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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9354087 No.9354087 [Reply] [Original]

How do I know my food is edible?

Is there a minimum time i should keep meat on the pan so i dont die from eating it?

Like, how do I know if it's time to take the chicken breast/beef/meat in general out of the pan?

>> No.9354106

>Like, how do I know if it's time to take the chicken breast/beef/meat in general out of the pan?

Use a thermometer or cut into the meat and look at the color change. Is it raw inside? Keep cooking.

>> No.9354117

i know people that eat raw meat, completely uncooked. as long as its good quality meat (and not chicken) you are fine no matter what. for chicken: just cut it in half to check in the inside and protip: dont flip the chicken more than once (very important!). let it cook on one side until it looks like 60-70% is done, then flip

>> No.9354125

eat it and if you die it's inedible

>> No.9354131

just cut into it and check to make sure it's cooked all the way through. isn't that obvious?

>> No.9354148

I didnt know you could do that without ruining the meat

>> No.9354220

most of the time its visible
youll get better at it over time

>> No.9354291
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You can tell by the color as others have said.
But if you are worried about it that much, do as >>9354106 said and buy a thermometer.

Usually meats you buy at the grocery store have the cooking times/temps displayed in the label.

In case that info is not in the label, Google is your friend. "Safe cooking temperature for chicken" "internal temperature for cooking chicken" etc.

>> No.9354309

Your parents have failed you completely and it isn't my responsibility to do their job for them.

>> No.9354627
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Smell it. Don't listen to these anons with "eyes" and shit fuck that lmao use your nose. I've never had a problem eating my own cooking even though I've been blind since birth.