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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 902 KB, 1024x673, bbq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9017573 No.9017573 [Reply] [Original]

Which state has the best 'cue?

>> No.9017580


>> No.9017586

North Carolina

>> No.9017588


nothing beats brisket or dry-rub ribs

>> No.9017591

Going off that map's broad definition of BBQ rather than what I actually consider BBQ, then Wisconsin

>> No.9017592

>top round

Unless it's choice or up that's some work to make it tender and flavorful.

>> No.9017600

beef ribs are shit though
actually, beef bbq is shit in general

>> No.9017601

Why didn't they call this map "things people in these states like to grill out with"?

>> No.9017603

North Carolina, Lexington-style.

>> No.9017605

pork ribs are definitely better, I'll give you that, but you can still get dry-rub pork ribs lol

>> No.9017608

I know. I only eat dry ribs.
I'm just saying most people associate texas bbq with beef, and beef bbq is shit. Also texas loves pepper based rubs and that is shit, too.

>> No.9017617

brisket is unironically amazing, and easily takes the most time and effort. The other styles rely on sauces to make up for dry meat.

>> No.9017621

>BBQ chicken with a chipotle rub
I really want to make a good mesquite BBQ place here so that my fellow Arizonans aren't quite so clueless, allowing others to be even more clueless about Arizona.

>> No.9017623

I'm from Iowa.

I can get almost any kind of bbq somewhere in the metro.

I usually go to Smokey D's (burnt ends) or Uncle Wendels (ribs/pulled pork).
But Jethros and Wooly are alright.
I used to go to Famous Dave's before I discovered D's.

>> No.9017625


Tomato based sauce is superior to vinegar based sauce.

>> No.9017636


I can get a lot of decent bbq most places in the states but nowhere do people seem to understand real brisket like Texas. I think Louisiana is a close second for overall quality but I've found some amazing copycats in northern California and Tennessee. I've yet to find anyone outside of Texas who does even passable brisket though.

>> No.9017647

If your saucin your 'cue it's bad 'cue

>> No.9017653

A hot rub with a sweet mop during the smoke is ideal

>> No.9017682
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Im from south Carolina, and I doubt to many of you fly over boys have experienced going to a friends house because they were grilling a whole hog. Invite 20 people and everyone leaves stuffed as fuck. Dont forget the bud light though.

>> No.9017695

Even flyover looks down on the south

>> No.9017705

You wish you had our culinary culture.

>> No.9017709

>tfw I get local hogs for free more times a year than I can count on two hands from my buddy's farm 30 miles away in kansas
I've smoked more hogs than you've had hot meals buddy.

>> No.9017711

>pork ribs
im happy, i love pork and ribs. brisket is overrated

>> No.9017712

charleston is my favorite city, savannah a close second

>> No.9017713

Kinda, not worth the other stuff though

>> No.9017714

There's just something so primal and satisfying about seeing and smelling a whole animal sizzling over an open fire..

>> No.9017719

Which makes the best smoked sausage?

>> No.9017750

>bud light

I was listening until that, you whitetrash. I haven't been to a pig roast in the last 10 years that hasn't had the predominate beers be a variety of local craft brews. You sicken me.

>> No.9017755

oh look, it's bay area faggot

>> No.9017773

why do southern rednecks like to appropriate black culture so much and claim it as their own?

>> No.9017777

>grilled pizza

>> No.9017802
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Its one of my favorites too, I live about 30 mins inland from there.
Idk the farmer who usually raises the pigs I get are white, and my friends that hunt and shoot them are white. Never knew farming, hunting and having a nice cue was "black culture"

>> No.9017808

Please recall, in the south white people bought black people to do all the farming for them traditionally

>> No.9017852
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Oh sorry i'll tell my friend he should let a black person do his job because that's a part of their culture and we dont want to take that away from them.

I guess we should only allow Chinese people to work on the railroad since they built it.

Why do you have to bring this in a cue thread?

>> No.9017861

>in the south white people bought black people to do all the farming for them traditionally
No they didn't. Blacks worked large plantations working cash crops. All subsistence farming was done by poor and middle class whites with the only difference being that the middle class had to work right along side their slaves.

>> No.9017875

North Carolina
South Carolina
Everything Else

>> No.9017883

It's how we justify keeping them around

>> No.9017887

North Carolina

>> No.9017891

georgia for sure

>> No.9017926

>south, "middleclass" white trash and nignogs sharecropped for their feudal masters after slavery
>we dind't do nuffin' after the northern usurpers had their way with us.

Same stupidity drives your attempt to vote against your interests, doesn't it?

