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9454376 No.9454376 [Reply] [Original]

Is sushi a meme?

>> No.9454388

It's a meme i like

>> No.9454419

Jesus Christ, Jiro, it's just a meme.

>> No.9454452


>> No.9454474

If you have the time, watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi on Netflix. It's a wonderful documentary regarding a sushi master and his Michelin three-star restaurant.

>> No.9454489

How does he have 3 stars if all he does is cut fish and put it on vinagery rice fucking moon people

>> No.9454502

Muh honor and tradition

While all his buddies were flying planes into aircraft carriers and eating bullets on islands the size of a walmart he was dutifly undertaking the herculean task of walking to the fish market and later cooking some rice

>> No.9454509

He does it really well apparently

>> No.9454567

It's a meme for people from flyovers who ate grocery store sushi one time and said it was shit.

For real people it's actually great. Although the circlejerk surrounding the skill required to make sushi and to a lesser degree japanese cuisine in general is overblown, sushi does require very fresh and high quality ingredients and some culinary skill to pull off well.

Lots of people like it for a reason although I would say most murricans only eat rolls covered in spicy sauce and mayonnaise, not that there's anything really wrong with that as that kind of westernized sushi is really good in its own right.

If you aren't afraid of raw fish a big plate of fresh nigiri and sashimi is one of life's great pleasures

>> No.9454830
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Its becoming one. More and more pricey sushi places are popping up in my area. I've tried some and they aren't worth the luxury prices they're charging. They think that just cus They're coming some foreign cuisine they can sell it for more. Fuck you, I know your primary ingredient is rice.

>> No.9454845
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>local "sushi" places literally only have one kind of fish

>> No.9454858

I like it when my favorite foods get memed. What I don't like is the sudden unnecessary uptick in prices from the ensuing popularity.

>> No.9454871

>high tier
>mid tier
>low tier
bluefin tuna
yellowfin tuna
sea urchin

>> No.9454883

>loyal customer to this thai joint
>good friends with the owner
>one day some hipster ass magazine covered his place as top thai eatery
>sales goes through the roof,he now jolt up the price due to supply and demand
>still gives me an old price whenever i order,telling him its people like me who knows how to enjoy their food

i both applaud and detest his kikery but im glad he appreciates me as a customer

>> No.9455128

>sea urchin
>low tier
Yeah find the tallest building near you and jump off it

>> No.9455165

>high tier
what the actual fuck?

>> No.9455181

>Fuck you, I know your primary ingredient is rice.
Well, you're right, it shouldn't be. fish is the primary ingredient.
Have a (you), because I agree with you.

>> No.9455215
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For quality sushi you got to pay up. I once went to a guy that only serves Omakase sets, a different one every day depending on what was caught the day before in the Japanese fish market, which he flew in daily. It wasn't cheap but was by far and away the best sushi I've ever had. The fish was super fresh and rice was just incredible

pic related

>> No.9455220

that picture moistens my panties

>> No.9455256

That really looks in credible. So how much would that plate of sushi cost at that restaurant?

>> No.9455267

Fuck off for making this cancerous thread.

>> No.9455275

you folks are missing the point! the whole thing is his son is the one making the great sushi and he's still living in his fathers shadow

>> No.9455295

it was around $60 USD last time I went.
You have to call a week or two in advance because it's just a bar with 10 seats, the whole thing is run buy 1 guy and his wife, in Vancouver. Whenever I'm in that city I try to go because 'quality' Omakase on the east coast can easily cost twice as much or more, and it's not as good as that guy's.

>> No.9455299

can I moisten your boypucci with some soy sauce

>> No.9455306
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Visit a highly rated sushi place.

They have 50 selections

48 have Avacado.

>> No.9455308

I need the avocado to stop, but at least it isn't as bad as the mango dark ages of 2011

>> No.9455311

you literally can't.

