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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 736x736, gardein beefless burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9099005 No.9099005 [Reply] [Original]

I want to perform an experiment here. Since most of you are meat eaters, I'd like you to try the following vegan products and give your honest review. Many say these products taste delicious - but is the hype true? Let's find out. Give a rating for each product you try for taste from 1 to 10, then explain your rating in detail.

Let's begin. Here are the products:
Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices
Just Mayo vegan mayonnaise*
Boca chick'n patties and nuggets
Cashew ice cream*
Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream
Impossible Burger
Beyond Burger
Earth Balance vegan butter*

*For the brands, please specify which of their products you tried.

>> No.9099036
File: 28 KB, 519x442, makes me think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do vegan food always try to emulate normal meat? Isn't that like saying, "I don't like fucking kids, I just like pretending to do it"?

>> No.9099051

I think anyone with more than half a brain can figure that out honestly. But the why isn't important here. We're just focusing on taste.

>> No.9099158

I'm vegetarian and I agree completely. If you need a vegan version of a double blasted tripple dipple BBQ baconator....then JUST GET A REAL ONE. Otherwise over here, check out these grilled sweet potatoes and sautéed spinach....Chopped avocado salad with cucumber, tomato and romaine...Or a vegan double fried honey mustard quadruple patty stack ...negro please...will you just order Rally's and get it over with? Personally I prefer the simplistic options described above...that's where vegans fuck up. They deny urges. I enjoy vegetables because I enjoy them; not because I'm denying fast food. So props to the fast foodies who eat what they crave. I do too.

>> No.9099169

it's pointless to try and understand a vegan, they're all mentally ill.
Probably why so many of them end up killing their kids with a vegan diet.

>> No.9099174

Right on, sir (or ma'am).

I'm an "omnivore" when I have a burger it's gonna be from In-n-Out not fucking Garden Burger but, I can always appreciate a good vegetarian meal as well. Mediterranean vegetarian food tends to be pretty damned fantastic.

Vegans/vegetarians don't win me over with their imitations of primarily meat driven dishes, they win me over their own meals/dishes that never needed meat to begin with.

>> No.9099182
File: 590 KB, 1280x966, pizza_lock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to perform an experiment here. Since most of you are meat eaters, I'd like you to try the following vegan products and give your honest review. Many say these products taste delicious - but is the hype true? Let's find out. Give a rating for each product you try for taste from 1 to 10, then explain your rating in detail.

Let's begin. Here are the products:
Smoked Tofu
Kidney Beans
Just Screaming

>> No.9099183

Stop. No. Vegan food doesn't taste like shit, but its expensive, and for the price I can get the real version of what it attempts to emulate, and at a much higher quality than normal. Before you ask, no I don't care that something died for my meat. Before you say it, no meat doesn't cause cancer and rot in your colon. I eat a balanced diet and I'm healthy without having to eat in some extreme fashion, I'll keep it that way thank you.

>> No.9099190

I would but by the time I get back this thread will be gone.

>> No.9099238

How about you take a Sane Person Challenge and eat regular food?

>> No.9099247

I don't think I've ever seen so much stupidity or wanted to kill myself so badly from one comment before.

>> No.9099252

Aaaand just finished reading the whole thread. Mother of god I hope you're all the same person.

>> No.9099256

Veggie burgers are finally starting to deliver in the protein category.

>> No.9099258

OP didn't count on the fact that the majority of 4chan users still have their moms buy their food for them. This thread was doomed to fail.

>> No.9099262

This thread was doomed to fail because most of /ck/ doesnt give a shit about muh veganism

>> No.9099274

Nah it's because you're all manchildren who can't afford anything that costs more than 2 dollars. Also accounts for why you're so terrified of vegan food. You're like little kids who pick off the peppers and onions from your pizza, not yet understanding that it's the best part.

>> No.9099280

veggie burgers arent bad, my company had a labor day picnick and had a leftover box of the frozen ones. Ive been scarfing them up because: free lunch.

They're alright. They just taste like onions, garlic and liquid smoke.

Just make a meat free meal, dont impersonate meat .

>> No.9099281


>> No.9099284

Which veggie burgers did you have.... there are countless different kinds and the OP mentioned three....

Also Gardein tastes better than meat. Please stop shitting up the threat with your bullshit fucking philosophy on how you should just torture animals instead of eating something else that tastes just as good or better. Fucking Christ how do so many retarded degenerates exist?

