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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8836623 No.8836623 [Reply] [Original]

al/ck/ general

>> No.8836653


Have fun

>> No.8836665
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Sort yourself out

>> No.8836692

anybody here /fit/ al/ck/ ?

>> No.8836815

What's the best alcoholic beverage to mix with instant coffee?

>> No.8836826
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My bedroom is officially so rekt with broken glass and piss/puke that I bailed, threw a single mattress down on my dining room floor and abandoned the bedroom for good. Took out another loan. Using my last one to make repayments on it and I'll sell this house when repayments overwhelm. Then repeat in a smaller place. Idgaf if I end up dying in a caravan.
I chucked a 50 inch monitor, desktop PC with mid range GPU in front of me, have water, piss bowl, supplements and optional snacks on a coffee table to my left, and a wireless keyboard and mouse to my right. All. ALL I do all day every day is wake at random times, drink, watch YouTube, play vidya, oh and occasionally accept supplies delivered to the front door.
Fuck sobriety. I have found heaven on earth. My radiator is 2ft away, I am cosy af and my only obligation is to occasionally empty a bowl of piss. I estimate that I can burn around 100 grand before this is no longer possible, and I'll be dead before I get close.
Ladies and gents, behold. I have found my comfy.

>> No.8836827

Went Wednesday evening without a drink, and stayed awake till 8 in the morning. The only way I can sleep at night now is to drink and pass out.

>> No.8836832

>My bedroom is officially so rekt with broken glass and piss/puke that I bailed, threw a single mattress down on my dining room floor and abandoned the bedroom for good.

I don't know why I kek'd so hard at this

>> No.8836838

Sittin at 4 days sober al/ck/ wish me luck Bros.

>> No.8836845

Pic of bedroom pls?

>> No.8836846

rum or whisky
optional: Kahlua

>> No.8836857

Too scared that someone might recognise it and 'rescue' me. I know people who come here.
If a battalckstation theme does appear though and isn't a total failure, I'll probably contribute regardless. I can always barricade the doors.

>> No.8836876

Good luck comrade. Hope those withdrawals are backing off, you're past the minefield hyper danger zone.

>> No.8836889

>piss bowl
What does he mean by this

>> No.8836921

a bowl that you piss in

>> No.8836938

Can confirm, currently terminal due to various diseases caused by being a raging alcoholic....

shit's painful as fuck yo

Luckily im dying at my house and my wife supports my addiction and is actually running to the liquor store for me right now

>> No.8836970

I'll post my dump if you post yours.

Mine is covered in puke, only one piss jug though and innumerable amounts of alcohol bottles

>> No.8836972

by bowl, you mean an actual bowl and not a bucket or jugg?

Y tho?

>> No.8836976

post it, do it.... do it

>> No.8836980

I'm this guy >>8836970

and I will in a couple of hours. My wife checks on me every 5 minutes or so before she goes to bed to make sure I'm not dead; it would make her sad to see me glorifying the lifestyle that is going to leave her a widow

>> No.8836981

I think I'm steadily slipping into a state of dependence. My work schedule is incredibly fucked up, I get one out of three weeks off. Result of this is that I drink whenever I'm off work, because some weeks a tuesday is friday to me. I try to hide it behind a veneer of simply enjoying fine single malt whiskies and craft beer but I'm constantly searching for reasons to drink. I sure hope I don't fuck my life up.

>> No.8836987

>I sure hope I don't fuck my life up.

I hate to be one of those faggots, but I've thrown away a 3 million dollar company and after that numerous 100-150k/yr Salarys for booze.....I now live in a $600/month shithole that is covered in months old bodily fluids, holes in the wall and me dying

addiction and being weak minded is a bitch

>> No.8836993

Doing what. I would like to have money once in my life

>> No.8837006

I'm a software engineer/architect

>> No.8837010

Damn dude. Thankfully I only work retail and make about 25k, not much to lose there

>> No.8837015

I'm about to sound like the biggest faggot ever and I know it, but I grew up dirt poor and was homeless my entire time in college. Worked up to being roughly in the top 1% only to be back at pretty much square one.

I don't have the energy of my youth to crawl back up, so laying down and rotting seems to be the better option

>> No.8837020

I went 3 days sober and felt great. Of course I got drunk the next 3 nights (including tonight) but progress? I guess?

god I hope I don't get this bad

>> No.8837029

>so laying down and rotting seems to be the better option
You're literally only thinking like this because you're drunk. Get some help

>> No.8837040
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Spent all day today getting over a 4 day bender:

>spent Sunday - Wednesday flat out piss drunk
>drunken youtube
>drunken vidya
>drunken self pity and crying
>4 days of this
>wake up today
>figure it's time for a small break
>laid in bed all day
>nauseous and vomiting
>shit liquid all day
>gas pains and massive farting
>couldn't hold any food down except half a banana, gatorade, and water
>liver and pancreas literally in pain
>head swirling
>finally held down a couple strawberries and a stick of string cheese

Today was hell. At least it was thunderstorming and raining all day, so I opened the window while laying in bed. At least that part was comfy.

>> No.8837043

How old are you anon? And what diseases?

>> No.8837047


Are you alive right now?

>> No.8837048

I've tried, been to detox/rehab 3 times in the past 15 months

I big motivating factor is the tidal wave of random bad things that have happened to me over the past few years completely outside of my control.

My buddy and former boss, who had his his wife and kids killed in a car wreck 8 months ago and parents killed in a freak accident just over a year ago, and also had his house burn down a few months ago after he was diagnosed with lung cancer recently told me, "I never thought I'd meet someone with worse luck than me"

liver disease
renal failure
heart failure

and those were months ago before I just stopped going to the doctor

>> No.8837053

oh, and im 35


>> No.8837058


Are you gonna end it yourself if it gets real bad or are you just gonna drink through it and not wake up one day?

>> No.8837064

Do I even fit in here.

I drink after work as a way to relax and get to sleep. Without booze I dread sleep.

Other than that I could do without.

