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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9315846 No.9315846 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ General.

Who's still alive?
Who no longer wants to be? Edition.

>> No.9315859


>> No.9315897

Cruisin on lager at the moment but getting sick of it nonetheless. Had the dry heaves today.

Going to use the last 8 500ml cans tomorrow and maybe the day after for a quick taper and then get back to eating leafy greens and smoking flowers and meditating and walks in the woods.

>> No.9315911
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Who here /detox/

>> No.9315920
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Man, I just finished sweating out my second day dry after a week of binging.

Pretty sure my liver just can't take malt liquor any more. I'm working all day shifts three days in a row, and the fatigue was killing me on the first day.

This might be it for me. No more nights spent blotto

>> No.9315933

How long have you been in detox?

I did inpatient once and twice from the ER this year already

>> No.9315934
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lol just drink in moderation retards
how can you even get addicted when hangovers exist

>> No.9315936

I notice a lot of us are at the point where we pretty much accept it cant continue. I dont even want to drink anymore. The alcohol buzz isn't even that fun. It's just legal. And the withdrawals have become worse and worse until the past year or two theyve been nightmarish

>> No.9315941

AND, weeklong binge is a long ass binge. May want to down a beer tonight just to help taper down. If you can just drink one. Drink it very slowly, also, so you dont catch any kind of buzz and want to get more

>> No.9315948

>just one
Eh, I'm already over the withdrawal symptoms.

I've been drinking just about every night/day for a year now, thirty pounds heavier... Might as well be done with the nightly stuff.

It's weird, really. I wound up learning restraint from drinking every goddamn day.

>> No.9315955

>I wound up learning restraint from drinking every goddamn day.

I know that song and dance.

>> No.9315956

About 10 hours
First time

>> No.9315964

I bet you feel a lot better now, huh? Thank god for modern medicine. I suggest when you are discharged you post your medical receipts on the wall so you see it every day.

Also ask about naltrexone to keep your physical cravings away. It works for a lot of us.

Glad you chose to get help.

>> No.9315976

Be honest, how sad is it to go to a bar alone?

Asking for a friend.

>> No.9315988

Youll notice a lot of other loners. The worse part is when everybody is trying so hard to pretend they arent lonely that nobody is talking, even after a few drinks.

>> No.9315989

Probably helps that I didn't drink hard liquor until this past Monday.

Went a whole year on shitty drinks, right up until then. Worst hangover the next day, worse than any other I've had. Liver might be pretty fucked, but those regrow when you don't fuck 'em nonstop?

As sad as you want it to be, but it's better to get a meal and get the fuck out after a half hour

>> No.9315993
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give me attention

>> No.9316003

Doesn't bother me.
Haven't bothered going to a pub for like a year though. Can't smoke, prices are retarded and fights break out too frequently. Plus hate blacking out, then waking up next to some retarded skank. Nearest bar is literally 15 paces from my door so it's easy to coax sluts back here. Then regret it and go through the tedium of STD testing and hiding from angry husbands.

>> No.9316004
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Teacher here starting school on Monday. So thus far this month i've drank two 1.75's and a 750 of vodka. Frankly i know its a lot however it doesnt seem to interfere much with my day to day routine. I hate day drinking and therefore drink during the evening/at night mostly while i cook. I still grade, plan lessons, and make plenty of time for the wife such as bike rides, cards, etc. I rarely get wasted drunk, maybe a little sloppy some nights, but i can count on one hand the number of hangovers i had this past summer. More or less im curious if any of my fellow al/ck/s have reached this level of functional alcoholism? How much mental clarity will come back if i taper off to two/three drinks a night?

>> No.9316011

Want to start drinking but I need to eat something and there's nothing substantial in this house. I can't be bothered driving somewhere to get something. I kinda feel like a McDonald's Angus Cheeseburger though.

>> No.9316019

That's almost nothing you've drunk, dude.
For a few years I worked (self-employed, at home) for literally every waking hour. 7 days a week, up to 17 hours a day, drinking from the moment I woke until the moment I passed out. Made good money. Guess you could call that functional.
Fucked if I know. I was once clean for 7 months, yet my brain still didn't fucking work properly, still had the memory of a retarded goldfish. I think I may have alcohol-induced dementia.

>> No.9316021

Hello friends.

For the past 3-4 weeks I've consumed anywhere from 3-12 drinks on a nightly basis. I haven't had a drink today and I plan on taking at least a week off. Do you think I'll experience any sort of withdrawal? I'm a big guy, if that counts for anything.

>> No.9316031

The VA fucked up a back surgery and I was stuck in bed, missing work, all week. I figured that, since I'm in pain and have no meds yet... I was out of pot and out of money. So what was my last option. So not only am I hurt, I'm pissed at the VA. So I started to drink. Woke up this morning and figure I should drive to the VA hospital because I was feeling like shit and I had a reasonable idea as to what was going on, even though I've never been here before. I didn't make it to the hospital because I though I shouldn't drive. Felt pretty bad. So I get to my former mother-in-law. And she had some experience with with draw. And basically confirmed. She drove her.

>> No.9316041

I've had these once before...
And I've prepped 2 in the fridge ready for tomorrow. SO friggin' tasty if you follow the recipe and method precisely. Ramsay knows his shiz.
I had his lemon and herb roast pork today. Meant to take a pic, but forgot. Highly recommend both dishes. McDonalds a shit.

>> No.9316043


Well then. Good to know. Im going to have another shot of tequila and watch Blade Runner.

>> No.9316046

Ah, I remember you posting in another thread.

>> No.9316050

yeah liver gets better after about 2 weeks and keeps improving from thereon. liquor is the fastest way to withdrawals, as you can see. if you have to drink try and stick with beer.

>> No.9316057
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>he hasn't had the shakes yet

>> No.9316060

what did you do? would love to work at home but all i can find is shitty ~10/hr call center type jobs. fuck that.

>> No.9316066

if youve never had withdrawal, my bet is you will get some anxiety, some cold sweats, and trouble sleeping.

>> No.9316067

I built porn sites in the 90's, when it was still lucrative. Bit of casual daytrading, selling on ebay, just generally made money for getting drunk and fucking about online.

>> No.9316071

Thanks. How long do you think it'll go on for? A few days?

>> No.9316089

any sites that are still up?

been thinking about switching from support/sysadmin stuff over to web design. i know you can teach your self a lot but i'm fantastic at putting things off so i would need some sort of structured learning.

>> No.9316103

>still up?
Sort of. I sold them all and most faded into nothingness, but a couple were completely restructured and still linger. Doubt they make much money nowadays.

>> No.9316105

mild withdrawal (which is what youll probably have) should be cleared up around 72 hours, if not less. pay close attention to the next few days. see if you notice symptoms. if you do, cut back or take a break for a while.

>> No.9316118

will do. Appreciate it, man

>> No.9316153


For you

>> No.9316194

Got stood up by some bitch tonight. First time that's ever happened to me. How do you think I should respond when she tries to apologize? Thinking of just telling her to go fuck herself. I've slept with her a few times but it's nothing serious

>> No.9316204


Fuck drama dude, just cold shoulder it. If you need to respond make it minimal.

>> No.9316237

What does a girl's butthole smell like?

>> No.9316239



>> No.9316310

vagina discharge mostly unless they're super clean then maybe baby wipes

>> No.9316320
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One of the worst weeks of my life so far

Things have been going so well for some time now and today was one of the worst social interactions I have ever had

I-I don't know how to control my autistic personality around normal people........

>> No.9316329

But only super chads post on 4chan bruh.