>> No.9099289

Carrots-chore to eat raw. good vitimins though
Smoked Tofu - fuck no
Bread-its bread
Corn -yep
Kidney Beans-ya pretty good. very versitle
Quinoa-never had it
Pineapple-hurts my mouth but I like the flavor
Just Screaming-are milkybars vegan?
Potatoes-see bread
Seitan-wtf is that?
Apples-I prefer other fruits but sure.

>> No.9099290
File: 30 KB, 450x450, 1494475262444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gardein tastes better than meat

>> No.9099293


What the fuck is a Paula and why should I care?

>> No.9099296

If you have a Sprout's near you their brand of vegam griller burgers and vegan spicy chicken burgers are 10/10. They're soy protons and pea protons glued together. I'm not vegan but what little research I've done tells me if you're wanting something that tastes closest to meat you're supposed to go for the shit that's got soy.

>> No.9099297

Mostly good products
>Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices
any Tofurky thing I have tried has been pretty bad

Boca stuff is generally pretty good

>> No.9099300

This is so true I'm a bit sad now

>> No.9099301

lack of nutrition can make one irritable anon.
I was trying to be neutral/amicable.
this guy gets it

>> No.9099305


Those tiny red onions fucking with the pickles are really not doing it for me. This is a case of less not being more.

>> No.9099324

Live with a vegan so I've actually tried most of these.

Gardein: Their chickenless chicken is honestly my go to now when I'm cooking at home. It's really fucking good 10/10. Especially like their mandarin orange chickenless chicken. Their burger reminds me of the burgers I used to get at the cafeteria at school. For me that makes then a 10/10 honestly because I loved those burgers and nostalgia, but for other people they'd probably be more like a 7/10.

Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices: tastes like turkey, also has that nice hickory smoked flavor that again makes this one a 10/10 for me.

Just Mayo: actually tried this with the Tofurky and don't want to sound like a broken record but it's another 10/10.

Boca chick'n patties and nuggets: These taste just like really cheap chick'n nuggets. I like that you can microwave them but besides that they taste exactly like chicken but aren't anything really special. 8/10

Cashew ice cream: So Delicious snickerdoodle is actually one of my favorite ice creams now. 10/10. 2/10 for price though. It's really rich so it tastes like you're kind of getting your money's worth but it's still disappointing because I know it can't cost much more than dairy to make.

Earth Balance: tastes like butter. 10/10.

>> No.9099330

I'm not a huge fan of most of their sausages (course I never liked sausage much anyway so my opinion on that is pointless I guess), but their hickory smoked deli slices are bomb.

>> No.9099409

No, I will not do that. For the following reasons:

>I'm an omnivore

>I'm allergic to dairy (not just lactose intolerance, but full on hives and asthma from eating dairy), so I've already found all the vegan dairy products I like.

>I don't belive in buying fake meat products. They're always gross. If I want a veggie burger, I'll make falafel patties, or sweet potato patties, or nut burgers, or grilled portobellos.

>I make my own mayonnaise, and I have no issues with it, and it's delicious.

>> No.9099508
File: 1.96 MB, 300x300, 1491362765575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went vegan a few weeks ago because I was diagnosed with MS and I'm kind of desperate, trying out all kinds of things.

Holy shit, vegan food is a huge bummer. The stuff that's supposed to resemble meat products is always bland and tastes of disappointment. I dig soy drinks, they're great. Non-dairy ice cream is alright too.

Being vegan is really not that big of a lifestyle change. It's just boring a huge bummer if you acually enjoy food. I'd kill for a fatty sloppy pizza and a big cup of B&Js though

>> No.9099527

Did you actually try any of the products listed though...?

Why is it every time someone says vegan meat alternatives taste like shit, they NEVER say which one it was they tasted? It's gotten to the point I just immediately assume they're liars. Also because I've tried a lot of the products listed above and they're fucking delicious and I don't see how anyone could actually not like them...

>> No.9099537


>> No.9099540

Different people have different tastes. Weird how that works, right?

>> No.9099543

Still haven't named any products or verified that they were actually any of the products listed...

Beginning to think this forum is filled with animal ag shills. Highly likely actually since a good portion probably work in the food industry. I don't want to believe so many stupid people exist.

