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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9481498 No.9481498 [Reply] [Original]

Name one (1) other meal that looks more appetizing when you are drunk. I'll wait.

>> No.9481512

>Drinking enough bud to get drunk.
Pull yourself together man, this is what rock bottom looks like

>> No.9481591
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>> No.9481704
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>> No.9481729

What even is that?

>> No.9481743
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I'm a /pol/ poster with a passionate dislike of shitskins, but kebab is the best drunk food in existance.

>> No.9481744


>> No.9481774
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, 1506342756488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza with a ton of shit looks pretty messy normally, but it's the GOAT when drunk.

>> No.9481885

anything else you fucking teenager

>> No.9481908

What is it with americans and their shitty "cheese"?

>> No.9481942
File: 481 KB, 1600x1290, ramen (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me go make some ramen noodles because I'm drunk and hungry

Shit is the biggest meme even for junk food, noodles taste like.....oil, and nothing else. Broth tastes like....salt, and nothing else.

I'm gonna eat and finish this, but I gotta say, Chef Boyardee would probably be more satisfying than this, fucking a few things of Easy Mac would probably even be better

Realistically, I would just go to fucking McDonalds or something with a fiver and eat like four or five sandwiches

>> No.9481986

It's best eaten on acid

>> No.9482004
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Anything from Bell

>> No.9482010
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>> No.9482030

Pizza imo

>> No.9482034

We eat plenty of other cheeses and actually have some of the best cheeses in the world here in the US.

Why we chose to give our name to American cheese I'm not sure. It's not awful when in a sandwich but there's so many better

>> No.9482056
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>> No.9482135

agreed. especially with goat chesse and that white sauce :P

>> No.9482162

What is it about Europeans ragging on americans for 'shit' food when y'all can't proper cook a steak?

>> No.9482179

Yer moms box

>> No.9482221

Ok Muhammad

>> No.9482238
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Pic related is my favourite drunk food.
Tastes good, pretty cheap and easy to get.

>> No.9482246
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came here to post this
so i'll post pic related

>> No.9482248
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Nachos. Concession stand style with the orange cheese sauce and jalapeño. Holy shit, my absolute favorite drunk food forever and always.

>> No.9482251

Americans don't even have a local butcher. You buy all your trash meat from Walmart.

>> No.9482260

I bet their jackets smell like fucking death. You know they don't wash them after that little feast.
I've had freshly killed raw seal but never whatever's in that pic; presumably a yak or goat or something.
It's honestly not bad but I had to work a little against all the Western notions of parasites and such. We're probably way more careful about these things than we really have to be.

My go-to drunk food is carbonara and I really wish it weren't. It's so easy to make and it's so fattening. Ah well.

>> No.9482268

Not all of ame rica is Ohio. I have 3 that are just as close to me as the local supermarkets.

>> No.9482289

Where do they import their grass fed beef from?

>> No.9482298


>> No.9482300


>> No.9482319

>salt, and nothing else.

This is the only thing that's been keeping me from enjoying any instant ramen for the past two years: It's so much fucking salt.

I like the flavours and texture even if it's nowhere near as nice as an actual noodle dish, but every package contains at least 70% of your daily intake of sodium. That's 3/4 of all the salt you should safely be consuming in a day, in just one cup of soup that contains absolutely zero nutrients.

The Chef Boyardee would be healthier, the Easy Mac would be healthier, the fucking McDonalds would be healthier, hell, even just a big bag of fucking Doritos would be healthier.

>> No.9482336

Man, this is the absolutely best thing when you're not sober.

I almost never make normal mac and cheese anymore. I always have a bag of extra cheese powder from my local bulk foods store/section on hand, so I'll make my mac and cheese with extra cheese powder and milk, then throw in finely-chopped leftover meats, vegetables, and some spices and seasonings. Makes a mostly-healthy, cheesy, saucy, salty and/or spicy, filling, meal in a bowl.

>> No.9482351

Oh, let me tell that to my local grass fed beef farmer next time I talk to him or the butcher we both use. I use both of them for my personal use and my restaurant... Oh, and what the fk, you say "Americans don't have a local butcher", are you aware of how big this fucking place is? The state I live in is probably bigger than your country ffs.

>> No.9482367

There are many "official" cheeses that come from the U.S, they just have real names based on the farms and farmers who first produced them.