>> No.9316467

>dont drink for a few weeks
>meeting cancelled tomorrow
>buy 2 six packs
>already 1 six pack in and slightly buzzed
wtf I thought your tolerance was supposed to go down or shit. im gonna have like 2 beers left for tomorrow night at this rate fucking christ

>> No.9316618
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Share your story with us.

>> No.9316636

I get you.
Bought a 12 pack and three beers in I started to go scared of when they where going to run out.
Personally I just went to a bar and got two pints and some free drinks...
I love it and hate it when I get free drinks like that because it means I'm nice. But it's only when I'm drunk I'm nice and fun like that. Not a good detergent when you want to drink less...

Lost my phone to gnomes last week. In my own apartment. I don't even know, remember or can imagine how it happened but my phone is fucking gone. The only plausible thing I can imagine is I threw it out the window in whiskey rage but fuck if I know. Knife cuts everywhere on the walls that I'll have to put some putty on or paint over.
t depressed manic alc.

>> No.9316637

Takes longer then that bro.

>> No.9316664

There's your name top left on a paper.
I'd delete this pic if I were you.

You're retarded for going cold turkey on several drugs at the same time.

>> No.9316683

That is not my name. That list isn't even accurate as far as the food I was served so you fucks can leave that stranger alone. How do I delete?

>> No.9316684

Doubt thats him
>DOB: 11/29/51
Would make him in his 60s.

>> No.9316749
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is 300 mL/day of whiskey bad

>> No.9316756

Because 4chan is still a secret club, right?

>> No.9316758

That would be pretty light for me, but yeah still more than you should. My doctors keep telling me no more than 4 drinks a night. No more than 7 drinks a week, where a drink is defined as a shot, for whiskey. To be honest, I feel like twice that is more reasonable, but I'm sitting in detox.

>> No.9316760

That is not me. I'm diabetic and the guy bringing up the food didn't know I was here so he just took the little cake desert off of someone else's tray and gave it to me.

>> No.9316763

my "doctors" said it was bad but not bad enough for AA

>> No.9316764

You stole an old man's cake.
And that's terrible.

>> No.9316766

I didn't get the cake. I'm on a restricted diet. I stole the rest of his food.

>> No.9316770

/fit/ would be proud of u, boy

>> No.9316771

god just die already

>> No.9316772

can u send me yogurt first??

>> No.9316776

No I'm just saying that I doubt a 60 year old would post
>who here /detox/
Not saying it couldn't happen but the chances are statistically much lower.

>> No.9316785
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>> No.9316790

>Drink 2 beers
>Feel like shit
>Not even buzzed
>Just feel like complete shit
god damn

>> No.9316847

Half the booze drowned, time to get down and get the tunes up. Sudokus await.

>> No.9316895

oh fiuckling christ are you in detox or the "behavior" ward

anyways, good luck.

>> No.9316901

I'm in detox. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.9316949

BH, dummy.
>"I have, or may act like shit"

>> No.9316965
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So how much do you drink?
Because doing sudoku still takes some brainpower. Just because I personally drink until blackouts.

>> No.9316971

a shit ton of beer right now, I'm considering going to get another six pack, but it might be shit considering I'm really tipsy already, but I want more, more I'm still not satisfied

>> No.9316984
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Well I'm never satisfied until I pass out... Sort of the problem.

But do your thing.

>> No.9317021

Yeah I don't really want to pass out immediately, I want to ride the flow and the tune until I'm too tired and fall asleep
Thankfully I have now returned with more alcohol

>> No.9317031

Passing out here takes work, but solve them all.

>> No.9317071
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>wake, 7am
>decide "FUCK this life. TODAY IS THE DAY!"
>take valium and gabapentin
>got 4 days worth, no way to get more, can't fuck this up
>have had 4 litres of 8.2%

>> No.9317080

Huh. I don't know what that means, but I'm a cool dude and don't cause problems.

>> No.9317086

'behavioural health' or some shit iirc.
they think you're mental/dangerous.

>> No.9317087
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>> No.9317088

I have a fucked stomach lining so I'm making things much more difficult for myself

>lactose intolerant
>tfw even hard cheese fucks me up, same with yoghurt with super low amounts of lactose
>been having flu like symptoms for God knows how long
>look it up and it's a dairy allergy, great everything delicious is poison

Tfw I drink 6/7 days pw and the day I don't is slightly better
..I'm better drunk than sober but it's fucking my insides up

>> No.9317095
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>> No.9317099

try making organic sauerkraut. TOTAL pain in the ass, takes fucking forever to mash all the juice out of the cabbages, and if like me you spend 5 hours doing it, leave it to ferment for a week then discover that a FUCKING FAGGOT HOUSEFLY LANDED IN THERE AND IT HAD ALL TURNED TO STINKING, GELATINOUS SHIT, you won't be too chuffed. if it works out however, it's generally very good at establishing a healthy intestinal microflora.
or just do it the lazy way and spend a shitload of money taking 6 of these daily...
then go for this, an even stronger probio:

do look into the 'die-off' period though. wherein probios kick the shit out of pathogens, and those pathogens release toxic chems to make you feel like shit and stop making them be kil.
clever little shits do the same thing if you stop feeding them with complex carbs. they've evolved to release a chemical which makes you crave the foods they need. kill the bastards.

>> No.9317103

BS I've never hurt anybody. Maybe that's just what they call the whole department. Because if these fucks actually think I have a behavior problem I'll fucking shoe them what behavior problems look like. I did manage to sneak my vaporizer in so I can get my nicotine fix in the bathroom. With out that my attitude might be different. Is it normal to have a tracking device on your ankle?

>> No.9317110

fucking no it's not normal LOL you delusional bastard

>> No.9317122

I once sneaked cocaine into detox, and had vodka smuggled in. I do not know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.9317129

oh al/ck/, ily.

>> No.9317130
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Yeah, I just snuck in nicotine. You might have issues.

>> No.9317136

You got a laptop or you have to phonepost this entire time?

>> No.9317142

holy shit
£15 on a fermentation vessel, £2 on cider yeast, £3 on cider nutrient, £15 on 23L of apple juice, one cup of honey, 2 weeks later... this shit is POTENT AS FUCK, 3 pints and i'm feeling it, even K doesn't hit me this hard, and that's over 8% ABV

>> No.9317149

Phone posting

>> No.9317156

Not that guy, but I've been phoneposting (and post like ten times in every thread) for one year, as of august 24th. I've got a laptop graveyard, full of broken phones and computers, all smashed/soaked while drunk. One is a 1-week-old, brand new lenovo thinkpad, another, a £550 novatech gaming laptop. Another 3 laptops lay next to them with one desktop and 4 or 5 phones, all dead, not so much as a fan or an LED, all laying in a silicone graveyard, waiting for me to sort my shit out and get them fixed. All I have left is one phone, and I protect it like my life depends on it. I once had to go 2 months with no internet access, no pc, no tv, no laptop, no phone, not even a radio, nothing. I was so fucking bored I ended up throwing furniture down my stairs just to watch it smash, and was in police cells 4 times in 1 week.

>> No.9317169

Think I'm going to Spoons later, wonder if that weird bartender who shittalks people who order drinks he doesn't like will be there. Still, can't really complain to much at 2.95 for a Guinness.

>> No.9317178

Ah shit I've been looking into the good bacteria route
Organic fermented sauerkraut at the supermarket is fucking $14+ I'm guessing the canned kind won't have any of the goods?
Might have to give it a go, can't find fermented pickles anywhere

>> No.9317186

from a supermarket it'll normally be pasteurised, there really is no easy way to get the stuff, you have to make it yourself and it's FUCKING hard work

>> No.9317191

How do you manage to break so much shit when drunk? So far my only casualties are a few glasses and a plate. Not had any trouble with electronics... yet.

