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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8837023 No.8837023 [Reply] [Original]

What did prehistoric vegans eat during winter?

>> No.8837028
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>> No.8837034

>implying veganism isnt a modern day mental illness.

>> No.8837036

I dunno, the crops that group were famous for cultivating, ergo causing the end of the hunter-gatherer era, leading to the grain revolution due to the newly discovered art that was brewing?

>> No.8837057

this time in english and use some form of human logic

>> No.8837124

vegetables and grains

>> No.8837139

its not, they just died and couldnt reproduce because their children starved to death

>> No.8837149

prehistoric man was not a farmer

>> No.8837153


Anything even close to veganism didn't exist anywhere remotely close to where it went below freezing.

I suppose if vegans take over the world the poles will be a meaty safehaven.

>> No.8837154

>implying the invention of written history doesn't heavily postdate agriculture

you're looking for paleomeme, my ketolard friend.

>> No.8837157
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roots, trea cambium noodels, nuts and seeds stolen from rodents, needles from trees, frozen fruits like rosehip, pinenuts, moss, algea,.. things like that

>> No.8837176

algae isn't a fruit and I pity the paleoman that had to chow down on pond scum.

>> No.8837299

Veganism is a symbol of decadence

>> No.8837361


>> No.8837427

Surprisingly, paleolithic vegans didn't exist. People ate whatever they hunted, found and scavenged in their region.

You didn't have Ughita grunting to Ugh that they should try to switch to a moralistic vegan diet like we do today.

>> No.8837454


There is no reason to assume that the ideal human diet is the diet that humans were eating when they were struggling to survive and eating anything they could find.

At this point there are literally thousands, probably tens of thousands, of clinical trials and in-depth studies of human nutrition and the effect of various foods on biological markers human health and the overwhelming consensus is that plant foods are extremely good for you and animals foods are neutral at the very best.

You should consider animal foods to be in the same category as alcohol or sweets: they taste good and consuming them is enjoyable but they're not good for you and you should limit your consumption to the extent to which you want to preserve your health.

>> No.8837474

Meat is always the cheap and easier option. Unless you're buying the germ-riddled crap that Walmart tries to pass off as vegetables and fruits, going vegan is expensive and can be indicative of a sheltered, spoiled upbringing.

>> No.8837479

becayse me said so, idiot

evrythinh I do ' t ike is decafence and degenteracy

>> No.8837499

Nutritious vegan diets are expensive. Poor people in (at least in my country) are technically vegans: all they can afford to eat are pasta, corn meal and bread.

>> No.8837510

Your partner's son's prostate

>> No.8837514


If you honestly think that eating meat of literally any kind except the cheapest processed garbage slop is cheaper than eating beans/rice/potatoes/etc then you're a moron. Peasants in every poverty stricken nation in the world consider meat a indulgence and get the majority of their calories from some type of plant food.

Vegan just means not eating animal foods. It doesn't require you to start eating nothing but organic avocados and pomegranates.

>> No.8837519
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>the overwhelming consensus is that plant foods are extremely good for you and animals foods are neutral at the very best.

if that's the "overwhelming consensus" then post a citation. I'm aware that plant foods are generally good for you, but animal foods can also be good. The difference between good and bad animal-based foods is pretty similar to good and bad plant-based foods: how was it raised, how was it prepared, and how much are you eating.

RDNs can recommend a healthy diet with or without meat, it's just a matter of knowing what's in the food when you ingest it and how will your body metabolize it.

And then there are the counter examples to your claim: corn, potatoes, yams, and other starchy plants are not generally good for you, because they are too calorie dense without offering enough nutrients. This is counter to your claim that plant foods are "extremely good for you..."

tl;dr citation(s) or gtfo

>> No.8837525

Open a book that doesn't have pictures for once and maybe you'll understand, faggot.

>> No.8837527

I'm an americlap so I'm going off what I've seen, being a vegan in the U.S. is very much a luxury.

>> No.8837577

My, overdue for our quinoa enema are we?

>> No.8837581

in winter no less

>> No.8837605


Anyone who asks for citations without offering their own should be dragged into the street and shot. Honestly, I know how you people think and you'll do your little mental gymnastics to claim that anything I post doesn't fit your standards of proof. I'd rather see YOU post some citations showing that potatoes, yams or corn are bad for you. Good fucking luck with that one because I can tell you right now that sweet potatoes are one of the cheapest, most nutrient dense plant foods you can buy.

oh hey what's this
>Sweet potato protein exerts significant antiproliferative and antimetastatic effects on human colorectal cancer cell lines, both in vitro and in vivo.

