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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 500x498, before-after-pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9264696 No.9264696[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Right or left, /ck/?

With the abundance of /alc/ threads on /ck/ almost warranting a containment board, its high time we had /anti-alc/ threads pop up in opposition.

Allow me to kick off the antialc movement. Former boozer here, don't go down that path gents.

>> No.9264701
File: 95 KB, 766x768, JjXSpud4g3iHgVr0hDJZ5JR7mEz-TRH2H4iifrqOeXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right or left, /ck/?

With the abundance of trap sympathizers on /ck/ almost warranting a containment board, its high time we had /anti-trap/ threads pop up in opposition.

Allow me to kick off the antitrap movement. Former tranny here, don't go down that path gents.

>> No.9264704

Looks like all she did was put on make up

>> No.9264707

So she bought a phone with a wide angle front facing camera?

>> No.9264708

she's clearly less puffy, blind-friend.

>> No.9264710

Fucking spit out my drink laughing. Would gladly throat her dick

>> No.9264718
File: 290 KB, 1628x532, n8Yc310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one, /ck/?

>> No.9264729


>> No.9264732
File: 77 KB, 458x447, IMG_0400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Have you ever been to an al/ck/ thread lately? It's not glorifying alcoholism at all. There are a few asking for drink recommendations and whatnot but it's mostly people who are dry, tapering, or falling off the wagon and needing someone to talk to.

>> No.9264743

hmm... calling bullshit on you.

screenshot proof of a post like that that came in hours earlier today

>> No.9264749

she doesnt look as bloated

>> No.9264752

well what i see are people poisoning themselves because it feels good. Some people poison themselves so much that they can't walk and throw up. Seems pretty odd to poison ones self because it feels good.

>> No.9264754

i hate before and after pictures for anything. the before picture always have them look completely miserable and the after they are always dressed up nicely and crap.

showing how different focal lengths can distort a portrait picture. thats why people always look weird when they take selfies

>> No.9264758

Hahaha guys just finished of another bottle xD I'm so le damaged guys fml my life sucks haha but at least I have the sauce xD thanks remember to share like subscribe and of course get blackout drunk xDDD

>> No.9264771

Pretty fucked up that i didn't learn this while following a audiovisual study.

This shit is very important.

>> No.9264773

Anon we're here for you if you want to talk.

>> No.9264786

I lost my job because of a DUI (from a year ago) a month a go. I haven't been able to land a steady job since because I drink myselft to a stupor and can't handle my hangover in the morning.

I think I'm in denial about my alcoholism. Guess my point is, don't be an alcoholic.

>> No.9264796

I have a DUI from two years ago.

My job of 4 years doesn't know. How did your job find out?

>> No.9264806

>look how much better I look after I quit alcohol and switched to meth /ck/.

>> No.9264809
File: 222 KB, 474x635, IMG_8112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont do drugs because everybody on my moms side are literal burnouts from the 60s and 70s. my dad has been an alchoholic for 30 years and was a cokehead. i just dont do anything, even though temptation is high

>> No.9264818
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 1500680139342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264821

I was a temp for two years. They finally decided to make me perm, give me a generous raise and a fat bonus. But I needed to basically do a new application as if I was some newfag. I disclosed my situation, talked to my manager, he didn't foresee any problems. Next week I get a call from some HR corporate fuck who lives on the other side of the country telling me they can't take me on and that they're terminating my temp contract. I call my manager, we go back and forth over the weekend with calls, in the end he can't do shit.

Yours is from over three years ago, you should be fine. It's funny, until this, I was sober. I've done my time, community service, probation, and my fines. But I feel like I'm only starting to feel the consequences of my actions.

>> No.9264824

Have you ever been so drunk that some fat ugly chick at the party raped you and you don't even remember until your friends tell you about it the next day?

That's my fetish. Getting raped by a fat ugly chick.

>> No.9264826

goddamn, good for you

>> No.9264829

Only drug worth doing is lsd and it isn't addictive at all

>> No.9264839

yeah, but you're still fucked if you abuse it.

