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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8822279 No.8822279 [Reply] [Original]

oh lawdy look at the time, it's Patti-0-clock, lets cook ya heard

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along, drink-along, pickle-along or OC food/drink pics, post your meals or what ever if you dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>8765505

>> No.8822293
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going to make some cajun chickin pasta im mostly following a recipe but ill be improvising a little

first up is cutting this chicken into strips on a cutting board which strongly disagrees

>> No.8822301
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never tried this tony crap so i got some, taste pretty decent so well see, gonna let it marinate in the fridge as long as i can manage

also the cutting board says Veggies my joke wasnt funny dont worry admission is free

>> No.8822306

Enjoy your salmonella

>> No.8822342
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my cooking jams tonight

m8 thats not even salmon gee whiz

>> No.8822365
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fresh herbs from my ghetto apt garden

>> No.8822432
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pasta stuff is prepped got a few more things on the agenda

>> No.8822450

What, you think he's going to eat that raw? Are you Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.8822462
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i have limited oven space so i do ghetto shit sometimes

>> No.8822565


Aww, Doc wants to be in the pic too.

>> No.8822575
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tough titty said the kitty, seekay has shunned her from OP pics this is as close as she gets

>> No.8822577
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ive decided this ceramic pan meme is BS you cant get a sear worth a darn

>> No.8822583
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gettin muh sauce on point DO NOT RUSH THIS SHIT

>> No.8822591

Good, I'm all about that Patti-melt

>> No.8822604
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if any of yall know bout dat Cheddar's then youll know what im doing is making liqid beetus to put on my croissants

>> No.8822622

That poor caged animal is trying to chew through the bars! Also why would you put this wild animal on your counter!?

>> No.8822636

Currently doing leftover lamb from yesterday, had it in the pan on a low heat to render out the fat and then added some onions and butter, gonna leave it for a good 30 mins or so and then in sandwiches with Dijon and watercress.

>> No.8822645
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Not much to look at yet but this gonna be good. Lamb was a leg that was roasted for 3 hours in a paste of rapeseed oil, butter, crushed cumin seeds, thyme, rosemary and garlic out of the garden for those interested.

>> No.8822697
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m8 im lucky she lets me use her kitchen at all calm yer tits

this looks good i wish lamb wasnt so expensive here

>> No.8822700
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not gonna lie shit was mad tasty

>> No.8822714
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This was £5 something for a 1.2 kilo leg.

Adding the watercress to the pan very briefly with a little water to steam and soften the stalks.

>> No.8822730
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Bread is a bit small really, didn't realise how much there was.

Also I went with English mustard over Dijon, with this much in the sandwich a stronger mustard was needed.

>> No.8822846
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Bought ramps this weekend, that time o year, sauteed in bacon fat eaten with crusty bread. Ramps are delicious but they are mad garlicky

>> No.8824073


come on, you can't pair quality like that with Pabst.

>> No.8824082
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Hey, OP, just wanna say I really like these threads, even more so your cat.

>> No.8824225
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Hey OP, nice to see you and kitteh back again. Not much OC on here anymore so it's always good to see these threads.

Last thread I got like halfway through dumping some stuff I had stocked up and the image limit hit, so I'll post it here, starting with a quick carrot soup I made some time ago, using all purple carrots.

I juiced some of the carrots and added a little bit of fresh young coconut water to that liquid, which would become the liquid part of the soup. Meanwhile, I sweated down some shallots, adding a good amount of galangal just before adding the liquid. For those who've never had it, galangal is amazing- similar to ginger, but less hot with a brighter, sweeter, more floral flavor. Goes great with carrots.

I simmered the remaining carrots in this mixture, then pureed the lot and passed it through a chinois, then seasoned it with salt and a tiny bit of sherry vinegar. I also made a very thick black sesame puree that went into the bottom of the bowls before the soup- literally just toasted black sesame seeds, a tiny bit of sesame oil, water, salt, and enough sugar to counteract some of the bitterness without making it taste sweet at all.