>> No.8837067

It depends on the level of pain, I'd prefer to drink through it but will hang myself if necessary

To see if I had the balls to kill myself, I actually had my brother help hang me and cut the rope off my neck once I went unconscious.....blood chokes (NOT air chokes) aren't painful at all it turns out

>> No.8837073
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Ah yes the hikiNEET life. Enjoy those first few beautiful months because you'll be back to misery after that. 2-3 years down the road you'll start doubting your sanity and then a year or so after that you'll stop caring.
t. going on 7 years here

>> No.8837081

How do you complete multiple day benders. What are the logistics involved?

>> No.8837091

Not that guy, but I've literally had 15-20 shots of 80 proof liquor a day (often 25-30) every day for the past 7 years except for three 5-day stints where I was in detox....so that's averaging a 2 year straight hardcore bender w/ no breaks

you literally just have to force yourself to get physically addicted to the point where you will literally die if you don't have a drink due to withdraws.....then it's real fucking easy to keep drinking.

I wake up every morning between 6am-8am and have a shot....then proceed to have a shot every 30-45 mintues until 9ish and go to bed.....from 5-9 I'll usually have 2-3 shots an hour

>> No.8837092

>Without booze I dread sleep.

Probably worse than a lot of people here, even if you don't drink "as much"

Addiction is based on need

>> No.8837096

What're some good things to eat to help your guts recover?
I swear I'm just shitting Campbell's Chunky Soup now

>> No.8837099

oatmeal and not drinking

>> No.8837111

Well I can do one of those two things

I swear my last shit had undigested greens in it.

>> No.8837117

Not exactly sure what you're asking but I generally just stock up on booze, usually vodka, and hideaway in the room for four days, watch youtube, play vidya, etc etc...

I have a toilet and a shower in the room for when I need to "go".

I have some snacks in the room, but if I want an actual meal, I'll wait till my roommates go to work during the day that way they dont see what a trainwreck I am.

If I go through my stash of booze, there's a liqour store right across the street to resupply. During the last 4 days, I went through 2 cases of beer and 5 handles of vodka (about 60 shots each, so about 300 shots of vodka over the course of 4 days).

I've been going on these benders for about 8 years. I don't know why I don't die.

>> No.8837122


>Eating green things in the first place


>> No.8837123

1) Tastes good
2) Usually makes your shits nice and healthy

>> No.8837125

Fuck off Ricky C, this thread is for actual alcoholics.

Here's how you know if you belong.

Go 24 hours without a single drink and be completely broke with not a penny to your name. If you wouldn't even consider sucking dick for a pint of vodka, you don't belong here.

>> No.8837131


Everything green is bland and has no taste

>> No.8837133

>Hungry as fuck
>No way to get either for 6 more hours


>> No.8837135

American detected.

You get some nice green beans, blanche them, fry up in butter.

>> No.8837138


East euro actually
Only good thing is lettuce and only on burgers because it adds texture, not taste

>> No.8837143

>Only good thing is lettuce and only on burgers because it adds texture, not taste
That's very true

But still wrong about greens
>East Euro
>not a slave to cabbage

>> No.8837146

Q: How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

A: Zero

>> No.8837152

Funny joke

But not relevant
Taters are tasty
And so is cabbage

Is there cabbage liquor?
Not even starches probably

>> No.8837155

>we're all going to die in agony

Lel, no. You don't know cirrhosis at all. My uncle turned yellow, layed on the sofa and kept swilling from a quart of rotgut vodka for a day. Slipped into a coma, hauled to the hospital and died in 2 days. That fucker didn't suffer.

And look at Kerouac. He drinks himself to the point of the typical drunkard death with esophegeal varisces, lays around puking blood and tells his current bitch he doesn't particularly feel good. She hauls him to the hospital. Dead in 2 days.

Lel, you don't die in agony.

>> No.8837169

>>East Euro
>>not a slave to cabbage

A lot of people are, I can't honestly stand them.
I do love some veggies that aren't green, like carrot or tomato (not even sure that's veg)
But green is suck

>> No.8837173

If you don't like greens, you need to eat them with more butter

Brussel sprouts with butter are amazing

>> No.8837234
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>suck a dick for a pint of vodka
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.8837253

My body is falling apart, I haven't shit right in a year, I have weird discolored spots all over my body, every fucking step I take hurts. Every time I get up, it hurts. If I stretch too much in the morning I aggravate my liver and kidneys and I am in agony. This is a mother fucking nightmare.

>> No.8837254


He meant that you give fellatio to a guy so he would give you vodka or money to buy vodka

>> No.8837267

and you have considered this?

Have any of you actually done this? If so please explain your though process, and before and after thoughts..

I'd probably neck myself

>> No.8837268

You gotta stop for a while

It's not worth dying for.
Get "addicted" to something else

Buy a vidya shit and play that obsessively at night for a month or two

But if you're that far gone, you'll get DTs as hell
So maybe some kind of clinic.

Don't kill yourself mate. You still type good.

>> No.8837274

>and you have considered this?

I haven't

>> No.8837295

cmonnnn do itt

>> No.8837297

Its only been 1.5 hours. I'll have it posted w/in 1 hour of this post.

>> No.8837301

You guys know that perfect level of drunk?
I'm there now.

Time to have another drink

>> No.8837306

This is what ruins alcohol.. you find that sweet spot then thing u know, puking

>> No.8837325

how do you guys have enough money to survive let alone buy alcohol

>> No.8837332
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I used to be. Was making good progress, doing lots of weights, running 3-5 miles every other day. Eventually starting going into a spiral which led me into drinking. Stopped drinking for a month, got into shape, then when back due to problems. Currently going back to my old routine of lifting and running. Hopefully I can go back to being in shape

>> No.8837339

Im going on my 3rd day. Hope we can make it bro

>> No.8837343

How can you afford all this? Are you rich or live off of family money?

>> No.8837356

>My buddy and former boss, who had his his wife and kids killed in a car wreck 8 months ago and parents killed in a freak accident just over a year ago, and also had his house burn down a few months ago after he was diagnosed with lung cancer recently told me, "I never thought I'd meet someone with worse luck than me"
So what exactly happened to you that was more unlucky than that poor fucker?

>> No.8837382
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This is the kind of shit you can only find on /ck/. I love this board. I hope we win the Babby Cup this month.

>> No.8837406
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5 years with a fifth a day chased with a couple beers... now I'm 48 days clean. if I can do it so can the rest of you! it's a rough road but it's possible!