>> No.9317204

I was facing two prison sentences, been banned from driving for 3 years even though I'd just bought a brand new car, had been quite substantially robbed, stabbed multiple times, got into vicious street-fights (4v1 for example, had the shit kicked thoroughly out of me, only managed to hurt one of them) when junkies/pikeys tried to rob me, was munching nitrazepam like smarties, smoking weed, heroin and crack daily, my oneitis got engaged, and I was sloshing back 2-3 bottles of Smirnoff daily, while eating like 1 meal a week. I was not wholly stable. The room in which I slept ended up so trashed I simply abandoned it, haven't been in there for months.

>> No.9317224

Fuck me thats rough. You the guy that was posting about emailing her a couple of threads back? Quite interested to see inside that room desu

>> No.9317240

>posting about emailing her a couple of threads back?
No, but I remember the thread. He and I sound similar. Would eagerly give his gril one as well.
Lots of people at NA meets seem to have lived a very similar lifestyle. Stay on the booze for long enough and it's quite amazing just how fucked your life can become. One of my friends just had her 2 kids taken from her by social services because she wouldn't stop drinking, another is now serving 5 years 6 months in prison for going into someone's house, randomly, frantically ripping their banister to pieces, throwing their bed out of a window then kicking a copper in the face. He was blacked out and remembers none of it.
Hard drugs and booze are not a healthy combo. After a while you will be literally insane.

>> No.9317260
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>emailing her
Am still in contact with her though. she's married, but has emailed me 17 times today, telling me to kill myself. All the left column names beginning with "H" are her. All telling me to die. This out of nowhere, after no contact for a year.

>> No.9317274

>Lots of people at NA meets seem to have lived a very similar lifestyle
I suppose that is a very good point, you hear the odd seemingly crazy story here and there in this place and assume it is a one off, but when you think about it there are probably loads of people in similar situations that we don't really hear about here. Drugs sound properly scary, never really had access to them and no real desire to try them so I'll stick to slowly killing myself with booze. How are you doing now? Are you out of that lifestyle?

>> No.9317289

Different anon but, my uncle was in his 50s when he died of liver cancer. I'd always call him out for having 4chan memes.
>pours 40
Go to bed Jay.

>> No.9317292

Dang, sounds about right
Defo going to grab some fresh kimchi from the Asian supermarket in the meantime though
Then try my hand at keeping some sweet sweet organisms alive
What are your thoughts on kombucha?

>> No.9317294

I just got out of a coma thanks to booze and benzos. Living with family until I'm back on my feet.
I will relapse. I'm totally fucking useless. Could happen today for all I know.
And yes, crack, meth, heroin, even DMT, LSD and the incredibly strong cannabis extracts like budder, can fucking ruin you, especially if you're using multiple drugs every day, and downing spirits on top. I've OD'd on MDMA, diazepam, fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, home-made hyper-pure crack, I've taken 40 grams of shrooms at once and TOTALLY fucking lost my mind, taken 5 LSD blotters at once while drunk, have drunk (i think, not sure, was blacked out) 5 x 70cl bottles of vodka in one day, spent £200/day on heroin and the same on crack, spent weeks smashed on 84% purity MDMA... fuck, i don't know, allsorts. I've been a proper, professional fuck-up for almost 1/4 of a century. I don't know how I'm alive.
Everything hurts though. Don't suppose I'll last forever.

>> No.9317301

What the fuck man, why would she do that?

>> No.9317309

I adore girls who are a little bit crazy. Largely my own fault that this shit went to sour. 'Don't stick your dick in crazy' n' all that.
She's fucking insanely good-looking though, with just the right amount of insanity that she's not boring.
She really does want me dead. Shes been to jail for smashing a dude's jaw with a wine bottle, and for a stabbing. Helps that I'm 6ft3 and pretty much fearless when it comes to damaged girls. They're so cute.
She's intelligent, not by any means your typical chavvy spaz, just very, very damaged.
Couldn't resist. I'm a fuck-up too. Not one for the boring, simple life. The chaos is kinda fun.

>> No.9317312

I am amazed you are still alive after all that, is that you completely sober now assuming you don't relapse? Scary shit ending up in a coma. What sort of health problems do you have after that? You must have good genes, a guy I went to school with died at 28 after drinking one 70cl a day for about 8 years, think he had hepatic thrombosis or something. Didn't know him well but gave me a good scare, although over the past couple of years I have lapsed back in to my bottle a day + beer habit so hasn't changed anything really. Hope you manage to get some of that under control, that doesn't sound fun at all. It sounds like hell.

>> No.9317326

>It sounds like hell.
it's fun for a few hours per day. the rest is utter fucking hell, yup.
i'm not sober. i'm on morphine and diazepam atm. no illegal drugs though and no vodka. yet.
>health problems?
too many to list. lots. but i'm still alive. 38 years old, haven't been sober since i was a child. had my first drink aged 5. liver is in "acceptable" condition, staggeringly. kidneys bleed though, spleen is fucked, have ulcerative pancolitis, going blind due to brain lesions, alcoholic neuropathy, etc etc.

>> No.9317343

I get my shit at the local farmer's market $6 a pint

>> No.9317351

sauerkraut? do you find it to be helpful? my intestine is so much healthier after a couple of weeks of eating unpasteurised, organic sauerkraut.
it's delicious with a decent virgin olive oil and some fatty, boiled lamb shoulder with garlic puree. nom.

>> No.9317387
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Yeah, and pickles.

I was healthy before eating this stuff regularly but I like it quite a bit and I imagine it will help preserve my health long-term

>> No.9317391

Been lurking a long time, but opis are my DoC.

Tapering over the next two weeks, and luckily found some klonopin for the first 4-5 days I jump off the opis. Makes me feel so much better I'll have those to lean on.

Also, does anyone here have experience with etizolam? It looks like a benzo you can order online, that's not illegal/controlled, and without prescription. I ordered some from what looks like a solid vendor before I got the Kpins.

Alcohol withdrawal seems scarier than opi withdrawal, but it's still terrible. Having something to help through the worst of it is a godsend.

>> No.9317401

nom. i absolutely adore sauerkraut, pickled gherkins, peppers, cauliflower, loads of pickled/fermented veg.
for some infuriating reason supermarkets seem to INSIST on FUCKING RUINING it by adding sugar, so i make most of mine myself. loves me some tasty, sour, eastern-european-inspired meals.

>> No.9317414

i came off five years of 200mg/day codeine in 2014. that was fucking hard. i meditated/listened to alan watts' lectures for 2 solid weeks, frequently believing i was about to die from a heart attack, but made it through.
i've gone CT from heroin like 100 times, but i never used for more than like a few weeks of consecutive, daily use without a gap of a few days inbetween, so that was... relatively tolerable. 4 days in bed thinking you're going to die, stinking like smack-sweat and having nightmares, but it's nothing compared with alcohol/benzo WD. that's proper hell.

>> No.9317433

I've hear loperamide can help with w/d if you aren't familiar its an opiod that can't cross the blood brain barrier sold otc for diarrhea. It binds to receptors in the intenstines and can help with restless leg syndrome and other physical discomfort.

That and some /benz/ should keep you pretty comfy. Careful with the etilozam, depending on how its packaged can be easy to do too much.

>> No.9317437

>It's weird, really. I wound up learning restraint from drinking every goddamn day.

No, that's not that weird. Happens to a lot of people with more than just alcohol.

>> No.9317441


Usually on my day off I will have pierogi, keilbasa, and some pickles/sauerkraut. Easy and delicious.

