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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 351 KB, 465x731, Screenshot_20170613_044301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9044927 No.9044927 [Reply] [Original]

My department is going to a bar as a group, but I don't drink.. How to handle?

>> No.9044942

by politely telling them you don't drink over and over and over and over again

if you can't handle that, you can pose as/actually be a designated driver, you won't have to drive them all home b/c uber exists now

>> No.9044943

Maybe just have a drink you enormous faggot or don't go, or go and just have water. No matter your decision you are still a gigantic faggot and everyone you work with thinks so too.

>> No.9044956

tell them you have to go to the mosque

>> No.9044961

even bars have non alcoholic stuff around, hell half the shit in most of the drinks people order contains no alcohol. Just keep ordering coke or juice and if thats really so embarrassing only order drinks when nobody else is in earshot and pretend you're drinking too.

>> No.9044980

Tell them you don't drink it's not that hard. No one cares Also tell the bar sometimes places do free soft drinks for DDs.

If for whatever stupid and convoluted reason you have concocted in your head that you need to appear to be drinking but not actually drinking like it's some stupid sitcom get a club soda and lime wedge in it looks like gin/vodka tonic and you're fine.

>> No.9044998

Didn't Jesus drink wine? It says to drink in moderation in the Bible.

>> No.9045038

just order what you want and don't give a fuck about other people's opinions. you could always order non-alcoholic suff too.
why don't you drink though?

>> No.9045039

jesus wasn't a baptist.

>> No.9045041

no you idiot jesus was wine.

>> No.9045044

just don't drink, it's not fucking rocket surgery ya cunt

>> No.9045054


I work in an environment where if you don't drink, you shouldn't be in the job. But we try to be respectable of those who don't, if, like, billing is out with us. Everyone should have fun. Just be firm but polite, and say you don't drink.

But most importantly, DON'T be the person that sits in the corner and has no fun, or judges someone for drinking. The reason people peer pressure others to drink is because they sit in the corner quietly, don't engage in conversation, and make everyone feel uncomfortable because they're mentally tallying any mistake anyone made.

If you're not cool hanging around with a bunch of drinkers, just make an appearance, be cool about it, and leave when you're ready to leave.

>> No.9045059

Cranberry juice, and nurse it all night. There, you'll only have to explain you don't drink once, and can move on an enjoy your night with your co-workers. Just be social.

>> No.9045077

order soda with lime

>> No.9045156

lime does not go well with dr pepper

>> No.9045164

>My department is going to a bar as a group, but I don't drink.. How to handle?

Club soda with a lime wedge. Case closed.

>> No.9045195

wtf is that book?

>> No.9045207
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Just order a beer and hold it you stupid faggot. Bring it to your lips occasionally but don't swallow, just like what you do irl with other cylinders.

I've got news for you: If your boss drinks and thinks you don't drink, you're fucked. Drinkers don't trust pussfags that don't drink.

"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
Winston Churchill

>> No.9045212

This is good advice

>> No.9045235

Get a signed note from your mother/doctor explaining your autism, you may even be uninvited as an extra bonus

>> No.9045238

>"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."


>> No.9045477

Say youre a recovering alcoholic and everyone will drop it

>> No.9045486


>> No.9045488

Whats so hard about ordering coke?

>> No.9045493

Why would you not trust someone that doesn't drink?

>> No.9045498

>My department is going to a bar as a group, but I don't drink.. How to handle?
Why is the reason that you don't drink? No one asked.

Dieting is a good excuse for not drinking. Driving is as well. Pick either one.

Order a diet Coke with lime. Lime is a common kill-the-artificial-sweetener add-in, so the waitress shouldn't blink. "I need caffeine" will suffice if anyone asks as you order it. Anyone that didn't see you order it will assume it has rum in it.

>> No.9045506

It's a good indication that they have poor judgement and impulse control I.e. they don't trust themselves, so develop an avoidance strategy.

