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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1260x630, scrambled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9458620 No.9458620 [Reply] [Original]

how the FUCK do I cook scrambled eggs? They always turn out really flat. I tried adding some pancake batter but that didn't help much.

>> No.9458626

A splash of water (*not milk) makes them fluffy. Don't overcook them.

*milk makes them heavy and flat.

>> No.9458627

Try adding some milk instead. Not too much so the eggs are swimming. Just enough for the eggs to absorb. I also hear making them in a small pot is a good way.

>> No.9458632


Use butter and stir a lot.

>> No.9458639

Stir the eggs in a bowl before cooking them. It will give the eggs a bit of volume when you cook them.

>> No.9458640
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Ace Reading Award winner!

>> No.9458658


>milk makes them heavy and flat.

i don't add milk, but that's retarded

>> No.9458665

I thought I was making scrambled eggs but then I looked it up and recipes call for milk, pepper, salt, etc.
I just heat up a non-stick pan, breaks some eggs onto it, and then mix it around with a wooden spoon.
I like to end up with a slight marbled look of white and yellow.
If that's not called "scrambled" what am I making?

>> No.9458667

Stir well with a fork in a bowl with salt
Medium heat
LIBERAL use of butter, use a lot, fuck your health if you want good eggs
Pour them in, immediately start stirring and don't stop till completion
It should take like 3 to 4 minutes tops, take off heat and set aside, it will continue to cook as it sits so don't worry about it not being "done"
Add your black pepper

This is how I do it, never have bad eggs

>> No.9458669

>butter is unhealthy

t. 1990s

>> No.9458670

Milk is a meme, you can use it but it is not needed at all, as for salt and pepper they don't effect the cooking they just make it taste better like pretty much all forms of eggs

>> No.9458672


it's eggs that are scrambled. you can add anything or nothing to them and it doesn't cease to be a scrambled eggs, at least until it's more other shit than eggs

>> No.9458685

Sweat oof somefinely diced onion and bacon/ham on a pan, pre-scramble eggs in a bowl, add finely diced tomatoes. When the onions and bacon are ready, pour the egg-tomato mix into your pan and cook at low to medium heat. Sprinkle with chives, serve with buttered mealy potatoes.

>> No.9458702

A really loose scramble is best imo, look at gordon ramseys rechnique, its not fast but theyre my second favorite. First favorite is in a double boiler

>> No.9458718 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just add a pinch of soda?
>recipes call for milk, pepper, salt, etc.
>I just heat up a non-stick pan, breaks some eggs onto it, and then mix it around with a wooden spoon.
You mean to tell me you don't use salt or pepper on eggs. fuck you. you don't neccecarily use milk, thats fine, were not making omelettes here, but come on.

try eggs with tomatoes/ bacon/ cheese/ potatoes (spanish tortilla) if you haven't done so already.

>> No.9458728
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>Scrambled eggs
>Consistency of paste

>> No.9458743


as opposed to the consistency of day old chihuahua turds in milk like murricans seem to enjoy

>> No.9458775

What is custard?

>> No.9458783


This is my favourite video for this topic. Scrambled eggs three ways.

>> No.9458784


custard is completely capable of becoming scrambled egg if you over cook it, but it's also not scrambled egg.

>> No.9458812

Which is my point that milk isn't the best pairing for scrambled eggs, it makes them heavy and thick--exactly the opposite of what OP required.

>> No.9458822


the addition of milk is not what makes the eggs heavy and thick. the moisture content and cooking method is. don't be a retard.

>> No.9458828


>> No.9458845

It does change the texture to that of a custard. (Traditionally, custards are never really described as light, or airy) water turns to steam and by getting trapped in the eggs cause them to be light and fluffy.

Don't look at me like I'm stupid because you lack the senses or experience to comprehend this.