>> No.9455313

I still see traces of that in some places. Mango and... cream cheese *shudder*

>> No.9455321

it doesn't even belong
>fatty slimy fish
>ah, lets add some contrast with this fatty slimy fruit

>> No.9455324

Then let me lick the soy sauce off your sashimi instead

>> No.9455327

>living in Nebraska

>> No.9455356

No, sushi is a rice dish. Most sushi contains raw fish, but not all sushi does. The one thing that all sushi has is sticky vinegar rice.

>> No.9455374

What I meant by it, and I grant you, I did not make it clear, is that the primary focus should be on fish. fuck semantics, the fish is what makes sushi good, or gives you the shits. then the rice.
I mean, you literally can't. there's miles between us.
are you calling me a fag? or saying my pussy smells? They're kind of mutually exclusive in this context

>> No.9455376
File: 131 KB, 999x555, aburi-sushi-minami-yaletown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aburi sushi is the latest meme. It's not bad but definitely not worth $20 - $30 for 6 pieces

>> No.9455378

>I mean, you literally can't. there's miles between us.
How do u know? :^)

>> No.9455420

Your list is completely backwards.

>> No.9455427

Sushi's great, but it also causes Japan to seriously fuck up any sea life it can get its hands on. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and prawn etc are great, but I don't mess with the obscure stuff.

>> No.9455434

Mackerel and tuna high
salmon and prawn mid
everything else low except egg, which has its own bottom tier

>> No.9455539

>low tier
>sea urchin
What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.9455605
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>dutifly undertaking the herculean task of walking to the fish market and later cooking some rice
fugg you got me

>> No.9455666

go suck a dick since you like eating gonads so much

>> No.9455670

>egg in high tier
>trout and urchin in low
>eel only in mid
Fucking animal

>> No.9455738
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>applaud and detest his kikery
The fact that he acknowledges your contribution to his eventual success means he's human under that business owner.

>> No.9455741

yes, it is a means of conveyance for soy sauce and wasabi

>> No.9455762

Is the Aldi Sushi they sell for 2€ edible or will I get food poisoning? Aldis are known to be rulefags but I am still really concerned.

>> No.9455798

especially since you can get solid 18-piece meals for like $10 a ton fo places in vancouver

>> No.9455824

Edble? Yes. Cheap? Obviously. Taste like shit? You better believe it. Worth it? Just go to a real sushi place, you cheap git

>> No.9456035

Yes, a good meme

>> No.9456091
File: 84 KB, 760x548, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true. you will be surprised to find out who is your neighbor around these parts.
I was looking for a party to do the raid in destiny with, needed a 6th person, grabbed some rando from destiny general and it turns out he lives locally to the rest of us. Could have come from anywhere in the world but didn't

here's a more palpable example. those of you reading this, please acknowledge if you know what this place is?

>> No.9456109

His son is being trained in everything Jiro learned the hard way.

>> No.9456158

>salmon high instead of tuna
ok you don't know what you're talking about, poorfag preb

>eel not high tier
ight I'm done with this website

>> No.9456201

It's a good way to get parasites in your body. Unless you're eating it from an authentic japanese restaurant.

>> No.9456219

>most murricans only eat rolls covered in spicy sauce and mayonnaise
Something I really don't get about people who eat sushi here honestly, I don't have sushi often but when I do I almost exclusively get nigiri because it just tastes better to me without all the extra shit

>> No.9456637

>likes eating the taste of low tide on rice
No thanks, anon.

>> No.9457026

pleb detected. Not being able to appreciate uni is a good filter

>> No.9457049
File: 116 KB, 680x453, minami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my gf to Minami for one of our first dates, it was like $180 for set meals for the two of us. The food was somewhat pretentious, tasted decent, but was not filling at all. I left still hungry. Would not recommend for that price

>> No.9457061

Maybe. That looks pretty good though

>> No.9457083

>go to sushi place with rotating bar
>the only sushi on the bar is ridiculous expensive messes and salmon nigiri

I saw like one philadelphia roll the whole time, the rest was gyoza, dessert, and these admittedly delicious fish cake things

man I should go there again next week

>> No.9457233

I wish I could eat fish. As soon as I taste anything fishy it sets my gag reflex off. I know it makes me look like a little kid.