>> No.9045531

Drink your fill of soda pop and milk

>> No.9045535

>hand me a HFCS beverage that will kill my liver even quicker, please


>> No.9045545

>walk up to the bar
>casually lean against it with one arm, never looking directly at the bartender
>when he finally comes by he says "What'll ya have?" gruffly
>Look him in the eye
>"Gimme a milk."
>give a knowing smile
You'll be such an alpha, the whole bar will give you a standing ovation

>> No.9045558

Drinking impairs your judgement and makes you loosen up your lips. You talk about a lot of random shit you wouldn't normally, and open up to people.

In the context of war that Churchill comes from, if someone chooses not to drink that means he's either hiding something from the rest of the group, doesn't trust them, or plain doesn't accept the people around him as friends/equals.

>> No.9045604

No dude Jesus is bread it's just his blood that's wine

>> No.9045698

Hearty kek.

>> No.9046485

>"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
>Winston Churchill

AKA the man who was ridiculed as a barbarous drunk and driven out of office the minute he wasn't fighting a global apocalypse where such sins could be ignored.

>> No.9046602

Just go, sip water, no one will care, seriously.
And if they do bring it up just have fun about it and be yourself, or if they're being an asshole then they're doing you a favor by making themselves look bad.

If they're all like that, leave, and consider looking for another job.

>> No.9046604

t. alcoholic

>> No.9046649

Order water and some finger food to start, then get a decaf coffee.

>> No.9046683

>someone recognises they have a problem
>has the self control to behave in a responsible, adult-like way that doesn't cause the problem
>not to be trusted

>> No.9046782

Precisely this.

No need to waste time mixing with weak willed men.

>> No.9046790


Well, why don't you drink? Just out of curiosity.

>> No.9046854

Never underestimate the literalism of a fundamental baptist.

>> No.9046982

Things like coke were pushed by temperance bars to lift peoples tastebuds off beer. It's funny to think they ended up being used as mixers to increase peoples intake of hard spirits.

>> No.9047026

No, just realistic. If you're competing with another person for promotion and you both are relatively equal in capabilities, who will the boss promote? You, a non-drinker or the other guy who the boss can have a few drinks with and unwind a bit on Friday evenings after work? It's even worse if the job involves travelling with the boss, because he probably doesn't want to have to sit at the hotel bar having a few drinks by himself, although that would be infinitely better than having to sit there with some evangelical retard who is drinking coke. Enjoy getting passed over, faggot.

>> No.9047036

>sucking the bosses dick to get ahead in the world

I guess that is a pragmatic take on things for the weak.

>> No.9047047

Drunkards: Good enough to fight against a global apocalypse, not good enough to fight against a global reconstruction effort. This is why no one likes a man that doesn't drink.

>> No.9047055

>never worked a day in the corporate world or military

Having a few drinks and bullshitting with the boss =/= sucking dick. Try experiencing real life a bit instead of hibernating in your basement you NEET and you might learn how the real world works.

>> No.9047059

>"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."
>Winston Churchill

so why did so many people vote trump?

>> No.9047060

Go and have one of whatever you do drink and then tell them you have shit to do and leave

>> No.9047068

It is if you normally wouldn't drink.

Would you have a few cigarettes to please your master as well? Pathetic.

>> No.9047076
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Cheers! Prost! Na zdravi! Gan bei!

>> No.9047101
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Good point. With a cursory examination of america's situation, Churchill's statement rings as true and clear as a carillon bell. A clarion call to action, really.

>> No.9047125

Kill yourself.

>> No.9047173

>cigarettes = a few drinks

What a fucking stupid analogy. Let me guess. You were homeschooled by evangelical parents?

>> No.9047180

Nah, that's what you'll be doing as you feel the effects in the next couple of years.

>> No.9047575

1. Don't go. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to fire you for not going to the bar with coworkers.
At least in America, they can probably roast your ass for that in Japan.

