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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8894405 No.8894405 [Reply] [Original]

>spent 2 hours making pasta entirely by hand because that's the "correct" way
>it tasted exactly like store-bought stuff, but slightly worse
>I just wasted my evening on a meme food

The only thing Italy deserves is a nuclear holocaust. Fuck Italy and their shitty "handmade pasta is le best XD" bullshit.

>> No.8894410


there are a lot of foods that make no sense to make by hand/from scratch

>> No.8894414

It should take no more than an hour to go from flour to plate, stop being such a child.

>> No.8894417

I did that too once, when I was in college and had no money for real food

I'll never do it again, good pasta is like $3 for a meal's worth, IDGAF if it's 50 cents if you do it yourself. The extra $2.50 means literally nothing to me.

>> No.8894418

>trusting what a wop says about their food
eyetalians and spics are the most butthurt people when it comes to their "food" being cooked by someone not from where they were born.

>> No.8894421

or: you just fucked up and did it badly

>> No.8894424

Oh wow, only an hour for something that'll have the exact same taste and texture of something I can buy in a bag at the store.

>> No.8894437

Literally 30~40 of those minutes involve letting it rest.
Also, you can notice the difference if you've had it fresh enough times.

>> No.8894440

where do nonnas shop for clothes?

>> No.8894448

>you can taste the difference
Yeah I can tell the difference between eggs from two different farms if I eat them side by side too, guess what? They both taste like an egg.

Specialization of labor developed for a reason, aspie-kun.

>> No.8894454

dried pasta is better since you can cook it al dente. Fresh pasta takes 30 minutes in a mixer to develop gluten hard enough to actually cook al dente.

>> No.8894458

What kind of logic is that?

Ingredient variety and freshness is a major component to the success of restaurants. Do you want restaurant quality food in your home kitchen or not, faggot?

>> No.8894467
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This isn't a "dry pasta vs egg pasta" debate, obviously nobody has a bronze die machine at home extruding semolina with 50,000 tons per square inch.

This is a "spend 2 hours playing with dough like an idiot to save $2.50" vs "walk into the store and say 'gimme a wad of that stuff please'" debate

4chan being 4chan, elitists will insist that making everything as insanely complicated as possible is magically better

>> No.8894471

>Ingredient variety and freshness is a major component to the success of restaurants
Good thing the pasta shop has a rotating variety of pastas using seasonal ingredients that I can literally just point to, grunt, and hand over my credit card. Unless you just feel the need to "prove" that you can make it all by yourself. Been there, done that, I'm happy to just buy it.

Specialization of labor happened for a reason, aspie-kun

>> No.8894499

Why the fuck is good pasta $3/serving for you, are you eating two pounds of pasta per serving. Barilla is the best dry pasta and it's $2/lb at even the most expensive store.

>> No.8894506

>Barilla is the best
de cecco

>> No.8894507

>dry pasta
Again, this is not a discussion of dry pasta, short bus. See >>8894467

And Barilla is pretty much garbage, although they've got a bronze die version that's so-so. The best mass-market dry pasta is Rustichella d'Abruzzo. In before "muh most popular in italy", budweiser is the most popular beer in America, that doesn't make it good

But, again, we are talking about egg pasta here

>> No.8894513

speaking of the egg vs no egg thing, I'd say I prefer egg in chicken soup and with some really rich, creamy sauces

>> No.8894514


in Molise many of us buy pasta from the shop, it's no problem, Laganelle is fine.

specialty pasta should be made by hand, so you put ingredients inside to your liking

>> No.8894527

>handmade pasta
>two hours
>same taste as store-bought

You're probably doing everything wrong, anon. Handmade pasta is much faster than that and the texture is completely different than dry pasta.

But yeah, you should not bother. Dry, store bought pasta is better than fresh pasta for almost any recipe. I'm not ironical.
Any italian who doesn't agree può andare a vendere il culo in tangenziale, accanto alla sua mamma.

>> No.8894534

>a college student
>has no money
>spends $3 a serving on "bronze die extruded pasta from Italy" because it's "superior"

You may know all of your shit about pasta but you know fuck all about good financial management, my word.