Poured the soup over that and finished it with
the flesh of the young coconut and some thin sliced yellow chiles, as well as some more black sesame seeds.

>> No.8824230
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Next up, carrot salad dish I've been working on.

Made some ricotta, which I blended up with a little bit of homemade creme fraiche and passed through a tamis to get a smooth puree, then whipped up into a mousse and seasoned with a little bit of lemon zest and salt. The whey from that ricotta I used to poach some thick slices of carrot- 30 minutes poach, then refrigerated in the liquid overnight, then finished the next morning. The acid and milky flavor of the whey really brings out the best of the sweetness of the carrots- they taste incredibly sweet and bright afterwards.

Then I had two carrot preparations with coffee- the yellow carrots I tossed in a light coating of olive oil and salt and roasted tightly covered on a bed of coffee beans, so they'd absorb the oils of the coffee and concentrate in flavor but not lose too much moisture. The purple carrots I blanched and then smoked over coffee beans.

Piped some of the ricotta lemon mousse, then put on the three types of carrot preparations, as well as some toasted hazelnuts and pickled golden raisins. Raisins are great for pickling because they absorb so much liquid- they get really juicy and when you bite into them they burst with that pickling liquid. You really have to get the flavor of that liquid down, but if you do they provide something really great to a dish.

>> No.8824233
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The dish was finished with shaved raw carrots dressed lightly with a very simple white wine vinaigrette and salt, as well as a sprinkle of maldon salt, some cold-pressed canola oil, and parsley.

>> No.8824238
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Next dish is halibut.

I steamed the fish over vin jaune (a really odd but extremely tasty French wine from Jura), which I then reduced down and made a beurre blanc (beurre jaune, in this case?) from. I rested the fish in that beurre as well as saucing the plate with it.

I cold-smoked some cream over apple wood and made a sunchoke puree with that, shaved and marinated some fennel for a nice crunchy raw salad along with some french sorrel and baby radish leaves, made some barley bread that I tore up and toasted off in brown butter. Pretty simple dish but the flavors of the fennel, halibut, sunchoke, and vin jaune together were super nice. Not super happy with the presentation though, I need to work on it a bit- plus the layers of the fennel I bought were REALLY thick which meant that my shavings were really wide and didn't form a nice tall, loose pile like I wanted.

>> No.8824243
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Duck dish next. Got a whole duck and broke it down. The legs I cured overnight and then confited until the bones pulled out easily. I shredded the meat, mixed it with a little bit of the fat I cooked it in as well as some salt and a bit of thyme, and pressed that mixture between two sheet pans and chilled it. Once it was set I cut it into cubes, floured it, and fried it into croquettes.

>> No.8824247
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The frame I made duck stock out of, then I reserved about 250mL or so and reduced the rest down to a duck jus, which I finished with a bit of rhubarb puree and mounted with butter.

I pan-roast the breasts really simply, scored the skin, put in a cold cast iron skillet, then gradually heated to render the fat and crisp the skin. I cooked them almost 75% on the skin side, basting with its own rendered duck fat that I added some garlic and thyme to.

I smoked some rhubarb and simply slow roast the rest- some of the slow roast stuff I pureed and finished the jus with.

Pickled some nice fresh snap peas, and shaved some and mixed with some shaved sweet chilies and a simple vinaigrette.

Got some gorgeous little golden turnips from a market, which I cubed, seared in some of the duck fat, and then braised down really slowly with the reserved duck stock. Turnips cooked that way develop a really nice complex sweetness that balances out their sharpness.

>> No.8824249
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I apologize for any shitty photography that may occur, my skill at taking pictures is pretty low.

Finished the dish with some pea tendrils and shaved watermelon radish.

>> No.8824252

actual decent plating
on my /ck/ ?

