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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 373x373, CriticalHit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8951053 No.8951053 [Reply] [Original]

I DM a D&D game and usually make a really big nice plate of nachos with tons of toppings for everyone but I'm wondering if anyone out there has any better ideas for tabletop gaming food. Or maybe something thematic like tavern food. I've done mead in tankards before and that was fun. Curious what /ck/ thinks. Might post this on /tg/ too just to see what those nerds have to say. Suggestions for snacks, meals, and drinks welcome.

>> No.8951056

Hire a hooker so he can feed you and your friends the cock you so desperately crave.

>> No.8951062

Valuable contribution. Thank you.

>> No.8951066
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I know that the traditional /tg/ gaming dish is meatbread

as for drinks, unfiltered beers look pretty medieval, mead is generally too sweet and alcoholic for a gaming session I'd say

>> No.8951085

I wanted to ask in /ck/ simply because you are the dudes who know how to cook. I wouldn't trust /tg/ on cuisine given the choice.

I agree on the unfiltered beers. Mead worked the time I did it, no one got too drunk to play although some bad decisions were made in game. I have tankards for everyone and a couple drinking horns which make it alot more fun. Props are always fun.

>> No.8951092
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I'm going to post pictures of cozy taverns and tavern food for general interest purposes.

>> No.8951099
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>> No.8951100
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smoked beers are pretty old-timey too, maybe something by schlenkerla or a nice gratzer (which has the added benefit of low ABV)

>> No.8951108
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>> No.8951114

My group has varied taste in beer so smoked beer won't work for everyone. In general it's a byob type affair, I only provide the thematic replenishment.

>> No.8951115
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>> No.8951124
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>> No.8951131
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>> No.8951137

For me it's the cosmic brownie shake, the best homemade shake.

>> No.8951144
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>> No.8951147

That story never came with a recipe. I'd almost be tempted to try it to see if I shit my brains out. I won't poison my own group though.

>> No.8951149
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>> No.8951156
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>> No.8951160
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>> No.8951167
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>> No.8951170
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>> No.8951173
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>> No.8951179
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>> No.8951184
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>> No.8951194
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>> No.8951210
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>> No.8951261
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>> No.8951267

Something setting appropriate is the normal thing to do.

>> No.8951274

Like what for what setting? I have a port town setting coming up and a woodland fey quest in the works.

>> No.8951277
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>> No.8951285
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>> No.8951290

Id probably bake a whole chicken and put that on the table

>> No.8951291

>port town
So a seafood stew. Cioppino or something, with a side of dark bread. Or an old-school clam chowder, with a smoked ham hock in there.
>woodland fey
Roast mushrooms, fresh fruits, rabbit if you can swing it.

If you want more exotic stuff, look up Apicius. You can substitute asian fish sauce like nuoc mam for the ever-present garum.

>> No.8951303

I've made a beef stew for the table (foreverDM here) with turnips and barley, it turned out great, except the fat edgelord ate it all. It'll really depend on what you're going for in-game; the stew was while the party was holed up in a walled fort and debating about braving the trek to a Dwarfhold with the onset of winter, so a hearty, comfy meal was in order. Whole chickens are cheap, if cost is an issue. Lots of medieval root vegetables like turnips and beets are fairly inexpensive, as well, so look at those as well. See if you can get the players to bring something fun; even if it's just a nice crusty loaf of bread. If the party is traveling, why not hard cheese and dry sausage? See if you can get them to dicker with a farmer over a chicken for roasting, or fresh bread, and then drop an ankheg on them.

>> No.8951304

Those are some super good ideas. I like the seafood stew with dark bread. Making a chowder would be fun too.

I like the roast mushrooms, and I have butcher that carries rabbit near me. Instead of fruit I'd go for berries and probably do sweet potato and rosemary with the rabbit.

Good ideas I like it. This is exactly what I needed I'm terrible at thinking of this stuff on my own.

Got anything for a frontier town, dwarven mining camp, halfing trade town, or goblin villiage?

>> No.8951314

Those are some good ideas. I never thought of doing a big root vegetable stew. I also have access to venison so I could make it a really wild and gamey stew. I think it would be a cool idea to do a potluck style charcuterie type thing where everyone brings preserved meats and cheeses, throw it all on a big board in the middle of the battle mat. I own a few replica daggers we can use for cutting the cheeses.

>> No.8951323

How good is your cooking ability? How much effort are you willing to put in and what sort of budget?

>> No.8951326
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>Pork dish (weeds out the kikes at your table)
Chicharonnes or bratwurste and mustard

Brotchen/breadroll if I'm having sausage, a crusty loaf if not

>Hard cider
Low abv and tasty

>Mild cheese
Brie pairs well with cider

>Fruit pie (fats will appreciate)
Lingonberry is my favorite

>> No.8951330

Cooking ability is medium but I find it in general hard to fuck up a soup, stew, or chowder. Can't bake for shit. I put alot of effort into my games, hence this thread. I do alot of props and stuff. Puzzle boxes, written puzzles, I even write mail for my characters between sessions. Budget is pretty generous, my group donates for things, I cover the costs if they don't, never had money trouble running a game.

>> No.8951332

Duck or quail with cranberry or mulberry sauce and sprouts.

>> No.8951334

>Frontier town
You can make a gravy out of jerky/dried meat, and serve it over some hardtack-type bread. Exactly the kind of thing that's better than just "dried meat and bread", but still limited by the lack of fresh ingredients. Maybe supplement with a chayote salad?
Braised meat, mushrooms, and dark beer. Serve with a big bowl of coarse salt, soda bread, and butter.
Anything out of The Hobbit. Lots of smaller dishes. Maybe a variety of smaller meat pies? A decent cheeseboard, some pickles and jams, and lots of veggies. If it's a trade town, a couple more exotic things; Chinese-style sausages, more spices, maybe even chiles!
Crawdad boil. Call 'em bugs. No bread/cheese unless it's been stolen.

>> No.8951338

>mustard on chicharrones

You just need lime and a very cold beer.

>> No.8951339

For the halfling one I would just look at all of the food the Hobbits ate as they were all real foods Tolkien enjoyed.

I just googled a list of the food eaten by the dwarves at Bilbos house and got this:
There are some ideas and recipes at the bottom.

>> No.8951342

One of my players is already Jewish so it's not exactly a question anyone needs answering. They aren't very picky about pork dishes though.

I like the idea of brauts and sauerkraut with a selection of mustard.

We already do ciders pretty often

Soft cheese and crusty bread is a good idea

I totally never thought of pies. I can't bake so they would be have to be store bought or sourced from the group. I know at least one of them can bake a bit. I imagine strawberry rhubarb being ideal. Never had lingonberry.

>> No.8951345

I have access to duck and quail. Don't know how I would do mulberry sauce.

>> No.8951348


>> No.8951354

>Frontier town
You're looking for something like the new frontier kind of foods? You might like whatever this guy is making.


>Dwarven mining camp

On account that dwarves are fictional, I don't really know what they would eat. Probably something involving lots of beer and meat. Perhaps a turkey braised in cherry beer on top of mashed potatoes?

>Halfling trading town

Meatpies and ciders.

>Goblin village

A half eaten carcass of whatever you can find in your backyard and straight vodka.

>> No.8951355

Pie is stupid easy. Cold fat, don't overwork the crust, have your filling ready, a quick proof for the bottom crust, then just spoon in your filling and pop a lid on it. Remember that with a medieval-type of pie (and the original cornish pastie), you weren't supposed to eat the crust. It was just a convenient vehicle for your filling.

>> No.8951356
File: 1.17 MB, 2764x1843, JAAPcuM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want more inspiriation look up the "A feast of fire and ice" cookbook from game of thrones. It's very well done


>> No.8951357

Never heard of making gravy from jerky. How do you do it?

You nailed the dwarf menu
Same with halflings
and goblins

Do you play alot of D&D or are you into fantasy shit in general.

Also I've always wanted to try my hand at meat pies. It's also dumb because I do tons of pickling and making jams and I never even thought to bring those to a game till now.

>> No.8951360

This looks like the exact type of stuff I need.

>> No.8951366

Those are impressive, but I think the setting needs to be worked on a bit to meet the impressive spread

>> No.8951374

Ill check that out later

Those all sound good except for the goblin idea. That sounds awful, I liked the other guys idea. Maybe I should make some kind of super yeasty grog. I brew sometimes it would probably be not that hard to make a strong beer that's overly malty.
Speak for yourself. Baking has been my archnemesis in cooking for along time. I'll take your advice though when I give it a try. I'm saving this whole thread.

