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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9322166 No.9322166 [Reply] [Original]

My friend bet me that I couldn't eat for the next six months off of just 100 dollars for the entire 6 months. I took him up on it. How do I do this

>> No.9322175

Spend $100 on a fancy meal, then starve

>> No.9322178


>> No.9322180

I hope you didn't bet a lot because you are fucking stupid and you can't accomplish this stupid goal

>> No.9322181

go to the oriental market and buy rice, go to mexi mart and buy beans, steal seasoning from fast food places or sumfin

>> No.9322186

Beans, rice, lentils. Physically you will more than survive. Mentally?

>> No.9322189

Its a very achievable goal anon. It will just really really suck achieving it.

>> No.9322198

soup kitchens
dumpster diving
growing your own food, if possible

>> No.9322205

oil, salt, sugar, flour, multivitamins

or go dig in the dumpster

>> No.9322206

This honestly. Dumpster diving near expensive restaurants and large grocery stores when there are blackouts is the best option. Otherwise enjoy eating rice, beans, and vitamins for the next six months. If you live near a farm you can probably steal some fruits.

>> No.9322208

20 5lb bags of jasmine rice

thats 100 lbs of rice, which is about 1/2 lb of uncooked rice per day.

>> No.9322211

For 6 months? Even in a 3rd world country motherfuckers are eating on more than 100 dollars for 6 months this is a stupid thing to try to do it's impossible

>> No.9322213

Buy bulk beans and rice then use free sauce packets and free salt and pepper and sugar packets from fast food places to add flavor. Lots of Taco Bell packets for spice and salsa

>> No.9322214

1. A 25lb bag of rice is < $8 at Costco buy 6
2. Buy some bulk pinto beans
3. Buy some multivitamins
4. Eat lunch every day at your local Sikh Temple. They provide a free vegetarian lunch to anyone.
5. Find churches that have pot lucks.
6. Be prepared to lose some weight.

>> No.9322217

buy a couple 50lb bags of all purpose flour for 11$ a pop. That's 1800kcal/day mix it with water and make some shitty bread things

>> No.9322225

Buy 200 pounds of bananas, eat 1 pound per day

>> No.9322228

180lb of rice $45
60lb of potatoes $30
However much butter you can get for $25

You won't die at least.

>> No.9322231

If you get sick of rice, potatoes are also cheap, can be eaten all of the time and sustain you for months.

>> No.9322236

Just convince another friend or family member to feed you for the next 6 months promising to pay them back when the 6 months is up.

>> No.9322237

Not very nutritious anon

>> No.9322243

>bananas are 50 cents a pound
I think YOU'RE bananas, anon.

>> No.9322253

I don't think even eating nothing but ramen will get you past 6 months

>> No.9322256

This is the only reasonable post in the thread.

You shouldn't fuck up your nutrition and happiness for six months over a bet that's probably a menial amount, and if the bet stands, then use a loophole.

>> No.9322258

100 dollars worth of limes oughta do it.

>> No.9322263

Go to sams club/Costco
Only eat samples

Soup kitchen food bank

>> No.9322264

Just withdraw a shitton of money and hide it from your friend.

>> No.9322269

>friend forgets about it in a week
>you look completely retarded for taking it seriously

>> No.9322270


do this, but look up the actual complete nutritive content of that specific rice and only buy the supplements you actually require to go along with it. you can the things you need out of a multi vitamin more cheaply on its own.

if you go to mooch off of religious people, i don't care what you believe, do something in return for them.

if you have an airgun or high speed BB gun, you can eat tree rats or squierrels when you get hungry for meat. its' very easy, cut off the head, hands, feet, slit the gut lengthwise, peel skin off from the asshole to the neck, voila, you have a tree rat ready to cook. you can just stick it on a spit over a fire, or water fry it in a skillet, since you can't afford grease or oil.

>> No.9322276


this is categorically the best way to die with the upper hand on your friend.

