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9249964 No.9249964 [Reply] [Original]

This has just moved to my town in britbongistan.(and vegans have chimped out at it for some reason)
Is it any good americans?

>> No.9249991

overpriced but good
enjoy a sliver of freedom

>> No.9250008

Aren't they kinda fat to be vegans?

>> No.9250013
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>> No.9250020

Basically this.
hen you go, make sure to mock the fat vegans over there.
Throw peanuts at them.

>> No.9250084

East coast faggots will tell you this is damned good, maybe even one of the best.
It's ok. Somewhat above average for a chain of its size, but stupidly overpriced.

>> No.9250091

>give you your burger and literally fill the bag with fries

Sounds fair to me

>> No.9250114

>not throwing chicken nuggets at them

>> No.9250122

The peanuts are free if it's an authentic Five Guys.
Just cut into a ba-
Oh shit, I forgot OP probably doesn't own anything that can cut.

>> No.9250140

Your order will take forever even though there are LITERALLY five guys working the grill.

>> No.9250165

And some of them might be girls!

>> No.9250174

Really good, try it at least once.

>> No.9250175

>wasting a nugger

>> No.9250178

>implying the muslims would let a woman work a grill

>> No.9250198
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>in Islamic cultures men do the cooking

>> No.9250200

Been on one in the UK. It's good but like everyone is saying it's over priced.

It's even more overpriced in the UK than it is in America. I went once and it was really tasty but I felt there are better options for £15($20) for burger and fries.

Almost famous is about that price and you get a lot more for your money

>> No.9250203

>being this triggered


>> No.9250211

For about the same money you'd be better off going to Meat Liquor.

>> No.9250212

Incredibly overrated. I was angry after paying $11 for that shit they called a burger.

>> No.9250213


>> No.9250217

I would pay 20 bucks if it triggers some fat vegans.

>> No.9250229

Vegans are already triggered by everything. Save your money.

>> No.9250352
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Orderd and Here atm
Fuck it's overcrowded and the music is loud

>> No.9250363

I wonder how many cows and chickens were sacrificed to feed those slobs holding up that sign.

>> No.9250382

Vegans eat a lot of desserts, cakes, etc. A vegan diet consists mostly of sugar.

>> No.9250487

>vegans eat a lot of food containing eggs and dairy products

>> No.9250497

>What are egg and dairy substitutes
Sure they taste like shit, but vegans eat them up. With sugar.

>> No.9250499

>Thinking all desserts and cakes contain eggs and dairy products.

>> No.9250505

the one near me is usually empty and has no music

>> No.9250549

I lived near the original one when it opened in Virgina. It was life-changing. I had never had a burger quite like it. They opened a few more and they were all just as good. Then it franchised out, the original owners became rich and retired and nobody remains to protect the brand, other than the individual franchise owners.

Bottom line, some are good, some are better, some kind of suck. Better fast-casual burgers have come along since. I don't really go to 5 guys anymore, but I will always appreciate the way they changed the market and made fast casual gourmet burgers a thing.

>> No.9250561

If you're in London, Honest Burger meets the best balance of price and deliciousness.

Five Guys is alright but too pricey and too busy

>> No.9250573

Whereare today's potatoes from?

>> No.9250578

Vegans are idiots, so who cares?

Anyway, they make some really fucking good burgers and fries, though they cost a bit much. But if you gave me a choice between that and another place, the only one which would compete is A&W.

>> No.9250622

Fucking poorfags. The price is fine but the amount of grease on the burgers is too damn high. Still worth going once or twice

>> No.9250627

grease pit. like all fast food places.

>> No.9250654
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Chick-Fil-A >>>>>> Five Guys

Plus you get a delicious serving of heterosexual affirmation every time you eat at Chick-Fil-A.

>> No.9250763

The price is fine on the east coast. Its a little ridiculous in their expanded area

>> No.9250800

It's worth trying once. They're doing the upscale take on fast food that the industry calls fast casual. To offset the higher than standard prioces they offer a lot of free toppings and give you a fuckton of fries with your order. Is it better than a typical fast food burger? Yes, but at about twice the price. If you have other decent options in that price range you have no reason to bother with Five Guys. If you don't you might love it.