>> No.9264840

You deserve it for driving drunk.

>> No.9264842

wasn't raped but i did fuck a ugly black chick at a party, woke up the next day and didnt remember it. I wouldn't call it rape, but i dont remember anything except the girl telling me how i changed her view on "white bois in bed" i guess i was pretty good but that's the only time its ever happened.

>> No.9264848

That's pretty much rape. Just with the sexes reversed.

I'd love it if an ugly black chick raped me. She'd be like "HAAYY~"

>> No.9264850

You're absolutely right. You're also a cunt.

>> No.9264862
File: 31 KB, 582x506, 1494038217999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Off the alk
>back on the sheckels

>> No.9264904

She's both cute desu

>> No.9264915

we are living in a world in wich the size of society has nulified the value of individual achievement
there is nothing to live for therefor drink as much as you want

>> No.9264926

can you teach me to do that using cameras in virtual 3d enviroments?

>> No.9264933

I'm pretty sure I find left more attractive although right looks healthier

>> No.9264940
File: 384 KB, 1142x1600, IMG_0807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything else, fussy anon?

>> No.9264952

This, /alc/ threads on /ck/ are the best advertisement for abstaining or at least not over-indulging in alcohol. The first time I'd read through one of those I actually spent the next few hours re-evaluating my life-choices

I still drink more than I should but if /alc/ threads have had any affect on my life, its in terms of reducing my consumption.

>> No.9264967

Wow. You are so smart and inspiring. Can i suck your cock please?

>> No.9264987

Agreed. Left has thinning outer eyebrows, but her complexion looks better... Also, left is either a little heavier or more well hydrated? So strange how much more freckles she got, though.

>> No.9265255

how do people survive more than a few days of being sober?

>> No.9265273
File: 271 KB, 866x578, elevar sqm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9265275
File: 39 KB, 529x312, UNC-School-of-Medicine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right or left?

>> No.9265279

I'd fuck both of them, is that so wrong?

>> No.9265316

>get to live as both an attractive man and woman
god damn life ain't fair sometimes amiright

>> No.9265527

Today will be day 236 sober for me and I'm really struggling today. Threads like these really do help sometimes.

>> No.9265546

More space for thoughts!

>> No.9265550
File: 189 KB, 444x553, Wc0107-04780r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
t. Winston Churchill

His maxim is certainly relevant to our current predicament.

>> No.9265561

I see you got your ebonics from the PJ's.
Shit's not like that anymore

>> No.9265568

>Worth taking
>Risk permanent hallucinations

>> No.9265573

>Implying an alcohols vomits

You know nothing, child.

>> No.9265581


>> No.9265584

I had the same. My boss is trying to get me a company vehicle soon and now I'm scrambling to find a way to get my license back. I just need to pay the fines but they're high as hell as I spent my savings on a lawyer trying to fight the case (it was a care and control charge meaning I wasn't driving but near my vehicle with my keys while drunk. Same charge as a DUI though).

>> No.9265596

Go and unfuck yourselves, /ck/

>> No.9265666

I am an alcoholic of the most boring sort. I just get tipsy and stay tipsy every night until I go to bed. I don't even get drunk. I still get all the detriments to my health but I don't even have any stories to tell, nor do I frequently experience the euphoria of drunkenness.

I might as well quit because what I'm doing is pointless. I know that I'd lose like 10-15 pounds if the only thing I changed is my drinking. Not to mention the harmful effects it has on the brain, liver, heart, etc.

It is a strong habit, though. I'm finding it much harder to quit than cigarettes, which I quit completely.

>> No.9265683

Good on her for quitting, but she looks happier on the left. The pic on the right looks like she's been through some shit, lmao

>> No.9265693

We need /anti-trap/ on /gif/.

>> No.9265733

did she start smoking meth when she quit drinking?

>> No.9265736

Less inflammation and healthier looking eyes on the left. Would still fuck her either way though.

