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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9421863 No.9421863 [Reply] [Original]

r8 my cheeseburger

Yes same faggot from that last thread, under patties are pickles onions and 1k island dressing

fuken revised my shit

>> No.9421884



remove pickles and it's 8/10

>> No.9421892

Looks good to eat so nice work

>> No.9421899

Looks tasty OP
I'd do just one patty and throw on some lettuce and tomato

>> No.9421949
File: 1.81 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170913_152050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another pic halfway through eating

I must say.. dear lord, lads

>> No.9421987


>> No.9422007

remove yourself from my board manchild

>> No.9422015

Looks yummy. Bacon and onions might be a nice addition for me. But burgers are like salads there's no such thing as a right way. So long as your meat is moist.

>> No.9422018

Mediocre at best, OP. It'll get the job done, but not much more. Ditch the sesame seed bun for a kingly kaiser roll, or at least brioche at minimum, and get some LTOP on there and we'll talk. 4/10, maybe a 5/10 since you at least got some dressing and pickles on there.

>> No.9422022

>no such thing as a right way.
This is a damnable lie. Fuck outta here with your hippy-dippy feel-good shit.

>> No.9422040

Eat shit hipster pussy

>> No.9422059

Nah dude it's true. I even like different variations based on my mood. Sometimes I like it spicey bbq and peppers. Sometimes with bacon and avocado. Sometimes with sauteed mushrooms and onions. Sometimes with foie gras. Sometimes I make little sliders with kings Hawaiian rolls as my buns. My only constant is moist meat and good cheese.

>> No.9422069

You're saying that like moist meat is all it takes for a burger above 5/10. By that standard your sister's minge qualifies as a good burger. To reach the upper 50% you need good meat, light seasoning (salt and pepper minimum, maybe Cajun or Montreal), good bread (kaiser, brioche, pretzel) and good cheese.

>> No.9422081

Tell us what beef you used and what if anything you mixed with it. Looks good af senpai.

>> No.9422085
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Pickle haters be gone

>> No.9422096

you try hard shit eater

80/20 minimum Chuck with cheap supermarket buns and you're pretty much set

Special buns and all that hipster shit are for women and faggots just like you

>> No.9422103

You're a 0/10, faggot. Go back to Seattle with your Brioche.

>> No.9422105

standard 80/20 chuck seasoned with just salt

>> No.9422132

Looks pretty decent.

I give it 7/10

>> No.9422141

Nice. Try adding a touch of pepper and some onion powder for a bit more flavor and see if you like it. Stuff like garlic and herbs come on top strong but onion powder is mild enough.

>> No.9422170

Again man it's just a burger I'm not saying I don't like those things you mentioned I just don't always need them included for my burger to be above 5/10 good meat well seasoned and good cheese gives you an immediate 7/10 average burger ranking for me. Particular toppings from there can work for or against you depending on overall execution of the burger flavors or theme. Trying to pigeonhole versatile cheap comfort foods is a pet peeve of mine so you won't be winning over a convert here.

>> No.9422171
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pretty much my ideal cheese burger. thin crusty patties, squishy buns, gooey cheese, pickles, onions, and a condiment. fast food style is the best style for homemade burgers. i'd swap the buns for potato buns but otherwise good shit.

>> No.9422175
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One time I jammed a can of easy cheese into the burger as they were on the grill.

>> No.9422213

You should try the 85% beef, there will be way less grease on your burger, if that is your preference of course.

>> No.9422430

Looks pretty good OP, i'd eat without a doubt.

>> No.9422463

it's making my salivate slightly, must be good.

>> No.9422884

Opinion discarded.

>> No.9422943
File: 63 KB, 640x537, sriracha-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking at home?
Why not open your world of flavor with one of their new Signature Crafted Recipes?
My favorite is their new Signature Sriacha Sandwich, available on chicken or seared beef.
I'm lovin' it!

>> No.9422963

Why do you put plastic in your burger?

>> No.9422970

>thick-ass burger
>no burger envelope
do americans really

>> No.9423032

i made that shit at home bitch nigga no burger envelopes in my kitchen

suck my balls friend

>> No.9423156

realtalk, I keep pretzel wrappers to use for burgers/hot sandwiches. same damn thing.

>> No.9423160


>> No.9424467

In-and-out must be your go to burger place huh?

>> No.9424486

Get your brioche bun the fuck outta here, bug man. We make a real burger here, all right hot shot? No bullshit. Potato bun lightly toasted. 60-80% lean beef, no problem, the fat drains off. American cheese on top, raw purple onion slice.

No lettuce no sauces, kapiche? You want ketchup on your burger? What do I look like, a fuckin mook? Do I have hair growin out my eyeballs? You want some fuckin mustard? Whaddayou think this is, a fuckin water park? Think we got sauce flowin all over the place?

You want some fuckin sauce on your burger you go across the street to Louie's he's got your fucking sauce. Fuck outta here.