>> No.8894537

I really want, no, need, to try this recipe. They use tofu. It just looks so soft and decadent like those noodles I remember from the chicken noodle soup from buffets.


>> No.8894576

>In before "muh most popular in italy"
I heard people say that Barilla sold in some countries is actually much different than Barilla sold here.
Anyways, it's the most popular, yes. It's just a matter of availability. Most other brands are not sold all over the country. And it's definitely not the best pasta, nor the cheapest, it's an inbetween.

>> No.8894586

You didn't make it right numbnuts. 75% "00" and 25% semolina flour. 1 egg/100g flour. 1 tsp olive oil/200g flour. Mix until comes together. Knead 8 minutes. Cover and rest 30 minutes. Roll out and cut. Put in boiling water for a couple minutes. Done. Total knead and mix time, 10 minutes. Rolling and cutting for 200 grams, max 5 minutes. Flavor and texture immeasurably better than any dry.

If it took you 2 hours, you were either making 2 kg of pasta or are a total spasmopolis. If you made it similar to my instructions and couldn't taste a difference, you have no palate.

t. American, not even Italian heritage.

>> No.8894594

Buying fresh pasta from the store is stupid. And the discussion isn't about egg pasta either. I don't know where you got that idea. Fresh pasta =/= egg pasta.

The reason you don't want to buy fresh pasta is because dried is superior in all noodle applications. The only kind fresh is better for is stuff like capunti, braided and the like. Stuff that you don't actually want to be al dante. Or sheets that aren't hard to do either.

As for barilla even the best chefs agree that it's quality.

>> No.8894596

>f you made it similar to my instructions and couldn't taste a difference, you have no palate.

Or he made a mistake somewhere.

>> No.8894601

>Flavor and texture immeasurably better than any dry.

>expecting me to believe that 8 minutes of hand kneading will produce enough gluten for a good al dente bite.

>> No.8894644

>404 not found
Looks like you were wrong :~)

>> No.8894646

It also gets kneaded during the rolling.

>> No.8895920

I know it's not authentic pasta sauce but I like alfredo sauce on my pasta. I normally make it with butter, whipping cream, and Parmesan cheese, but I tried the sauce that comes in a jar cause I wanted to know how it tasted. The smell was really off putting, I don't really know how to describe it, it smelled like wood or paint, but I couldn't finish eating it.

>> No.8895973

I made a pasta ball in five minutes, I've been letting it sit while I do other things, when I take it out, it will take a max of 15 min to put it through my pasta machine and then like five to eight minutes to cook it. Stop being fucking dumb.

>> No.8895979

What place are you at that you're buying fresh pasta with seasonal ingredients? I'm not the other guy, I'm legit curious.

>> No.8896006

> tries something for the first time
> fails

So, since this is your first time being alive (and you have clearly failed at that as well), does your logic apply here?

>> No.8896024

>flyovers actually believe this

>> No.8896061

cocktail sauce

>> No.8896072


>> No.8896927


>> No.8896930

pastas and breads are two things I never bother making from scratch.
all the flour/yeast required plus all the time to let shit rest and rise in the fridge or overnight is just too much hastle.

>> No.8896963

Americans have weird ideas when it. comes to the Italian attitude to food because most eyeties don't give a fuck.
Less tv and more travel, sharts.
No excuses.

>> No.8896967

Both fucking pleb-tier.
>>8894507 is pretty much right, although I personally prefer Garofalo.

>> No.8896988
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there's a nonnawear shop in every major town. Poor nonnas get their clothes provided by the government, though.

>> No.8897006

I knew someone was responsible for this, I just couldn't figure out who.

>> No.8897366

For example pizza, bread, cake and rich sweet bread is 1000X better and cheaper if done at home where I live.
Then when you want pasta just save money eating rice and potatos for a weekend then go to supermarket and buy good barilla. Put your effort into making the sauce since supermarket sauce is sad.
With time you learn which ones are worth the time. In the past they did pasta by hand not because it was better, the reason for it was the lack or machinery or price of the machinery. Now you can buy decent pasta for a bit of extra money.

One year ago I was learning everything baking and holy shit, just make no sense to buy anything ever again. Literally I can make superior bread and pay much much less. Just watch out because you gonna get some extra weight everything your experiments.

