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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 460 KB, 800x578, ReubenSandwichHalves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9489504 No.9489504 [Reply] [Original]

Do americans really stuff their sandwiches this thick?

>> No.9489505

They do that and believe it's the carb that make them fat

>> No.9489506

even thicker than that desu

>> No.9489507

Damn that looks fucking delicious

>> No.9489508


>> No.9489509

Yes, I've seen bigger and eaten bigger back when I was an uncontrolled Freedom eater.

>> No.9489510


>> No.9489511

Doesn't look very healthy. Bet it tastes delicious tho.

>> No.9489512

>uncooked/undercooked meat slices
>that amount of cheese/mayo whateverthefuck
I cannot imagine eating that abomination. Why aren't americans good at cooking ? What even have they invented in the world of cooking except ranch dip and fucking doritos ?

>> No.9489513

That's a melt, not a sandwich

>> No.9489514


>> No.9489515

holy fuck are you the same NO ESPEAKU ENGLISH fucktard that invades every keto thread and tells everyone they would be ripped if they just ate a diet of 90% potatoes?

Fuck off

>> No.9489516
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jesus that looks disgusting, are those fucking onions?

>> No.9489517

why is it solid then? that makes no sense

>> No.9489518

>non-anglo in charge of recognizing corned beef
>God's deli meat
You can GET OUT

>> No.9489519

A Jimmy John's Gargantuan is 1150 calories. Ultimate bulking lunch.

>> No.9489520

dicklets wouldn't understand

>> No.9489521
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>> No.9489522
File: 337 KB, 593x635, 1499498745551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this even taste good, you have to fucking balance the flavors not just eat a chunk of meat

>> No.9489523

>t. has never eaten a chunk of meat

>> No.9489524

Have you never eaten a fuckin Reuben before?

>> No.9489525

Are you all retarded? This is a classic smoked meat sandwich. The meat is cooked by smoking, this one seems to have cheese and sauerkraut as well. They're usually served this stacked because the point is the meat not the sandwich. It's not normally something you eat every day and standard sandwiches are portioned reasonably.

>> No.9489526

Restaurants only do that when that is their gimmick.

>> No.9489527

>what is cured meat?
You're retarded.

This sandwich isn't that bad if you're actually a 200+ lb man.

So many skinnyfags posting here

>> No.9489528

not smoked friendo

>> No.9489529

A Reuben is made with strong rye. You don't need a lot to taste it.

>> No.9489530

Im probably over estimating by a little but 6oz cornbeef -180cals, 250cals bread, 35g russian dressing - 140cals, 50g cheese - 200cals, total roughly 765cals. Can you europoors really not eat this every day. Even on a cut that's not even bad

>> No.9489531

Thats why they end up eating mejican food.

>> No.9489532
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>> No.9489533

is this thick? evey sunday i end my weekend with a double cheeseburger, 400g of meat, 150g of cheese, bacon bits and buns, and i'm 180lbs 12%bf

>> No.9489534

at that point what's the point of putting it a between some buns instead of in a plate with some bread on the side? it's not like it makes it any easier to eat

i guess it looks nice on the plate, until you start eating

>> No.9489535

mother fucker he wants to eat a full american hamburger, not ground pressed meat with some white bread thrown on the side. do you even american?

>> No.9489536

fuck i love arbys but it's so expensive
a chicken cordon meal is like $9

>> No.9489537

it's the same, after two bites you'll have to pick up the pieces that have fallen on the plate and mush the meat with pieces of bread into your mouth to make it work

>> No.9489538

You are just making shit up at this point.

>> No.9489539

Yes, that is the proper meat to bread ratio.

>> No.9489540


>uncontrolled freedom eater

i love this country

>> No.9489541

what is a bigger bun right? also, its a different experience to eat a burger with fork and knife

>> No.9489542

you can eat the meat from the plate with your hands if it pleases you

>> No.9489543

No we do not. That is probably a sandwich from a deli that would cost about $22 in New York City. We probably use about 2-4 slices of meat when making a sandwich at home.