>> No.9424487

Looks pretty good m8

No overcomplicated toppings stacked to unbitable levels, and patties look like they were cooked just right

>> No.9426016

Looks delicious, op.

>> No.9426022

I love burgers

>> No.9426080

Looks pretty damn good OP, made my mouth water.

>> No.9426845

even I must admit it looks pretty damn good 8.9/10

>> No.9426896

good job, op! that actually looks really good

>> No.9428152


>> No.9428209

Nice samefag. Your burger looks average you gross manchild. Eating all that grease infront of your messy desk with a console controller and awful grandma plates. Thousand island is the most pleb condiment after ranch too. Grow up

>> No.9428216
File: 19 KB, 272x271, this_is_no_longer_cracking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this assblasted over a home cooked burger
Shouldn't you be in the McChicken thread?

>> No.9428219


Let's go down the list.

Your selection of bun is adequate. It appears soft and moist. The lack of flakiness details the buns freshness or higher quality preparation.

The cheese selection is questionable, but judging melted cheese can be hard to do. While the inner parts of the cheese still appear melted, the outer parts look like they've begun to solidify. Solidification is typically appeared in lesser quality cheeses. Also, given it's rudimentary shape I want to say you use a standard piece of pre-sliced American. While a staple in classical cheese burgers you could have taken it up a notch with a higher quality cheese.

Your meat circumference to bun diameter is perfect. People don't often appreciate this, but creating a patty that perfectly fits the diameter of your burger bun can be a difficult thing to do if you lack the proper know how. Patties will shrink when cooked, meaning you need to make them larger in their raw form or suffer a smaller patty that won't fit your bun properly. It's apparent you took that consideration into account and had done so with great skill.

The cooked patties themselves are also done very well. Given their dark color it's obvious you cooked them at high heat. A weaker cook typically don't cook over high heat in fear they'll burn whatever it is they're cooking. You don't seem to be one of them, meaning you're comfortable at cooking with high temperatures and indicates your experience in the kitchen. Additionally, cooking at a higher heat will help your patty retain a larger size, given the exterior sears faster while leaving the inside to finish on residual heat alone. Factored in to the previous mention of proper patty to bun ratio it's obvious you know what you were doing.

I'm a little critical of the raw onion that's protruding from the bottom. You left it long which can be cumbersome when eating the burger. They could have done with a little more chopping length wise.

>> No.9428228

>not taking criticism on board to better your life
The onions aren't caramelised, why even post this trash? The burger is an allegory for your life as is everything you do, this photo tells me everything I need to know about this person. Keep being satisfied with mediocrity and never developing as a human being

>> No.9428229


The pickles are subjective. I prefer them, others might not. You didn't over dress the burger with pickles however which is a good indicator of ability to judge dressing to priority of the meat. Those who love pickles on food often -really- loves pickles on food and will toss in more than needed.

Overall, above average. Would rate 7/10, and enjoy eating. Rate 8/10 if inside of the buns were toasted.

>> No.9428287

>Above average
>7/10 ranking
Wut. This is how fucked our society has become. A literal C- grade is considered above average.

>> No.9428332

Felt great to read this!! :)

And yes insides of buns were toasted in a little butter

>> No.9428350


Show me your A+ cheese burger faggot. I bet it has lettuce and hockey puck patties.

>> No.9428688
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Not him, but until you produce something like this beauty you'll always be a failure.

>> No.9428729

shit is poorly contructed

>> No.9428731

raw onions are better for burgers otherwise it's too sweet

>> No.9428844

What does it feel like to have such a worthless opinion? Use less fucking sugar if it's too sweet for you. Onion isn't good on a burger unless it's pickled or fried/caramelised, it's a conflict of flavours to put raw onion on a burger like that

>> No.9428863

Ladies and gents, what is the /ck/ approved lamb burger pattie recipe?

Was just going to add a pinch of paprika (because I put it in everything) and some garlic salt.

>> No.9428965


Those onions look sickening. Not fully caramelized.

Threw up a little, thanks.

>> No.9428971

>all the dumb faggots in this thread who don't realize most hamburger buns are actually brioche, called "half brioche".

>> No.9428972

today i make burgers too. been like a year since I made one. I got all the ketchup,pickles,mustard,cheese.

>> No.9429002

8.5/10, kept it simple and didn't load it up with a bunch of bullshit

nice work OP

>> No.9429017

thx buddy that hit the spot.

>> No.9429029

There is a fatal flaw with your beefburger, and that is namely that the burger itself has become a mound that's smaller than the bun

Should have flattened it out more before cooking, other than that it looks fine

>> No.9429046
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The proportions are all wrong

>> No.9429257

>Use less fucking sugar
If you don't understand that caramelized onions become sweet on their own without adding sugar, then you don't belong in the kitchen.

>> No.9429263

Caramelisation by definition requires sugar you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.9429266

Please stay away from the kitchen, you might hurt yourself or others.