>> No.9250808

For me they might just be the best burgers in a chain. In n Out has best burgers/$ but 5 Guys are probably better.

Their fries are shit though, I don't know why but they fucked them up every time I've gone.

>> No.9250811

>"heterosexual affirmation"
>being this insecure

>> No.9250875
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Yeah, so 6.75 tea credits is about $10.50. I think the plain hamburger is only like $6 in the US

>> No.9250967

This, I tried it a couple times but there were 2 mom & pop burger joints that were closer to my house, had better burgers, and were a bit cheaper so I never went back.

>> No.9251018

>heterosexual affirmation
What is that and why would anyone need it?

>> No.9251105

CFA doesn't exist outside of North America.

>> No.9251191

i tried the one in Leeds
>£8 for a cheeseburger

they're good but fuck that

>> No.9251370
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They are genuinely mediocre burgers.

The fries are good enough though.
I remember going to a 5 guys last year with some friends and ordering a thing of large fries.
The girl working the register seemed deeply concerned with this and kept informing me over and over, "SIR, THE LARGE FRIES CAN FEED AN AVERAGE FAMILY OF FOUR, ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT THIS?"

I still to this day don't know what her fucking deal was.
I'm not even a big dude. I'm 155lbs.(70kg)

>> No.9251402

>sure, Achmed, rape our women and children, kill our people, and even become our mayor while you're at it
>WOAH dude, what the fuck, you're eating meat? don't you know how wrong that is?

can somebody explain this to a non britfag

>> No.9251404

carbs are vegan

>> No.9251420

Go on yelp or whatever shitty review site you like
Scroll down the list of local restaurants
Find a non-chain hamburger joint
Eat there instead

Not only do I guarantee there are at least half a dozen within 6 miles of your home, I guarantee that every single one of them is better than a the Chipotle of hamburgers

>> No.9251449

>the Chipotle of hamburgers

bit too harsh on five guys there m8

>> No.9251629

In & Out has better burgers, but their fries are god awful.

For the price of 5 guys burger and fries, I can get two double doubles and skip the fries,

>> No.9251656

If you need your heterosexuality to be confirmed, you're a closet gay.

>> No.9251659

Their fries really are bad.

>> No.9251673

Bean burritos

>> No.9251851


It's a simple beefburger bar that charges the same prices as lunch restaurants do for actual food.

>> No.9251866

Not bad but overrated. Local burger places are better in my experience

>> No.9251874

>can't even open a goddamn burger restaurant in britbongcuckistan without protests for the poor cows
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry looking at you guys anymore desu.

>> No.9251899

leeds crew represent

Five Guys is gash, my local chicken shop sorts me out with a a strip burger, 3 pieces of chicken, fries and drink for £2.85 and thats not even the cheapest in my area. Five Guys costs you a fucking mortgage for what? average fucking burger? awful atmosphere of wannabe fucking trendy knobhead? loud music? fuck that. I'll stick to my chicken shops, my dive bars and my fucking snooker halls. America you can take your shitty copy paste culture with you. I'm not american, I don't care about fucking Five Guys and rim jobs. Leave me out of it.

>> No.9251911

Vegan women maybe. I have never met a fat vegan man. Then again, I haven't met many vegan men either (at most vegetarian).

>> No.9251912

>Five Guys costs you a fucking mortgage

Be Britbong
Buys house for $7.99

Well... not everybody can afford such a nice box.

>> No.9251930

figure of speech me ol'burger

Is Five Guys even big in America? Surely its not just the english who see it as a dross sickly mediocre hell hole with such a cheap lethargic marketed image?

>> No.9251937

how come so few americans are vegans then?

>> No.9251939

don't be such a hate filled nigger

>> No.9251940

The bongs don't use dollars, flyover-anon.

>> No.9251942


Honestly, most americans don't even get why its so popular.

Just an overpriced burger shack... seems to be the trend this decade.

>> No.9251947

don't be such a jew - go suck a fucking foreskin

image over substance fucking thatchers britain for you bud (or reagan's america if you're that way inclined).

