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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 669x434, alcoholism-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9497072 No.9497072 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ thread
weekend is almost over edition

>> No.9497091

Still have about 17 hours until I have to be at work tomorrow and I plan on using every one of those for drinking

>> No.9497122

you sure you can drive yourself to work?

>> No.9497147

I managed to leave my .5 liter of rum alone even though I was out of beer. Meant leaving the house and getting beer and whatnot even though it was raining. On my 4th beer now. I'll talk myself for the trouble tomorrow.

>> No.9497206

It's a short 5 minute walk. I'm just a nervous wreck because I'm starting somewhere new and have really bad anxiety. Will probably only have a couple drinks in the morning.

>> No.9497233
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>stop drinking for two days
>feel extreme euphoria/happiness after quitting
>continue drinking the third night

>> No.9497238

If you are feeling extreme euphoria 3 days after stopping you are fucking fine. Enjoy your brewski. Stick to beer

>> No.9497249

I've slow down a lot in the past months and only drink at night, but I really want to quit completely. Been to the hospital in the past for withdrawals btw.

>> No.9497259
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>think im not an alc anymore
>lose job
>drink 12-18 drinks a night, with binges on the weekend for nearly 2 months

wew lad.

take away social obligations like work and my default is drinking. went back to AA today, felt kinda good desu.

alcoholism is fucking tricky. Only disease that will try and convince you that you dont have it

>> No.9497276

This is why I say having a job you're committed to and depend on, or having an /out/ hobby you can't do drunk is the best cure for alcoholism.

>> No.9497292

part of the reason i went back to aa was because i couldnt enjoy a lot of activities if i wasnt wasted, vidya sober was terrible, wouldnt work out because felt like shit all the time

>> No.9497324

This is why I'm kind of happy I joined the military. As much as I hate it, it really keeps me in check. So far I've only shown up drunk once after 2 months. Without it I'd still be a bum drinking close to a handle a day starting right when I wake up. Now I only day drink on the weekends. During the week I'll usually only drink about a 6 pack a night. Trying to slowly lower how much I drink. Might be able to quit completely by the new year. Some days I really don't even feel like drinking anymore. It's just tough when everybody knows you as the drinking guy. Especially when I go back home to visit my old buddies when I'm on leave. I just feel like it's disrespectful to not drink with them.

>> No.9497393

Good on you then. smarter than me. I just don't want that shit in my file. I just taper as scientifically as I can... Kind of a reverse exponential taper. I haven't had liquor in 3 days and I was in rough shape. the first couple days was soul crushing emotional hell. I gotta drink beer for the rest of the week tho. I really don't have any intention to not drink beer. You gotta want to to pickle yourself on beer..

>> No.9497465
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hahahahahahaha death is too good for us hahahahahaha enjoy your long slow painful deaths while you hurt everyone around you hahahahahaha

>> No.9497514

Wow. Check out the edge on this fucking 9000 times folded meme. Sharp as a razor. Faggot

>> No.9497547

hahahaha hit a little too close to home for you lassy??? there's only one place in this world for cunts like you and me

>> No.9497585

Posted on here six days ago asking about how bad the withdrawals were. First few days were not that bad these past few have sucked. I'm on serax taking one every six hours. But today I felt like shit and hoping I can go to sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow. I have to check in with the doc tomorrow too but I'm already considering buying some booze tomorrow if I don't feel any better. Ugh.

>> No.9497587
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How many nights of getting drunk a week would you consider a "problem"?

>> No.9497590

about 4 days after stopping I become like half-way normie and start actuallydoing my job, exercising, reading etc. Then a few days after that I always end up back drinking 4 days strait. Repeat for 2 years now. I'm kind of curious to see if i can last 2 weeks without drinking, but I've tried that before and it doesn't happen/

>> No.9497597

You'll know when it's a problem, trust me.

>> No.9497601
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When I see a really cute girl irl, I'm often in the liquor store within the hour, and drinking for a few days.

>> No.9497607

Yeah what if it did. And who you calling lassie Sally?

>> No.9497623

It's funny too cause I am a bit buzzed (off the rum for now and fine with beer) and I didn't se the "us" and read it as a simple scathing sarcastic insult from a sober person. Guess I'm projecting a bit

>> No.9497630

well left the addiction treatment center. desu im not sure i should keep browsing this thread, makes me want to drink again.

>> No.9497638
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The life of the rich and the constantly smashed is the life I lead as I sit on my ass.


>> No.9497645

Go away!!! <3

>> No.9497655

Don't know what to tell you man. Should probably avoid shit that makes you want to drink for a while. I find that sobriety just gives me the confidence to start drinking more.

>> No.9497664

yeah im still going to meetings, was done the "classroom" part of it all, would have just been sober living with a bunch of stupid fucking rules
now im in my own basement suite, shits cash

>> No.9497680

This thread is turning into my meetings. Never been to aa. No intent to stop completely.. But at least motivates me to get through any withdrawals I encounter by cutting back. And closer to baseline. Jerks for me but absolute sobriety doesn't work for me right now. If you want it tho, that's all. You really need. I've done it. Just never with the desire to make it permenant.

>> No.9497697
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>drink for 2 months straight
>quit cold turkey
>zero withdrawals


Any one else lucky when it comes to detox?

>> No.9497706

Tried a myriad of things and have been able to stop cold turkey.

Includes things like alcohol, tobacco, illegal and prescription drugs. Addiction has no effect on me.

>> No.9497724

I think we should get an extra weekend day. its not fair. weekdays have 5 and the weekends have 2
what kind of bullshit is that

>> No.9497728

how old and how long have you been drinking for?
>2 months straight

>> No.9497732

I agree. I have no classes Monday so that's basically the same. Fucking lifesaver, I love getting drunk in peace on Sunday nights

>> No.9497736

21. I started drinking at age 16. I know 2 months isn't a lot but I know people who've had withdrawals after a month.

>> No.9497740

well enjoy it while you can i guess
i sure did at your age

>> No.9497744

How old are you now? Jw.