>> No.9322283

Rice, potatoes, and a hunting license

>> No.9322285

This is really the only option, I'd get some nutrient supliments as well cause 6 months is a long fucking time, get the cheapest of each category naturally
Maybe save few dollars and treat yourself an egg every now and then
Other than that, if you can, go pick berries, mushrooms, go fish etc. to get some variety to your diet, right now is the absolute best time for mushrooms for example and plenty of them dry really well
Oh and dumpster diving

>> No.9322308

Rember how sick the supersize me guy got, and that was only for 1 month, op you will not make 6 months

>> No.9322310
File: 41 KB, 150x225, SonichuPose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, ACTUALLY, the most 'cheap per day survive' would be pure raw cane sugar, pure raw whey protein - not 'protein shake mix', but actual whey protein powder that you might be able to get from some sort of ingredient outlet in a city.

with the sugar and the protein, what you do next is learn about the weeds and plants in your area. many of these plants are basically memecore hot-mom superfoods in terms of the vitamin and mineral content, and you really won't need much to avoid scurvy or AIDS.


that show was a fucking hoax

>> No.9322313

The supersize me guy who ate more fast food than anyone in history except for maybe 3 people got fat? Whaaaaaat?!

>> No.9322329


>> No.9322330

Ramen, cheap meat and frozen veg. Better idea is to just admit you were wrong and stop limiting yourself.

>> No.9322335


>> No.9322383


>> No.9322477

First off. How is he going to track all of this to prove it? Is your friend going to be glued to you for 6 months to check if you go literally anywhere and pick up food? Or go to a relative for food? Or say fuck it and go buy food anyway and hide it? This whole bet sounds more like you just cracked open a silly hypothetical situation to ask for advice.

>> No.9322501

You lost already, since he did that.

>> No.9322546

dumpster diving

I hope you bet him more than $1000

>> No.9322556

Multivitamins and peanut butter. You'll survive but you'll want to die.

>> No.9322561

an assload of potatoes and say to yourself "I'm gonna science the shit out of this" before every meal

>> No.9322580


Cornbread is good too

>> No.9322599

Get a hundred, one dollar bills and weave them together into a placemat for your table.
For the next six months, eat as you would normally, but make sure everything is eaten off of those 100 dollars.
Once you've passed the prerequisite period, congratulate yourself on eating for six months off of just 100 dollars for the entire 6 months and collect whatever spoils your wager nets you.

>> No.9322600

You bet your wife on $100? You just a cuck in denial. He's already fucked her.

>> No.9322603

If it were me. Box of 22, box of 308 (unless I can use things I currently own), already have the land. Cheap lures maybe bait, crabs and oysters arent hard to come by in the winter at least. Rest on potatoes, beans and spices.

>> No.9322604

Why not just lay a $100 bill on the table under each plate? It would be much more convenient.

>> No.9322643

Cheat and buy other shit when he isn't around. How the fuck is he gonna know?

>> No.9322653

How the fuck is he going to know how much money you spent of food?

>> No.9322684

Get free breakfast at hotel

>> No.9322743

Because of OPs wording. It says 100 dollars not $100. This way, OP can say he followed the wager to the letter and the other guy can have no legitimate argument because "BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!' isn't one.

>> No.9322820


Pocket the 100, hit up food banks and churches.

Eat better than wage cucks for free.

>> No.9322824

good post

>> No.9322839

Rice and beans is really all you've got and good fucking luck making it six months. You're gonna fucking die.

>> No.9322938


Move to NY

>> No.9322948
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We all know that op will break down and won't deliver

>> No.9322950

It's abit early but try hibernate?
Go scrumping ,eat from bins, hunt, forage, steal food, scrounge at friends/family houses, break in to a house and take all food you want

>> No.9322963

100 dollars for 6 months? Are you absolutely assblasted retarded? Maybe 3 months and even then that would still be difficult for one person, you'd be eating barely enough ramen and potatoes to survive during that time, but not thrive. Good luck feeling insanely hungry for 2 months and then getting cucked and having to pay your friend however much you bet

>> No.9322969

Actually, never mind. If you rob people or steal your families food, if you have any in the area, you could probably do it.

Besides that though, you're not gonna survive on 15-18 dollars a month.

>> No.9322980

you have 59 cents a day to live off.


>> No.9322983

>a jew
>digging through trash to save some money

checks out.

>> No.9322984

if you commit suicide you won't need food, there's a thought if you want to earn a 100 dollars.

>> No.9323007

You can technically do this with rice,beans and possibly flour. But is water and fuel to be used to prepare these things part of the 100 dollar bet? If so, i fear you will have lost the bet

>> No.9323012

What do you get if you win op?