Since you guys are so good at coming up with menu's for towns and settings do you guys have anything for Capitol city slums, hermits cottage, nomadic plains centaur kingdom, dungeon food temptation trap room, unholy monastary, poisoned kings banquet murder mystery, and mountain barbarian villiage meadhall.

>> No.8951382

rhubard pie is a great option since it's not too sweet

>> No.8951387

For a port town I'd recommend stargazy pie

>> No.8951390
File: 499 KB, 1862x1536, s3dmg2Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an idea for you op

>> No.8951393

Never heard of it before. I googled it and I am a tad skeptical of the idea.

>> No.8951396

for the slum I want to say rat but as you will have a hard time getting rat go to the butcher you kentioned and see if he has squirrels for sale. They taste nice and you just have to cook them over an open fire with their legs dangling down to add to the rodent effect. Serve with a loaf of bread roughly torn by hand for that extra slum feel.

>> No.8951402

He doesn't have squirrel but he has squab if that helps. Pigeons live in medieval cities right?

>> No.8951405

Nomadic plains makes me think Middle Eastern so maybe a tagine or shakshouka.

Dungeon food would be porridge or pottage.

Temptation room, maybe find out what each of your players favourite foods are but do it slighly, make them but hide them under a box and when they enter the room...ta da!

>> No.8951420

I was thinking more along the lines of Native American foods for the centaur plains. Maybe corn succotash and pemmican?

Porridge would be good for the dungeon, I just feel like it's hard to make a porridge you can get five people to eat instead of ordering out for burritos or pizza. The whole point of this is that I can cook cheap food that's right there and is thematic that we don't feel the need to order for a food break and break the session to eat. Certain things everyone finds delicious. Some stuff is hard to get people interested in. Thats kind of why I did nachos up until now.

As for the temptation room I think learning and cooking all my players favorite dishes would be too much of a pain in the ass. I like the idea though.

>> No.8951421

You were fine with a fish stew but a fish pie makes you skeptical?

>> No.8951423

I will admit maybe i'm just bigoted. I've always thought of savory pies as meat and sweet pies as fruit. I don't care much for cream pies and the like.

>> No.8951439

There's no cream in a stargazy pie. In a fish pie, yes, but not stargazy.

>> No.8951442

For now I'm gonna give it a pass. Too adventurous for me. I pussy out.

>> No.8951446

A mountain Barbarian village makes me think of just a leg of an animal roasted and eaten in your hand or something with goat in it. I would say curried goat but it's not really fitting with the environment. Perhaps a roasted leg of lamb.

>> No.8951458

I get the "Big meat on a bone" stereotype for the barbarian village I was just wondering if there was something that could localize it to the mountainous region it is in. I don't really know if "mountain cuisine" is really a thing in any way.

>> No.8951487

rocky mountain oysters

>> No.8951507
File: 1.71 MB, 1936x2592, st-bernardus-abt-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capitol city slums
porridge, rye bread with butter and cheese, unfiltered beer (maybe something with wild yeast?)
>hermits cottage
wild mushroom soup, porridge with nuts and berries, some kind of herbal tea (maybe chamomile or mint) with honey
>nomadic plains centaur kingdom
goulash, lamb shashliks, tartare (if you're feeling adventurous), kefir
>dungeon food temptation trap room
could be anything tasty, maybe a roast or pie of some kind
>unholy monastary
some kind of belgian trappist beer, strong and decadent (I always thought the monk on bernardus 12 looked kinda evil). maybe squid or octopus for an eldritch horror vibe?
>poisoned kings banquet murder mystery
some kind of big roast (maybe whole duck?), decadent and impressive cake, some kind of alcoholic beverage (maybe wine?)
>mountain barbarian villiage meadhall
mead (obviously), some kind of goat dish

>> No.8951514

also, you could try to get some wild game for the king, though duck is probably the biggest animal you can eat in it's entirety with only a few people

>> No.8951566
File: 95 KB, 500x375, dwarven trail rations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could put together a picnic-style meal for each player that corresponds to each race's type of rations.


>> No.8951687
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>half of my game group is vegetarian

>> No.8951758
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Make them brownies.

>> No.8952116
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>playing Dand willingly

Here, this seems right up your alley

>> No.8952272

I wish I was your friend anon. I once set up a thematic d&d party and everyone called me stupid. Killed me inside.

>> No.8952289

Friends don't call each other stupid. But regardless, you probably should've known or tried to figure out in advance if these "friends" were into tabletop gaming or not.

>> No.8952323
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I actually own a players manual, monster guide, and a DM book. I have owned them for 3 years and still nobody will play with me. Ive never played d&d in my life but it sounds like a lot of fun. all of my friends are normalfags that only wanna watch "the game" and I HATE sportsball. Ill never understand why sportsball is so fucking popular and everyone obsesses over it, yet if you tell people at work it would be fun to play a friendly table top game with each other instead of watching overpaid assholes throw a ball around, they act like youre a freak.
be my friend, op.

>> No.8952352

What is the appeal of tabletop when stuff like Baldur's Gate exists? You just waste a lot of time mentally doing the base mechanics that a computer is infinitely better at. And you'll never shit out better stories than professional authors that spent hours writing intricate plots and dialogues.

Is it just cause you can do whatever you want whenever you want and the DM has to roll with it?

>> No.8952374



>> No.8952383
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We used to play D&D in the late 80's, early 90's. Just loaded up on hostess cupcakes and mountain dew. Remember being a little kid and being able to stuff that much sugar down and not gain a pound? While playing D&D all night with Nintendo breaks.

Fuck I hate being an adult.

>> No.8952469

People like you are why I don't like playing table top games any more.

>Read manuals from top to bottom
>Make characters from scratch
>Run simulations so I understand the game mechanics
>Join group
>Half of table don't know the rules, made their character using a character building program
>A single battle takes hours because people don't know the rules and have to keep looking things up
>They don't know their character's stats or gear or class abilities
>Nearly get TPK'd because the cleric decided to melee instead of heal and the mage is obsessed with ranged touch attacks even thought his THAC0 is shit
>No one in the party except me takes notes so group is constantly forgetting important events and clues
>DM eventually just gives up

>> No.8952702

Look into Swiss cuisine for mountain food.

>> No.8952852

It's more that you actually get to decide on the story.

With BG and other CRPGs, you ALWAYS get the same story. Maybe changed based on choices somewhat, but it's still the same story. With the TTRPGs, it's infinitely variable.

You might think that you'll never get a better story that shit professional writers have written, but the whole process of being involved really does change things. It makes the story much more enjoyable.

There's the social aspect to it, too.

>> No.8952879

lots of dairy products and cow meat then.
I'm not sure if cheese, butter and cream is barbaric though.

>> No.8952888

Charcuterie as a starter would be nice.

>> No.8952909

Cheese (theoretically) started out as a herdsman food; someone stored fresh milk in a babby aminal stomach, and the rennet caused curds to form, hey presto! Cheese!
As barbarians, I'd go for goat/sheep cheese, though.

>> No.8952948

>jerky gravy
Basically, shred/mince/process your jerky (the better the jerky, the better the gravy) into teeny tiny pieces, then rehydrate with boiling water. Make a roux, add the jerky and water and some milk, bring to a boil then drop down, season to taste (but should be fine, what with the jerky). Serve over biscuits. It's basically creamed chipped beef, but with jerky and biscuits.
>Do you play alot of D&D
Not since moving, but I'll be moving into a house soon, and plan to start back up a game night.

>> No.8953016

Rice gruel, maybe a little fish, and simple roasted veggies. Not really a fun meal, but thematic!
Probably the same as the elves, just less exorbitant, more mushrooms, maybe a little bit of aged cheese tucked away for a special occasion. Probably a good place to introduce any drugs if that's your bag, as any good hermit is probably tripping balls out in the woods.
Centaur lasses serving you their own milk? Might be an honored guest thing. Otherwise, whatever they herd, strong tea, and flatbread to pick it up with.
Sugar! Sweets, candied fruits, suet puddings, fine wines, the GOOD parts of the cow!
>unholy monastery
Hmm. What's "unholy"? Undead? Evil? Could do a pork osso bucco and claim it's from a person, but that's not really for the faint of heart. Could get a beef heart and stir-fry it, extra spicy, with saffron rice. Decadent, and the heart thing sounds appropriately evil.
>poisoned banquet
Pork roast with crackling, trenchers, lots of watered-down wine, head to a party store and see if you can get fun goblets to quaff from.
>barbarian meadhall
Well, mead. Honeyed grouse, salmon with a dill sauce, venison and call it reindeer. Bread cheese fried with lingonberry jam. Swedish meatballs!

