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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 569 KB, 732x566, 1495702774565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8973312 No.8973312 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ feel about this?

>> No.8973318

Considering we've had this thread dozens of times before you should know. This is a really, really low effort way to shitpost about politics.

>> No.8973321

just reminds me how much i hate libshit double standards. imagine them making the same article about obama or hillary

also surprises me about the shit people will care about.

>> No.8973328

It means I think a 70 year old man has poor taste in meat.

>> No.8973333

Perhaps he's old and can't chew raw steak mouth open like you fat fucks?

>> No.8973341
File: 16 KB, 480x360, mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973343 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1490499430596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice double dubs. praise kek!

>> No.8973354
File: 80 KB, 633x520, totally not a double standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for proving my point. that picture is from fox btw, not a libshit site.

>> No.8973357

Is this some kind of faux pas in the US? Is Dijon considered fancy or something

>> No.8973360

Shut up, libshit, that never happened! It's fake news! You're going to make me knock you the ground and punch you in the face repeatedly!

>> No.8973362

No, its just an example of how our """news""" providers will attack politicians who don't enforce their narrative for literally anything.
There's two headlines from I think HuffPost that say "If you judge somebody for how they eat their steak you're a horrible horrible person" followed by "Why Trump eating his steak well done shows how he doesnt know what he's doing"

American journalism died the second it went online. It's just about selling cheap clicks no matter what.

>> No.8973365

>You're going to make me knock you the ground and punch you in the face repeatedly
wow, liberal projection is real. either that or you're from /pol/ and you're intentionally trying to make liberals look retarded

>> No.8973379

>omg get a load of this craigslist site! one minute they want to buy a bike, the next they want to sell a bike! can't they keep their story straight?

>> No.8973387

>Obama doesn't finish plate of world-class sushi
Worse than any food-related thing Trump did.

>> No.8973394

American rappers rap about Grey Poupon like it's some sort of status symbol.

>> No.8973409

>In 12 hours the Republicans of Montana will vote for a man who was charged with assault just yesterday.

>> No.8973412
File: 45 KB, 600x422, Trump-Steaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973417
File: 567 KB, 1832x1336, I AM A SILLY STEAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8973437

gosh i feel so admonished by this

>> No.8973446

fucking hannity? dude, how out of touch are you? sometimes i forget the bubbles you people live in


>> No.8973454

So thugs on the street should run for office?

>> No.8973458

wow what a turbopleb

>> No.8973463

pls don't bully the trumpfkins, it's not their fault Trump is a pleb.

>> No.8973465
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>> No.8973467
File: 60 KB, 564x564, 1494185920798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like genders, there are only two ways to make a steak; you either do it well, or you do it bad.

>> No.8973598
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>> No.8973630


>> No.8973643


>> No.8973664

>umm you must eat my memefood this way because it matters what some hipster fucks think and they say you can't eat it that way! bazinga
They also said he couldn't become president

>> No.8973676
File: 416 KB, 844x499, US National Debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> TFW 'Mericans living under a mountain of debt can no longer afford steak

>> No.8973682

Reminder to report and filter /pol/ threads on sight.

>> No.8973683

>well done
>easy to chew

>> No.8973689

>> TFW 'Mericans living under a mountain of debt can no longer afford steak

Is that fucking real?

How the hell did Obama spend 10 fucking TRILLION in his presidency?

>> No.8973694

Liberals BTFO

>> No.8973697
File: 229 KB, 800x600, US GAO - Debt Interest Payment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that fucking real?
>How the hell did Obama spend 10 fucking TRILLION in his presidency?

Its real, you ignorant fucking illiterate 'Mericans

'Merica is living off its last borrowed dollars. kek

>> No.8973718

can you show the percentage of US federal debt owned by US private citizens?

>> No.8973738
File: 51 KB, 699x482, 20140924post-mustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8973752
File: 874 KB, 629x629, smug scout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the media would rather talk about what's going into their mouths instead of what's coming out

Nothing to see here.

>> No.8973771


> thinks federal debt doesn't need to be repaid

Holy shit, you dumbfuck 'Mericans deserve your fate

>> No.8973933
File: 1.83 MB, 500x365, sklol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've have filet mignon with ketchup and it's pretty good. Ironically the only time I don't is with my Belgian Freedom fries. I'll order lobster with ketchup as long as it pisses off le French.