>> No.9099549

Well, none of your products exist where I come from. I can list some shit now I tried from my local store but that's not gonna help anyone, is it?

The world doesn't revolve around you, anon.

>> No.9099551

FUCKING EXACTLY. YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING TRIED THEM. So shut your stupid fucking mouth.

>> No.9099554

>vegans pushing other vegans to be more vegan.
This is why people have a problem with you.

>> No.9099556

I literally can't try them though

I'm sorry...

>> No.9099570

The world revolves around North America where all this stuff is easy to find.

>> No.9099572

>Before you say it, no meat doesn't cause cancer and rot in your colon.

but it does...

>> No.9099575
File: 89 KB, 593x476, 1497339562007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just vegan things m8, you wouldn't understand

>> No.9099580 [DELETED] 

>went vegan for 2 weeks, went out and bought a shopping cart full of frozen soy pucks, reconstituted falafel chips, and partially dehydrogenated black bean burgers
>waah being vegan sucks! it's just meat substitutes!
Embarrassing, on a scale of 9 to 10 how flyover are you? I gave you an option to go as low as 9 because it strikes me as possible that you might live in a larger '''city''' in flyover land such as Minneapolis or Chicago, where vegans don't have to register with the local police department, but they are still considered to be suffering from mental illness according to state law.

>> No.9099582

Vegans here are all trolls, right? I really can't imagine people this autistic and retarded coming here for no reason other than to shill.

I've tried earth balance and it was fucking nasty. Texture was clearly fake and from industrial whipping, taste was of shitty oil. Had a boca bean thing (I think, been a bit im not sure exactly) and it just tasted like a frozen bean patty. Texture was ass and flavor wasn't the worst thing but not particularly good either.

>> No.9099584 [DELETED] 

>Why do vegan food always try to emulate normal meat?
It doesn't, this is just what dumb fucks from West Jesusville, SC do because they cannot conceive of the possibility that a person could eat a meal without a steak, or a steak-like object, smothered in cheese. So their well-meaning minister from the local mega-church hires the finest Biblical Scientists to make a soy steak covered in almond cheese because that other stuff over there is for the Hindoos and they worship the wrong invisible sky ghost.

>> No.9099586

>wanted to kill myself so badly
go ahead, you sound like an insuferable faggot

>> No.9099588

What? I'm not in the US.

As I said, there's some alright vegan stuff that I consume regularly. You're right, the pre-packed stuff is mostly crap, that's exactly what I said. I stick to vegetables and rice. I still miss real fucking meat though.

>> No.9099590

why do you get so mad over a single bait post?

>> No.9099594

>Oh you think vegan food is bland? Well you havent had MY vegan food! MY vegan food is amazing!
You sound like a fucktard who insists somebody who doesnt like philly cheesesteaks just hasnt had a REAL philly cheesesteak.

>> No.9099595 [DELETED] 

For vegan food to taste good it generally cannot be a branded product from the local Trader Joe's. I'm not really sure what you expect him to say unless you want the spacetime coordinates of the garden where he picked the vegetables or whatever.

>> No.9099599

>unless you want the spacetime coordinates of the garden where he picked the vegetables

I expect no less from this board

>> No.9099637

How about you fuck off to tumblr with your free range organic vegan gluten free avocado bullshit
You people are the SJW of food

>> No.9099642 [DELETED] 

>social justice is bad
>avocados scare me
>limes are just hipster lemons
Back to /pol/ with you

Not the guy you're mad at and not a vegan, but I'm ok with them

>> No.9099644
File: 862 KB, 498x245, ha uhuh uhuh uhuh hahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaah mommy make them stop emulating taco meat and cheeseburgers

>> No.9099645

This smells of shilling

>> No.9099652

>Just Screaming-are milkybars vegan?
I don't think so. But cocaine is
>Seitan-wtf is that?
Almost pure gluten, basically. It's chewy, sticky stuff made by washing and kneading wheat dough over and over again. Seitan is a great source of protein and surprisingly close to meat in texture.

>> No.9099660

In that context the Vegans would be the ones who aren't fucking children. Meanwhile, at your house...

>> No.9099668

/fit/ proved that these guys are literally brigading from reddit

>> No.9099670

pre-prepared vegan substitutes are similar to pre-prepared meat. They are pretty damn average. To get good flavor you'll have to marinate them yourself, be it tofu, tempeh, seitan, or meat.