2. Fake drinking.

3. Have a fucking drink. Unless you have the Irish Curse, you're not going to die for sipping on a whiskey and coke. Do you not have any control over yourself and will wake up three days later in Mexico with a wedding band and a tattoo you don't remember getting if you have any alcohol?

Fuck, just tell them you're in AA or something.

>> No.9047860

So you draw the line at cigarettes for drugs you're advising people to use out of peer pressure?

>> No.9047942


Why assume it's some sort of moral thing? Some of us just don't like to drink. No real reason. That's a point of pride because drinking is technically a vice. If anyone ever seriously judged you for not drinking, they're completely immature or insecure. Or both. No well-grounded adult gives a shit if you don't drink.

>> No.9047988


this is so stupid. your just hating on people that don't drink in the same way that people in civics hate on people driving corvettes. it's an insecurity/jealousy because you have a bad habit that they don't.

>> No.9047997

You could just tell them you don't drink and have an overpriced soda. Hell, you could probably just get water without any awkwardness. Bars are filled with people trying to sober up.

If you're trying to blend in, just get a generic bottle of beer and carry it around with you. If someone tries to buy you a drink, just tell them you're still working on the one you have.

>> No.9048002
File: 303 KB, 774x599, 774px-Snakehandling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop moving goalposts and accept the fact you'll be passed over for promotion because you're incapable of adapting to your professional/social environment. No one is arguing for you to get drunk. We're arguing that if you want to be perceived as a fully participating member of a professional/social group, at least hold a fucking drink. Save your holier than thou prohibition arguments for your Pentocostal poisonous snake handling and venom drinking rituals.

>> No.9048003


Illogical paranoia. The correct tactic to avoid the problem is to just not drink around them. But your addictions are too strong to allow that, so you blame the other party for NOT drinking like they did something wrong. You're the actual problem.

>> No.9048005

If your church sect tells you not to drink, you are not a christain

>> No.9048009


if your boss bases employee promotions on whether or not they drink, it's probably time to find a new job. because soon, you'll be passed over for a promotion because he doesn't like your cologne, or because you don't have tits, or you didn't laugh at his joke during the thanksgiving party.

>> No.9048018

Regardless of whether your company intentionally bases promotions and stuff on whether you drink, people will subconsciously judge you for your weird ass decisions and crazy religions and will likely trust you less if you cannot even trust yourself with alcohol

>> No.9048020

Drink whatever you would normally drink. Most bars have soda and water. They might also have coffee or tea.

>> No.9048026

I was never implying that lack of integrity does not help you get ahead in the world.

>> No.9048045


Not drinking is a "weird ass decision"? Are fucking insane? That's like saying not smoking, not having a library card, or not wearing your seatbelt is a "weird ass decision" ... you need to recognize that drinking is accepted as a vice and a bad habit and stop trying to deflect your guilt onto people that don't drink. They're literally doing nothing wrong, and no reasonable adult will judge them for it. That's some a fucking teenager would do.

>> No.9048049

>you'll be passed over for a promotion because he doesn't like your cologne, or because you don't have tits, or you didn't laugh at his joke during the thanksgiving party.

No shit. Welcome to the corporate and military world, child. Good luck finding a corporation that has bosses that aren't swayed by those things. When you find it, take a picture of the live unicorn mascot and post it on /mlp/.

>> No.9048076

>Not drinking is a "weird ass decision"?
Yes it is
>or not wearing your seatbelt is a "weird ass decision"
It certainly is
>That's like saying not smoking
The opposite is true here
>not having a library card
This is just a random thing in which neither decision is weird or even noteworthy
>you need to recognize that drinking is accepted as a vice
No its not, its a normal and more or less expected part of American and European society (and much of the rest of the world too). Its certainly not "wrong" to choose not to drink, but if you tell someone you do not drink they are sure as fuck going to be wondering whether its is for some weird ass religious reasons or some unfortunate health conditions, you will very certainly be judged for this decisions by almost everyone

>> No.9048081

Moderate drinking is good for human health, its not a vice to anyone but the most insanely religious

>> No.9048093

You'll be fine as long as you can resist temptation. People won't get upset over you not drinking if that's the issue. Hell be a designated driver and you could get recognition around the office as being a reliable guy.

