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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8972824 No.8972824 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people buy rice cookers? Making it in a pot or saucepan is seriously not hard at all. Plus, rice from a rice cooker is always so bland, it's like little grains of boring. At least stovetop rice has salt.

>> No.8972827

you must not make rice very often

>> No.8972828

if you want salty rice put salt in the rice cooker
but you have a point, they may as well make pasta cookers

>> No.8972830

I understand people in japan buying them because they seem to eat rice several times a day.
I wouldnt bother with it in the west, I only have limited amount of space in the kitchen. I cant get a unique gadget for every dish.

>> No.8972831

I do, actually.
>Put water in pot
>Put salt in water
>Add rinsed rice
>Wait until done

>> No.8972889

I wanna get a rice cooker. Rice in a pot always comes out sub-par.

>> No.8972974

You know you can do exactly the same thing with a rice cooker and it always comes out perfect.
You can literally go out for 20 minutes, get fucked in the ass by another hipster that you love so much and come back to perfectly cooked rice that's just sitting in the warming stage.

>> No.8972985

I have a timer on my stove
I can add basmati rice to boiling water, set timer to 10min, set low heat and I can go get fucked in the ass and get back to cooked rice.

>> No.8972986

Not that guy but just wanted to let you know that your post was very rude and I did not appreciate it. Please refrain from posting in the future thanks

>> No.8972992

No matter how good you think you are at making rice on a stove if you have even mid quality rice and a decent rice cooker with a locking lid and fuzzy logic, the rice cooker will make it better. It will make it better every single time too.

>> No.8972998
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I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.

Hah, for $100 I got you beat. I don't need to boil the water first. Consumerism ftw.

>> No.8973000

If that was remotely true all restaurants serving rice would have rice cookers.

>> No.8973002

There isn't a single restaurant in Asia that isn't using a rice cooker. And the rice there is far better than anything you'll find in the west.

Plus most places in the US serving even halfway decent rice are using a rice cooker for convenience and quality control.

>> No.8973003

I cook rice 3-4 times a week and don't own a rice cooker. It's so easy to learn how to cook it properly on a gas stove and get the perfect result every single time.

If I didn't have gas available I would definitely buy a rice cooker, because electric stoves suck ass juice.

>> No.8973010

>put rice in rice cooker
>add water
>add salt
wa la your rice cooker rice is now just as salty as your pot rice

>> No.8973016

>less energy
>better taste

talking about pressurized rice cookers though

>> No.8973017

>Perfect results on the stove
>Comparable to a rice cooker

You can get not bad on a stove. You can even get decent on a stove. But getting perfect on a stove is like doing statistics with pencil and paper. Its possible to get it exactly right if you're careful, but its not worth the effort since the computer will get it perfect every time with no variability. But whats most likely is that you don't actually know whats good

>> No.8973038

Noted! Thank you for making this board better:^)~

>> No.8973042

I paid $30 for a rice cooker that also is a slow cooker. Best gadget I've bought.

>> No.8973046

Rice cookers make it easier to jazz up your rice, and are also more consistent in general when it comes to cooking.

I was originally against them, but recently I've found mine really useful. Just chuck in some nice and water, throw in a bit of garlic and some miso and then give it a half hour and bang, quality rice.

It's also way more energy efficient than using a stovetop, which means over time you'll save money.

>> No.8973048

Not cooking in rice cooker has it own perks.

Like the slightly toasted bits at the bottom. It's a delicacy in Asia.

>> No.8973050
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Because I'm asian and my family likes to have perfectly steamed and warm rice available all day.

>> No.8973110

>don't know what's good

I'm Asian and grew up in a poor country
I know what good rice is

>> No.8973132
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>I'm poor
>I know what good anything is

>> No.8973146

I've never seen an asian salt their rice. I've never done it either, I quite like the taste of different varieties of rice and salt doesn't seem to add anything.

>> No.8973153

My rice cooker cost $30 on sale and it can do white and brown with fuzzy logic it's got a thing for quinoa whatever the hell that is one for steaming things and one for making YOGURT. I add ingredients hit a button walk away and come back to YOGURT.

>> No.8973163

I said I grew up in a poor country, I live in a first world country now and have done since I was about 18

>> No.8973168

>I've never seen an asian salt their rice.
I have, they do it in Afghanistan a lot.