>> No.9017934
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Bison is overrated and over priced. Not enough fat content to warrant buying it because it has so little flavor.

>> No.9017941

>Dont forget the bud light

Enjoy the bbq while you can. You're going back, ese.

>> No.9017942

North and south Carolina has the best cue iv had specially North Carolina but south Carolina is damn good.
Why you do dis? This is suppose to be a comfy thread, your just derailing it.

>> No.9017945

>Smoked baloney
Oklahoma keeping trailer culture alive, kek.

>> No.9017967
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Nobody in Michigan grills hotdogs unless they're doing so for little children.

>> No.9017969

Too bad you can't come to my house. I grew up in Texas, and my whole family does BBQ. I live in NorCal now, and people fucking freak when they try my BBQ.

>> No.9017996

North Carolina.

OP picture is factually incorrect. NC should be labeled whole hog as with SC. Choose between mustard based SC, tomato based western NC, or vinegar based eastern NC.

>> No.9018003
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No state has the best BBQ. There are popular but shitty BBQ places everywhere. There are really bad sauces by many standards, also everywhere. And there are cooks/restaurants where the owners are from somewhere else. Trying to make a map and draw lines like food is magically that different state to state is an exercise in silliness. The new england descriptions are laughable. Pizza isn't a meat, whether it's grilled or not, it's not BBQ whatsoever.
Other than Texas which is certainly the home to Brisket, I don't agree with a single other selection, and the mutton is really a small region of Kentucky, because, yea, no one eats mutton in the US, it's too gamey. We only like lamb. And Louisiana isn't grilling the shrimp more than the hog whatsoever. Cajun shrimp aren't grilled. Can you picture some chef throwing dusty seasoning at a grill and getting cayenne in the face? Oh no no. This is madeup crap.
The #1 line at the Jazz and Heritage is a cochon po boy, a whole fire roasted suckling pig pulled and combined with crunchy skin in delicious french bread. http://www.cochondelaitfestival.com/history.html
Myself, I like grilled boudin. Florida? First of all South Florida doesn't have _any_ great BBQ restaurants. And, it's a debate that old time joints like Shortys are all that awesome, just an example of how a vacuum it all is... But, churrascarias are so plentiful skirt steak prices exceed ny strip at Publix. OMFG the latin american, and caribbean BBQ choices number in the 1000s of quality restaurants. Pic is argentinean, a restaurant with literal punchbowls of various chimmichurri sauces. You have little Haiti doing the goat roti.
Get over the West coast of Florida and it's all grilled fresh catch seafood and steaks, not as much smoke n pit BBQ that isn't a chain nonsense.

>> No.9018004


Completely wrong.

We may not be the best at fucking anything, but the pork isn't bad and its a hell of a lot better than the chicken here.

>> No.9018008

Indiana here, do whole hog roasts at least a few times a year.

>> No.9018021

Eastern North Carolina
Memphis dry
Texas East
Texas Central

I grew up in Texas but tend to prefer pork over beef. I also dislike overly sweetened sauces or glazes like you would find in a Kansas City Style.

>> No.9018080

A-are you from Wyoming too, anon?

>> No.9018088

This, I don't know, I feel like we BBQ pork better here

Whenever I have that, it's really good

Whenever I have chicken BBQ by someone here it's really dry and badly cooked

The only exception is when my dad grills some chicken legs which always turn out delicious the way he does them

>> No.9018105

chicken is tough to do. Too low and slow and it becomes rubbery. Too hot and fast and it's dry. I like to do chicken at about 250-275.

>> No.9018111

Chicken is just a low tier meat

>> No.9018122

Hello, fellow iowa bro

Smokey D's is next to big barn harley Davidson, right? I've there, pretty good

Jethros is awesome, but as a 1 every 2 weeks trip type of deal. Going there repeatedly loses its touch.

Go to Clackson's in Altoona, their shit is fantastic. Plus, go to Groupon (don't know if it's still there) and find the coupon there. 50 dollars worth of shit to 30 dollars. Leftovers galore.

I need to try famous Dave's sometime.

>> No.9018132

why did you remove hawaii

>> No.9018153

>I need to try famous Dave's sometime.
He knows what he is doing, been to many over the years in different places without regret. One thing Dave figured out is having 6 different sauces to please all the masses. Get that giant round trash can lid platter there that feeds 4. It's a decent BBQ chain fo sho. Also Dave does a lot of charity work to the native american community youth, which I support! He's a nice dude!

