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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9069592 No.9069592 [Reply] [Original]

Got a barbecue coming up and one of the guests is a vegetarian. What can I make to accommodate them?

>> No.9069601

Ask them what they like to eat at BBQs.

>> No.9069604

tell them that only the strong survive and they can fuck off

>> No.9069606

A jar of semen

>> No.9069618

pasta salad
veggie patties
portabella mushroom burger

>> No.9069619

Add bacon grease to everything and don't tell them. The alternative option is to shit on a plate and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.9069624

they have the condiments that go on the meat.

>> No.9069628

a bullet to the skull

>> No.9069631
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serve them food on a moose scapula you harvested yourself

>> No.9069633

Vegetarians are easy-mode. Get haloumi grill it like you would meat and serve it as you would a burger. Also wrap a potato in aluminum and throw it in the coals.
Portabella is another option like the other anon suggested. Veggie patties are usually meh.

>> No.9069635


You can just grill a bunch of veggies or make vegetarian kebabs. There's also vegetarian patties but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.9069641

Mushroom skewers. Fake burgers or brats. Be sure to devote one area of the grill for vegan food. They hate the taste of meat and grease.

>> No.9069642

Get some skewers and put bell peppers, onion, and mushrooms on them. Make some with meat on them too for the non-vegetarians.

Large portabello mushroom caps can be grilled just like you would a steak or a hamburger patty, and they make fucking awesome burgers.

I imagine you already have some sides planned that happen to be meat-free? Coleslaw, beans, that kind of thing?

I wouldn't do much more than that. It's considerate to make sure the vegetarian has something to eat, but it's also not your job to bend over backward for THEIR picky eating.

>> No.9069644


these all sound like pretty good options. not sure if id like the mushroom burger tho

maybe some veggie samosas op. im a meat eater but those are dank as fuck

>> No.9069648

Do you eat the fat from behind the eyeball?

>> No.9069652


im retarded. is this dude planning on cooking the blueberries..?

>> No.9069656

yes, and the eyes too

>> No.9069661
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>> No.9069662
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These are the best veggie burger patties I've ever had. Haven't met anyone who has tried one and didn't like it. It's been about 10 years since my last one, however, so I don't know if they taste the same.

>> No.9069677

This OP.

>> No.9069687


>> No.9069694


Their "buffalo wings" are fucking amazing, the texture and taste are god tier

>> No.9069773

Rip off some leaves of lettuce and arrange it on his plate

Faggot can learn to not be a degenerate

>> No.9069784

>Faggot can learn to not be a degenerate
How in the world is being a vegetarian degenerate. Is any thing that you don't like degenerate?

>> No.9069789

Make them a big pile of go the fuck home.

>> No.9069790

>I can't eat this type of food because no reason
>faggot vegetarians won't ever shut up about being vegetarians

>> No.9069796

Tell them to stop being retarded and eat meat and veggies like an omnivore is supposed to

>> No.9069803

do beans count as vegetables

>> No.9069805
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>I fuckin' love this guy, man

Get 'im a couple Beyond Burgers.

>this dude's all right

Portobello mushrooms, marinated tofu.

>I'm only being polite

Whatever veggie burger is on sale cheap.

>I want to passive-aggressively slam this dude's lifestyle with an "accommodation"

Grill a head of lettuce.

>> No.9069807

>these all sound like pretty good options. not sure if id like the mushroom burger tho

are you fucking kidding? portabella's are meaty as fuck. much better than fucking tofu. slap on some cheese and grilled red onions and it should be pretty damn good

>> No.9069809

Just feed him a bunch of soy and tofu. It'll only help turning him into more of a fuckboy than he already is

>> No.9069811

>thousands and thousands of years of humans eating meat and veggies
>lel look at me be a special snowflake meat is bad for you IM SO DIFFERENT :^))

>> No.9069818

I can understand accommodating for people who are allergic or can't eat something because of health reasons

You shouldn't have to accommodate people who do it by choice, though. It's a fucking barbecue. Grill the fucker some corn cobs.

>> No.9069825

Tell him youre making an all you can eat buffet.

When he arrives, hand him your lawnmower.

>> No.9069830

>>I can't eat this type of food because no reason
They have their reason, which are based on ethic. Ethics that you may not agree with but ethics nonetheless. Ethical behavior that's not hedonistic is the literal opposite of degenerate.
>>faggot vegetarians won't ever shut up about being vegetarians
Pride can be taken to be degenerate behavior but that's based the assumption that being prideful about it is a prerequisite for vegetarianism. Which it obviously isn't.
>thousands and thousands of years of humans enslaving other humans
>lel look at me be a special snowflake slavery is bad for your should IM SO DIFFERENT :^))

I'm not even defending vegetarianism, just curious as to how it's degenerate behavior.

>> No.9069834


is that bone marrow in the top right?

god damn that looks like a delicious forest feast.

>> No.9069835

>muh ethics
How about not going to barbecues then.
Or hosting your own shitty vegetarian-friendly "barbecue"

>> No.9069848

So going to an event that you've been invited to, and not changing your moral code to fit in is the degenerate behavior?

