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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 1023x682, silhouette-man-drinking-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9193092 No.9193092 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding on, folks?

>> No.9193113

Am I the first to post or is there another active thread?? I have been drinking beer for about 10hrs. I quit drinking the hard stuff several years ago..

>> No.9193147

Where's My Umeå fag at?

>> No.9193154

Just made a new one because the other hit bump limit.

>> No.9193157

"pleasant and quiet life"
Might depend in who you hang out with I guess but for some it's a lot of drinking(me), other lots of studying and maybe for some pleasant.
But there are battles for positions, jobs and papers as in any other place, not a magical place where everything is pleasant.
But for me it's easy and I know that I will have money for another semester so it's an easy way to live.

I started doing drugs at 15, and have done most of everything except the big ones ( heroin, crack, meth ). But after a few years of that people started dying and going to jail so I moved away for academia, lost touch with those kind of people. So now I just drink because it's the only legal option I got.

Things have never really been good, just bored out of my mind all the time and the future holds nothing of interest. So I'm bored now and the future don't look any better so why stay sober to live long?

Yeah I was looking at my bottle as well, might have to slow down or open the wine to take a break form the vodka.

How old are you?
And just try to not drink that much before getting there, would suck if they told you no.

>> No.9193174

isn't being an alcoholic in nordic countries a privilege of the rich unless you moonshine?

>> No.9193190

600 Euro a month for a bottle of vodka a day.
Beer and so on would be cheaper % wise I guess.

And it's about priorities, a drunk will always have money for booze. My rent, bills, and food are probably equal to my drinking.

It's all very doable.

>> No.9193195

Haven't had a drop since July 5th. Feeling great, working out more, sleeping better. If I can do it, anyone can.

>> No.9193216

Congrats! That's no small accomplishment. Don't forget how bad you ended up feeling.

I had to go to ER again last because my taper wasn't working. Got librium script and am in bed resting. The staff were kind but made it clear that three visits this year is too much for withdrawal. Told me to figure out what my triggers are and work on alternative acts when I want to drink.

I dunno that sounds reasonable but i don't have much luck in that dept. How do you ppl do it?

>> No.9193223

I feel so incredibly shitty today. I can't tell if it's the SSRIs or just some "standard" fatigue but damn boy i almost feel disconnected from my body.

>> No.9193230

if you are new on ssri they will do that
they take a couple of weeks to even out

>> No.9193233
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At work today, someone bought me this. I'm really grateful and can't wait to break into it, but I don't think I've ever had it before.

What can I expect lads?

>> No.9193234

I take them since 6 months though.

I upped the dosage monday, but that's a very small up i did. Like 2mg more.

>> No.9193244

I got there and bought some vodka.
I'm now on My way Home. Some Guy wanted to sell me valium. I dont have The money.
Boredom is not a Good enough reason. Please get out of this worthless cycle. I'm 35 and i didn"t get to expetiene real lite.

>> No.9193261

Umeå dag. Add My kik 44rubles

>> No.9193265

>600 Euro a month for a bottle of vodka a day.
Kek, that's more than my total neetbux.

>> No.9193267

So I guess you have no money left now, well you will survive at least. Wouldn't have been a good mix either way, just a blackout.

It's always easy to tell other people that.

So what is your plan now?
Drink and sit at the computer or do you got some nice view with a place?

>> No.9193277

Dude what?

It all depends on what the normal person makes, people make more than 600 euro here.

>> No.9193282

What would a minimum wageslave make after taxes?

>> No.9193290

We don't have minimum wage but instead we have strong unions.

It's interesting.

But I can tell you that all students get 1000 euro a month loan which pretty much all of them live on. So I would assume that the average pay is more than that.

>> No.9193306

het jy kik?

>> No.9193312

>Stop drinking hard liquor
>Instead drink a fuckton of beer

>> No.9193315

Har du kik?

>> No.9193319

That's a good move though. You can escalate your tolerance/dependance way easier on hard liquor.

>> No.9193324

Umeå fag. Add me on kik. 44rubles

>> No.9193333
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Ooooh now I get it and no.
It's straight vodka at this point, rarely a good idea to give out more personal information at this stage.

Here have a picture.

>> No.9193345

A kik accoant is not bad. Add me.

>> No.9193388

Don't do it anon he will kill you

>> No.9193396
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I actually don't have one.

I assume so.

>> No.9193404

Not even a fucking kik account? Do You think you're The only One WHO robbed a bank?

>> No.9193407

stop pity jerking each other off and check yourselves in to a sober living environment you fuckups. it's a disease, go treat it and stop wasting everyone's time and resources

>> No.9193412

Try smoking pot. Go to AA meetings, or find another association that does meetings as AA can be too religious (they should have tips about your triggers) Become a cutfag, worse case you visit another department at the hospital. Take baclofen, antabuse, or that other molecule that reduces cravings.

>> No.9193413

Get one

>> No.9193418
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Come on shitlords, be more fun.
Let's have some better pictures in here.

Still suitable.

>> No.9193421
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For me staying sober depends on social isolation. Being around other people always forces me to drink. Not because they drink, but for me to tolerate being around them.

Not trying to be edgy or anything, I just can't stand people. I get a physical reaction to being near them.

>> No.9193423
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>> No.9193429
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For me the dangerous part is drinking alone because it's the part that I like.

Drinking around people isn't good but not as bad. We all have our own daemons.

>> No.9193440

>Not trying to be edgy or anything, I just can't stand people. I get a physical reaction to being near them.

Same, having to go shopping or to a public place physically drains me for the rest of the day. Which is why I'm afraid if I started drinking I would become an alcoholic.

>> No.9193444
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>> No.9193456

anybody here interested in a plug dj room? just chill, drink, talk about life and play music.

>> No.9193463

Ultimately I stopped going out because I couldn't do it sober but I also no longer wanted to make a fool out of myself drunk, so the drinking habit stuck but now in isolation.

I'm off the booze for about a month now though.

That's why I can't hold down a job, after 8 hours of forced interaction I feel like I need three weeks off to recover.

Got diagnosed schizoid last week.

>> No.9193464

I love drinking alone.. hate doing it around people.. I always feel like I overact and then spend the next week/month feeling terrible about how i acted... but sober for 3 weeks sunday from 3-9 beers a night.

>> No.9193467
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>> No.9193474
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Yeah I really did think about quitting but I really would lose pretty much all of my so called friends.

