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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9490832 No.9490832 [Reply] [Original]

>tried eating a raw oyster
>texture is disgusting
>smell is disgusting
>muster up the strength to put this disgusting unborn fetus in my mouth
>completely soft
>cant even chew it
>tastes like dirty water
>manage to swallow it
>start gagging
>have to excuse myself in public to throw up in front of the restaurant
>cant eat after

seriously, why is this disgusting meme food loved so much?

>> No.9490839

Because it's delicious

>> No.9490872

Plebeian detected. Go eat some McDonald's you uncultured swine.

>> No.9490873

To me it tasted a bit like the fermented herring we eat in the netherlands, but with less aftertaste. Not bad desu.

Not really worth the money though IMO.

>> No.9490875

I prefer them fried

>> No.9490876

there is a whole world of food out there that is disgusting the first couple of times you eat it and then gets good

>> No.9490882


>> No.9490883

I don't get it either. Tastes like a fishy ball of phlegm.

>> No.9490892
File: 545 KB, 481x957, me_irl23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is this disgusting meme food loved so much?
It tastes like a load of cum.

>> No.9490901

No lemon?

>> No.9491743
File: 963 KB, 900x749, QnU9kI1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically. It feels and tastes like cum in your mouth and people say it's an aphrodisiac.

Probably based on the aforementioned feeling it inspires moreso than any real scientific reason.

>> No.9492218

nice sunk cost fallacy

>> No.9492224



>> No.9492235

>it's an aphrodisiac
nice chinaman meme

>> No.9492363

110% This.

>> No.9492370

How do you get emotionally invested in bad tasting food when it is the taste buds on your tongue adapting to the change in food so they literally taste different?

>> No.9492499

Wtf, what are you on you illiterate fagfuck?

>> No.9492525

>ITT: slutting up your food before you furiously masturbate

>> No.9492557
File: 39 KB, 800x600, 16499971892_adb55e152c_k-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its ok to be a snail man, OP


>> No.9492567

>le THIS xD
Edit: Wow downvotes really???? /s

>> No.9492719

Your reading comprehension is embarrassingly bad.

>> No.9492731

I’ve been to a couple bars on the coast in South Africa that have free all-you-can-eat fresh oysters they’re so cheap there.

>> No.9492737

I've been to a beach that had free fresh oysters literally laying around on the ground.

>> No.9493718

A lot of foods you need to get used to them in childhood. I honestly believe there's food you can never eat once you go past a certain age.

>> No.9493733

>>smell is disgusting
Sorry guy, you just had bad oysters. They should have almost no scent
did you get them at some shithole like Hooters?

>> No.9493738

I had a fresh raw oyster and it didn't smell or taste like much at all.

>> No.9493845

I don't really like them either. People like different things.

>> No.9493862

oyster is like pussy, if it smells like fish, dont eat it

>> No.9494003

Put some tabasco sauce on them.

>> No.9494030

I'm not a fan of eating anything raw, but fried, smoked, or even just grilled oysters are pretty good

>> No.9494033
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>there are people who will eat oysters but not the king of fruits

>> No.9494039


I fucking love caviar so fucking much. I have become addicted to it.

>> No.9494064

That depends. I can tell you right now that there are a lot of foods I wouldn't touch with a barge pole when I was young than I crave now.

Tastes change thoughout life; taste buds become less sensitive as we age, or we become more eager for new experiences and overcome our initial physical reactions.

>> No.9494212

>Smelly disgusting clams
Sounds right