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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9064052 No.9064052 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone already tried fasting for few days in a row?

I want to experience how this feels, mentally and physically.
Apparently, the hunger sensation deasappear after 2 days, and a sensation of "lightness" comes in.

Obviously it's a testing and tiresome thing to do. I'm aware that I'll have to sleep most of the time during the process.

I'm planning to do this during my holidays (in a month), and not getting out of my house.
I'll only drink water, orange juice and maybe some lemon juice to purge my liver and waists.
No physical activities at all.

My goal is to reach between 7 and 10 days of fasting. I got 1 month of holidays so I'll got time to get over this afterwards.

One detail in my case : I'm already very thin (53kg / 114 lbs). I'm 27 y.o.
Moreover, I don't drink alcohol, I don't take medications, I don't smoke, and I don't do drugs at all.

Thanks to share your experiences and recommendations.

>> No.9064061

When I stopped drinking I didn't eat for several days.
Had more energy than I thought I would, you're right about the hunger disappearing after a day or two.
When you eat again, start with something like soup and some lightly buttered toast, don't eat anything too heavy as it will sit in your gut and make you feel queasy.

>> No.9064070

Yeah one time I didn't eat for 2 days. Then I ate like a pig for some stupid reason and I was sick for 10 hours (I barely couldn't get over my bed).

>> No.9064076
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But why?

>> No.9064084

Just to experience it.

>> No.9064095

>I'm already very thin (53kg / 114 lbs). I'm 27 y.o.

No, dude. You are way too thin for this.

I just did a 14 day fast (I made it to 14 days) and I started to get very dehydrated on the last 2 days. I'm talking serious cottonmouth and other symptoms.

>> No.9064104


eat a hamburger, op

>> No.9064106

Wow you made it for 14 days, that's incredible!
How does it feel?

>> No.9064114

I feel good now. I only stopped because of the dehydration.

>> No.9064119

How tall are you, OP?

>> No.9064121

174cm / 68 inches

>> No.9064133

There are people in this world sad enough to make fasting threads everyday in various boards just in the hopes someone tries it and it gets in the news. Please get help.

>> No.9064136

I do intermittent fasting
1 day a week, between 18 and 24 hours. 18 hours might not sound like a lot but it's all your body needs to get some benefits. Because of work I usually do a small fast friday dinner until saturday dinner. I would recommend this to anyone looking for the benefits of fasting and isn't interested in it as an endurance activity. Fasting for longer can have benefits, but is unnecessary for anyone with no experience in it and is just looking to improve general health. The consistency of fasting little and often means you can keep it up for a very long time without burning out.

>> No.9064139

I'm not trying to be mean to you, when I say you are too thin to fast. It's not for you.

I did it because I'm a fatty and It gave me much needed willpower, that I needed to abstain from sugar and junk food.

>> No.9064146

Fasting is safe, if the person is educated about the various dangers and they can always stop the fast if they want.

I recommend Dr. Jason Fung's books.

>> No.9064149

Please get help.

>> No.9064221

go away Achmed this is a ramadan free board

>> No.9064233

With juice, it's dum. You want to clean yourself out? Eat more fiber. Like 100% unrefined food most of the time. Juice fasting will just make stuff sit there longer.


I was on only juice for a couple days after I had appendicitis (from eating somewhat poorly with lots of white sourdough for a while)

Wasn't fun. Couldn't brain much and couldn't drink much juice because it made me feel sick. I asked for a cranberry juice and they gave me apple-pear whatever with only a tiny bit of cranberry >:(

Mom brought me some cranberry concentrate and other bullshit from Whole Foods.

>> No.9064458
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Did two weeks, easy peasy after the initial starting pains. It takes about 3 days until the hunger subsides. That's about how it long it takes to drain the carb reserves (unfinished digestion, stores in liver and muscles). Afterwards it's pretty much smooth sailing.

Some tips:

- DRINK DRINK DRINK. Not only will it fill you up, but prevent dehydration. Hope you have a good bladder because otherwise you'll either wake up at night having to pee or wake up at night or in the morning completely dried out

- avoid broths and clear soups, these will only make you hungry at best, or they'll cause diarrhea. Stick with water (occasionally with a bit of lemon juice) or tea (unsweetened or sweetener). Green tea might make you feel sick, so maybe avoid it.

- mulitvitamin before bed, as well as some salt

- some exercise is preferable (stretching, brisk walking, light weights)

Physical and mental endurance will be lowered. If you're a little bitch you'll be very irritable. If you experience prolonged headaches, motion sickness or an increased heart rate, it's best to stop.

>> No.9064479

Thanks for the tips. I know it's important to drink a lot during this process. I'm already the type of guy who drinks a lot of water everyday and go pee maybe 20 times a day. Don't have any problem with bladder.

>> No.9064486

>eat Like 100% unrefined food most of the time.

do you mean seeds or dry fruits?

>> No.9064491

When I had my wisdom teeth taken out it was botched and I couldn't eat for over a weak. I drank a ton but I remember I just started crying at work because I was so confused and dizzy. Before that I was stick and didn't eat for two weeks until someone noticed I hadn't budged from the couch the entire time and threw me in the car to the ER. I went from 155lbs to 109lbs but I think I had pneumonia(was officially a 'severe virus' but I'm saying that since I know get pneumonia at least once a year which hits me hard).