So instead I came up with excuse to why I should put it of a bit more. They all suck but you know...

>> No.9193475

if you wanna come in, join plug (dot) dj /alck

it's chill once you get used to it.

>> No.9193477
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1438402584276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there is so much safety in drinking alone, not going to do anything that you will regret, no judgment.

Just alone and a good time.

>> No.9193481

As a kid, mom was a drunk and drank at home alone, and I always told myself that as long as I did it around people and not by myself I wouldnt become her.. lasted until 23.

>> No.9193486

I actually like the people I used to drink with and wish them all the best but I don't want to be around them.

It's a strange feeling and hard to explain to people without having them taking it personally. So I mostly just play dead and keep the phone on do not disturb.

>> No.9193491
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Yeah I have no real answer for you, I realized that my farther was an alcoholic when I was way older. After that I realized that I drank more than him....

I have no words of encouragement I'm afraid.

>> No.9193492

Don't you get that panic attack when checking your phone when you wake up praying you didn't blurt out things to exes and old friends or something like that?

I wish my devices had breathalysers so I can only go on 4chan, youtube and wikipedia while drunk.

>> No.9193500
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My hope was in getting a new job and reinventing myself as a new non-drinking person. But it seems more and more like and excuse just to push it further down the road.

>> No.9193505

if anyone joins it's currently empty, will be back in 30 mins.

>> No.9193509
File: 60 KB, 640x710, Not+an+olympic+swimmer+obviously+source+dumpaday_0c7a12_5568766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I basically never blackout no matter what so I usually remember. And I can somehow keep the worst secrets under wraps even when drinking until I can't walk.

>> No.9193513

The fact that you want that might in itself be a hopeful thing though.

I haven't worked since 2012, I feel thoroughly divorced from normieland.

>> No.9193516
File: 2.38 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170720_130947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pounded 5 beers on my 30 min lunch break.

>> No.9193519

You'd make a great spy.

>> No.9193522

Having a few quiet pints down at the pub post work. Fuck, I hate my job

>> No.9193533
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Yeah, guess I still have some hope.

Sounds less than awesome.

Sounds like fun, ask them to call me.

>> No.9193560


'16 van bro.

Less than awesome, but the best way I've found to spend an afternoon staring at a laptop doing jack shit for $30/hr.

Those 4 hours drag on for an eternity.

>> No.9193594

How do people stand the taste of hard alcohol? I used to drink hard alcohol but with mixed drinks. Drinking it straight would make me feel sick. Good thing I got my beer though.

>> No.9193610
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Didn't even look at the picture.
yeah whatever gets you through the day.

You get used to it, all I can say.

>> No.9193617

Never heard of it

>> No.9193622

What good would a sober living environment do? People get kicked out of those all the time for using.

>> No.9193629

That's a rough diagnosis. At least you have an idea why you're so anti-social now. Think how much easier it would bento enjoy and thrive on people's company.

>> No.9193631

Has anyone here been in an inpatient detox clinic before? I'm not sure that's what it's called but the woman I spoke to said I could be there for 4 months. I'm in the UK and don't know how things work. Will they literally lock me up. Be able to smoke? Will it just be alcoholics there or other druggies coming down from their shit.

>> No.9193643
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>it's a disease

>> No.9193647

Did you go to White Castle?

>> No.9193660

Kek. If you're downtown, wanna grab another beer?

>> No.9193671
File: 300 KB, 1211x852, jääspurdo_ei_varonut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vasa here, fuck you

>> No.9193673

I'm in New York. I just enjoy practicing doxxing people. For reasons

>> No.9193687

There is literally blood pouring out of my nose and ears.
This is presumably not a good sign.

>> No.9193717

Just means you have too much blood. Have you been putting the leeches on?

>> No.9193720
File: 1.84 MB, 360x640, newyork.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Jew))) York. Have a beer on me.

>> No.9193742

>touching me on the subway without consent

Nice way to get your head kicked in.

>> No.9193760

Inpatient detox is about 5

Inpatient rehab is 30 days more

Yeah you can smoke

Suggest you go!

>> No.9193922

To answer all your questions : it depends on the place. Ask the place itself.
I went to 2 or 3 detox and one rehab.
Detox is about a week, rehab is longer (a month to years). You can smoke, unless it's a place that also treat smoking (but that sound like a bad joke, or a place for American movie stars who want "calm" holidays).
They don't "lock" you, if you went on your own will you can leave when you want, but the point is to stay until you're better, and you'll probably want to go drink at some point, so they'll try to discourage you from leaving to get drunk.
After the first week or two, you can arranges leaves where they check you didn't drink when you come back. It's encouraged in rehab as a test and as a transition back to normie world.
First week is hard, and they often also ban phone/internet (place I went allowed to have music on your phone if you give the sim card) so you don't spend your time fapping at bottle pictures or receive ads for heroin (yes, it's a thing.)
It's better than tappering/detoxing at home, they can give you sleeping pills, raise or lower your treatment when needed, give you anxiolytics if you're on your nerves, etc.
All places I went to treated alcohol and drugs, with different ratios. But after the first week or two, it's more or less the same boat for everybody. Except the detox in the loonie place where depressives were just getting their anti depressant adjusted while "dangerous items" (like strings and cords, better charge your laptop during the day) where banned at night.

I advise seeing a doctor. Now.

>> No.9193924

Yeah, life would have been a lot easier if society's incentives actually worked on me.

Things could be a lot worse though. I'm in a first world country on neetbux in the internet era. Can't think of a better time and place to be a hermit, except for the future.

>> No.9193991

If it's "literally pouring", I think he dun dead already.

>> No.9194038

Drugs, hardcore drugs https://youtu.be/ZrAfMDAqzLg

>> No.9194055


>> No.9194087

You still alive mate?

>> No.9194092

Having to go without booze is one thing but doing so surrounded by normie strangers in a strange environment seems like absolute hell.

>> No.9194100

I've been sober 2 months and I feel worse than when I was boozing. In the end it didn't even matter

>> No.9194116

>I've been sober 2 months and I feel worse than when I was boozing.
Are you sure you're not biased? I've often felt this time until I relapsed and woke up hungover and realised that I merely forgot how bad drinking was.

>In the end it didn't even matter

>> No.9194118

Good point, I'm going to a wedding soon so I'm sure I'll find out

>> No.9194124

Don't make a fool of yourself anon, the pain of regret will outlast the pleasure of drunkenness.