>> No.9048122

>nah I don't drink thanks though


>> No.9048140

>But most importantly, DON'T be the person that sits in the corner and has no fun, or judges someone for drinking.

Fucking this. No one cares if you don't drink, some might egg you one for like 5 whole minutes but not give a shit. The problem is when fuckers go and get all preachy about shit. "Hey guys I don't drink, also have I told you I don't drink? BTW I don't drink!" So many times I've hated going out with people or inviting non drinkers over just to have them be the most anti-social/I don't drink guys;^) fun killers.

>> No.9048290

Don't drink and own up to your decisions. Not that hard

>> No.9048302
File: 403 KB, 736x607, classic-white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand of bread was Jesus made of?

>> No.9048309

People who don't drink even in a social setting are easily the biggest faggots on the face of this earth. A gay man sucking a dick would even call you a massive faggot.

>> No.9048914
File: 349 KB, 1484x1502, Wonkblog Graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 50% of the US adult population will not have a single drink this week

>> No.9048923
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Why the fuck are you even there if you're not going to have a drink? Most people are boring as fuck without it so unless you're an interesting motherfucker, just stay home and watch big bang theory or whatever inane thing your free time consists of.

>> No.9049377


>That's a point of pride because drinking is technically a vice.

Getting shitfaced is a vice. Having a drink isn't. Being proud of abstaining from something that others can do responsibly is silly, unless you're a confessed alcoholic. You're better off just saying you don't drink, and leaving it at that.

>> No.9049383


Civics and corevettes? What a terrible analogy.

>> No.9049427

that's because your statistics are recording the drinking habits of 18-21 year olds

>> No.9049452

Trump doesn't drink due to age. He stopped around 9/11. Props to him for not politicizing the proximity, honestly.

>> No.9049455

Of a competitive market with new jobs in new sectors not filled to the brim with shitskins and no dip in wages? Oh the horror.

>> No.9049465

Samefag: I'm actually half full of shit.
He never, ever drank regularly, and what I'm remembering is that he hasn't had a single one since around 2000. The real reason is his brother was a to-the-grave alcoholic.

>> No.9049483

>The real reason is his brother was a to-the-grave alcoholic.

Well that sounds like a good reason.

>> No.9049495

I had a hard time convincing my family to stop buying me drinks on my 21st birthday
That's the most I've ever drank and that was only 3 beers worth

>> No.9049515


The real world is going to be a bitter surprise, college boy.

>> No.9049565

Sure, buddy and we'll all take up the new sport of hunting flying purple pigs.

>> No.9049572

>adults 18 and over

>> No.9049680

I don't drink anymore so don't go out when other people are drinking because it's not fair on the people who are there if you're not an interesting/out going person.

The fact you're asking this question means you're worried and anxious about it because you've got nothing interesting to add and/or are not an outgoing person.

Stay at home.

>> No.9049701

>b-but winston churchill was a boozer

You arent the leader of a wartime nation so don't compare yourself to that bipolar scrub

>> No.9049723

Stop being a little bitch and say you don't drink.
Stop being a little pussy and have a beer or two.

You should stop being a little faggot, really.

>> No.9049758

>says the anime watching virgin who can't even muster up the courage to talk to women

My dad was in charge of hiring people for his company since he was the number 2 there. This is true. Between two similarly skilled employees (sometimes even between lower/higher skilled guys), the one that adapts to the group better gets chosen.


You're clearly a child. Also, comparing alcohol and cigarettes only further proves how much of an idiot you are.
Plus, it's not a matter of taking up drinking/smoking to appease the boss, is "hey, since we both enjoy this, let's bond over it after work".

>Why assume it's some sort of moral thing?
>That's a point of pride because drinking is technically a vice.