>> No.9265754

I dont think you have seen too many meth heads

>> No.9265856
File: 1018 KB, 500x275, vertigo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double your camera's fov
>move 50% closer to your target

>> No.9265862

The feminine one has given a rise to my prize.

>> No.9265920

is this on a full frame sensor? If so 85mm is the way to go. If crop then pick 50

>> No.9265951

it's a joke. she just looks thin and has crazy eyes

>> No.9265956
File: 302 KB, 363x321, He had all the hotdogs he could ever want, yet he was still empty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop asking for fucking containment boards you dumb faggot
on that note, i'd like a drug board.

>> No.9265976

/cel/ would be a great board tbdesu

>> No.9266002

Opioids are better

>> No.9266023

>"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
>t. a fat drunk who had a hard-on for killing civilians


>> No.9266042

Trump is doing great, there isn't really a "predicament" unless you're an un-American liberal faggot

>> No.9266055

i'm freeaking out anons. I'm drunk and saw this exact thread with the 3exact responses and the same images a month ago. pleease tell me this is scripted bait

>> No.9266175

Honestly, she looks more attractive in the before. The after looks like she'd accuse you of stare rape.

>> No.9266187


>> No.9266218

Just don't have it around your house. Stay distracted until you get tired. Congratulations, you did a night without getting tipsy.

>> No.9266223
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1471066107041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, he can't even keep a cabinet together, he's being investigated by the FBI, he's achieved none of his goals, and he's taken a record amount of vacation time.

>> No.9266244

That's the kind of thing a liberal would say. See, in the eyes of a normal American, he is improving the economy, the stock market is doing great, the Muslim ban was a great move, it's nice to see illegals deported, etc. etc. Also the "investigation" and "muh Russia" thing is the biggest bullshit story of 2017.

But bottom line, we don't have to agree. You are entitled to your opinion and I mine. We should probably not derail the thread.

>> No.9266255

move away while zooming in?

>> No.9266298

me on the right

>> No.9266307

Economy really cant be attributed to him

>> No.9266325


>> No.9266326

Everyone knows that the alcohol woman is the more fun woman

>> No.9266353

>vegan since age 9
>never had more than part of a half pint of beer that one time in Barthelona
>eating only whole/unrefined foods the last few years
>now 28
>can still pass for teenager

>> No.9266358

That hasn't been my experience. Non-drinkers usually have their own nerdy shit to do so I don't need to send them home just to be able to do my homework/hobbies/chores

>> No.9266381
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-but, muh rust belt and coal revival, a-a-nd stuff that is happening what with the millions of exponential j-j-jobs that we created from day one while the confederacy of dunces were against my beacon of light.

>> No.9266436

I'll bet that pussy is loose though

>> No.9266440


>> No.9266451

Post a timestamped selfie

>> No.9266468

>alcohol babby vomits
>alcohol doesn't
>near death alcohol vomits yellow/green/red all day every day
it's a funny kind of cycle

>> No.9266473

she looks healthier and more attractive on the left

but then theres this faggot to ruin all the fun>>9264718

>> No.9266511

>stop drinking
>start shooting heroine

She looks like a fucking junkie in the after pic

>> No.9266521

damn that blows. similar happened to me. worked at a microsoft datacenter and they revised their background criteria and anyone with DUIs had to go.

>> No.9266682
File: 80 KB, 747x1024, cable_pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9267089

Heroin isn't spelled with an e, you nit. Heroine is a female hero of a story.

>> No.9267118

Certainly a bit of alcohol is fine, and too much alcohol is not. But how much is too much? Is 3-4 bottles of wine worth of alcohol per week too much?

>> No.9267121
File: 1.46 MB, 446x469, IMG_0606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same age, 28
>eat around 2lbs of meat per day
>spent most of the last decade drunk but don't drink anymore
>still look about ten years younger than I actually am
Some of us just got them anti-aging 'netics m8.

