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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9307850 No.9307850 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9307863

Welp, I cook a lot better because of this failed footballer. Want me to make you some scallops?

>> No.9307900
File: 6 KB, 300x168, gordonramsaytdanmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were these frozen?

>> No.9307902


They were RAAAWWWWW. hehehe. no They were cooked. My extended family thought I was a savant. autistic savant, but I'm good with that.

>> No.9307915

Copycat Marco, without the raw talent.
Successful, obnoxious.
Unreliable, talk show host.
Knowledgeable, opinionated.

>> No.9307918


What's his Meyers-Briggs?

>> No.9307929

Good businessman and chef, retarded Americans judge his personality based on the heavily dramatised hells kitchen US, but is actually a genuine and decent bloke

>> No.9307932


Just so you know, no one listens to any americans on anything. They sound like idiots 90% of the time.

>> No.9307933


Didn't he go bankrupt?

>> No.9307956

It was probably just one restaurant. With over 20 restaurants to his name open right now I doubt he went bankrupt personally

>> No.9307961

Ramsey? Fuck no. His self-made net worth is crazy. The guy never stops. I don't think too highly of him as a chef (I'm sure he's got the nose and the discipline, but his range is low and his creativity is underwhelming) but he is a very successful businessman.

>> No.9307974

This sounds suspiciously American

>> No.9307988


Honestly, do you trust even one American?"

I said that in Geoffrey Rush's voice.

>> No.9308013


Go watch The King's Voice. Learn about the war.

>> No.9308070

If marco and ramsay switched ages, their roles would be reversed

>> No.9308191

Good comedian, don't care about his cooking desu.

>> No.9308197

All of his television shows are super comfy and he seems like a top lad

>> No.9308208

>retarded Americans judge his personality based on the heavily dramatised hells kitchen US
Not their fault if that's the only exposure. His normal shows would have done fine here, they're quite entertaining but >FOX. Probably too worried about it not being entertaining enough or too British.

>> No.9308216


Go watch The F word, Gordon Ramsey Ultimate Cookery Course, etc.

Learn something about actually cooking.

>> No.9308239


He pretends to be a retard because Americans are fucking children. He was told to be an idiot for his idiot audience in the US. Listen to anything he does for Europe. They're not kids over there.


>> No.9308268

I went to restaurant Gordon Ramsey in London a few years back.

Pretty classical style of cooking but perfectly executed. Nice setting and great staff. I haven't seen much of his tv work, but his restaurant at least was great.

>> No.9308276

Retard I know what he's like. A lot of it is dramatic editing and him playing up the character because of Fox. Learn to read.

>> No.9308277


They were yapping about Claridges back in Winston's days. It kinda has to be classic at some point.

>> No.9308300

>not their fault if thats the only exposure
The internet exists

>> No.9308308


Can you teach me to read. I kinda retarded, bro. And I drool. just a bit.

Do you ever read what you write and feel fucking embarrassed? I feel embarrassed FOR you. jesus.

>> No.9308314

he's okay.
I don't think he's cutting edge or artful in much of what he's produced but it's not pretentious which is probably the greater offense of the two. He likes to rely on rhetoric a lot of which I think he makes himself. All in all he's probably a 8/10 chef and 10/10 entrepreneur.

>> No.9308326


if you want to be a pretentious cunt, find heston blumenthal, or some fucker ferran adria inspired. I'm sure their shit is great, but don't treat it like a meal.It's an experience.

>> No.9308329

he seems like he's a cunt for the sake of being a cunt half the time.
also don't get the impression that he's a top tier chef, more a good chef that's smart business wise.

>> No.9308341

Same problem I have with nearly every other chef who tries to teach people how to cook. 99% of his recipes are too wasteful and to complicated to reproduce.
I don't want to go shopping for 3 hours, spend 3 times the money I normally do only to then throw away most of the stuff because I needed just a tiny bit of it.

>> No.9308402

I've never met him

>> No.9308497

I'm really envious of how fast and efficient he is in the kitchen. Even simple things take me nearly an hour to make because I drag ass and constantly stop to wash up and clean things, so watching chefs like him zip around is inspiring.

>> No.9308523

Cooking is alright, but I hate the way he talks and he just basically annoys me to no end

>> No.9308528

has his recent sort of gay twist on his cloths and hair upset you as much as it's pissed me off?

>> No.9308581


don't make anything from serious eats then. you'll burst a kidney.

>> No.9308754
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>UGH what a stupidly large burger, can't even bite into it

>> No.9308756


his face has turned into layered vagina folds so a bit of fagwear is probably a good thing.

>> No.9308761

exactly what i think, when i look at monstrously large burgers----
my mouth doesn't open that wide, so i end up biting only a few layers, and its a very unsatisfying feeling.

the perfect burger should be compact, and soft---your jaw muscles shouldn't have to work at max capacity for a fucking bite

>> No.9308775

Reddit is obsessed with him for some reason.