>> No.9323136

Get some pointers from this thread >>9315283 and don't spend a dime.

>> No.9323149

Buy 100 limes and a few avocados

>> No.9323161

Buy some ammo and go kill a big deer

>> No.9323170

Whats in it for you if you win?

>> No.9323194

Hunting, fishing, stealing, snorting flour, cannibalism are just a part of your options.

>> No.9323204

move to a shithole and use your valuable ameribucks to achieve your goal

>> No.9323236

the ladies must really love going on dinner dates with this absolute faggot

>> No.9323252

Food pantries? Soup kitchens? That stuff is still around.

>> No.9323267

buy $10 worth of ramen for a week
buy 90$ worth of bitcoin
take your $10000 of profit and go live in a hotel for the next 6 months

>> No.9323268

Spend 100 bucks on a fishing rod

>> No.9323278

For 600 calories a day. Aushwitz mode.

>> No.9323283

youre gonna have to go to soup kitchens, theres no other way. what do you get if you win?

>> No.9323286

He's so fucking obnoxious.

>> No.9323294

It's hardly enough for one, let alone 6 months.

You could buy seeds and farm your own shit, but until that stuff grows you'll need to search through garbage for food.

>> No.9323322

Depends on the rules of the bet.

If it was just straight up "you can't go six months without spending more than $100 on food" then of course there are a lot of loopholes you could use to make that work, as others have mentioned.

If the rules revolved around JUST subsisting off of BOUGHT food, then you're looking at eating roughly $0.55 worth of food a day for the next 182 days. Less than most Ethiopians.

Enjoy, anon.

>> No.9323414

>How do I do this
1). Withdraw $100 bill from bank
2). Place anything you're going to eat on $100 bill
3). Repeat step 2 until 6 months

This is winning bets 101.

>> No.9323420

I love that channel. the profile pieces he does of the "locals only" type nyc places are all so wholesome and endearing.


>> No.9323421

Hope you like ramen

>> No.9323426
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>eating sushi out of the trash

>> No.9323428

Get a job in the industry and live on shift meals.. I never pay for food.

>> No.9323436


>> No.9323441
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>180lb of rice $45

>> No.9323448
File: 236 KB, 349x342, Ramen-Page-Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$0.25 per pack.
Dozen different flavors.

>> No.9323449

>hmm I wonder what would happen to my health if I put on a lot of weight really fast
>wow wtf mcdonalds :^)))

>> No.9323499

Yessssssssssssss. This would actually make sense.

>> No.9323833

use the hundred to buy a hooker or two and then kys

>> No.9323848

you gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.9323853

You need some sort of protein, don't you?

>> No.9323863

Does your wife know you value her at 100 bucks?

>> No.9323870

You can't afford protein with OPs budget.

>> No.9323881

But you cannot exist without protein, retard.
Unless you're suggesting OP should let his muscles atrophy to uselessness, he needs some form of protein.

>> No.9323891

I'm not disagreeing with you asshole, I'm simply saying he can't afford protein.

>> No.9323892

What do you think the butter, potatoes, and rice are for?

This isn't /fat/

>> No.9323898

Bugs, birds, roadkill, cannibalism.

>> No.9323899

>what are dried beans
>what is poaching squirrel/rabbit

>> No.9323927
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, .08 77777 dias de fiesta 2214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vs what as in what do win when you make it with money to spare

Ez mode
Hit up churches and food banks, volunteer and get pick of the litter can even volunteer localy twice daily and 3 times on saturday

So you have loads of food now big deal, add nice things like olive oil 2 gallons and dont forget to visit your pals ofter as in very often and have a potluck at your place so you arent really a moocher all the time kkekks

>> No.9323942

Peanut butter, bread and multivitamins

>> No.9323951

You're joking right?

A shitload of rice, a shitload of beans, you can use the rest of the budget to buy eggs for protein.

$100 would be insanely doable. Can get all the supplies from Costco.

>> No.9323972

This. The friend will be wracked with guilt for the rest of his life.

Or he'll call OP a fucking dumbass and move on.

>> No.9323983

How much do you weight OP ? Depending on this you could get away with only eating every other day.

>> No.9324138

Top kek. This is the best answer

>> No.9324144

What is the wager of this bet?

Is the wager worth eating rice, beans, lentils and dumpster food for half a year?