>> No.8953144

>everyone posts this screencap
>no one ever posts the recipe

>> No.8953195

I'm pretty sure he didn't get the recipe in the first place.

>> No.8953256

I don't think I can get my party to eat that.

>> No.8953263

Those all sound like good ideas except for the unholy monastary. I like the trappist beer but its less eldritch horror and more like a refined arch demon worship. Like hell prince. I play pathfinder so think asmodeus.

>> No.8953274

This idea is awesome. Ill wrap each meals component in wax paper and pack it in a small wooden box and wrap in a kercheif. Five boxes would be alot of prep but they would love it.

>> No.8953276

I can do whole roast duck. Thats within my abilities and resources.

>> No.8953278

This person made rations for different races. It's kinda lit desu


>> No.8953283

Do an exotic jungle temple campaign and cook indian, serve with bowls and wooden spoons and don't tell em what it is.

>> No.8953291

Sounds like someone is a sourpuss who doesn't know how to have fun.

>> No.8953309

My party is full, sorry adventurers. I suggest going to your local games stores and asking them if they have any games going on. Those people usually can connect you with a group. Its nice because you know all those folks are interested in the same thing as you.

>> No.8953329

D&D is the ultimate videogame. If you have a good DM and a good party you will realize that all videogame RPGs have just been trying capture the magic of a good D&D campaign.

>> No.8953353

You know you can still play D&D as an adult right?

>> No.8953357

You need a better group and a better DM.

>> No.8953368

Swiss cuisine and leg of lamb sound perfect. I dig it.

>> No.8953374

That sounds like something I would experiment with a couple times before serving to other people. Not confidant enough I could do it right the first time.

>> No.8953415

The goal of these theme meals is to manage to make something appetizing enough that they choose that over ordering pizza and it enhances the game atmosphere. Im going to avoid cooking anything that just sits there and no one touches.

I like the hermit idea but my group has an official ban on mind altering substancea and hard liquor. Mistakes were made. Couple ruined sessions. Not gonna try it again.

I like the other centaur menus people came up with. Flatbread and tea are good additions. Centauress milk is weird. Ew.

Good ideas for the temptation trap.

I also like the unholy monastary ideas. For the record its a monastary to asmodeus royalty of hell. I think id rather use chicken hearts or other organ meats and just call it halfling or gnome.

Good ideas for the poisoned royal banquet and barbarian mountain meadhall.

>> No.8953434

I've been to Bamburg in person and had the rauchbier

Tastes like liquid smoked brisket, which is a lot better than it sounds.

Roasted and/or slow cooked meats like pulled pork, chicken legs/thighs.

Bread, preferably something you've made at home with a nice open crumb and thick crust. This can be served simple with butter and cheeses.

>> No.8953439

That is dope, thats exactly what I need. Id love to make trail rations for my players. Dont know if I can make them that complex but I can get close.

>> No.8953451

We often have had crusty breads with soft cheeses, it works well with the atmosphere

>> No.8953522

This thread took awhile to get fired up but /ck/ was definitley the right place to ask this. In the meantime since you guys are so good at this I'm going to throw out some more settings that exist in my campaign world that need food ideas for both in game and real life cooking for thematic purposes. Youve already given me about two months worth of cooking ideas for our sessions.

Islander pirate vessel

Jungle temple

Desert canyon bird people society

Volcano slope farming villiage

Gypsy caravan camp

Idyllic countryside town with dark secret

Bargemen who work the rivers (i was thinking very huckleberry fin)

Voodoo swamp town (think new orleans)

Deep dark putrid swamp (think bayou)

Witches black sabbath

>> No.8953650
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>> No.8953660
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>> No.8953682
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>> No.8953695
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>> No.8953701
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>> No.8953707
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>> No.8953804
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>> No.8953810
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>> No.8953815
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>> No.8953819
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>> No.8953901

>you are the dudes who know how to cook.

I'm sorry, but you have us sorely mistaken. We are the ones who know how to meme a mcchicken. I wish it weren't so.

>> No.8953916

>Islander pirate vessel
Fish and plenty of it.
Seaweed salad.
Preserved citrus.
Hardtack/thin hard breads.
"turtle soup".

>> No.8953924

Chilli. /thread

>> No.8953951

I once saw someone describe /k/ in the same way I feel about /ck/ "It is a strange mixture of professionalism and experience with complete retardation" I think that sums up alot of the interest boards.

>> No.8953958

Those are pretty good idea. I wonder what's the best way to make hardtack an appealing snack. By it's very nature it's not exactly meant to be flavorful. I might just substitute for softer flat breads and just describe it as such.

>> No.8953963

Different settings have different themes and more opportunity to explore different ways to set a mood including the food. I have the time, money, and energy to devote to some serious themed meal preparations and while chili totally works for a basic camp meal, if you read the rest of the thread i'm looking for a more specific theme/cuisine to interest my players and make the game more immersive. Also I think they would get bored of chili every week.

>> No.8954115

What happened to all the folks who were enthusiastic about this thread?

>> No.8954161

Great things don't last forever. But maybe someone will bump it with some more fun ideas later.

>> No.8954234

hmm, yeah.
keep the dump please my senpai

>> No.8954261

Hardtack is meant to be soaked in broth/soup/stew, so really any flatbread could work.
You are an ideal DM, at least as far as atmosphere is concerned.
>I'm partially gay for you due to this

>> No.8954456
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That's true but I'll try to keep it lively as long as I can.

>> No.8954457
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I'll keep this around for as long as I feel like it's still fun.

>> No.8954470
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I might just do a fish curry with naan then and call it something like "bilge stew with hardtack" I'm more interested in edibility than authenticity for the players.

I adore atmosphere. Music, lighting, props, and puzzles all completely help with immersion. The biggest problem with people not enjoying D&D is immersion. Not enough direct attention with the DM breaks immersion, rule lawyering breaks immersion, to much meta conversation breaks immersion. I feel like I did my job right as a DM when the whole party gets TPKed and still had a ton of fun and wants to make new level 1's right away. It's all story and imagination and not a race to win. That's why I like tabletops.

>> No.8954487
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>> No.8954489
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>> No.8954493
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>> No.8954499
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That dish looks very tasty, I'd love to chow down on some bilge fish stew and hardtack while our party sits in a tavern tossing back pints and flirting with saucy tavern wenches.

I remember our DM was detail oriented and he utilized everything you just said, down to 'medieval tavern lute music for 30 minutes.' Me and several others loved it but there was always that one guy or girl who wanted to get on with the adventure. It's not for everyone in all fairness but when a campaign plays out like a John Marco novel and fully immerses you in the tale, it's choice!

>> No.8954508
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I try to 50/50 diplomacy and action in general. Too much diplo and fighters get anxious, too much action and bards feel underused. Which I think is dumb because bards are fucking rad in combat anyway. There are things that I feel are under utilized in campaigns that are both thrilling and not raw combat. Time sensitive puzzles, chase sequences, and dire decisions with everything on the line all at once.

>> No.8954522
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>> No.8954533
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Off topic but we have this one girl who plays a dwarven berserker and she gets way into character, down to the goofy faux scottish accent. She's gotten several party members outright murdered, resurrected, murdered again.

It does make for funny dialogue when characters get resurrected and she'll make a wise ass quip about being the recently deceased being 'a wee touch delicate.'

Diplomacy? Chop their head off! Delicate situation requiring verbal finesse and 22+CHA checks? Chop their head off! The king's daughter being held for ransom? CHOP THEIR FUCKING HEAD OFF!

Back in December we were negotiating with an Orc warlord for parlay and in character fashion she yells 'fook it ahl!' and lop off his head. Everyone at the table fell silent but the DM rolled it into a 'Orcs respect the strong' and saved our asses from getting thoroughly trounced. He's clearly smitten with her because she's Futaba-tier cute and we all know he's welching her crap rolls behind his screen.

>> No.8954540

That sounds half fun half cringe. I'm okay with accents if done in the right place and the right time. Mostly my players do it with pre written stuff rather than improv at the time.

Secondly that's why I make all life or death rolls without a screen. If a characters life is on the line I make sure my players know they died clean. No fudging on this side of the battlemat.

>> No.8954542
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>> No.8954548
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Ohh and another thing. I really want to start using dice cups for those super important DM rolls. So I can slam it down on the table and build suspense while they watch me slowly lift it and know their fate.

>> No.8954559
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>> No.8954564
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>> No.8954568
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it does get cringey sometimes but she's gotten a lot better about tempering her character acting and not going off the handle. She's not the showboating type but she's got borderline autistic tendencies and really gets into the game ala "NO! NOT BLACK LEAF! I'M GOING TO DIE!"