>> No.9194128

I'm just gonna stick to beer, and since it's in America I'll be bloated from the budlight after a few beers so that I can't get shitfaced

>> No.9194131
File: 55 KB, 400x267, tumblr_mafbqoswHb1qz8nbdo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going on my fifth day of not drinking. I've done it before multiple times. I just drink everyday when I start up again. Trying to make it a weekend/days off thing. Going for a month though so I can get back in shape. Dam do I miss drinking my 4 lokos though

>> No.9194135

Got two gold's in the freezer rn

>> No.9194139
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It's pretty good

>> No.9194148

4 lokos are vile. not worth how cheap they are.

>> No.9194153

Normies? There are fellow alkies and drug addicts, that's far from normal. You can stay in your room most of the time if you want, only go out to smoke. They won't judge you for being a shut-in.
Nurses and medical staff are used to alkies and drug addicts, they're nice and don't expect you to act like a normie either.
Have you asked about outpatient?

Your tolerance lowered in 2 months, and if you're like most of us, you'll instinctively want to be drunk as soon as you're slightly tipsy. It's an easy trap, it got me several times. Alternate soda/water and beer, remember it takes time to get into your bloodstream so let the beer in your stomach be digested before having another one.
Why did you say >In the end it didn't even matter?
Liver didn't make it?

>> No.9194157
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>tfw trying to stay sober around my dad who is also a drunk

>> No.9194162

I don't drink spirits but when I was boozing I drank super strength beers and ciders, which won't be at the wedding and my gf will be there to stop me fucking off to a shop.

>Why did you say >In the end it didn't even matter?
chester from linkin park hung himself earlier

>> No.9194165

I wasn't the anon you were conversing with desu I just jumped in to express my horror at having to go outside while also getting sober.

Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.9194173

>Tfw parents give bringing you booze

>> No.9194190

>my gf will be there
Having someone who knows your problems with you helps a lot.


>> No.9194196

My father, my mother and step father are all extreme alcoholics. 75% of the reason I drink is to deal with their antics. Can't beat em join em. But I can't go to rehab or I'll be barred from joining the service. What do?

>> No.9194211

Outpatient rehab. Cut links with family.

>> No.9194223



>> No.9194234

Thanks for the reply mate it's helped me get my head around it a bit more. One more question. Is it just Benzos that they give you to stop withdrawals? I'm at the stage now where I'm hallucinating etc and anxiety's at an all time high. I have to make my mates make me a smoke because I shake so much if I don't have a drink. Problem is I take Benzos myself and tolerance is pretty high.

>> No.9194244
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>someone posts a percentage
>get excited thinking about abv

>> No.9194302

Idk what they give for alcohol and benzo multiple-addiction. I would guess either more benzo, or benzo and stuff for each symptoms (anti-psychotics for hallucinations, non-benzo anxiolytics for anxiety, etc.) while avoiding bad mixes.
They can be more risky if they know they have a literal hospital seconds away rather than as outpatient who could randomly swallow pills and not call an ambulance when passing out.
It's worth asking the doc who will treat you. Write down your questions (the previous ones too) and ask for a appointment with a doctor from there. I had to see one before getting in, since they also want to know you beforehand to treat you better.
(Ask about food and leisures you can bring in too. Prepare books if you don't have internet.)

Can you tell him you do benzo too? I think you talked about that the other day but can't remember what you answered. They usually don't care you get it illegally.

>> No.9194310

Is that going to keep me from joining the service?

>> No.9194316


Nice 3s

>> No.9194323

How can anyone stand IPAs? They literally taste like you took a perfectly good beer and added soap to it

>> No.9194329

Is it really true Smirnoffbro is dead?

>> No.9194346

One of my beer snob friends posted a picture of a kawlha fruit chocolate milk stout.

Idk what the fuck they are on about

>> No.9194353

It is true that he hasn't posted since he said farewell, at least.

>> No.9194363

Augh yeah folks, been sober like 4 weeks, been not playing with my thing for about a week now cause we had some social function thing at work today that i was trying to lessen the anxiety before it happened, and it worked somewhat, most of the day i didn't give a rip, even when ass holes pointed out how i never talk or go to lunch with them, i just shrugged and was like eh who cares and some hot chick from another office was there and we had to take some gay ass pictures for the newspaper and company newsletter or something and i was standing behind the hot chick for like 30 min and had my first non hangover chubby willy in like 10 years cause usually my knob doesn't work too well lmao pretty cool huh, but anyway now that the weekends here and that crap is over with i really want a wank and a little sippy poo but i shall press on with this crapola cause if i have a wank and a sippy poo i'll be the same old sack of drunk turds that sits around moaning and groaning about old what's her face and we can't have that oh well who cares huh oh well take it easy folks.

>> No.9194374
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forgot pic, FOLKS

>> No.9194398

I felt damn near castrated when I quit drinking desu. My entire libido was dependant on hangover horn.

>> No.9194409

>supposed to go to court
>was a witness giving my testimony
>the night before I go on a huge bender
>wake up I have no fucking idea where
>call my coworker from a medical center because I have no idea where I am or how to get home
>obviously my testimony is nullified
>still drunk while writing this post

I thought I'd be alright getting drunk 5 times a week for the past two years but it appears that this is where things start to fall apart

>> No.9194459

Idk how Murican service works, I guess it depends what your doc writes, or if he writes anything at all that gets send to the army.
I assume there will be less paperwork as outpatient than inpatient.

Technically we don't know, but the probability he's alive is close to 0. He didn't receive visits apart from booze delivery when he called a taxi/shopkeeper to bring him some, and he had a short window between his farewell and his death for an ambulance to randomly find him.
At least by now someone must have checked on him and found the body.

>> No.9194467
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Fuuuuuck I want to quit drinking except for in that 10 second window on the way home from work when I have to decide between going straight home and taking a detour to the booze store

>> No.9194486

sounds familiar

>shall i take the 1st exit or the 2nd at this roundabout

>> No.9194499

>only 10 seconds of conflictedness to overcome a day

Sounds very manageable.

>> No.9194502

a lot of posters in these threads are 22 year old wannabe drinkers, and you have really no idea of how to talk about alcoholism.

everyone should go to a meeting and share.

>> No.9194512

>AA supremacism

>> No.9194515

Threads more a general booze thread+Feels.