>> No.9458859


>It does change the texture to that of a custard.

no it doesn't

> water turns to steam and by getting trapped in the eggs cause them to be light and fluffy.

so what do you think is happening to all the water in the milk you fucking stump

>> No.9458860
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>> No.9458862

>Deep pan
>Melt butter over medium heat
>Crack eggs
>Add splash of milk
>Salt and pepper
>Tilt pan and scramble with a slotted spatula to aerate
>Draw lines from the outside to the middle with the tip of the spatula while jiggling the pan so the liquid egg fills in the gaps you drew
>Once the liquid egg has cooked enough that it doesn't readily flow into the gaps, start drawing the from the outside to the middle with the wide flat edge
>Pile eggs into a nice blob and flip until you've reached your desired level of doneness minus the little bit of excess heat that continue to cook

My problem is there's always little papery bits of egg left in the edges of the pan.

>> No.9458867


don't need milk to make that shit ya putz

>> No.9458871

Lower the temp.

>> No.9458873

really really really high heat

>> No.9458876

Do you cook professionally?

>> No.9458881


as irrelevant as that is, i'll be honest and say not currently - i got out of the industry about 7 years ago.

>> No.9458899

>turn on heat to medium low for a skillet pan
>crack open 2 or more eggs
>add pinch of salt
>stir and break the eggs with a fork or mixer until yolk and white blended well, try to incorporate air into blend while you whisk
>add butter to coat the pan, once butter is melted put the blended eggs into pan
>don't stir immediately, wait for the edges to curl a little bit bring the edges to the middle of the pan
>flip strands of scrambled eggs to the center making sure they overcook on one side
>add pepper and other ingredients if you want (chives, cold cut ham, etc)
>when the eggs are almost finished, turn off the heat and stir the whole thing together until it's the right consistency you want
>serve immediately on a plate and enjoy

>> No.9458903

making sure they DON'T overclook on one side*

>> No.9458928

crack eggs into bowl
whisk until your arm gives out
dump into high heat pan

alternatively if you have the cash moneys you can pump the eggs through an at-home whip cream dispenser
that'll give you some fucking fluff

>> No.9458930

I often eat it without salt and pepper. But I'm usually just after the protein than a good meal as I also peruse /fit/. Else I grind shichimi togarashi over it.

>> No.9459379

>milk makes them heavy and flat.
then you are an idiot
milk isn't necessary for making scrambled eggs
but milk doesn't make them flat
unless you are an idiot

>> No.9459385

watch this

>> No.9459424

Is milk in scrambled eggs the new beans in chili?

>> No.9459432

>salt before cooking

>> No.9459482

I put a little bit of wine into the pan along with the bacon. It gives it a slightly sweet flavor.

>> No.9459507

What color wine goes with eggs, white?

>> No.9459514

Sounds like it's headed that way, sigh.......
>everyone has to feel special in today's world

>> No.9459545 [DELETED] 

The way I do it is

>put pan with olive oil on high
>put in mushrooms, onions, and jalapenos
>stir and put down to medium
>then put to simmer-3
>pour in mixed eggs with 2 types of cheeses and sometimes milk
>cheddar and goat cheese is a good mix
>stir fast and place cover on for 10-15 seconds
>take out while soft and creamy
>serve on bread

If your eggs look like OPs pic you cooked them too long.

>> No.9459553

>>9458620 (OP)
The way I do it is

>put pan with olive oil on high
>put in mushrooms, onions, and jalapenos
>stir and put down to medium
>then put to simmer-3
>pour in mixed eggs with 2 types of cheeses and sometimes milk
>cheddar and goat cheese is a good mix
>and mixed spices of your choice
>I like salt, pepper, garlic, and dill
>stir fast and place cover on for 10-15 seconds
>take out while soft and creamy
>serve on bread

If your eggs look like OPs pic you cooked them too long.

>> No.9459926
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Did I fuck up, guys?

>> No.9459937

Best scrambled egg recipe I've ever used-

>> No.9459943

Take a whisk and whisk the shit out of them to create a metric ton of air bubbles in the mix, then toss them in the pan and make as usual.

>> No.9459949

Lmao everyone has already posted that meme

>> No.9459991


>> No.9460004

That doesn't look so bad to me.

>> No.9460022

I'd eat that for breakfast.

>> No.9460025

They tasted great, I used eggs, a tiny bit of malk, cheese and just a bit of water. Whisked the fuck out of it, moved constantly, and added salt/pepper/leftover provolone afterwords.