Our DM amazing as he is keeps all rolls a secret which kinda ruins the whole purpose of random. We've talked to him about removing the screen for important rolls and he's agreed to it our next meet.

>> No.8954577

I like doing a open roll of life or death stuff. Builds suspense, makes everyone watch it like a hawk because no one knows how it will end. Makes me think in addition to dice cups next time I should also cue dramatic music. The ultimate reveal.

>> No.8954579
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>> No.8954584
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That's bitchin', adds a whole new level to immersion. I love a good DM who can raise the tension with music. Nobody wants to die a glorious death to mincing mandolin music

But it could get silly I bet :)

>yo hold up courageous adventurers while I cue the MURDEROUS SUSPENSE MUSIC!
>just wait a second...almost there

>> No.8954587
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Pathfinder/paizo has an awesome music/sfx app that lets you have a bunch of premade scenario soundtracks you can cue whenever you want. Just tap a button and you are in crisis mode.

Also this thread is really straying into /tg/ territory i'm worried it will get pruned and sad that there are no more food or recipe contributions and just tabletop players.

>> No.8954589
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>> No.8954590
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>> No.8954591
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Yeah, back to cooking.

I've always been a fan of well prepared mutton but it's so hard to come by where I live. Unless you live on a farm or know a good butcher, it's impossible to find because it's not too popular here.

Found this

I suppose you could try it with rabbit or a pork chop but mutton has that extra gamy taste, sure do miss it.

>> No.8954601
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I'm actually pretty lucky when it comes to butchers. I live next to this "organic,farmrasied,artisan,grassfed,etc..." butchers that supplies alot of restaurants in the city so I have pretty consistent access to lamb, mutton, cornish game hen, squab, rabbit, venison, reindeer,, duck, goose, pheasant, and occasionally some really weird stuff depending on what they import/slaughter because the butcher actually raises the majority of the meat they sell.

>> No.8954621
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>> No.8954711

It seems we are done.

>> No.8954909

The lads that posted the oakden article, any other good articles? The blog is awful to browse for interesting recipes without knowing what to look for and I'd be interested in reading about trad british foods. With all of the /int/posting retards about at the moment I doubt a new thread would be any help.

>> No.8954926

Fuck it, wish me luck

>> No.8954963

How has Otik's spiced fried potatoes not been mentioned yet?

>> No.8955010

>Jungle temple
Here I think you could safely pick any real world jungle area and choose a simple palette of dishes; meats roasted/steamed in banana leaves would be a nice centre piece, and some more unusual starches (no wheat etc) depending on what sort of jungle you are thinking of (new or old world)
As an extra idea, for the drinks, and if your party are going to be hanging around here for a while, you could make some kombucha as the 'local brew'. Basically it is fermented tea, and by default has a very low alcohol percentage. You normally perform two fermentations, bottling it for the second and flavouring it at this stage with any sorts of tropical fruits etc.

Here is one of the better videos about it, made by a cute guy:

you can make it more alcoholic, either by upping sugar content for the first ferment, or spiking it with some spirit when you serve it. Either way, could make an exciting change from ale/wine etc

>> No.8955975
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>> No.8956507

has a few potential recipes, and it's another site to bookmark in my /ck/ folder.

>> No.8956595

Pirate vessel has to be ships biscuits, soup and grog.

Bird people could be sesame snaps and a bowl of various toasted nuts and seeds.

For the voodoo one how about the old Halloween beef stew but with the addition of cleaned chicken bones that have minced meat of your preference shaped on the bone with the end of the bone exposed. A thin slice of onion on the meat end and baked for canibal fingers. Bonus points for a ring added post cooking but that's a choking hazard so I was always iffy on that.

>> No.8956878

Why is Hitler cleaning glasses?

>> No.8957908

Do you even know what Hitler looked like?

>> No.8957991

I hope you're still around, I love these settings.

>volcano slope farming village

That makes me think of Pompeii/Greece, maybe rustic olive bread with goat cheese and figs and lots of red wine

>gypsy caravan camp

Definitely hungarian goulash and spit-roasted meats

>idyllic countryside town with dark secret

I'm intrigued, what's the dark secret? I'd go full Stepford Wives with this, a perfect barbecue/pie/grilled vegetables spread

>bargemen who work the rivers

Low country boil, whole roasted trout (or pan-seared small fish if not available), shrimp skewers

>deep dark putrid swamp

Man if you can find it you should do some fried alligator, but if not I'd just take thin strips of teriyaki pork and thread it on a stick before roasting in the oven and just call it gator kabobs. Also frog legs and catfish.

>witches black sabbath

I'd make some small devil's food cakes that you can coat in white icing and make sigils/runes in the top with a toothpick dipped in red food coloring, with dark red wine in novelty goblets

>> No.8958308

This is good I wonder what setting I could use it for in game? Maybe just regular tavern food unless anyone else has any good ideas. That's why I'm asking this stuff I can't come up with a themed menu by myself.

I was originally thinking about indian food for the jungle, curries and saag paneer and such. I like the idea of the banana leaf presentation with maybe meat on a bed of rice. Maybe hawaiian fried rice or something.

As for the Kombucha, i'm not much of a fan and I know a few people in my group have some very strong opinions about it. Unless I knew it was going to be a major hit I wouldn't be brewing my own. For drinks i'll probably punch a hole in some coconuts and drain the milk and backfill with pineapple juice and rum then stick a cork in it. Maybe put some other stuff in to confuse the tastes. I find that when you hand somebody something without identifying it, their imagination can make up the rest. Maybe put paprika in to give the drink a kick and make it extra exotic. I don't know, i'm not a bartender.

I like the idea of the toasted nuts and seeds for the garuda/bird people. I could also do some dried fruits and meats.

As for the other idea, i'm trying to stick away from the middle school halloween sleepover feeling of giving someone a peeled grape and saying "These are eyes" or whatever. I'd like to basically have them arrive at the villiage or get into the setting and say "The cheiftan serves you the food of his people" and leave it at that. I won't tell them what it is but I don't want to sit around guiding their imaginations into thinking "Ohh this is blood" or "Ohh this is brains". I hope that makes sense, I feel like I didn't exactly explain that right.

>> No.8958333

I never thought of the rustic Italian cuisine for the volcano villiage. Good idea. I like the food for the Gypsy caravan and the bargemen too.

The Idyllic country towns deep dark secret goes like this
>In this towns past they we're beset by a terrible demon that roamed the forest and snatched children, wandering drunks, and young lovers sneaking out from the edge of town. This went on for years and they avoided the woods at all times. They sent word to the local baron but he sent no knights, priests, paladins, or clerics to help. They even sent to the king to dispatch an inquisitor. They heard no word from either. One day a strange traveler came to town and offered to solve their problem. They suspected him a charlatan but their need was desperate. That night the traveler revealed himself as a powerful necromancer and used powerful magics to seal the demon in a old well capped with stone on the edge of town. He carved powerful runes into the surface of the stone and explained to the villagers that the runes would need to be wet with the lifeblood of a sentient humanoid must be spilt across it every full moon or the stone will begin to crack and the demon will be free. The villagers in horror watched the necromancer go and vowed to never turn on each other for human sacrifice. Free of the demon the town flourished and became a popular stop for pilgrims and merchants due to the accommodating nature of it's citizens. Their image as a travelers paradise only slightly marred by the fact that many travelers passing through never reached their destination.

>> No.8958337
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Also about the putrid swamp. I can only get alligator jerky around here. I like the teriyaki pork idea but I was thinking of just trying to make some real gnarly cajun food. Crawfish and jambalaya.

The witches black sabbath doesn't feel quite right to me. I have a cooking pot that I'd like to do something with. Looks like like this.
>Pic related.

>> No.8958348

Also i'm not quite sure if I want to completely stepford wife it up, I actually want them to fall for it instead of getting creeped out. I always warn my players about meta suspicion and how it kills the natural feel of a game and pacing and such. The advice doesn't stick. My party once spent 15 minutes trying to get through a tavern door they had managed to convince them selves was a super complicated trap. It was a door all along.

>> No.8958376

Ooh yeah, crawfish with the heads still on sitting on a bed of jambalaya, with fried catfish filets on the side, maybe on top of stone ground yellow grits. I'm making myself hungry just thinking about it.

Also love the deep dark secret. How about whenever there's about to be a traveler passing through, the town unanimously comes up with something celebratory? Depending on what time of year the PCs are traveling in you could do a harvest festival, celebration of a new mayor or building in the town, etc.? That would explain away the overly friendly attitude and the food, and having something like pies or BBQ on their plate might entice them into staying if they're naturally suspicious.