>if your boss bases employee promotions on whether or not they drink, it's probably time to find a new job. because soon, you'll be passed over for a promotion because he doesn't like your cologne, or because you don't have tits, or you didn't laugh at his joke during the thanksgiving party.

Oh boy someone is in for a rude awakening when he joins the real world.

Completely this. The most judgemental pieces of shit I've ever met were the "I don't drink" bunch, always bitching about others, not having fun and trying to end others' fun. But it's ok because they claim not to be judgemental, right? :^)

And more importantly, don't be a little bitch.

And you aren't better than a hobo just because you don't drink alcohol. Hell, you're probably even worse since a hobo has lived life and has stories/experience to impart.

>> No.9049807
File: 188 KB, 650x650, 1364930754456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049848

Where did he engage an argument in the first place? He's being a faggot that responds to every post in the thread in a giant post, but he's not doing damage control.

>> No.9049878

Bullshit. Chemistry is incredibly important in the working environment, especially the corporate one, if the person doing the promoting has a better rapore with someone and believes they can do the job, they make the most sense to promote because they won't have issues of communication that tend to be far more catastrophic than minor issues in actual diligence of work.

>> No.9049883

One thing about people like straight-edge/faggots like the guy with the pic...Everything has to fit in the little molds through which they view the world.

>> No.9049884

if this is how you see it you just shouldn't work in a corporate environment. Generally we just like the money and benefits.

>> No.9049961

>>Winston Churchill
>AKA the man who was ridiculed as a barbarous drunk and driven out of office the minute he wasn't fighting a global apocalypse where such sins could be ignored.
Well, also he didn't like the new Queen's husband, Prince Philip, since the very beginning.
And, after she ascended? Philip announced the new reign of the Montbatten family at a loud country house party. It got back to the Queen's mother and Churchill, of course, who were mortified at the dangerousness of the comment. He sealed his fate by countering Elizabeth and her desire and love for her husband. He was outta there.

>> No.9049964

Don't go. Being sober around intoxicated people can be wack as heck and you don't strike me as someone who would enjoy it.

>> No.9049971

>Moderate drinking is good for human health
Ethanol is a known carcinogen, though

>> No.9049979

I also watched The Crown

>> No.9049988

So is oxygen.
Better stop breathing, anon.

>> No.9050013

Seeing how people behave when they're drunk is a pretty good indication of their character. People who are dicks when drunk are pretty much just dicks.

>> No.9050017

>>Moderate drinking is good for human health
>Ethanol is a known carcinogen, though
No, it's not. It's a poor usage of the word carcinogen and it's part of the nanny state government political policies to have deemed it that definition. The correct definition of carcinogen has ALWAYS been that the chemical damages DNA, and when you damage DNA enough, it replicates in a damaged fashion, ie cancer cells.
Ethanol doesn't actually damage DNA. Now abuse of alcohol can increase risks of issues, keyword being risks not causal, from gastic juices, vitamin deficiencies, dehydration state problems, forced metabolizing beyond the normal rate that a liver can handle in a timely period, that can lead to risk of health problems, but it doesn't CAUSE CANCER exactly. That's a big stretch. Use your brain when you throw out your "facts."

There are more articles about cardioprotective nature and health benefits of moderate usage. You won't be getting cancer from alcohol if you don't abuse it. Moderate is pretty damn small amount too. It's always under 2 drinks, and for most, it's only 1 drink a day. That's proven in animal research. When it comes to human research, long term studies have so many factors, you still need to use your brain.

>> No.9050035

Get a non-alcoholic drink and don't make a big fuss about it.

>> No.9050045
File: 51 KB, 850x400, eddison BTFO dumb stinky alcoholics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Never trust a man who doesn't drink."

Never trust a Masonic shabbos goy who betrayed his own people in favor of oligarchs.

Just tell them you don't drink, pretty fucking easy.

>> No.9050048

Volunteer to do DD. There's your excuse that people won't pester you over.