>> No.8837411

Did you go to detox or do it at home? Did you taper or go cold turkey?

How was the withdraw?

>> No.8837431

I know I can do it

I'm just so god damned bored

>> No.8837434

at home cold turkey, not gonna lie withdraw was a bitch, maybe got 2 hours of sleep for the first three days, but having something to do every day ( work and such) helped immensely, instead of being bored and wanting to drink because nothing else to do, thankfully my job is chill enough that I can go on autopilot for a decent portion of my day.

>> No.8837439

question for true alcoholics

you know you can still turn it around... right?

My dad got 6 DUI's in his 20's and got two felony's one for beating up a cop and another for possession of cocaine

He only did 30 days in jail but he told me the day he decided to stop drinking as when he went to vomit outside his friends car window and thought he lowered the window but ended up projecting all over the window and onto his face/body.

He stopped at 25 and went back to school and ended up starting his own business and having a family and having me.

to this day he is the most successful person I know, and he hasn't had a drop since.

you can be like him too.

>> No.8837441

someone else already said it, find something else to do instead, work out, build something, art, knit for all I give a fuck... everyone needs a hobby that isn't drinking ffs

>> No.8837444

I'm on my 4th day of a taper just scaling back 1-2 drinks a day and feel like im going to fucking die wihle still having 13 shots today (80 proof, 50ml/shot) and a hydroxyzine

>> No.8837451

I'm a little older than that, and without the legal problems, but in the process of turning it around. Glad I'm not the only one, and I hope a couple more can come from this thread!

>> No.8837458

Jesus dude
13 shots is just a bit less than my binge days

How long have you been going?

>> No.8837459

I know it sucks now, but it gets better I promise. Good on you mate. and keep up the good work

>> No.8837465

I'm this guy:>>8837091

>> No.8837466


good for you man ! Positive attitude > everything

>> No.8837473

I ran out of money and was a few months late on rent. I just stopped drinking for a whole month. That was back when I wouldn't die from going cold Turkey though. Then I just started giving plasma and using that to buy booze.

>> No.8837477

Christ dude

I'm glad you're trying to stop
That shit is unsustainable

>> No.8837481

thanks man! after thinking about quitting for a year I knew that's what it was going to come down to, when I first gave it up it was tough, but now it's great still difficult because the only thing that's stopping me from going out and buying a bottle is me, but that's just it, I've made the conscious decision to stop, so why would I wanna fuck up all that effort? I'm good man

>> No.8837538


Not the person you're replying to, but I wish you the best man.

>> No.8837541

If u feel like ur gonna die ur tapering to much. Find the place where you feel ok. Then taper from there once every 3 days..

>> No.8837567

Fuck dude. I cant even drink that much and I just came off my 4 day bender. Wasnt as bad as recovering for me as it was for you though since I didn't drink much.
What's your job if you don't mind me asking? And what country? Just curios

>> No.8837774
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This isn't a degenerate thread, right? How's everyone's night going? I'm chasing my 100 proof Smirnoff with tap water and listening to Sturgill Simpson.
>tfw no gf
Fuck you, I've been good the last four months.

>> No.8837926
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>tfw you successfully fought off urges to relapse by reminding yourself of it being Hitler's birthday and not wanting to dishonor him by succumbing to the despair of alcoholism

Feels good man.

>> No.8837955

listen to the other guy, you're tapering too fast
you've built up this massive tolerance of 30 40% alc shots a day over the course of 7 (seven) fucking years, and you expect your body to de-addict itself in only 2-4 weeks?

>> No.8838110

At what age did you seriously start drinking?

>> No.8838160

around 18 or so
I didn't have a drink until then and discovered I have the wonderful ability to intake very large amounts of vodka then when I turned 21 it was all downhill
girlfriend broke up with me, gramma died, I could buy alck whenever I wanted, failed most of my classes
its a little better now. I fly off the handle every now and then, like this weekend

>> No.8838201

>tfw too intelligent to not become an alcoholic

You'd have to be a dumbass to not realize how much better alcohol makes everything and not want that all the time. feels good being smart

>> No.8838233

I know you're fucking around but thats kind of true

>> No.8838280

Turning point for me was when I realised having a drink in the morning made a hangover go away, and then drinking slowly throughout the day made me feel pretty good. I am now at the point where I only feel normal if I have been drinking.

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.8838634

/pol/ pls go. al/ck/ is adult-only.

>> No.8838704

Two nights ago, got so fucked I fought with gf. Last night, got so fucked I started pissing over the side of bed. Gf is mad and leaving. Where's the vodka

>> No.8838793

Wake up drink

y do i do this?

>> No.8839007

The last place you'd expect it. I usually hide my shit from myself in the dumbest places so my drunk self wont find it

>> No.8839118

>/pol/ pls go. al/ck/ is adult-only.

Leddit pls continue seeking instant gratification that will shave off years of your life while denigrating those who have escaped the same prison you now fester in

>> No.8839122


cuz it feels good, man

>> No.8839137

Found a bottle of makers mark outside the bar next door to my job. Should I do it boys?

>> No.8839143

Started at 18. Started seriously drinking at 20, I felt the addiction for the first time at 23. I'm 27 now and still drink, but not as much to feel the full on withdrawal hells of a few years ago. Seriously considering sobering up completely soon, but that's what they always say. I know I'm in a position to actually be able to do it though.

>> No.8839179

>drank a 750ml of booze last monday/tuesday
>continued drinking through the week
>finally bought weed on Saturday
>been high since Saturday afternoon
>even bought a beer yesterday, decided to save it for tonight
>feel great, shits are good, only need a 22 oz of beer on friday to be comfy

Weed > Booze if you can find it.

>> No.8839202


> and then drinking slowly throughout the day made me feel pretty good.

ye the shitty part at least for me is after about 6-8 hours of drinking I start feeling shitty and tired. But if I can endure feeling shitty and tired for about 1-2 hours as well as eating I start feeling better again (all while I stay drinking the whole time of course)

>> No.8839214
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Who here /liquidlunchfriday/?

>> No.8839217

Vodka. Coffee martini.

>> No.8839221

>I estimate that I can burn around 100 grand

>> No.8839226

Can it be tomorrow?