>> No.9457234

i like it

>> No.9457254


>> No.9457271

I've known a few people like that, one of my friends gags if she even smells fish cooking

Never understood it myself, I love fish

>> No.9457292

depends on what meme means these days.
for real though, it's not a meme, most of them are delicious if done with quality ingredients

>> No.9457730

>Amerifat in charge of ranking anything other than burgers and cow testicle

>> No.9457777

raw fish is fucking disgusting

>> No.9457816

Gyoza are great
Easy to make too, you should try

>> No.9458332

You're not using the word meme correctly, so no, it is not.

>> No.9459040

This post is really bad

>> No.9459159
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x1836, 20160921_113056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it is rice. For sushi the rice is the most important part. If you have the opportunity, talk to a local sushi chef and he'll let you know. The fish has its own taste and flavor. The challenge is not only cooking and seasoning the rice to be able to appeal on a wide range of subtle flavors, but also in shaping it in a fashion where the texture is still pleasant and complementary to the fish.

I realize I just went full sushi. Don't worry I'm a professional and have sold pressed sushi for exorbitant amounts. I'm already indoctrinated.

>> No.9459191

Sushi bar Maumi actually uses local fish. Only his tuna is bought in Tokyo, due to Canadian food safety regulations and the tuna industry. Most of Japan's tuna is from California which is an interesting circle of events when you think about it.

>> No.9459202
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x1836, 20170802_155259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They love fish here. And it's super cheap. Where are the world's fish going? Japanese dumpsters.

>pic related. About 1.5USD

>> No.9459311

Oh I did not know that. Thanks for the info

fun fact: He uses a Misono UX10 gyuto

>> No.9459325

Fun fact: Among Japanese chefs, it's the most beloved chef knife of the big manufacturers.

It's a great knife I'm not gonna lie. Little bit heavy for my tastes. My ex was given one as a gift from her chef for becoming full time. They'll put your initials on it upon request.

>> No.9459334

>bluefin tuna on low tier

you get your sushi from the supermarket, don't you.

>> No.9459425

Wow really? I did not know that.
I'm thinking of getting a Misono in Swedish Carbon Steel, the one with the dragon. I've heard it's a good performer for the price but not sure if I should just save up for something in Blue#2

>> No.9459752


when I was a little kid I was an autistically picky eater who wouldn't eat raw fish, so when my mom made sushi she would just give me a bowl of vinegared rice to eat.

>> No.9460455

I tried some overpriced Mexican fusion sushi and it was pretty good though. The jalepeno was good in it

>> No.9460495

I'm on the North Shore and I usually pay about $65 for a night for me and my gf. Mostly nigiri and special rolls like rainbows, Alaska, etc... totally worth it. I've heard we have some of the best sushi in the world where we live

>> No.9460515

Where's yellowtail?
Or is that yellowfin tuna?

>> No.9460524
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>mid tier

>> No.9461632

Nutritional standpoint perspective:yeah I know Japanese are healthy overall, but this is about sushi. Looking at this picture, I see a non-nutritious filler paired with a sliver of something nutritious. Why not just leave out the rice and prepare the fish in a larger portion?

I know, I know...the art, the craft, the flavor combinations. But health-wise, the fish would be the healthiest aspect to ingest. And probably cooked, as studies have shown that cooked foods aids in digestion which allows for more nutrient intake. Raw foods of any sort require more work in the gut to extract nutrients. But sushi is seen as a health food. Not really, is all I'm saying.

>> No.9462897

>eating gonads is disgusting!
>eating the products of gonads is godtier though

why are egg fanboys so deluded

>> No.9462912

>sea urchin
>low tier

Just how plebeian can someone be? I bet you like tempura rolls with sweet sauce

>> No.9462916

Get the UX10 if you don't already have one. The Swedish one is good. What's your intended use?

>> No.9463033

That nigiri is fine. Literally no different than eating slices of fish with a cup of rice on the side.
The only types of sushi that are bad for you are the westernized versions with mayo, sugary sauces, cream cheese, and are deep fried.