>> No.9050067

>There are more articles about cardioprotective nature and health benefits of moderate usage
Tell that to your liver

>> No.9050078

>Why assume it's some sort of moral thing?
>That's a point of pride because drinking is technically a vice.
I think you should go back to your dictionary and look up "moral" and "vice" again

>> No.9050295

>being in the real world means kissing ass


>> No.9050523

my sister is a 12 stepper and gets a cranberry and soda. she is honest when people ask what she is drinking, doesn't really pass it off as alcoholic, but he stops the annoying "can I get you a drink?!" and "what you don't drink xD?"

>> No.9051045


Yes that's what he said

>> No.9051092

>/ck/ not understanding the transfiguration
Lol color me surprised.

>> No.9051102

The Transfiguration was Jesus' glorification upon the mountain.
You're thinking of Transubstantiation.

>> No.9051121


>I work in an environment where if you don't drink, you shouldn't be in the job.

And what environment is that? Liquor sales?

>> No.9051352

Yes, realising what it's all about is generally not advisable in a corporate environment.

I don't get why corporate ass kissers don't literally kill themselves. No soul left.

>> No.9051388

People who don't want sober people around while drinking sounds like they can't stand behind what they're doing while intoxicated. Which probably explains why they're so defensive.

>> No.9051496

>rocket surgery
That's not the proper idiom.


>> No.9052549


Adderall, the post.

>> No.9052557
File: 134 KB, 640x640, 1DobD00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I can't stop laughing at the title of this book. Some Amerifat actually sat down for hundreds of hours and wrote a book called "Hand me a Dr Pepper, Please"

>> No.9052599

>caring what winston "i love the jews so much that they can have my empire for free" churchill has to say
>about anything

>> No.9052603

>/ck/ not understanding jokes
Sounds about right.

>> No.9052700

He also hung out with whores

>> No.9053015

>order a small glass of water with ice in a whisky glass
>tell them you're drinking vodka
Same thing works with doing shots.

>> No.9053095

>never trust someone who doesn't consume a fucking neurotoxin

>> No.9053569

>"Hurr alcohol is a neurotoxin!"

Alcohol has health benefits if you aren't outdrinking Dean Martin. Also, if you really want to play the "neurotoxin" card, you do know that MSG is more neurotoxic than alcohol is, right? It works literally by modifying your neural activity to perceive taste as more pleasant, and too much leads to excitotoxicity. Fuck, even water is a neurotoxin in high doses if you really want to stretch it.

Never trust a man who conflates alcohol with VX.

>> No.9053642

Literally any Japanese business.

>> No.9054063

alcohol has health benefits with one unit or less, otherwise you are just deteriorating yourself.

drunks who needs excuses are pussies desu, sound like a bunch of stoners.

>> No.9054743


>> No.9054749

>alcohol has health benefits
alcohol has no health benefits. it's a toxin.

>> No.9054761

Did you ever consider maybe some people just dont like drinking?
I personally do but i dont get why you people cannot fathom someone simply not enjoying the taste or feeling of drinking. Fucking autists. I bet you judge people who smoke weed too on some highhorse.

>> No.9054843

Past your bedtime, Pat Robertson. Have another gulp of cuckoldry, and read your bible where jesus, omfg, drank wine.

>> No.9054997

I'm a drunk and I hate people bullying others into drinking. You have to be pretty evil to want to seduce people into your vices.

>> No.9056620

Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

>> No.9056646


Check out proverbs 20:1 and 23: 29-35

>> No.9056654

I used to have an intoxilyzer on my car. Ive had to go places and tell friends and family that KNOW I had a DWI and that I have a blow-and-go in my car that I cannot drink over and over and over. So be prepared for that. Id say every 4.5 minutes youll have to tell at least one person you arent drinking and they will also ask "why??????" every single time as well. Get a Sprite or anything clear and bubbly with a lime. This is probably the easiest most non autistic thing you can do. People will stop asking you why you dont have a drink with you until they ask what youre drinking, just say its soda because you dont wanna be tired from alcohol. They will of course ask you to have a different drink but itll be easier to say no if you already have something.