>> No.8839228

I have posted this on the old thread, I'm reposting for other potential answers.

So Im 2 monthes dry, but I still have to deal with a codeine addiction.
Anyone here successfully completed an opiate taper? Any advice welcome. CT is not an option because I want to keep my job.

>> No.8839235


thats tough senpai. i used alcohol to quit oxy, then weed to quit alcohol, then coffee to quit weed, then jacking off excessively to quit coffee. it was a strange cycle but it worked

>> No.8839236

Smirnoff bro is that you?

>> No.8839239

What is roughly the odds of getting a stroke or something while going through withdrawals? I can't even so much as drink anymore without having a giant vein popping out of my head two days later.

>> No.8839243

You work in investment banking don't you

>> No.8839244

How long did you taper?

Unfortunately I can't use boose anymore.

>> No.8839273

Just taper lower your dose to be ok once every 3 days. Just do it. Don't overthink

>> No.8839293

been sick the past few days so I convinced myself to buy some gin to fight it off. or at the very least help me sleep.

>> No.8839317


didn't taper at all. i cold turkey'd around a 150mg a day. first 3 days were brutal. I drank close to a 750ml of rum every day from morning to night and still felt like a large hole was missing from my soul the entire time.

>> No.8839321

My problem is Ive beginned tapering last week: I don't have nasty withdrawals but I feel exhausted and uncomfortable. And at this rythm I'll need 6 monthes. These are 6 monthes of complete apathy

>> No.8839322
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Due to my fleg I felt compelled to post here.
>TFW haven't had Jameson in 6 months

>> No.8839357

Anyone get pain in their right side/back after hard drinking?
Also, What do you guys spend a week on alcohol?

>> No.8839371

I'm an officer in a county jail and I see people like you guys come in and have to go through alcohol withdrawal. I feel for you lads that try to quit.

>> No.8839389

How much are you taking to just feel ok?

>> No.8839407

21, when I didn't have to rely on my roommates/friends for a pull.

>> No.8839418

20 pills a day

>> No.8839423

What happens when you have a guy in county picked up for something minor and starts going through alcohol withdraw

That is my biggest fear because if I go 24 hours without drinking if I happened to go to jail for something minor, I'd die due to my blood pressuer issues mixed w/ withdrawing

>> No.8839462

I've never been in trouble with the law but imagining withdrawaling in a jail cell is my fucking nightmare. Also if it was in one of those cells with other dudes in there with you, holy shit.

>> No.8839470

Sitting on my floor in front of my laptop eating pistachios and drinking angostura bitters.

>> No.8839481
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bought a liter of jim beam and some red bulls, gonna get smashed like an absolute drunkard whole night playing cs:go and shitposting on 4chan till i finish the bottle

wish you a comfy evening too lads

>> No.8839503

Whats the worst uve seen? How do u guys deal with it
Omg dude. How do u even have that much.. u do not need that much to just feel ok. You can prob drop that to 10. Lol

And even if 20. Cut down 1/2 pill every 3 days.. and its gonna take a while..

But 20 is stupid.

>> No.8839534

Is Vat 69 any good? Not really a whiskey fan, but I'm feeling a weird urge to get some.

>> No.8839551

Just smoked a bowl and four shots of yukon jack deep, bout to pop open the growler and level through Mists of Pandaria.

>> No.8839561

Just went on a bender. Had 6 today but i'm not drunk. I have really bad diarreah. why does that happen? I can't drink for days in a row without shitting my pants. It sucks.

>> No.8839562

Jesus, im lucky i'm alchohol intolerant

one beer (350ml) and im shitfaced for 15 mins then im ok again.
See, I lack the enzyme that digets alchohol, so it lingers in my blood and my brain gets soaked in it.

Docs say its impossible for me to be an alch

>> No.8839569

colon/stomach cancer

>> No.8839575

Oh shit my dad died from that so I have the genetics for it. I'm only 27 though

>> No.8839578

You're fucked.

Stop ingesting alcohol.

>> No.8839590
File: 19 KB, 326x183, Get+this+sandnigger+of+my+board+this+instant+_0d5b2988c607a149bbc747da79303a78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd deliver food to your door just to see your miserable face suffer long enough.

Take care Anon.

>> No.8839592

My sister gets shitfaced on one beer too. I'm jealous. Takes me 12.

>> No.8839602

Are you sure it's not just IBS or something? I think I'm too young to die of cancer.

>> No.8839614

Cancer doesn't give a fuck what you think

>> No.8839618

yes, especially for the price

at least in my country, you can easily find if for like 5 euros(700ml)

this and Old Smugler are my favorite whiskeys when im on a budget

>> No.8839626

It's probably that, but seriously stop drinking or at least slow down. Was your dad an alcoholic?

>> No.8839627
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>I think I'm too young to die of cancer.

alri dude

>> No.8839650

stomach cancer is rare under 50. Different cancer affect different people.

No he never drank because his dad and his brothers were all alchys. He worked with dangerous chemicals in the petroleum business and that's how we think he got it. He smoked cigarettes though. So do I. My grandpa had lung cancer too.

>> No.8839655

You should lie low on the smokes as well.

>> No.8839693

>Got hooked on Bayonetta for hours
>Wanted to go buy booze
>Alcohol sale ends in 5 mins

God damn it these laws are fucking shit

>> No.8839703

Yeah limited availability makes me crave it so much more.

>> No.8839744

how does this shit even happen

like the first time you taste whisky, vodka, shit like that you know it's bad for you just by how fucking nasty the stuff is

how do you get to the point you need it every day or you'll die?

>> No.8839760

what the fuck man

>> No.8839849
File: 27 KB, 333x286, 1422044438266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life's so shit its easier to either face it drunk or avoid it by getting so smashed you don't remember most of it.
Watching british Skins because no one watsn to play vidya with me anymore, while drinking smirnoff vodka mixed with cider. Pretty good stuff, and the series is good as well.

>> No.8839884

what vidya do you play senpai

>> No.8839905

Where can I get Buffalo Trace in Paris?

>> No.8839915

outside the shariah zone, probably

>> No.8839943

What's a good and commonly available gold tequila?