>> No.9251995

>Is Five Guys even big in America?
It's a niche market. Many middle class Americans turned away from fast food when McDonald's got cast as the poster child for unhealthy eating. But they still wanted to eat fast food. So the industry developed the fast casual concept - slightly higher quality ingredients (allegedly) for a higher price in an attempt to sidestep the stigma of fast food (unhealthy stuff poor people eat). How successful this is remains to be seen. A lot of fast casual places opened in America over the last decade, but they're not exactly making a killing.

>> No.9252028

A&W is great but sometimes I prefer steak and shake

>> No.9252374

>for some reason
Agree or disagree, it's not exactly a fuckin' mystery is it?

>> No.9252389

Got a few of these in Birmingham, hands down the best burgers in the city my dude.

>> No.9252407
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Sorry I'm late, I'm the original "5 Guys is the Best Burger Chain" debater.

Just came here to express my rage at these vegans. Us normal people don't go around forcing our propaganda at vegan restaurants even though these people are the un natural ones and veganism has taken the lives of numerous innocent babies/children.

>> No.9252428

It's okay. The burgers are pretty bland since I'm sure pretty sure they only season them with a small amount of salt and pepper, and for being fast food it's kinda pricey.

>> No.9252432

Five Guys is pretty much "cookout"-tier burgers. They have a distinctive bun, well-done patty, and American cheese that is reminiscent of what you'd get at a random backyard pool party cooking with supermarket-tier ingredients. Not bad by any means, but its own class of a burger. It's not a bar/pub style burger, it's not a hipster burger, it's not even like a burger you'd get from other fast food chains.

>> No.9252440

>'Sorry I'm late, I'm the original "5 Guys is the Best Burger Chain" debater.'

Took a good look in the mirror, friend
I think you need to reevaluate your life

>> No.9252446

The burgers are good, but nothing to write home about. Same for the fries. Definitely overpriced though. I only eat there when I need food and it's the only thing nearby. If I'm near home I'll always go to All American or Burgritos instead.

>> No.9254187

That's because they hate faggots

>> No.9254241
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>heterosexual affirmation

>> No.9254249

you could probably be arrested for a hate crime if you did that there

>> No.9254254

That'll be $12.99 plus tip

>> No.9254265

The ones here in northern Virginia are still great. I bet most of them are still the original franchisees.

>> No.9254284

Because friend food tastes better.

>> No.9254301

>Fries that don't turn to shit in the fridge the next day.

>> No.9254312

God damn I want to beat your ass with the metal part of my belt for being so stupid

>> No.9254332

Burgers are average but goddamn do I love me some cajun fries

>> No.9254348

Where do you guys get this information? I've never heard the idea that vegans consume an excess of deserts before. I tried looking it up, and I'm not even seeing that much of a difference in sugar intake in this study
it also seems to put vegans as much more likely for being underweight than overweight (though it seems to also say that they're the most likely to be in the "normal weight" range). I might be reading it wrong though, sicne I don't have much time to look it over.

>> No.9254638

Is loud music something all 5 guys do? My local one just opened and they were playing music so loudly I could barely hear the people around me.

>> No.9254760

>fucking thatchers britain for you bud (or reagan's america if you're that way inclined).
t. buttbonked commie

Thatcher saved Britain; Reagan saved the world.

>> No.9254785

It drowns out the sobbing in the back.

>> No.9254791

If you like sloppy burgers, and mind you I use that term positively here, then yes they're good.

>> No.9255309

Hell yeah

>> No.9255338

had it last night, its OK. good for when youre too lazy to cook, and actually know how to cook

i like how they give you tons of fries, and if you get light fries and little burger, its basically a huge plate of fries and a stacked burger with all condiments you could ask for

in brit bong land though i cant say what sort of bullshit restrictions they might have

>> No.9255356

I don't think I've ever eaten in a Five Guys. I do take-out once a week or so. They fill up the whole fucking back with fries. It's awesome.

>> No.9255386

Thatcher introduced passed the 1987 Firearms Act and the 1988 Offensive Weapons Act so she can get fucked.