>> No.9497752

28, drinking since i was 18, daily since probably 22
sober the past 3 months
the past year i started having seizures while stopping, unable to quit, would drink for days on end rather than just at night, etc etc

>> No.9497766

How many drinks a day did you average at your worst? And did you go to the hospital for whithdrawal? I have a lot of alcoholism in my family so I'm trying to stay on top of things (as much as I can)

>> No.9497767

not OP but my hangovers changed from headache/nausea to something very different around 23

comes on light at first, sense of doom, sort of weak and the feeling that maybe a beer with lunch the day after might help.

next thing you know youre going out of the house on bs errands so you can slam something back in the parking lot so the fear goes away

i never got DT's and my WD symptoms were probs pretty minor but you know it when you feel it

>> No.9497780

>How many drinks a day did you average at your worst?
probably 750ml a day or so
>And did you go to the hospital for whithdrawal?
>I have a lot of alcoholism in my family so I'm trying to stay on top of things (as much as I can)
kek probably too late for that
you'll find help when you need it

>> No.9497784

I know this is a retarded question, but I need to know. Is there a way to snap out of being drunk? It can be within 30 minutes for all I care. Getting extremely paranoid every time I get drunk, and I want to sober up so I can stop.

>> No.9497790

slam down some water and some food and some coffee, wait like 30 minutes maybe take a nap, vomit, take a shit etc

>> No.9497793

Work out and take a cold shower.

>> No.9497810

This is what I experience. I don't sneak tho. A hangover for me is just feeling generally shitty but I know I can make it. Withdrawals for me are when that sense of doom comes. Like I may have died at some point and am just living a nightmare purgatory and my soul is lost in the ether. Not completely lost but my connection to it is tertiary. This subsides after a few days. My heart beats normally after a couple days. My appetite starts to come back and everything turns out okay. I flirt with this. Problem is it's happening more often than I would like. First time was last year.

Had my first beer when I was 13. Started binge drinking at 17. Didn't drink regularly till was about 25. Haven't been sober over a week since then except I took 2 months off after tapering off my first no shit dt withdrawal last March. Drink steadily but not to excess most of the time but sometimes I'll down a bottle. That's when I get withdrawals. Just getting over my 3rd or 4th. I'm 35. Don't fly too close to the sun young bucks. You will know when you have.

>> No.9497833

im 25 now, giving aa a second go.

the doom feeling is surreal. i never got full dt's but the anxiety gets so intense in that state that i would say that some of the worst ones were near delirious.

usually would get it bad after a weekend liquor binge that was preceded by my regular beer habit. its this terrible feeling that you might just die and float away.

weirdest part was the shaking.i never visibly shook but my hands felt like they were. like the electrical connection was shoddy, that and the brain zaps, those werethe worst

>> No.9497841
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alot like pic related

>> No.9497863

I am familiar. Same pattern for me. The doom only comes after a binge, usually drinking my way out 2 days in a row. The thing that got me the worst in the only no shit dt I think I've really had (I've shaken when I was younger.. But that was due to being an idiot when I was in my late teens drinking way too much in a few hours) was being exhausted due to anxiety getting in the way of falling aslee.. Drifting just Avove unconsciousness in turmoil for hours and when I finally relaxed enough to feel safe enough to drift off to sleep I would feel this crazy wishing noise fill my head and a terrifying sense of panic like I was falling off a cliff and I would jolt up in a start, filled with adrenaline and have to start the process over. This went on for a few days. I actually went home to my old mans house and stated there for a couple more days. Lucky my job was flexible I guess.

One of the worst experiences of my life.

And yet I still flirt with that shit. Fucking insane.

>> No.9497872

Ugh yup Only thing it's missing is a tight chest with a heart that skips a beat every time you wonder when it's going to stop.

>> No.9497906

For the record I just remembered there have been two no shit dts. First one was actuall November of my 33rd year. Hunting trip in the north woods. Liquor every day. Drank my way out for 4 days straight. In my memory I actually chalked it up to a bad trip on psychedelics, because that's how it felt. Same crazy shit tho. Just without the whooshing.

>> No.9497928

hang in there anon.

hopefully we can both get away from this shit

>> No.9497939

>tfw as I've gotten fatter, my alcohol resistance has increased

>> No.9497950


that's the word I meant to use

>> No.9497954

Went to drinking 5 times a week to 3 times a week. Baby steps right bros?

>> No.9497955

that fat is clogging up your brain

>> No.9497978
File: 57 KB, 317x800, 1484087859648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's okay, I'll die soon

>> No.9497992

being perpetually drunk is amazing. ive been drinking since friday afternoon

>> No.9497999

I just started drinking grain alcohol. Is the my sign to stop?

>> No.9498022


>> No.9498031

Have you gone to sleep yet, or are you waking up drunk

>> No.9498035

it's Monday morning. just bought some more booze. been sleeping in 3 hr bursts when i get too drunk

>> No.9498039

I do the same thing but in 6hr bursts, Not sober when I wake up but drunk either.

>drink 6 hrs
>sleep 6 hours
>drink 6 hours
>sleep 6 hours

and so on

>> No.9498040

Alright, I'm making this my last bottle of it ever. Taste like shit, anyways. it doesn't even give me a buzz, just a full on drunk.

>> No.9498042

There's no weed thread and I'm also developing alcohol problems so I'll post here I guess.

It's been roughly a couple hours since my last high ended and now I'm crying again.

I drank half a bottle of gin last Friday and I want to drink more but I really should be sleeping rn. Why does my tolerance skyrocket so quickly? Last week I could still get drunk off of two beers, and I only drink maybe twice a week..

I'll just get crossed tomorrow instead....

>> No.9498044

stfu and have a drink faggot

>> No.9498047
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How badly has alcohol ruined your face?