>> No.8897511

U sure u did it right? Fresh tastes better.
Some people enjoy cooking doofus

>> No.8897538

What brand?

>> No.8898991

Fresh home made pasta is unbeatable if you do it right, though I suspect the difference is only obvious if one was raised on pasta. Like how beaners swear that tex-mex is rubbish but we waittu piggus love the fuck out of it

>> No.8899332

Sitting in a bag for 30 minutes on the way home just ruins it, eh?

>> No.8900595

It's worthwhile to make stuffed pastas, like ravioli. Otherwise, don't you usually have better stuff to eat, if you have a desk job and don't need a big bowl of cheap calories?

>> No.8900611

most home made pasta is indistinguishable from store bought, except for gnocchi. Gnocchi rapidly loses the trapped air that gives it a preferable fluffy texture.

>> No.8900621

This asshole thinks they can just mix shit in their wedding registry kitchen aid stand mixer and make anything near as good as authentic fresh pasta. Fuck you. I bet you used all-purpose flour. I bet you added a tablespoon of sugar. You fucking pussy. Read a single goddamn book in your simple fucking life before you spit in the face of what is possibly the most delicious and delicate food of all time.

>> No.8900659

>>spent 2 hours making pasta entirely by hand

You're doing it wrong.

100 g ap flour or semolina
1 egg
splash of olive oil
pinch of salt

Dump flour in food processor. Add egg, oil, and salt. Process until it all gets mixed nicely. If it's too stiff, add more oil or water. Too loose, add more flour.

Once you've got a nice smooth, pliable texture, you can let it rest, or you can turn it out right there. I've done both.

Even if you don't have a pasta machine, it takes all of maybe 10 minutes to make fresh pasta, roll it out, and cut it, and that's with a food processor, give it an extra 5 doing it all by hand.

Check this fat bastard out:


>> No.8900666
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>this nigger doesn't even know what "al dente" means

>> No.8900706

Can you use less commas? Feels like driving over a road with speedbumps every 50ft.

>> No.8900759

>added a tablespoon of sugar.

To the dough? Has this ever actually been done by anyone?

>> No.8900773

>not getting Rustichella d'Abruzzo

>> No.8900778

gnocchi is easy as shit and better than store bought (sweet potato & pumpkin gnocci w/ mushroom sauce ftw).

The only pasta I've ever made is for lasagne sheets, I can't convince myself to pay for something that is literally .50c in materials and 5 minutes.

>> No.8900842

Broth and fresh pasta is beginner friendly. Forgives shit floor and such. Make basic meat+veg broth and throw those in it. Just don't overcook.

>> No.8900932

I live in Italy and literally no one makes their own pasta, people just buy dried and occasionally fresh pasta from the store.
De Cecco, Molisana, Garofalo are pretty damn good.
Barilla is pleb-tier.

>> No.8901032


>> No.8901038
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Ragu stuff is generally pretty shit, but in general, when it comes to thinks that involve dairy, its generally worth the effort to make it yourself, because all the wizardry that goes on to ensure shelf stability for dairy products tends to fuck up the flavor.

For me, it is Classico brand. I like their tomato sauces, haven't tried their alfredo, but I'm sure it's better than Ragu, if you would like to give jarred stuff another try.

>> No.8901145

I don't believe you, unless you're under 30, then your phrasing should be, "none of my friends in Italy make homemade pasta."

>> No.8901162

It's a sign of a dying society when your national dish isn't being freshly made at home anymore, but rather bought ready to cook.

>> No.8901165

>This is a "spend 2 hours playing with dough
you are doing it wrong, you cheeky edgelord cock sucker. no wonder your pasta ended up tasting like shit.

>> No.8901189

It's fucking pasta.

>> No.8901332
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>Specialization of labor developed for a reason, aspie-kun.

>why cook at all? its a chefs job to cook, lets only eat out from now on. specialisation of labor is there for a reason after all.

>> No.8901441

Literal translation is to the tooth Ie a bit of firmness. What is your point?