All in all, the pre-flavored vegan equivalents are usually better (in my opinion) when comparing them to pre-flavored meats and nuggets at least.

>> No.9099675
File: 119 KB, 800x419, Oseng Tempe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tofu, tempeh
Asian here, can you describe how to make these condiments to taste like meat? in here its used for soup and stir fry but they never taste like meat

>> No.9099686

I've never tried to emulate meat. I just make dishes like Sweet and sour tempeh.

I think it's like fruit flavoring. No matter how hard you try, as similar as you can get, there's still going to be a difference to the real thing.

>> No.9099711

Hmm I guess so dishes simple dishes like Kung Pao tofu rice be vey fulfilling, but I think different from meat, I think Indians have the right method in creating Vegan food, appreciating the material and the vegetable and spices for what it truly are

>> No.9099714

*Can be very

>> No.9099725

I am gonna eat more meat and also buy more meat and throw it in the trash. Just so this asshole can be angrier at me

>> No.9099749

this almost all processed shit

>> No.9099757

its like posting 10 nonalcoholic beers and asking someone who likes beer to buy and rate them.

Nobody is ever gonna do that

I get that trying to emulate what the real thing tastes like is a fascination for some people, i agree that some of the things on your list, like cashew icecream, margarine and cookies will probably taste good, but im not gonna buy mockmeat or mockmayo as someone who eats meat.
to stay with the original comparison, some nonalcoholic beers might be good, but itll never taste like alcoholic beer, so im not gonna buy it if i enjoy beer and have no problem with consuming alcohol.

You can eat whatever you want, its none of my business and i agree that eating vegan is the ethical choice,also delicious if made well, but the mockmeats, essentially convenience products, are never gonna make someone go vegan who likes the taste of meat and does not see the moral need to go vegan.

>> No.9099769

Vegans should be gassed tbhfam.

>> No.9099783

some vegans don't like the animal killing part of meat eating, not the flavor you fucking faggot

>> No.9099784

link to thread pls

>> No.9099790

I don't think i've ever met a human being in real life that was afraid of killing animals. I'm pretty convinced at this point that vegans only exist on the Internet and at George Soros-funded protests.

>> No.9099796

some people are shocked when they realize that their entire life is supported by the death of other living beings so they try to clean their minds with shit like going vegan

>> No.9099798

This is the truth. Have any of you guys ever smelled vegan cheese cooking? It seriously smells like usain bolts feet after he ran 20 miles and died on hot pavement and they left him there for a month.

>> No.9099800

Oh that makes sense if you're that far removed from knowing how and where you food comes from.


>> No.9099803

>its like posting 10 nonalcoholic beers and asking someone who likes beer to buy and rate them.
This is the most apt description of "try this vegan food its so much better!" I've ever heard.

>> No.9099806

I'll admit im afraid of vegan fake animal products. They smell worse than a skunk/feces stew.

>> No.9099822

The products I had so far were pretty much odorless. It was literally just processed wheat and plant-based proteins packed into a meatball-shape. Slightly unpleasant aroma but not much of a stank. Bland as hell, even in a spicy stir with soy sauce.

>> No.9099832

I grew up in Asia, we killed pigs and chickens. Have you ever done that? I get the feeling you think you're a hunter-gatherer tough guy because you buy ground chuck every sunday

>> No.9099847

i don't think that. i just say that some people can't cope with that fact.

>> No.9099850

It's all good dude i believe you. But i have seriously smelled some vegan shit that literally turned my stomach. Otherwise i like vegan stews/soups/salads.

>> No.9099942

I've killed fish, does that count?

>> No.9099974

A vegan can be cheap too, you don't have to buy all the expensive bombastic alternatives to eat

>> No.9099982

>buying something expensive just because you wanna be pretentious
once is ok if you want to try, but constantly spending your moneys to buy bland food while there are other more flavorful alternatives is just idiotic

>> No.9099990

>torturing animals
it's not like they're skinned alive while they're watching their younglings being gangraped by the bad evil butchers. They just die in a swift efficient manner

>> No.9100114

>it's because you're all manchildren who can't afford anything that costs more than 2 dollars

Instead of complaining about that, why not work with it? Most people choose what's cheap over what tastes best. Just think of how easy it'll be to turn the world vegan when your products are priced competitively. Oh, but then there's less profit for the totally cool and relatable vegan food company CEOs. They might have to buy one less pair of gold Birkenstocks or raft one less adventure down Chilko River.