Often I eat once a day or skip a day just because im never hungry or forgot but the times I do get hunger pains, it actually make some vomit whether or not I have eaten like a normal human being.

>> No.9064498

Nothing bad added, nothing good taken away. So no extracted oil, no extracted sugar, whole wheat instead of white.

>> No.9064501

I remember having a severe anxiety attack because I was barely eating after my girlfriend left me. That shit was pretty scary (you think you are dying).

>> No.9064504

That would never happen to me, because I have a powerful blender, engineered to get the most possible out of a 120v 15a supply, and I know how to use it.

>> No.9064738

I've done this multiple times over the past few months. I can go a week fine, 11 days is where it gets uncomfortable and I haven't made it past 2 weeks without anything to eat. Make sure you have a normal ish sleeping schedule and stay hydrated. The hunger pangs go away pretty fast. The end of the first day/beginning of the second day are the worst, but if you get through that you're fine. Stay hydrated, I cannot stress that enough, drink more water than you think you would, like double the amount. When you shower let your face and head soak in the water.

If you dry out or just don't drink water often you'll get incredibly intense migraines. When you do finally eat again, food will taste heavenly. You'll taste flavors you didn't know you could taste. Vietnamese Pho is always my go to meal when I first start eating again. Or if I'm lazy, turkey club with lemonade. Keep it light. After that first day when you're back to eating, have a good steak with some potatoes, it'll be so good your dick will get hard.

>> No.9064754

do you guys lose a lot of muscle on these fasts?

>> No.9064761

imagine being so fat you ignore strategies for health

>muh TDEE reee you'll cannibalize no this isn't broscience it's real /fit/ told me so!

>> No.9064773

If you do it repeatedly for extended periods, yes of course.

Every once and a while for a day or three? No, not really

>> No.9064852
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Where can I find more information on fasting? Like FAQs and How-Tos in a more organized format than 4chan?

>> No.9064854

i used to frequently go without food when i was a teenager.

it's like exhaustion or pain or sadness or whatever. you feel it intensely sometimes and then sometimes you don't.

>> No.9064857


don't eat nigga

how is it hard

>> No.9064860 [DELETED] 

longest i've lasted was about 50-something hours.

i so hungry. i wanted food like a junky wants heroin.

BUT. i did feel this other pleasure. like this extra boost of energy in my muscles, and it felt so good to move.

however the hunger pangs won.

i'm fasting again now. all for health, but i'm looking forward to those good-feeling muscles again.

>> No.9064884
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i read dr jason fung's book.

he essentially says there's no real rules or guidelines. just don't eat for as long as you can.

you can eat 1 meal a day, or go 30 days without food. both have health benefits.

but longer, more intensive fasts yield greater health benefits.

>> No.9064937
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Anyone see this movie, "The Sound of Insects," about the guy that committed suicide by starvation and kept a daily journal? If I remember correctly he thought it would only take 30 days but unless he lost track of time his journal indicates it was over 50 days. It's a well done movie that might interest you if you're into fasting. I saw it on Netflix.

>> No.9064959


It's obviously not that simple since there's about 10 tips in this thread for avoiding physical ailments like migraines and nausea.

>> No.9064967

I did 9 days once, I had a friend crashing with me who gave up after two as a witness
Protip drink a lot of water or else you will get some nasty stomach cramps

>> No.9064971

You will feel nauseous as fuck, tired, and so shitty that you will understand that "fasting" is not a bad thing on it's own but that it needs preparation.

>> No.9064981

I didn't get dehydrated when I tried it (probably because I was drinking like 4 liters of water a day)
Only strange thing other than sleeping more is that at one point I stopped pooping

>> No.9064983

Broscience, it makes no sense evolutionary to compromise your ability to gather food by decomposing muscle instead of your primary energy stores. Of course there will be some loss, but it's negligible.

Given a generous 1800 calories per day that's under 12 kilo of fat for 50 days, less than an average person drags around.

>> No.9064988

Stay away from salty food and super sweet things, eat protein rich food

>> No.9064997
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>> No.9065008

You shouldn't mess with fasting if you're not in top tier condition or if you are already skinny.

Trust me. You can pass out, but less extreme you will feel absolutely shitty, you won't be able to concentre on anything, you will feel motion sickness, you will be nauseous, you will get cramps, and more importantly you will get panic attacks because you feel so fucking shitty.

Just start by cleaning your diet as much as you can before going in those territory.

>> No.9065908
File: 46 KB, 600x779, ej5NTPZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /ck/ so afraid of fasting? Just not eating for a week won't kill you even if you're a starving african

>> No.9065913

Lots of things won't kill you, but that doesn't mean they're all good to do.

>> No.9065923

probably the /pol/ escapees think that muslims invented it

hiromoot needs to create a shadowban system that applies to /pol/ posters outside of /pol/

>> No.9065955
File: 8 KB, 189x267, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lubricate our arteries and veins
There is no way this is real

>> No.9066566

The not pooping thing is weird.