>> No.8824257

you ruined it with the micro green on this one. otherwise looks bangin

you might want to add a puree to the base

>> No.8824259
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Next dish is quails, I decided to do ballotines with them, mostly just for the butchery challenge. The quails were pretty tiny- smaller than my hand- but they were really nice and came with the necks still attached which is a big plus in my books.

Removing the bones from a quail is basically the same as from a chicken or whatever, it's just super fiddly because the bones are tiny and the ribs are quite flexible which means they're not as easy to scrape. Basically you make a cut all the way down the backbone and then go outwards from there, getting the oysters off the back and then going forward through the hip joints to detach the legs, and around the ribcage and keelbone to remove the breasts.

>> No.8824266

More kitty pls

>> No.8824268
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Yeah the pea tendrils didn't work, I 100% agree on that. They tasted good but it wasn't the right look for the dish- next time I mess around with it I'll do something different. Snow pea leaves maybe, those are fantastic and they're always around at the asian grocer.

Once the carcass is detached, you debone the legs, and then move whatever meat you can around (while keeping it all attached together) so that you have an even-ish layer all over. Generally I fold the tenders on the breasts down or to the side to fill any gaps. Once that's done, I salted them and set them aside while I made my filling- duxelles of morels with toasted hazelnuts and sweated shallots, as well as a tiny bit of foie gras. Ground that all down into a fine consistency, put it onto the inside of the birds, and rolled/torchoned them so that the entire outside is enclosed by skin. Those hung out in the fridge until I was ready to cook them at the end.

>> No.8824277
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Used the quail bones to make a jus, caramelized them along with a few halved shallots in the oven with a good bit of duck fat, then added the caramelized shallots and bones to some chicken stock and simmered it down.

Meanwhile, I made a lightly spiced pickling liquid (cider vinegar, salt, a touch of brown sugar, cinnamon, star anise, and mustard seeds) and pickled some hazelnuts. Just simmered them in the pickling liquid for 15 minutes, then put the whole lot into the fridge overnight. I then used the shells from the hazelnuts I pickled and used in the duxelles to smoke some butter, which I used to mount the jus at the end.

>> No.8824279


Im out

>> No.8824284
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The dish is intended to be kind of a riff on caille aux raisins, so the next main thing was grapes. I found some really nice muscat grapes at the market, and did a few different preparations- some I blanched, peeled, and cured; and some I roasted just until they were softened, slightly shrunken, and starting to caramelize a bit. The juice that came out of the grapes as they roasted I added to the quail jus.

I also roasted some radishes using a bit more of my hazelnut shell smoked butter, and cooked up some fiddleheads.

>> No.8824286
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Finished quail dish. The little greens on there are sunflower shoots, which are amazing little things- crunchy, juicy, and mellow in flavor.

>> No.8824293

wow nice dish

>> No.8824303
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Thanks, I was really happy with that one.

Last one for right now is another straight veg dish, which I always find really interesting to do because you're a lot less limited on what techniques you can apply to veg than to proteins. In this case, my main ingredient was some gorgeous little german butter potatoes, which I decided to cook in beeswax, for two reasons- first, beeswax smells amazing, and I figured it'd add some flavor and aroma to the potatoes; and two, because wax is VERY water resistant so I figured it'd keep the moisture in the potatoes effectively.

If you've ever wondered what a pound of raw beeswax looks like, here it is. Smells amazing.

>> No.8824306
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Potatoes cooking away. Meanwhile, I heated up the charcoal grill and got myself prepared for my other components.

>> No.8824311
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Potatoes out of the wax, cooled, and peeled. They definitely gained some color from the process, and absorbed a really great honeyish/floral aroma.

Meanwhile, I set up a double boiler and whipped some duck yolks with a tiny bit of honey, some sherry vinegar, and some salt, until it was slightly thicker than a sabayon. I also made up a very strong salt solution, seasoned with a bit of thyme and a touch of sherry vinegar, which I repeatedly brushed onto the potatoes to season them, repeating each time they absorbed it. Otherwise they'd just have salt on the surface.