>> No.9460033

Whip the fuck out of the eggs until it looks frothy.

>> No.9460042

Low and slow. Tilt the pan, always stir and take them off the heat every 30 seconds to prevent the layer of cooked egg you might otherwise get at the bottom of the pan. Season at the end instead; salting early causes watery eggs. Do that and you should have delicious custardy eggs.

>> No.9460051

Ty anons

>> No.9461707

Put he eggs in a blender, add a bit of sour cream, then blend them on high. This adds air to the mixture.

>> No.9461748

It's delicious a f though

>> No.9461755

>I tried adding some pancake batter

>> No.9461759

When they're cooked, turn off the pan and stir in a little sour cream.

>> No.9461839

If they hold their shape that much, you probably overcooked them. Scrambled eggs should be custardy, not just a pile of fluffy egg.

>> No.9461966


>> No.9461986
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Man I need to save this because I have to educate you niggas in these threads every other day.
This is for velvety American diner style eggs. Pic is blurry because I was drunk. But you know what I'm talking about.

First of all, the eggs, like any protein, must be brought to room temperature if they aren't already.
Crack them into a bowl. You do not need to whisk them in the bowl.
Pan, nice and medium-low. The best way to make sure it's the right temperature is to get your hands wet and flick a few droplets of water into the pan. You want them to dance around the pan and sizzle, but not evaporate instantly. If they don't sizzle at all, up the heat. If they evaporate in less than a second, lower it.
Now onto the controversy. Do I need to add milk? Do I need to add water? What do I DO? No, you don't need to add anything to the eggs. Just melt a fat hunk of butter into the pan. I don't use a hard and fast measurement, I just hold the stick to the pan and melt more than I think I need. This is the key to rich, diner-style eggs. They will not be good if you skimp on the butter.
Now, eggs, into the pan. Immediately break the yolks and stir them around. Then let them sit and cook for maybe 10 seconds, however long it takes for you to see them start to go cooked on the bottom. Then drag your spatula through the eggs, and tilt the pan, allowing the still-liquid eggs to fill the empty space in the pan, similar to making an omelet.
Repeat until you have nice, velvety eggs. As they get closer to being done, you may notice that the tops are still liquid while the bottoms are getting cooked. In that case, just flip the whole mass with your spatula.
Another important thing to remember with eggs: if they're done in the pan, they will be overdone on your plate.
Take them out while they're still somewhat runny. This takes some practice to time perfectly.

And as they say, wa la!

>> No.9462002
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>I tried adding some pancake batter but that didn't help much.

>> No.9462011
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you're scrambling them before putting them on the pan, you tard.
Put the eggs in the pan let it start to cook, then start scrambling.
You only scramble prior to putting it on the pan if you plan on making an omelet.

>> No.9462028

>bowl over simmer water
>rare gull eggs
>slowly whisk for 10 hours
>finish with butter and truffles
>great way 2 start the day

>> No.9462093


>> No.9462117

Yeah Gordon's eggs are retarded, but so are the dry solid nuggets that most Americans eat. The best scrambled eggs are cooked the same amount as Gordon's, but cooked hotter and faster, resulting in long, silky curds. This is something I discovered by accident.

Basically get a small nonstick pan, heat it to medium or medium-high with some butter, then add your whisked eggs. Stir constantly, scraping up the cooked bits from the bottom. Mine takes less than 30 seconds.

>> No.9462139

Milk is flavored white water you asshat

>> No.9462151

I much prefer making scrambled eggs with omelet mix

>> No.9462177

So we're all just gonna ignore the fact that he thought the solution to dense eggs was to mix some pancake batter into them?

>> No.9462300

Pancakes are fluffy ergo eggs + pancake mix = fluffy

Following that logic you could try baking soda, but I don't have high hopes of that turning out well.

>> No.9462301

Baking powder whoops

>> No.9462314

Add cream
Don't overcook (most common mistake)

>> No.9462331


>> No.9462341

one extra egg white

>> No.9462446
File: 36 KB, 500x333, media_gallery-2015-09-28-8-Gordon_Ramsay_Angry_Kitchen_OIL_INVADE_a3c6dcb265ae66668958ddcdf496fe5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the only way you should do them

>> No.9462545

nonstick pan
high heat
stir literally constantly

>> No.9462558

jus fookin wisk some yolks in a bowl with some milk and pour it. Then fold the egg over a few times.