>> No.8973941

seing how what comes out of Trumps mouth is mostly BS i'd rather talk about steak

>> No.8973951

>waaaahhh how dare you defy our red Chinese comrades/masters

You vapid Euroshits deserve to be gang-raped, blown to bits, and/or hacked to pieces by the Islamic fanatics you love so damn much.

The last thing the Chicomms want is all the debt repaid.

>> No.8973968

>waaaaahhh stop pretending to be white cultural appropriation hands up don't shoot rape Melania mexican is a race socialism works global warming is real and caused by capitalism bible thumping idiots zionist agenda uncle tom coon islamophobia muh resistance racist racist racist waaaaahhh

You deserve a fist to the mouth you vacuous bag of shit. Stay the fuck in your socialist high tax crime ridden corrupt slum hellhole states your self entitled carpetbagger lefturds.

>> No.8974043
File: 220 KB, 895x1000, 1479515258977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says a lot about the desperation of the left at this point
trump is objectively doing a good job, so all they have is to make up fake conspiracy theories and criticize personal habits that have nothing to do with the job

it's inconvenient to them that employment rates and the economy are making record leaps in the right direction, and we are closer now to peace in the middle east than we have been in 30 years

>> No.8974049

The same way I feel about everything he does or says. He's a little fucking man baby with shit taste. I've hated that asshole since the 1980s, and it isn't going change now (and neither will he).

>> No.8974059

No steak sauce with a bit of dried clove? Shame. And this is from a conservative supporter.

>> No.8974066

>trump is objectively doing a good job,
How? I want bullet points. How the fuck is he doing a good job? He hasn't even filled HALF of empty cabinet posts, which means things aren't getting done and important functions of the government are going undone. And that's just one example of what a turd of a POTUS he is.

>> No.8974067

>objectively doing a good job

lol he'll be gone by 2018

>> No.8974080


>> No.8974081

>The president controls the economy

This is what /pol/ actually believes

>> No.8974087

>caring about what a geriatric retard eats

>> No.8974208
File: 63 KB, 575x369, gal-obama-newyork-7-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obama eating fried chicken

>> No.8974227

>tfw you don't even like steak enough to care how other people eat it

steak autists I swear
it's not some magical food it's just a piece of meat hacked straight off the cow's body and thrown on a grill

>> No.8974256
File: 33 KB, 494x329, Obama's Spending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the hell did Obama manage to blow 10 Trillion in his presidency when the ENTIRE national debt up until his term was only 10 trillion?

He doubled the entire fucking national debt all by himself.

>> No.8974259
File: 677 KB, 1075x1326, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the exact same thing as the 2 scoops thing

>> No.8974262

>Its real, you ignorant fucking illiterate 'Mericans
>'Merica is living off its last borrowed dollars. kek

Can't we just print more money to pay for it? I don't know the answer, but I'm sure we'll kick the bucket down the road for our children... lol

>> No.8974265

>He hasn't even filled HALF of empty cabinet posts
because the democrats are being obstructionist children

as I said, we are already having record economic and job growth under him
yes, when he's deregulating things and which is causing more companies to do business in our country, he's directly effecting the economy

>> No.8974279


fuck if I care, he's eating it not me.

>> No.8974280

Nah man. There's literally nobody to obstruct. It'd be one thing if the dems were still holding up confirmation hearings but trump has nobody queued up to confirm for something like 70% of his cabinet positions. The few who were queued up keep withdrawing because they feel it's just not worth it to get involved.

>already having record economic and job growth under him

It's still FY2016 m8. You're touting obama number strength.

He also hasn't deregulated anything

>> No.8974286

You Eurosocialist faggots who hate America so much don't deserve to be defended by our tax dollars. Pay for your own fucking defense and for all the terrorism within your borders if you're so damn "superior."

>> No.8974292

>It's still FY2016 m8. You're touting obama number strength.

Let the ignorant cuck boo think its because of trump. When the countries debt hits 25 trillion in 4 years, let them own that too.

>more military spending
>tax cuts for people that don't need tax cuts

Fun times ahead, friend.