>> No.8973170

What kind of burger is that?

>> No.8973174

Go to any Asian restaurant in the West. They all use rice cookers.

White restaurants generally don't because they suck at rice.

>> No.8973181

I was referring to East and South Asia. Sand niggers don't deserve to be called asian.

>> No.8973186

Sand Niggers come from the Middle East not Asia you fucking retard.

>> No.8973189

afghans are sand niggers

>> No.8973202

>I was referring to East and South Asia
Afghanistan is in South Asia you fucking mong.

>> No.8973204

ITT americans who just started to cook rice in the last 10 years
People have been doing it on the stove for ages, my weeb brother got a rice cooker and I've compared, it comes out the same except the stove has more options like frying up some chorico, minced garlic and onion in some olive oil then adding the rice and water, if you did that on a rice cooker you'd have to dirty a pot and the rice cooker

>> No.8973210

where do I get nice

>> No.8973337

why do college students do these thins

>> No.8973497

Then you'd know a rice cooker is better

>> No.8973505
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>you can do exactly the same thing

oh ok so you agree we don't need rice cookers then?

>> No.8973515

Rice cookers are stupid and for Japanese people with no space. I've had this conversation on this board before and like clockwork all of the weebs and incompetent cooks who exclusively eat plain white rice come out of the woodwork to defend it as the best thing ever and from a culinary standpoint, 100x better than rice made in a pot. Then you remember that most of this board can't cook and that half of the threads are fast food and then you ignore the stupid weebs defending their lazy unitask gadgets.

Just move on op and keep cooking

>> No.8973517

>why do people buy rice cookers
>anime forum

because the average 4chan user is in their early 20's and wouldn't know how to cook popcorn if their microwave didn't have a dedicated button for it.

>> No.8973518
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>i have no space in my kitchen
>better buy a unitasker

>> No.8973524

>but I can do other things with a rice cooker!

you're right m8 my pot and stove are unitaskers, I should get rid of 'em.

>> No.8973530

Get Alton's dick out your mouth fag

>> No.8973577

Opinion discarded due to lack of tastebuds. Put more HFCS in it if you can't taste it.

>> No.8973585

>he doesn't cook rice in a clay pot
>thinks he can look down on rice cooker people

>> No.8973593

dont know desu.

my mate has one and the rice always comes out bland and sort of "dry".

i like my rice to have that stickyness to it.

>> No.8973625

My mom used one when I was growing up and I used to own one, but since it broke I just use a saucepan on the gas stove. There is literally no difference in the taste or texture of the rice. It did take me a while to get my method perfect with the particular brand of rice I buy, but now every batch comes out identical, fluffy and no different to a rice cooker.

Rice cookers are good if you have a large family eating it throughout the day but I only live by myself and often will reheat rice made the day before in the microwave or by making fried rice

>> No.8973635

i don't know what you retards think a rice cooker does that you can't do with half a brain, a pot, a lid and a stovetop
protip: nothing

>> No.8973644
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Why is this allowed.

>> No.8973652

programmable, turns on automagically, turns off, keeps rice warm if you want, etc etc.

>> No.8973659

you still have to engage with it so it's not as if it's saving you steps
>keep warm
just what i love! rice with a side of bacteria

>> No.8973699

Why don't you just buy boil in the bag rice? It's easy.

>> No.8973709

I can do it in advance, which is very nice if I'm busy. It saves me having to notice that it's boiling and turn the heat to a simmer. It saves me having to turn it off when it's done.

It obviously keeps it "warm" at a safe temperature, anon.

>> No.8973715

There's a button for popcorn!?

>> No.8973720

>using a pot to cook rice
>not using a hollowed-out bamboo shoot to cook rice
>not infusing the rice with bamboo aroma
If you're going to pretend to be better than people who use rice cookers, please go all the way. If you don't know how to cook perfect rice in bamboo shoots then shut your whore mouth.

>> No.8973831

In my family of three people we eat rice for every single meal, everyday. We have a rice cooker but we never end up using it.
It's just automatic to leave the rice cooking on the stove while we prepare the rest of the meal, and we usually fry garlic and the rice together before adding water on the stove.