>> No.9462567


>> No.9462570


>> No.9462600

No, they are an idiot, as you are. Learn to cook/ bake. You obviously have no idea about science.

>> No.9462625


>literally no stance or argument, just a pretence of superiority


>> No.9462749

This guy gets it

>> No.9462750

Can't tell if bait or if you really are this dumb

>> No.9462883

Some parts look inconsistently cooked, but still cooked.

>> No.9462893


>> No.9462925

oN The HeAT
OfF THe hEAt

>> No.9462944

I am this dumb... so go reverse your World. since milk and water are interchangeable, use milk for everything you cook with water and vis versa... dipshit.

>> No.9463483


No one said they're interchangeable you dumb fuck

>> No.9463485

A few here have...

>> No.9463532

Looks good but jesus christ that's a lot of pepper.

>> No.9463944

Break 2 eggs into a large coffee mug and place in the microwave, cook on high for a minute then stir with a fork to break it up, cook for another minute and stir again.

I add in ham and spring onion.

>> No.9464269

Theyre not interchangeable but you must know that milk is mostly water and it would affect much in a recipe as simple as scrambled eggs. Are you from the city?

>> No.9464357

some things are best left unanswered.

>> No.9466293

>try baking soda, but I don't have high hopes of that turning out well.
It does, tho. I always add a pinch of soda to make my omelettes fluffy, same works with scrambled eggs. Key word is "pinch". Don't overdo it, it'll be shit

>> No.9466303

literally everyone does this before making scrambled eggs, I don't understand how you thought this was a good tip

>> No.9466375

>literally everyone does this
You don't know what that word means. And no. If you're making scrambled eggs, there's no need to mix them in a bowl. Not everyone likes them "even". Some like it when there's a bit of eggwhite.

>> No.9466807

I meant literally figuratively

>> No.9466816

Jesus,fuck, I think I just heard Susie Dent cry out in pain.

*I literally meant "figuratively".

>> No.9466831

no I didn't literally mean figuratively, I literally meant literally in the figurative sense of the word

>> No.9466841

see, I told you you didn't know what the word means, and you do not. and you do not listen. pick up a book, read something besides the funnies in tue papers. suck me off ehile you're at it.

>> No.9466842

I meant figuratively metaphorically

>> No.9466854

>adverb: figuratively

> 1.
> used to indicate a departure from a literal use of words; metaphorically.

You literally can use the word literally figuratively. You pedantic faggot.

>> No.9466873

is this the definition of literally or figuratively? you're just proving my point. you can use the word figuratively you buffoon, not literally.
and you're really putting the dick in pedantic, you balljuggler.

>> No.9466874

I literally figuratively read your comment as a metephorical apalogue

>> No.9466883

is this literal or is this a parable?

>> No.9466890

neither, I'm being sarcastic.

>> No.9466897


>> No.9466919

My secret to amazingly fluffy eggs is the microwave. Seriously.
Crack however many eggs you want into a microwave safe bowl.
Microwave for a minute then stir.
Then microwave in bursts of 30 seconds, stirring in between for at least 10 seconds. This keeps the temperature consistent.
Stop before the eggs look fully done, as they probably have enough residual heat to finish cooking, so just fold the curds for another minute or so and it should be perfect.

>> No.9466932
File: 1.55 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170728_133448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter, pepper, leafy seasoning, perhaps rub.
You don't have to add anything to them besides non-stick medium... Preferably not manmade.

Try frying your eggs in butter.
Experiment without retarded shit.

>> No.9466956

ironic how? I fail to sence the irony, maybe due to the fact that I'm a bitter cynic.

>> No.9466994

joke's on you, I'm a satarist

>> No.9467000

Oh, so you do satare every day?
I prefer satire myself.

>> No.9467037

Only right answer

>> No.9467330

I was a line cook at Denny's. We add pancake batter to the scrambled eggs.