>> No.8974295

the fiscal year has absolutely nothing to do with this. You are discrediting anything legitimate you have to say by saying something so stupid
the moment obama left, they stopped being obamas numbers

>> No.8974297

speak up, loser. I'm having trouble understanding you through all the impotent tears

get cucked faggot

>> No.8974301

You're an idiot who has no fucking idea how the government or finance works. STFU.

>> No.8974306
File: 92 KB, 557x475, IMG_0608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting, made this bad boy yesterday.

>> No.8974312

>because the democrats are being obstructionist children
There's NO ONE for the democrats to obstruct. Trump ISN'T DOING THE WORK. He's playing golf, whining on twitter, and playing "cover your ass". Meanwhile, essential government work is going undone because he's too distracted to actually fill positions. He's running this shit like he ran his casinos and hotels - INTO THE GROUND.

>> No.8974318

>lord god trump I responsible for everything good in the world

Tho I, literally, what you safe space snow flake Republican cock suckers sound like. (you have to say it with a cock in your mouth to actually understand what you sound like)

>> No.8974331

by virtue of the fact you're a democrat, you dont have a leg to stand on when it comes to pretending you know anything about either of those things

all you know how to do is oppress and genocide hundreds of millions of people in frighteningly systematic ways
its total chaos in the streets!!!! oh wait, no it isn't everything is just fine actually
who needs a safe space? I'd cap you faggots first chance I get if you started shit.
all you're going to do is complain on the internet though

>> No.8974332

So the record breaking earnings seasons in Q4-2016 and Q1-2017 were due to someone who wasn't even in office or enacted any of the promised business-friendly legislation? Of course not you retard.

The numbers are good because the economy is fundamentally sound and most companies are being well-run. That has 0.000% to do with trump.

>> No.8974342

>d cap you faggots first chance I get if you started shit

Oh wow you sound so tough. All the little faggots are so scared of you, you big tough guy!

>> No.8974343

>everything is just fine actually

It's barely over 100 days in. 100 out of more than 1400. When something happens that requires the government to function quickly and with flexibility, there's not going to be anyone to pull the levers.

>> No.8974347

>by virtue of the fact you're a democrat, you dont have a leg to stand on when it comes to pretending you know anything about either of those things

Number one, I'm not a democrat, and number 2, I know a hell of a lot more about government and finance than you do, obviously. You do realize there's a large group of Republicans who fucking hate Trump and his goons, too, right?

>> No.8974350

the record breaking earnings happened because trump got elected, he didn't need to be in office yet. Companies began restructuring to prepare for a trump economy the moment he won and that's what caused the spike in the second half of that quarter

>> No.8974356

Was going to say this, but you beat me to it. This is what trump supporting morons don't understand.

>> No.8974357

ah so you're a neocon lizard person in bed with john mccain
not helping your case

>> No.8974362

what if I told you...most of our government workers are leaches that do nothing and their jobs can easily be consolidated and run by other people?

>> No.8974366

Another thinly disguised /pol/ thread.

>> No.8974367

I don't care how other people eat their steak. If you do, your autistic.

>> No.8974373

You'd have to be so fucking retarded to believe this. So fucking retarded, that it would actually make you a Republican by virtue of how mentally compromised you'd be. You'd have no choice. If you were tho stupid you would HAVE to vote against your own interests. To do otherwise would mark the first time in your life that you had made a correct decision, and we know that can't be!

>> No.8974376
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>> No.8974381

>the record breaking earnings happened because trump got elected

The stock market has returned about 20 years of record breaking profits under democratic and republics leadership. This has more to do with capitalism and our system of economics than it does with our state of politics.

>but lord god trump

Get a brain, read a book.

>> No.8974387

everything obama did, and by virtue of that everything hilary would have done was against my interests

I haven't been able to get health insurance for the past 3 years because of their bullshit
and how is it good for me to look the other way about the overwhelming MS13 boom happening in my area due to illegal immigration from mexico?
and you know what else? I certainly don't have enough trucks of peace in my life, so we certainly need to take in unvetted refugees into our country. You know? the worthless uneducated people that come here and do nothing but take welfare money and commit crimes?

surely by voting against that, I was voting against my interests

>> No.8974391

>disguised at all

>> No.8974410

>I haven't been able to get health insurance for the past 3 years because of their bullshit

Wow. You are going to LOVE the trump presidency.