>> No.9489544

Not American buy living in NY,.....this is so true. LMAO.

>> No.9489545

you can buy like 10 packs of the same meat from that price and just mush them in your face, it's not like the bread is contributing much

>> No.9489546

>2-4 deli slices
Poorfag please

>> No.9489547

ITT: People who don't know anything about Reubens or even sandwiches in general

>> No.9489548

>american "food"
i am not complaining about high calorie shitty food, every country has a version of this for people who do manual labor or hangover days, the difference is that we also have actual food

>> No.9489549

>beef, cabbage, cheese, bread
>not actual food
Go troll elsewhere europoor

>> No.9489550

lol, this is what anglos actually believe

>> No.9489551
File: 126 KB, 655x666, 1456665657887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta eat thicc to get thicc

>> No.9489552

Sour kraut. This is a rueben sandwich

>> No.9489553

>onions are disgusting

you're a child

>> No.9489554

What? What are you even saying?

>> No.9489555

Bruh, go to their happy hour and just get a fuck ton of sliders. I plan on grabbing some after the gym today

>> No.9489556

Reubens use alot of strong flavoring ingredients, this is just fine.

>> No.9489557
File: 46 KB, 650x440, hulk-hogan-america-fuck-yeah_crop_exact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be un American you commie fuck.

>> No.9489558

I can confirm that that never happens unless your burger is literally 5 pounds

>> No.9489559

Lol, don't live in new york or in poverty. This is a normal amount.

>> No.9489560

Go back to the_donald faggot

t. Guy who just ate 3 McDoubles as a preworkout meal

>> No.9489561

I've had a couple of these before. Something like 2000 fucking calories but it's worth it just to know you ate something as American as this sandwich.

>> No.9489562

to make it

>> No.9489563

you call that a reuben? maybe a reuben for little babies

>> No.9489564

Yes, and you have the freedom to choose whether you eat the entire sandwich in one sitting or make 2 meals out of it. Allah's blessings be upon America.

>> No.9489565

Nigger, ham is literally 20% brotein with no carbs and little fat.

>> No.9489566

For a Reuben yeah. A proper Reuben is too much of everything but bread

>> No.9489567

>This sandwich
It's like you've never even been to America.

>> No.9489568


>> No.9489569

>bad at arithmetic too
damn, they lose it when they discuss burger

>> No.9489570

That's a Reuben, you fucking retard

>> No.9489571

>There are people /fit/ RIGHT FUCKING NOW who havent had a good Reuben

My pity knows no bounds

>> No.9489572

I was in The Netherlands and ended up getting stuff for sandwiches.

Dutch host put like one thin slice of meat on bread. I made a sandwich like normal and she freaked out. Was confused shy I wanted to buy a spread for it too.

Why can't euros make a proper sandwich?

>> No.9489573

>order burger
>it is double the size my mouth can open
why do restaurants do this. thin patty thin bun is so much better

>> No.9489574

>T H I C K patty thin bun is so much better
fixed, thin patties are only worth it if the burger is loaded with other things like a shit ton of salad instead of the anaemic amount you usually get

>> No.9489575

You're just fat.

And the Reuben is just a Jewish abomination because "boohoo I can't eat pork".

>> No.9489576

>corned beef
>>God's deli meat
anglo here, you are shit. spam > shit beef

>> No.9489577

> Jewish
> mix of meats and dairy

/pol/ education strikes again

>> No.9489578

This is true we only put one thin slice, its normal compared to you ameritards.

>> No.9489579

as long as i can hold it without shit falling out and bite into it easily its good

>> No.9489580

> massively increasing the ratio of bread-to-protein
> an improvement

how can you unironically post this in a fitness board

>> No.9489581

Oh fugg

>> No.9489582

>tfw never ever had a big american sandwich
it honestly feels really bad guys.