>> No.9498048


>> No.9498058

b-but anon I have an interview tomorrow

>> No.9498102

had 1 meal in 3 days. been drinking sugary booze

>> No.9498156
File: 79 KB, 1300x863, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drank a quarter litre of vodka last night then drove to work 6 hours later, was that a bad idea? it's a 25 mile drive btw

>> No.9498183

anybody having a drink atm

>> No.9498189

I had 375ml of whiskey about an hour ago. I should probably feel something but I am just tired.

>> No.9498197

where are you from?

>> No.9498208

why's that?

>> No.9498209

should i buy more booze? I'm not drunk enough to pass out

>> No.9498214

when it interferes with your social, work or family life. if you drink heavily on Fridays and Saturdays like me who doesn't ever go out on those days then it's not really a problem.

If you value your long term health though then it is a problem, but I don't want to live long anyway.

>> No.9498221
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>> No.9498234

sure, why not?

>> No.9498240

Is anyone up? Just woke up shaking and sweating at 4:30 am. Took a few shots and finished my food from yesterday evening. I'm waiting for the tired to hit me but I doubt it will, what's up al/ck/?

>> No.9498246

i just cooked some steam.

>> No.9498255

Doing alright, working through the hangover and shitposting when no one's looking. You a NEET or a wageslave?

>> No.9498261

How does one cook steam? Aside from the boiling water part...
I'm doing well. I would consider myself a NEET, but I'm young and have money that I've saved up. I'm visiting friends and they're all normies at drinking so I'm alone in my strifes at the moment. But since I'm out of town they know where ALL the great food is, which is a plus. I know it's a shitty meme, but I'm glad I'm not in flyoverland.

>> No.9498271
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Although I have been a wagelsave at several points. For being a millennial faggot and a hard worker I've managed to save up a pretty decent amount. I'm great with personal finance and between a dishwasher/prep cook job and working for Whole Foods (we always called it whole paycheck), I bought myself a $11,000 car and saved enough money to pay my rent and travel wherever I want for the next two-ish years.
The al/ck/ has hit me bad lately, I really hope it doesn't fuck up my fiscal planning but I'm up to a handle of vodka per day...
How's your shit going, anon?

>> No.9498276

Also- you can't get hangovers if you utilize hair of the dog. An old (literally old as fuck) buddy taught me that. Sure, it's a bad idea in the long run. But you're already posting in these threads, aren't you?

>> No.9498279

>It's been banned in several countries for a reason
Cigarette taxes. Snus is too effective to stop smoking.

>> No.9498281

Dude seriously tell me how you cook steam, I'm fucking intrigued.

>> No.9498283

Did you mean steak big b0ss? That would explain things.

>> No.9498322
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eh, not too well. my mental health has been steadily deteriorating this last year and I refuse to take the meds the mental health people prescribed me. I drink heavily on the weekends mainly to make them feel more worthwhile before I have to go to work.

I'm still pretty young so I haven't acquired the taste of any alcoholic drinks, (literally hate the taste of anything with alcohol in it) so I just down as much cheap vodka as I can and drink pepsi immediately after so I don't have to deal with the awful taste.

>> No.9498342
File: 121 KB, 607x999, rose107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna try some rose wine

how is it

>> No.9498347

i kno u ppl have some problems along w/ ur drinking problem but i also just want to know how rose wine tastes like sry

>> No.9498350

It's ok served ice cold on a hot day.

>> No.9498430

It tastes pink. Get the third cheapest bottle in the store and try it.
What is the girl holding in her mouth, the water bottle is unopened?

>> No.9498436
File: 77 KB, 750x750, rose56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It tastes pink
im sorry i cant help buthink nail polish remover
>What is the girl holding in her mouth, the water bottle is unopened?
its air!

>> No.9498450

Got an infected gum next to a wisdom tooth. It's fucking killing me. I planned to drink what I have left and then eat Indian takeout until I was full and pass out but I'm not sure I can even chew at this point. Should I just go buy more booze instead? Only got 50 minutes to decide.

>> No.9498459

drink more so you don't feel it, go to the ER. They will shoot your gum full of novicaine

>> No.9498477

robitussin and go to the er like>>9498459
get ur shit together

>> No.9498479

You need medical attention, it won't go away like that.

>im sorry i cant help buthink nail polish remover
I taste like wine, not red wine, but not exactly white wine either. Some consider it girly, snobby French consider it not real wine, I think it's OK for a non-pretentious drink.
Shouldn't taste of isopropanol.

>> No.9498482

ill try it

>> No.9498495


>Go to the ER
Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here

>> No.9498572


Take painkillers and make an appointment to a doctor. Afterwards pat yourself on the back and treat yourself with a bottle of vodka because you did the right thing in the right order.

>> No.9498602

winefag here

good rose is hard to find outside of france, it winds up being either too sweet or too soapy

cabernet franc and cabernet sauvignon roses tend to be the best, there are a few from south africa that are actually pretty good and like 9 dollars

>> No.9498608 [DELETED] 

>good rose is hard to find outside of france
Your california is showing

>> No.9498629

I'm a sommelier

even french roses have caved to the trend of becoming like pink lemonade, but you can still find earthy, peppery, and even herbacious roses in france and some boutique stores

good luck finding one in aldie

>> No.9498636

If you were a sommelier you'd know it's spelled rosé.

>> No.9498649

please don't fuck up your life anon. you are in a very good position but you could fuck it up very easily

>> No.9498651

Kids pls go.

>> No.9498657

holy fucking shit lads, turn on the news

>> No.9498659


Finished off the beers and ate the Indian food. I feel punch drunk. Like I've gone 3 rounds without gloves. The whole left side of my face feels almost entirely numb but there's an underlying and ignorable pain. No more booze to dull it either. Gonna have to go to the dentist tomorrow. This is awful.

>> No.9498665


Did you just wake up? It's been going for like 6 hours now.

>> No.9498668

I fell asleep on my porch swing drunk

>> No.9498671
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>implying I'm gonna waste 2 minutes finding the special character button in word and pasting it to 4chan

okay buddy
post wine, I don't wanna fight

this is a solid sparkling rose, mildly yeasty, reminds me of strawberry cream cheese, about 20 bucks. Good intro to rose.