>> No.9018191

Pork ribs are better than beef. No question. But good Texas brisket is by far the best bbq. Keep your ribs in your inbred hick state. I'll stick with brisket

>> No.9018196

>south carolina

Gtfo and take your nasty mustard sauce with your trashy ass, NC is best C

>> No.9018216

Vinegar based BBQ is best BBQ deal with it.

>> No.9018217

I don't know how they make their baloney but the type of sausage is based off of is delicious with big chunks of fat in it. Smoked would be pretty good.

>> No.9018236

Smoke it in butter, that'll take care of the dryness

>> No.9018243

If you have to rely on sauce your cue isn't up to stranded in my house hold.

>> No.9018256

Their BBQ sucks that's why.

>> No.9018262

It's Oklahoma, if it isn't from Wal-Marts, it doesn't exist.

>> No.9018306

Not as catchy

>> No.9018308
File: 284 KB, 1856x1392, IMG_20170605_163937-1856x1392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here is BBQ'ing today? I've got these little briskets, first time trying them. It's really hard to find good cuts for low and slow in Australia.

>> No.9018309

I work at a BBQ joint, I see that shit enough

>> No.9018316
File: 543 KB, 1856x1392, IMG_20170605_170123-1856x1392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salt and pepper

Has working there ruined it for you, or are there things you'll still BBQ for pleasure?

>> No.9018323

Well I don't smoke my own, but not really
You get tired of the same thing all the time, I mean its nice to walk in and smell the burning hickory and the smoked meats and whatnot, but it doesn't really encourage me to DIY it

>> No.9018341
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About three hours in. Holding a good 120°C.

>> No.9018365


>live in seattle
>buy fresh salmon from pike place market
>they literally throw the fish at you
>ride my fix-gear bike to my condo
>chop down the hundred-year-old cedar tree across the street
>hand-craft a plank because buying a wood plank from the co-op isn't eco-friendly
>pause to fix my mustache curls and wipe the sweat from my brow
>plank the salmon
>crack open a locally brewed IPA
>call to my partner, marcia, and two kids, river and broden "dinner's ready"
>they just got back from the farmer's market
>they bought a bunch of non-gmo fruits but they're all deformed and shit because no pesticides and grown by a fucking hippie
>sit down and share our favorite science-related journal article we read recently before we eat
>broden complains the meal isnt vegan
>have an open diologue with the family about broden's feelings and viewpoint
>ailently eat the planked salmon with my shitty bitter IPA
>contemplate why my life has become this hipster fever-dream

i wish i could run away to louisiana lads
wat do?

>> No.9018385

Not Utah

>> No.9018425

run away to Louisiana

>> No.9018430

This is how you know that map is bullshit, some retard thinking "smoked baloney" is the best 'cue oklahoma has to offer.

>> No.9018433


Dave's is okay, but nothing that amazing. Worked at one for four years, and the quality of the food dropped off significantly after Dave stepped down as CEO.

>> No.9018443
File: 410 KB, 1024x768, tri_tip11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California tri-tip is the only answer

>> No.9018480

Yumm acrylamide

>> No.9018486

Visit in July and see if you still want to live here.

>> No.9018514

I've never seen smoked mutton here in KY mainly just pork and chicken. Must be an eastern thing and I don't go to eastern ky.

>> No.9018523

This or Kentucky mutton

>> No.9018529

cut at the wrong angle

>> No.9018534

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.9018801

sure fucking did.
tritip is for chumps who can't smoke large pieces for 12-16 hours anyway. might as well grind it up, mix it with some meal and make dog food.

>> No.9018822 [DELETED] 

Niggers stink

>> No.9018912
File: 93 KB, 870x918, IMG_2649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grilled lobster
I'm telling you right now - hardly anyone grills lobsters here but mark my words - it will be the summer grill meme of 2017

>> No.9018916

You've never cooked lobster on the barbecue?

>> No.9021119

Anywhere in the South. Texas has the best beef, but that's offset by the fact that you can't get pulled pork at any fucking BBQ restaraunt in the whole state which is fucking retarded. You can get great beef in other states too, and they also have pork like any normal american would expect.

>> No.9021138
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>tfw live in Seattle too
>never had what anyone from the entire South would call "real barbeque" in my life

>> No.9021151


1. North Carolina
2. Tennessee
3. Texas


Why am I the only weirdo that prefers beef ribs? I like ribs, but beef ribs are like ambrosia.
Eastern NC and Memphis say no

>> No.9021161


Goddamn what a faggot.

You drink light beers (either calorie or style) because you start drinking when the hog goes on at 6am. I'm a pretentious beer snob, but nobody wants a fucking XXXIPA HOPPED UP or a stout while drinking all day in the heat.

