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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9211527 No.9211527 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else noticed that the congestion at McDonald's drivethroughs is often caused by normies ordering retarded shit? Like who the fuck orders an ice cream or a milkshake at mcdonalds? Go to a fucking ice cream store. Men like me are trying to order REAL food like a mcdouble or a mcchicken

>> No.9211552

things that hold up fast food lines:
>anything that gets fried

if they just ran out and didn't start making more in time, you're fucked.

>> No.9211606

I mean if they're ONLY buying ice cream from the drive thru than they are a cunt

>> No.9211871

>people who order 1 easily-made item are the ones holding up the line
>not the autistic landwhales who order 17 different items, each with a weirdly-specific alteration

>> No.9211935

>real food
choose one

>> No.9211945

>I mean if they're ONLY buying ice cream from the drive thru than they are a cunt
I guess if you were a parent, alone, had 3 kids in your mini van, plus the family dog, two kids within car seats, and you just came from the airport and have $2000 worth of belongings in the car, and your kids wanted only ice cream because it's 3 hours til dinner....then you have no business using the precious drivethrough, right?

>> No.9211947

>3 kids
I fail to see why everyone else should be punished for your poor life choices.

>> No.9211953

The people who hold up the line are people who order dinner for the whole family. If your order is north of $25, go the fuck inside.

>> No.9211957

My god you people

>> No.9211960

It's not our fault that the cunt can't keep her horde under control. Nobody told her to have kids and a dog

tired of normies complaining about their lifestyle choices

>> No.9211968

Red Sox suck.

>> No.9211975

If drive throughs are a problem in your life you need to start reevaluating your life. They aren't something you should go to regularly.

>> No.9212018

you expect a bunch of corpulent basement lords to sympathize with 3 kids, they don't realize how you are doing humanity a favor by raising the next generation

>> No.9212027
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>not eating inside

>> No.9212088

Nah, its usually niggers ordering for their 6 kids, finding a reason to bitch about the price, and then changing their order.

>> No.9212127
File: 41 KB, 468x313, go home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not during the fucking lunch hour!

I've only got a 1/2 for lunch and yet again and again I get trapped behind some god damned soccer mom and her screeching spawn at the drive-thru during the lunch hour rush.

Piss off back home and COOK some food for your retarded brats, instead of holding up working people!

>> No.9212139

>Not packing your own lunch
>Not having a job that gives an hour lunch

People, they cannot be this dumb, RIGHT?

>> No.9212155
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>he only gets a 1/2 hour lunch

>> No.9212182
File: 333 KB, 428x465, jnjn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He goes through drive-thru
Disgusting redneck.

>> No.9212281

If I were the CEO of McDonald's, I would simplify the menu to only like 10 or 12 items, including drinks and breakfast, with no single item costing more than $3. This would lead to:
-faster moving lines
-ability to use consistently fresher food
-ability to obtain higher quality ingredients
-more revenue from regulars ordering easy to make foods
-less congestion and problems from irregular customers with complicated, productivity-killing orders
-people in the community being healthier, since they would stop trying to replace a real meal with McDonald's food

>> No.9212308

>1/2 hour lunch

Americucks everybody!

>> No.9212476

-faster moving lines
-ability to use consistently fresher food
Good luck trying to please stockholders with less profits. The old CEO used the shitty products and made more profit
-ability to obtain higher quality ingredients
Good luck trying to please stockholders with less profits. The old CEO used the shitty products and made more profit
-more revenue from regulars ordering easy to make foods
Good luck trying to please stockholders with less profits. The old CEO used the shitty products and made more profit
-less congestion and problems from irregular customers with complicated, productivity-killing orders
There will still be cunts ordering a McDouble no cheese add lettuce double pickles sub ketchup for Big Mac sauce no meat also
-people in the community being healthier, since they would stop trying to replace a real meal with McDonald's food
People wont go to your resturant then for anything other than a snack. Good luck trying to please stockholders with less profits. The old CEO used the shitty products and made more profit

Not saying you are bad for trying, but profit culture would absolutely wreck you. Fast Food has sadly gone down in quality (It used to be that I was OK with grabbing a meal every once in awhile, but now it's always low quality and tastes like shit, and gives me the shits)

Also fyi unless it's SUPER FUCKING BUSY it's always faster to get off your fucking ass and just walk in