>> No.9194525


If I don't buy booze on the way home I usually either

>invent an excuse to go shopping at a place that coincidentally sells alcohol
>get stressed out about family problems and justify buying alcohol until things get better
>decide that I'm going to try and be a moderate drinker and buy alcohol
>sit passing the time while glancing at the clock as it ticks down to too late to buy alcohol and then give in early and buy alcohol
>finish the last 2-3 drinks kicking around the house which gives me the "motivation" to go out and buy more alcohol

>> No.9194526
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Are you really thinking your "lol these kiddies don't know what REAL drinking is until they hammer a handle every day" perception makes anyone in this thread superior? We're all shitty drunks regardless of meetings or not, anon.

>> No.9194531



>> No.9194533


That's the point of these threads m8

>> No.9194536

>>decide that I'm going to try and be a moderate drinker and buy alcohol
Kek, iktf. The trick is to call your own bluff and merely get a sixpack and make it so you you can't buy more during the same session.

>> No.9194555


I think this nigga literally just died and everyones just like "eh" lol. Guess you first have make a big sob story like smirnoffbro

>> No.9194579

just bought a 2l bottle

>> No.9194592

You are likely having DTS or close to it. Very dangerous. Time to get to a hospital

>> No.9194625

>not punching that cunt in the face
You had one job

>> No.9194641
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So teach us Senpai, how should we talk about alcoholism?
>Hello, I'm Anonymous, and I'm an alcoholic

>everyone should go to a meeting and share.
is pretty much what we're doing here, it's just not very well organised, but is somehow suitable for some neuro-atypical folks.

So you want to drink all the time, not just 10 seconds.
If you've managed to spend a few days sober recently, had any withdrawals?

With him I counted 4 deaths in the last few threads.

>> No.9194644

Yeah I've got it down alright though. Basically, anytime I want to get drunk I have to go to the gym and lift weights/star master first. Good routine and have been getting in shape.

>> No.9194676

going into withdrawals soon and no stores open to buy booze
hope i can fall asleep before that happens, fuck

>> No.9194681
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why is weed so overrated bros? i tried using it to get off the alck but there's no warm hug feeling and i hate coming down before i pass out.

>> No.9194704


Good luck with that sleep IF it does happen friend. You'll have some great nightmares to look forward to.

Then when you wake up that nightmarish hell continues.

>> No.9194713


Let them smoke that shitty drug so they take the heat off the rest of us who know what they are spending there money on.

>> No.9194714

sounds like a meme

does it taste like one?

>> No.9194724

oh fuck. this is an alcaholism thread, not a what you are drinking thread. sorry.

Both my barber and comic guy are dry AA guys.

>> No.9194726
File: 37 KB, 700x394, shish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot of variety desu. i hate overly intense pure thc paranoid indoor hydro shit but i love comfy hash spliffs

>> No.9194731

worst situation ever.

>> No.9194747

I've wrote down some questions I'm going to need to ask them. And yeah it was me about the Benzos the other day. Still not sure what to say about that. Benzo withdrawal is hell on Earth not to mention alcohol at the same time.

>> No.9194757
File: 39 KB, 620x465, stl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be dependant on likker and not clean your act up why not at least make sure you don't rely on the man for your fix?

>> No.9194760

I have enough alcohol at the moment to keep off the withdrawals

>> No.9194768

I think last night I bought/did cocaine and walked like 20 miles while drinking vodka. I'm not entirely sure though because there's about an 8 hour gap in my memory and I woke up in a medical center. Originally a couple years ago I was planning to kill myself via alcohol but now it appears that I'm just an alcohol, so suggestions?

>> No.9194772

Nights like those are horrible. Many of us have them from time to time. Find a way to either manage your drinking so it doesnt get you in trouble, or try to go as long as you can without drinking. and definitely dont drink 2 nights in a row.

>> No.9194773

Clean up and be something great to spite yourself.

>> No.9194782

>don't drink two nights in a row
Well I've been drunk every day this week so far and am currently drunk so I think it's a little late for that

The idea sounds nice but right now I'm headed home and the only thing I can think about is the gallon of rum I have so my immediate future seems grim

>> No.9194789

These threads actually help me. Reading other people's stories/situations. It is practically an AA meeting. Do you think because someone is 22 they can't be a fkd up alcoholic. If this isn't bait you are an idiot.

>> No.9194790

I understand, hope you feel better.

>> No.9195012


I wanna drink tonight but idk might get a bunch of beer

>> No.9195354

Just... just please

>> No.9195464


>> No.9195472


>> No.9195485


>That euphoric feel when drinking

Anyone else know this feel

>> No.9195505

Yes. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.9195518

You guys make /ck/ depressing

>> No.9195527


Pls bump my thread


>> No.9195590

Asking for bumps is pathetic

>> No.9195630

I got a new prescription for my glasses and its pissing me off to no end. I'm getting just the SLIGHTEST bit of double vision when it comes to reading, and only when reading on a screen not books or anything, its so aggravating. Maybe i'm just getting used to them still I really don't want to go back to the eye doctor I fucking hate that goddamn place. Worst thing is the lenses are really great I can see crystal clear otherwise, just perfectly, when they changed them out I was amazed
maybe im just using the computer too much

>> No.9195638

have you tried a journal anon?
it may help you to have things down in writing.
goals, what potential set backs you can think of, set backs you have encountered in the past, and how you will deal with those things that triggered you in the past

>> No.9195641

give it a week and if you don't adjust, the lab probably fucked your shit up

t. guy in the last thread who made glasses for years

>> No.9195666

I think the lab messed up. Take them back. One of the lenses isn't centered correctly in the glass. Someone cut them wrong, or polished one side too far, etc. Your eye doc can test them for you, and maybe he messed up on the machine. Don't wait a week.

>> No.9195672

Lens manufacturing isnt always perfect, it's entirely possible they just fucked it up.
Give it a week and take it back if its still screwy.

>> No.9195680

If this video featured bottles of vodka instead of bombs, it would rather accurately illustrate my current opinion of alcohol. The music is perfect too.

>> No.9195690
File: 18 KB, 340x321, 635847065389257852-1575766751_spongebob4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi al/ck/oholics

I hope I'm not developing a dependency for alcohol. I am a freelance artist with a deadline to meet, and working for 13 solid hours a day is hurting my arm. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow but getting drunk and working is the only thing that dulls the pain. I have to meet the deadline to pay my bills and buy food.

I feel so hopeless, alcohol is the only thing that gives me relief. Is this a warning sign?