Some of the potatoes I also cooked again, thinking of the cooking process of a French pastry called cannelé de bordeaux, where the moulds are coated in a mix of beeswax and clarified butter. So I did a similar thing with half the potatoes, heating a 50/50 mix of beeswax and clarified butter in a skillet and cooking the potatoes off. They developed a super flavorful, even crust on the surface which was really nice.

>> No.8824315
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Plating begins. Started with some of the duck yolk, and the cannelé potatoes went down first.

>> No.8824321
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With the grill fully heated, I quickly charred off some little ramps, which went down next.

Ramps, fiddleheads, morels, and rhubarb always make me excited when I first see them in markets and such. Nice to know that produce season is gearing up.

>> No.8824328
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Sliced the other beeswax-poached potatoes and shingled them on. The texture of the inside of those potatoes was fucking magical- being cooked with the liquid sealed inside made their texture dense, creamy, almost fudge-like. I also shaved some of the same potatoes on a mandoline and fried them up.

>> No.8824337
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Finished dish. Went with some bee pollen, maldon salt, and more sunflower shoots to finish (honestly partly because I had a whack of sunflower shoots left). I tried to at least add the shoots in a different way, trimming them off just below the leaves and putting the stem ends in between potatoes so they all faced out like they were growing.

>> No.8824402

Nice. Way to use in season produce from your area. There's a growing idea, and I'm kind of becoming an adherent, that we should only consume vegetables and animal products grown in our area in season. Out of season should be those grown in the region and preserved. Makes a lot of sense to me since that was the way humans lived until post WWII. Large cities have always had to rely on shipped in food, but one look at the pale, pasty faced, weak city dweller indicates that is not an ideal to strive for.

>> No.8824427

This. Not only is stuff from your area and in season generally vastly better (because, surprise, it's actually fresh), but it helps create a sense of place and time in your food that makes it something you can't get other places. A restaurant, in my opinion, should celebrate the place that it's in. It's something I'm working on getting better at.

>> No.8824430


Goddamn, you are pretty talented. inb4 waves of haters because you are making pretty plates with experimental elements

>> No.8824438

Eh, people are always going to disagree with decisions you make, especially on here. Sometimes you can learn something from it, sometimes you just have to ignore it. It stopped bothering me a long time ago.

>> No.8824457

Later in the week I'll post another dish- planning on cooking some octopus up with whatever looks good at the markets at the time. It'll be a two day process for sure- the octopus needs to be salt-scrubbed and brined a day before cooking- so it won't be for a bit yet, but still.

>> No.8824472

I got a few cans of those Heinz baked beans. I was excited since limeys seem like they can't get enough but man, were they ever bland! Horrible

>> No.8824490

Also, thank you. Nice to hear that people have some interest in the stuff I'm throwing up here.

>> No.8824550

Glad to see there are others getting on this bandwagon. When you say, "you're trying to get better at it," does that mean you're a chef that's trying to improve his restaurant? Not being facetious, trully wondering.

>> No.8824558

I'm just starting out my career as a professional cook- only been in the industry for a year. I'm working at a place with a great seasonally changing menu though and I'm doing stuff like this on my off time to try to learn as much as I can.

>> No.8824927
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Burrito de carnitas

>> No.8824970

Good deal. You've got a tough path, but your direction seems to be right. Try not to compromise too much. I know that sounds trite, but some fundamentals are worth standing up for.

>> No.8825186

anon, that was amazing, some of the best content I've seen on /ck/. Can't wait for the octopus

>> No.8825202

Haha thanks man, me either- I'm really looking forward to it

>> No.8825627
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Quick little extra thing because I felt like throwing a dessert together tonight. Nothing fancy, just something I did in the background while other stuff was going on- sort of a play on baked apples. Opal apples roasted in coals, with a toasted oat, cinnamon, and tonka bean infused cream, and caramelized oat crumble.