Also where's your citation saying that uncooked fish nutrients would absorb more poorly than cooked fish?

>> No.9463078

What's it called? I'll be in Van in a couple months.

>> No.9463079

Also portion sizes. Western sushi typically has more rice otherwise people will complain that their 'meal wasnt filling'. Or more sauces otherwise 'i dont like fish because it tastes fishy but i'll eat this sushi cus it has a ton of fried stuff on it'. Gotta cater to plebs and make money somehow

>> No.9463098

>If members of a group makes multiple reservations that, when combined, exceed a total of 4 guests, the entire group will be asked to leave, and will be charged $ 75.00 + tax/person.
What an autist

>> No.9464825

Sushi Bar Maumi

>> No.9464891

General cutting and slicing in a small home kitchen. I'm an amateur knife and steel enthusiast so I'd like something decent. I'm a fan of carbon steel

Shut up. It's hard enough to get a reservation as it is

>> No.9464898

The name got mentioned elsewhere in the thread already

>> No.9465065

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.9465123


can anyone name these?

>> No.9465135


no, but western sushi is

>> No.9465450

I've had it once and I'm not sure if it was authentic or anything but I enjoyed it .

>> No.9465863
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>10 people sitting uncomfortably in silence not allowed to make conversation or visibly enjoy anything

Wow sounds awful.

>> No.9466216
File: 182 KB, 768x768, 7YjgEsTlv1dmbq0s5eA6msHiNNn71mqBlCmArTwM9a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def not a meme

>> No.9466241

Most of the times I go to "sushi places" in town (must a grand total of 4 of them) its always pricey and frankly quite underwhelming.
Now I just go to one little sushi shop, the place is held by a japanese couple and they simply make the best sushis. The place is so small you have no choice but to take away

>> No.9466315

Did she take his man meat

>> No.9466584

It says talk quietly not don't talk at all. Go to a sports bar if you want to holler about cars and women and football.

>> No.9466597

where does imitation crab meat fall on this list?

>> No.9466646


I love any sushi that has cream cheese in it.

I don't care if it makes Japs and sushi snobs cry.

>> No.9466736

>ordering rolls
holy shit pleb detected. please evacuate to reddit where you belong. even rice in sushi is borderline retarded.

>> No.9467151

>even rice in sushi is borderline retarded.
Do you actually know what "sushi" is?

>> No.9467172
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my local sushi > all other sushi

>> No.9467182

that's because you like food that tastes good without necessary being part of muh honororabre tladitions

>> No.9467200
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>> No.9467258

In reality it's not that uptight, as long as you're respectful. I went with 3 other friends and we were talking normally the whole time, being casual. Chef maumi was pretty chill and even gave us all some kind of special tuna nigiri at the end not normally included in our set, free of charge. He's a chill guy and outstanding sushi chef, just don't be a retard or disrespectful by doing shit like asking for soy or wasabi or a fork.

>> No.9467286


>> No.9467287

Online matchmaking tries to match you as local as possible though.

That's still neat though! Raids are fun.

>> No.9467303
File: 97 KB, 1000x750, chirashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Chirashi bowl.

$15 in Seattle, high quality, tons of food, there's a bed of rice under all the fish, and somehow cheap as fuck.

>> No.9467309


>> No.9467343

Saddest thing I've ever seen

>> No.9467502

>That green slop supposed to be wasabi
>Barely edible scraps of fish & imitation crab

>> No.9467888

I realize the way sushi connoisseurs look at soy sauce, but to be honest I genuinely enjoy dabbing a roll or nigiri in it. I usually alternate, I'll try it without anything in it, then try lightly dabbing it in soy sauce. I want to eventually try a 3 Michelin star rated sushi, but I'd also like to try it with a little bit of soy.

>> No.9468565

A good chef will put the right kind and amount of sauce on the sushi for you, if any is required. You don't know more about sushi than him, and to ask for soy sauce is insolent of you and insulting to him

>> No.9469190

Sushi is fucking great but yes it is a meme