>> No.9195698

thanks guys, always helpful
its definitely just the right lense because when I cover it I can see out of the left perfectly

>> No.9195699
File: 485 KB, 300x225, 1493621146195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your manager tells you to pass 10 degrees off axis on a high cyl with 2D prism in one eye

>> No.9195769

at least you're doing something you love, or I at least assume you love

>> No.9195787
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>> No.9195829

of course, I just hope it doesn't become necessary for my work.

I apologize though, I'm now realizing that my problems are quite trivial in comparison to the regulars of these threads.

>> No.9195830

This image is so adorable that it has forced me to want to do a sex up you.

>> No.9195838

Yeah alcohol is a horrible crutch. It can easily become a debilitating situation

>> No.9195966
File: 100 KB, 711x730, IMG_20170719_095402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9195973

working in 100 degree + heat outside, coming home getting fucked up off of steel reserve. have to be back at work tomorrow

>> No.9196024

Fuck off wild wings guy

>> No.9196262

hi guys :) I'm sippin on some beers. Got my workout in beforehand so I'm allowed to drink tonight! What you dinkuses up to tonight?

>> No.9196264

second panel looks like he's getting head from a nigger

>> No.9196336

You're sliding down the slippery slope if you drink regularly. Tolerance rises, you have to consume more and more to have the same effects, and soon you'll need to drink to avoid withdrawals.
When you say working dulls the pain, you mean physical pain or mental? I'm not sure if you have tendon/ligament pain or depression. Alcohol works on both, but you'll probably need to rest your hand/arm for the first.
Have you tried pot?

Also post some of your stuff if that's not incriminating.

>> No.9196400

>>9195690 Yes you are sliding down a slippery slope. What these guys said below is very true.

Especially because your job is tied to creative work. It can easily get to a point where you won't feel creative or productive because you are not sipping on your beverage. That seeps into normal activities as well. And then social situations. I have my drinking kind of under control as I switched to beer several years ago. But spending time with other people in a social situation without alcohol is incredibly boring for me. I literally count down the minutes until I can leave without being rude.

Have you looked into Kratom? Depending on where you are from it may be available over the counter. It is used as a pain reliever and an energy boost depending on what strain you buy.

>> No.9196404

Well, at least I remembered my dream this time, I just remember rats and blood magic being involved and some freaky rituals, and a lot of trains

>> No.9196470

Exactly. Go right or straight and always seem to take the wrong exit.

>> No.9196478

Good Morning alcoholics. What will you be drinking for breakfast this morning ? I'll be having brandy and coke as soon as liquor sales start 1/2hr.

>> No.9196500

Going to the store for some beers soon, fucking impossible to start taper when you just end up going to buy more after you run out

>> No.9196501
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>> No.9196514


i managed 6 days of sobriety, now im enjoying gin and tonic for breakfast, cheers

>> No.9196518
File: 33 KB, 333x500, IMG_0712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got no more alcohol and no money for over a week. I cannot go to hospital as there is a warrant out for my arrest. Shoplifting of this concentrated essence of nightmares and hell without which, the mortality rates about which I've read do not result in my petrifying withdrawals more tolerable.
I'm simply going to lay here with a photo of my beloved ex girlfriend next to me and try to ignore the tsunami of tarantulas and terrors which will soon arrive in abundance.

Come on then, let's FUCKING GO'

(anons sssshhh, don't tell the spiders, but I am currently TERRIFIED)

Nice knowing you all. Here is an image of a delicious looking chocolate cake for I do not know what else to do in my heartfelt attempts to show my gratitude to each and every one of you.

If this condition doesn't soon killl me I will kill myself. Chainsaw in transit.

>> No.9196519
File: 349 KB, 1484x1502, Wonkblog Graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still white knuckling it?

>> No.9196522


Budweiser and luksusowa. Going to a little party with friends and coworkers later on, gonna try and control myself. They drink a lot too so should be a good time. I'm going to try and be the most sober one there just to be safe and test myself

>> No.9196529

It's an ambivalent sort of feel. On the one hand I no longer feel an urge to get drunk for its own sake, with the daily habit and dependence gone, but on the other hand being strictly sober is very monotonous and I have a harder time standing other people.

Booze is mostly liquid patience and tolerance for me and provides its own cycle of ups and downs. So I guess I no longer feel addicted, just angry and bored.

>> No.9196537


I've noticed that filling those extra hours is hard as fuck. Booze was such a great way to make an otherwise boring evening into a momentarily pleasant experience.

>> No.9196540

I assume benzos dealers don't offer credit. That would have helped.

Thanks for the cake Anon.

PAWS lasts a long time, boredom and social anxiety are part of it.
Try to work on that.

>> No.9196546
File: 196 KB, 600x590, IMG_0713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the foul taste in your mouth which simply will not go away

>> No.9196548

What is that expression supposed to convey

>> No.9196609

I'd it's a photoshop, she had one of those dentistry tool (occasionally used in porn) that keeps the mouth open to take pictures.

Drink carbonated beverage.

>> No.9196615
File: 33 KB, 250x498, beer_74599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really good and rich for a "people's beer"

>> No.9196631

That does not answer the question of>>9196609

>> No.9196634

i havent had a drink in 2 weeks, i feel great. I have a ton of energy now. I don't even get why I drank in the first place. Seems stupid looking back on it.

>> No.9196733

Did that years ago. Writing is a great way to realize emotions.

>> No.9196746

I'm generally alright when I can do what I want but when I have to suffer through social events it gets unbearable without my little helper.

How long does it typically last?

Being on edge and frustrated. I googled 'gritting teeth'.

>> No.9196750

Being arrested might be just what you need to detox medically and get clean

>> No.9196907

That guy probably does not even drink. That guy and is just
Troll faggot

>> No.9196929

I've got some vodka, sweet sherry, beer and italian hazelnut liqueur, and shitton of lemons

Any cocktail ideas?

>> No.9196945

Haven't drunk anything in maybe 2 weeks? It's Friday, so tonight's the night.

>> No.9197074
File: 29 KB, 472x395, kmWlqhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys i have a question, i have been drinking around 12 beers pretty much every night for a long time (couple of years) however i've also had times where i just could'nt drink for a whole day and night and i havent gotten any withdrawal symptoms then. Do you think this habit is even enough for withdrawal problems cause i dont want to quit completely just cut down. But the idea of withdrawal scares me. Might also just be me being paranoid since im always like that haha. However im home alone alot now and i start drinking at 2 in the day because i have nothing else to do , so thats why i want to cut down before i take it too far. So do you think ill have any health complications?