>> No.9498672

Makes sense

>> No.9498685 [DELETED] 

aldie? is that a misspelling of aldi? if you're shopping for wine at fucking aldi you're beyond hope. do you shop for fish at the jiffy lube too?

>> No.9498686

in the context of the reply it was about good rose being hard to find, Aldi (sorry I'm drunk) was an example of a place you would not find good rose

>> No.9498689 [DELETED] 

how hard a wine is to find at aldi and how hard a wine is to find are not the same thing

I can't find aspirin at the sunglass hut either, does that mean aspirin is obscure?

>> No.9498693

but aldi sells a shitton of rose and it's all garbage. it's about GOOD rose

the grocery store doesn't matter. It's true for Giant, Safeway, pretty much all of them.

>> No.9498702 [DELETED] 

as I said before, if you're shopping for wine at aldi you're beyond hope. you can swap out the name "aldi" for whatever supermarket you prefer. you might find a few ultra-mainstream overpriced wines at some supermarkets. cristal, various napa cabs, etc. but if you're too lazy to go to an actual wine store you have only yourself to blame, this is not an "availability" problem it's a you problem.

>> No.9498719

Baguette here.
It's generally accepted that [rest of the world] can't into AZERTY keyboard and special characters. Except Québec.

I read that Aldi had surprisingly good gin, whiskey and rosé. They won prices.
It's probably a strategy to get clients for one product with no profit, who will buy other stuff.

I think you both agree, but are too drunk to realise.

>> No.9498732

how long do you guys sleep when you pass out? I only sleep about 6 hours max

>> No.9498743

I want to take the 10 mg of xanax I have and drink the highest abv beer I can find and fall asleep and never wake up

>> No.9498750

Depends on how drunk I am. If I'm shitfaced I'll sleep for like 12 hours, but wake up feeling worse than if I got 4 hours of sober sleep.

>> No.9498756


>> No.9498760

lol 10mg won't kill you.

My ex took her entire prescription (180mg) of xanax and half a fifth of captain morgan and didn't die, An she was about 100lbs at the time. She was just fucked up for 4 days straight and couldn't walk without falling for 8 or 9 days.

Don't be an attention whore, I didn't give her attention and no on will give you any for your half hearted suicide attempt.

>> No.9498774

That shit won't work, you'll wake up and projectile vomit all over your bed and have a hangover 100x worse than you can imagine. There are better ways to kys.

>> No.9498790

If I black out on the couch it's about 5-6 hours before I wake up. If I go to bed I'll be on an off for up to 12 hours provided I've got nothing to get up for.

>> No.9498799

well thanks I guess I'll just stick to mixing downers to numb myself instead of making myself puke

>> No.9498854

stop taking xanax, all those pills are not even that fun of a high and they fuck your brain up.

anyway a 6pack of 10% beer is my choice for today

>> No.9498874

i need booze

>> No.9498878

i nkow this feeling brother
no matter how many times i will say it or drink in your name you will stay without a drink

i know the pain of being poor in the army and an alcoholic
may heavens get you booze buddy because i sure as hell cant

>> No.9499127
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what does the author gain by making a loli so bodacious

>> No.9499280

Zeppelin cider, £4.09 for 3 litres of 7.5% bevs
gonna be a good afternoon

>> No.9499316

what is the best bourbon for old fashions

>> No.9499322
File: 44 KB, 640x400, b9e0a59ff763e0e0f61f34fb2166422769f8302c_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drunk at 9 am

>> No.9499326

This desu. No obligations, so why not.

>> No.9499328

My face has gotten a lot fatter/rounder. I also have these crags on my forehead that I never used to have and they aren't acne scars or anything, so I don't know if drinking has something to do with that or not.
Other than that I'm pretty ok, could be a lot worse.

>> No.9499342

Well crags isn't the right word, they're more like barely visible dents.

>> No.9499347

>being this autistic

>> No.9499369

eternal summer nigga

>> No.9499402

A relatively large scar on my forehead, just on the hairline. It'll be very visible as soon as I start losing my hair.
A lack of smile due to anhedonia.
Crevasses on the side of my mouth, due to permanently biting my lips when anxious.
Probably dull skin and enlarged pores on my nose.

>> No.9499455

Never feel you have an obligation to drink even if it's your reputation.
Most will respect you taking the healthier choice and you should put yourself before them

>> No.9499565

I've been slamming raw bams of herawn for like six days, should I buck up and get my nut up or quit cold turkey and doggy out some jimmies?

>> No.9499574

i wish i had a gf with tits like that

>> No.9499686

I wish I had a gf

>> No.9499708
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20171002_142226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drinking vodka since 3am
>sister in law called
>talked her way into coming over to watch TV


I just wanted to be left alone

>> No.9499735

>Wake up
>30 minutes until store opens
>Shitting out beer piss water right now no idea for how long

It's the final fucking countdown
It's like I'm in some high paced action movie

>> No.9499743


>> No.9499768
File: 286 KB, 1080x720, tile1_2017_atomic_pumpkin.jpg?sfvrsn=39d7e47c_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can recommend this for pumpkin fans. habanero's got my tongue tingling, damn good beer

happy october, boys

>> No.9499776

i can always afford booze i just couldn't get out of bed
I'm 50 oz deep atm

>> No.9499792

you gonna fuck your sister in law, dude?

>> No.9499808

I am going to have to pick some up. Is it widely available?

>> No.9499816

whu does my hair fall out when I drink?

>> No.9499853

lol no.

She likes to hang out at my house because she can smoke weed here (my brother is a LT in the state police).

I wouldn't fuck her if she was the last woman on earth, I literally find my blood sister more attractive then my sister in law.

>> No.9499863
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Got some stuff for negronis

Working on assembling the equipment for a still, any home distillation people here?

Doing it on a budget and what I can find on gumtree. Already got a couple (beer) brews going but never done spirits.

