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File: 70 KB, 250x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9021690 No.9021690 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here collect cutlery? I just got my new shipment of custom mugs.

>> No.9021692
File: 370 KB, 1988x1008, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole set thus far.

>> No.9021705

Get mugs with anime characters drinking from mugs
>>with pictures of anime characters drinking from mugs with pictures of

>> No.9021709
File: 846 KB, 2560x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, that's a thumbnail.

>> No.9021766

Where do you order custom mugs?
I want to make some IBM and maybe some GNU mugs to make /g/ jelly.

>> No.9021780

Vistaprint. There's also a place I know in Ontario that will print mugs with no border as you can see on the Shinji, Misato and Sasha mugs, for a bit more.

Whatever you do stay away from zazzle, they accused me of copyright infringement.

>> No.9021786

cvs, walmart, nearly anyone that has photo printing can also do mugs. Tons of coupons making them virtually free near christmas too

>> No.9021787

Why buy more dishes when you don't do the ones you have?

Mugs aren't cutlery dumbass

>> No.9021792

depends on how you use them

>> No.9021796

Why are you a curmudgeonly sort that makes fun of people's nice hobbies?

>> No.9021797

they look really tiny, can they even hold 8oz?

>> No.9021809

yeah sure probably

>> No.9023375
File: 1.15 MB, 3155x2368, IMG_7753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon. I collect mugs but I'd rather from gift shops than custom mugs.
I'm still working on it but I enjoy them being a practical thing to have some fun with. Only custom mug I want is of the Garfield Pipe strip because I'm a meming piece of shit.
Here are a couple cups I keep at work. I'll show off the rest when I get home. I quite like the shod anime one because I work software with a bunch of grizzled old cahoots and they seem to find it more entertaining and characterizing than shameful.

>> No.9023380

>that phone resolution
>reflection of my itrash
>colours out the asshole
>plastic bag full of beer glasses off to the side
I should probably just not.

>> No.9023385

Overall I'd rate your mugs as 6/10. The NASA mug really dragged down the average score.

>> No.9023403

>I want to make some IBM and maybe some GNU mugs to make /g/ jelly.

We bought a $500k SAN from IBM and got a mug.

>> No.9023413

Who the fuck uses mugs to cut things?

>> No.9023861

Damn, those are nice as hell. Really minimalist and sharp

>> No.9024017

>tfw I steal special snowflake mugs from my coworkers or just misplace them so they are force to use the plain white ones offered by the company
fuck you, buddy

>> No.9024024
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Someone's jealous of his coworker's cool mug.

>> No.9024032
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>cutlery pertains solely to bladed implements
Slash your wrists with a spoon.

>> No.9024035
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>> No.9024037

>Reddit spacing
You sure you know what that means?

>> No.9024049

why, yes, of course I am
it's the sole reason I behave in such an asshole manner about this

>> No.9024051


Is that better, you cancerous faggot?

>> No.9024070

>You rage at your own impotence, you rage at none that matters unto any other man.
There's a nice quote for you :^)

>> No.9024093

I like my NASA mug more than my madoka one. Why does it drop the score?
From one serious licensed mug judge to another, of course.

>> No.9024101
File: 17 KB, 250x137, IMG_1419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I applied to be a janitor
>got rejected because I have learning difficulties and get triggered constantly

>> No.9024485
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the life of me I can't find all my favourite mugs.
This needs to be a two part series anyway so I'll drop these ones. I think my cat is hiding some of my cups, or theyre tucked away in various nerd corners.
Beware phone posting file size as usual.

>> No.9024529

I collect moomin mugs.
I have 7 or 8 so far

>> No.9024543


>> No.9024548

mugs is a shitty hobby that deserves ridicule

>> No.9024551

I wouldn't anon, I'm a Drama Queen (male).
I just want people to shittalk my taste in gift shop mugs.

>> No.9024826

That NASA mug is that weird shape that no one likes and the logo is black and white instead of blue and red.

>> No.9024829
File: 29 KB, 425x419, 1453016209832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, this is a GIRL's mug collection.

>> No.9024852

My son (who's a grown man now) has been collecting mugs since he was a kid. His collection is pretty amazing, really. He has some unbelievably weird and unique mugs. It's one of the things I look forward to when I go visit him at his house, he always gives me some weird ass mug for my coffee, it's great.

>> No.9025155

That's a really good point. But consider that the interior of the mug is blue against the black outside.
I would prefer a more regular shape though, and maybe a better matte

>> No.9025186
File: 25 KB, 470x313, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of want this mug

>> No.9025194

hmm, that's funny. I'll have to get a mug of an anime girl holding a mug that says white tears.

>> No.9025198

I"ll be the only actual cutlery post and say that I used to collect tiny spoons, often souvenir ones but not always, just as long as it was both small and a spoon.