>> No.9197100
File: 157 KB, 820x1304, IMG_0711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I insist that I draw everyone's attention to the appropriate extent of the sheer loveliness of this young lady's boobies.

Life IS worth living.

>> No.9197146

can I have a (you) please? ;(

>> No.9197152


>> No.9197156

Yesterday was the first time in a while that i went completely off the rails. II just got a breathalyzer off my car after three months and the first thing i did was get a pint of vodka. I drank it before my history class and ranted about how the only reason we vilify Hitler more than Stalin is because of Jewish propaganda . Then i took a three hour nap and bought another pint that i drank at work. Two guys i work with told me they knew i was drunk. I told them it wasn't going to happen again but i'm about to go to the store right now to get another pint. Peace.

>> No.9197158

Just cracked open an India Pale Ale: pale ale with strong hoppy flavour and deep amber colour

(You) for (You)

>> No.9197207

Is autocorrect the worst invention in the history of mankind? Looking back on some of my posts makes me seethe with rage

>> No.9197257
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>> No.9197272

So fully sober you already thinks it's a good idea to start chugging vodka before school and work?

I can see why they wouldn't want you to drive.

>> No.9197392

Buy a case and drink 1 beer a day. What the fuck is wrong with you people.

>> No.9197399

>How long does it typically last?
1 to 3 years I think.

It's impossible to tell.
Try spending a week without drinking, but keep beer available in case you have bad withdrawals.

Go to the options or settings and fucking turn it off. Damn it how does nobody do that but still complain about this fucking option?

Ask to have the breathalyser back.

Alcoholism. That's what's wrong with us.
It should be in the OP, idk why it's not there any more.

>> No.9197403


>> No.9197408

More like: buy two cases, one and a half for today and half a case for tomorrow morning so I can actually get going and make it to the liquor store again

>> No.9197412

>It should be in the OP, idk why it's not there any more.
i-i'll do a better job next time senpai

>> No.9197439

very proud of myself boys
blacked out but as far as i can tell i didnt puke, piss myself, or break anything

>> No.9197494

Pick up a case of beer or any liquor without a tag on it. Get something for like a pound and put the bottles/liquor next to you. Scan £1 item. Pick up alcohol and walk out. Make sure there is loads of people at self scan. Works everytime

>> No.9197499

How did i get here? How did this happen? Nothing is fun, i always feel like shit. It takes 4 or 5 shots of vodka to get moving. Everything hurts.

>> No.9197900

I plan to get try drinking tomorrow, after almost 4 months sober, and see if I can tolerate a one time thing (usually it took me about a month of drinking before I ended up in hospital several times)

I'm in control, it's not a strong urge, it's on whim and I just wanna relax after busy days. those months sober did me really good especially mentally, I started to go to school, am more social and less grumpy, energetic and usually in good mood.

if I can take it tomorrow, I'll settle for booze once in a while, not everyday like I used to do, and feeling progressively worse with each day.

Wish me luck, and I wish you the best too, i sincerely mean that, I know how trapped some of you feel. And I also know that hitting rock bottom, and then bouncing back (sober) feels great.

>> No.9197908

Please stop condoning this manner of behaviour. It is acceptable only in the most frantically desperate if situations and even then, I would hope that we would offer a sincere apology alongside our refund should we find our situation to have improved,

>> No.9197946

>I'm in control
Holy fuck, I lold. You're an idiot, but you'll have to figure that out for yourself

>> No.9197950

I want to swallow this girl whole and simply absorb her into my body.

>> No.9197966

I hate addicts as much as the next person but I realize it's an illness. After a certain point you can't just stop talking an addictive substance without serious biological consequences.

>> No.9197971

Yeah I get how silly that sounded. I lost control to many times, yes. What I meant, rather, is that I didn't drink for 4 months, after many years of drinking on a daily basis, and honestly, whenever I look at the bottle in my drawer (that's been there for also 4 months), it kinda scares me, and reminds me of the horrors I went through.

I am CURRENTLY in control, but I don't want to be scared of occasional booze, I can handle drinking once in a while, I did that before too, what got me in the hospital was body-pain, lack of sleep and inability to eat. I don't have kindling, as when I went to the hostpital (3 times) my first time was the worst. The second and third time were a childsplay compared to that.
Yeah I know i'm trying to convince you as much as i try to convince myself, but I'll give it a last go. Maybe not tomorrow, but one day. Here in my homeland, drinking is a deeply cultural thing. If i mess up somehow, then that's the end of it, and I will seek some psychiatric/psychological help.

God bless.

>> No.9197993
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>I can handle drinking once in a while
Yep, sure you can.

>> No.9198006

>if I can take it tomorrow, I'll settle for booze once in a while,
>Then more often
>Crap am I drinking daily already?
>Shit, that Anon was right weeks or months ago.

I'll told you so.
But feel free to see by yourself how this ends.

I can't blame you, I thought exactly the same thing.
Several times.
Now I know moderation isn't for me. Well, my pancreas knows, I am just shitting oil.

>> No.9198065

>tfw going to try another attempt at moderate drinking in a week or so

I feel like I've got the discipline this time and for some reason I don't think that I'm fooling myself.

>> No.9198103

Withdrawal nightmares were brutal for me, it was literally like looking into hell. I don't know how images so evil and demonic were even produced by my own mind, I've never seen or heard anything so dark. It just terrified me that all that shit was coming from within myself.

>> No.9198109

>“How did you go bankrupt?"
>Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises
Feels like alcoholism works the same way. First it creeps up on you and suddenly you're a prisoner.

>> No.9198112

You'll be hammering liquor within the week like every other alcoholic that sobers up for a bit, feels great, and then thinks they can "handle it"

But you'll have to figure that out for yourself

>> No.9198168

Just proof that alcohol is of the devil

>> No.9198182

Jesus drank the shit out of wine, m8

>> No.9198191

And he got crucified

>> No.9198216

You may very well be right. The thing is, total abstinence feels like weakness to me. I want to be disciplined enough to have alcohol in my life without wrecking myself so I'm willing to risk some more stubborn mistakes to achieve that. Maybe I'll fuck up again and have to realise that I simply don't have the genes to walk the line like that.