>> No.8839965

how do you beat that unability to eat anything after you've binged for a couple days and had nothing but liquor?
I can't seem to keep anything down and all food sounds disgusting

>> No.8839966
File: 19 KB, 597x600, rgn894894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite alcoholic beverage, al/ck/, and why is it wine?

>merlot masterrace

>> No.8839982

Just have to do the best you can. It's a fucking nightmare, but eating really, really will make you feel significantly better.

>> No.8840004

>Buffalo Trace
42€ with delivery (I have Amazon prime "free delivery", may be more expensive for you unless you take the free trial month.)
55€ (single barrel)

You can try finding the sites of the resellers, prices are usually the same but you may have special offers.

Force yourself. Once you have something in your stomach it'll be easier.
I usually eat yogurts or breakfast biscuits. It's that or terrible pains.

Could you take a picture of the tequila section of your local supermarket? That'll help us tell you what tequilas are available at your local supermarket.

>> No.8840012

Mostly old Blizzard games like Warcraft III and LoL, a few rpgs like Witcher series and Gothic now and then.

>> No.8840013


Fucking yuck.

>> No.8840014

>take a picture
I'm not at home for the next few days, but I'll take the picture and ask again then.

>> No.8840019

Probably vodka, but I do enjoy an expensive whisper from time to time.

>> No.8840024


im in if you are up for some drunk Dota tho

>> No.8840038

I enjoyed whiskey my first time. Not so much anymore.

>> No.8840043

How about a nice cabernet?

>> No.8840046
File: 675 KB, 303x282, silly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pass senpai

>> No.8840053

Espolon is pretty tasty. Only ever had blanco though so can't comment on the reposado

>> No.8840059

I miss my car.
No moralfags please. Heard it all before.

>> No.8840117

I usually just don't eat and drink a lot of water.

>> No.8840276

>feel absolutely nothing
>haven't drank in 3 weeks
>want to drink
>want to sleep the next 2 weeks or so away
>nothing is interesting at all

>> No.8840355

alcohol sucks. seriously. i'm so fucking ill.

>> No.8840360

DUI is a hard toll huh? :^)

>> No.8840376
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Drink more and you won't care, and too long thereafter you'll be kil, and that means no more problems.

>> No.8840389

If I have 3/4 beers a night am I an alc?

>> No.8840392

The answer is almost unequivocally and positively no, even by medical recommendations for "safe" consumption.

>> No.8840398

I miss being able to sleep for 12 hours straight like when I was younger. It's one of the things that I miss the most really is being able to stay asleep for more than a handful of hours.

>> No.8840400

Don't believe the morons telling you you have stomach cancer, you've most likely got IBS

>> No.8840423

i don't end up sleeping, i just end up staring at the ceiling either thinking nothing or pontificating on how many people who've been a part of my life have wronged me

i can't even vidya, i just want something to feel like it's worth doing and it feels like drinking is the only thing that'll lead to me feeling that way about anything right now

i was fine for weeks but today is just the deepest nothing i've felt in a long time

>> No.8840426

you're at the babby stage but you'll build up a tolerance if you drink til drunk instead of just drinking for a buzz or lower
and if you run into some life problems and binge a couple times instead of having the willpower to stop then you'll ramp up your usage and end up like some of the guys here whose bodies are literally disintegrating

>> No.8840442


Vote Le Pen!

>> No.8840457



>> No.8840472

I smell like urine but I'm too hungover to shower. I haven't showered in a month.

>> No.8840481
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you doin ok there buddy

>> No.8840485

did he like hang himself or did his liver conk out?

anyway im feeling pretty good, been sober abot 5 days, withdrawals weren't too bad cause i only drank for 3 days on my last bender. But it's spring here and everyone is drinking everywhere. I'm just pigging out on little caesers deep dish and dr peppr and ice cream sandwiches while i play vidya every day and am fat as a hog but oh well im not drinking.

>> No.8840490

>Sturgill Simpson

my man

>> No.8840491

pigging out on little caesars is probably healthier in the long run anyways

>> No.8840510
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, 1366397118625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who is shocked by the lack of completely unintelligible drunk posts on 4chan? I browse all the time ,and I know there are plenty of alcoholics who post drunk, but I dont think I have ever seen someone just shit out a complete mess of a post.

>> No.8840520

well this is an al/ck/ general we know how to hold our booze

>> No.8840526

Well I meant on 4chan in general.

>> No.8840567

yea it has all your food groups

>> No.8840568

Stay strong bro you're doin great

>> No.8840578

captcha probably filters out most of those posts
i've seen this one guy who used to post weird rambling stream of consciousness type posts here on /ck/, not sure if he's still around

>> No.8840585

You mean rambling old guy

>> No.8840602

Does chasing it with water help you not wake up hungover?

>> No.8840613

>does hydrating yourself prevent dehydration which is one of the main symptoms of a hangover

>> No.8840629

yea that guy. didn't people used to call him ORG for short?

i thought hangover was a symptom of dehydration

>> No.8840647

Inlaws are staying with us for the next 8 days.

Typically I have 10 beers a day - a few at lunch as well if it's a long day. They judge me if they see 2 touch my lips.

Getting reassigned to the basement where there is no fridge or bathroom.

>> No.8840667

time to into hard liquor

>> No.8840690
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>> No.8840698

you may be right - but I'm trying to keep off of that. Shit gets really bad when I'm on that.

I'm already at 15mg+ of Melatonin a night to taper down from a 12 pack each night. And they're loud, in your face odl, yankee-italians.

>> No.8840700

They're stuck in there withdrawing. We don't do early release for withdraw.
Worst I saw was a guy that started withdrawing 2 hours after he got here. He didn't eat that night because he flushed his food down the toilet because "it was saying it was hungry"
All we can do is give them Valium and cold water.
For withdraw they have to stay in holding up front for observation. Which means no TV no newspaper nothing. Sometimes they're in the multi person cell.

>> No.8840701

lol is your wife making you go to the basement or would you rather just not deal with them? Maybe bring a cooler downstairs for the beers?

>> No.8840704

Yesterday I didn't drink, smoke, look at porn, fap, consume pork, or do anything degenerate in remembrance of Hitler

>> No.8840715
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We have a tiny 2 'bedroom', 1.5 bath house (pic pretty related).

