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File: 277 KB, 2000x2000, sriracha-socks-sq_2048x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9152596 No.9152596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9152603

I wouldn't call it a hot sauce, its more like a spicy relish

>> No.9152611
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 09753-Large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand super acidic hot sauces like tabasco, but pic-related my commonly available favorite hot sauce

>> No.9152710
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>> No.9153298

I like all of these sauces, but when it comes to everyday usage, for me it's Frank's

>> No.9153323


>> No.9154546

Anyone here like Cholula? Other two mentioned are both good though

>> No.9154568
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>> No.9154569

sriracha overwhelms anything it touches besides ketchup

>> No.9154604

maybe you put too much

>> No.9155505

But you need to put a ton in to get any heat it's a lose lose situation

>> No.9155511

i like cholula

>> No.9155518

Nah tapatio is the bomb, sriracha is too garlicky

>> No.9155520


Pick a different sauce if you want heat. Or supplement the sriracha with another source of heat.

>> No.9155758

If you're talking about hot sauce Trappeys Is king. Not really hot but super flavorful.

>> No.9155942
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Make way for the King

>> No.9156007
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This stuff is on the mild side but it has a good consistency and doesn't just taste like capsicum and vinegar. It's good on mexican.

>> No.9156038
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Cholula is a rip off

>> No.9156039

I only like Extra Hot. Original tastes too earthy.

>> No.9156043

Randy's hot sauce is the shit. The best for chicken wings.

>> No.9156047

Never had sriracha.

That's west coast hipster garbage.

>> No.9156057

mah nigga

>> No.9156064

Holy batpoop, orangeman!

>> No.9156074

>westcoast hipster garbage
>used in Thailand for centuries

>> No.9156076
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Not sure if it's available outside of TX, but it's awesome. Specifically the Serrano sauce.

I use it everyday, it's addicting.

>> No.9156112
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>> No.9156119

why don't you mix your hot sauces?

>> No.9156126
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>no wood cap

>> No.9156127


>> No.9156141

>t. butthurt westcoast hipster

>> No.9156146

Your Majesty

>> No.9156148
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>> No.9156155
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Fuck you guys I know what it looks like, but it's delicious damnit!

>> No.9156163

I have some Frank's Sriracha... Pretty beast

>> No.9156808

Lewellyns mango habanero sauce. Only available in the Caribbean sadly so I'll probably never have it again

>> No.9156949

Habanero sauce.

>> No.9157052

>I wouldn't call it a hot sauce
Yeah your wrong kiddo

>> No.9157721

Europe here, I recently ordered Iguana Tropic Thunder to test things out and it's alright, not really hot.
What's the best habanero sauce I should import? I was considering Vicious Viper but might get something additional.

>> No.9158367
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>> No.9158426


more like shitracha

>> No.9158466

Okay hear me out guys I have a dilemma:

What is the thick hot sauce they serve at Chinese places that isn't the chili oil and isn't siracha? And I don't mean the chili garlic stuff with the seeds in it, I mean the thick red stuff that's actually hot. I just want a big tub of that to use with my food.

>> No.9158499

>created in USA in the 70's
>used in Thailand for centuries

Sorry, but that sauce isn't what you think it is

>> No.9158516
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It goes on everything

>> No.9158543

Sriracha is such a fucking meme.

>> No.9158546

This stuff isn't even that good.

>> No.9158556

Same brand as sriracha. Some kind of Hoy Fong crushed garlic and chile

>> No.9158567
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Ma nigga

Have you tried the Black Reserve? It's the most savoury, smoky sauce I've had recently.

>> No.9158583

I remember my sriracha phase, then I woke up one morning and realized it smells like a pile of burning colostomy bags. This was roughly the same time I grew out of being gay, too.

>> No.9158594
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kutbil-ik mayan shit is titties in the face

>> No.9159296

i have those socks! they're fucking ace technicals for mtbing.

>> No.9159351

I'm more of a texas pete kind of guy.

>> No.9160397
File: 15 KB, 480x480, BLiS-Blast-Hot-Pepper-Sauce_large_950b72f1-fc50-491c-a9f0-8cf73fded801_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do other hot sauces even try?

>> No.9160417

>get sriracha in soup at an asian restaurant
>good as fuck
>buy a big bottle
>this morning
>making eggs
>always put hot sauce on eggs
>open the bottle
>smells nasty asf, makes my stomach churn
>"this isnt how i remember it"
>put it on the eggs anyway thinking it'll probably still taste good
>ruins my fucking eggs, nasty as hell, wishing I had gotten literally any other hot sauce
>still eat them because I don't waste eggs

>> No.9160424

Honestly, the Huy Fong Sriracha Ketchup is great on eggs.