>> No.9267123

Yes. Jaws is famous for this kind of shot

>> No.9267158
File: 510 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-253734656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Eating steak many times weekly since before I can remember, mostly eat fried foods and enriched wheat products

>Started drinking at 18, now 21

>Look my age

>> No.9267164

Would smash the lefts boipucci

>> No.9267165
File: 411 KB, 382x600, 1472848334571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al/ck/s are the core of /ck/, and always have been.

If you're going to throw a hissyfit look towards the fast food, meme, youtube personality, and retarded (((sip))) threads.

/ck/ is al/ck/, and always has been.

>> No.9267168

Your average Turk on the right

>> No.9267176

Was this photo taken in jail or rehab?

>> No.9267182


I leave that to the viewer's interpretation

>> No.9267194

May just be the angle/hair but you have a Joaquin Phoenix look about you.

>> No.9267207


I almost always get Jonny Depp or spigot from that IRC comic

>> No.9267213


Oh, and Harry Potter

But that one's almost daily so I've come to know it well (I usually wear thick rimmed glasses)

>> No.9267229

she started shooting heroines and it killed her soul so she started doing heroin : ^ )

>> No.9267255

This isn't /soc/, you mentally ill narcissist

reddit spacing

fuck off

>> No.9267259

Better on the left. Right looks scrawny.

>> No.9267286


I've been spacing like this since before Reddit was a thing

It makes my posts bigger


Making them catch the eye more

If all caps was readable enough you can bet I'd be using it

>> No.9267290


>> No.9267303


Did you discover this board last year when jack was banned and started getting spammed on the shit boards, or 6 months ago when the mcchicken spam took over?

>> No.9267307

I like drinking once in a while myself, but I would probably prefer to date a girl who doesn't drink. Blame my mom for showing me how ugly a woman with alcohol problems looks.

>> No.9267400


>> No.9267421

Discussing a thing = glorifying and supporting it, in modern parlance.

>> No.9267521

I don't abide that. If that is the case then this thread is doing it just as much as al/ck/.

>> No.9267559

She looks more chill and relax in the before picture, she can handle any task at her job and feels no stress, does things she dislikes but still keeps a smiling face.

The after photo she looks stressed out and angry. Everything you do annoys her. She can't sleep at night because she keeps thinking about work after she gets home. She will die young, probably from a hernia.

>> No.9267570

It's true. You are new to this board, shut the fuck up or leave.

>> No.9267582

At what point do you consider drinking a problem?

I find myself drinking most days of the week at this point, but it's rarely more than 1 or 2 drinks.

>> No.9267626

I stopped drinking because it makes you stupid. Every time I drink a beer alone I regret it because it's harder to have a clear and sharp thought afterwards.

I'll never understand how you can get addicted to alcohol. If you have just a bit of brain you should realize that drinking regularly and in large quantities is bad. Why would start doing it, why continue doing it, why not seek help? Then again, people also get willingly addicted to nicotine.
I have a friend who managed to quit crystal, but he can't quit tobacco.

>> No.9267631

Some people drink to escape reality.

>> No.9267644

No, this thread is glorifying al/ck/, not alcoholism.

>> No.9267648

>Why would start doing it
It's nearly universally common and you can't predict all the consequences when you take your first drink. That's all it takes.
>why continue doing it
Because it's an addiction. You don't actively make the decision to continue, it just kinda happens by default unless you stop and think seriously about your drinking habit, without trying to fool yourself.
>why not seek help?
First you need to admit you have a problem, and then you have to admit you're not able to fix the problem yourself. These are really, really hard for some people.

>> No.9267686

when you are fucking yourself up in order to sedate yourself out of fucking other people up

or when taking a break from drinking gives you actual anxiety "I should have done a shot before I did this"

>> No.9267750

I need to stop drinking

>> No.9267985


yeah, good thing a there is a place to go where you can spend an entire night alone, depressed and without any intervention to keep those people from drinking.

that's helpful.

>> No.9268023

They're not alone, there are others to talk to in al/ck/. Otherwise they'd just be home alone with no one to even talk to. Unless you have a better solution. Surely not this piece of shit thread.

>> No.9268115

If you post again, you're going to hear that phone ringing for the rest of your life.