>> No.9489583

murican's have great meats but their downfall is the bread. it turns into slop as soon as it touches moisture and is a starchy, textureless turd, toasted or not toasted.

when for zero calorie bread? reeeeeee

>> No.9489584



>> No.9489585

lol i live in america and have travelled to italy. the fucking airport food in europe was higher quality than most american restaurants srs. americans beat eurocucks in a lot of ways but not in food. eurocucks food quality and cooking quality is magnitudes better than the american
>lets get as much shit food on this plate for as cheap as possible and be offended when people dont like it

>> No.9489586
File: 45 KB, 450x450, Fat_Matty-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uma delicia

>> No.9489587

>not just eat a chunk of meat
no gonna make it desu

>> No.9489588

it's another "let's make fun of the rich country so we can forget about the fact that pic contains more meat than our socialist governments allot us for the year".

>> No.9489589

It's actually the rest of the world that sucks, buddeh. Like most things, we perfected food. We have so much of it and its so good, that we have a country full of fatties. We're also the most successful exporters of our food. Your pretentious opinions on the matter are unimportant

>> No.9489590


>> No.9489591
File: 28 KB, 304x405, HXzE6Kg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9489592

The RETARDATION that comes from non americans

>> No.9489593
File: 729 KB, 900x696, IMG_0054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

72oz Oklahoma challenge steaks. Eating one is an accomplishment worthy of a free tshirt and your bloats fucking face on the wall of constipation.

>> No.9489594

>1k calories
>87 grams of protein
not bad

>> No.9489595
File: 216 KB, 896x519, 69in120lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thick
It's almost like you think sandviches should have more bread than insides.

>> No.9489596

Contrast with Euro food
>lets use as many unnecessary ingredients as possible that require the most effort possible to get and cook so that it can be called "gourmet" and charge out the ass for it
No thanks I'll go for properly vetted American food that hits your macros and is much cheaper and gets the job done. Admittedly this is a bit of a challenge because most of the food is either bad for you or they use shortcuts to screw you out of monies.

>> No.9489597

no, you're a retard. the reason its better is locally sourced high quality produce. there is many many european food cultures that rely on this and simple recipes. again, you're a dumbass

>> No.9489598

I'm obviously referring to specific cuisines that insist on over-complicating everything and then complain about American food being "too bland". And it isn't hard to find high quality produce here.
>calls me a retard and a dumbass
Calm down little buddy isn't it past your bedtime in your timezone?

>> No.9489599

>im obviously referring to specific cuisines
yea right, if you backtracked any harder you'd fall over your fat american wife

>> No.9489600

Specific cuisines that come from Europe in what is obviously a light joke. I really pissed you off didn't I manlet?

>> No.9489601

I only have 30 the carb today fuck on you bitching dog

>> No.9489602

Pastramis are also fucking delicious.Must suck to be a pussy muhammed european we can make anything better then you faggots just in my city there hundreds of high quality places

>> No.9489603

I'd stuff your mom if you get me drift m8

>> No.9489604

>protein 87g

Well fuck, now I'm considering getting it

>> No.9489605
File: 34 KB, 554x311, Gt+implying+shut+the+up+_05138c76f9e3fba2d9b3751526bd5e4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



t. High Af

>> No.9489606

Best sandwich.

>> No.9490830

>muh carbs in and out
topkek, I know.

>> No.9490849

ITT: Europoors don't know what a reuben is, and it infuriates them.

>> No.9490865

>some do
>some do not

>> No.9490916
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, 7FD547EE-8542-4E34-B6DC-92E5AB87DB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9490919

I love a good reuben

>> No.9490950

Yes, though I always order mine without salad dressing. Otherwise nothing wrong with that sandwich.

>> No.9491050

kill yourself retard

>> No.9491083
File: 49 KB, 218x218, pepe-perturbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realize that yuropeons are this triggered by a thicc reuben
>realize that a nuclear war in October 1962 would have destroyed the U.S.S.R. and killed 90+% of Europeans with minimal damage to the U.S.

>> No.9491221


>> No.9491601

what is worse: child or european? you have to be one of them.