>> No.9100132

the only vegan substitute food I've eaten were some vegan cookies and they were not sweet, not soft, and not good at all.

>> No.9100153

This. It's even worse when they make dishes where you really expect meat. My Aunt made vegetarian lasagna. Big fucking chunks of broccoli instead of meat. No thanks.

>> No.9100199

>Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream
Pretty great desu. It's not as creamy as real ice cream, but it tastes great.

Another good vegan food is tempah. If you bake it with bbq sauce and make it a burger it's all right.

>> No.9100212

I have tried Tofurkey and Earth Balance. Both are awful. I would rather have no butter or "deli slices" than eat that shit.

But I have no problem with Field Roast sausages, including the hot dogs. Definitely not as tasty as meat, but really close.

>> No.9100218

>Just think of how easy it'll be to turn the world vegan
How about no? There's really only one way to turn a large chunk of the world vegan. Crash the economy so no one can afford meat. Because the amount of meat people eat tends to be exactly the amount they can afford to eat.

>> No.9100231

>i've ever met a human being in real life that was afraid of killing animals
I live in the first world and I experience the total opposite. If you'd ask people to kill their own animals for consumption they'd all turn veggie.
But then again I mostly converse with people who didn't drop out of school and got education and shit.

>> No.9100236

>Crash the economy so no one can afford meat

Yeah, that's much more realistic than just not charging seven dollars for the equivalent of two dollars of beef.

>> No.9100240

Why do annoying ass Vegans and Mormons ALWAYS feel the fucking need to preach & convert?

Can't you just be fucking smug in your own smelly little safe space basement without bothering everybody you meet?

>> No.9100258
File: 49 KB, 450x444, stock-photo-young-woman-holding-her-nose-because-of-bad-smell-from-food-near-refrigerator-at-home-287916032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out these grilled sweet potatoes and sautéed spinach....Chopped avocado salad with cucumber, tomato and romaine...Or a vegan double fried honey mustard quadruple patty stack ..

>> No.9100261

>Why do annoying ass Vegans and Mormons ALWAYS feel the fucking need to preach & convert?

Most vegans I meet have Zero self awareness.

They're so fucking annoying, when they see people roll their eyes, they don't take it as a social cue to shut the fuck up...

they take it as a cue to be more obnoxious and try to inject more annoying ass conversation about food nobody cares about...

This is why vegans always lose all their non vegan friends.

>> No.9100340

god die like your thread

>> No.9100344

Vegetarians seem to make more sense now than before, I guess the retarded vegetarians became vegans.

>> No.9100396

Not a meat eater anymore, I went vegan about a year ago but I've tried some of these products over that time

The tendies are good, tastes like normal frozen tendies.
The chick'n wings are also pretty good but doesn't compare to real wings
>cashew ice cream/trader joes ice cream
Haven't tried that but I tried the Ben and Jerry's non dairy ice cream, tastes exactly like normal ice cream
>vegan balance butter
Tastes exactly like margarine

Also here are some other shit I tried:
>tofurky holiday roast
Pretty gross, didn't fill the void left by turkey
>Yves hotdogs
Tastes exactly like a normal hotdog
>Yves veggie burger
Meh, it's alright with some BBQ sauce. Doesn't compare to real hamburger.
>Daiya cheese
Doesn't taste exactly like normal cheese but still tastes delicious, especially on pizza

That covers it I think. I mostly don't eat this stuff because eating whole foods feels better on your digestion

>> No.9100416

>They're so fucking annoying, when they see people roll their eyes, they don't take it as a social cue to shut the fuck up...
>they take it as a cue to be more obnoxious and try to inject more annoying ass conversation about food nobody cares about...
>This is why vegans always lose all their non vegan friends.

My wife and I stopped inviting one couple over for dinner parties after they turned vegan.

In the beginning, we'd cater special veggies for them. But by the 2nd dinner they were fucking unbearable and everybody wanted to stab them.

Needless to say, we don't invite them back for dinners anymore, even though they gave up their vegan bullshit in less than a year.

