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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 302 KB, 429x362, Hungry Man spicy fried chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8946425 No.8946425 [Reply] [Original]

I like Hungry Man (made in the oven) and Tandoori Chef

>> No.8946437

I like a good, frozen human forearm.

>> No.8946441

I don't eat African food.

>> No.8946576

>getting the hungryman with bones


>> No.8946673

its fine if you make it in the oven. Hell, I'd assert better than modern KFC (not a huge accomplishment, but still)

>> No.8946816

Marie Calenders

>> No.8946909
File: 111 KB, 940x389, Package-Fam-Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's these bags of frozen dinners. They're all easy. Heat a pan, put in a little oil, dump the bag in, cover with lid for 5~ minutes and then take the lid off and cook another 7~
They're alright for being quick, having actual meat like shrimp and chicken, and the vegetables never turn out soft and soggy.

>> No.8946915

>TFW living at yoru parents' house
>TFW they get mad if you fry anything in oil because of the smell

>> No.8946980
File: 79 KB, 398x600, evol-package-nav-meal-multiserve-butternut-squash-sage-ravioli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had anything bad from this brand.
But these fuckers are the best.

>> No.8947103
File: 12 KB, 260x194, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is pretty dam good, although for over 3 bucks I'd usually rather just make something myself.

Most of the time when I'm with my friends and they opt for something frozen they'll just chuck it in the microwave. I'm an oven man myself, unless I'm feeling really slovenly and impatient.

>> No.8947112
File: 284 KB, 600x298, 8-ct-family-pack-beefandbean-burrito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any burritos or taquitos made by El Monterey.

>> No.8947121
File: 55 KB, 450x450, Breakfastbowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are dank as fuck
This guy reviews a shit ton of frozen shit
some of it is actual shit others are decent
Breakbowl review

>> No.8947130

doesn't that guy hate everything he reviews and is convinced the government should make everything he finds suspect illegal?
like, one of those fucks who thinks "unnatural" food is what makes you unhealthy?

>> No.8947157

Some of the shit he reviews is terrible dollar store stuff or decent dollar store stuff like these indian patties


>> No.8947192

passion pasta's beef ravioli

>> No.8947193

Jimmy Dean's breakfast sandwiches are fucking great, but holy shit they're loaded with sodium

>> No.8947229


This guy is okay in a cheesey dad kinda way, despite the somewhat juvenile humor. He's also smarter than he initially sounds and it seems like he actually gives a shit about cooking, unlike most people who obnoxiously review Burger King in their car.

>> No.8947343
File: 263 KB, 600x600, 42272000579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[I'm drunk so really sociable, forgive me if I sound like a valley girl]

Lean Cuisine is really atrocious to me. When I was fat in 2010, I thought me being hungry after a Lean Cuisine meant that I couldn't control my appetite. Now I just realize that it really isn't a lot of food.

I prefer a Hungry Man than a Lean Cuisine, but I also say that as somoene who doesn't normally eat frozen foods. So if I'm bringing a meal to work that's frozen, I'll bring a fried chicken Hungry Man. It's delicious, it's a good amount of food that'll satisfy me, and it's really not so bad. So I'll buy that.

Amy's is also something else that is really good, except in the case of an Amy's frozen dinner you could eat it all the time. You can't eat Hungry Man all the time. You get a decent amount of food, you feel satisfied, and it's delicious.

Burritos are good too. shit, thaw that fucking burito in your car it'll taste good.

>> No.8947362

These really could have more Like, if it had as much food as is in that bowl then I'd buy it. Jimmy Deans always comes up short when it comes to the actual food you get, whether it's in quality or the amount of food, or even the calories since sometimes there's the Big Mac effect where it's 500 calories but it feels like you only ate half the food you really wanted.

>> No.8947510


I eat this exact amy's meal at least twice a week

>> No.8947546

Weird that a frozen meal is a routine. Could just make your own by then, freeze it, and reheat it!

>> No.8947888

I don't know how the wolf pit isn't a ck meme, he's /ourdad/ with those awful jokes!

>> No.8948952

Pretty sure they just glue the boneless meat on to bones because the meat: bone ratio is way higher than that of a normal chicken.

>> No.8948987

How do you guys afford these Amy's dishes? They're like triple the price of average frozen meals.

>> No.8949567
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been enjoying these lately when I've been feeling lazy. They don't skimp on the cheese or sausage.

>> No.8949587
File: 307 KB, 650x625, amys-mexican-casserole-bowls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.8949593

Stoufers is hands down the best national brand for the money. 2 dollar meatloaf and macaroni meals? Whats the limit, cashier?