>> No.9499874
File: 42 KB, 823x549, IMG_1242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to retire, buy this flat, have booze and food delivered every day and just be eternally drunk.
This is my cosy

>> No.9499884

What's stopping you

>> No.9499893

There's a good thread on diy right now

>> No.9499897

Money. That mansion is probably worth 1/4mil

>> No.9499907

Move to Detroit, There are mansions to be had for pretty cheap

>> No.9499917

London property prices are ridiculous.
I know a guy who pays 30 grand a year for a parking space that he has to share and isn't guaranteed to get priority on.
He is a rich bastard though, old money elite.

>> No.9499941

Damn son.

Fuck that shit, I pay 500/month for a 1100sq ft condo with a garage. Live in the wealthiest county in the state, Almost all white

>> No.9499954

Do you think anyone has ever blown their brains out, because their hangover sucks?

>> No.9499962

Probably. Not that far fetched

>> No.9499976
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I-is this a lot? I remember my father getting angry at my mother for selling for 250k. It was only 7b 4ba.

>> No.9499980


>you will never have £5mil, and live in the king's chamber of a castle, then have nightly competitions to see how many body parts you can have sucked simultaneously by teen wenches bearing goblets of mead
Lets all put our money together and buy al/ck/ castle.

>> No.9499995

Oops, I didn't mean to link the gallery.
Depends where it is. You need to be rich to buy in London nowadays.

>> No.9500033

I'm trying not to. Thanks for your support, homie.

>> No.9500039


>> No.9500043

I made it to the queue 5 minutes before closing I was fucking lucky.
It's like that movie with the bus driver who couldn't slow down

>> No.9500047

oh yuck you dont want to live there

>> No.9500051

Why not?

>> No.9500099

I can't think of anywhere in the uk you could get 7 beds for 250k
I wish I could buy 2 places, then live in one and rent the other out. I could just... drink and drink, 24/7

>> No.9500133

I want to try Sake. Reccomend me a brand.

>> No.9500274

Ozeki Nigori, Gekkeikan, and Juyondai.

>> No.9500299
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>mom died almosta year ago
>still get awful spikes of pain about it and it makes me drink way more than I need
>also taking benzos for anxiety and hardly work
fuck me

>> No.9500303
File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, 20171002_165939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do you guys drink a week

About a gallon and a half of vodka and a 24 pack of beer, Plus xanax

>tfw alarmingly low on vodka

I like to keep 2 gallons just as a reserve/emergency but I didn't go into town yet this week

>> No.9500310

Fuck, are you me?

Also sorry about your mom too. I decided I'm going to drink until I die or kill myself after I lost my mom

>> No.9500315

the shittiest part is both my mom and died from the fucking drink; my mom from liver failure and my dad from choking on his own puke

I'm just fulfilling a destiny and there's nothing I can do about it

>> No.9500319

There are 1€ castles in France. You still need a few millions to make it liveable (less if you have an armada from /diy/)
There are probably others all around Yurop.

>> No.9500352

That's sad man, I'm sorry.

>> No.9500364

I see you're a man of bottom shelf too

>> No.9500375

Can't beat 15 dollars a handle, An I can't get drunk enough from beer alone. Too much liquid

>> No.9500378

Anyone seen the movie Thief (1981)?

>> No.9500380

I'm sorry for your loss as well, losing a parent young is shit

>> No.9500387

Don't I know it.

Still doesn't feel real from time to time, Sounds beta as fuck but sometimes I wish I could still hold and smell my mom. Nothing else on earth gave me as much comfort and calm as my mom holding me, Not xanax....alcohol.


I'm devoting my life now to staying as fucked up as I can almost all the time, Hoping to die soon so I can be with her. No more then 10 years at most

>> No.9500391

james cann? ya

>> No.9500401

Watching it for the first time, Someone told me It's the most realistic mob movie out.

>> No.9500412

That's not beta, I would give anything to be able to hear my mom bitch me out again for something like cnot cleaning my room. Sometimes I call my dad's house when he's not home and listen to the voicemail message because it's still her voice

>> No.9500569

Fucking sucks lad. What are you drinking tonight

>> No.9500594

why does my mom spit in my face?

>> No.9500629

that's beautiful in a sad way. I've done it too, just not for parents (luckily).

Hope all you lads can find some peace

>> No.9500639

My dad passed away a few months ago from cancer, and I still have several voicemails of his saved. I haven't listened to them yet, I don't even know if I will because I know it isn't the same as having one more conversation, but it's nice to know that I could hear it again if I felt like I need to.

>> No.9500644

women are cancer. never trust em

>> No.9500654

Increased estrogen, reduced zinc and you're probably vitamin and nutrient deficient from a shitty diet where most of your body's energy comes from booze.

>> No.9500862


I just googled the first woman I was in love with and she's fucking getting married. God fucking damn it, I need a drink

>> No.9500870

I message my exs and tell them they're whores and how much I hate them when im drunk

>> No.9500873

does anyone else make mixed drinks and pour them 3/4 liquor then just enough mix to take the burn off and slam them back

>> No.9500879

Is there any other way?

>> No.9500884


Lotta potassium in the skin of potatoes.

>> No.9500900

thanks for the support

pouring up a strong one right now

>> No.9500933

icehouse beer is a lifesaver

>> No.9500969
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I want to drink. I know I shouldn't but I still wanna

>> No.9501229
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>tfw you're too scared to see your doctor because of what she'll say about your liver enzymes

>> No.9501233

just finished a cocktail, poured a beer in am sipping it through a straw

has anyone tried this technology before? I'm partly intrigued but mostly disgusted

>> No.9501241

The last time I went to a doctor was 7 years ago and they said there was pretty bad scaring on my liver, I would hate to know what it looks like of 7 more years of daily binge drinking

>> No.9501251

Friend said we'd do sidewalk slammers if I moved in with him as a celebration
now he wont do it with me and now im pissed. fucking pussy

>> No.9501275

Potato skins and whiskey isn't a balanced diet

>> No.9501321

I've been drinking shitty E&J brandy and canadian club neat
I might take a fre klonopin if I get too nervous
I'm just glad I don't have to work tomorrow

>> No.9501356

What alcohol most accurately simulates the sensation of having a girlfriend?