A real BBQ starts before the sun comes up.

>> No.9021164
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>> No.9021172
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>White people stole the idea of cooking meat from niggers. Only in Africa did people BBQ meat throughout the past 50000 years.

You realize how fucking retarded you sound?

>> No.9021174

>drinking before sun comes up
This is what I did before rehab lol

>> No.9021195


Literally the reason why I left Seattle after 1 month. King County is a fucking cancer filled with the most self-righteous cunts even compared to the 5th Ave crowd in NYC.

It's cheap to live down in the south, but we have chimps and heat to deal with. luckily a/c and ar-15s fix them.

>> No.9021205


t. friend of winningest BBQ grand champions at memphis in may

>> No.9021249
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>but we have chimps and heat to deal with
I'm more afraid of the crazy religious weirdos that live down there.

>> No.9021276

maybe he's a religious weirdo

>> No.9021308


Nope. There are a lot of churches, but 98% of them are normies. Fuck, most will invite you to church and then have a big covered plate lunch after service.

The biggest thing not to do in the South is bring the degenerate culture you left with you.

>> No.9021551

>southern religious fanatics

There is that and they've taken control of the state legislatures so you have draconian fundamentalist islamic style laws being passed. Also, most of the south would be bankrupt without coastal federal dollars pouring in. That's why the rightwing state govts. in the south are sweating their balls off about the budget cuts. But he's right about the nogs being a fucking terror down here.

>> No.9021566

>vote against your interests
Oh please massa' city man, please do be tellin' us po' muddafuggas what we should done be thinkin'.
Not like'n we all done be havin' any idear what we ac'lly be wantin' wit'ou' y'all college boys tellin' us, ain't dat da true't?

>> No.9021576

I also prefer beef ribs. All they need is salt.

>> No.9021618
File: 77 KB, 580x282, WK4oTSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows acting retarded and uppity just to spite people that are smarter than you working out?

Hows it feel to know you will always be blue collar working class because you are incapable of thinking strategically and making a logical choice over an emotional one?

Keep it up. See how it works out.

>> No.9021659

>people that are smarter than you
Das' rite massa' city man, we all po' folk is done dumb as rocks, a-yup.
Pleas do be tellin' us mo' an mo' jus' what we should all be thankin' an' doin'.
We's all don' know any betta' afta' all.
It's def'nitly not like y'all right asshole attitudes 'bout everfolk dat' ain't think and do jus' like y'all does is causin' a YUGE backlashin' 'cause we done 'bout sick of bein' talked down at and con-de-cended at, no sir-ree.

>> No.9021672


Is this even a question?


>> No.9021720


fuck off texas

>> No.9021721

I don't know about anybody else, but I find that self declared 'smarter people' are in fact, short bus rejects...
They went to college...got a four year degree in some social science program, at some $30K plus a year and now work for minimum wage...
Reason? They did no market forcast research of the programs they were interested in...nor the fact that nobody ever got a job as 'Grad of insert name of social science program here'...
I went to school in Canada...a technical college...3yr program done in 2 years...and now I pick my poison...
However, I never lord it over anyone...as I'm now the one overseeing the development of others I am bringing into the industry...
I am a Cabinetmaker...

>> No.9021749

white BBQ sauce is the GOAT and if you disagree you've never had it

>> No.9021755

If you're backlashin, then that's a form of control you are allowing to asserted over you. Backlashin is an emotional knee jerk response. Its a rejection of a thing, but not for a logical reason. Its not in your best interest just because your pride got butt hurt Cletus. But sure. Keep voting against your own interest simply because smart people told you what would be good for you.

>> No.9021802

>not for a logical reason
I'm getting pretty tired of typing in an accent, but I swear that it just can't be logical to let people make their own decisions about what they want for the future and where their interests lie, it's probably a much better idea for them to listen to people with an entirely different culture, who have never once experienced the kind of life they lead, and actively believe they are all fucking retarded and are better off being killed and replaced, to tell them whats best.
Please, please keep talking down at and belittling people you hate. It's worked so very well so far.

>> No.9021812

Bison Burgers are god-tier

>> No.9021827

more like meme-tier

>> No.9021829

Lads, want to make a semi-permanent but removable "pit" thinking maybe breeze blocks
Any advice?

>> No.9021833

If your state doesn't have burnt ends on the menu then you aren't in the best state

>> No.9021871

>grilled lobster
ooooh i am intrigued

>> No.9021873

Kansas City

>> No.9021878


>> No.9021892

Do you live anywhere near Dubuque? I live in SE Wisconsin but have parents that live near the SW Wisconsin/Iowa border and I'm forever looking for good food around there.