For the rest of your life.

And when you close your eyes. You will see Danny DeVito's ass.

For the rest of your life.

That phone ringing. DeVito's ass.

For the rest of your life.

Don't post again. If you do, I'm coming back.

That phone ringing. DeVito's ass.

For the rest of your life.

>> No.9268121

I can barely see a difference between left and right aside from better makeup and lighting.

>> No.9268393


reddit spacing

poodoo head

reddit spacing

I was reddit spacing my own post

reddit spacing

I don't care that you do it too

>> No.9268451

hroin just doesn't look right though.

>> No.9268475

You look like a man in his thirties contemplating suicide.

>> No.9268489

Left: Average poor goyim
Right: Megajew

>> No.9268490


>rust belt
Manufacturing was on the rise with foreign companies paying for US Labor. It's going to the Deep South and South West.

The president has little control over where manufacturing jobs go. Rust belt state legislation does.

>coal revival

It won't ever happen, anon.

>millions of exponential j-j-jobs

Some of this can be attributed to Trump going pro-business, but some of it can also be attributed to recession relief efforts from the last administration.

>> No.9268496
File: 436 KB, 560x437, 1500893152872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you go back to your board, please? Thanks, buddy.

She doesn't look that much different once you account for lighting conditions etc. but some people really do pretty up significantly when they stop drinking.
I should probably cut down myself but I'm on long-term sick leave and the days are just kinda long and boring, y'know?

>> No.9268510

>Winston "Sell My Country to the Rothschilds" Churchill
He had some good bantz but that's about it

>> No.9268512

>I stopped drinking because it makes you stupid. Every time I drink a beer alone I regret it because it's harder to have a clear and sharp thought afterwards.
That is literally why I drink though. During the day, I have to work hard and think hard. At the end of the day, I don't want to spend all evening and night thinking about everything that's gone wrong, and a bottle of wine goes a long way in helping with that.

>> No.9268593

isn't this an 18+ website

>> No.9268664

Drinking was killing my gains and my bank account (15 dollar drinks here in brooklyn, 4 dollar PBRs, etc) so I quit a few months ago. Don't miss it at all, I had two beers the other night at my friend's film premiere and realized how alien in my own body that substance made me feel

>> No.9268801

Went from looking like a mellow person that would be cool to hang out with to an intense, bitchy looking cat lady.

Don't quit drinking boys and girls, nobody likes a quitter.

>> No.9269168

Why do kids pretend alcohol is like some form of dangerous drug?
One beer isn't going to make you a maniac or even have "less sharp thoughts afterwards", on the other hand drinking 10 beers on an empty stomach will do that, but if you drank 10 coca colas the same thing would happen.
It's literally a product, no one is forcing you to drink it, some people enjoy only water, some sodas and some alcohol in different forms.
There are people that enjoy some wine to their dinner once or twice a week, they do that because they enjoy it.
I was once salty and retarded as you because my father was alcoholic and generally bad to my mother and once I was of a legal age to drink and try it out I found out that it was not alcohol that made my father do those things, it was him just being a shit bag and alcohol was just a big excuse for him being a little faggot.

>> No.9269265

Okay, i'm all for being 'lite on alcohol', but if you've never drank or did anything or very clearly a child (if you say shit like my mind isn't sharp or you're poisoning yourself, leave kiddo).

Drinking can be just fine.

People just need to learn some self restraint. It doesn't have to be black or white, 0 or 1. Just slowly reduce how much you drink. I started buying a sixer and only drink two a night and keep the rest in the fridge.

I mean, if you lead a relatively healthy life and work out, cook food, etc; how you gonna tell someone that a beer or two is gonna be so harmful to their life?

Key is an moderation, not outright 'banning' it from your life. You can even do cocaine healthily if you do it intelligently.

>> No.9269388

staying off alcohol for a year allowed her to save enough money to buy a nicer camera?

>> No.9269395

Just called in sick.
Woohoo half an hour till shops open.

>> No.9269513

i see no changes