>> No.8949659
File: 136 KB, 460x260, 214_PSimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy's broccoli cheddar bake is the tits. Also any frozen pre made Gyoza always turns out super well, never had bad freezer Gyoza. Also french bread pizzas that burn the shit out of your mouth are great.

>> No.8949665
File: 225 KB, 951x709, im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hungry sodium man

Anon, they give you less food. Of course you get less sodium.

>> No.8949692
File: 87 KB, 520x520, 13192150[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The country cheddar bowl is so fucking good. The potatoes are so fluffy and delicious. I pick out the flaccid tofu slabs though, not sure why they're even in there.

>> No.8949694

After ten fucking years I finally cracked and had frozen food for the first time once more. Michelina's fettucine alfredo, I couldn't help myself it was just so damn cheap and the Safeway is across from work that I can save like $6 on my daily lunch excursion.

>> No.8949709
File: 77 KB, 600x400, bertolli-pasta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are a miracle. This is my favorite type, but the other dishes are legit. Slightly more effort than a TV dinner, but they only dirty one skillet and then you're good to go.

>> No.8949727

Protein. You know they only make vegetarian meals, right?

>> No.8949810

Doesn't cheese have protein though? Also I'm aware. Anyways the shit is nasty and only wishes it was as delicious as broccoli.

>> No.8949947

I'm not a 90-year-old man, my body can process salt

>> No.8949963

the devour shit is over the top but damn I have to admit it's perfect late night drunk food... use them to keep away the DUIs

>> No.8949969

especially the bacon mac n cheese, pretty legit imo

>> No.8949974
File: 203 KB, 1300x956, amys-brand-enchilada-verde-spinach-cheese-enchilada-ready-meal-prepared-E8PWDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of them are "good"

All of them are mediocre. I eat these at friends houses when they have nothing, or when I am super hungry and tired after a hard workout. They are sustenance and nothing more.

all that being said I think the enchiladas, beans, and rice are a safer bet in terms of taste than most of them

>> No.8950045

I tried this the other day and it was pretty good. it's pretty expensive for frozen food though. the bertolli bag things are ok too, but I can never find any of the flavors I like anymore. as far as microwave dinners go I like the zatarans and chilis branded ones, but I haven't seen them in the store recently either.

>> No.8950047
File: 72 KB, 412x640, 26600568721_c41821493b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.8950055

Yep the chicken parm is great.

Stouffers mac and cheese is my go to though.

>> No.8950537

Amys is like 7$ for a frozen shitty meal
The frozen pizzas are 16.99 for like 13oz of food. I could buy 18oz ribeye baby spuds and asparagus for that

>> No.8950547
File: 33 KB, 500x412, 1315867163855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amys has a large marketing team


>> No.8950555

Amy's chili mac though.

>> No.8950584

Yeah, Amy's is pretty dang good (for frozen foods anyway)

>> No.8950593

I like to eat this with my steak

>> No.8950629

==I wouldn't recommend you guys to eat refined, additive-filled foods. Eat whole grains, meat, veggies, fruit, drink water and tea and your life will be happier.==

Did you see the ingredient list in the back of the bags? You're going to shit bricks if you know what you're eating. Just google what additives you're chowing down and what harm can they do to your precious body.


Ventilate before you start. Open windows and turn on fans to direct air outwards or, if it's summer (or you're lucky enough to have air conditioning), power it up. The same goes for those of you with ranges with hood ventilation.

Close the doors to nearby rooms so that the smell doesn't seep into the bedroom, living room, and bathroom, slowly but surely taking over your entire life.

Clean up immediately. It's tempting to eat the hard-earned latkes right away. Yes, sneak a few for yourself, but then start cleaning (or employ a helper!) A.S.A.P. Once you've disposed of the oil, clean the pots, pans and appliaces and wipe down the stovetop, counters, and nearby walls (!) with kitchen degreaser.

>> No.8950635

why are you more than doubling everything when the hungry man is only a little over 50% more

>> No.8950639

am i the only one that hates those soggy ass tortilla strips in that one?

>> No.8950642

Is this some fresh pasta or what?

>> No.8950646

Hello, Shareblue, how are the COINTELPRO tactics goin'?

>> No.8950653
File: 16 KB, 400x300, tumblr_inline_njith6y6Rw1qe77pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what any of that means.

>> No.8950674

Your math is really fucked. Go back to school

>> No.8950676

380 * 2 = 760

>> No.8950683

i don't understand what point you're trying to make?

i said more than double (image said 770), double is 760

>> No.8950692

I was off by 1% to make the math simpler because I'm lazy.