Also, the last 5/6ths of what you said was false, bigoted, or straight racist. How's it feel to still be called a bigoted racist in trumpmerica? You see, the immorality of your shittiness didn't change a bit. You're still a shitty person and all the good, successful, elitist liberals still hate you Cletus.

>> No.8974421

Poe's law, here we come.

>> No.8974429

What's the interest from?
>Make usury legal
>Country implodes from interest


>> No.8974435

Obamacare raised premiums anywhere from 18-56%. But it's totally cool because now lazy idiots now have free healthcare.

>> No.8974436

>like steak there are only two ways to make a gender: you either do it well or you do it bad

>> No.8974446

>surely by voting against that, I was voting against my interests

Getting cucked THIS HARD.


>I didn't get cucked, you got cucked

You voted for the billionaires and they are just going to give themselves more tax breaks while plunging the country deeper into debt. You'll have worse insurance options according to the CBO, 24 million will lose insurance.
But hey cuck boi, at least he "tells it like it is.". Even tho he isn't building a wall, locking her up, or draining the swamp. Its becoming increasingly clear that he doesn't actually know the best people. He doesn't knowa tone, and the people he does know have direct ties to Putin.

When the next recession hits we have 50/50 shot on whether he helps or hurts. He lost all 3 televised debates - that's not up for discussion. He has no clue what he's doing...

Stock up on your guns and MRE's Cletus. The poor people will need them the most in Trumpmerica.

>> No.8974448

Never said I was Republican either. You're an ASSumer. I hope you fucking choke on what your mafia president hands you.

>> No.8974454

ACA was a poor compromise; you shouldn't have to choose between insurance you can't afford or no insurance PLUS a fine for not being able to afford it.

If you want to do a Japanese healthcare system, just DO THAT SYSTEM. If the US is full of shitters that make it unfeasible, CALL THEM OUT ON IT.

Don't just run with a fucked up system because you don't want to be rude to people making more plausible systems difficult to implement.

>> No.8974457


>He lost all 3 televised debates

Holy hell you're *still* butthurt about that? Thanks for the laugh, friend. Really brightened my day.

>> No.8974461

Obamacare is not fiscally sustainable. Rates have increased 145% in Phoenix, for example. Now the hard-working middle class voters are paying for the free healthcare of lazy, stupid poor people, or worse, brown and black "people."

>> No.8974462

Still hurts Hillary lost to DONALD J. TRUMP, doesn't it?

>> No.8974464

>middle class

>> No.8974469

>a jew

>> No.8974471


This is only in republics governed territories where the health care markets were actively sabotaged by Republican governors.

Health insurance increased as little as 2% in some democratic governed states. You are not reading up on things and you are parroting fox news to your own detriment. In 4 years when premiums are up another 100%, or not up but your insurance doesn't even cover the flu - I'm only going to feel bad for the liberal elites that were dragged down by the stupider half of the country.

>> No.8974477

>hard-working middle
good goy

>> No.8974482


>everyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed by fox news

People like you really exist, huh? Thought it was just a caricature.

>> No.8974511

See this again >>8974471. And try to comprehend it. Red states refused to implement much of the ACA and sabotaged their own people just to piss of democrats and act like spoiled, stubborn children. In blue states that actually got on board and set it up correctly, it helped people get insurance and healthcare they very much needed. Your own party made it hard for you. Just wait till the conservative thugs in Washington get done with their version of healthcare, you have no idea what your stupidity has done to yourself.

>> No.8974512


It's totally (((coincidence))), goy. Trust me.

>> No.8974515

>two different authors on a blog site have different opinions


>> No.8974516


>defending Huffpo


>> No.8974525

Sabotaged? The real damage of OC hasn't even hit yet. Federal subsidies will drop, leaving the states to pick up the tab, which means more taxes. So instead of me being able to afford healthcare on my own, I now get to pay more taxes for a 20% yearly increase in premiums, and since I have a decent income, I don't qualify for looser subsidies. Only people cheering Obamacare are poor loosers or immigrants. Don't get me started on universal healthcare, Britain can't make it work either.

>> No.8974526

I'm saying you're making a retarded point. Name one news site with a large number of contributors (100+) where everyone has the same POV on every subject

>> No.8974528
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the hell did Obama spend 10 fucking TRILLION in his presidency?