>> No.8901984

I remember being in my moms small home town in Sicily and going to one of her cousins house to try some of their home made ravioli. They were filled with ricotta that I literally watched being made by a different cousin. The pasta was entirely made by hand with no rolling machine and using the same technique and ingredients as they would have 100 years ago. Basically, the most authentic handmade pasta you can imagine.

And it was just ok. Really nothing special. The pasta was nice, but not noticeably different from what'd you get at a standard restaurant. The ricotta was really bland as well, they don't like adding parmigiano to it for some reason so it tasted like nothing

>> No.8901996

There are few ingredients and such that it is better to buy premade from a grocery, but pasta/noodles are definitely one of them.....with the only exception being lasagna noodles for some reason, but even then, it's a toss up on do I want to spend a couple of hours for my food to taste 1% better

>> No.8902225

The only reason people dont eat out 24/7 is because of cost, not taste or quality. I have never had a homemade burger that tasted as good as even a regular fast food one.

>> No.8902233

>I have never had a homemade burger that tasted as good as even a regular fast food one.
You probably don't know how to cook

>> No.8902241

that's because you're a shitty cook and/or your recipes suck
admittedly burgers are surprisingly hard to get right

>> No.8902246

pasta is being made fresh for special occasions, but as others said dry pasta is better than fresh for most uses

>> No.8902271

>I have never had a homemade burger that tasted as good as even a regular fast food one.
Really makes you think

>> No.8902397

Absolutely haram. You can make a fresh tomato sauce in the same time it takes to boil your pasta.

>Buy Campari tomatoes, and/or some smaller 'grape' tomatoes for sweetness if desired.
If you have access to Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio use them, in the UK or elsewhere in EU you can import them easily for pretty cheap too.

>Buy fresh basil, Arugala, garlic, a chili, olive oil and a slice of whole parm cheese.

Get real olive oil, don't trust anything from Italy due to counterfeit oil galore buy Greek olive oil only.

>Heat olive oil, brown garlic and toss in chopped chillies (they use preserved chili in Italy)
After a few minutes remove chillies if you want, it will just heat up the oil enough to really open up your nose when eating and make it more flavorful or leave them in to suit taste.

>Toss in fresh tomatoes with basil cutting and shake pan tossing them around
>Salt them
>Take a few spoonfulls of boiling pasta water to make sauce more runny/thick. It will be full of starches from the pasta you're cooking.
>Remove Basil
>Toss in Arugla to taste
>Try sauce. It will be amazing.

Finish by tossing in a caper or two if you want it more 'zesty'. Squeeze some fresh lemon for a finish if you want too. Serve with fresh grated parm cheese. Guaranteed 10000x better than any Ragu sugar paste. Recipe example here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFxTFFZOj7I once you invest in the olive oil, parm, and pasta you are literally cooking dinner for only $3-5 as the cost of the fresh tomatoes and $0.50 herbs.

>> No.8903239

Yeah I still haven't figured out how to make a good burger, but at least the burgers I make can beat the shittier fast food joints like McDonalds. Admittedly those are very low standards to beat.

>> No.8903334

>It should take no more than an hour to go from flour to plate
Whilst I agree with you, until you know what you're doing it's a reasonably complicated process and you spend a fair while fucking around with kneading, the pasta machine, hanging...when you have the routine down then it's much quicker.

I sort of agree with OP that it's not a lot different to dried pasta but if you cook it just right and use the right sauces then it can shine.

It does take some effort to showcase fresh pasta IMHO.

>this nigger doesn't even know what "al dente" means
They do, they don't mean cooking to al dente though, they mean that fresh pasta (that isn't allowed to rest long enough) won't develop the firmness that you get from lightly cooking dry pasta. i.e. fresh pasta can't be done too quickly if you want to cook it al dente because it won't have sufficient gluten to be firm.

>> No.8903392

>Absolutely haram. You can make a fresh tomato sauce in the same time it takes to boil your pasta.
That looks pretty good, I might give it a try.

Only question is, you say:
>a slice of whole parm cheese
I have a wedge of hard parmasen, you want me to slice a bit off it for the sauce?

>Yeah I still haven't figured out how to make a good burger
My wife makes excellent burgers but she doesn't really understand that she's making burgers, it's ハンバーグ to her and then I go and put it in a bun with cheese and salad. She normally serves it with rice and a side of shredded cabbage with a little mayo. I prefer it as a burger.