Also as far as the witches' sabbath goes, do you want to do a meal or would you go with an alcoholic drink that would use dry ice for the smoky effect? If you're looking for a meal I'd do something you can make it bulk like pasta or risotto. Spinach and herb risotto would be especially nice since it has a deep unsettling green color, would be cool to see that in a big boiling cauldron

>> No.8958389

I like the random excuse for a festival idea, maybe get them more at ease with the place. I can dig the spinach and herb risotto but, I don't really consider risotto by itself much of a meal, I always feel like it needs something to go along with it. Maybe I just make boring risottos.

>> No.8958421

Have you ever tried making osso bucco with it? A green risotto with a couple of large bone-in pieces of meat in the middle of a cauldron would be pretty dramatic.

But if you aren't feeling a meal you could always go for the spiked alcoholic punch in a bowl with dry ice underneath it

>> No.8958425

>I DM a D&D game and usually make a really big nice plate of nachos with tons of toppings for everyone
I need a DM like this in my life.

>> No.8958434

Bargemen who work the rivers
Fried catfish
Fried potatoes
BBQd corn cobs

>> No.8958458

We exist out there adventurer. Good DMs and good groups are the only way to truly enjoy D&D or any other tabletop. My inspiration for the thread was that I once did a Call of Cthulu Horror on the Orient express campaign for a couple months that had a dress code and meals provided. I showed up in a pinstripe suit with a bowler hat and a cane (I was an American oilman traveling to the middle east), my friend showed up dressed as a french maid (She was a black maid who worked the train). The DM had set up the whole dining room by candlelight and we ate shrimp cocktail, bacon wrapped scallops, and cheap caviar with crostinis, and chased it all with cheap champagne. He even had quiet jazz and big band swing playing on his record player. That DM knew how to set a mood. That DM is who I aspire to be.

>> No.8958468

Never made it but osso bucco sounds perfect. I think that would really do it. Boiling green risotto and meat with bone in. That feels right.

I like it. I'll skip the moonshine. No hard liquor in my group. Beer & wine only. Might be a good setting to do those spiced potatoes they were talking about earlier.

>> No.8958492

You guys are great and have given me pretty much everything I needed idea wise. For the sake of the fun thread and to keep things going I'll fire out a couple more scenarios and setting that exist in the gameworld my current party is set in.

Mages tower/arcanum banquet

Villiage that exists carved into the shell of a massive turtles back that perpetually lumbers across a wide plane

Partially submerged city with half man/lobster people (Think man from the waist up)

Steampunk gnome metropolis

Arctic sled team nomads (eskimo/inuit)

Metallic dragon lair/hoard (Metallic dragons are generally good or neutral and often a good source of wisdom, some are good hosts)

Kings tourney/joust

Svirfneblin villiage (Tiny underground gnome/fey/mushroom people) You can look them up on paizo if you care to

Hellmouth parlay where the players meet the princes of hell to negotiate

Holy monastery that is illegally training paladins for it's religion without the consent of the king and trying to hide it.

Callistrian (Whore god) Brothel/Orphanage/Cathedral/Spy den

Lumberjack and trapper camp

>> No.8958543

>No hard liquor in my group.

is that because of a bad experience lol

>> No.8958554

Yea more than once we had sessions fall apart due to complete drinking retardation. Fucked up the whole game and no one ended up having fun except for the drunk persons. We also have a general ban on mind altering drugs for similar reasons. We just try not to do stuff that breaks up gameplay.

>> No.8958640

Great, now I'm imagining that MRE youtuber unboxing and sampling fantasy rations

>> No.8958658


>> No.8958925

He looks like the mock up pictures of an old Hitler if he fled to South America with a handlebar moustache.

>> No.8958935

I love that. At the time I'm sure it was frustrating but it makes for an amusing anecdote.

>> No.8958942
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There are a number of cook books focusing on fantasy stories. LotR, GoT, Redwall, Harry Potter, all have themed cook books.

>> No.8958950

Just to illustrate how it went it was kind of like this
>DM:You approach a tavern at the end of the block, golden light shines from it's foggy windows and you hear the sounds of boisterous conversation and badly performed music echoing out into the street. The oak door with light shining beneath it and separates you from a night in the cold and a warm meal and a drink.
>Rogue: Why is there light shining beneath it
>DM: Because it is a rough oak door not properly sealed against the winter
>Rogue: I want to check for traps
>DM: You do not detect any traps
>Bard: This must be a really high level trap
>Cleric: Maybe it's a magical trap in an anti-magic zone, I will cast a spell to see if that's the case
>Casts and goes off fine
>Wizard: What if it's for arcane magic instead of divine, let me try
>Casts and goes off fine
>Bard: Can I detect magic?
>DM: Aside from the residual magic of your party this door is unmagical and otherwise a door
>Rogue: We should go in through the windows.

It went on like that for ~15 minutes.

>> No.8958957

There we're some earlier mentions of Tolkien recipes and Song of Ice and Fire recipes which I was planning on looking at later. I've heard of a redwall cookbook and that sounds really cool for doing feasts and such. I might skip the harry potter cookbook, my games run a little grittier than the whimsy of harry potter.

>> No.8958962

Lumberjacks breakfast for their camp surely. It's a tasty feast and pretty easy to make.

Faux turtle soup for the living turtle village.

The mushroom men village makes me think tofu for some reason.

>> No.8958967

Have you thought about getting glass vials off amazon, some corks and pre-filling them with cocktails? "Health potions".

>> No.8958972

yeah, it's definitely worth the angel sex for me. i am 100% good with that trade of crying and shitting for a night, maybe because i have already done it twice

>> No.8958974
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I actually didn't think of breakfast for lumberjacks at all for some reason. That's an awesome idea. Just cook up a big ass breakfast.

Faux turtle soup? You might have to elaborate on that for me.

I kinda get the tofu thing but I always imagined they would eat various mushrooms and fungi. maybe I could try and get some morels or make a truffle topped dish.

Svirfneblin for refrence pic related.

>> No.8958978

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8958983

I've done some stuff like that before. It just ends with people drinking them whenever or not drinking them because its not a preferred liquor. I did blue curacao for the the nice blue hue. In the end it didn't do much other than be cool for a few minutes. Most of our party heals come from the cleric anyways, potions take a backseat to divine healing and wands.

>> No.8958984

That sounds good

>> No.8958990


Do a Mongolian stew

>> No.8958996

It's not really their fault. I just surprise them with unexpected combat often enough that they get spooked off of basic descriptions of things e.g.
>DM: As you walk along the roadway you see how aged the stone is and the off-white color displays the neglect this place has seen
>Fighter: What's off about it?
>DM: It's off white like eggshell or bone, you know? Slightly not white
>Fighter: Is it a cursed road?
>DM: You do not know the magical status of this road
>Bard: Detect magic on the street
>DM: You detect no magic on the street
>Bard: This must be some really high level magic, everyone get off the road, we are going cross country.

>> No.8959001

Although that sounds cool I do not have the time nor energy to make authentic mongolian khorkhog. That just sounds like a huge pain in the ass. Cool name though.

>> No.8959007

Oh god, I'd love to watch these guys play. I'd be in fits of laughter.

>> No.8959015

We have thought of taping a session and uploading it to youtube. The problem would be the editing would be a nightmare. We like to marathon some pretty long sessions. Our longest game session lasted from 11 am to 9 am the next day with a pause for a four hour nap then we resumed from 1pm to midnight. I can't imagine editing that down for brevity and just getting the most dramatic moments and hilarity.

>> No.8959016

Please don't include everyone in your meme bullshit

>> No.8959036

You could just upload them into hour long segments or hell, just share any interesting or funny stories on video instead of recording the whole campaign.

I have an itch to scratch ever since Spooney stopped making Counter monkey videos.

>> No.8959044

Maybe. I had some friends that tried to do a taped D&D game and it just ended up crappy. No one had fun. Just dicking around with sound equipment and arguments about how much time people got in the spotlight killed it. I'd rather just have fun. If you want to throw more themed receipes my way to keep things on topic for /ck/ I can greentext some more stories of party stupidity.

>> No.8959047

More greentext

>> No.8959076

just stopping in to say EXCELLENT THREAD i love it A+. and thanks for all the cozy tavern pics those were great.
you have gotten me excited about tabletop gaming and will be trying to find a game this week so i can cook for it

>> No.8959084

i went on a binge of watching tabletop games cause of betrayal on the house on the hill and i have to say the big deciding factor between shit and not shit is being able to see the fucking pieces properly and saying clearly what is going on

if you just put a token down or a piece, without saying what it is, or it has writing on but no one is reading it out, no point watching

>> No.8959086

Okay. I have story from a slightly different situation but i'll adapt it so it makes sense

Context is that the party goes to a major city and finds that magical tattoos are a fad in the city. Fighter randomly decides to separate from the party to go with some girls out on the town they convince him to get a magical tattoo.

