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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9473859 No.9473859 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe I used to cook pasta with water.
I now exclusively cook pasta with vegetable or chicken stock, it gives my dishes a richer, fuller flavor.
I'm not poor so I can afford a carton of it every time I make pasta.

>> No.9473871

>buying stock
Shameful desu.

>> No.9473889


>> No.9473892 [DELETED] 

I love making some delicious carbonara with crispy bacon, parmesan, your eggs mixed with cream, a bit of olive oil, but we must season our water with Knorr® Chicken Stock Pot™

You may ask, "Why do I season my water with Chicken Stock Pot™, and not salt?", the reason why is because Knorr® Chicken Stock Pot™ makes your pasta taste better, than salt.

You should try it.

If it's good enough for Marco-Pierre White, it's good enough for me ;)

BUY Knorr® Chicken Stock Pot™

>> No.9473914

>I'm not poor so I can afford a carton

You're a real piece of shit. Did you know that?

>> No.9473928
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Pasta is trash

>> No.9474021
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Whenever I cook pasta I use a Knorr Stock Pot™, some of you may ask me why do that? And the answer is - it just tastes better, but that's my opinion

>> No.9474089

Is that a wannabe Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.9474102
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>> No.9474112

Knorr stock pots are absolutely fine when you don't have enough time to give a shit.

>> No.9474138

Could you get drunk on Ramen if you boiled it in vodka?

>> No.9474141

The alcohol would evaporate.
You’re slow.

>> No.9474146


What if you didn't boil it very hard?

>> No.9474165

Judging from how long it takes my still to make moonshine. You'd turn the ramen into mush before you'd boil out all the alcohol.

>> No.9474187

here's the thing about cooking stock, anons, and it took me years to figure it out.

every french cooking text will tell you to make chicken stock in a long, multi-step, multihour process, which works fine in a restaurant with 100 chefs but is a royal pain at home.

but it turns out that you can get 80% of the benefits of cooking with stock by just making a simple _broth_ instead.

take any old chicken - a couple legs, a bunch of wings, a carcass (a bag of feet in my case because I live near chinatown), and just fucking simmer it for 45 minutes.

You're done.

Now use that shit to cook other things with and it's much better than water, but way less hassle than Jacques Pepin/Paul Bocuse stock.

You're welcome.

>> No.9474188


>> No.9474192

How do you think stock is made?

>> No.9474347

in a long, multi-step, multihour process

>> No.9474657

Do you just dump it out when the pasta is done?

>> No.9474701


>> No.9474705

lol you really think you're helping

>> No.9476363

lol you really think you're funny

>> No.9476373

lol you really think you're a smart guy

>> No.9476376

I use the soup powder from beef or chicken instant ramen to flavor the water.

>> No.9476380

Not if you have lasers

>> No.9476395

Commandeering thread, what's /ck/'s stock recipe?

>> No.9476418

>Commandeering thread, what's /ck/'s stock recipe?
Whole cut up chicken, 2 onions with skin, peppercorns
(bay, ginger stem, celery leaves, carrot, leeks, garlic, parsley, dill, allspice leaves, cilantro, thyme, chili pepper, marjoram, all varies by intended use or cultural dish I intend to make)
Into the 5qt Pressure cooker, water to cover or up to 1 inch from top of cooker.
High til pressurized, reduce to medium, 30 to 45 mins. Pour through strainer. Refrigerate until defatting step.

Onion skins and chicken skin add color, don't skip them.

>> No.9476925

lol you're both literally 12

>> No.9476935

Because he worked hard?

>> No.9477189


>put stuff in pot
>simmer it

Am I missing anything?

>> No.9477235

I can't believe you used Alton Pussy Brown as the image. Please tell me you don't think he's the first person to use broth to cook pasta.

>> No.9477265

Never cooked pasta in it but I use it frequently now and it's like waking up after being in a coma for years. Enhances the flavour of virtually every dish so much.

>I'm not poor so I can afford a carton of it every time I make pasta.

Campbells real stock goes on sale here constantly. I just stock up on what I need when they're on sale. Usually end up paying around a $1 for 500ml and $2 for 1l.

Making your own is piss easy though.

>> No.9477279

t. Marco pierre white

>> No.9477283

HA! you got the joke!
+1 internets for you XD

>> No.9477808

i used to be like you OP.

i used to try to cram 'rich, full flavour' into every aspect of my cooking. caramelise everything. put marmite in tomato sauce. cook everything in stock where it could be cooked with water. make an infused oil specially for frying just about any meal.

i learned that you don't always want a 'richer, fuller flavour'. why do you want your pasta to taste of stock? don't you want it to taste of pasta? don't you want your sauce to stand on its own?

>> No.9477826
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>> No.9479234

I'm poor and I braise all my meats, thicken that stock with starchy vegetables, and then cook my pasta in it, and it makes me a better cook

>> No.9479248

This. The more you cook the more you begin to accept that not every single thing needs to be pounding your tastebuds. It's nice to have a few moderately bland things so you can appreciate the good stuff even more.

>> No.9479253

squid ink

>> No.9479325

Yeah that's 2 steps

>> No.9479333

>it gives my dishes a richer, fuller flavor.
No shit sherlock.

Now start making your own stock.

What's next for newbie kitchen 101?

>> No.9479360

I like to boil mine with a bushel of fresh rosemary for that earthy flavor

>> No.9479388

Cool idea, thanks anon

>> No.9479401
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>use chicken to make stock so that one dish is marginally more flavorful
>forced to either eat or throw away a bunch of now flavorless chicken

>> No.9479405

that's beyond a basic stock. you're eliminating use in a BUNCH of recipes by overcomplicating it.

>> No.9479720

That sounds disgusting, do you not understand how individual herb/spice flavor profiles work? What is the cultural dish you speak of, dog shit curry?

>> No.9479770
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For Christ sake. Use this. Rice, Soup Stock, Pad Thai, anything.

Just stop fucking around.

>> No.9479814

Yes, just don't burn down the house.

>> No.9479825

>eating chicken feet
Fucking disgusting

>> No.9479863

>not eating chicken feet
Fucking wasteful

>> No.9479865

Do you people just bitch or do you actually cook food for people?

>> No.9479885

A) If boiling pasta in stock is bwtter, then why don't high end restaurants do it?
B) Not making your own stock anyway.
C) Not making your own pasta anyway (I could see using stock to make the actual pasta, but that's not what you meant).
D) You are a wasteful idiot who is easily duped.
E) If the pasta sauce is good, plain pasta would be the best medium to show it off.
F) You clearly don't make a decent sauce.

>> No.9481312

found out who lives in a 3rd world country

>> No.9481443

He could have been what Gordon Ramsay became but he played his cards wrong and burned all his bridges.

>> No.9481537

If you're not using cube, you don't deserve to cook.