Her recipe is pretty simple but the key part is that she mixes mince beef with mince pork and includes diced onion, garlic and salt&pepper. I think that's it. She also doesn't squash the shit out of it in cooking, just lets it brown slowly in a pan with some vegetable oil.

>> No.8903570

burgers are best kept simple. salt and pepper the SHIT out of them. cook in cast iron or on the grill. 4 min each side, don't touch. rest for about 4-5 min.

>> No.8903882

You need your noni to give you a recipe for it. You filthy uncultured autistic French speaking Muslim cum swilling English tart. You made meme food because you're a God damn English pie meme

>> No.8903914

>>it tasted exactly like store-bought stuff, but slightly worse
you did it wrong, or you can't into taste

>> No.8903916

>not garofalo

>> No.8903918

stop shilling your dad's pasta, literally nobody eats that shit

>> No.8903922

>everything I don't like is autism


>> No.8903933

grate the cheese obviously

try fresh pasta sauce you'll never go back

>> No.8903938

I do, it smells floral when you cook it it's prob the best dried pasta but os expensive. Garofalo brown semolina is good too for cheap pasta

>> No.8904129

name a national dish the mass population don't buy premade.. its just life and convenience.

>> No.8904165

And what do you think that means?

>> No.8904451
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>that feel when granny has bigger wrist than me
>wristlet, fml

>> No.8904863

it means you have to develop a metric shittonne of gluten in fresh pasta in order to have firmness. In order magnitudes larger than hand kneading. Fresh pasta without gluten development is pillowy soft.

Protip: gluten is what gives bread and pasta structure and firmness.

>> No.8904927

>Two hours

It takes 30 minutes at most.

>> No.8904935

Learn to cook.

>> No.8904967
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>I have never had a homemade burger that tasted as good as even a regular fast food one.
that may be part of the problem, tubbs, but thats besides the point, which is: git gud at cooking. you can taste a difference if you learn how to do stuff. spazzing out because the first noodles you've ever made aren't the dogs bollocks isn't what you should do, you yould ask yourelf what went wrong and where to improve. but since all you can think of are burgers, I doubt you'll ever amount to anything.

a bit too late to the party, aren't you. we've established that yesterday.

>> No.8904984

Well suck my dick.

>> No.8904988
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I'll pass. on your diet, it'll probably taste really, really not good.

>> No.8905096

>You may know all of your shit about pasta but you know fuck all about good financial management, my word.
And your reading comprehension is non-existant, bucko.

>> No.8905100

I was a college student in 2004, study hard and maybe you'll get enough credits to graduate too someday :^)

>> No.8905101

I always try at least once to find out how hard it actually is. Then I decide whether I will just buy premade food in the future.

>> No.8905108

There are two types of faggots ITT:
>hurr plebs can't taste the superior hand-made pasta durr
>hurr there's no difference just buy boxed durr
Both have their uses, you turbonerds.

>> No.8905109

I have a machine that makes fresh pasta for me in 15 minutes.

>> No.8905118


>> No.8905159
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t.shart in mart

clearly there are only two options: boxed pasta, and wasting hours making a mess for something you can buy for 2€

>> No.8905182

>I can't taste a difference, so there must not be any!
>t. eurofat
Go back to shoving chip butties in your facehole.

>> No.8905184

>I can taste the hair-splitting differences between coca cola and bepsi therefore I should have a strong, angry opinion about which is better
>t.shart in mart

>> No.8905205
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>no u
That superior eurofat education help you with that comeback, champ?

>> No.8905207

I find it more likely that city hipsters would believe this. The difference between a store bought chicken egg and an egg straight from the chicken with poo on the shell, is huge. The yolk is much more orange, and tastes a lot more eggy. Store bought eggs even have a different texture. Something gritty about them. Anon is still a fag though.

>> No.8905226

"City hipster" here, I'm the guy who said two eggs etc. I don't buy my eggs from a grocery store, and I do not buy battery eggs, so that is an irrelevant non-sequitur.

You can tell slight differences between different farms because different farms use different breeds of bird, different kinds of feed, sometimes the birds at one farm manage to eat more bugs than at another farm. That is why the yolks taste different.