>DM: The tattoo artist prepares his magic ink and asks you what you want the tattoo to be
>Fighter: Swirling winds and clouds
>DM: The tattooist asks where you would like it placed, your chest, back, or shoulders.
>Fighter: My penis
>DM: ...
>Fighter: What?
>DM: Are you sure about that?
>Fighter: Who cares? I whip it out
>DM: The tattooist sets to work with a grimace and in less than an hour you exit the parlor with a surprising level of soreness.
>Fighter: Right on
>A period of time passes in which the party learns of a conspiracy to mind control the citizens of the city is taking place but they don't know how it's going to happen
>DM: The girls leading you freeze in their tracks
>Fighter: What's wrong did they see something
>DM: They stand stockstill and make no sounds
>Fighter: I walk up and look at them
>DM: The magical tattoos that onces flowed across their faces have frozen in place and you watch black lines spreading through the veins under their skin as their expression goes slack and they skin goes ashen
>Fighter: I try to shake them
>DM: They do not awake from their frozen state, you begin to feel strange yourself
>Fighter: What kind of strange?
>DM: ...below the waist strange.
>Fighter: Fuck it's my dick isn't it?
>DM: Yea
>Fighter: I pull down my pants and check
>DM: ...Jesus christ... your veins begin to turn black spiderwebbing up your body and you feel a slow paralysis emanating from the arcane tattoo
>Fighter: My penis is killing me
>DM: You are uncertain of anything other than the magical tattoo is causing this spreading paralysis.
>Fighter: I cut it off
>DM: What?
>Fighter: I cut off my penis
>DM: What, why?

>> No.8959106

>Fighter: I need to stop it from spreading
>DM: You don't know what's happening to you
>Fighter: I roll healing to see if I can diagnose myself
>DM: You do not know whats wrong with you
>Fighter: So I cut it off
>DM: Are you serious?
>Fighter: Yes
>DM: Roll fortitude to summon the emotional strength that it requires to castrate yourself in a dirty alleyway with a blunt dagger and a heal check to do it properly without injuring yourself.
>Rolls a 20 and a 6
>DM: You summon all of your inner will and in one swift stroke slice at your genitals, your understanding of anatomy is weak and the blade is dull so you do some sawing a raggedly cut off most of your penis
>Fighter: At least I am alive
>DM: You collapse in the mud and begin to bleed out roll to stabilize
>Fighter: This is how I end, penisless in an alley

Eventually the party found him and healed him but spent the rest of the campaign without a dick. Didn't effect much since it's not really combat necessary but he made sure to bring it up in just about every NPC conversation with the opposite sex.

>> No.8959133

I have more if you post recipe ideas.

I am pretty excited about this thread in general, i'll keep it going for as long as I can. Maybe I'll dump more cozy tavern pics if you guys can keep it going till tonight. Also totally find a game and cook for the players. Immersion can feel cheesey and campy but sometimes you just have to commit.

Betrayal is pretty different than D20 tapletop games but you're right. Without the effort of description and explanation your just using a bunch of rule sets. That's why I like alot of diplomacy in my games. It's meant to be a living world you can interact with. Without that you might as well be playing monopoly.

>> No.8959158

So guys, how long does it take to go from nowing nothing to be able to play?

I tried asking /tg/ once but got told to get lost. This was a while back and kind of put me off, this thread has made me interested again.

>> No.8959180

Everything in depends on having a good DM and a good group to play with. You can always get the basics in a good first session. Which with character creation (which by itself explains alot of how to play) should be 4-6 hours. /tg/ are usually a bunch of pretentious assholes but that's mostly because they got burned too many times on bad players and DMs and want it to be some sort of exclusive club. The rules are complicated but that's the DMs job to know, if the DM can't give you a quick answer or come up with something that works instead he probably shouldn't be DMing. If you want to break into tabletop rpgs the best way to do it is get a bunch of friends together and learn the game together and have the person with the best understanding of the rules and a bit of imagination DM the game for you. If you can't get any friends interested in it you should find a local games shop and ask them if they host any games or have any groups you can join. Most people in those groups have the patience to help out new players, eventually you find a group that works for you.

>> No.8959237

>Islander pirate vessel

>> No.8959239
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>> No.8959242
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Why is this a thing I don't know about?

>> No.8959244
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>> No.8959247
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>> No.8959252
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>> No.8959253
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>> No.8959258
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>> No.8959261
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>> No.8959263
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>> No.8959264

Shit, this is so good. How do I go and play D&D? Are all of the games fantasy themed like this? Are there any space-and-aliens-themed ones?

>> No.8959265

Sorry that was a double post of different image qualities. My bad.

>> No.8959268

that's chill i liked looking at it again
where are you located?

>> No.8959272

>Volcano slop village
if its close to the ocean you should have Hawaiian and Polynesian inspired dishes.
>Gypsy caravan camp
A nice spicy Lecsó, I know its not exactly roma food, but its a nice Hungarian dish that I think would fit with the feeling of a gypsy caravan camp
>Bargemen who work the rivers
Not sure about what dishes to have, maybe Louisiana creole type dishes but serve it with a nice honey bourbon, or if you dont want people getting too drunk or they dont like bourbon, honey bourbon lemonade!
>Voodoo Swamp Town
Gumbo is a good one, Okra soup would also be really good. Shrimp, cray fish or lobster might be good as well.

Thats all i got for now.

>> No.8959277

The popular fantasy ones are D&D 3.5 and 5th edition. Pathfinder is like a 3.75 edition kinda, that's what I play the most. Shadowrun is magic/cyberpunk with streetsamurai and hackers. Numenera is just weirdness. I've heard there are some pretty good space themed ones like Rogue Trader and stuff but I don't know much about them. You might have to go to /tg/ or look it up on your own. Sorry. Believe me, if there is something you are into there is an RPG for it space opera, space pirate, cyberpunk, steampunk, fantasy, there is even a pro wrestling lucha libre type rpg. They have them for everything. Some systems work better than others. The big problem is finding people to play with. You need friends who are totally on board for a weekly game or a good game store near you.

>> No.8959280

I'm bay area/San Francisco located, but i'm full up on games. I play a weekly and DM a weekly so I don't have time to get anything new started.

>> No.8959284

Some of that stuff was previously mentioned. I really like the Lecso idea, I've never heard of it before but I googled it and it looks fucking delicious. I'm making that sometime with the group or without.

>> No.8959292

Thanks man!!

>> No.8959310

Its popular among commonwealth countries. The british navy used to serve it to all of their sailors to make sure they didnt get scurvy, the other thing is that its very sugary so it stops water from swimming with bacteria and it turns shitty water into a delicious treat. Its very cheap as well, cordial has to be mixed with water so one bottle stretches very far.

>> No.8959311
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Yea, no problem. Most people who are into tabletops want other people to get into tabletops. Just ask and most people will tell you everything.

>> No.8959315
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Huh, that's a bit of history I didn't know. I'm going to have to check that out and see if it's any good.

>> No.8959317
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>> No.8959318

My girlfriend is 100% Hungarian heritage and she and her family cook the most delicious food. If you can get your hands on some proper hungarian chilis to go in it its fucking delicious. Oh yeah, and most recipes you'll find online dont have this, but if you like egg, crack a couple into the Lesco while its cooking, its amazing. Its really easy and fairly quick to cook so I'd 10/10 recommend this.

>> No.8959319

gotcha. i'm in brooklyn. that's awesome anon, glad to hear it!

>> No.8959323
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That sounds pretty legit. I'm gonna try it this week just for myself. Maybe egg maybe not I'll decide in the moment.

>> No.8959327
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What's your game situation like out in NY?

>> No.8959333
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>> No.8959336
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>> No.8959337

never tried as i'm a /ck/ guy through and through. interested now thanks to you though. at /tg/ trying to learn some stuff at present

>> No.8959338

its that kind of dish really, every family does it differently and every time its cooked its a little different depending on what ingredients are had at the time. Its actually traditional peasant dish in a similar way to ratatouille so its about being pragmatic and cooking what you have and adding your own little things to make it your own.
Sometimes they're sweet or hot depending on the paprika used or the types of peppers, its great with some nice german rye bread and a stout or plum brandy. Its very /comfy/

>> No.8959341
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>> No.8959353
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Tabletops are stupidly fun. Just make sure you are playing with a good DM and the right kind of people. Otherwise you will have a crap first experience and not be able to get into it as much as you would otherwise.