>> No.9317442

been shitting worrying amounts of blood and also spent £240 yday which is quite annoying ugh

>> No.9317443

Are you confident, decent-looking, interesting and can talk to others without a lot of bother? Then it's not weird/sad at all.

If you're on the opposite end of the social skills spectrum, you won't enjoy it. So you prob shouldn't go if you aren't charming/confident.

>> No.9317526

I work from home as an editor for two diff publishing companies (although for about 12 months I was in one of their offices 30 hours/week). The pay ranges from $22-$40/hour between the two companies and depending on the specific project.

Every once in a while a week only amounts to 20-25 hours, but that's welcome given that there are a lot of 50-60 hour weeks.

Working from home for decent pay is possible with the right level of experience, the right employers, and if you're good at what you do. And this didn't happen overnight--I wasn't making much for about 2 years.

>> No.9317576

just to nitpick, LSD by itself isn't going to "ruin" someone. It just makes you feel like you're shooting through outer space on a rocket ship for a few hours, and is absolutely fantastic (DUDE LSD LMAO). I'll grant you the rest though.

>> No.9317584

infrequent use of sensible doses will likely not hurt anyone, i agree. do any drug to excess though and i'll damage you, even LSD, even psilocybin. it'll drive you fucking psychotic.

>> No.9317590

>Because if these fucks actually think I have a behavior problem I'll fucking shoe them what behavior problems look like
>I'll fucking shoe them what behavior problems look like
This looks like a behaviour problem.
Also you're an alkie, you won't stop drinking even when it's bad for you. Technically it's a behaviour problem.
Can't you vape in the smoking area?

Sounds like she's drunk.
>This out of nowhere, after no contact for a year.
I remember you saying that in a previous thread. I don't remember if you answered, but I think she mailed or texted you less than a year ago.

Please don't kill yourself, that'll teach her to tell people to kill themselves.

>> No.9317594

Yeah I also have loperamide and kratom, lol. I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to WDs. I don't suspect it'll be a big deal between that stuff and some benzos.

Stronger than me to do that cold turkey with no help.

>> No.9317669

>Stronger than me
just get used to it after a while, i suppose. going cold turkey in a jail cell multiple times makes doing it at home feel a lot easier. just got to realise that it's normal to feel so bad, you're probably not going to die and the fear is just an illusion, it'll pass.
not nice, but not insurmountable.

>> No.9317677

>Sounds like she's drunk.
she doesn't drink.
pretty sure she just does it to piss me off; to prove how easy it is to stay off the sauce.
she does smoke weed literally all day every day however. she's flawed too in her own, damaged ways.

>> No.9317686

>I remember you saying that in a previous thread
oh, yeah. it was, uh, i dunno, maybe a month ago that she contacted me after a year of zero contact.
she says i contacted her every few months during that year. she might be right. checked my outbox and no sign of it, certainly no memory of it, but then, i don't really have the most superlative memory. it's possible i dun goofed and did in fact perpetuate this farce. i truly thought i hadn't contacted her for a year, but i'm not certain.

>> No.9317698

Yeah, I prepped myself for that a bit--telling myself that when it gets bad, I'll remember that it's just temporary, just a few days.

>> No.9317701

It's really sad. Been there done that.

>> No.9317772

>Meet new guy few months ago, a few things in common.
>Drunk as fuck, meet him again
>Wants us to do stuff

Not sure how to fix this.

>> No.9317789
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This was not the truth...

Meet guy I meet guy months ago.

Drunk as fuck.
Smelling tea or whatever he tells me
Soooo drunk
Ask about going and pick mushrooms
More being a drunk asshole
Say yes

I hate myself.

>> No.9317790

be drunk.
let him do an sex up you.
be drunk again.
enjoy life.
die from HIV/angry partners.


be sober.
be bored.
no orgasms.
die anyway.

decisions, decisions.

>> No.9317800


>> No.9317817

Be drunk alcoholic who likes linux, attend university, anything computer related.

Still know classic literature, philosophy, cooking, nature, and so on. Keeps my things in place.

>> No.9317824

be drunk. -Yes
let him do an sex up you. -No
be drunk again. -Yes
enjoy life. -No
die from HIV/angry partners. -No


be sober. -No
be bored. -Yes
no orgasms. -Yes
die anyway. -Yes
decisions, decisions.

Kill me plz

>> No.9317868

Social issues and a business professional

>Good at my job and getting things done
>Bad in social situations where I am not the center of attention
>Meeting business lunch this week
>Had to try normal conversations with new people from work/business partners and things didn't go so well
>They know each other so they just want to talk to each other the whole time
>I don't know anyone, so they just leave me out of it....
>Started panicking during "fun events"
>Everyone looked at me and knew I was uncomfortable...

Been trying to clear out my mind for the past few days
Although, I'm back at work today and feeling much better
Social situations + me = shitty week

>> No.9317886

>to prove how easy it is to stay off the sauce.
It's easier to stay sober as a non-drinker than to drink 3 bottles a day as an alkie.
Millions people don't drink, yet many died trying to drink as much as you.

Also if she sent that many emails while sober, she's batshit crazy, or not "fully sober". Even the guy assembling an army of hobos and junkies sends them one by one.
Set up a filter to mark her mails as spam.

>>Everyone looked at me and knew I was uncomfortable...
I think that's, at least partially, some kind of paranoia. Normies don't care that much about people looking uncomfortable, or not in a bad way.

>> No.9317907

Want to drink cuz bored

>> No.9317911 [DELETED] 

have a diet coke instead.

>> No.9317984

I'm so fucking pissed off right now, I got completely annihilated 4 hours ago, and I just woke up.
I'm still pretty blasted but why THE FUCKING FUCK AM I AWAKE BEFORE SOBERING UP

>> No.9317991

the worst.
drink yourself to sleep again?

>> No.9318002

this is one of the worst feels, only superseded by the feel of drinking yourself to sleep only to wake up stone cold sober

>> No.9318003

I broke my laptop. It still functions but isn't portable. I woke up and saw the top and bottom half were seperated. No clue how it happened. I just got pissed at myself and went to work. Forgot about it until I got home and say it again and got pissed at myself again. I have the screen half propped up against an ammo box and the keyboard half just sits on the floor connected by a few wires. I always sit on the floor, cross-legged, since my back has been fuck, so I could bring the laptop with an have been phone posting. Anyway, I just got out a new man. I'm on the wagon now boys. I just got my deposit back from my previous land lord and I'm to get some smelly green flowers.

>> No.9318008

Take that fork and stab another detoxer.

You'll get a shot of ativan and he'll get a shot of morphine, Win/win.

>> No.9318010

This is probably my problem. I need a damned hobby. And gaming or watching B-movies just makes me want to drink while doing it.

>> No.9318016

They wouldn't let me out of that area on the floor, so I couldn't get to the smoking area. I'm at the smoking area, right now, waiting for my ride.

>> No.9318018

Take up reading or programming maybe. That kind of requires not being too dickered.

>> No.9318022

I'm not really violent. I was just trolling earlier when I said I would shoe them bad behavior.

>> No.9318052

Pot is great as a replacement addiction from booze. Less broken stuff.
It's still an addiction, but it's way more manageable.

>Banned from the smoking area.
Ask for nicotine patch next time. They gave them for the night in the few hospitals I went to.
Just remember to take it off when going smoking in the morning, it's not good to smoke with one.