They get our bed and we get to go to the basement to a mattress that's no better than concrete.

Everyone can hear everything. Every shit, piss, and conversation.

I do have an empty kegerator in the basement that I can fill with cider, but I'm a pisser and would need to walk past 'their' bedroom 3-4 times a night. The wife is chill, but not piss jug chill.

>> No.8840717

Last time you assholes had me in a cell you didn't even provide toilet paper, so I shat in my boxers and used the elastic to fire it at the camera in my cell. 19 mins later, after 17 hours in a cell withdrawing, I was on my way to a cosy hospital bed... which I instantly left to go home and get drunk. I fucking loathe police custody. Made sure to hit every panic alarm on the way out of the station to be as disruptive as possible.

>> No.8840724

Seriously, go back to your containment board, you look like a total dick anywhere else.

>> No.8840725
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What are you drinking?
Also what are you listening to?

>> No.8840730

Nah that's not how my jail operators.
We give toilet paper in every cell and you get a phone to make calls to the outside (on your own dime) and a shower every morning.
We've got a pretty good facility though and I've heard horror stories about other counties

>> No.8840736

Listening to this and drinking some h20

>> No.8840738

The only time I was in jail there was no bed or anything, just a drain in the floor and a tap toilet combo. No TP you had to bang on the door and scream to get a tiny piece of it. It wasn't enough to wipe everything. No soap either.

>> No.8840740

Vodka. Obviously.
And anything by Sarah Blackwood. Nom. She's a recovering alchie to, as illustrated by these learned lyrics

>> No.8840741

why even let them in the house at that point

>> No.8840744

What the fuck desu. You get a concrete slab you out your matt on (everyone gets their own mat for sanitation) and a toilet with a water fountain.
Feel free to leave them a bad Facebook review I guess.

>> No.8840764

Being drunk is living.
Sobriety is surviving.
I'm never going to try to stop again.

>> No.8840802

What is a decent and widely available in the US cider?

>> No.8840807

Wow you sound like a selfish person.

>> No.8840824

Not even that guy but just fuck off forever. Seriously if you don't like any of that shit just fuck off of 4chan and kill yourself dude, fuck you.

>> No.8840827

They live 3 states away and coming in to see their baby daughter while they house shop. Worst part is they love going out for dinner then play cards or dominos until 9. Really cuts into 5 hours of my drinking.

Here's my banjo playing I recorded today

>> No.8840831

>>cirrhosis is an easy death

Know how I know you're lying?

>> No.8840833

No, he's right. This is not the place for teenage angst or Hitler worship. Shoo.

>> No.8840834

Or stop steaming/microwaving shit and just broil it.

>> No.8840836

That's because a lot of truly alcoholic people can't get that shithoused because of insane tolerance. I mean if you were really alcohol and seriously typed out insane garbage you're like either dying or just extremely suicidal or are significantly psychically damaged on a physical level with your brain.

>> No.8840839

sounds like a nightmare

all things considered i'm pretty glad my gf and i are essentially estranged from our families and can't have kids... really makes the abject poverty a little more bearable

>> No.8840850

I'm not worshipping Hitler, I just don't understand how you can really be that sensitive about it if you really are on 4chan and have been.

>> No.8840852

That's really cool, thanks man. I'm from England so hardly a redneck, but there's something so nice about the banjo. I wish I could stay sober long enough to learn to play.

>> No.8840854

Jesus. You cunts telling me you can't hold a steady job and drink by yourself at lunch? Well I'm sure I'll be fucked soon enough, my boss today was like come here I'll show you, and I could only hold my breathe for so long. Fuck kind of software company doesn't keep beer on tap in the office anyway?

>> No.8840858
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To quote Anchorman, "I love scotch. Scotch, scotchy scotch"

I can really go for any moderately drinkable scotch, though my favorites at the moment are Ardbeg Corryvreckan and Talisker Distiller's Edition. Today I got the Corryvreckan and a bottle of Glenmorangie Bacalta, which, while not very peaty, is still an exceptionally drinkable dram.

>> No.8840870

I feel like a dick for not being hospitable and don't want them to shell out $1500 for a hotel. It's just a pain and not enough house for 4 people with totally different lifestyles. At least they're old.

It's the only thing that's fun any more. I drink and play at night to blow off steam from the day.

Trying to play more during my lunch break - I love crawling into my Jeep in the parking lot with a sandwich and cooler of beer, but afraid the homeless will break in while I leave.

>> No.8840879

i get that, being hospitable is nice... just seems like a one-way street where you're saving them money and headaches but they feel within their right to impose their own morality on you for the privilege, yknow?

>> No.8840885

Downeast isn't terrible for mass produced canned stuff. I just find their "original blend" really uninspiring though. Pretty much just tastes like fermented apple juice. West County Cider makes some really good blends, but it's more expensive. Not sure how widely available these are, as I live in New England.

>> No.8840887

fo sho brother, fo sho. Feels good to vent - don't really have anywhere else. Cheers.

>> No.8840896

DIY for like $0.20/bottle http://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14860

This has been getting me drunk for 6 years. I served this at my wedding and everyone got shitfaced. Great foray into wine and beer making if you want. Can easily be done in recycled gallon jugs too.

>> No.8840902

you're supposed to do stimulants like amphetamines in a tech job not depressants you fool

>> No.8840912

Not him, but I was sober for 3 days and nearly lost my job.

90% of tech jobs are bs data entry where you both spoon feed and kiss ass from old, illiterate, and non techy savy supervisors.

>> No.8840940

Hey, I do that, too, and I'm not even in the stratum of "tech jobs". I do this shit in a hospital. There's literally *no* glamour in that. At least in a tech job you get to say "I work in a technology firm". There is a reason my go-to for social lubricant has a 57.1% abv

>> No.8840955

I used to be a paramedic, I know the feeling. At the end of the day you can lie to yourself and say, 'wow! I made a difference!', but deep down inside, you know it's all bullshit.

>> No.8840957

technically you're supposed to microdose entheogens or psychedelics, but that's more for software dev than tech in general

>> No.8840958

I've heard that being a paramedic sucks ass but desu it seems like the type of job you can be kind of proud of. It's not like your in a warehouse job.

