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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 460x302, French-Fries-with-Ketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8993585 No.8993585 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start, I like using every sauce at disposal on my fries when ordered at a restaurant or even at home and put them all over the fries instead of on the side.

People call me a weirdo for this. I'm n-normal r-right? ._.

>> No.8993599

>every sauce at disposal on my fries

I only know one person who does this, and he trained himself to enjoy revolting sauce combinations so that no one would want to steal his fries.

>> No.8993603

I really like to eat canned ravioli and spaghettios without heating them. Always have.

>> No.8993657

Not weird per se, but unique.
Instead of covering my fries in salt and pepper, I sprinkle some in my ketchup. Try it, you'll love it.

>> No.8993966

I only use just enough milk in my cereal to moisten it, like under 1/2 cup in a big bowl of it. The leftover sugar milk just doesn't appeal to me

>> No.8993995

So you like the idea of putting all available sauces on your fries, rather than what said sauces taste like in combination with the fries?

>> No.8994114

I sometimes eat my cum

>> No.8994118

That's actually a great way to replicate the taste of 90s McDonald's ketchup, imo

>> No.8994124

Wow same bro. You're the first one i've encountered in the wild

>> No.8994144

Whenever it's available I'll eat my fries with honey and black pepper instead of ketchup.
I get some weird looks from friends until I force them to try it.

>> No.8994844

Sometimes I like to dip my fries in mustard and ketchup, it goes well with a burger.

>> No.8994871

I dip bread in Italian Salad Dressing.

>> No.8994876

I prefer using bread slices over buns for hot-dogs. I also like putting buffalo sauce into my mashed potatoes.

>> No.8994917

I put honey on my burgers. Sometimes I put grape jam, tried it in college after watching spongebob once and it was delicious.

>> No.8994919

>Post your food habits that others find weird

I have none because I'm not weird. Now what.

>> No.8994953

that's exactly what a weirdo would say. I'm on to you you culinary creep.

>> No.8995009

Oregano on everything

Cream Cheese on my burgers/stakes

Lamb mince with garlic and cheddar in a sandwich

Jalapeno brine on my salads

Curry powder in cheese pasta sauces

>> No.8995039

Cream cheese on burgers is fucking incredible

>> No.8995045

I love mashed potato, mushy peas and pork faggots in gravy all mashed together in a complete mush that looks vile but tastes amazing.

>> No.8995046

>Curry powder in cheese pasta sauces


When my oldest kid was still a toddler I made myself a quick mash up lunch using leftovers and stuff laying around. She asked to try it and much to my surprise loved it so much I had to recreate it pretty often for several years.

Chicken Breast chunks pan fried in butter, then add in yellow curry powder, peanut satay sauce, crunchy peanut butter and... Kraft Mac n' cheese.

She called it spicy chicken cheesy noodles and loved it from age 2-6 after which she suddenly decided it was disgusting, finally.

>> No.8995082

What's a pork faggots?

>> No.8995093
File: 1.26 MB, 2400x2172, White_lipped_tree_frog_cairns_jan_8_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curry powder, coconut milk, and brown sugar in chili
>sauce suicide (mayo, ketchup, brown mustard, a1, worcestershire, hot sauce, relish, etc.) for dipping fries/burgers
>dipping leftover pizza in sweet and sour sauce

>> No.8995107
File: 479 KB, 1024x768, 2220459531_b4e528d6f2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8995117


*ahem* carry on, good sir.

>> No.8995147

if you're gonna talk like that go to reddit

>> No.8995163

I have reddit opened in my other tab.

>> No.8995165

I browse reddit every day and that fucking "HAHAHAHA" bullshit is exclusive to 4chan.

>> No.8995170

close this one and stay there
>*ahem* carry on, good sir.

>> No.8995171

(so does everyone else here, it's ok)

>> No.8995179

>thinking everyone else here browses reddit
>projecting to rationalize the fact that you do
holy fucking shit leave

>> No.8995310

> ask for ranch with my fries/ tenders
> dump out half and replace it with ketchup
> then seek out most crisp fry to mix

>> No.8995328


>> No.8995355

There's really nothing strange about that, italian dressing is pretty similar to mayo, just no eggs and a bit more heavily spiced

>> No.8995610

I like to put dirt on milk duds

>> No.8995667

Bbq sauce on fried eggs

>> No.8995909

I don't like putting condiments directly on my hotdogs or burgers or whatever, I dip them.

>> No.8995938

Aw shit. I dunno anon. The texture and flavor are obviously not amazing, but they're certainly better cold.

>> No.8995947

I don't eat parts of anything.
If I buy lettuce I eat the whole head at once.
If I buy a half gallon of ice cream I eat it all at once. I do this with just about everything I buy.

>> No.8995956

Good on white rice and burgers too!

>> No.8995961

But mayo doesn't go on bread.

>> No.8995973

>put sauce in a burger
>eat it

>> No.8995974

After eating salad, i dip my bread into dressing

>> No.8996280

My niggas, cold ravioli is kino

>> No.8996285

Whenever having a baked potato with steak, say at a restaurant and the steak was barely tolerable, I'd put some A1 on it. Leaked naturally into the potato. Actually pretty enjoyable. So now I put it on my baked potatoes even when I'm not necessarily having steak.

>> No.8996302

i eat dry cereal and don't eat regular cereal

>> No.8996412

big if true

>> No.8997085

I hate it when my food makes contact with each other on the plate.

Considering buying some mess trays with separate segregated sections for all of your food but don't want my dad to think that I am any more of a weirdo than he already does.

>> No.8997178

I do this when I play DayZ

>> No.8997203

bro you can hate the reddit community but there's always at least 1 genuinely interesting thing on the front page

>> No.8997217

that's some 11 year old shit right there. you're probably 16 i'm guessing

>> No.8997231

I feel this. I hate wet/soggy cereal SO much.
But even your description is too much milk for my taste, Anon
I use about a Tsp. I'm being serious. Sometimes I just use the cap of the milk carton itself.

>> No.8997244

There are some places where I live where they have stuff like that on the menu. Pretty good when I tried it.

>> No.8997288


I'm 18, turn 19 soon.

I don't see why my age matters or why you chose to call me out on something so meaningless in a thread where everyone else is sharing their weird habits... cunt.

>> No.8997359


>> No.8997366

Fair point, especially since OP posted 'I'm n-normal r-right? ._.' like a massive faggot and he was fine with that.

>> No.8997381


Yeah I hate when people role play on 4chan like they're some kind of stuttering twerp, really doesn't make sense.