Or literally anything backing up:
>The difference between good and bad animal-based foods is pretty similar to good and bad plant-based foods: how was it raised, how was it prepared, and how much are you eating.

aside from something utterly insignificant like a 0.03% higher omega 3 content in grass fed beef.

But I'll play along regardless.

>In summary, vegetarians have consistently shown to have lower risks for cardiometabolic outcomes and some cancers across all three prospective cohorts of Adventists. Beyond meatless diets, further avoidance of eggs and dairy products may offer a mild additional benefit. Compared to lacto-ovo-vegetarian diets, vegan diets seem to provide some added protection against obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes; and cardiovascular mortality.

kys faggot

>> No.8837641

Because meat is higher in calories and fills you up for longer. Only people with money can afford to suit their diet to their life. If you're a broke ass youre gonna eat something that will fill you up for as long as possible with as many calories as you can get. Simple logic. Dumb question tbqh with u m8.

>> No.8837649

Those peasants you talk about arent going the fucking grocery store to get meat. They are hunting it. Which is substantially more difficult then walking into whole foods and asking for a pound of strip loin. Fuck face.

>> No.8837669

>If you're a broke ass youre gonna eat something that will fill you up for as long as possible with as many calories as you can get

And that something is beans, rice, flour, etc. There is no meat that will ever come close to plant foods on a calorie per dollar basis and I'd love to see you try to prove otherwise.

I'll even make it easier for you: calories of PROTEIN per dollar. Find me some meat that has more calories of protein per dollar than some really basic shit like wheat flour. I'll be waiting.

>> No.8837684

Hey listen idiot no matter how many lettuce you stuff down your throat, you are not gonna become immortal okay? The polution that you breathe in when you go outside is 1000 times more damaging to your health than anything you will ever eat or drink. My father prefered veggies and ate almost no meat at all and his health was already bad when he was 50 years old and he died at 62. Meanwhile the grandmother of a close friend of mine drinks alot of alcohol and eats meat almost daily and she's 93 years and looks like she's somewhat around 50 - 60 years old and she is extremely fit/healthy for her age. Since my father loved veggies so much i was forced to eat alot of veggies too. And you know what? I was pale depressive and often ill/sick weak and sleepy as a child. As soon as i moved out from my parents at 18 years and got my own place i've started to eat meat and my health/psychical condition increased alot. My stamina has increased/have more energy when i started eating meat, my muscle mass increased, my mood got alot better and i never have been sick ever since i started to eat meat. I don't give a rats ass what some stupid study from some jews says, life has shown me to many times that eating meat is good/necessary for the human body.

>> No.8837686


Btw even something cheap as fuck like eggs still costs nearly 5x as much (or more, if you're buying your flour in bulk) on a dollar per calorie basis than flour.

Be honest: have you ever entered a grocery store? If so, have you ever been taught basic mathematics? Because based on your posts, your answer to one or both of these things must be "no".

>> No.8837701


Oh hey its a block of anecdotal evidence. Thanks for telling us about your grandparents anon your blog post was fascinating. Don't let those jews trick you ok? You and I both know that they run the vegetable lobby that's trying to trick us into eating that nasty shit and fucking over the good, honest cattle farmers who definitely don't have any political clout.

You're doing good man, keep it up. 14/88!

>> No.8837704

chewed on their own free range arms, i suppose.

>> No.8837706

Maybe open an English book, retard.

>> No.8837741
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Lmao, there weren't any. Veganism is only possible with modern day innovations, that's the point. The meat industry is terrible for the environment and there are reports that show it; vegans aim to lower their carbon footprint, it helps the ego.

>> No.8837749
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There weren't any, period.

>> No.8837761
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>these vegans trying to come up with an actual answer

Jesus chraaaaast

>> No.8837781

meat eater semen

>> No.8837797

>ITT: Vegans, btfo and toprekt, both.

>> No.8837808


>prehistoric man didn't use modern plumbing therefore modern plumbing is stupid and wrong

This is the level of logic you're operating on right now.

>> No.8837866

Like homos and feminists, vegans don't exist in nature.

>> No.8838128

i really doubt that. humans eat all kinds of shit when starving. go watch the movie about some football team from south america who eat a teammate or something, i think it's called "alive"

>> No.8838135

Prehistoric vegans did not live in climates that experience winter.

>> No.8838140
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>Meat is always the cheap and easier option

>> No.8838174 [DELETED] 
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>there are some things in our environment that are bad for us
>therefore we should stop giving a shit about our health altogether

>> No.8838176
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>there are some things in our environment that are bad for us which we can't avoid
>therefore we should stop giving a shit about our health altogether

>> No.8838192

Yeh look at all those decadent starving poop-covered indians with their bug-riddled vegfag diet.