Massive bailouts.... nonstop printing of money... .... highest use of EBT/Food stamps in US hitostory.... all while screwing over the middle class...

>> No.8974535


> African Americans in poverty increased by 8% during Obama's presidency

Obama was a huge mistake.

>> No.8974538

>as I said, we are already having record economic and job growth under him
It sure as hell isn't because of him. The moment he took office the numbers didn't shoot up.

>> No.8974548


I don't know if a 22% yearly increase in rates is acceptable for you, but these "blue" state increases are not fiscally sustainable, that's for sure.

>> No.8974560

> TFW, Obama was working with the wall street jews to fuck over his own people

>> No.8974634

Literally Hitler

>> No.8974655

The executive branch doesn't spend money fuck! Don't post shit you obviously know nothing about.

>> No.8974658

You're partially correct about some companies (industrials, energy, mining, etc) getting a boost because of expectations of trump's campaign promises. This is what's been called the reflationary trade.

What you're ignoring is that those same companies have given up their gains over the last quarter because people are realizing the deregulation, tax cuts, and aca repeal aren't happening this year let alone within the first few months like was promised. The companies that continue to lift the stock market ever higher this year are now tech companies. Run by the same people who you hate on for hiring immigrants and being faggots or whatever.

>> No.8974667

What if I told you that even if a large percentage are useless time wasters, gutting entire departments and acting like it's fine because things have gone tits-up within a few months is crazy short-sighted.

>> No.8974699

Sure, but using insurance companies and big pharma as defacto death panels is FINE, as long as the Rethugs get their tax breaks.
You realize there's a reason every medical group/association in the country opposes the GOP's shit tier bill, right?

>> No.8974703
File: 8 KB, 181x203, pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you make this thread every week

>> No.8974705

>news site
They aren't a news organization. They're a blog aggregator and publish nothing but op-ed. Unfortunately, people can't tell the difference between journalism and opinion anymore.

>> No.8974708


Not just Obama, basically every politician in both Democrat Republican parties

>> No.8974711

Citation needed.

Also, any health care reform takes years to work out kinks. MAYBE, if the corrupt, useless Republicans had actually worked with Obama and democrats to create a bipartisan health bill back when they were drafting the ACA, instead of just stonewalling everything, it could have been more advantageous to the public. Imagine that!

>> No.8974714

They oppose it because they won't get to fuck the US government out of those sweet, sweet medicare dollars. And if you don't believe that, you need to realize these are medical groups, not economic or fiduciary groups. Because being 12 trillion in the hole means that lazy idiots and brown people don't get free healthcare on the back of hard working tax payers.

>> No.8974718

Almost every opposing argument to OC I've seen is a heavy abuse of the nirvana fallacy, I'd just ignore them

>> No.8974719

The citation already has been provided if you can read. I took the extra step of typing it out for retards, but it looks like that didn't work either.

>> No.8974720

Bad comparison get outta here

>> No.8974806

Ironically, many of the retards who voted for drumpf will be getting fucked the worst (60+ low income whites) by drumpfcare with skyrocketing premiums. The fact that the right will lose this core block of retards is almost enough to hope it passes.

>> No.8974811

>Shariablue is active even on /ck/


I'm getting sleepy

>> No.8974813

His name is Trump

>> No.8974855


>> No.8974868

If you can't be trusted to get The President of the United States name spelt correctly, you can't be trusted on matters of economics or politics.

>> No.8974992

Wrong. He's Drumpf and always will be to 55% (and growing) of the country's citizenry.

>> No.8974999
File: 31 KB, 600x300, elite-daily-caitlyn-jenner-600x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello, my name is Caitlin, and I'm a woman. Please use "she" and "her" when referring to me."

>> No.8975005

>Wrong. He's Drumpf and always will be to 55% (and growing) of the country's citizenry.

holy shit this is why you 'Mericans come off as dumb shit rednecks.

calling your president by some childish name seems to be the only motivation engorssing half of your fucking country.

No wonder everybody think's 'Merican liberals are all retards. you like to shit on yourselves and play with it like it matters.

>> No.8975010

calm down, dude, it's a troll, obvs. And liberals are universally regarded as retards the world 'round.