>> No.9021907

I've been shooting and processing buffalo since before it became a meme.

>> No.9021918

>bbq chicken

i guess "bbq chicken" is the default answer for when they can't think of anything distinct to the state.

>> No.9021925

I guess that's why they gave it o Virginia too lol. I've only ever had North Carolina barbeque sandwiches here.

>> No.9021948

MN here, Famous Dave's has gotten a lot better recently, for a few years "activist investors" tried pushing smaller portions, items only tangentially related to Midwest-style barbecue, and goddamn usb ports at tables. They're closing down restaurants that have been shitting the bed, and shrinking the menu back down. Of course it's not as good as Kansas City/St. Louis style ribs from KC/St. Louis, but they're a dependable 7/10. If you're in Murderapolis, try Q fanatic, they have 10/10 brisket and really good smoked hot links.

>> No.9021977


i can't think of anywhere in utah known for bbq chicken. no one has ever said "hey, while were in utah, we've gotta get the famous bbq chicken!"

one thing that's crazy popular in utah: dutch oven cooking over camp fires.

we've also got abundant fish and game. you can easily eat elk or moose.

>> No.9022110

If you're near Richmond they got a pretty decent chain called Q Barbeque

>> No.9022327

if its not meant for fire pits it will crack (or explode) under exposure to heat

>> No.9022481


>> No.9022490
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>> No.9022731

SC has three distinct styles. Mustard can fuck off-- the best is Pee Dee. It's pretty close to Eastern NC whole hog, but with a spicier peppery vinegar sauce and a love for liver hash gravy.

>> No.9023000
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Unironically enjoy each region. From Texas, so beef is king. Pic related (my brisket).

>> No.9023014
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>Mustard can fuck off
No, you can fuck off. Mustard sauces are the Truth for all forms of pork barbecue.

>> No.9023024

nice bark and smok ring breh

>> No.9023060


>> No.9023065

I eat 3 hot meals a day in general though. Even if you got a hog a day, which is a hell of a lot more than you could count on two hands, I have had WAY more hot meals than you have smoked hogs buddy. I probably have more hot meals in an average year than you have smoked hogs in your entire life.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.9023066
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>new jersey
>pork ribs
did not even know anyone in this state barbecued, much less we were known for our pork ribs. or really any culinary dish besides the classic taylor ham egg & cheese from kike run delies, or especailly fat sandwiches.

>> No.9023081

> much less we were known for our pork ribs
You're not. To be fair, you do have the fat sandwiches and Greek diners going for you.

>> No.9023370

my man

>> No.9023393
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>be from michigan
>best barbeque is hotdogs
why god

>> No.9023397

>South Carolina
I'm ashamed your shit tastes border my home state.

Whole BBQ pig and stout is the only acceptable answer.

>> No.9023451

>people consider grilled lobster to be bbq
I've literally never seen grilled lobster outside of the largest tourist traps. Our only real claim to bbq is Boston Market

>> No.9023475

And that shits not even barbeque

>> No.9023487

Has anyone grilled a lobster or are they refering to a clambake?
Because thats actually closer to the original BBQ style of burying food in they ground over low heat

>> No.9023580

painfully on point post
Eugenefag here, not much different

>> No.9023627

>why do southern rednecks like to appropriate black culture so much and claim it as their own?
Why do niggers like to appropriate poor white southerner culture so much and claim it as their own?

>> No.9023639

But brisket is fucking delicious and salt and pepper are the only acceptable rub ingredients and sauce is for faggots. Fuck all your mustard and ketchup and brown sugar and whatever other nonsense you slather your shit meat with.

Brisket >>> *

>> No.9023765

Fuck off with this shitty meme about how flyovers can BBQ
Hawaii is trash and the food is even worse

>> No.9023809


There are literally "(Literally)" a dozen things wrong with this post.

>> No.9023974

Stay where the hell you are. Please.

>> No.9023990

>slices brisket with the grain instead of against it

Holy shit, moron!

>> No.9024500

Okie here,I don't know of anyone or anyplace that does smoked bologna. Granted, most bbq in this state is shut but I have lived ,many places and would say the same about most of them. I love central reason style brisket and south Carolina pulled pork

>> No.9024517

I live in Charlotte where to get good bbq

I just moved here

>> No.9024525

We eat pork to fucker, pork ribs are king

>> No.9024538

>salt and pepper are the only acceptable rub ingredients and sauce is for faggots

Are there people who actually believe this?

>> No.9024542


the one with grilled trout

the fuck

>> No.9024623


>> No.9024633

take US 64 to Lexington