>> No.9501365
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>"You drink too much, anon"

>> No.9501442

I cuddle my bottle of vodka sometimes when I pass out
Does that count?

>> No.9501613


>> No.9501657

But do you ever stop and think... that's the last thing your mom would want for you? She'd want you to be happy and live a fulfilling life, would she not? Not kill yourself long before your time.

>> No.9501674

Cut down to a bottle of wine with family during the week and a 12 pack on Friday. I want to try and build up a reasonable habit of self restraint.

>> No.9501679

>Wonder if i drink too much
>Getting too bored of alcohol to drink and get drunk
guess im good

>> No.9501714

>sidewalk slammers

Malt liquor and alcoholic energy drink?

Sounds disgusting but im intrigued

Bought E&J apple last time I was at the store. P good, tastes like an apple jolly rancher

>> No.9501722

Lucky guy. When I'm bored I'm always thinking of buying some vodka. Not an alcoholic, but only because I realized I was starting to have a problem.

>> No.9501727

Oh its incredibly disgusting. Last time we did it someone passed out in their own throw up while the rest of us just tried to not die. Great use of like $6 though. Moving in with him friday, I have like 6 different boxes from ikea to put together while working on my slammer

>> No.9501748

Don't get me wrong the thought is there, but the amount of calories and hangover the next day just don't make it worth it to me now.

>> No.9501752

don't worry fellas it'll all be over soon

>> No.9501796

been drunk for 4 days now. enough is enough. not even enjoying it no more

>> No.9502088

I got this from my mother and sister on Christmas.

>> No.9502138


These posts about cheap liquors have got me thinking: is there any list of recommended budget liquor around? Stores near me have mostly just the big brands when it comes to spirits, so for me the cheap stuff would be Gordon's for gin, St Remy for brandy, and Teacher's for whisky.

>> No.9502168

went to a new gas station today. they have a 3.99/bottle clearance shelf of local wines that are about to go bad. looks like i'm going to be hungover at work for the rest of the week

>> No.9502200

Fuck off moralfag

>> No.9502336

I honestly hope it is, Sometimes I wish a nigger would rob me so I could lurch for his gun and he could shoot me in my fucking head.

>> No.9502410

fuck i hate my life, I wish a qt would murder me

>> No.9502438

>tfw good tunes and sudokus

>> No.9502448

what are you 90

>> No.9502457


>> No.9502486

Your doc will see you're an alkie. So what? They see sick people all the time, it's literally their job.

>> No.9502494

doing outpatient therapy for the first time lads, it's day 2 and I feel pretty good about it even if I can't sleep and am bored out of my fucking mind

>> No.9502500

The first week is crap. It's not horrible WD/DT with medical help, but there isn't much to do about feeling like shit for a few days.
It gets better after day 3/4.

>> No.9502502

anyone want to talk, any grills?

>> No.9502520

good to hear

>> No.9502554

>had a dream that I found a huge, fizzing, green, rotten egg buried in ground
>there's a stench of rotting in room
>too strong to get back to sleep
>groan with discomfort, sniff piss bowl. Freshly bleached. Sniff plates/dishes graveyard section of room. smells bad, but not as bad as putrescent mega-egg
>sniff around in all directions
>sniff shirt
>pour vodka all over self
>collapse back down for 3hrs additional sleep
Right you fucks. It's that time again. It happens today. I can do this. I WILL SHOWER. Don't believe me? LETS DO THIS THING.

>> No.9502559
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My shower has been clogged for 2 weeks, water goes down after about a week

>> No.9502585

You need a snake (the tool, not the animal) and once it flows a bit more drain cleaner (or any kind of caustic soda)

>> No.9502598

Not that guy, but
You mean like an auger? They don't work for me. The only thing that unlocks my drains is a litre of sulphuric acid. It practically explodes, hisses and smokes like mad for ten mins, then it's good as new

>> No.9502620

another night of sitting alone in the dark in my room drinking vodka and fantasizing about having a woman who loves me

>> No.9502646

If you're al/ck/ she'd only leave you eventually. My drinking went hyper-batshit-whole-new-level crazy when my ex gtfo and married some normie plebster.

>> No.9502650

>calling anyone a normie when you've had a gf

>> No.9502662
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I meant pic related (a ferret in French, dictionary says it's a snake in English). There are different attachment at the end.
You should dilute your acid, it's not supposed to boil like that.

>> No.9502664
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Is it possible to have seemingly endless breakdowns, one after the other, every few weeks or months for years? They just keep coming, one after the other. Maybe these are all just a part of one, monumental, game-changing mega breakdown which I'm just warming up for?

>> No.9502712



>> No.9502722

dont use acid it will destroy any metal pipes, use a caustic cleaner.

>> No.9502741

Did you also remember to put ice cubes in your beer?

>> No.9502761

>not even out of bed
>take huge swig of vodka


>> No.9502772


isnt the warm feeling inside afterwards the best fucking feeling?

just drank half a glass 60% and it opens up a cosy world

>> No.9502776

The warming action of the vodka is second to none.

Plus the deep calm you feel after 2 or 3 big swigs, Body is warm...Calm....happy....comfy.

>> No.9502779

>want to sleep
>still have some booze left
>not sure if i want to get more blasted or if i want to save it for later

>> No.9502785

Don't wanna get the spins lad, save it for tomorrow

>> No.9502791
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its wonderful anon, hope you enjoy your day cheers

>> No.9502792

I hope you do as well lad, cheers

>> No.9502825

Only four beers, I see no problem.

>> No.9502874

what do you al/ck/s do when you lose your job?

asking for a friend

>> No.9502875


Drink at 530 am. That’s what I’m doing here. Hello :-)

>> No.9502880

What do you do for money?

Also me to....

>tfw lost my job because i went to work drunk on a day I wasn't scheduled because I lost track of what day it was

>> No.9502957

>>tfw lost my job because i went to work drunk on a day I wasn't scheduled because I lost track of what day it was
I can only wish you to laugh about it in a few years.