The color of the yolk remains the same from the moment the egg is laid, and is largely a result of the animal's diet. The "poo on the shell" is a question of how the egg was washed (or not), and the texture is something that happens as the egg ages.

I hope you learned something about eggs, although I am sure you will now shriek that it's all a conspiracy to make you feel dumb :^)

>> No.8905248

Bitch, I'm the chef. I don't eat what i serve.

>> No.8905251
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>Not gay.

>> No.8905273
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well, have you tried making the food more edible? you have to gain noirishment apart from guzzling cum all day, that isn't a balanced diet

>> No.8905294

Well how about you offer up some advice, since you seem so knowledgeable on how to gain nutrition while on a cum-based diet. Or would we be better off asking your mother?

>> No.8905314

look at the witty cumback. you scrpaed it of your mothers face?

too bad she was too busy sucking cock to teach you how to cook, chef who cant stormach his own.
and seeing as it will be really important to you to have the last word, and my time is better wasted on other things, you go ahead. do your thing, the one that you desperately need to do, so you can sleep at night.

>> No.8905318

>do your thing, the one that you desperately need to do, so you can sleep at night.

It's not nice to refer to your mom as a "thing".

>> No.8905329

Not just me you idiot. I have tried it from tons of other people.

>> No.8905342

Actually ill quote all of you. I don't mean just my cooking. I have tried home cooking from people all across the nation and they can't make a better burger. The home made always being better meme needs to end. Some dishes might be, but not always.

>> No.8905345

Two hours? Knead the dough in five, let rest for 30 min, cut pasta, cook. Also it should taste better but you probably fucked something up and/or are cursed with the palate of a child.

However you're just shitposting.

>> No.8905355

>Knead the dough in five,
Wala! mushy pasta!

>> No.8905357

Then why cook at all you retard

>> No.8905363


If you don't like cooking why are you here

>> No.8905371

To discuss food?

Why do so many people forget the first part of this board?

>> No.8905373

Italy created pasta
It's an old thing you don't really need to do but can be quite 'handy' at times
And also because restaurants jackpile the shit out of their food with additives that shouldn't be in the food, like a shitload of sugar
Just because it isn't sweet doesn't mean it doesn't have sugar
Atmosphere, mood, and setting all affect flavors

>> No.8905374
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sorry, do you mean to tell us you don't just can't do so yourself, but also don't know anyone who can make a decent burger? I pity you then.

one can't do everything better than a chef, but you can a) cook stuff to your taste and b) do almost anything. yes, its nice to have your dinner made for you, but do shit yourself once in a while.
also, how can you fuck up burgers, mate?meat in a bun. with stuff you like. its a glorified sandwich. you cant make a sandwich?

>> No.8905399

What tangible difference does a bronze die make?

>> No.8905430

Americans can't cook, we know this.

>> No.8905927
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While you have a point, I am not the anon claiming you can taste the difference because I highly doubt it, I myself enjoy working with dough.

There is a food theory out there from meme master Polan, that claims that you are better off cooking what you want from scratch than you are buying it already made because that way you naturally will control your food portions and amount of food you end up eating because of the effort it took to prepare it.

>> No.8906065

Then either everyone you know is a shit cook or you have a godawful palate. Fast food burgers are good in the sense that they have a distinct "fast foody" taste to them, but they sure as hell don't taste like an actual real burger. Maybe your problem is that you think that a real burger is supposed to taste like McDonald's.

>> No.8906340

Thats not an argument. You can't just say that every time someone disagrees with you on a subjective matter like taste that they have "inferior taste buds." Thats just not how they work.

>> No.8906364

This froci del menga.
Don't bother doing it yourself, at most buy artisanal egg pasta.

>> No.8906575
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allright, since you didn't read my post, let me highlight the point once again:
>how can you fuck up burgers, mate?meat in a bun. with [additional] stuff you like. its a glorified sandwich. you cant make a sandwich?

you tell us the burgers you make are shit, when we say "well, probably you suck at makeing burgers then" you tell us thats not how it works? its exactly how it works!!!
you're now officialy bad at reading and too dumb make sandwiches. congrats. don't operate heavy maschinery.