Let the coals from cooking the ramps burn way down, then nestled the apples down in there and lidded the grill and let them cook down and caramelize. If you've never tried Opal apples before, they're well worth it- super aromatic and fairly sweet.

>> No.8825633
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Then I toasted off some oats and steeped those along with a few toasted, broken cinnamon sticks and some tonka bean into the cream, which I then strained and whipped with some sugar. The starches from the oats thickened the cream a bit and gave the cream a really rich texture. I then took those sugary, mildly spiced oats and cooked them down in a low oven until well browned and fully dried and crispy.

Not fancy plating or technique or anything but you don't always need that, it was damn tasty either way.

>> No.8825654
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Ribeye was on sale so I made this monstrosity. Keep it simple with steak, it's already good on it's own. Salt, pepper and butter only. Serve with roasted beets and carrots with olive oil, salt and pepper. I feel like the earthiness in the beets helped bring out the umami flavor of the steak, but I love roasted beets. I try to cook more simple things to really just let the ingredients be themselves with well thought out pairings.

>> No.8825657


ugghhh the turbocringe, circle jerk, reddit tier, samefags in these threads


>> No.8825736

>go to a thread you don't like
>where people are enjoying themselves and generally getting along
>to complain about how people are enjoying themselves and generally getting along

Why even bother?

>> No.8825884

who doesn't love some good cringe?

>> No.8825895


>> No.8825962
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ya its pretty pricey here, sandwich looks p dank, ive started using extra hot mustard so much that normie mustard dont cut the mustard for me these days

never heard on ramps but that bread and butter lookin mighty fine to me right now

thats where youre wrong friendo ;^)

thx m8

thx, you make some wild stuff pro as fug man >>8824249 i want to try this one most cuz i dont think ive tried anything on that plate except i had a burger with duck/pork mix once

hold my beer senpai

i was unaware that you were "in" to begin with

lol ive had that can for a while still havent tried them, threw it in cuz im penny pinchin for a new moto im getting this weekend so my grocery hauls have been lackin the last few threads

looks dank, ive liked pickled beets since a little kid and obviously patti mayonaise is a fan of The Beets, are you using fresh beets? I needs to fuck with more beets are they sweet when they arent pickled?

is it more cringe to be interested in Food & Cooking or spend your free time trolling a cooking forum? serious question

>> No.8826155
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gonna make some tendies

will try to drop a few pics but it is not exciting

>> No.8827711
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Going to try those scones again bros. Picked some fresh lavender, bought some shitty wine, all set to go

>> No.8827761
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I always forget that silver bowl is too small for this recipe and have to switch to a bigger bowl. Anyone tried shredding butter instead of cutting it in or is that just a meme?

>> No.8827790
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I love putting lemon zest in everything. Makes this shitty kitchen feel a little nicer. Lavender is weird though, I never know how much to put in these scones before it's too much.

>> No.8827828
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Alright guys, I'm going to turn this ugly pile of dough into a lightly sweet, fluffy, delicious dessert

>> No.8827843
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The butter is still marbled so that's good, I didn't take so long that it warmed up. Hopefully not too much lavender in there. Time for the roll out

>> No.8827867
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Looking a lot better than last time. Brush with cream and stick in the oven

>> No.8828077
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They look and smell good
Making a glaze next for them

>> No.8828093
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Just powdered sugar and lemon juice and lavender

>> No.8828211
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Finished product looks alright and tastes good. Need to figure out how to get my scones to brown a little better. Any tips? I bake at 400 for ~20 minutes, brush with cream.

>> No.8828241

You already admitted to us that you throw most of this shit away immediately so what does it matter
Wasteful cunt

>> No.8828260

I had a fleeting suspicion that this guy might be an asshole, thanks for confirming.

Hey op, I live on 3k a year. So do half the people on this website.
How about not being a fucking dick?