>> No.9502970

what state, my dude?

>> No.9502977

eh, I don't know about that. You might as well watch Michael Mann's other movies. Most are good.

>> No.9503039

That sounds like extended booze fear and paranoia to me. When you taper life will probably seem extremely easy after a first few days.

>> No.9503106

relationships are good for like the first 8 months. after that, without exception, they become awful

>> No.9503200

find another one to lose

>> No.9503273

Rest in Peace.

>> No.9503282

It seems like I fly into irrational rages like at least once a week when I get really drunk late in the night. Fuckin sucks. I don't hate myself but I really am pretty much the worst person I know.

>> No.9503366

It's when I wake up in a cell more than once in a week, that I consider it breakdown material. There's nothing worse in this world than regaining consciousness locked up, not knowing why, then having flashbacks of coppers the night before, while going cold turkey on a frozen cell floor. Last time I woke up like that I was already on probation for 2 DUIs. Laid there for 17 hours before I even knew what I'd done.
Shudder. Can't often talk about this, I'm so close to achieving the fuckup which ends me once and for all.

>> No.9503531

Holy fuck anon, what's your story man?

>> No.9503553
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lit befire noon what am i even doing with my life?

>> No.9503562

The one drinking rule I never break is I never drink before noon. Gives me some semblance of control

>> No.9503637

That's really fucked up. I know my shit isn't as bad as yours, but I really hope you can stay out of trouble dude. Cold turkeying locked up in a cell sounds like some of the worst shit I can imagine.
Stay safe.

>> No.9503642

Who here has unironically sharted in the past week?
For me, it was 2 days ago.

>> No.9503647

i learned that its a loaded gun and keep the safety on at all times my dude

>> No.9503660

To be fair, I was desperately trying to hold it but ended up sharting anyway. I don't go around farting all willy nilly.

>> No.9503665

Opened up the freezer this morning before work to get a quick swig in for the day, but the bottle was gone. Guess I drank more than I thought last night. Reading this thread kinda makes me glad I didn't have that drink anyway tho. Gotta look on the bright side but I have another 4 hours of work and then I got to bike to my other job. I won't get home until after 11 let's hope I don't find time to sneak a drink in

>> No.9503682
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>tfw day drinking
>tfw will need to start packing 2 flasks
How are we all doing today pals?

>> No.9503688

For many of us, hair of the dog ends up just leading into another day drunk. I applaud those who can have one and go about their day. Me, I need to suffer through the hangovers or else my body won't recover, and then after a couple more days of that I'm really fucked physically.

>> No.9503694

>Have dream I'm back with my ex and ex best friend
>We are watching a movie at the cinemas
>Ex gets some LSD out and has us take it
>10 seconds later we're running through a scene in the movie in Paris
>Feel absolutely amazing
>Me and ex decide to climb a big pole similar to the Eiffel tower
>Get to the very top, almost in the clouds
>We look at each other and tell ourselves how we love each other
>We kiss
>I decide I'm going to fall back wards off of it
>Intense feeling of falling
>She follows and we both hit the ground
>I wake up having passed out drinking vodka

It's the first time in 4 years which I've realised just how much I managed to fuck up so many relationships. Time for work.

>> No.9503708


>> No.9503884

I drink too much

>> No.9503929

he has a point, my uncle jus died because beerlmao and it was a really slow and sad thing to watch

>> No.9503934

>How many nights of getting drunk a week

once a week would be really bad

>> No.9503985

>start watching anime when I'm drunk
>cant remember which episode I was on

>> No.9504040

drunk anime is so much better but can't beat high anime, would recommend

>> No.9504060

I wish weed could be legal. I haven't drunk booze for 6 days because I've had 1/2oz to smoke, but now it's all gone. Back to screaming on the streets, throwing up and being arrested, I spose.

>> No.9504086
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>tfw drunk AND high anime

>> No.9504109
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>watching girls und panzer and smoking dank

>> No.9504114

>wake up
>feel like shit
>take a few swigs of vodka

Hmm...suddenly life isn't so bad

>> No.9504130

pretty much the reason I drink
wake up with a hangover and take a few shots, suddenly the hangover doesnt exist

>> No.9504134

Search "amazing still". Couple of plastic buckets, aquarium heater and a carbon filter (desu make sure ng one out of a 2L bottle is good enough) gets you a stealthy setup that don't need watching and gives 40%ABV product. Costs like 40€ to build. It's not very efficient, but I've built 2 that worked really well. Use that until you can build a fully automatic VM-E-ARC with thor's hammer. That's the lambo of vodka stills. I really don't recommend using pot stills unless you're making whiskey, rum or similar.

>> No.9504154
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>tfw heroin anime

>> No.9504223

I can't do this anymore. I just hit 24 hours without a drink. The night sucked with the shakes, heart beating out of my chest, sweating like a pig. But I have the day off and I got a few hours of sleep from 8-11 am. Went to the gym, ran a 5k. Shakes are pretty much done. The cardio really helped. I don't want to go back.

>> No.9504328

Whats the point of drinking If I can't get drunk anymore.
I just drank 9 liters of beer in a span of 4 hours and don't feel any better than the first few minutes.

>> No.9504353

Fairly typical tbqh. I don't drink beer but I use strong ciders to taper or fend off WD, and drink spirits if I want to actually get drunk.

>> No.9504383
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Spirits are good for that purpose,but I can't regulate them at all.They either kill me or they don't have any effect at all. Not to mention that if they do kill me I'm an incapable invalid person the next day.
I feel like a god when I get a proper alck vibe, I can just feel the flow of the world and I can't live without it. I do it at work, while working with saw machine, while welding and working on extreme heights, yet I'm completely calm and precise (if almost autistically machine capable) if I maintain the balance of drink. Everyone around me seems to work on basis of mathematical calculations of outweighing the pros and cons, while I seem to work on what my heart tells me its the right thing to do.
Am I dumb?