>> No.9025219

Will they print on the inside on the bottom? I need a coffee mug that says "Time to poop" At the bottom.

>> No.9025232

these are the people you want


>> No.9025262
File: 45 KB, 1001x667, C7JopIQUwAEPXnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to cop this

>> No.9025267

They will print on the inside but not on the bottom.

>> No.9025542

I have one of those.
I also have one of the steins.

>> No.9025593
File: 202 KB, 720x1280, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my daily mug.

>> No.9025625

Agreed, that shape is so awful.

>the interior of the mug is blue against the black
Go on...

>> No.9025673
File: 267 KB, 872x1340, shakemug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9025716

Does anyone see you use it?

>> No.9025721

No one sees me do anything.

>> No.9025723

too real anon

>> No.9025730


>> No.9025812

Clean your fucking stove.

>> No.9026494

First thing I read on this website.

>Print Logo Or Text On Mug Bottoms (INside & Out)

Site looks like a fever dream the internet had in the 90s.

>> No.9026496

Better than collecting mug shots

>> No.9026692
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_7763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wageslaving at work again and decided to do a follow up. I never expected I would be spending time in my day discussing mug aesthetics.
The interior of the mug is a decisively NASA blue. I'm guessing that they used the black and white logo to save colour costs, but having a muted->blue colour set is still certainly fairly nice. It's also less flashy than a regular scheme would be, which I enjoy because holy fuck I never realized that my mug choices and collection was so blatantly girly.
Want to know my favourite mug that I couldn't find?!
It was a fucking fox mug. With little ears and a tail and handle and all of it.
Anyway the shape is weird but it also doesn't photograph well. You can see the bell in these snapshots, but it doesn't show that the bottom of the mug straightens out again, making it more a cylinder than conical.
Fat ass phone photo inbound.

>> No.9026769

Do you use them? Some of those are expensive.

>> No.9026976
File: 1.53 MB, 3024x3024, 17-04-03-18-26-06-594_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect drinkware and the occasional plate or bowl from series enjoy, I appreciate your thread op

>> No.9026984
File: 801 KB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20170608-130520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent acquisitions

>> No.9027109

i use a mug that says hot chocolate on it but never use it to drink hot chocolate

>> No.9027331
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>> No.9027513
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>> No.9027561

I unironically want the bad dragon mug

>> No.9027704
File: 72 KB, 800x800, laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's doing it again

>> No.9027714

I guess you can have a 7/10 then.

but foxies are nice. there are anime wolves but no anime foxes i don't get it

>> No.9027718

What is your theme, nonsensical drawings?

>> No.9028331

Thanks. I'll try to find it just for you, anon.

>> No.9029244

Find it for me also thanks.

I think you have that backwards senpai

>> No.9029280

it specifically pertains to silverware, anything you eat with
you don't eat with a mug, you drink with it, it's a type of cup or glass

>> No.9029533


Just to clarify, we are NOT going to talk about OPs disgusting fucking stovetop?

>> No.9029544 [DELETED] 
File: 630 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170609-021130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also collect mugs. No particular theme or style, just needs to land in my general category of 'Hey, Nat's

Here's one.

>> No.9029552
File: 630 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20170609-021130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also collect mugs. No particular theme or style, just needs to land in my general category of 'Hey, Neat'

Here's one

>> No.9029558
File: 539 KB, 977x991, Screenshot_20170609-021537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another.

>> No.9029559

Is that what that is? Jesus Christ! I thought it was a marble counter!

>> No.9029560
File: 596 KB, 1066x1254, Screenshot_20170609-021640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more

>> No.9029597

The fuck is this waifu shit.... oh wait this is 4chan

>> No.9029620

The actual fuck is wrong with you? Kys subhuman

>> No.9029688
File: 529 KB, 1024x683, 465641988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of you's. Imagine hating my stove so much this is what you decide you must do to fulfill your destiny.

>> No.9029701

I do hate your stove so much that it made me sperg right the fuck out. And I won't apologize, you need to apologize to us by taking a soap and sponge to that abomination

>> No.9029723

clean your kitchen you nasty fuck

>> No.9029743

I was going to pay a whore ten dollars an hour to clean it but perhaps she's doing well enough in her fucking venture to not require such menial labour. She is rather young so perhaps she is in demand.

But she's probably just lazy.

>> No.9029843

What the actual fuck are you cutting with your mugs??

>> No.9030203

Where do I get one?

>> No.9030716


>> No.9031226

down my chances of acquiring relationships

>> No.9031404

>bait loaded OP
>"people" several times during the thread keep trying to derail the topic
>we still get a nice comfy mug thread
It all went better than expected.

>> No.9031594

>white tears
I don't think this means what she thinks it means.
On the other hand, it could mean precisely what she thinks it means.

>> No.9032682


>> No.9033103
File: 81 KB, 1200x374, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you order a new mug commission