>> No.9467362

You fucked up these are still soggy, disgusting.

>> No.9467375

Your eggs sound horrible.

>> No.9467438

In a large mug/bowl
>2 or 3 eggs (per serving)
>0.5 to 1.5 tablespoons of milk per egg (depending on how fluffy you like em)
>large pinch of kosher salt
>black pepper
>optional: little bit of cayenne or chili powder, and garlic powder (or garlic salt instead of kosher salt)

Whisk all that together thoroughly with a fork, then add it to a very-lightly-oiled or buttered pan (egg mix should sizzle as it hits the pan). Stir to keep it cooking evenly, but not too much that it breaks up into tiny chunks, and remove when it reaches the desired level of doneness (which for me is when it's all just starting to brown all over). The milk *should* have helped add some volume to the eggs.

>> No.9467458

>garlic powder

>> No.9467635

>think 'why not' and make soft cooked scrambled eggs
>they were actually good, aside from being cold (because I decided to toast English muffins after they were cooked)
I'm honestly glad I tried it

>> No.9467674
File: 16 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_5715900852943316813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You think my lazy ass is dicing up fresh garlic early in the morning just for a hint of garlic flavor? This recipe is meant to be quick and easy.


>> No.9467693

>You think my lazy ass
yup, that is exactly your problrm. Lazy.
>dicing up fresh garlic early in the morning
yes, nigga. fresh garlic. using that fuching powder, ever... absolutely disgusting.
>just for a hint of garlic flavor?
Not a hint, a fuckton. Garlic is based.
You want good eggs? Tomato and fresh (green) garlic, salt, pepper. I don't care if you add milk or not, if you want them fluffy add a tiny pinch of soda.
Well, having great eggs or just okay eggs are the options, true.

>> No.9467714

>putting fresh garlic into flour for breading

you are one dum nigga

>> No.9467725

>moving the goalposts
you are one dum nigga

also, if you can't chop garlic finely, you go ahead and use freeze-dried shit. what are you doing on a cooking board tho?

>> No.9467737

yeah b/c everyone who posts here is a chef big guy.

>> No.9467755

>I can't chop garlic.
Allright, leave the cooking of tasty dishes to people with opposable thumbs. Stick to eating your tendies.

>> No.9467790

fry some ham on the pan, then throw the egg/cheese/salt/pepper mixture into it, keep stirring so it doesn't stick to the bottom, when you see that there's no more egg water, they're ready

>> No.9467835

>believes anyone who can cook must be a chef
special needs detected

>> No.9468008

Make sure the pan is extremely hot first. Drop your stirred eggs into the pan and then immediately pull the eggs off the heat. Shift the eggs around the pan as quickly as possible while they're cooking.

>> No.9468778

that's called "scrambled fried" and it's fucking god tier

>> No.9468784

before anyone starts giving me shit, i know. i know.

BUT. this buzzfeed article about testing different scrambled eggs methods helped me.


>> No.9468797

Take your Buzzfeed and shove it up your ass.


>> No.9468819

I wanna think it's impossible to get this buttmad over optional ingredients in a recipe for scrambled eggs, but then I remember this is 4chins

>> No.9468850

yeah, whatever. i thought it was interesting to see the different techniques compared.

>> No.9468893
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>Medium low-medium heat
>a guilty amount of butter
>splash of water or milk
>scramble eggs right before cooking
>pour eggs in
>wait until you see the edges start to cook
>scrape eggs with spatula from one end to the other once
>Repeat steps 7 and 8 until 95% cooked
>transfer to plate

It helps if you have a good cast iron skillet.

>> No.9468927

your pepper game is on point anon

>> No.9468998

Good, stay out of it please.

>> No.9469009

I make fluffy as fuck eggs and the secret is really just whip the shit out of them in a bowl before adding them to an already medium heat pan (starts cooking immediately but does not jump and sear) and pull your spatula across them as they cook to fold them up into layered mounds.

Water is fine, the steam bubbles can help fluff it up but you gotta be careful because it will probably displace what you're lubricating your cooking surface with a little bit and you're going to want the surface on higher heat than the other method so that it sizzles when it hits the pan.