>> No.9160683

Same I hate tobasco but that shit is delicious.

>> No.9160929

I mostly eat English made small batch sauces.
A guy from Bristol makes a range under the name "the chilli alchemist", and honestly I'm addicted to his smokey one right now. Smoked nagas, smoke water, honey bourbon, mustard. Shit's delicious with bacon

As far as add in sauces go I use a lot of Dartmoor Destroyer from the Dartmoor chilli farm. Reaper based sauce with 9 mil SHU extract.

UK seems to be good for sauce in recent years

>> No.9162337

Cholula's great. Nice and hot, but has flavor to it.
Habenero sauces are delicious, but usually too hot for me.

>> No.9162357

>i'm too sophisticated and FAHN-SEEE for sauce
eat shit

>> No.9162674

Favorite hot sauce is called Tiger Sauce. Come to Louisiana and get some, sweet, a little garlic, just enough heat. Perfect

>> No.9162684

I don't eat sirachee because I saw a white person eat it . That makes it bourgeois. I'm rich but I only eat non european peasant food.

>> No.9162794

I love this shit

>> No.9162800

You got that weird brand huh anon

>> No.9162803

At my dinner table, conversation always comes back to the cock

>> No.9162820
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Cholula is my go-to. Any recommendations for similar sauces?

Tried tabasco and crystal, both don't stand up.

>> No.9162938

Definitely in my top 5. Also, it's readily available right here in Michigan.

>> No.9162940

The Green Sauce is actually better imo.

>> No.9163866

This shit is abomination. All varieties are a strange neon hue that doesn't even look edible. It's over sweetened, sour garbage marketed to white cucks who want to look more cultured.

t. Mexican

>> No.9163886
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>> No.9163923

The green one is fucking amazing what are you talking about.

>> No.9163938


>> No.9163946

i prefer gochujang to sriracha. it's more balanced because it's not so sweet and has a savory note so it can add more spice without making something grossly sweet

>> No.9163956

good recipe for a hot sauce form scratch?

>> No.9163959

Grow peppers. Chop them. Add vinegar. Can them. Ghost peppers are great for this but I don't care for jalapeños, use primarily hot bananas and bells with ghosts.

>> No.9163970

I like them baked with vinegar oil garlic then in jars. Good stuff.
But i was thinking more of the likes of home made chilly sauce, no clue how to do that, just blend all the peepers ?

>> No.9163985

Yeah if you want just bake them then hit them with a food processor and can them.
I have a good idea of how to can shit but I need more guidance to teach others. Best salsa I had was just every pepper my friends grew blended with vinegar and canned. Ghost peppers really set that shit off, people whine about them but they're very flavorful.

>> No.9163992
File: 427 KB, 2048x1536, traps are gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sriracha is shit tier meme sauce.
My favourite day to day hot sauce is Barons, West Indian available pretty widley here in the UK.

>> No.9164008

The chipotle one of these is G.O.A.T.

>> No.9164021

Nice socks mate

>> No.9164029

Sriracha is definitely overrated but there's nothing wrong with it really. It's shitloads better than tabasco at least.

>> No.9164036

Its nice on eggs, and in pork rolls.
I dont understand its 'cult' status though.

>> No.9164193

What makes a hot sauce nice for you guys? i hate chilli so i cant really comment on it, but i like the salty vinegar of sauces

>> No.9165615

The lime infusion of this is great

>> No.9165778

>at subway a few years ago with a friend
>I fucking love spicy food
>placing order, sandwich slave gets to the end of the line
>ask for Sriracha
>my friend distracts me, we bullshit for a minute or so
>look back at my sandwich
>she's been putting Sriracha on it the entire time
>I think "should be alright"
>we leave, head to friends house
>sit down, take a couple bites
>not bad
>few minutes later, almost done with half of the sandwich
>my entire esophagus is on fire, it hurts to breathe
>I'm sweating profusely and my face is red
>lactose intolerant, so I'm not gonna counteract this with milk
>my friend thinks I'm being a bitch
>offer him the other half
>within three minutes he looks like someone trapped him in a tanning bed all day
Lesson learned, I'll pay attention when placing an order at subway even if it means being rude to anyone I'm with.