Still better than Labour tho.

>> No.9255407

Vegans are people who think Oreos are healthy purely because they're vegan products.

In fact I've known many vegans who think any food which is vegan is healthy by virtue of it being vegan. They'll eat nuts and peanut butter in vast quantities because it's "natural".

It should go without saying that vegans have very poor understanding of nutrition, row eternal true echo-chamber blogs tell them.

t. Former vegan

>> No.9255416

Fucking autocorrect.

"Despite what their echo-chamber blogs tell them"

>> No.9255422

It's called the buckle white boy

>> No.9255469

>see phone number
>that's in my fucking area

Clapham Common? Where Bison and Bird used to be? Want me to go stab some hippies?

>> No.9255516

Wait no I just checked; Croydon high street. It's local AntiFa, I infiltrated their squat a few years ago and gave a shit load of dirt on them to the cops. Pretty sure the half caste guy pictured is some guy called Jada Monoja that I went to school with, been homeless since he was 16.

>> No.9255564

Who else is American and never eaten Five Guys?

>> No.9255599 [DELETED] 

Me. I don't live around any big faggot nigger jew cities.

>> No.9255600

Their West coast though. They'll never make it to britbongistan

>> No.9255620

Idk where you are from but in minneapolis a burger costs 7 bucks. If you get a bagfull of fries too its like 11 bucks. I think that's not too bad.

>> No.9255625

o lord you are a dumb one aint ya

>> No.9255662

I've only eaten at one location, and only two or three times, but the cheeseburger I go was good everytime. I'm not a fan of their french fries, though. In my experience the fries were kind of mushy, really greasy, and not as hot as I like, and they give you so many that even if they were average in quality you'd get sick of them before you finish them.

Also, fairly overpriced.

>> No.9255669

Can confirm. I'm an East coast faggot and Five Guys is the best.

>> No.9255755

>Is it any good americans?
bretty gud, especially if you get the fries and all the grilled vegies

>Aren't they kinda fat to be vegans?
The ""vegans"" are a 5 guys marketing strategy. They make the restaurant look controversial to attract attention and get reactionaries like >>9250114, >>9250020, and >>9250217 to buy burgers.

Make a mess of the peanut shells while you wait. Don't forget to sweep the whole pile onto the floor after you finish eating.

>heterosexual affirmation
Good one anon. Just so you know, your darling Chick-fil-a is a christian organization, so they wouldn't approve your your lewd photo either.

Has anyone ordered a hot dog there before?
>ordered a thing of large fries
Did you finish them?

>In & Out has better burgers, but their fries are god awful
tfw tricked into ordering the animal fries. feels bad senpai

Chill out Niles. You aren't required to eat there. No need to give anybody a rimjob.

You don't tip at 5 guys doofus

>> No.9255880

As a brit who's eaten at them in more civillised areas?
Best fast food, but it's pub prices and S L O W service. Find a diner or pub instead if you want good food, or a burger king if you want fast food.

>> No.9255902

>Vegans eat a lot of desserts, cakes, etc. A vegan diet consists mostly of sugar.

U wot m8?

>> No.9255967

>Ordered a large fries
>I'm 155lbs.(70kg)

Either you wasted your money, you're an olympic athlete, or more likely you're lying about your weight. I don't even order a regular fries when Im alone because its way too much food.

>> No.9255978
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>all these pissed off libshits mad at a shitty joke

>> No.9255987

>veganism has taken the lives of numerous innocent babies/children
do you have a source for this?

>> No.9256461

>pissed off
nobody's mad bro, and none of these guys are libshits. You are just a bit cuckoo for using the word heterosexual affirmation, as if chick-fil-a gives out GBP for being straight.

>> No.9256471

flyover food.

>> No.9256532

Its literally from the most important city in the US

>> No.9256536

It's marginally better than McDonalds but double the price. Avoid.

>> No.9256538

That city is a flyover city.

>> No.9256698

So anecdotes, then?

>> No.9256761
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What do you count as flyover? Can you fill in the image for me?

>> No.9256796
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the red is the good part anon ;)

>> No.9256809
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