>> No.8975017


> 250 years of American economic activity
> 9.8 trillion dollars of debt accrued
> 8 Years of rule under Obama
> ADDED 9.64 trillion dollars of debt

Somebody needed to tell that fucker "no"

>> No.8975019

>t. americlap

>> No.8975029

Or somebody needed to put the previous 2 wars on the books before leaving office.

Or somebody should have kept the banks from lending so recklessly as to allow the type systemic risk that nearly crashed the global economy.

Say what you will about the bailouts but do you remember what was happening in the country right as obama took office?

>> No.8975040

Oh yurop. Nobody cares about your country or president so you fling shit into issues that aren't affected by your irrelevance in any way. How cucked can you possibly be?

>> No.8975041

The french don't give a fuck about lobster.

>> No.8975044

“A few months ago I found myself at a meeting of economists and finance officials …. One senior policy maker asked, “Why didn’t we see this coming?” There was, of course, only one thing to say in reply, so I said it: “What do you mean ‘we,’ white man?”—Paul Krugman, The New York Times, November 27, 2008.

>> No.8975279

He's either going to be assassinated or hanged for treason

>> No.8975327

>tech companies
Fuck tech. Coalmines are the future!

>> No.8975348

Tech is only hiring foreign pajeets tho

>> No.8975393

>leave /pol/ because its retarded, instead find more /pol/

>> No.8975404
File: 51 KB, 806x610, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL YEAH BROTHER! Let's take a look at how well US coal has been doing since trump was elected on the promise to bring all the jobs back...


>> No.8975408

>the executive branch has no influence over government policy
>government policy does not effect the economy
get a load of this guy

>> No.8975415

Maybe you should post the entire stock market. Oh wait, that doesn't fit your narrative.

>> No.8975417
File: 236 KB, 928x604, Idiot13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8975419

based obama btfo babby republican ketchup palates

>> No.8975422


>jew gambling

Nuke wall street.

>> No.8975434

>being proud of that """steak"""
did you parboil it? Wtf

>> No.8975436

It's more of a "Who the fuck cares, both sides will literally shitpost incessantly about the other side" Is this your first year in politics?

>> No.8975442
File: 66 KB, 829x497, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is "the entire stock market"? I explained earlier why indices as a whole are rising in >>8974658

But here you go: See the red line gaining over double what the other 2 lines are? The red is the nasdaq, an almost exclusively tech index. It's been going up while the others have stagnated as investors realize the "trump trade" was all hot air and that they should pile their money into companies that do well regardless of whether some retard is chimping out in the oval office.

>> No.8975443
File: 101 KB, 936x482, Screenshot_2017-05-25_17-34-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think coal is going anywhere?

>> No.8975451

Where is a 7% increase in price called "stagnation."?

>> No.8975470

When it's been holding 7% for months in a very tight trading range despite most companies putting up strong Q1 earnings? When it's literally under-performing the alternative benchmarks by 100%?

Nope. Just like I don't think oil is going anywhere since plastics are a thing. But you know it wasn't going to zero here either, just being reduced because demand is flattening out in your own forecast image and other, superior, forms of energy became more abundant.

>> No.8975495

I know there must be some point you are trying to make, correct?

>> No.8975509


>tfw you know we're past peak oil
>tfw the fall of modern society will happen before the end of this century

Get ready for Mad Max times.

>> No.8975516

The sooner the better

>> No.8975529

I'm just telling you why coal is, has been, and will continue to eat shit. No amount of pandering and yearning for the past is going to undue that no matter how disingenuous you are.

>> No.8975555

Agreed. Plus most of the people on /ck/ literally have no idea how to cook or eat a steak anyways so they shouldn't be judging.

>> No.8975561

I have never brought up coal. You are just sperging out about politics on a fucking cooking board. Trump at least pretends to care about Americans, while the alternative openly hated them. Is it so surprising he won, after promising to try to do something for them? The alternative was mass immigration, taxes and uber feminism. She lost. To Trump, of all people.

>> No.8975590

Oh no, not the sacred cooking board! Just hide the thread and report if you're so triggered little baby.

>> No.8975836



Well what do you expect. The guy is basically on the GOP payroll

>> No.8975974

lol liberals are so mad

>> No.8976004

lol look at that young ass weirdo chef

>> No.8976016 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8976164

I heard somewhere that good well-done steak is more difficult to cook than a good rare steak since you have to keep all the moisture and evenness balanced.