>> No.8840966

Ex-fucking-actly. On weekends I work the desk in the OR, so I do *kinda* make a difference, but Mondays and Fridays I'm literally just putting in numbers that other people put in before I got there, and would put in if I left. I've been contemplating bringing a flask in with me to work just to get through the day.

>> No.8840976

I did private service and it was the best and worst job.

I did nothing that someone else wouldn't have done had I not been there. Mainly it was chucking old ladies to dialysis or appts so a doc (or even dentist!) could glance at them, or break my back to take welfare queens to the hospital to drain the system.

Nurses make twice as much, yet for $16/hr, I drove unrestrained in the back flying through traffic, dealt with suicidal fools on the streets, and was the chief on scene who took sole responsibility for things. Never again.

>> No.8840985

who else here 'miss her so much'?

>> No.8840992

On day 5 of my taper from 1.5 Liters of whiskey a day

Looks like I will end the day with 550ml of whiskey, this is fucking hell, but not as bad as I thought it'd be

>> No.8840994

If by "her" you mean the peace, quiet, and tranquility of being single, then yeah, I miss her dearly.

>> No.8841023

that rate sounds more like room temp turkey

>> No.8841027

Yeah, def not doing cold turkey; tried that a couple of times befoer and almost literally died

>> No.8841033
File: 453 KB, 1024x596, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me. 5 years and can't get over her.
Alive for now. Dyin' in muh dining room. Still lurk. Still love al/ck/. Turns out it's hard to climb 20ft and clear all branches required for the descent. Besides, I've decided I like drinking too much to consider any alternatives.

Hope you're all well.
Always lurking.

>> No.8841039

as long as you're alive my man
don't try to rush it,

>> No.8841040

>5 years and can't get over her.

I will never understand how someone can be such a little bitch and have oneitis this bad. This level of obsession should seriously be considered a mental disorder

>> No.8841050
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I know this is b8 but the southerner in my is raging but also feeling bad for you retards.

I drink every day, I can't sleep if I don't. I still hold down an ok job and have a decent future lined up if I don't die early or some shit. Still, part of me really wants to quit but I know I can't and never will.

>> No.8841075

Love these stories, best wishes

>> No.8841135
File: 159 KB, 860x522, 1447972590045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the people honestly

some people are just pathetic creatures who latch on to the figurative first girl to suck their figurative dick

other people find and subsequently lose a person who fits them in every conceivable human way and uplifts every part of their life for the time they're together

>> No.8841176

this is the gayest post i've read all month

>> No.8841193

Second. This shit is old and played out.

>> No.8841195

The anime certainly doesn't help.

>> No.8841224
File: 1.37 MB, 859x1507, 1489586793149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense as i'm probably the gayest person who frequents al/ck/

>> No.8841238
File: 126 KB, 151x200, skeleton-running.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At an AA meeting

80 days sober and I feel alive again

Stop before it's too late

>> No.8841240

>tfw level 3

>> No.8841245

>Stop before it's too late

>> No.8841307
File: 42 KB, 720x743, 1492784303855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

Just filled a squirt gun up with piss, gonna spray all over my roommates shit.

>> No.8841312

one would think the penis is a good enough delivery system to do that

>> No.8841357

Just pee on your own things you man baby.

>> No.8841367

hangovers/withdrawals are the worst. Why do I put myself through this? And then when I feel better it starts all over again...

>> No.8841386

That's the worst part. Once you start feeling better the anxiety kicks in full tilt and you want to kill your brain and thoughts with more alcohol.

>> No.8841387

21 years old. Just consumed my first notable amount of alcohol in my life and I just feel light-headed. What's the point?

>> No.8841415

Count yourself as lucky.

>> No.8841421

Sucking dick 4 a vodka.

Lurk moar m8

>> No.8841428

I've been afraid of trying alcohol because I imagined I could easily become dependent on it, so I guess this is a good thing since I feel no better than usual

>> No.8841443
File: 229 KB, 1109x715, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to see you're still with us, brother

I actually think about you when I'm not on 4chan sometimes. I know you're doing good but I hope you feel alright right now

heres some tunes for everybody

>> No.8841448

I know you're not doing good* sorry

>> No.8841461

Being drunk is dying not fast enough. Being sober is dying too slow.

If you need butter on your vegetables to eat them, your vegetables sucks, or you cook them like an ass. Or your parents failed at giving you a palate, but it's not too late to acquire one.

Shakes arrive before crazy thoughts (for me at least), so delirium rambling would be too mistyped to be readable.

I told you it was a shit suicide method. Glad you're still around.
It's a weird feeling when alcohol make you consider suicide, but alcohol is what make you stay alive.

Let's say a normal person need 5 months to get over it, that's 20 weeks. A normal person is sober most of the time, 6 days a week (they're mostly sober during the day when they drink in the evening).
120 days of sober mourning to get over it.
An alkie is drunk morning to night, cumulating maybe half a day per week of vague lucidity to analyse his situation. To get to 120 days he'll need 240 weeks, close to 5 years.

>> No.8841477

I'm going to quit for good this time. Wish me luck.

That is the millionth time I've said that though.

>> No.8841492

time is relative man
death will take us all soon enough

>> No.8841551

Purposefully didn't go buy a new handle of Vodka today. Now I'm actually eating dinner for once. I have 3 nice beers to try to taper with if I have to. This is gonna be rough.

>> No.8841560

I feel you. I have like half a bottle of vodker for tonight but tomorrow is going to me a fucking nightmare, I haven't properly drank any water or had food for the last like 3 days

>> No.8841647

You don't have a bathroom?

>> No.8841671

Had a serious infection that I could have died to. 2 weeks in hospital, possibly another 3 to go. Stay safe anons. Also was on day three of withdrawal and the first night I thought people were trying to kidnap me into a cult and tried attacking a peace officer and escaping the hospital.

>> No.8841703

I feel embarrassed for saying this, but I'm drunk off four ice House beers.