>> No.9100420

This tastes like a shill thread

>> No.9100460

It's realistic in that depressions come and go, and one could hit in the near future. When did Americans commonly eat vegetarian meals? During the Great Depression when they couldn't afford anything else. Where do you see large numbers of people living off a vegetarian or mostly vegetarian diet? In poor places like India and parts of rural China.

Only a small percentage of people who can afford meat will choose to forgo it for ethical reasons. But if you're poor and hungry a plate of beans sure looks tasty. The best way to get a lot of people eating plant based meals on a day to day basis is to make them poor and stop subsidizing the meat and dairy industries.

>> No.9100524

If you grew up carnist you don't have a chance in hell of knowing how to prepare meatless food and have it taste good

>> No.9100605
File: 66 KB, 712x915, 1498385169182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegan food is good
just give it a try anon
I swear if people just tried it they might like it

>> No.9100706

2 year+ vegan here with nothing to prove, have some rankings:

haven't tried anything from them I didn't like, but I don't really eat fake-meat anymore. Sometimes I still get the tendies, for when I miss my mummy ;__;
>Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices
haven't tried but nothing from Tofurky has wowed me so far.
>Just Mayo vegan mayonnaise
haven't tried, never liked regular mayo either
>Boca chick'n patties and nuggets
haven't seen them around up here in canuckistan
>Cashew ice cream
vegan ice cream is rad in general, way better than the cow-variety
>Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream
haven't seen it around but soy is my least favourite kind of ice cream; cashew, coconut and almond take the cake. There's a black cherry & chocolate Coconut Dream flavour that's to die for
>Impossible Burger
>Beyond Burger
Like I said, I don't miss fake meat but I am curious to try the Beyond Burger when it shows up near me
>Earth Balance vegan butter
bullshit that doesn't spread, vegan Becel is way better

>> No.9100822

I'm closer to carni than omni and really enjoy Ripple chocolate milk.

>> No.9100856

I've never even posted on reddit...

Look at how butthurt you people get over vegan food. What a bunch of fucking manbabies. None of you are even going to try any of the products because you're so brainwashed. I feel so sorry for you.

>> No.9100867

Real cheese smells like rotting feet and pus though. You're just used to it. Also not all vegan cheese is the same you fuckwit. You're like all the people saying they had a Boca bean patty and suddenly think they're an authority on all vegan food. KYS.

>> No.9100869

You sound like a cult member right now

>> No.9100876

No, they don't. HOW THE FUCK ARE SO MANY STUPID PEOPLE IN ONE THREAD? My brain is going to explode trying to comprehend how this is possible.

Please don't be real.

>> No.9100881

You're a fucking liar.

>> No.9100915

is this post bait ir is someone actually this triggered?

>> No.9100929


>> No.9100930

Another vegan here and will agree the Tofurky holiday roast wasn't very good served hot (my omnivorous family who is extremely critical actually loved it though), but if you refrigerate it, the next day it tastes amazing sliced thinly. Was going to make a sandwich with it but I couldn't stop putting the slices into my mouth and did so til it was gone.

Yves hotdogs, if I'm remembering correctly didn't taste like a normal hotdog exactly. But Field Roast makes some pretty good ones.

And Daiya is okay on pizza but not ideal. Follow Your Heart vegan mozzarella broiled on top of pizza is way better IMO. But some omnivores have told me they like Daiya on their pizza better than cheese because it's so creamy. But I think Daiya is best suited for stuff that is normally creamy, like sauces and soups.

And I haven't tried the Yves veggie burger.

Also since we're going off topic and adding our own vegan products -
Silk vegan yogurt is delicious.
Cashew cheese is superior.
Morningtar riblets are very good.
Rice Dream mint pies are some of the best things you'll ever put in your mouth.
Adding a little bit of banana and a little bit of peanut butter in place of eggs (and using Earth Balance) to Betty Crocker or other vegan chocolate chip cookie mix makes amazing cookies, better than traditional.
Black beans blended with water in place of eggs in brownies makes them extra fudgy and people beg for my recipe.
Coconut milk chilled overnight in the refrigerator makes great vegan whipped cream.

>> No.9101074
File: 60 KB, 300x490, vegan soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am morally opposed to veganism and can't in good conscience give my hard-earned dollars to deranged cultists or murderous terrorists.

>> No.9101153

how do you cook carrots without them getting all soggy?