>> No.8838245

Meat is my baseline for "pricey" only some fruits I buy go over the cost of the cheapest cuts of meat. Everything else I buy (a wide variety of vegetables) is much cheaper.
I am too and only the fad vegan food is expensive. You should be able to find oatmeal, fortified cereal, beans, cabbage, spinach etc. etc. many other vegetables for cheap consistently.
I fell into -near veganism- due to the fact that everything was cheaper than meat.

>> No.8838258

the same thing they eat now: semen

>> No.8838284

>Peasants in every poverty stricken nation in the world consider meat a indulgence
proven to be historically false

>> No.8838298

are you hyperboling because semantics again?

>> No.8838840

Beans and rice. And tofu.

>> No.8838845

babys starve on vegan diets

>> No.8838848

It's a false statement.

>> No.8838854

wich one would you rather have?
10 cute little bunnies that you have to feed, look after, keep healthy, clean their poop for over a decade or ten delicious rabbits like in the right picture?

>> No.8838858
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No, they consider GOOD meats an indulgence.
There's a reason everybody in ASEA eats bats and small birds and rodents and bugs and shit.

>> No.8838868

each other

>> No.8838874

farming has been around since the neolithic times, human history only goes back 6000 or so years. 95%+ of mankinds past is unrecorded and we learn about it from digging up artefacts.

>> No.8838907
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You're right, the ideal human diet is the one that kills your offspring.

>> No.8838926

You don't need a question mark.

>> No.8839680

>algae isn't a fruit
I know that it wrote like rosehip

actually even today I like to eat my pond scum

kombu is nice for the taste
hijiki and arame make good salad and other
seaweed and dulse make tasty soup

>> No.8839688

How can you be brought up on both Murder and Involuntary Manslaughter? aren't they conflicting charges?
>I killed this person intentionally
>I killed this person by accident

>> No.8839708

in neolithic times most people were scavengers and hunters only a small group were farmers. Do note that the time it took for farming to take of went ridiculously fast. Archeologists are still trying to figure out how that happend.

>> No.8840544

veganism only really existed in approximated current form in very jungly areas where there wasnt winter

>> No.8840551

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8841326

>comparing a population concerned with their diet with a population not concerned with their diet

mental illness at its best

>> No.8841373

Okay enjoy your cigarettes and alcohol, my dear vegan hypocrite.

>> No.8841382
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>> No.8841535

No it didn't. Neolithic fuckers from equatorial africa to the arctic, ate whatever they could kill or scrounge.

Stop projecting your nonsense onto our ancestors that made necessary choices in order for your pathetic ass to occupy space and time.

>> No.8841586

You talk like a fag.

>> No.8841610

For me it is the McGrog™, the best monolithic sandwich.

>> No.8841611

>implying you've never heard of implying

>> No.8841620

eating cultivated seaweeds selected for flavor over countless generations isn't really the same thing as eating pond scum which can harbor all sorts of nasty shit like nematodes, mold, pathogens, cyanotoxins

i don't recommend eating actual pond scum

>> No.8841623

Strawman out the wazoo

You are a closeted fag

>> No.8842559

First they try to prove murder, if that fails, they can still falll back on inv. manslaughter. At least that's how it works in some countries.

>> No.8842566

you mean water casserole

>> No.8842593

Probably different charges for the "mother" vs. the "father". One may have been the primary mover in this while the other merely went along.

The "felony murder" conviction comports with that, since the person who actually killed the victim can't be charged with that -- that charge is for the getaway driver, the insider who left the door unlocked, and that sort of party.

>> No.8842815

>skele af

>> No.8842852

Roots and sheeit. Chufa seeds, collected grains, nuts, plus some meat probably. if you think humans survived through the winter on meat alone your are nuts. The inuits are not representative, they're outliers.

>> No.8842855

>needles from trees

>> No.8843881


Is that the main dish at your super underground all-raw restaurant in Portland?

>> No.8844224

no one really has a pro vegan comment when this is posted, i would love to see studies, unbiased pls, about vegan diets on babies and young children.
if vegans are the 'pinnacle' of human diets then this shouldn't have happened

>> No.8844243

Not this fucking faggot again.


>> No.8844254

prehistoric man was able to only eat vegetables and nuts, yet they didn't

your analogy is retarded, anything they didn't/couldn't do that we do today is proven to be good? like heroin or betting on the ponies?

>> No.8844281

the harm could have been done accidentally, but when discovered before death nothing was done to prevent death.
>I accidentally starved my child to the brink of death
>It'll get better, cause this food is the best thing for it.
>Oh no, it died.

>> No.8844290

In criminal cases, I don't think you can have conflicted charges against one person.
The trial can't start until you have stated how you plan to prosecute and throwing out a bunch of charges to see if anything sticks can't happen.