>> No.8841721

low tolerance just means that getting shitfaced won't break the bank
it's great

>> No.8841727

Failed at aa, because my sponsor wanted me to go to 3 meetings a day. I walked out of a meeting like a autist one day and continue to drink. AA isn't a fix all to alcoholism

>> No.8841733

seriously, I wish I had a low tolerance fuck

>> No.8841736

It's funny that I have a low tolerance because I've been drinking since I was 18 and still get drunk easily

>> No.8841737

>3 metings a day
jesus, aa is supposed to help you, not drive you further into alcoholism. don't do everything your sponsor tells you, just because they are your sponsor. you aren't there to please them. you are supposed to help youself by doing what works for you. meetings should help, not hurt... but when they are done to the extreme like that, they obviously didn't help you mcuh

>> No.8841743

you know why AA drives me mad? Those people in there still consider themselves alcoholics even though they've been sober for years. its not going to help if you keep calling yourself an alcoholic thats just a relapse waiting to happen

>> No.8841751

i think they call themselves "dry alcoholics" because they need a constant reminder for themselves that if they even take one drink, it'll inevitably lead back to full blown alcoholism. if they don't refer to themselves as alcoholic, than it think that would be closer to a relapse waiting to happen. they try not to forget what got them to aa meetings in the first place. its alcoholics anonymous, not "meet with a group of friends who like to bullshit for an hour every night"

>> No.8841753

Eaxctly. The AA meetings I use to go to made everyone introduce themselves saying " hello my name is anon and I'm a alcoholic". Is like that at all AA meetings

>> No.8841760

>don't do everything your sponsor tells you

Yeah, I have to second that. Be really careful about sponsors. The same as any group of people, there are some serious fucking predators in there waiting to take advantage of people when they are at their lowest point. In fact, I'd go so far as to say fuck all in terms of sponsors. Just work the program as you want. It's your deal, not theirs.

>> No.8841792

Whats the most you ever drank in a single night?

>> No.8841795

I have no idea.

>> No.8841797

Not a ton. Probably about 25 units and that took some cocaine to keep me up.

>> No.8841809

I wish I had a girl to fuck REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Who /virgin/ here?

>> No.8841817

Yeppers. Remember that back in Dr. Bob's day, there were no sponsors. In fact, you could work the steps without meetings if that was your thing (or need, for those who were/are physically isolated or otherwise unable to attend meetings).

Keep things in perspective and work the steps (or don't - I'm certainly not going to tell anyone what to do, and there are a lot of people who have gotten sober without strict AA).

>> No.8841832

2/3 of a 26er of fireball in the span of about 5 hours

>> No.8841852

I'd have thrown up from the taste. one of the bars I go to gives them out as free shots or for 50 cents and I regret it ever time.

>> No.8841853

five hours for a fifth? are you crazy nigga?

>> No.8841859

What is it?

>> No.8841863


>> No.8841883


>> No.8841887

it was the worst two hours of vomiting followed by massive hangover of my life, plus i was like 19

i still drink it occasionally, it's like liquid cinnamon hearts

>> No.8841896

>This shit is old and played out.

U mad that you're both brainwashed by Jews AND pimping yourself out to alcohol, while I am motivated by the ideals of National Socialism (but more importantly the preservation of European peoples worldwide) to such a degree that I am actively improving my life?

U mad that I'm no longer pickling my brain in self-pity, whereas you have to play hall monitor and whine about anons in between drinking your life-ruining swill?

You're well on your way to making your body, mind, and soul prematurely old and played out, fuccboi

>> No.8841901
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>> No.8841904

>being so empty that you brag in an alcoholic thread on 4chan that you aren't an alcoholic

>> No.8841919

I re-entered virgindom about 4 months ago
after about a month of no sex you become a virgin again

>> No.8841936

>being so empty that you brag in an alcoholic thread on 4chan that you aren't an alcoholic

I came here to share that Hitler's birthday prevented me from having a relapse. Others whined and told me to leave, and I responded in kind. Basically, I want to encourage everyone to have a transcendent reason to quit drinking. I gave mine. You might want to blow your rape whistle at your monitor over the fact I think this way, but the point is that it works. And I'm not bragging I'm not an alcoholic, I am one, yet my beliefs prevented me from relapsing.


You sure you're not just having liver pains bro? :^)

>> No.8841976
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>> No.8842011


>> No.8842145

Smirnoff bro! Happy to see you.

>> No.8842267

been on a binge but also smoking a lot of weed so I have this weird mix of nauseousness and munchies

>> No.8842298

Not al/ck/ but figure here's where the experts are

What's the best whiskey/vodka for drinking straight? I.e. it goes down without burning at all. I had some great scotch at my cousins a few months back and it was like nectar. I could drink shots in a row and it would go down like I was drinking water, even though it was 45% I think. Can't for the life of me remember what it is.

>> No.8842301

And also, does anyone else think Bells tastes like cheap smoked bacon?

>> No.8842302

Just going what I know from friends, costco sells vodka and whiskey for pretty cheap, and even though its cheap they're pretty good alcohol. Kirkland is a good vodka, pretty much smirnoff tier

>> No.8842378

>after about a month of no sex you become a virgin again
A year maybe, not a month.

>> No.8842384

>I could drink shots in a row and it would go down like I was drinking water, even though it was 45% I think.
You already had a few drinks, that's the secret. Start with good booze, continue with the cheap one.

>> No.8842398

Pretty much this. The most I can remember is drinking a 60 pounder of rum as youngster.

>> No.8842548

140 units, but it was over 24hrs, I ate two large meals and threw up several times in the process.

>> No.8842571

bottom shelf canadian blended whiskey
i promise

>> No.8842982
File: 4 KB, 199x254, 1455078341942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get quite drunk
>Go to sleep
>Wake up at 5 am to my brother flashing his penis in front of me
>Go get a glass of water with lemon juice
>Drink like it's nectar
>Go back to sleep
>No hangover
Wow, that wasn't hard.

>> No.8843031

>Wow, that wasn't hard.
maybe you should have given him a handy then

>> No.8843291

Have you ever become friends with a bartender?

>> No.8843759

Only with the cute ones.

>> No.8843770

Why do people not like vermouth in their martinis? Is it some kind of masculinity thing?

>> No.8843998

vermouth tastes like ass and martinis are pretentious

>> No.8844003
File: 1.83 MB, 360x240, baffling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get super drunk last night, only remember parts
>cooked up some bomb diggity italian sausage red sauce and pasta
>woke up this morning to a well cleaned and oiled cast iron