>> No.9324175

You post this every month

>> No.9324181

No he's not, 50c the pound of banana for 200 pounds make exactly 100$
Who's the banana again ?

>> No.9324186

This, 100$ for 6 month is half the absolute poverty limit per day
also you surely could make some chapaties since it only requires water and flour.

>> No.9324200

You people are obsessed with carbs.

OP. The answer is fats. 1 gallon of vegetable oil costs 5 bucks and contains 30720 kcal. Thats a dollar to calories ratio of 1/6144.

Spending just half your budget on vegetable oil yields 307200 kcals for a total of 1706 kcal a day. Spend the rest of your budget on some fiber and youre good to go.


>> No.9324207

>drinking 1700 cal/day of vegetable oil

>> No.9324236

>Not drinking Bulletproof Coffee

>> No.9324241

99% leftover dollars for more nutritious shit

>> No.9324242

Imagine the dump you'd take after a week of just vegetable oil

>> No.9324250

What is stopping you from eating normally when your friend isn't around?
Will they be examining your stool? Just lie.

>> No.9324282

>Buy green onions at store for dirt cheap. (make sure they got the bottom bulb and bits of visible roots)
>cut the green parts off and put in fridge
plant bulbs in a plastic cup filled with dirt from outside (poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage)

You now have $99 and some cents to work with and a free set of green onions at the end of every week..

>> No.9324288

Steal a slingshot and eat squirrel meat?

>> No.9324299

How long have u been constipated ?

>> No.9324321

You can also do this with potatoes and beans ( invest in big 2$ plastic boxes for maximum space )
You can than invest the rest on fruits and meats

>> No.9324327

Ten dollars per week would have been a stupid and unwinnable bet, and you went even worse than that. How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.9324960

Bananas are 19 cents per pound in my area.

>> No.9325024

How's the internet in Honduras?

>> No.9325027

>my food stamps are $5 per week year round

Normies man.

>> No.9325046


>> No.9325316


>> No.9325339

that's ~17 dollars a month, enough if you do it right, but you'll lose some weight unless you're already a skeleton
rice and beans, every day
buy in bulk, buy multivitamins

>> No.9325363

god i wanna punch this guy

>> No.9325405

Impossible if you want to eat 2000 Calories a day.

Let's take the baseline for lowest price per Calorie as Walmart Great Value Peanut Butter, $4.37 for 6,650 Calories. I don't think there's anything as cheap and as nutritious.

The maximum Calories you could eat per day on $100 of Great Value Peanut Butter over 6 months would be:

(100/4.37)*6650/(30*6) = 845 Calories

You'd survive if you are fat and have weight to lose.

>> No.9325607

Start growing potatoes

>> No.9325623

Multivits and large bags of rice from an ethnic supermarket, also gets some large pots and plant a few potatoes, they grow back relatively quick.

>> No.9325630

How much does a 50 lbs bag of flour cost?
Depending on how flour should get you 4500-6000 Calories per dollar.

2500 Cal per day at 4500 (should be achievable with cheap rice)
3000 Cal per day if it's 5500 Calories per dollar.

With flour there's headroom for other nutritious shit like vitamin pills and butter.
With cheap rice there's also some headroom.

Also you can exploit the system a little and get food from elsewhere.
But it should be doable without getting food for free as long as you build around flour.

This is just over 6000 Calories per dollar

If you spend +-60 dollars on flour you already have the 2000 Calories per day.
Then it's just trying to see what you can build around the flour with the remaining 40 dollars.

>> No.9325634

If you have a gun, go out in the woods and shoot a fat deer. You should have around 80 pounds or so of meat to freeze. Spend the rest on rice, beans, frozen vegetables, and some spices. If you live in the inner city, I have no idea, Anon.

>> No.9325727

His car

>> No.9325770

If you're actually gonna do this, do not eat only Ramen. Way too much Sodium, unless you're drinking a literal fuck ton of water, six months on only Ramen will probably form kidney stones.

The ones that are the size of golf balls...and you have to piss out of your dick.

Rice and Potatoes will be the best option. Go fishing if you need meat.

>> No.9325981

Theres no way you can keep getting away with this. Eating sushi, milk products, and opened food products hours after they have been left out is a real gamble. You'd have to draw the line at fruits and vegetables.