How much bullshit is this?

>> No.8976180

He's not a fucking chef. He's like the best dishwasher or line cook that they threw a hat on to and sent out to run the carving station for these assholes.

>> No.8976187

Yes, either male or female.

>> No.8976198

>Obamacare raised premiums anywhere from 18-56%

premiums were going up before obama

>> No.8976276

>Fried chicken
>Mess o' greens
>Sweet "tea"
Is he truly /ourmeme/?

>> No.8976279

Quads and nobody cares, damn, 4chan used to be fun.

>> No.8976286

Bitch, sit down. Be humble.

>> No.8976288

>no sear whatsoever
C'mon man, step up.

>> No.8976312

die boomer scum

>> No.8977200

toddlers tier taste

>> No.8977202

Trump has good taste, I'm not surprised

>> No.8977203

How many times do we need to have this thread

>> No.8977222

As many as it takes for people to stop responding to it.

>> No.8978967

They brought in the biggest wave ever of newfags from reddit, the_donald or whatever that shit is called, with the election and since then they've been blatantly shitposting across most of the boards like never before.

>> No.8978977
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>tfw trump voters are projected to lose health care the most when the market implodes

>> No.8978978

>politicizing food

>> No.8978992

Don't worry the markets will explode long before that.
They're already suffering uncertainty from lack of leadership from the administration and trump refusing to say he'll honour promised federal subsidies.
At this point, they're all with one foot out the door ready to jump out of the market and start dropping people and raising rates as soon as trump fails to honour promised pay-outs or the "healthcare fix" metastasizes into a definite disaster.

>> No.8979025

maybe he just wants to avoid some rando cook doing a rare doneness because of his health

>> No.8979035

It's kind of sad that he likes his steak well done. But who really cares? Nobody is perfect.

>> No.8979039

>How the hell did Obama spend 10 fucking TRILLION in his presidency?

printing money & makin it rain for the wealthy.

the 1% saw their net worth almost double under Obama.

>> No.8979043

>Can't we just print more money to pay for it? I

Not if you want to create Hyperinflation like venezuela.

You could just print money to pay off your debt, but then a loaf of bread will cost $800.

>> No.8979049


Doesn't fucking matter if it's Clinton or Trump... you 'Mericans are fucked up the ass by Obama anyways.

>> No.8979057

Loans and blowing up medicaid costs, basically. "If we just subsidize insurance companies, it'll work! Oh no, that's really expensive!"

Do you WANT to end up like zimbabwe?

>> No.8979063

Most trump voters were low income 55+ elderly with multiple pre-existing conditions. Not only will they see a projected 850% premium increase according to the CBO, but their taxes are going up! lmao at the irony!

>> No.8979071

this turned out to be a very educational thread.

>> No.8979078

>You could just print money to pay off your debt, but then a loaf of bread will cost $800.

Is there any way to pay off the debt without inflation?

No idea here, just hoping we have a future...

>> No.8979086

he has bad taste, not a surprise

>> No.8979089 [DELETED] 


Yup. Cut entitlements.

Good luck getting 'Merican niggers to give up their EBT, food stamps & privileges for the benefit of society as a whole.

>> No.8979099

>Is there any way to pay off the debt without inflation?
Stop spending so much

>> No.8979105
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>Most trump voters were low income 55+ elderly with multiple pre-existing conditions

>> No.8979107
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>Somebody saved the steak I made

>> No.8979108

Prep for nationwide welfare riots
Inform rooftop Koreans that SHTF is happening...again
Cut all entitlements.
Watch world burn.

>> No.8979116

>Is there any way to pay off the debt without inflation?

1. buy kneepads
2. suck alot of chinese dicks
3. ???????
4. a debt free 'Merica!

>> No.8979380

>cut entitlements

Good luck getting greedy welfare subsidized corporations to give up their looting of tax dollars for the benefit of society as a whole! Good luck getting red states to not declare bankruptcy since many of them receive over $2.00 in federal tax dollars for every $1.00 they put in.

>mfw when red states are the biggest drain on federal dollars. Mfw when the entire MS state budget is 44% federal money.