Milk is fine, you'll probably need a little bit extra butter or cooking oil because if you want these fluffy you gotta whip them in the pan. The creaminess makes them take longer but if you whip them it will still be fluffy despite being heavy because the milk solids will start to hold it together when it cooks.

You can also mix a little bit of granulated sugar in (like, maybe a teaspoon for 3-4 eggs, a tablespoon instead to make egg cakes) and a dash of cooking alcohol mixed in really well before cooking.

Also, don't combine these methods, please. Except the first one because beating the shit out of eggs before adding them to the pan always improves the scramble. Loose eggs are for fritters.

>> No.9470106


just saw this post, thought this thread was ded

you're a cunt with nothing to say

>> No.9472009

oi fuck is that ma toast burning?

>> No.9472059

That's a fine method, but those aren't scrambled eggs. That's more of an omelette technique. You don't whip scrambled eggs before they go in the pan.

>> No.9472429


I don't give a fuck what anyone says. Gordon's scrambled eggs are fucking autistic as fuck. Looks at this shit. Over complicating all of this and it looks like shit.

>> No.9472481

>Creamy scrambled eggs
Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.9472690

This thread made me want scrambled eggs so I drunkenly made some.
>4 eggs.
>Knob of salted butter.
>Splash of milk.
>Pinch of salt, nice amount of pepper.
>1 drop of Ultra Death Sauce.


>> No.9472724

scramble with milk

>> No.9472940

>Not a Drop of the last dab

>> No.9472970

bland as shit color
no cheese
no ham/bacon/meat

>> No.9472988
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con catsun we xd

>> No.9472992

ponle catsun

>> No.9473008
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apoko no...

>> No.9473029

si k estan bn pendejos uds jajajaja quien chingados le pone catsun al webo jajajajajajaja

>> No.9473156
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>> No.9473186

I scrambled like seven eggs senpai

>> No.9473215

Same dude, I'll give you guys a rerocc either late tonight or tomorrow. I haven't learned anything from this thread, but I'll try to make it more aesthetic next time.
To the anons who say that's unevenly cooked, that's just the sliced provolone I put on top after it was done.
Also, I like pepper, fite me.
Will someone else pls contribute their own eggs instead of criticizing everyone else?
Also, Gordon Ramsey's eggs fucking blow. Nobody wants "scrambled egg" dip that you HAVE to scoop with something.

>> No.9473237

>no chipotles
>nisiquiera valentina ( de la que pica)

valen VERGA

>> No.9473244
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>> No.9473277

They were not soggy at all. Are you blind, anon?

>> No.9473385

Looks like garbage to me!

>> No.9474083


>> No.9474096

Faggots, post pictures of your eggs. Don't let this thread die!

>> No.9474110
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Fluff up your eggs and your brain cells

>> No.9474120
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>> No.9474128
File: 636 KB, 1829x1389, 90D69E8A-0BF7-4B47-88C0-2CD844FFD477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brekfust egg

>> No.9474291


>You don't whip scrambled eggs before they go in the pan.




>> No.9474974

they taste wonderful though. especially over a nice piece of toast like he did it.

>> No.9475580

When you put them in your pan, scrape from the edge to the center, making folds in the scrambled eggs

>> No.9475650

I tried this because we were out of milk and desu it made no difference in texture, it's all about whipping them hard enough to froth the white and yellow together.

I prefer the milk taste, but otherwise not bad. Had I used real butter instead of butter spray you wouldn't miss the milk at all.

Thanks for the idea.

>> No.9475660

>scotch egg master race
my nigga

>> No.9476624

I've failed you, I already started dinner for the evening, but while our shopping I grabbed an extra 18 pack of eggs. Tomorrow y'all gonna learn about good eggs.
I always make cheese eggs, I might even post a cook along.

>> No.9476662
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This is me, by the way my eggbrobes. I'll probably wake up a little late tomorrow, but I gotchall.

>> No.9476915

wait, you don't use salt?
are you a 5 year old?

I'd salt on the pan, but otherwise this seems decent

literally no one reputable advises to scramble directly on the pan
I do it sometimes out of laziness and it's fine, but it's definitely not the best way

>> No.9477409

This, always scramble before putting in the pan.