>> No.8959372

roger that. i'll do my best

>> No.8959502
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Something to consider for historical authenticity; back in the Middle Ages, hops were not commonly used as a bittering agent, so consider serving lightly hopped ales. Also, many households and pubs brewed their own beer and spirits, so consider serving them different drinks to set the mood for locations the party is staying in (e.g. dining in a baron's castle, or sheltering in a remote village).

Finally, you can also try asking the players themselves to bring in all kinds of ingredients to cook in a perpetual stew, which is what a lot of medieval inns kept to feed their guests. You can even make a game of maintaining the stew through all of your game sessions (pic related has been cooked for five months), though some vigilance is needed to prevent spoiling.

>> No.8959503

Pizza and loneliness

>> No.8959662

>5 month old stew
>some vigilance is needed to prevent spoiling


>> No.8959692

I honestly can't tell which way the sarcasm's going, but I'll clarify my instructions. Maintaining a perpetual stew requires you to top up ingredients and water, boil it daily (even if you didn't eat from it), and skim off fat from the top. In this manner, you can expect your stew to last months or even a whole year, providing you don't slack off on any of these steps.

>> No.8959751

Nah, I was just joshing because the way you phrased it made me chuckle. I'm sure it works fine.

>> No.8959798

I think by 'faux' turtle soup anon is thinking of mock turtle? Which is a stew that uses a calf's head instead of turtle as the meat.

>mages tower

Anything super decadent and rich - quail's eggs, suckling pig, roast chicken, cakes and ale

>partially submerged city with half man/lobster people (Think man from the waist up

I'm feeling sushi for this one, especially unusual looking ones like sea urchin rolls and roe rolls, served with wakame seaweed and calamari

>steampunk gnome metropolis

This one's tough. In pathfinder gnomes are described as preferring to eat different preserved foods with lots of variation so they don't have the same meal every day. If the metropolis is advanced enough maybe go for canned and easy to make foods, like sardines, pickled eggs, canned peaches/fruit

>arctic sled team nomads (eskimo/inuit)

If you can find it, salmon jerky. Any sort of fish or preserved meats for this one as well

>metallic dragon lair/hoard

This really depends on the personality of the dragon. If they're high-born and maybe kind of snobby make it elaborate and decadent like the mages', but if they have more of a wild personality get whole chunks of lamb and mutton roasted over a fire

>kings tourney/joust

I know it's cliche, but giant turkey legs and mead. Can't go wrong with a classic

>> No.8959934

I'm far too old to be playing D&D but I'm enjoying reading the food ideas in this thread.

>> No.8960400


>> No.8960435

Just make a big bag of pizza rolls.

>> No.8960440


>> No.8960482

I bet he started wielding the biggest swords he could find after that 'incident'.

>> No.8960537

Audibly keked

>> No.8961216

Actually he became an arsonist and died in a desert.

>> No.8961927

that's pretty awesome except Orc and Drow (maybe lizard too) get jipped, everything else looks awesome.

>> No.8962230

do you need webms of joey from joey's super cool food reviews (tm)? "what eat now" threads? pictures of the wendy's girl? we're your guys. culinary advice? try reddit.

>> No.8962474
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The idea of keeping a perpetual stew going week to week from game to game is pretty cool but i'm looking for a bit more variation and diversity of theme. Good idea tho.

>> No.8962477
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There are some good ideas here. I like the stuff for the mages tower, can't get my hands on suckling pig though. I do have access to plenty of salmon jerky and pricey preserved fish.

>> No.8962480
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I've seen some pretty old folks playing D&D man. It's never to late.

>> No.8962489

Don why are you on /ck/?

>> No.8962491

OP as much as you're getting from this thread, I'm enjoyong just reading the retarded adventures your "group" has.
Is there a resource for this comedy on the internet?

>> No.8962495

>Is there a resource for this comedy on the internet?

>> No.8962501
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That player always plays fighters and is incredibly suicidal. Constant leaps of faith, using his body to stop things or set off traps, attempting to jump into the mouths of large enemies to fight them from the inside, constantly carrying out dashing and daring if completely planless rescues. The player operates under the assumption that if he can pull it off it will be super cool, and it actually is the rare times he does it.

>DM: The lord captain commander shouts for guard who pile into his chambers with swords drawn
>Fighter: I grab the lord captain and hold him in front of me
>DM: He smiles as you manhandle him into position, he does not resist and asks you to quit this pointless game and lay down your arms
>Fighter: Does this room have any windows?
>DM: This room is set against the outer wall of the keep near the lakeshore, there is light shining in from three broad equidistant windows on the wall behind you.
>Fighter: I coup de grace the lord captain commander slitting his throat and backflip through the window into a swandive into the lake
>DM: That's like five stories
>Fighter: I know
>DM: With rocks at the bottom
>Fighter: I will miss them
>DM: Into a freezing lake wearing armor
>Fighter: I will remove my armor while falling
>DM: Fine roll really high acrobatics and I'll give it to you
He rolls a solid 20
>DM: ...sigh... You draw you're dagger across the captain commanders throat and his smile vanishes as his blood fountains out, spraying onto his shocked guards, you take advantage of the brief moment to back flip through the window directly behind you into a swan dive few could rival. In your rapid decent you shed you various pieces of armor to fall behind you. You enter the water with a splash smaller than a teardrop and on the distant lakeshore a lone peasant who happened to be watching holds up a sign that says 10/10. You begin to swim to safety as the confused guards halfheartedly fire arrows into the water around you.

>> No.8962503

Not Don sorry, but Don sounds nice, tell him hi.

>> No.8962516
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The other times he does it it ends up like this.

>DM: You hear shouting and crashing downstairs in the inn echoing up through the floor
>Fighter: It must be the kings guards to get us, i'll hold them off while you flee
>Bard: Why not just come with us?
>Fighter: Leave me, take the others
>Bard: We'll meet up with you later
>Fighter: Go on without me
>Bard: Whatever
>Fighter: I draw my sword and dash down the hallway, what do I see?
>DM: The hall way is as normal but you hear a loud ruckus coming from the common room, although it's nature is indistinguishable to your weak fighter ears.
>Fighter: I throw my shield onto the floor and Legolas slide down the stairs with my sword out in front of me
>DM: You could just walk of run down the stairs
>Fighter: I'm Legolas
>DM: Roll a high enough acrobatics
Rolls a 2
>DM: You throw the shield down in front of you and trip on it catapulting you headfirst into the top step and dealing 1D6 damage and stunning you, your limp unconscious body slides and tumbles the rest of the way down the stairs where you reach the bottom and partially impale yourself on your own sword roll for damage to yourself. Through a haze of pain you look into the common room to see that the loud noises we're the rest of your party arriving from their completed objective and in celebration they bought the whole tavern a drink. The innkeep looks up and frowns and the spreading bloodstain on his floor and mutters to himself "1/10"
>Fighter: ...but...Legolas...

>> No.8962529
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Lizard people looked delicious what are you talking about, you don't like shellfish?

>> No.8962535
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Definitely /tg/ but you could probably just google some of the more famous D&D copypasta stories. My personal favorite is the the Sir Bearington story. As long as this threads still going on I will dump cozy fantasy food pictures, talk about D&D food, and drop the occasional story.

>> No.8962580
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>> No.8962611

>some kind of belgian trappist beer
>recommending a 12% beer for a light gaming sesh
The madman

>> No.8962616

>setting off on an ocean voyage
>DM brings a bowl of goldfish crackers
Well, she tried

>> No.8962631
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>> No.8962640
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>> No.8963076

after playing tomb of horrors this is how me and the rest of my party reacts to corridors.

>> No.8963090

Was I implying I was proud of the fact that on this board, at any given time, we have 10 fast food threads, a half dozen what eat? threads, several fast food youtub review threads and a couple forbidden food image centric threads, and a token only 10 bucks till Friday HELP! thread?

Now, granted, the look-at-the-fucked-up-thing-I/somebody-did-to-food reblog threads can (can, not always) be funny, the real content exists in this thread and ones like it. This single thread and the one where Texas bro gets drunk and fries shit with his cats in his apartment are the two things that manage to make me re-click my way back to this godforsaken anti-meme shithole. I don't mean to complain at you, but this place is pretty bad anymore. The memester mcchicken kids won through their persistence. Turns out: you can drown out the oc given enough lack of moderation.

>/ck/ is food and cooking
>not just for cooking fast food is food too
Those kids can take a dick in the ass as far as I'm concerned.

Op- I'm sorry to use your thread to vent like this. This is a good thread and I support it. Thanks for fostering this cozy conversation -- I wish I was going to your dd party it sounds fun. Come back and start a new thread to let me know how it went.