Good to see you changing your argument to something that's easier to defend but it's still not defensible.

>> No.9069865

yes, Meateater is the best goddamn hunting show on tv and they make hearty innawoods meals like that on the regular.

>> No.9069869

Bleach pudding.

>> No.9069883

Every thread involving vegetarians/vegans is always the same. Grow up. And I'm not even a vegetarian.

>> No.9069888

how about you start eating properly

>> No.9069889

>All these fags angry because the OP wants to be nice for someone.
Unless this person is a dick who is rudely demanding the OP to make something special for him/her, which I'm assuming is unlikely because I've never experienced the stereotypical stuck up vegetarian that people swear exists, just make a salad or decent side dish and they'll be fine.
Do you only go to BBQs for food? Don't you have friends?

>> No.9069891

Veganism and vegetarianism is an eating disorder

>> No.9069893

Make the typical side dishes: beans with fatback under the meat catching the drippings, mayonnaise based potato salad, mayonnaise based coleslaw, garlic bread with butter and a vegetable platter of pickles, radishes, scallions, and olives. Point at the vegetable platter and say, "I made that especially for you."

>> No.9069897

>Do you only go to BBQs for food? Don't you have friends?
Then he should bring his own damn shit.
He can't expect OP to be able to appropriate just because he can't eat like a normal human being

>> No.9069903

>Then he should bring his own damn shit.
Not a bad suggestion. If I were a vegetarian and invited to a BBQ I'd offer to bring my own patties or whatever.
>He can't expect OP to be able to appropriate just because he can't eat like a normal human being
Despite the reaction image in the OP many hosts are happy to accommodate their guests if it's too much trouble. It's the point of being a host.

>> No.9069905

This. Smother them in teriyaki too

>> No.9069907
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Yeah, if you're not eating this at least once every day you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9069912
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Yeah, this is a much better solution

>> No.9069921

Do this:
Or just prepare some veggie BBQ satay sticks with slices of tomatoes, aubergine, courgettes, sweet corn, bell pepper and if you feel extra fancy throw some fried tofu on.
Make sure to grill it on a separate plate (you know that alu grilling trays..)

>> No.9069926

mayo is fine for most vegetarians, those are vegans that don't eat it.
>he can't expect OP to be able to appropriate just because he can't eat like a normal human being
You have no idea what this person is expecting unless the OP can bring to light more information on him.

If he is indeed a not a dick then he probably expects nothing and is preparing to find nothing to eat, or a salad at most. Is simply a salad too much ask for you? Would you not make a salad normally at one of these occasions?

>> No.9069931

Hell yeah dude. Go America!

>> No.9069934

lettuce is literally destroying the environment, there was a story about it

>> No.9069999

That is the worst salad green on the planet. Literally, almost no nutrients. And our scorched earth monoculture agri industry ties up millions of acres growing that abomination to support a big mac culture. Pathetic.

>> No.9070021

>dissing the big mac
Fuck off vegetarian libcuck!

>> No.9070025

Just let them eat the vegetable sides. Or, you can easily marinate some portobello mushrooms and grill those up for them, which they can eat on a bun like a burger.

>> No.9070032
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OP here, thanks for replies.
What marinade would you suggest?

>> No.9070037

jackfruit or shredded king oyster mushrooms can be made into a nice faux pulled pork

>> No.9070041
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Not him, but I've always done those in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper, rosemary, and parsley.

You want the ones that are this big btw, if that wasn't clear. They usually sell them in packs of 4 for an okay price.

>> No.9070089

> Grill a head of lettuce.

>> No.9070091

Grill them stuff like veggie butgers, veg kebabs, tempeh, watermelon, or just make plenty of vegetarian dishes with the bbq.
Simple stuff

>> No.9070097

open a can of beans

>> No.9070117

first off, find out if they're militant about it, if so you won't be able to please them no matter what.
some of em are really anal about if it's prepared or cooked on the same surface you prepare or cook meat on, then it's contaminated with delicious murder

>> No.9070122

Uninvite them

>> No.9070136

call them and tell them it's cancelled

>> No.9070138

Black bean burger

>> No.9070144


I've always done an olive oil and balsamic vinegar marinade, then when they're almost cooked, fill them up with marinara sauce and top with mozzarella cheese. They were like my low-carb giant pizza bagels when I was watching my carb intake for a short while.

>> No.9071250

Been vegan for 7 years and those are the most disgusting veggie burgers I've ever tried to eat.... This has to be a troll.

Try Gardein.

>> No.9071258

These are fucking amazing, you gotta add a little seasoning to them though

>> No.9071272

What the fuck is wrong with your taste buds? I've tried probably 50 different kinds of veggie burgers and those are by far the worst of all of them.

>> No.9071285

Make these OP.


>> No.9071288

show them the door

>> No.9071338

>Sorry not really sure what to cook for vegetarians, can you tell me or bring what I should cook for you?

>> No.9071352

Some of them veggie patties are alright, but the taste is preference. I occasionally eat them since they are more nutritious then a beef burger.

>> No.9071359

For one thing, they are not vegan. Nor is the OP subject.