>> No.8950695
File: 341 KB, 213x199, thef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one

>> No.8950696
File: 2.05 MB, 1000x1362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are simply the best

but they are expensive as fuck compared

>> No.8950702

You can freeze pretty much any type of meat pie and reheat in the oven with great results, but that said I don't know any good meat pie brands on the market, but that doesn't mean you can't make it yourself.

>> No.8950705

oh, so you're just fucking stupid

since you didn't get it the first time, what i was saying was that 411/269 =/= 2, you idiot

>> No.8950724

It wouldn't make sense to use the package weights. Some of it could just be water, which isn't food.

>> No.8950729

you got me there, just guessing was definitely the way to go for a nice, accurate calculation

>> No.8950747

What guessing? The calories double, logically all of the nutrients double.

Imagine one Amy's dinner. Then imagine another Amy's dinner.

That is the caloric equivalent of a Hungry Man meal.

With slightly more sodium in total. Which is the original point I was making.

>> No.8950757

You're all fucking stupid and your conversation is just pointless bickering bullshit. I hope you feel bad about it and work to mentally improve yourselves.

>> No.8950771

>pointless bickering
Yes hello welcome to the Internet enjoy your stay.

>> No.8950776

basically he is retarded and thought "oh look its WAAY lower in everything so its better" with realizing its just half the food

Amys are a rip off and wont fill up any normal size adult

>> No.8950787

>welcome to the Internet

I've been online for 21 years, but this thread spiraled into retardation very quickly, and not the deliberate trolly kind.

>> No.8950790

your loss long pig tastes fanfuckingtastic

>> No.8950799
File: 909 KB, 2400x2400, c09991f7-4c6f-44f1-8a90-b381f9a762e3_1.f51088746565929078f96acf197259f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the Stouffer's Cheddar Bake are some of the best.

>> No.8950804

haha that does not serve two

>> No.8950810
File: 674 KB, 2000x2000, 000029163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stouffers meat sauce lasagna is the only frozen one worth buying
It actually uses real food ingredients not crazy processed shit and tastes way WAY better than the store brand or other brand frozen shit

>> No.8950820

Except you get a balanced and filling meal without relying on double the empty calories like hungry man, which leans heavily on sodium for flavor rather than to preserve (relatively) natural flavor. That was MY original point.

>> No.8950823
File: 98 KB, 911x960, 1487977681712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Amys has way more carbs and less protein per weight
Its just as bad as the hunger mans. It might not have the same amount of preservatives but who knows

>> No.8950834

ice cream.

>> No.8951211

All these images just make ne think about all the packaging and cleaning and other production related things for each different product. I work in a frozen food place so now it makes me think about stuff like this. Packaging sucks three akwalw a goddamn problem and causes fuck ups.

>> No.8951414

this and their grandma chicken and rice bake are the fucking best

>> No.8951635

grandma chicken and rice bake is highly underrated

>> No.8951715


The wolfepit guy has a lot of heart. He's literally paralyzed and can barely has full control of his hands. You'll notice he usually holds knives and spoons in an odd uncoordinated way. He had a depressing post on his blog a while back about not being able to afford some modification he needed for his hand-controlled pickup truck and how that's the only independence he has :/

>> No.8951716

I support the guy's channel. He's a champ. I hope the slowly growing youtube fame does't go to his head.

>> No.8951717

>spending $6 on this
>literally have to cook it yourself way

why not just make it from scratch for less than 1/4 the price

>> No.8951727

He's working in IT or something related from home as far as I can tell, so Youtube isn't his primary income. I wish he did more BBQ/grilling videos rather than microwaved meal reviews though. The higher viewcounts probably pushes him towards the reviews too much

>> No.8952361

plese tell me where you can buy chicken breast and cheese for less than $1.50

>> No.8952365

He addressed that in a recent video. He said the limited mobility and need for aid when handling things is why he hasn't been doing as many bbq videos.

>> No.8952370

Can't remember the brand name, but I always stock up when the frozen spinach and ricotta bakes go on sale for $1CA/each. They're surprisingly good.

>> No.8952382
File: 1.10 MB, 1579x2113, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dish is almost entirely pasta.

The only cheese listed is parmesan, and it comes below spinach on the list of ingredients. And there isn't a lot of spinach.

There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of chicken either, maybe one breast cut up.

1.50 is stretching it a bit in my opinion, but it could be doable if you find some sales.