>> No.9309031

I don't really care about his appearance I just can't stand his exhaling voice anymore

>> No.9309089

Pretty nice dude. The Facebook live behind the scenes they filmed showed he's quite energetic and fun. He can definitely cook and his business sense is one of the best in the sphere. I really can't hate a person who made something of nothing with honest work. As far as I've read he's also not spoiling his kids too much which I do like.

>> No.9309133

Makes his kids help him slaughter chickens/pigs, pretty based to me

>> No.9309138
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>doesn't like Trump

All I need to know

>> No.9309198

I ate at his burger restaurant in Vegas and it was pretty good.

>> No.9309256

He certainly isn't the best in the world but it was good enough for 3 stars so 8/10 seems kinda low to me

>> No.9309261

He has a lot of easy stuff on his YouTube channel, I like the pork chops with sweet sour peppers for example, takes like 15 minutes to cook and has only a couple ingredients most of which you'll probably have at home already

>> No.9309270

He looks like a gay hairdresser

>> No.9309291
File: 31 KB, 304x304, gordon_ramsay_1x1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your microwave

>> No.9309879

You mean The King's Speech?

>> No.9309934

Meh like it's been said, he overdramatizes his US shows. He seems like a nice enough guy though, but he knows how to monetize his shit.

>> No.9310509
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Chef Ramsay is /ourguy/

>> No.9310535

Repeat after me Anon:

>your business going bankrupt is not you going bankrupt

>> No.9310545
File: 247 KB, 1254x688, kn_20ramsay_20eating_20pizza.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you trust a man who doesn't appreciate a good slice of 'za?

>> No.9310568

How often did he get food poisoning from doing kitchen nightmares?
Some of the food had flies and cockroaches in them

>> No.9310580

I remember 2 episodes where he puked on camera. One was oceana, can only recommend is one of the best, forgot the other one.

>> No.9310629

Only one of his restaurants I've eaten at was Fish & Chips on the Vegas strip. It's perhaps the only place he owns that doesn't require a reservation (and they won't take one if you try). I thought it was excellent. I went there after reading an article about it in one of the local weekly magazines. He said it was special to him, because after all the fancy French eats he's made and stars he's earned, there's still nothing as comforting to him as the greasy paper bag of fish and chips he'd get as a kid back home.

>> No.9310720

damn his wife is hot as fuck for her age

>> No.9310824

He said so much himself. Decent chef, but top businessman.

>> No.9311371

That is not a 'za.

>> No.9311407
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>> No.9311442

These threads are getting old. Kind of like people wanting to talk about Pink Floyd at /mu/

>> No.9311733

T'is Th"gh

>> No.9313307

But Gordon is comfy

>> No.9313576

>complains his pizza is too greasy
>goes home and downs a bottle of olive oil

>> No.9313588



>> No.9313592


>> No.9313613


>> No.9313636
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>dash of a liquid

>> No.9313649

He's a great chef.

>> No.9313789



>> No.9313827


>> No.9313834

all the restaurants from season 2 of Kitchen Nightmares are now out of business.

true fact

>> No.9313843

MPW is the best.

>> No.9313849

I met this jackass in real life, walking on a bike path on Cape Cod. He and his friend were the only people around, so I smiled and said hello, like normal human beings usually do. I didn't even realize it was him until I'd already begun the interaction. He stared me dead in the face, stern looking, said nothing, and continued walking. His friend did that 'im very sorry face' and smiled at me. He's a complete cunt who's been able to make a living because he's funny, seems to be a genuinely nasty person.

>> No.9313874

>don't treat it like a meal.It's an experience.

This nu-male faggot cuck shit attitude around food is getting out of hand

>> No.9313911

He's not fast at all, his videos are just giant jump cuts w/ most shit parcooked or fully cooked in advance

>> No.9314019

>not ordering coffee with a dash of milk

>> No.9314117

They listen to our music, watch our films, buy our shit (which is made in China), make our shit, speak our language (like most things Euro, we took it and made it accessible), and they want to fuck our women.
You're a contrarian.

>> No.9314240
File: 93 KB, 621x672, 1405476971159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also met Gordon but it was in NYC. I said hello, and he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of me. He did a quick visual scan of my person and he had asked me if I made my shoes or had them bought in. When I told them I bought them from a shoe store, he shuffled away while mumbling silently "Fuck me" over and over again until he disappeared into the crowd.

>> No.9314246


>> No.9314250

Reminder that some of the best sushi in the world literally uses frozen fish

>> No.9314722 [DELETED] 

>> No.9315087

I saw Gordon Ramsey at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Oh, like you’re doing now?"

I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen bottles olive oil in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bottles and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bottle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.9315376


>> No.9315393


ALL sushi is frozen fish. jesus.