>into the trash it goes

>> No.9071362
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>> No.9071375

literally just get a few veggie burgers. as long as you're grilling some corn on the cob and have a salad, they'll be fine

>> No.9071416

biology isn't a social imperative.

>> No.9071552

I tried them before I went vegan.

>> No.9071592

A 3m deep hole in the yard

>> No.9071594

grill some half courgettes and a bunch of other veggie stuff with seasonings and shit

>> No.9071606

Jackfruit, cook it and mix with sauce like pulled pork. It;s the current hip thing to do.

>> No.9071617

Idk mane, im not against any of that shit but i would feel very offended if some fuck comes up to me all uppity demanding expensive vegetarian imitation meat and go out of my way ignoring other guests just to please this fuck "needs", if you get invited to a bbq ofc there will be meat and as an adult you must take the most sensible decision while being consideratw to others, if you want some avant garde shit that only you will eat bring it yourself m8

>> No.9071629

Got a lawn? They can eat the grass.

>> No.9071630

>shit between two HFCS buns and salvadorean picked "veggies"
Yeah, very american

>> No.9071870

I had a BBQ the other weekend and the house was out of balsamic so I went for a asian style marinade

sesame oil
neutral oil
soy sauce

>> No.9071965

Grilled corn I guess, assuming you're doing some corn cobs

>> No.9072005

Smoke some trumpet mushrooms and shred/serve them like pulled pork

>> No.9072023
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pick related also corn.

hope you don't have that anal vegetarian who doesn't want you cooking their food on the same grill as meat eaters.

>> No.9072106

a bowl of boiled cum

>> No.9072326

Is that a benis

>> No.9072409

>Been vegan

Stopped reading there. Go light yourself on fire please.

>> No.9072529

I like to marinade my vegans in worchestshire sauce over night in the fridge then slow cook them in the smoker. Probably want to get up around 6:00 in the morning to get the vegan started early. The vegan grease will go good with the pork later in the afternoon.

>> No.9072540

>Got a barbecue coming up and one of the guests is a vegetarian. What can I make to accommodate them?

I suggest a shotgun with buck rounds for your guests and a slow smoked brisket from a smoker with lamb chops, onions and sausages done on the barbecue flat top.

>> No.9072568


Vegetarian is easy. Make a side of mac n cheese, and a side of cole slaw and a side of potato salad. Serve an appetizer of veggies with ranch. Let the vegetarian figure it out.

If you want to go out of your way, make a salad with israeli cous cous, quinoa, black beans, feta cheese, field greens, thin sliced onion and chopped tomato and a lemon vinagrette. for the non-vegetarians - or vegetarians that eat eggs, top with a chilled poached or soft boiled egg. You can make all of that ahead - just keep the field greens separate until the last minute then toss... it's a stunner of a dish and super easy on the day of the party. Seriously, with the quality of bbq that you will probably make (since you are on /ck), people will probably enjoy this salad more anyway.

Here is jaque poaching and chilling eggs for inspiration:


>> No.9073841

You accommodate him/her by calling him/her up and telling him/her to keep his/her ass at home and advise him/her to blow his/her brains out for being a shithead

>> No.9075523

you can make them leave

>> No.9075536

>all these tough guy posts about excluding or killing the vegetarian

I got exactly what I wanted out of this thread

>> No.9075546

Christ. It took this long for somebody to suggest grilled goddamn corn?

/ck/ is dead and we're gallivanting around in its bloated, rotting corpse.

>> No.9075905

what episode is that

>> No.9075948


>> No.9077182

T. Friendless

>> No.9077215

Make a quick charred veg salad. Easy to make, tasty as fuck and something everyone, not just the vegetarian, can enjoy.

>get a bunch of different veg, whatever looks good wherever you buy produce
>apply oil, salt, and whatever seasonings you want to surface
>slap on grill and cook until you get some good caramelization and a bit of char
>if they're sturdy fuckers like carrots or what have you maybe blanch them first
>put in a bowl
>dress with whatever kind of dressing makes sense with your vegetable selection. Chili pesto, tahini based dressing, asian type vinaigrette, whatever
>maybe add some fried chickpeas or something for protein and texture
>maybe add some cheese of some sort- burrata is cool in this kind of salad, but pick whatever makes sense
>add a whack of fresh herbs

>> No.9077233

vegetarian baked beans are always good even just the canned ones

slaw, veggie burger, pasta salad, corn, grilled veggies

this shouldn't be that hard

>> No.9077574

You should make new friends

>> No.9077606

BBQ Beans
Grilled Vegetables that you also plan for the other people to eat in tandem with the meat. (Onions, Peppers, Mushrooms, zucchini, etc.)
No reason to go beyond that.

>> No.9077624

Halloumi and vegetarian burgers/sausages

It's not really that hard

>> No.9077640
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Go with the classic solution

>> No.9077698

Fuck them. I have special requests with what i eat. I dont expect people to accommodate me.

They can bring their own shit if they want to be snowflakes.

>> No.9077907
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if they like leaves so much

make em fuckin leave

>> No.9077919
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show them the door

>> No.9078043

a coffin