>> No.9429282

Nice reddit post loser, learn some basic cooking techniques before you reply to me

>> No.9429291

pan fried smashed burger style? if so i made literally this exact burger the other day. 8/10, great quick food to make high and tastes simple and amazing

>> No.9429346

this, that burger looks like it has down sydrome

>> No.9429356
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The onions contain sugar.

>> No.9429365

Wish I could be a burger hitbox analyst

>> No.9429372

>rating food on an image board
you have no idea how any of this shit people makes tastes, pretty fucking pointless
thats why those /ck/ challenge threads are complete bullshit, for all you know the food is just pretty garbage, like a fast food commercial

>> No.9429885

Christ you autist, I wasn't fucking assembling it with rulers and calipers.

>> No.9429891
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>> No.9429893

I don't caramelize my onions for burgers I just throw them in the skillet when I flip the burgers to give them some color and eliminate the rawness so they don't overwhelm the flavor of the meat.

>> No.9429907

...can't tell if troll.
Using 's' instead of 'z' makes me suspicious.

>> No.9429915

>using the correct spelling makes me suspicious

>> No.9429949

Looks sloppy. 5/10 would rather have McDonald's.

>> No.9429962
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>with cheap supermarket buns and you're pretty much set
Cheap supermarket buns tend to be dry and crumbly. A good burger needs a solid bun that can withstand the fat and juices that come out of the burger as you bite it. While brioche and other hipster faggot buns are hipster faggotry, you can never go wrong with an Arnold Potato Bun. The addition of some potato flour give the bun the right density and strength to make the perfect burger bun. They are defintely worith the extra 59 cents per bag versus the store brand.
pic unrelated

>> No.9429963

Americans sure are arrogant. You bastardise a language and become suspicious of its correct use. The 's' was on purpose.

I don't even care if I'm being trolled.

>> No.9430010


> This atrocious piece of shit

neck yourself OP

>> No.9430017
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>Arnold Potato Bun
my jigaboo

>> No.9430133

85% is really lean and goes dry too quickly IMO unless you make medium rare which I prefer but most people don't.

>> No.9430148


Are you a guatemalan?

>> No.9430153

Excellent critique Desu!

>> No.9430181

I wouldn't but..
If I had to for the bonus prize I'd go Arabic paprika, cumin, tumeric, cinnamon, black pepper alspice and touch of cayenne. Pulverized garlic and fresh parsley in the meat mix.
Brioche topped with aoili..

>> No.9430384
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>raw onion

>> No.9430421
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>> No.9430433

personally i'd lose the pickles and thousand island. maybe add some grilled onions and grilled japs and a bit of bleu cheese. other than that, 6/10

>> No.9430464

That looks goddamned delicious

>> No.9430499

too spicy for you, white boy?

>> No.9430544

grilled/caramelized onioms are superior for burgers

>> No.9430553

that's a yes

>> No.9430562

glad you agree

if i wanted heat, i'd have pickles or jalapenos

>> No.9430574

>patties are burnt and too thin
>American """"cheese""""
>bun look like plastic

Probably better than McDonald's, but I still wouldn't eat it

>> No.9430639

I was able to find something like 70/30 or 75 and it was far superior even though most people will tell you 80 or higher

it must not be popular or something because I've never seen available since that one time

>> No.9430651

careful white boy, you might burn your tongue

>> No.9431073

>Society is fucked up because I don't understand the difference between a ranking system and a marking system


Also, not everywhere in the world inflates marks as heavily as America.

>> No.9431204

I do it for free.

>> No.9432050

Look like something an american with no taste and a desire for having a heart arrest at the age of 40 would eat.

is this you?, of course, you dont have to respond buddy.

>> No.9432069


Clearly you should next time. Jesus.

>> No.9432110

>when murrica goes full burger

>> No.9432137


>onions overflowing messing up plating aesthetics
>uneven distribution of lettuce
>fake cheese
>no beetroot
>no egg
>no bacon
>burger not placed in the center of the plate
>patty smaller than the bun
>pile of leaves in the house

7/10 its ok i guess

>> No.9432138

Looks gay

>> No.9432142
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>> No.9432146

>pressed burger
Kill yourself, and you're not my man.

>> No.9432369
File: 15 KB, 480x243, 1475773626784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing yourself a disservice eating from those shit-tier buns. You deserve better OP

>> No.9432370

t americuck who's only ever had those vomit inducing sickly sweet bread and butter pickles

>> No.9432513

I usually knead thin sliced onions and thin sliced bacon into the patty, turns out pretty good

>> No.9432517

And use homemade buns and some pickled cabbage instead of pickles

>> No.9433766

If this were /pol/ you'd be called a shill.

But really, I agree. At minimum, you should toast the cheap buns. If you just throw the burger on an untoasted bun it turns into a greasy mess.

>> No.9433770

Patties look good
Cheese looks good
Buns look sad

>> No.9433787
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>If this were /pol/ you'd be called a shill.
How is that even remotely related to anything he said?