>> No.9318063

I was driving all over town, trying to run errand before I finally had to run out of the bank to puke on the sidewalk. Then in the parking lot, on my way to my car. Then next to the car and sat down on the curb. Caused quite a scene. A bunch of people were surrounding me asking if I was ok and I'm "sure, I'm fine. A coworker was on lunch at the time and recognized my car. He came over and saw my stinking ass covered in sweat and puke. Everyone else eventually took off but he hung out until my ex-mother in law came to take me to the VA hospital. I had to tell him what was going on. Everyone at work kinda knew I was a drinker but there was no doubt now. I missed this whole last week because my back was too fucked to move. Figured, if I can't work anyway, night as well go on a bender. Didn't work out well. Had to pull over 4 times on the way to the VA to hurl

>> No.9318111

They offered one and I just declined with out thinking about. I should have done that.

>> No.9318118

Just poured out 500ml of gin. Regretting it but tired of being a drunk. Too much anxiety and depression.

>> No.9318157

I'm too pissed off to sleep again, I wanted to wake up at like 5am or something, that's still fucking 7 hours away, I only have limited booze, I might just stay awake and I don't know, fuck, FUCK

>> No.9318335


who cares, you're there to drink
if you're gonna be bothered about being alone, drink alone at home

>> No.9318343

Maybe try AA?

>> No.9318356

Believed life was about knowledge.
Went into science, nobody has respect for you.
Go in into engineering, all the same.

Just lie a lot about everything.
.... Best advice I have.

>> No.9318377

How much do they charge for 1 day in detox? Including medicine, food and everything

>> No.9318382
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>tfw live in communist canada so hospital is free

>> No.9318405


You sound like me man, accept I also have cystic fibrosis and I'm fairly sure I've doomed myself to die an agonising death before im 50, whereas if I'd lived healthy I could have probably kept myself ticking along while new meds saved me. Fuck.

Was fun to begin with. Really fun to begin with.

>> No.9318430

445 eur in G*rmany

>> No.9318442


it is indeed the cheapest best shit you can make

>> No.9318451

Wow, that's a lot. I wonder why didn't nobody ask this question before? Is that because everybody can afford this or it's included in most insurance packages?

>> No.9318453

>been drinking 10 years
>honestly just hope I die in my sleep soon

>> No.9318455

Most ppl are insured. And if u arent the state will pay for u most of the costs

>> No.9318457

didn't work for me, probably won't work for you
t. had seizures in my sleep who knows how many times and am still here

>> No.9318460

why dont i just get an heart attack and fucking die

>> No.9318477


>> No.9318510

I'm in a low enough tax bracket that the VA charges me, think 50 bucks and $8 for meds. Not a bad deal.

>> No.9318524

> 50 bucks and $8 for meds.
This is effectively a bit more expensive than 2 Smirnoff bottles, isn't it?

>> No.9318548
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>be me
>16 years old at party
>chad tells me to empty an entire bottle of wine in one go
>the absolute madman I am actually does it
>tells me to empty an entire bottle of champagne
>madman 2x
>tells me to drink a six pack of beer
>madman 3x, also unaware of the horrible mix beer after stronger alcohol gives
>spends 2 days having horrible stomach cramps while throwing up

Ever since then(21 now), whenever I taste alcohol that is more than 20%, I sometimes get the feeling of throwing up although I never really vomit and can manage a bottle of 40% anything in one night if I drink is slowly enough.
Regardless, it's annoying as fuck and I don't want the day where I actually throw up infront of friends. How do I stop this?

>> No.9318551

Damn this thread is pretty fucked up desu
glad i'm not an alcoholic

>> No.9318669


Yea, you get it

The career you are in won't matter if you have below standard social skills....

Doesn't matter how you look, or how much knowledge you have

Behavior is everything.

>> No.9318682

That takes some balls anon. Gl

>> No.9318729

Wake up. Drink beer. Vomit food I don't remember eating or making. Drink beer.

>> No.9318733




>> No.9318741

Why not get sober?

>> No.9318743


its boring

>> No.9318748

Alcohol doesn't kill you in your sleep.
It's a slow and very painful death.

You're seriously better off getting your life vaguely on track and living each day one after the other, sober, bored to death, still hoping for the sweet release of death, but not suffering from addiction.

You fucking tell me why I'm not dead yet.

406$ for a week. That's paid back in a month dry if one drank 13.53$ per day.

Stick to beer.

>> No.9318781

Get a hobby?

>> No.9318840

no valium left. no food left. no alcohol left. no nicotine left. no money for 8 days.
wonder what this will be like.

>> No.9318847

you just gotta bite the bullet and go suck a dick for $20 man

>> No.9318883

my condolences.

>> No.9318889
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Maybe donate blood?

>> No.9318893

I keep trying to stop. I can't afford to do a real detox, and I know I'd drink as soon as I got out.

I am unhappy with my life and alcohol makes me less unhappy. Truthfully, I wish I had no one so I could just end it all without hurting others. In the meantime, cheers!

>> No.9318903

why the fuck did you go in the first place?

>> No.9318907

Cheers! Now post some tunes

>> No.9318914

>starving and boozeless
>no alcohol or food for 8 more hours

>> No.9319017
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I believe I remember someone saying it's $50 for an overnight in the hospital and $8 for 30 days worth of meds.
I'm prescribed:
Gabapentin for pain
Naltrexone for reduced alcohol cravings
Lisinopril for blood preasure
Duloxetine for depression, anxiety and pain
Pioglitizone for diabetes
Potassium Chloride for potassium replacement
This is the cocktail I'm about to swallow.

>> No.9319039

good fucking luck one day coming off all that.

>> No.9319054

I swear I've seen so many people thread after thread that say that naltrexone has helped with cravings with them. When I was prescribed it, I felt nothing and drank right through it with no ill effect whatsoever except perhaps on my organs. I just drank massive amounts right over it. That's why I stopped taking it.

>> No.9319058

this is why i keep coming back to /ck/

this post right here

making my day brighter with each passing post oh yeah

>> No.9319060

Please give me advice. I need at least 30 cl of 40% to feel a nice buzz. What is the best method to reduce my tolerance?

>> No.9319066

do they not sell vodka where you live?

>> No.9319069

Whole Foods has it readily available. Gotta look in the fridges, real kraut with the biotics have to be fridged. Helps everything from stomach issues to acne.

>> No.9319077

eat less

>> No.9319091

Wait, you mean to tell me you didn't throw up at the party? That's one hell of a stomach you had for a 16 year old.

>> No.9319095
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As in fat/body-weight or food in stomach at the time of drinking?

>> No.9319121

Take a break for a few weeks or drink on an empty stomach. It might also be that you don't give yourself long enough to fully absorb the alcohol or appreciate the buzz. I go out drinking a lot, and I've nearly always consumed roughly that amount before I go out. I used to begin drinking only a couple of hours before I went out, drinking one drink (about 50ml plus mixer, or one pint of beer) every half hour or so. I wouldn't feel comfortably drunk until I'd drank the lot. I noticed that the alcohol seemed to have more of an effect when I drank it half as fast, instead drinking 4 or 5 hours before I go out.

>> No.9319131

Stop drinking for a month.

Drinking on empty stomach makes alcohol go through the digestive system faster, doesn't actually increase total drunkness. It's also very bad long term. As in, debilitating pain morphine does nothing against.
Reducing your body weight, and blood amount, will increase blood alcohol levels too. Donating blood can work, but it also weakens you.

>> No.9319149

I don't think anyone would want this blood lol. Thanks for the advice. I'm 6'1 and 90 kg, not all muscle desu. I guess I should start jogging, huh? Thank you for the advice

>> No.9319181

Or, you know, learn to appreciate alcohol not only for getting drunk.
Not that I know of other reason to drink.
Point is, your tolerance only goes up if your drink to get drunk. Sooner than later, you'll have to drink a bottle of vodka to get a buzz, but by this time you'll realise you need to drink to avoid withdrawals. Here you're fucked, moderation is almost impossible for alkies, so it'll be alkie life (aka hell) or sobriety.
You're still at a point where you can moderate and enjoy alcohol.