>> No.8973859

Christ please consult your map before posting factually wrong information

You will spread your stupid to other posters

>> No.8973912

>bacteria filled

You're so dumb. The whole point is that it can safely be kept warm for up to 8 hours

>> No.8973921

>I have a gadget that fixes the problem, so fuck your gadget that fixes the problem
You see the issue here?

>> No.8973925

>A stove is a gadget
I see the issue alright.

>> No.8973930

I can count on my hands the restaurants I know that make good rice. They are mostly Asian restaurants with rice cookers. The rest serve undercooked shit

>> No.8973944
File: 20 KB, 625x626, thisisbait[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus, rice from a rice cooker is always so bland, it's like little grains of boring. At least stovetop rice has salt.
how did anyone fall for this

>> No.8973955

holy shit, look at this guy

>> No.8973972

You live in a shit country

>> No.8973974

why do i want warm rice sitting around for 8 hours?
>cook food
>clean up
>wa la

>> No.8973988
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>I only have limited amount of space in the kitchen. I cant get a unique gadget for every dish.

Have you ever seen a Japanese kitchen

>> No.8973995

japans are autistic tho

>> No.8974011

That dick deserves all the fellating it gets.

>> No.8974021
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I'd be lying if I said I don't actually wanna try this now.

>> No.8974030

It's canada's main export I think. So look for a canadian grocery store, usually wherever they have the moose and elk meat, near the beaver tails.

>> No.8974138
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>potshitters thinking they're making rice as good as a ricecooker

>> No.8974154

I've got a shitty stove and not too many pans. My rice cooker can also steam veggies and I got it for $18

>> No.8974207

t. white guy from flyover land

>> No.8975084
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>Wanting extra salt in your diet

>> No.8976074

I do it because it's one less thing I have to pay attention to while working on other things, that's all. Don't have to worry about forgetting to turn the stove off, don't have to worry about whether or not it's done enough, etc.

>> No.8976114

Pilaf best method

>> No.8976122

don't schleep

>> No.8976146

>worrying about sodium

i pity your lack of health such that you have to

>> No.8976229

No a stove isn't a gadget, having a timer stove is

>> No.8976237

>United States
You hit the nail on the head, this place sucks. It is worth noting that I usually avoid rice at restaurants b/c I make it at home so I do not give restaurants much chance to give me decent rice.

>> No.8976335

I've got a rice cooker that always has a layer of rice stick to the bottom that I have to scrape out. Ruins the point of having one since I have to pay attention to the rice cooking. Is it just a cheap/old rice cooker? What kind would you recommend? It also steams veggies which is nice.

>> No.8976376

>At least stovetop rice has salt.
This. One time i tried adding salt to my ricecooker, but two tiny mechanical arms emerged and thwarted my seasoning efforts. Damn you rice cooker!

>> No.8976548

Rice cookers are good for plain rice but not for rice that incorporates other ingredients like butter, yogurt, minced garlic, or tomato paste. I've learned how to cook rice perfectly on the stovetop, people who can't use the stove are too lazy to use measuring cups or research how different types of rice take to water in different ways. Rice is very frustrating when you first learn how to make it but it becomes second nature over time. There's nothing better than spiced yogurt rice and you can't make that in a rice cooker.

>> No.8976606
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>using up one of your four burners when you have to cook for your family (4-6 people) uhhhhhhh no thanks

>> No.8976657

American recipes don't usually have rice cooker instructions, but if you search in any Asian language for the same recipe you'll find recipes for the dish unless its something requiring a specialized technique like risotto

>> No.8977613

The middle east is part of Asia and hasee always been called Asia

>> No.8977779

What? Is there some magic law where you can't put salt in boiling rice in a rice cooker?

Sure it's not hard, but that's not the point of a rice cooker. It's so that you can literally set and forget the rice without worrying about scorching the rice. Do other cooking.

>> No.8977784

Does your timer turn off the stove? If so, I bet your stove cost way more than a rice cooker.

>> No.8977788

...They do. Only those ran by westerners who think they know better don't. And they usually end up with undercooked or overcooked rice. Hell the wegmans near where I live has rice cookers that you can just scoop rice out of.

>> No.8977795

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.8977811

White people don't need rice cookers.

Rice cookers are for people who eat plain rice 2-3 times a day and enjoy consistency with no hassle.

>> No.8977999