>> No.8952505

To be fair, if you spend $15 total on all ingredients (let's say the person needs everything) to make a few meals, unless you get one hell of a deal on this or the other, there isn't that much of a difference price-wise than just buying a couple of the premade ones.

>> No.8953294

How much chicken do you think is in the bag? You can buy chicken from any Walmart for $2/lb and there's way less than 1lb of meat in that bag

>> No.8953301

ah that sucks

>> No.8953304

Yes there is, are you joking? Have you ever cooked pasta before?

>> No.8953386

Not real tamal

>> No.8953410

Horrendous shit fatbastardization. Not real enchilada redneck

>> No.8953428
File: 360 KB, 1600x1200, photo 2 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it's frozen food. You can't expect too much.

>> No.8953436

Looks awful except for the corn

>> No.8953440

How many calories per plate?

>> No.8953464

Why the box dont use the same white plate?

>> No.8953470

Comida de vatos locos y pobres

>> No.8953476

Los frijoles parecen mierda. Mejor estuvieran molidos para tener un presentacion mas favorable

>> No.8953771
File: 200 KB, 286x390, Screen-Shot-2013-09-03-at-6.05.23-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frozen food from costco is usually solid since they only sell stuff that goes thru a team of taste testers and passes the grade.

also amy's is absolute trash.

>> No.8953998

>You can buy chicken from any Walmart for $2/lb
fucking where? chicken breast is $5.99/lb at walmart or most grocery stores where I live. even if I go to the mexican corner store and get 2 bone-in breasts for $2.99 that leaves nothing for the rest of the ingredients. the cheese alone is going to cost at least 50 cents/oz for even the cheapest american made kind.

>> No.8954043

>fucking where? chicken breast is $5.99/lb at walmart or most grocery stores where I live.

I've lived throughout the Midwest and the South and I've never paid more than $2.50/lb for chicken breast. Not even the organic chicken breast is $6/lb

>> No.8954070

Stouffer's is the best brand for general frozen meals as long as you stick to American/Italian options.
El Monterey destroys Jose Ole
Jimmy Dean Stuffed Hashbrowns are amazing.
Zatarain's Blackened Chicken Alfredo is good.
Barber Foods chicken stuff is pretty much the only chicken main frozen item I like.

Vast majority of Asian meals are low quality and filled with low calorie sweeteners.
Mexican dinners usually suck but Herdez make a few that are ok even if they look ugly.

>> No.8954121

>Zatarain's BLACKED Chicken Alfredo is good.

>> No.8954187
File: 81 KB, 625x468, 20101230-130566-slow-roasted-salmon-with-cabbage-bacon-and-dill-thumb-625xauto-130675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke? did the food really come out like that? fucking disgusting anon. Why does anyone eat frozen "dinners". for the price of amys frozen crap you can eat a much better, protein packed dinner that isn't frozen

>> No.8954213

Food doesn't have to look good to taste good.

Mostly it's about convenience though. This shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.8954293
File: 51 KB, 535x415, dino-nuggets-packaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, nobody posted these motherfuckers yet?

>> No.8954296

I've tried a few of these over the past month and one thing they have in common is that they're all so oily and greasy, I feel ill seeing a thin layer of lard building up over that shit.

>> No.8954324
File: 161 KB, 876x980, chk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chicken Burrito Bowl has the most reasonable ratio of protein to fat (roughly 2:1). But it looks a bit like vomit.

Dry things will look more appealing, like the Chicken and Waffles, or the Beef with Cornbread. I have to wonder how well that stuff microwaves though.

I wish they sold these in Canada. I'm a little curious what they taste like.

>> No.8954348

I've had pizza and beer diarrhea that looked more appetizing than this.

>> No.8954353
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1220658078-49938_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not a frozen meal. That is frozen nuggets. 2 pounds of them. Notice the difference?

>a box of 2 pounds frozen nuggets
>a frozen meal with a main and sides or an all in one dish (not just 2 pounds of frozen nuggets.)

>> No.8954357
File: 46 KB, 640x480, devour-chicken-and-waffles-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost every review for the Devour chicken and waffles has been negative. It doesn't look too exciting to me.

>> No.8954379

>had to eat lean cuisine to lose weight
>is back to drinking and eating calorie-laden premade meals

>> No.8954427

I havent trusted jimmy dean since I tried their stuffed hashbrowns and they had almost 900 mg of sodium for a little tiny thing
I mean I knew they were salty but jesus christ you should see the size of those things its ridiculous to pack that much in them

>> No.8954461

Yeah it's not like a lot of people like them or anything

>> No.8954517

If you want to live to see 90, limit your sodium intake.