>> No.9477453

You might like this style of egg yourself, but don't cook them for people on Sunday morning. They are really not to the taste of a general audience.

>> No.9477574

just cook 80% of the eggs first, break them into smaller pieces then pile them together, and add the remainder of the eggs as a glue to make them a solidified structure

>> No.9478996

This is the only way to make good scrambled eggs OP >>9458899

and here's sunnyside up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MhzKI4q5FE

>> No.9479662

What about using bacon grease instead of butter?

>> No.9479744

Nah, not unless you're already cooking bacon and making some huge everything breakfast.
If you're making scrambled eggs alone, just based af butter.

>> No.9479748

Pan, nice and hot
On the heat, off the heat

>> No.9479760

I do that every time.

>> No.9479788

Alright guys, I'm getting things started. Give me a sec and I'll post the cook along, we're making big boi scrambled eggs for dinner because I woke up late as fuck.

>> No.9479811

butter,salt,pepper,(parmesan) and that's it. just cook them at low temp and keep scrambling. leavy them nice and juicy too ie a little bit runny.
don't destroy them by overcooking making them spongy

>> No.9479820

adding milk to scrambled eggs doesn't make the texture into custard though

>> No.9479937

Where do you live because it's already 7pm here

>> No.9479969

Where you live, probably. It's seven pm here, too.
I just like scrambled eggs, is all.

>> No.9479981

Step one, crack ten eggs.

>> No.9479985
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Forgot pic

>> No.9479997

Step two, add 1 part water (for steam) and two parts milk.

>> No.9480000
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I'm such a fucking retard, I can't stop forgetting pictures.

>> No.9480012

Oh yeah I'll totally cook breakfast stuff in the evenings, I thought you had just woken up though

>> No.9480015

I like cheese eggs, so I throw a shit lot of cheese in at this point.
>Pan nice and medium heat

>> No.9480034

>rambles about cooking the eggs risotto style
>manages to fuck up a freaking piece of toast

>> No.9480039
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Lots of butter, preheat your oven for dry toast.

>> No.9480043

cool magic bullet get

>> No.9480093
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Make sure it's nice and whipped to fuck (cheese included), and dump that junk on in. Lower heat to low around 1/2 way through once your eggs have structure.
Make sure the edges of your pan are clean always, and sweep the bottom of the pan with your spatula.

>> No.9480106
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Here's eggs once done without any seasoning/cheese.

>> No.9480114
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Always season AFTER cooking. Here's eggs, with two slices of provolone, S&P, and five slices of dry 12 grain toast.

>> No.9480130

Ok faggots post your eggs, mine are TASTY AS FUCK.

>> No.9480162


I think ramsay is a hack, but eggs made like this are great, especially with a dash of tabasco on top.

>> No.9480493

Gordon's eggs are total shit, I wouldn't even feed that to my dog.
Don't bother watching this video, just read the rest of the thread and pray you learn something.

>> No.9480586

why don't you like them?

>> No.9481179

Nutmeg and blue cheese

>> No.9481188

Mix 3 eggs in a bowl
Pour eggs in buttered pan
Mix runny eggs in pan around for about 2-3 mins
Add salt and pepper
That's it.

>> No.9481440

Because he's American and used to burning his eggs
Anything that isn't brown means not cooked for these people.

>> No.9481502


>grabbing at low hanging fruit

Everyone burns toast nigga

They could've edited that out but they didn't - cause they thought it was relatable.

>> No.9481504

There's also the fact that american does not have access to proper butter.

>> No.9481709

Honestly I can't stand runny eggs, and scrambled is the alternative for people who don't like them. Why mix the two? >>9481440
Get fucked my eggs weren't burnt in the slightest.

>> No.9481718


>why mix the two?

Personal preference you dumb hick. Your assertion that scrambled is the alternative to runny eggs is idiosyncratic as fuck.

Your kind of eggs go well in a breakfast burrito. But they're shit in an English breakfast where the eggs kind of act as a glue or substrate for piece of the other ingredients/smears of sauce/pieces of bread

>> No.9482116
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