>> No.9319199

Agreed with first reply

>> No.9319206
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Yeah. I've never suffered from withdrawals and I can't imagine how it is.
I've struggled with some anxiety for some time, the worst was when I drank more than two 100 cl bottles a week.
After vacation I was sober for more than a month in an attempt to reset.

As long as I stick to a weekly limit I believe I should be ok?
I mentioned it to my doctor once and she tried to get me on some program, but I convinced her it was unnecessary. I don't think anything but alcohol can really help me.
As she said, I use it more as a medicine as opposed to pure pleasure.

/blogpost end

>> No.9319221

My last few benders have been pretty awful and I think I have to quit. I kept trying to convince myself I could drink socially but I really can't lads (having risky sex and literally stayed up all night on ecstasy with random fuckheads all because I couldn't handle my alcohol).

Trouble is I have a kind of fixation with drinking things. I've been drinking shitloads of soda/tea/coffee etc. because I think I unconcsiously crave alcohol.

What can I do about this? I clearly miss alcohol a lot but it's like I'm trying to replace it with other shit.

>> No.9319225


>> No.9319314

Donate plasma?

>> No.9319326

I am stonder af

>> No.9319342

Two weeks sober, been lifting weights and running and eating healthy but

>still bored
>depression but getting better

Being unemployed, no friends and no gf doesn't help either but how long until shit starts changing for the better?

>> No.9319462

Sometimes when I diwn a drink, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel red hot within seconds, pour with sweat and without fail, need to rush for my puke bowl.
After puking to the point of dry-heaving, I can immediately start downing spirits again and feel fine.
Think my internal organs might hate me.

>> No.9319517

They don't hate you. They hate the poison.
See a gastroenterologist.

A few months.
Depends on the person, how much and for how long you were drinking.
It gets better slowly, count a year to be 90% clean, but give it a month or two before you start feeling better.

>> No.9319597

>Sobering up
>Start putting all the empty cans to a bag
>Find one that's literally 60% full

>> No.9319603

You'll feel better physically after a month or so, but the mental side of it never gets better.

You just have to learn to cope with it somehow.

>> No.9319605

Triple-check that it's not urine.

>> No.9319645

Thankfully it's not.
I made sure to check it before drinking though

>> No.9319652
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R8 my vodka options

>> No.9319658
File: 77 KB, 538x720, a9f532bb83eb41b3f1f4f053f23a7e60--abstract-expressionism-figurative-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm turned 18 a few days ago // I got 8 liters and 1 .45 bullet in front of me... the game calls me... it's been a good one // anon out

>> No.9319690
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Why do I keep pissing in bottles when I'm drunk? I hate my life

>> No.9319691
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After a heavy night of barhopping, I spent all yesterday curled up in bed feeling completely exhausted despite getting a full nights sleep. My phone just happened to blow up with people wanting to see me before I head back up to college, but I simply didn't have the energy to leave my room at all, which didn't help my "waste of space" feeling I've had for a while. I should really lay off this shit for a few days...

>> No.9319694

Randy is a fucking tool

>> No.9319701
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Yo buddy, still alive?

>> No.9319709

i tihnk ive thit the low point of my life when i pouke up vodka just to drink it back up to make it last longr

>> No.9319729

take up some form of tobacco. drink fizzy drinks, tea, coffee. doesnt need caffeine. try kava for a relaxing beverage. kratom gives people a nice warm feeling too.

i think most REAL alcoholics have to reach a point where they realize no magic arrangement of alcohol is giong to work. im finally there, so theres no denial. its now just trying to find other things to do.

>> No.9319734

unemployed is the worst part. you could have something to do as well as money to spend on food and entertainment if you had a job. do your best to get a job, or volunteer with animals in the meantime. SOMETHING.

>> No.9319736

Made it one day, but probably going to fail tonight, started getting texts. Should hit the gym. We will see.

>> No.9319749

How much food come along for the ride?
What's a good job for a "high" functioning alcoholic?

>> No.9319782

>How much food come along for the ride?
i realy dont want to know

>> No.9319784

I can feel it all coming back.
The liquor is my comfort, my friend, my hidden door.

>> No.9319797

Yes. Liquor dulls pain. But be in control. At least set up some rules and limits for yourself.

>> No.9319798

If that's what makes you happy, then what's the problem? Are you affecting other people's lives? If not, then it's your damn business. And if it feels good, why not do it?
If our only way to experience the world is fucked, then why shouldn't we be able to improve it?
I'm drunk as fuck. Sorry.

>> No.9319800

Looks like a Minnesota grocery store selection.
That means it's good

>> No.9319818

Where is the Absolut?

>> No.9319834

fuck all that, it's shit, just get the everclear

>> No.9319859

I've recently started to be offended by so much being dead on 40%. how the fuck am I supposed to justify spending more than I have to on a drink someone is more concerned with a arbitrary liquor wide standard abv than how the shit tastes.
so now I wasting a bunch of money on cask strength and navy proof and small batch and apertifs and shit, anything that's not 40, and most of that isn't worth my money either because I just don't like it that much.

>> No.9319863

had a really bad hangover and tried to fix it by drinking lots of water, yet the small amount of the pee I have is dark.
is my liver still busy processing alcohol and the water just waiting for its turn or is it something dangerous? like I am not turning yellow

>> No.9319878

Theres no hope for you until you can cut back your drinking. Talk to a doc about alcohol medication such as naltrexone or campral.

>> No.9319885

>always liked the taste of booze, never had to acquire it
>hold alcohol well even though i'm a skeleton and i don't drink often
>in a self-discovery writing/acting exercise for an acting class, the character i took on was an alcoholic
was i an alcoholic in a past life?

>> No.9319891

What does "naltrexone" and "campral" do? Do they reduce anxiety?

>> No.9319892

>drinking lots of water, yet the small amount of the pee I have is dark.

that is so common. especially during the first day or two of withdrawals. no matter how much water that first day you are pissing dark orange and not much.

>> No.9319896

diet and exercise and nutrition reduce anxiety.

those drugs make you less interested in alcohol

>> No.9319902

>always liked the taste of booze, never had to acquire it
I'm still hating how vodka tastes. It tastes exactly how it smells; like hand sanitizer... Lucky you
>diet and exercise and nutrition reduce anxiety.
Hmmm... I dunno about that. Thanks for the advice though buddy

>> No.9319906

And 24 hours sober for the first time in years
because i dont count marijuana

>> No.9319912

>in a self-discovery writing/acting exercise for an acting class, the character i took on was an alcoholic
>was i an alcoholic in a past life?
no, but you're an asshole in this one

>> No.9319946

Heh, has happened to me before when drunk, multiple times
I just get pissed off that I'm drinking something that doesn't have alcohol in it, surprisingly, the fact I'm drinking my own piss doesn't even phase me as much as it probably should

>> No.9319971

Damn. How do you get this drunk? How much do you have to drink?

>> No.9319975

tfw alienated all of my friends

>> No.9319987

Tell us more

>> No.9319990


>> No.9320015

Your not sober if your stoned.