>> No.8979531

Perhaps trump is paranoid about parasites or something

>> No.8979575


>Facing impeachment for obstructing justice
>,Doing a good job

Holy living fuck

>> No.8979621

This is a nice political thread on the cooking board

>> No.8979837

>nice political thread

Wtf did you think it was going to be? A discussion of various methods and nuances of cooking or enjoying steak with an occaisional michelin chef chiming in with a sauce-of-the-day? The premise was a scumbag infantile politician so you got a dirtbag politician thread.

>> No.8980108

Normally I would say this is a strawman but in this case it's actually accurate

>> No.8981822
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>tfw the entire executive branch is being investigated for treason

>> No.8981841

yes, this is perfect
i would rather have the president who isnt afraid of eat whatever he wants that the out of touch aristocrat that sits on his trone and wonders why poor people dont buy chmpagne

>> No.8982270

>somebody got this mad

>> No.8982285

Underageb& detected.

If you don't get the Grey Poupon thing you're literally not old enough to use this site. They've been rapping about that shit since the 80's when the commercial first aired.

>> No.8982304


Uhhh f-f-f-ffffake n-n-news!!!

>> No.8982311

>trump is objectively doing a good job

>> No.8982373


Gotta keep cutting taxes for the wealthy though. Otherwise they'll take away all our jobs because they can't afford all those workers!

>> No.8982393

Good thing ol' donny is going to buck the trend by not giving rich people a huge tax cut!



>> No.8982419

>all you're going to do is complain on the internet though
and here you are

>> No.8982435
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>> No.8982448


>> No.8982472
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>flavor is for cucks
They do know that people like different flavours right?

>> No.8983677

wtf i hate trump now

>> No.8983728

I remember one day during the '08 campaign there was a panel on Fox News discussing how "elite" he was when he ordered orange juice at a diner meet-and-greet instead of the common working man's cuppa coffee.
The great unwashed had their Sarah Palin and new hero Joe The Plumber to represent them, "The Real America".
I also remember them scoffing at his fancy-pants mixed greens salad. He was in Iceberg Country, dammit!
And now those people have elected the big orange buffoon.

>> No.8983745
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He just asked if he could spend less time on the job. He's clearly in over his head and he fucks up everything he touches. Are you paying ANY attention, bubble boy?

>> No.8983760

LOL Trump's enemies are your enemies.

>> No.8983767
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>> No.8983783

I would have went with a different sauce, but it's not a horrible offense.

>> No.8983786

manly though it makes me feel, hungry.


>> No.8983789


>> No.8983954

wtf i hate trump now #ImWithHer

>> No.8984055

I always put Dijon on my burgers. Why is this newsworthy?

>> No.8984061

Dude... it's not as if the left is beyond such idiocy as well. Haven't you seen the TWO SCOOPS meme?

>> No.8984085

Anon, it's funny because it's fairly accurate

>> No.8984090

My hobby these days is going in /ck/ and seeing how many posts it takes before I spot someone being upset about trannies

>> No.8984100

>flavor and texture preference is objective

>> No.8985175
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>> No.8985199

Kills the /pol/ in my wifes son, desu

>> No.8985238

Yup. We're cutting dem social programs+EBT, and donating to Christian only charities. We need a recession at the very least, but a depression would be ideal. The student+auto loan, and certain bond bubbles need to pop for our economy to see any future prosperity in the next 10-20 years.

Btw he is actually building a wall, but it's not referred to as such in the spending bill because congress wouldn't fund an explicit "wall". Kobach is a god at finding loopholes.

>> No.8985274

>Donald Trump is a fat pleb.
Hardly breaking news, anon.

>> No.8985366

>he is actually building a wall

Lol, yeah after all the lawsuits filed by landowners who's land he wants to steal are resolved, say in about 10 years?

>> No.8985444
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>he likes blood in his meat

>> No.8985581

>/ck/: the image

>> No.8985912

>doubting Trump's ability to swindle people out of their land
Do you think the rednecks down south are smarter than the morons in NYC or something? The greatest legitimate criticism of Trump was always that he was a sleezeball who was only technically legal and that he had Jewed people out of their land plenty of times.

This is pretty much his arena m8, only now he's not trying to get past the government to do it, he IS the government doing it.

>> No.8986116

Taking the bait
A steak should contain no blood, it's water and myglobin, a protein similar to hemoglobin, an essential part of human blood cells, giving them their red pigmentation