>> No.9101169

no thx, I eat only whole plant foods :-)

>> No.9101183

>My wife and I stopped inviting one couple over for dinner parties after they turned vegan.
>In the beginning, we'd cater special veggies for them. But by the 2nd dinner they were fucking unbearable and everybody wanted to stab them.
>Needless to say, we don't invite them back for dinners anymore, even though they gave up their vegan bullshit in less than a year.

I had a couple of friends turn vegan... they were in & out of vegan diets & ended up divorcing & hating each other.

Pretty typical vegans. lol

>> No.9101223


Not surprising they ended up divorced if you think about it.

Vegans are just generally unhappy people desperate for attention...

>> No.9101271

>whole plant foods

If I were vegan, this is what I would do along with homemade seitan and tofu. Fuck all this pseudo meat garbage which is equivalent to the highly processed chemically saturated industrial garbage lining 90% of the shelving space in US groceries.

>> No.9101353

>Impossible Burger
>"The only impossible thing about that burger is finding it, nyuk, nyuk, ny-"
>consider Googling and checking first
>it actually finally IS in my city

I'll review it for you when I can get to one of the locations. But, for the record, I think it's unreasonable to expect everyone here to run out and try a burger that's only available in eleven cities.

>> No.9101363

Didn't really expect everyone to try all of them. I still haven't tried two of them myself. But try what you can I guess. I have to drive an hour and a half to try the Impossible Burger, and I'm broke right now so unfortunately that won't be happening. Curious if anyone here has tried it though.

>> No.9101851

I actually have had a boca bean patty. It sucked ass. So does all other fake meat. Stick to leaves and apples you fat gay homosexual faggot.

>> No.9101862
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Degenerates, degenerates, you will all turn into monkeys.

>> No.9101867

Been a vegetarian for 12 years. I could go vegan but I think vegans are preachy retarded fags. But here goes...

8/10 - I think I have tried most things they sell in this area at least. Mandarin chicken and the tendies are the best
>Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices
3/10 - shit is fucking gross. Tofurky in general is pure shit. It just seems like fake meat they started making in 1993 and haven't updated with the new recipe advances over the years.
>Just Mayo vegan mayonnaise*
Don't like mayo vegan or not
>Boca chick'n patties and nuggets
5/10 - Not a big fan of boca anything
>Cashew ice cream*
I have seen the cashew but never buy it. I don't know why dairy free ice cream needs to be $6/pint. I've tried almond milk ice cream which I give 4/10. It's missing the richness. Coconut milk ice cream I give 8/10, it's decent.
>Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream
Never had it
>Impossible Burger
Never had it
>Beyond Burger
Never had it
>Earth Balance vegan butter*
8/10 Tastes like margarine to me.

The only fake meat that I have tried that I would give a 10/10 is field roast.

>> No.9101919

>If I were vegan
Sure ok. Tip your fedora because once in a while vegans and even non-vegans like to treat themselves with something that tastes similar to a burger while being less likely to kill you.

>> No.9101927

Fuck that over-processed, sugar-laden shit.

>> No.9101941

Then look at the back of the boxes and find one that's not over-processed, sugar laden. You're not supposed to eat this stuff every day of the week, dum dum. Just like you're not supposed to eat meat all the time if you value your body.

>> No.9101985

Uh oh. You have challenged my nutritional superiority. I eat a no added sugar, no prepackaged processed foods keto-vegan diet. I have no ethical reasons for doing this. It started out as an experiment, but now I just want to troll junk food vegans. Suck it.

Meat tastes awesome. I eat it once in a while when I feel like killing a rabbit or fishing.

>> No.9102009

When I gut the carcasses I leave all the shitty parts out for my animal bros. The birds, squirrels, raccoons, and insects all come out to feast with me as it turns into a fucking Snow White style love-fest.

>> No.9102045

>I'd like you to try the following vegan products

I'd like you to kys so as not to pass on your defective genes, but that ain't gonna happen either, is it pumpkin?

>> No.9102049

>Why do vegan food always try to emulate normal meat?

Because vegans are retarded.

>> No.9102087

Gardein 10/10
Tofurky products kinda taste like bread but theyre pretty good in a sandwich, 7/10
Just mayo is good but i prefer vegenaise 7/10
Chick'n is great 9/10
never had
Never had
Both of the burgers were good but a little cat foody in aftertaste, 8/10
Earthbalance is just country crock. If you like that then.. yknow. Works good for most things but miyokos vegan butter is better

>> No.9102467

I went vegan for a month after losing a bet, so I've tried Gardein, Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices, Just Mayo, and Boca chick'n. Also had already tried Trader Joe's soy creamy cherry chocolate chip ice cream before that because I love cherry ice cream and it's actually my favorite ice cream. So that's a 10/10.