I've been training though. Being sober around alcoholics, being sober at parties, being sober while making booze, staying sober for a month with a bottle of liquor on my desk within reach. I feel like I'm getting stronger.

>> No.9198247

are you me ? I literally just wrote similiar thing above. Well good luck to us, let's hope our discipline will help us when the day comes.

>> No.9198248

>The thing is, total abstinence feels like weakness to me.
it is. the people that can't go from hard drinking back to normal drinking are cowards and pussies
I did it and so can you, poon slayer

>> No.9198256

drinking whisky and eating sausage rolls

the feast of kings

>> No.9198260
File: 39 KB, 600x399, jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, let us hope. So you have your trial by fire tomorrow, right? Keep me posted.

>I did it and so can you, poon slayer
Thanks, senpai. I hope so.

>> No.9198279
File: 652 KB, 1841x1400, 1466370378432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing matters, the world is ending anyway, keep drinking.

>> No.9198303

Your pic reminded me of this album:


>> No.9198331
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>> No.9198370

>making alcoholism lewd

>> No.9198376
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>> No.9198390
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>> No.9198400
File: 838 KB, 2592x1728, Rachel Spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rachel is dirty as fuck

>> No.9198473
File: 19 KB, 141x150, That's my fetish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9198478
File: 2.52 MB, 1280x720, Rachel Riley Fap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9198501

Don't stop

>> No.9198508
File: 886 KB, 350x400, Rachel Chilli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9198522

You guys seem the best ones to ask. Say someone decided to spread out drinks throughout the day to keep a low-level buzz at most times without becoming alcoholic.
How well would that actually work?

>> No.9198528

>keep a low-level buzz at most times
>without becoming alcoholic

Ohhhh, bad news.

>> No.9198534

I figured. Felt it was worth asking on the off chance some mad bastard had managed to do it.
For a character I'm writing, not me.

>> No.9198544

The main problem is that "keeping a buzz" is basically a low-level alchoholic, and of course your tolerance increases over time so you end up drinking more and more to "keep a buzz" and whoops you're an alchoholic. It's a classic tale.

>> No.9198559

Three ways to become physically addicted: constant alcohol in the body, few days of drinking a lot in a row, drinking at night for a long time.

>> No.9198560

You mean as the best way to become an alcoholic? I think that's genius.

Fictional alcoholism is different. So many functional alcoholics with no withdrawals but still hangover when plot-convenient in fiction.

>> No.9198562

>constant alcohol in the body, few days of drinking a lot in a row, drinking at night for a long time.

Reverse order these and this is what happened to me

>> No.9198570

how do you guys deal with the boredom that follows sobriety?

i think i'm clear of the worst of the physical dependence stage now, but my god do i still want a drink during social situations, or just sat at home watching something/reading

the hours seem to pass so slowly

is there anything else i can take up? perhaps some meme adrenaline sports or something? but the issue with those is that they're not something you can just constantly do through a normal day whilst doing other things

>> No.9198575

coffee + realtime vidya

>> No.9198582

I got to stop drinking, last time I tried to stop it lasted 24 hours which still was a rare break from being drunk half of my waking hours

The main problem is that I want to do things to distract myself from the drinking urges but I really can't enjoy anything unless I'm drunk

>> No.9198588

That was just according to keikaku

>> No.9198593


i mean i used to play some games but i got bored of those even before i started really being a drinker

i also only have a shit laptop now because only use computers for work/browsing news sites + alck threads

wonder what games i'd even like

>> No.9198616

Okay, better question: How does someone who suffers from alcoholism as a neccesity keep their job/go day to day?
The character in question uses his drinking problem to help distract himself from his overactive and painful psychic powers.
He has a day job he covertly drinks at.
How would this actually play out?

>> No.9198621

I think finding activities boring is because of anhedonia.
It gets better slowly, but the first month or 3 are crap.

Stop for longer, withdrawals are plenty enough to distract you. They top at day 2 or 3.

>> No.9198647

Google "high functioning alchoholic"

>> No.9198672

Sure. Partly wanted to hear it from the source if possible, but I'll look into it.

>> No.9198674


speaking as someone who until very recently drank absurd amounts every day and kept down a 60 hr/week constant social interaction job (a lot of the time with equal/senior colleagues or clients):

i had a hip flask which fit very nicely into my blazer inside pocket, and that could hold 250ml. so i'd have a drink or two in the morning before work (at home), fill up the hip flask with 250ml brandy, and ration this out until lunch

at lunch: either i'd go to a shop and buy a miniature (200ml) of brandy, or sometimes we'd have work lunches which involved booze anyway - and a lot of the people i worked with were also heavy drinkers, if not quite as bad as me

this would last me until the end of the day, after which i'd go for after work drinks (then drink at home), or just go home - and then drink

and amongst young professionals in the UK all social interactions revolve around drinking (even the non-drinking ones), so that was fine too

>> No.9198683

A functional alcoholic would keep a maintenance dose during the day so that he can be 'sober' rather than in withdrawal and then drink more in the evening, probably.

Then wake up feeling sick and having a few shots directly and hoping it's enough to stave off withdrawals.

>> No.9198805
File: 1016 KB, 2560x1440, 1500682526543161380489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

36 days days clean, out of the the hospital. I'm just some of my PT exccercices. I'm about to teaer up this IHOP and watch American God

>> No.9198808
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>> No.9198813


>> No.9198823

People laughing at people who are sober and thanking of drinking again just on weekends or something are plebs. Yes it can be a slippery slope but it's perfectly doable. I decided to drink last weekend after being sober for 5 months and I stopped, went to work all week then drank again tonight. Like I said it only takes one fuck up, but learning will and moderation are also important in life. I also now only drink good beers and stuff and I'm confident I'll not drink during the work week next week and have some fun on that weekend again.

What I'm saying is 100 percentage sobriety is a meme for many but I can understand why some can never touch the stuff again if they are extreme cases.

>> No.9198833

>Hot as fuck

Eh, didn't want to sleep tonight anyway

>> No.9198834

You can deluded yourself all you want, bud. Keep at it. After all, you won't learn until you fall flat on your face however many fucking times it takes you

>> No.9198837

welcome home yellowbro

>> No.9198839


>> No.9198841

You realise there are a lot of people who successfully moderate their drinking, right?

The whole 'just say no' AA thing isn't the only answer.

>> No.9198847
File: 277 KB, 690x1024, deluxe-690x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on this?