>> No.8963159

Look at this idiot that /threads himself without even readin the thread! Man, to be that retarded!...

>> No.8963199
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Op. first of all, watch the video

next, buy this for 5 ducks


god damn i want a pathfinder game.

>> No.8963210

>drow get gyped
I'll fucking fight you that looks awesome.

>> No.8964529

OP here, no problem. I wouldnt have posted this thread if I didn't think it would have had some cool food ideas. So far most people who have commented in this thread have given vauable contributions and enjoyed it. Every board has shitposters. All you can do is try and make quality threads on your own. Ill post results from my first session when I get back from vacation.

>> No.8964670

10/10 I would fix bayonettes for that. I would make that hash. Stew too.

I use the pathfinder sound app syrinscape.

>> No.8964677

Also why not organize your own pf game?

>> No.8964791

i agree with that other angry guy, this is probably the best new thread on here this week. you should come back and let us know how your campaign went even if it's only marginally food related the oc would be appreciated here

>> No.8964997

Id like to hear more new recommendations and ideas. This thread ain't dead yet.

>> No.8965092

Found this in the /tg/ PDF thread the other day.

>> No.8965147

I'm about to head into my second campaign Saturday, you'd be surprised how easy it can be to get people into it. Just somebody with a little nerd in them, you can usually appeal to that

>> No.8965166

A) They have pre-written campaigns for people like you who put so much weight into the story not the fun

B) Yes Baldur's Gate exists, but can your gnome rogue hide in a barrel of flour and convince people that he's a ghost? Can your dragonborn Sorcerer get confused about the local cuisine and accidentally eat someone's cat creating a lynch mob? D&D isn't about the story or the combat as much as the stupid/creative shit you can do without limits like programming to hold you down

>> No.8965358

I was wondering, as DM, do you just setup an outline beforehand of the scenario and then improvise as you go along? It seems like it would be impossible to anticipate the direction characters would go especially since results are dependent on dice rolls.

>> No.8965367

Any GM worth his salt should be ready to turn a string of seemingly unrelated adventures into an over-arching plot.

>> No.8965383

I almost always just set up an environment and improvise/change the reactions of the NPCs to how the PCs act, rather than writing actual plot

Trying to maneuver players into a restrictive, specific story is like herding cats, but if you let them do their own thing for long enough they'll create the story for you.

>> No.8965444

>hellmouth parlay where the players meet the princes of hell to negotiate

This might sound corny but I would choose foods that stain your fingers blood-red. Bowls of pomegranate seeds and blackberries, red velvet cakes using traditional beet juice instead of red food coloring, cherry tomatoes

>svirfneblin villiage

Love the idea of a mushroom diet, look into black mushrooms and black garlic as well

>holy monastery that is illegally training paladins for it's religion without the consent of the king and trying to hide it

Straight-up porridge and gruel, poverty ascetic food

>callistrian (Whore god) Brothel/Orphanage/Cathedral/Spy den

I'm thinking tavern food like beef stew and soda bread for the spy den and brothel, the others depend on how you want to play them (for orphanages/cathedrals I immediately go to gruel like the monastery, unless they have more coin at their disposal)

>> No.8965844


These guys are right >>8965367 >>8965383

I find games without rigid structure flow easier. DMing is pretty much improvisational most of the time, you just have to show up with a toolbox full of story elements and half baked ideas. Also considering that all stories kinda have been told before it's pretty easy to just slip into it.

>Players walk into a tavern
>One tries to flirt with barmaid
>She says no my husband will beat me
>Players get angry and decide their going to beat the shit out of the husband
>Barmaid begs them not to and that he was a good man but has changed
>Talks about people in the town becoming evil over time
>Suddenly you're in a quest to save the town from its citizenry getting possessed by sin demons that climb out of the sewers at night.
>Players spend a night hunting and punching demons, then there is a feast, Player 1 fucks the barmaid and they flee town the next morning ahead of an angry mob. Everyone has fun.

I just made up a decent throw away quest for what would normally be a town they just pass through on the main quest. This stuff is so cliched it writes itself.

My current games main quest is that the boundaries between the planes one heaven and hell are weakening and it can only be restored by gathering together the nine rods of power scattered across the world. Totally meaningless quest, it's just there to give them an excuse to run around and have adventures.

>> No.8965876

I like the pomegranate and blackberry idea, also the red velvet cake.

I looked up black mushrooms but it just game me shittake mushrooms. I've never heard of black garlic but that sounds super cool, I have no idea about how to get it though and I'm probably not going to be able to make it.

I'm trying to avoid foods that are hard to get people to eat and I don't think offering them bowls of gruel is going to keep them from ordering a pizza. I don't want to make food that breaks the line between "Why spend money when there is delicious food right here?" and "There is burrito place that delivers, A+ for effort though"

Also when I said callistrian (Whore god) Brothel/Orphanage/Cathedral/Spy den. I actually meant it is a cathedral that is all three of those things at once. Callistrians are a weird pathfinder religion.

>> No.8966034

Go on roll20 and find an online Group

>> No.8966086

I find that roll20 loses alot of the charm of tabletops. It's all about sitting around having drinks and eating and going on a fantasy adventure together. When your just sitting at a screen reading and rolling slowly I think it loses alot of the magic. Still good for what it is though.

>> No.8966091

Crusty bread, cheese, roasted and dried meats.
Just rustic stuff

>> No.8966132

Those are good ideas. A lot of that stuff has already been mentioned in the thread though. I guess i'm looking for thematic stuff based on specific scenarios. It's a diversity of diet thing. Somebody said chili for everything and while chili is great you don't want to eat it every game night. There have been some pretty neat suggestions in this thread. Really inventive stuff. That's why I asked /ck/, I just don't have the culinary imagination for different dishes every session that relate to the in game scenarios.

>> No.8966150

That's a pile of reading i'm going to have to save for another day. I appreciate it though. I am genuinely interested in the content and I took a look. Definitely some rich materiel.

>> No.8966177

Find a copy of the Redwall Cookbook and take inspiration from the recipes. They're all rustic and I'm sure you can find a recipe for different themes in your game.

For example; my gf is running a game based in the swamp and if we were to choose a recipe to make for the group from said book I'd pick the otters Hotroot Soup with shrimp.

>> No.8966182

I think.the rations idea is pretty good and you can have extra thematic food for occasions
Like you wouldn't find a meal in a dungeon so maybe bigger rations and when they go to a tavern you could make a large spread or something

>> No.8966183

Someone actually already brought up the hotroot soup. I am skeptical of how it would actually taste. Have you tried it yourself? What's it taste like?

>> No.8966210

Does anyone know the reply/image max of threads on /ck/ because I feel like we are getting up there?

>> No.8966219


I haven't tried it personally but it seems like a very straightforward vegetable and seafood soup with some spice to it. The recipes are vague enough to where you can add what you think would be good in them.

>> No.8966227

I might just try making it experimentally before giving it to others. Some dishes you look at and know if you cook it competently it will be good even if you fuck up a bit. Others are a crapshoot from just looking at the recipe.

>> No.8966304

I have no idea if this has already been said, but here are my 2 cents:
A centaur setting should not have cooked food of any kind. Mythologically, they were known for being savage and barbaric, which also meant that they never cooked their food (this also goes hand in hand with the barbarian vs civilized dichotomy). Do raw stuff (tartare maybe?) with raw vegetables and fruits, even though I would stick to meat only. If you're doing a civilized centaur race kind of thing, have it that only their leader eats cooked food, model him after Chiron if that sounds like a good idea to you.

Plus, I think that you should in some cases cook weird, even slightly bad tasting foods. I mean, I have no idea why an unholy setting should have food in the first place, except maybe for a glass of mystery "wine" here and there - which you can actually make yourself, maybe a drink loaded with spices? Anyway, I think that part of the experience should also be to bring to your players not only pleasure, but also odd and maybe "challenging" dishes.

>> No.8967361

I don't really see much of an appeal in putting effort into intentionally making bad food that even I wouldnt want to eat as a gag for a game. It just sounds like a waste of time, effort, money, and food. Maybe im just not getting your explanation.

>> No.8967774

It seems to me that the food clearly isn't there just as nourishment, it's part of the roleplay, otherwise the OP wouldn't be worried about matching specific settings with specific cuisines. If you don't want to make it bad, at least make an effort to come up with something that will surprise your players palate

>> No.8968051

I am OP, can you give me an example of what "surprising their palate" would look like?

>> No.8968542

Who is thread?

>> No.8968546

Threads dead baby, threads dead.