Gardein is usually a 10/10. Tried their pizza pocket things though and those were a 5/10 because I don't think soft, sweet bread goes well with pepperoni and cheese. Filling was good but the bread ruined it.

Tofurky hickory smoked deli slices are 10/10. I like to eat them on their own but they also make awesome sandwiches.

Just Mayo is an 11/10. My favorite mayo now.

Boca chick'n patties are 10/10. Makes a sandwich that tastes just like Wendy's chicken sandwiches, which I personally love.

Will still eat these products even though I'm not vegan anymore. They just taste good. I was shocked and expecting everything to taste like cardboard but instead it just tasted like normal food if not better.

Except Daiya. Not a fan of Daiya. Tastes like the cheapest cheese there is yet costs 5 dollars for a bag - no thanks.

>> No.9102511

>not including morningstar, the best fake chicken nugget/patty replacement

>> No.9102533
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Boca products are all bland. Ive had them all, not going to specify which burgers because they all taste the same. Never worth buying.

Frankly frozen vegan food all sucks, there was a British patte called Qorn or something, and those had a good flavor but so much salt I cant eat them.

>> No.9102542

And Morningstar wasnt included because while they are the best tasting they are not vegan with all their products, its selective and less than 50%

>> No.9102544

Morningstar chick'n isn't vegan, except the strips (which are good, but exactly like Gardein so not worth mentioning anyway).

>> No.9102567

Why aren't my posts showing?

>> No.9102577

I actually like the blandness of the Boca original vegan patties, but disagree with you about the blandness of the chick'n. It's flavorful and delicious.

I crave the bland Boca original vegan patties every once in a while - something about them is so satisfying. They're also good in recipes like my amazing homemade meatless meatballs (I add carrots, onions, liquid smoke, garlic powder, black pepper, and sun dried tomatoes then pan fry them).

>> No.9102582

ah, fair, i guess that's true.

>> No.9102606

You know what, I agree with you actually. Apologies overall, I still do think the chikn' is bland but it does have a distinct flavor? Id know if I was eating it and its better than nothing, but I still season it myself when I cook it. As for the other patties they have a heartiness to them. I did exactly what you said you did, I cut them up and added sriracha in a homemade flatbread and they were good. They just -require- additions to make good otherwise its hard to bother IMO.

>> No.9102634

I'm already vegan.
Cashew ice cream is delicious, it's got a hint of nuttiness but it still tastes like regular ice cream and the flavor I tried (snickerdoodle) was wonderful. 8/10
Just Mayo is good, it's literally just mayonnaise desu 10/10
Trader Joe's Soy Creamy ice cream is good shit, once again it serves well as ice cream and the chocolate chunks are delicious.
Boca is shit
Gardein is okay but it's still a pale imitation of real meat and the products tend to be pricy. I think it's stupid to buy them anyways, it's obviously not going to be up to par and being vegan is stupid if you're gonna eat imitation meat or try to stay a burger boy.
Same with those other fake meats. 4/10 below average.
Earth Balance's regular vegan butter tastes like regular butter and serves fine for everything butter can be used in. 9/10

>> No.9102798
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>> No.9103040

>vegan """"food"""""

>> No.9103062

Smoked tofu sounds fucking weird, but I've tried stuff like fried tofu at a few asian joints around where I live. Its actually pretty good! I dont have an issue with tofu itself, but moreso the degenerates who create affronts to god like tofurkey.

>> No.9103085

Cut them small enough and regard them as a flavoring agent mostly, just like onions or celery.
They're really good cut in sticks and baked though.

>> No.9103109

Tofurky is basically firm, reshaped tofu with seasoning you fucking retard.

I'm so tired of idiots forming biases against food because it's "feminine" or because it's vegan. You realize all you fuckheads are doing is limiting yourself due to obnoxious neckbeard culture? Get the fuck over yourselves, Tofurky tastes fucking good.

>> No.9103413

>Tofaggy tastes fucking disgusting


>> No.9103417

I'm going to eat more meat from now on just to piss you vegan faggots off.