>> No.9320083

But if you hella stoned you rock

>> No.9320097 [DELETED] 

blah, been sober 9 weeks now, but i fugged up and played with my thing last nite and made the mayonnaise shoot out, then went bonkers and made it shoot out 3 more times last nite and once today. That was after 15 days of nofap. I was feeling good too, other than wanting to punch stuff occasionally.took up smoking again from boredom and this shit is nasty as fugg. my mouth and clothes smells like them dirty poor trailor ppl from high school. Got a 375 ml of evan williams in teh closet that i take out occasioinally and look at, but i have no desire to drink now, despite the fact that i know i will drink in teh future, pretty cool huh. I just want to get my shit together enough to where i can get my own place and retire and make a still and make my own high end moonshine and drink myself retardo in peace. And have a two bedroom luxury gentleman's crapshack that i can hoard up with junk and be the laziest white man that ever lived. but im enjoying my sobreity for now. oh well who cares huh take it easy folks.

>> No.9320165

Are you a veteran? I just got detoxed at the VA for, almost, free. So if you're not a vet, we can work as advocates for gay marrriage while wwe're sober and building the homestead. Then we can get married and you'll get a lie time o chech. detoxes
captchas are fucking hsrd

>> No.9320188

the alienated all my family

>> No.9320239

You guys ever unable to sleep without drinking? I've been sober 2 days and have barely slept at all. Like 4 hours total. Right now I have to be up in 6 hours and was in bed for an hour, read for half an hour then tried to sleep but couldn't. Took some melatonin but it didn't help.

>> No.9320250


>> No.9320252
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TFW still a closet somewhat high functioning alcoholic

>> No.9320271
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>Apparently research says alcoholism is caused by genetic factors 50 - 60 % of the time, and 40 % to 50 % is due to social factors.

>tfw 110 % alcoholic

>> No.9320279
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Who else /alcoholicandwantstostopbutcantcutbackformorethanafewdaysatatime/ here?

>> No.9320285

Have to drink AT LEAST once a week, often 2 - 4 times

>> No.9320290
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I signed up as a bicycle currier for postmates to make some side cash. Tonight instead of consuming $15 worth of booze and weed i road downtown to do some deliveries. I only picked up two deliveries in 3 hours (postmates is not a good way to make money) but when i got home i felt good. I didnt feel the need to drink anything but water. I think nightly workouts might be something i need to start doing to kick this habbit. Cant fucking sleep though.
Anyone else have luck with exercise as a distraction from the "urges"?

>> No.9320300

>tfw recently got dropped to 30% disability
Fuckers haven't even treated me for my shit, yet. I got cosmetic surgery from the VA, too. Back assward organization I swear.

>> No.9320309

Going on my third night (>>9320239) and normally can only make it 2 days before I have to drink again. I have such a hard time sleeping and feel miserable and say "well I'll just drink tonight to catch up on sleep" and then drink every night for the next week.

Generally drink a 12 pack, half way through realize it isn't going to be enough and buy a 40. I have done some day drinking (all of this is alone) but normally hold off until the night and drink 9pm until I'm out around 1. Trying to quit now before it gets worse.

>> No.9320317

Exercise is a proven way to relax your nervous system

>> No.9320319

Naltrexone is great for physical cravings not boredom or loneliness. But physical cravings yes.

>> No.9320323

Dude I wish I had to drink once a week.

If it's been 24h without a drink I get anxious and restless, 48hrs and I lose my cool completely.

I hear you man, sleeping is the #1 reason I get back into it. I hate sitting there, staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours and hours. Or I get up, do something, and stay up til 4am anyways.

>> No.9320589
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Ever thought about AA?

>> No.9320622

welp, time for the handle of everclear

>> No.9320862
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Good enough.
Good luck for the rest of the detox.

Withdrawals wax out around day 3, so you'll be able to sleep vaguely correctly on day 4 or 5.
Your body have to learn to sleep without booze somehow, so have a good sleep hygiene. It's boring but it helps.

>> No.9320868

-wax +max

>> No.9320885

I don't know quite how I managed it, but yesterday I drank 23 litres of cider.
Wish life just had a pain-free 'off' switch.

>> No.9321051

Are you the guy who posted about buying all the shit to make it yourself? And you thought it was stronger than K?

What the shit

>> No.9321060

what type?

I drank 3 litres of strongbow and it gave me a hangover

>> No.9321079

There's a lot of... uh... unidentifiable... fluid however, covering my bed, carpet and clothes. It's possible that I threw up and pissed myself multiple times.

>> No.9321082
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>> No.9321083

I was discharged at 0% disability and several people at the VA said I should re-apply because they didn't feel that was accurate but nobody seems to be able to do anything because the VA can't get my records from the Navy because the Navy said they already gave them to the VA and doesn't have them. I gave up on that shit 15 years ago.
By the way, single payer health care everyone...

>> No.9321095

>Good enough
Even with the pot I couldn't fall asleep until about 2:30, I'm usually out by 10:00 on the weekends.
Then I only slept about an hour and a half before I woke up with the sweats and wet sheets. Took a bath and laid back down on the dry part of the bed. Got a couple more hours in before the same shit. Probably got two or three more days of this. Guess my girlfriend isn't going to be staying the night tonight. We only been seeing each other about a month. She can't ind out the truth yet.

>> No.9321165

Pot doesn't stop all withdrawals, it's more of a replacement addiction, or just to make withdrawals tolerable.
Do benzos or taper to reduce withdrawals to an acceptable level.

>> No.9321177
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whats the shittiest drink you drank just for the sake of getting drunk
pic related is mine

>> No.9321182

I'm on 600mg of Gabapentin 3x/day
I wasn't expecting the pot to reduce the withdraw, but to make me tired enough to sleep. I guess I was hoping the detox was going to help more. Based on how bad the insomnia and sweating was, I'm assume two, maybe three more days like this. It's the weekend, I can deal. I've dealt with this part several times in the past.

>> No.9321187

Just had a triple digit speed bike crash. Think I deserve a drink

>> No.9321198

jesus wept I remember you saying you'd been brewing 23l cider

how did you not get water poisoning from all that liquid? (let alone the alcohol)

I can't imagine drinking 23l of anything that's fucking absurd

this is why I only have spirits

>> No.9321207

I've drunk mouthwash when withdrawals got bad and I had to access to normal alc

also very seriously considered hand sanitizer

>> No.9321211

In the words of an old friend

Nigga you need Jesus.
If you're drinking pure poison for alcohol you need to be in a rehab clinic whether you want it or not.

>> No.9321215

i agree with this anon>>9321211

>> No.9321220

Withdrawals max out around day 3 or 4, It takes a week to detox, give or take a few days. Then there's PAWS.
Good luck, you're on the right path.

My guess it that he spilled a bucket when blacked out. At least I wish it's the case for his sake.

>> No.9321296

I dont think my mum has much longer to go

Losing her teeth from gum disease, not eating, doing things like taking 100 valium and drinking a box of wine, regular ambulance trips to the ER. Says her doctor suspects Korsakoffs syndrome so shes getting checked for that too.

I haven't actually seen her in over a year, maybe two, since she never makes it to any planned meetups. On the days we plan lunch or whatever she usually calls me drunk out of her mind at 10am crying and apologizing for not being able to make it. I tell her it's okay. I know i should show up at her door, but i honestly can't bring myself to see her like that anymore. She's a shell of what she was, i barely even recognize her.

I guess i maybe could have done something different to stop it ever getting like this. But everyone here knows that if you can't beat whatevers inside you then no amount of external help is going to do anything, even if its from the people you love. Fuck

>> No.9321307


These kind of stories make me kinda happy to know my bloodline dies with me even if I always had and still have a well-adjusted and caring family. Stay strong and godspeed anon.

>> No.9321412

Srlf check outs are a god send
No stupid bitch half my age telling me im too drunk to buy more alcohol

>> No.9321439

>card was denied because no funds
>take my vodkas and judt walk out
>nobody even tried to stop me

>> No.9321492

>risking jail for booze
Anon, its time to stop.

