and caramelised. I mixed it in with the curry and it went dark.

>> No.9569858

That curry looks like tar
But i've seen curries like that, so kudos to you

>> No.9570755

Seared salmon flakes are good but the best one are served with pickled plum

>> No.9571837


iceberg lettuce with cheap vinaigrette

>> No.9572212

It "should" be shredded napa (prob with a veggie peeler) and a rice vinegar vinaigrette spiced up with soy sauce and sesame seeds, but yeah it's probably chopped iceberg and something from a bottle.

>> No.9572228

I just got the ingredients to make a Katsudon bowl.

Asian food is the best for munchies.

>> No.9572283

Well as far as I've been traveling through japan before I can get why some people just throw in generalization. Sushi, and especially raws foods in generals taste like paper after you have eaten many times. These non-heavy cuisine are in fact sold in every corner of any local places. But is are all Japanese food bland? well if you have a common sense, then no. there are plenty of distinctive flavored Japanese foods as there are unflavored Japanese foods. Saying why Japanese food is bland is the same thing as saying why are American so fat, why is X food is so bad, or why can't /ck/ make a any helpful thread for once? all in all, memes.

>> No.9572914

What is unflavored japanese food?
Something like sushi, if you eat it slowly you can taste many flavors. But if you just eat it fast and all it may taste bland. Still, most food are based on savoury base (soy sauce, dashi). I don't think there are that many of unflavored food.

>> No.9573286

Anyone here know the shelf(more like refridgerator)-life of dashi stock?