>> No.8844298

I have no clue what this chain of words mean

>> No.8844344

>Nutritious vegan diets are expensive

And require modern shipping and agricultural methods to make it possible in the first place.

>> No.8844356

>get the majority of their calories from some type of plant food.

You forgot bugs. juicy gooey bugs.

>> No.8844367

It's for the vitamin C.

>> No.8844388

Why do vegan babies starve to death if its so healthy. Breast milk from vegan mothers have caused babies to die from malnutrition. I guess the mother can feel good about herself for not harming animals though.

>> No.8844395

Like everyone else they migrated to a warmer climate and ate the food there. Why do I get the feeling OP thinks in the winter the entire world was covered in snow and you could only eat animals to survive.

>> No.8844498

The Jews are the ones pushing us to eat exorbitant amounts of meat.

>> No.8844531

>Breast milk from vegan mothers have caused babies to die from malnutrition.
it's plant milk which they can't proceed

>> No.8844536

They wore animal skins so why wouldn't they eat the meat from the animals they killed? And why would they be wearing animal skins if they just moved to warmer climates every time winter came? veganism is a modern invention.

>> No.8844542



>> No.8844670

>migrated to warmer climates

Homo sapiens originated in equatorial africa and migrated to colder climates, you reverse nignog. They had to adapt to those conditions. That meant meat, and plenty of it.

>> No.8845843
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.8845859

Who are you quoting?

>whatever they could kill or scrounge
Neolithic fuckers had agriculture you fucking cretin.

Stop projecting your nonsense onto our ancestors that made necessary choices in order for your pathetic ass to occupy space and time.

>> No.8845866

>He doesn't get the joke.

>> No.8845887
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>proven to be good

>> No.8845915

They also had spears.

>> No.8846294

I'm pretty sure drinking bleach would be worse than breathing some dirty air

>> No.8847904

I'll have you know that I'm on a strict raw paleo-vegan diet.

>> No.8847947

>stealing from small animals

Vegans are worse than the Jews

>> No.8847978

Liberals are only able to survive today because our society has advanced enough to support their unsustainable lifestyles.

>> No.8847985

funny you should say that considering liberals paid for your handouts, cleetus
>but muh job at the coal mine!
yes, trump will save you ;^)

>> No.8848030

yes, I'm sure vegan antifa activists with custom genders are actually the hardworking backbone of this country and not just sad losers living on their parents cash
also funny how the modern left doesn't even try to hide the fact that they hate the working class anymore

>> No.8848066

>Actually speaking like a caveman
This is taking the paleo diet to a whole new level

>> No.8848081

>doesn't know most red states receive more than twice the amount of federal dollars contributed
>doesn't know California and New York pay for their white trash asses to survive

Inb4 but muh nignogs

>> No.8848082


>> No.8848090

>meat is more sustainable the plants

ok retard

>> No.8849038


What kind of fucked up books have you been reading?

>> No.8849043

Wild rabbits eat their own poo to conserve water. Not sure if domesticated ones also do

>> No.8849060

This is exactly why vegans are such enormous pussies

>> No.8849083

We steal their territories and murder them mercilessly already. Stealing food from them shouldnt be that bad

>> No.8849095

Most because they have "muh animals" mentality. The real question is why they're such insufferable cunts

>> No.8849234

They didn't live long enough to see winter.

>> No.8849260




>> No.8849261

their own stomach lining

>> No.8849695

I really don't understand the hate here for vegans
Also the premise of this thread is dumb, there were no prehistoric vegans, though all prehistoric people surely ate way less meat than the average fatty on /ck/ eats now

>> No.8849757

Psuedo-macho behavior poorly masking a lifetime of unrequited paternal affection.

>> No.8850060

The dust.

>> No.8850106

It's [s4s] you dip, aka old /b/ without the hard edge.

>> No.8850152

Sounds like you got some major insecurity issues if you think people only eat meat to be manly.

>> No.8850191

>stealing from rodents to survive


>> No.8851652


> implying eating meat is healthy
> being concerned enough to imply being vegetarian is unhealthy
> hurr
> trolling this much

>> No.8851668

>implying implications
>spaces after le maymay arrows
>meat hurts my feefees therefore it must be unhealthy
>now let me find some studies to confirm my bias and ignore all others
>everyone who disagrees is a troll
>same thread every day

>> No.8851721

This. Like humans used to be 4 foot tall on average and have hunchbacks

>> No.8851725

>prehistoric vegans

There's no such thing. Veganism is a modern luxury fad that's only possible due to globalization & modern transportation.

Vegans are used to being able to walk into a supermarket and buy things regardless of season but rarely bother to think about how that produce is available for them year-round.

>> No.8851754

each others cocks