>> No.9321526
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>> No.9321528

That's not being an alcoholic you idiot

>> No.9321540

Been Sober for 5 days boys, already feel a little more clear headed but I noticed my dexterity is shit and my heart rate keeps going up for no damn reason.

Saturday night is really fucking calling my name tho. every time I think of booze I get this weird fluttery feeling. Like a toxic nostalgia.

>> No.9321639

>don't drink much
>have torn my esophagus
>pancreas warning signs
I think maybe I should not drink any more.

>> No.9321801

Is there any official research; or at least some learned approximation; into how many is TOO many times to have pissed the bed before it's simply uncouth to not replace it?

>> No.9321856

no but you should after 1st time

the piss stays in the mattress now matter how much you clean it, and while youre used to the smell others can instantly tell you just slept in a fucking bed of urine. so if you have appearances to keep up change it.

seeing as your asking how much is too often i take it this wasnt your first time pissing the bed, go buy a new mattress and sheets.
(it will have the addedd benefit that you sleep very good for while)

>> No.9321995
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I'm pretty wasted rn
I was thinking about suiciding today before I start drinking
Still pretty comfy sleeping in on my floor though, I'm planning a slow suicide by starvation in the near future
But for now I'm going to drink still 8%cider until I pass out
How are you guys?

>> No.9322008

He'll piss the bed on the first nigh he's got a new one.
Get a waterproof mattress protector/undersheet. Say it's for a grandparent if you're ashamed or something.

>> No.9322009

FUCK do I have a hard time getting to sleep! Two nights ago I was exhausted and yet for 2 hours I tossed and turned! You know what happened after 2 hours? I got up and spent like 5 hours on the computer! I was beginning to worry that my difficulty in getting to sleep has been due to my alcoholism. I've had delirium tremens before... that shit can be terrifying.

>> No.9322013

>suicide by starvation
Always use the exit bag for that.

>> No.9322020

Doing alright, last few days I had some stomache problems, but they're gone now, and feeling fairly comfy. Have to go out soonand get more booze, before the alcohol sale prohibition kicks in.

>> No.9322042

im burning bridges left and right

but else im just enjoying a buzz

>> No.9322075

Nah I deserve suffering
I like starving anyway

There's a prohibition? Where the duck is that going on? Are you gonna start homebrewing?

I know that buzz feel
I burnt most of my bridges a while ago and I'm still quite young
Im listening to some weird music
Feels okau

>> No.9322115

>There's a prohibition? Where the duck is that going on? Are you gonna start homebrewing?
After 10 pm shops/gas stations etc aren't allowed to sell booze anymore in my state, not a real prohibition, otherwise I'd become one of those train riding hobos

>> No.9322127

Is it time to start a new one of these yet?

>> No.9322146

>298 replies
It stops bumping at 310 replies, and live a few hours after that, so not yet.
One single /alk/ is accepted, but we don't want to start annoying the mods.

>> No.9322210

important question for the beer experts

does the head of a beer prevent the gas from escaping to the atmosphere, therefore preventing the drink from going flat?

>> No.9322278

Yeah I guess they are desperate for the alchie blood

>> No.9322496

If I took away your booze would you die?

>> No.9322668

Hello al/ck/

I'm 2 months sober as of last sunday and I'm debating having a couple of beers. There's 4 cans downstairs that have been there for a few weeks (my dad bought them for himself but he's in hospital).

Will I be ok to have a couple without withdrawals tomorrow? The shops here are closed now so I can't buy more after having them. I'm just bored as shit, it's Saturday night and I wanna play some buzzed vidya.

I used to drink 7-10 high % ciders each night for about 4 years for reference.

>> No.9322679

If you're anything like me then it wont be enough. I keep going months and thinking the same thing and just feel depressed and not even buzzed :/

>> No.9322682

Worth a try though, no? If it's shit then I know not to try it again but this is the longest I've been sober since I started drinking in my teens.

>> No.9322696

Sure man if you think you can handle it (not want more) then by all means. Maybe buy more so your dad has some when he gets out.

>> No.9322705

You probably won't have any withdraws or anything. You probably won't get much of a buzz either. The only thing you might get it a desire for more. I don't see the upside to doing it.

>> No.9322707

Withdrawals tomorrow after 4 beers? You'd need to have kindled pretty hard for that.
No, there are two risks here :
Everything goes fine. Next week, you'll think "hey, I can drink reasonably now" and have a few beers. And then some more. And in a month you're drinking daily again because you're still an alkie who can't into moderation.
Another one is that it won't be enough to get you drunk, but enough to make you crave getting drunk. So you'll go out to buy more and will effectively black out on 4 beers and the subsequent bottle of scotch.

Of course, maybe you can moderate, I don't know (and neither do you, yet).

>> No.9322713

thanks bros, I'm not gonna have any.

>> No.9322729

Not that guy but how can you tell if you've been kindling? Sometimes im not sure if thats what ive done to myself.

>> No.9322735

You'll crave more, but if stores are closed you'll just pass out. Go for it and feel good.

>> No.9322740

Good job, I wouldn't.
I'm the guy that got out of detox yesterday.
I used to drink oliet coke w/ cheap whiskey.
It doesn't el right sitting on 4chan and watching Netflix without having a drink to sip on. I went and bought some diet coke. It doesn't taste right but it was better than nothing. Yesterday, I just kept reaching for a glass that wasn't there. I'll probably give it another hour, or so and go outside to smoke a bit.

>> No.9322769

New thread open for business >>9322765

>> No.9322791

You need a smaller bender each time to get withdrawals. And they become worse each time.
It happens when you withdraw too much too many times, that's why you should taper or use benzo and not go cold turkey. Well, that and withdrawals can kill you.
Also there is irreversible brain damage somewhere in the equation.

It's also why I keep valium from my last medical detox, so if I fall ever off the wagon, I can get back without having to see a doc. Also a interesting anxiolytic if I have an anxiety/craving attack. But I make sure not to get addicted to them, so this advice isn't for people who will do them out of serious medical reason.

>> No.9322804

I know that feel.
I tried filling the glass with something else, but each sip would taste of a longing for alcohol. I decided to remove the glass altogether. I always had a water bottle on the other side of the desk, it's all I have now.
I got used to old pastime dry. It sure was boring at the beginning. Pot helps, but it's not exactly sobriety.

>> No.9322814

I'm not aiming for sobriety, I'm aiming to quit drinking. I'll deal with the pot later, if it even becomes an issue.

>> No.9322826

I don't blame you, I smoke erryday to keep from drinking. Just at night, but I know it still fucks with my brain during the day.
At least I'm not puking blood while withdrawing because I can't keep anything down, so there's that.

>> No.9322879


Glad to hear from you sudoku guy

>> No.9322914

Ever considered working the steps? It can help.

>> No.9323131

The night I got into my fraternity, they had a game called "shot chess". Basically, they got all the bottles that only had a shot or two left at the bottom, and filled up a bunch of shot glasses with them.

Me and two of my other pledge brothers were in on this chess game, and every time we drained a shot of random stuff (rum, then schnapps, then vodka ect) they would move the empty glass to the back of the line and fill it up with something else vile.

To this day, I can't take a shot without A. knowing what it is and B. mentally bracing myself

>> No.9323489

Half a liter of tequila last night. Feel like hell but wanna finish the other half

>> No.9324400

Why didn't you drink a fuckload of water before bed? That's how I do it when I drink booze and therefore rarely ever get a hangover. I even drink water occasionally between shots, just to try and slow down my rate of dehydration, which of course is the source of hang overs.