>> No.9198848

My life revolves around alcohol. I drink every other day. I get hammered. Recover. Then drink. I have zero discipline.

>> No.9198883

Good luck

>> No.9198891

Many many people try all sorts of ways to moderate and finally realize theres no special method that will work for them. If you can, thats nice for you. But dont generalize and say its just a matter of willpower.

>> No.9198894

Would you rather him die from withdrawals?

>> No.9198895

sweet and mellow. doesnt taste as "woody" as jack daniels for a comprable sweet/mellow whiskey. i like(d) it

>> No.9198897

at least you arent getting hammered eery day. at least your method is less likely to lead to physical dependence. would be even better to skip two days if you could.

>> No.9198902

why not just stay quit. theres a great chance youll spiral down *again* and have to claw your way out of it. why not just stay on the right track.

>> No.9198915

thanks senpai. not the guy you were originally talking with though.

>> No.9198925

Jesus Christ you fucking idiot. People moderate all the time. Diet with cheat days (who were once morbidly obese) for another example. Completely abstaining from something you enjoy is sometimes the answer but to think it's some fucking end-all for someone to moderate it and be successful with it with some condescending shit is ignorant as shit.

>> No.9198931

I didn't generalise. I even said in extreme cases I understand, some people just don't have the capacity to do it but that's far fewer people than people here seem to think

>> No.9198948

I did it for nearly a decade.

1. Drink yourself to shit
2. Sober up and feel good
3. Decide you can handle it (for a little while, you can)
4. Go to step 1

Every alcoholic does it. Most have that battle their whole lives.

The odds of an actual alcoholic becoming a "normal" drinker are basically non-existent. You're going to keep telling yourself you're that special one however many times you have to until you're finally fed up with it. Buy hey, you've been sober for a whole month or whatever, right? You know all about it!

>> No.9198954

Is it safe to leave booze in a flask for a couple months? It will only taste weird, right?

>> No.9198956

Depends on the metal I'd guess

>> No.9198960

Just had the worst gout I've ever had in my left foot for the past week, so I haven't drank since last Monday. Longest I've gone without drinking since I had gout last year (I get it every June or July for some reason). Of course, now that it's mostly better, I had no will power as usual and just got back from a liquor run.
Ten days of no booze, ruined because I have no willpower.

>> No.9198963 [DELETED] 

I don't want to encourage anyone to engage in self destructive behavior but by some accounts I am an "alcoholic" according to those dumb checklists (like, do you drink every day do you feel like you're missing it when you don't drink yadda yadda)

I've definitely had periods in my life when I drank to excess but I'm pretty functional as a functional "alcoholic", I almost never get stupidly drunk (maybe every few months by accident when I get something really good) and I really don't see myself "spiraling down" to anything - this is equilibrium and I like it here, at 1-2 glasses a day. I get pretty unhappy when I can't have a drink at night, but I'll sometimes skip it just for the hell of it.

But I'm amateur hour compared to what I see in these threads, people drinking when they wake up, and stuff like that. So maybe you wouldn't consider me a "real" alcoholic although my teetotaler mother often makes insinuations.

>> No.9198971
File: 312 KB, 790x761, brava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a 1.75L of bacardi Superior, and an 8 pack of Brava
Cheap beer that's still twice the price of premium beer in the states.
I would have so much more money if booze was as cheap as it is in the states. you fucks are lucky.

>> No.9199033
File: 802 KB, 1992x3261, wild turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drinking the usual, Wild Turkey 101.

>> No.9199104
File: 251 KB, 1280x1270, IMG_0714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The puke bowl is always full
>The water jug is always empty
>The alcohol has always run out
>The store is always closed

>> No.9199135
File: 212 KB, 375x1000, Miami_beach_liquor_jim_beam_bourbon_whiskey_375ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad off am I if I drink a 375 each evening? Obviously it isn't good, but how bad is it?

>> No.9199141

I'm trying to do a taper. Started with wine, but I like it too much so I switched to cheap beer.

I fucked up a little and ended up drinking a little wine today but it's almost 7 and I'm not drunk. It's been a long time since I could say that, so I'm not too down about it.

This is my first real attempt at a taper, because the withdrawal symptoms were a lot more noticeable than I've experienced previously. Had to explain to my SO what's going on and it makes me feel very embarrassed.

>> No.9199142

>blacked out but as far as i can tell i didnt puke, piss myself, or break anything
This has been most of my nights for the last decade, am I an alcoholic?

>> No.9199145

Why can't all women be like her

>> No.9199152

is the taper working so far? keeping withdrawals away without giving you a buzz?

>> No.9199160

8.5 shots of liquor. Is it making you sick? Affecting work? Social life?

>> No.9199185

No not really. I'm a pretty large fellow too so it doesn't make me get too drunk or sloppy. I used to drink a lot more and it was awful, then I went completely sober for a few months and that sucked. So I've just been having one of these in the late evening and it seems to be a good balance.

>> No.9199202


Yeah, so long as you time yourself well. I started out by drinking a beer every time I noticed my hands starting to shake again, and then from there sort of set a schedule. I'm doing a beer every three hours I'm awake now, and it seems to be working well. It's been really good for keeping the anxiety controlled (still there, but not so overwhelming).

I still want a buzz, but I remind myself that drinking enough Coors light to get there will make me very bloated and also that chasing that buzz inevitably makes me very sad.

I imagine I'll try to be dry for a bit, admire how much less fat my face looks, and do it all over again. Alcoholism has become my only hobby.

>> No.9199204

>feeling pretty damn drunk from two 8.7% beers

Is this normal or is my liver failing

>> No.9199214

You would also be a raging alcoholic.

>> No.9199219


>> No.9199225

>tfw your side is aching like crazy even on sober days
i think i fucked it

>> No.9199233

The frustrating thing is step 3. It's a big mystery.

>> No.9199264

thats the goal if you dont want to quit

>> No.9199277

those always fuck me up too, quite normal I'd say

>> No.9199350

>there's no alcohol
>spend 20 minutes crawling around house collecting every drop from every day empty bottle
>end up with about two shots
>down it
>immediately projectile vomit all over floor
Well then.

>> No.9199892


new /a/ck/

>> No.9200277

>One week and he drank again
>He's giving advices on how to drink moderately
Let's see how you're doing in two or three months, you can't say you won after a week.

>> No.9201338
File: 30 KB, 500x393, FB_IMG_1492319947390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry that I can't bring alcohol back from Japan with me since I'm 20.