"American" cheese is basically just named after the country itself because it's so shameful and not real cheese that no one wants to claim it as their own, or even bother naming it.

>> No.9483097
File: 41 KB, 500x366, 1506572176983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nachos with cheddar cheese and jalapeños are so underrated man. Have become my go-to afternoon comfort food. Small round baking plate, a couple of layers of nachos+cheese, 7-10 min in the oven until the top nachos start looking crispy brown, and you're good

>> No.9483118
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Totitos Party Pizza

>> No.9483126
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>> No.9483232

People who eat maruchan ramen need to be gassed. Shit is literally bottom of the barrel barely edible poop.

Indomie mi goreng isn't much more expensive and comes with 5 flavor packets, plus it pairs amazingly well with fried eggs.

>> No.9483243

Add lemon and hot sauce.

>> No.9483264
File: 58 KB, 480x853, Mighty-Taco-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong, fuck-a-luk...it's mighty taco or NOTHING

>> No.9483290
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shit on a shingle

>> No.9483354

source? or do you just assume because you put broccoli in it it is healthy

>> No.9483499
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This and alcohol make a great pair.

>> No.9483583

my man,many a night my grandpa would make this,plus you can change it up with bread types and different types of gravy/meat.

>> No.9483753


>> No.9483891
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I made some ramen today with stuff I found in my fridge. But honestly, I prefer a Pizza or even taco bell if I'm high/drunk.

>> No.9483898

It's at least healthier than without any broccoli

>> No.9484100

i am not arguing semantics, that doesn't sound healthy. it would be like topping icecream with broccoli, it is definitly more healthy, but its not healthy

>> No.9484117
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>> No.9484127

Fellow Canuck with the right answer

>> No.9484140

I'd be more concerned with people who drink bud for any other purpose than intoxication.

>> No.9484145

Anything obnoxiously greasy, unbearably calorific and wholly bad for me. Because it doesn't come with a side of guilt and self-loathing.

Not until the morning, anyway.

>> No.9484235
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>> No.9484239

holy shit, yes! we used to make the fuck out of this, my favorite was chicken with asparagus. i could not get enough of this shit growing up.

>> No.9484269
File: 306 KB, 1500x1000, donerkebab1202a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doner kebab is the only right answer.
Mixed lamb and chicken, although usually I just go for lamb.
Fucking loads of hot sauce.
Massive pitta bread.
Salad optional.

>> No.9484279
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>pita bread

>> No.9484406
File: 2.53 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, Taco is the epitome of drunky food.

>> No.9484828

For some reason I make elaborate tuna melts when I'm pissed drunk in the middle of the night.

>> No.9485572

>American cheese

Holy fuck nothing is more unappetizing when I'm drunk. That's puke waiting to happen.

>> No.9485577

Sorry you have such a sensitive tummy anon. Maybe graduate to something other than girly drinks and you might be able to eat food that literally 95% of the rest of the U.S. eats.

>> No.9485584

shit, only one?
cause that looks god awful, even when drunk so i'll just say ANY meal looks more appetizing
this anon has a solid point

>> No.9485585


I don't crave anything more. Lamb and felafel with chilli and garlic sauce. Holy fuck that's good.

>> No.9485593
File: 722 KB, 3264x2448, GogoGrandSlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just throw in another one. Go-Go Curry is fucking great when you're drunk.

>> No.9485595

ugh, why ruin tomato&basil with that disgusting looking macaroni with melted cheese?

>> No.9485597
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>> No.9485603

you have it backwards there chief, we know you don't have to burn it or cook until completely gray.
also check your obsessions, one of the reasons you're obese

>> No.9485609

why isn't there a proper side dish or is just just hidden under the meat?

>> No.9485805

Can someone explain to me this 'check your obsession' bullshit? And since I'm American I'm not going to be sussed to convert this for you, I happen to be 6 foot tall an 170lbs...so obese not so much you fucking wank.

>> No.9485813

There's rice beneath all the meat and cabbage on the side.

>> No.9485816


>> No.9485839

Legit lol'd at shit on shingle. I do this with tuna

>> No.9486012
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>> No.9486130

I know there's a chili sauce and a mustard sauce and a tzatziki sauce in most döners, but it always seems like I'm missing one
How can I recreate this beauty

>> No.9486151

anything from Taco Hell
anything Pizza
anything American "Chinese" food

>> No.9486382

Try mixing ketchup and mayo (No, really). Also no mustard.