>> No.9504449
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So it looks like I got the last thing fixed for my STEM B.Sc. A few months late but hey, I thought I might celebrate before when I look forward to this moment.

In reality I had a shitty day, started drinking some time after noon and passed out and woke up now to get the news. I have no idea how my life even functions at this point, but somehow it does.

Cheap vodka for everyone.....

>> No.9504614

That happened to me years ago and to be completely honest the dude did NOT see it coming and we both just ended up in a awkward situation where I had a heater that I genuinely didn't want to be holding. To quote DMX "you betta bust that, you goin' pull that". Most dudes aren't ready, they think of it more as a status symbol. Being strapped up is a real life meme in the African American community.

>> No.9504620

Anyone else only able to sleep when they are hammered?

I can't sleep longer then 3 or 4 hours no matter how hammered I get, How do you guys sleep?

>> No.9504622

Get fucked, sudokus are a great way to pass the time. I've got a book of them on my bathroom literature shelf.

>> No.9504623

Yeah, If your in prison

>> No.9504627

>the old third day trickeroo

Classic desu.

>> No.9504634

The other night I was out waiting to pick up a buddy from work and I had to kill three hours at the bar because his phone was dead (didn't know when he got off), and I finally gave up and took a mondo shit at a dive bar. Thankfully I've been friends with the bartenders since I'd been about 15-16, and they gave me the key to the super secret extra bathroom.
I got very lucky but was seriously on the cusp of really embarrassed myself. Ty based god.

>> No.9504646

If you can't tell the difference between "your" and "you're", you probably shouldn't even try doing a sudoku. Maybe go to an elementary school and see if they can teach you, it might be a little bit enjoyable after that.

>> No.9504656

If I stop drinking and smoking weed, I'll be awake for at least 3 consecutive nights.

>> No.9504660
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>got a couple days off school next week
>already know it's gonna be another "40 proof vodka and vidya" episode

>> No.9504677

>not 100 proof zhenka

>> No.9504685
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What's the comfiest bar you've been to, al/ck/?

>> No.9504699

This backwoods bar in northern Michigan.

I can't remember what it was called but it was in this town of less then 4000. I went to it after hunting one night and there was about 10 people. A couple qt's and they didn't follow the stop serving alcohol at 2am law. Drank until about 5am, People were still drinking there when I left

>> No.9504733
File: 3.73 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove to a friends house and stayed with them for a weekend. I bought two handles of smirnofff before making my way down, but I keep just finding random 2/3 full handles in my bags (one duffel, and two backpacks one of which had been in my trunk for a bit).
I just kept seriously accidentally pulling out new handles, my friends told me I have a real problem. My only retort was that they've got problems too, I just deal with mine differently.
What would al/ck/ have said that would've been a touch more clever?
Pic related is my kitty. Pls be nice to her.

>> No.9504746

>40 proof
ummmm what?

>> No.9504760

Super cute kitty. Would pet.

How did the handles end up in your bags? Do you buy them and stash them and not remember? I dunno, everyone deals with their problems in different ways. As long as they respect you and don't treat you like a child I think it's alright.

>> No.9504761
File: 1.45 MB, 332x332, confusion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not know what 40 proof vodka is?

>> No.9504766
File: 3.62 MB, 2208x1242, IMG_0800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, her name is pork chop and she is the greatest cat to ever live. Not afraid of shit (MAULS creatcters that outweigh her), will eat literally anything (almonds, all kinds of weird shit cats don't eat. One time I even gave her a few sour patch kids and the lil' nigga seemed to love them), and she is cuddly as a ma'af.
Post your cats, al/ck/!
Blocked out nipple because I'm actually a girl lol

>> No.9504770

Not sure if drunk shitposting, or bait so hard, bait so far, but in the end, it didn't even matter.

>> No.9504771

I travel a lot and I have what I call "go bags" (so I can leave at a moment's notice without having to stress about packing) with a change of clothes or two, spare toothbrush/ mouthwash, and some phone chargers. I guess one night when I was re- prepping them after doing laundry and must've just crammed some vodka in there.

>> No.9504781

>Am I dumb?
Please saw your head off before killing a co-worker. Drunk machining is like drunk driving.
I don't care if you endanger yourself, but don't put others life at risk.

>> No.9504784
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The nipple thing was just bait, if your eyeballs work and 4chan hasn't skewed your sexuality you can definitely tell that I'm a dude.
I still love my kitty, though. It's pretty impossible to shitpost in al/ck/, though my friend. It's basically just a blog for people who feel sad about their lives and just embrace the concept of someone POSSIBLY reading what they've got to say...

>> No.9504800
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_0705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of needing validation, do you like my cat?
Mostly teasing. I'm shifposfing while stopped at a rest stop off the interstate. I really with I could drink, but alas I am a semi responsible human bean.
I pulled off because I was certain I needed a nap, but I opened the chins and immediately woke the fuck up.
I'll be gone in <10 minutes so if you can contain yourself until then, hopefully the rest of the thread will be bearable for you, senpai.

>> No.9504890

Zquil. But I usually use it with a small amount of alcohol. Tip here being small. Give yourself at the very least 8 hours, otherwise you will wake up as a zombie if you wake up at all.

It was a bar on a second floor, above a resturuant, not related. Looked pretty retro but had two giant TVs. Always empty. There was a cool balcony to go smoke at. Bat tenders were nice with just the right hint of trashy. A friend found that joint and brought me to it. I don't go there anymore because he's dead now

>> No.9504951

We're 95 posters and 950 lurkers, assuming this thread has the same poster/lurker ration as 4chan when moot was onboard and posted this info.

Also we need a new thread.

>> No.9504977
File: 72 KB, 445x459, IMG_0144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new thread
>page 4

>> No.9505003

You prefer to let the thread 404?

>> No.9505024

proof is double abv% you retard

>> No.9505121


>> No.9506222

They said 40 proof you obv know they mean 40%. Politely correct them but no reason to be rude about it. We're all at less than 100% efficiency here