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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9374698 No.9374698 [Reply] [Original]

Really firing up those neurons

>> No.9374712

Dumb phone poster

>> No.9374728

>The Vegan Virgin
>The Chad Carnivore

>> No.9374758

>Stock shelf full of all the tofu we got in from the load
>little qt asian girl asks me if it's really on sale for 99 cents
>das rite
>dick around for 10 minutes
>Come back to an empty shelf

>> No.9374775

Is this houston?

>> No.9374855
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Now this is a meme I can get behind!

>> No.9374906

Morningstar has some good vegetarian stuff. But pussy vegans won't touch the stuff because it has flavor.

>> No.9374926

Venezuela, 12 seconds after a shipment of mushrooms.

>> No.9374961

Take the field roast stuff. It's pretty tasty

>> No.9375005

>vegan tamales
>vegan RED tamales

never have I felt such despair

>> No.9375009

people are missing out, most that stuff is pretty decent. Meat substitutes have a better consistency

>> No.9375015

>paying extra for fake shit when you can have the real thing

>> No.9375032

Literally entry level vegism. This is largely produced for people who still miss meat. I don't wanna be harsh and say that they're never gonna make it, but they're never gonna make it.

>> No.9375033

>Visit friend in Houston
>Go to a cook out
>See him grill up some veggie burger patties
>I'm surprised, almost shocked
>He puts a veggie patty in between two beef pattys
>Makes a triple-decker burger

I was worried for a moment that moving to Texas made him a poof.

>> No.9375035
File: 72 KB, 800x800, laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegans btfo, even really wet texans won't steal your food when they are drowing or starving or whatever they're mad about down there.

but seriously if I was in a hurricane, I don't think it'd upset me too loot some vegan food. I don't hate the food itself, I just hate vegans.

>> No.9375042
File: 505 KB, 750x748, caf36fb482db4699043abb9e20f1c9e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that delicious tempeh up for grabs
Would loot the fuck out of that. Everything else can go to hell, and storebought kimchi is nasty.

>> No.9375048
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I don't hate on vegans or veganism, or vegetarianism for that matter. But even if I wanted to convert, seeing the 4 feet of shelving dedicated to my diet filled with nothing but $5+ products designed to taste like meat...I turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.9375141
File: 88 KB, 775x518, beyondburger-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually, at least as far as the processed meat-substitutes go like To-furkey and Daiya Cheese. They are the NicoDerm CQ patches of food. The only way they're gonna make it if they can transition to at least marinating tofu, jackfruit, tempeh, & seitan.
The Beyond Burger probably set vegetarian/veganism back at least 5 years.

>> No.9375197

Vegan/vegetarianism is noting but an adolescent phase. You'll grow out of it too, once you reach your early-mid twenties.
Its still funny to see "young adults" champion this as if they're changing the world. You'll soon realize there are much bigger issues to tackle, and your effort is utterly wasted on this bullshit.

>> No.9375214

>>The Beyond Burger probably set vegetarian/veganism back at least 5 years.

Why and how?

>> No.9375266

>meat and cheese ingredient list: 5-10 ingredients + preservative
>vegan """"meat""" and """"""""cheese""""": 274 ingredients

>> No.9375289

>not stealing the objectively best items and more nutritious food
Scavengers are mentally handicaped

>> No.9375403
File: 38 KB, 750x500, science-meat-in-vitro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of trying to mimic the texture and "bleeding" of animal tissue in order to reach consumers who otherwise would not consider a meatless diet seems ultimately self-defeating to me since the more they try and imitate the real thing the more scrutiny it will end up inviting. If your goal is to replicate meat to such a degree, that you are compelling consumers to constantly remember what they COULD be eating instead and compare their food choices and themselves to that standard. That seems to me like it will inevitably lead to feeling of consolation and settling that isn't healthy for durable long-term lifestyle changes. It's perpetuating the contemporary ideal that people still need a "meat"-like substance to be the center or heart of nearly every meal.

It's sort of acting as a crutch or wobbly bridge between two sides of a white-water river where many people are likely to get stalled out halfway through or regress back to the starting point of their old habits because of lack of satisfaction with unrealistic expectations and higher cost. Don't misunderstand, I don't wish the Beyond Burger's developers ill. I just don't believe they will ever be able to make a truly no-compromise competitive meatless substitute that can broaden vegetarian/veganism's appeal. I think the development of cruelty-free environmentally and sustainable test-tube meat probably stands a better shot, but then you still have to contend with the inherent health-degrading impacts of animal protein then.

>> No.9375412

How badly in life must you have failed to work in a grocery store?

>> No.9375438

this is one of my biggest problems with veganism is so many dishes are mimicing a meat dish. like, you dont need to call them vegan chicken wings, call them fried bbq seitan or something. its cool that there are these kinds of options and personally i think it will help win more people over to at least eating less meat, which i think is a much better diet goal(ive cut a lot of meat from my diet but would never go full vegan veg). i want to see more creativity in things that just are and are vegan. bigger push for dhals or whatever

>> No.9375519

In vitro meat isn't so much for vegetarians, it's intended as a means to reduce the overall pollution/environmental-costs from farming meat via cattle. Cows produce a shitton of methane.

>> No.9375531
File: 2.89 MB, 4128x2322, 20160312_183534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has taken over /ck/
>tfw when I would leave /pol/ at the door

>> No.9375607

Why is there so much shit out of stock?

>> No.9375618

how is that /pol/ you fucking mong

>> No.9376270

>can't even boogeyman in a way that makes sense

the anti-/pol/ autists are a sad bunch

>> No.9376327

>his first job was career track
spot the guy who didn't go to college

>> No.9376337

i would argue chicken wings that aren't made of chicken is more creative than some mushy lentil soup.

>> No.9376345

This sounds amazing

>> No.9376402

>Not asking your coworkers if they could put away tofu for you
You deserve this

>> No.9376447
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>> No.9376453
File: 222 KB, 1200x800, the chad patron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