>> No.9325990


>> No.9326416

Water + flour makes flat bread
You spend the rest on nutriments

>> No.9326429
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Grow your own food.

>> No.9326614

I never call people cucks, but you're a cuck.

>> No.9326633

Sooo not with 100 bucks if you end up in the hospital thats a net lose

>> No.9326651

Potatoes have complete protein. Not a lot, but enough.

>> No.9326683

God you ketoniggers are literally the dumbest shitstains

>> No.9326708

I'm a regular dumpster diver and I tried that once

Do NOT do it

>> No.9326717

Begal stores are the best place to dumpster dive

>> No.9326719

Ugh no, anything but carbs, every store throws out butt loads of carbs. Bread and donuts are worthless to regular divers...

>> No.9326720

You don't unless you want to eat exactly like a homeless person.

>> No.9326727

If this was true, he probably would've already banged.

A part of me really wishes this was true.

>> No.9326729

Your wife is a person. She can tell him no.
What kind of third-world country do you think you live in?

>> No.9326734

How the fuck much did you bet him because if it was under $1000, its not fucking worth it.

>> No.9326745

But you save money buy doing it, too. In my country you could buy a loaf of bread every day for 6 months and stay under budget. And you don't even need that much.

>> No.9326748

This is honestly the only usable answer OP.
If he agreed on those exact terms, you outsmarted him and that's part of the game of shitty retarded dares.

If its worth what your betting for them to feed you for a while, then do this.
He better have bet you a lot and you better be able to split it or live in such a familial situation where they would understand the value of sharing and rich family members.

>> No.9326754

>Very achievable
Maybe if you have the will power of a fucking demi-god.

>> No.9326759

>When there are blackouts
The fuck kind of advice is that?
Blackouts that common where you live? What kind of shitty electrical service does your African third world area get?

>> No.9326766

600 calories is starvation you fucking moron.
He'll lose muscle mass, likely end up in the hospital, then get fat.

>> No.9326774

Is getting food you didn't pay for allowed?

Here's some things you could do:

>dumpster dive
>hit up family and friends you haven't talked to in a while and ask them out to lunch, fill up on food and make sure to get leftovers, and then "forget" your credit/debit card and don't have any cash.
>buy a shitload of rice
>if you are in university there are plenty of clubs that offer free food for their meetings, attend as many of these as possible
>many churches have coffee/donuts/snacks on Sunday mornings before service, hit these up like a motherfucker

Basically just become an asshole for 6 months(which you probably already are). What would be great is if you manage to skate by on free food the whole time and then use the $100 to buy yourself a really nice meal for dinner on the last day.

>> No.9326778

She does if he agreed to this.
Also, that's not the value of the bet.

Its still a horrendous idea and I'm pretty sure OP is trolling.

>> No.9326781

hope you like literally nothing but rice and vitamin/protein supplements, idiot

>> No.9326831
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>Picture of Sonichu
>memecore hot-mom superfoods

>> No.9326868
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>Comparing starvation to overeating for this purpose

>> No.9327004

>180 banana goes bad after 2 weeks
>now you're faced with banana stench in your home and have to dispose of them without attracting bugs
Great thinking, Sherlock.

>> No.9327151

You don't have to buy it all at once.

>> No.9327218

buy multivitamins and start a 6 month water fast

>> No.9327252

>lying to a friend
shiggy diggy

>> No.9327257
File: 84 KB, 500x686, 1501771050300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock up on canned food. 1 can a day nigga

>> No.9327286

Rice, beans, lentils, potatoes.

Cut up the potatoes, grown more potatoes. While you're potatoes are growing, eat the rice, beans, and lentils.

>> No.9327376

>If you're actually gonna do this.
OP is a troll and is not going to actually do any this. If he does, he's a fucking retard and nothing we say is going to change that.
The idea is too stupid in and of itself to even bother giving him any advice besides either "don't do it" or, if its a considerable enough sum of money, "Ask someone else to feed you for 6 months".

>> No.9327390

You can't get over 1000 calories from one can of fake cheeseburger and if you are getting that much from daily canned cheeseburger, you are more than likely going to get very sick.

Also, you shouldn't eat a full days worth of servings in one meal.

>> No.9327494


Finally someone notices.

>> No.9327949

>fag with no discipline complains about keto