>> No.9056748


Just tell them you're having a baby.

>> No.9056837

The second half of "don't trust a man who doesn't drink" is "he clearly doesn't even trust himself". If that helps shed some light on it.

>> No.9057281

his blood is wine and his flesh is bread and his piss is lemonade.

Well, that's just to show how delusional christian were

>> No.9057625

>My department is going to a strip club as a group, but I don't look at titties. How to handle?
just don't fucking go since you aren't willing to participate. do you hang around smokers while they're smoking on their break?

>> No.9057696


y'know I don't like people who push anything on anyone, but you getting irrationally angry at the guy you're quoting isn't too keen either.
someone asked a question, and he gave an impartial, informative, well-thought-out answer to the question, properly illuminating the context of the quote as well as its author's intent.

Nothing he said even implies he agrees with the quote. Get mad a pushers, get mad at autists, get mad at judgy people, but directing that anger towards that guy specifically is purely irrational.

>> No.9057789
File: 141 KB, 2048x1152, dance dog abc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw exuberant and happy drunk

>> No.9057809

I just order soft drinks and tip the bartender well since I usually end up spending less than my friends who do drink.

>> No.9058007

order a redbull vodka, hold the vodka. you'll be fucking wired and ready to socialize without the hangover.

>> No.9058310 [DELETED] 


Tell them you're >>9044942

>> No.9058581

Donald Trump doesn't drink

>> No.9059063

Whenever I go to a bar with other people I always order a red bull. I never drink red bull normally, I don't even like it all that much, but that's what I did in the Navy when I was the DD for all the drinkers and it's become a small tradition of mine.

It's funny because they always think I'm gonna go for some kind of mixed drink with the energy drink, but nope. Just the energy drink.

>> No.9059085

:cryinglaughingface: :okhand: :okhand: :100:

>> No.9060169

Just order a couple light drinkable lagers and sit on them for and hour or so each , your body should process the 1 standard drink in that time and you won't feel much/ anything.

>> No.9060217

That's a meme desu, there are plenty of good people that get cunty with booze.

Poisoning the brain is not revealing, it's changing.

>> No.9060227

trump does drink. he'll have wine with dinner.

>> No.9060236

Just start drinking pussy

>> No.9060238


>> No.9060241

Can anyone explain why it feels so culty sometimes to be at parties? I've only been to a few, because of friends, but everyone acts the same if they haven't seen me with a cup or a glass in my hand. They try to push a drink onto me, or otherwise berate me. I socialize and talk with people, and loosen up, but even if my behavior is otherwise fine, the fact that I'm not drinking, and my language, while loose, isn't impaired at all, makes people say I need some drinks in me.

Heart condition here, shouldn't drink or have caffeine, but fuck it's so weird how desperate some people seem to have everyone drunk. Why is this?

>> No.9060247

Have another double scotch, you fucking lush.

>> No.9060278

no, he has a can of coca cola.

>> No.9060292

Sober people tend to observe and remember and tell tales out of school the next day, in my experience.

They're often the neurotics who want to stay in control at all times and take joy in humiliating the drunks later on.

Of course that's not the case for someone with a medical reason like you, but a lot of sober people are sneaky fucks who want to keep the upper hand at all times.

Anyone who takes delight in telling you what you did while blacked out is someone you'll never want to drink around again. They violate some sort of unspoken rule of drunken revelry.

If you're drinking together there really is something culty about it though. You have this ritual, you toast, you start to enter a different state of mind and go on a sort of journey together. There's something deeply bonding about communally getting fucked up, people have been doing it forever and intoxication of some form is a central shared ritual in most cultures. If there is someone standing around who doesn't want to come along on the journey it feels alienating, like he doesn't want to be part of the tribe. That's why it feels insulting if someone won't drink with you, or that's my theory at least.