>> No.8828262

Can't sell it. Can't give it away. Eat what I want, so why not toss the rest?

I'm not going to sell shit that would embarrass me. These scones I'll sell discounted since they're off-coloured but that other sloppy shit? Nah m8, me n my roommate will eat what we want and the rest goes in the bin

>> No.8828305
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m8 thats not even me but desu he can do whatever he wants with his food, id be more concerned about making more money than what others are doing if i were in your position

looks good to me, any crumb shot?

so accidentally played tetris for 4 hours last night and got tired and heated up leftovers, so making these tendies for lunch

>> No.8828338
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Crumb shot
Not bad, but working on getting better

>> No.8828356
File: 2.76 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20170418_172123370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually trying to open a bakery, op. I live in a small town so we don't have food kitchens or anything, and I'm pretty sure they can't accept home cooked stuff anyway.

I don't want people's first impression of my baking to be super shitty so I don't give away stuff that tastes weird or looks super bad. It's embarrassing.

Stuff that's only got minor issues, like these scones or the bread on the left in this pic, I'll sell super discounted or give to someone. But like my sloppy scones, or the messed up bread on the right stays here on the counter where my roommate and I eat what we want for a couple days before tossing it.

>> No.8828846



>> No.8828892
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>> No.8828893


>I saw a funny picture which
said that

Get a knife and run into it.

>> No.8828932

I imagine shredding butter is only worth it if you forgot/didn't have time to get it to room temp.

>> No.8829067

>impale yourself

I swear to god these botulism and salmonella imbeciles sound like my mom. It's why I had to live my entire childhood eating overcooked meats and vegetables.

>> No.8829318

cooked some chicken which had dried oregano, cumin, chilli flakes, lime juice, salt. the salsa was just avo, tom, lime and some spring onions cause i didnt have any red onions

>> No.8829322
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forgot pic

>> No.8830377
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im hungry as hell but dont feel like cooking, but this is the life ive chosen, thawing this steak probably gonna fry it because i fry everything

>> No.8830410
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looks good but i imagined scones being more pastry like, that looks like a cornbread consistency, need to try a proper scone

bread looks good, i always put my old leftovers or whatnot out for hobo kittys, maybe if theirs like a lake or some shit around you could give kids old baked goods to feed to ducks or something, sounds gay but some people dig that shit


look bretty tasty m8

not gonna bs my next post is gonna trigger some people

>> No.8830430
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>little plate for Giblet

>> No.8830451
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one looks like a dong lol

>> No.8830463
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>> No.8830485
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really hard to tell if buttermilk is too old so we gon roll with it

salted the steak fangas and will let them marinate for a while and try not to fall into a tetris coma

>> No.8830547

I, too, have a ghetto apartment garden, OP.

>> No.8830582
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lol ya with the kitters and now plants i may be trying to keep too many things alive but i needs dem fresh herbs, gonna get some kind of pepper plant this weekend not sure what yet probably the hottest one i can find

bout to dredge these lil shits

>> No.8830669
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>> No.8830858
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>> No.8830861
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not tryin to blow my own brass but dank m8

>> No.8830865
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probably do chick fried steak like this from now on, is way easier to cook it right shit was mad tender

>> No.8832294

Good shit, OP.

>> No.8832489

>never tried this tony crap so i got some
Fellow houstonian here.

How the actual fuck have you never had Tony's?

That's a staple in my kitchen.

>> No.8832517

>letting your animal on the surface you prepare food
Proof cat owners should neck themselves.

>> No.8832538

Looks like fucking aids mate

>> No.8832548


Meh, while I agree with you that the cat belongs nowhere near a food prep area, if we enacted that kind of policy then I bet 95% of the population would have to "neck themselves" from simply not washing their hands before they eat. That's the biggest hygiene violation of them all yet most people never bother to do it.

>> No.8832692

>my mom watched out for me
What a bitch

>> No.8832868

A mother who doesn't want a lawsuit overcooks the hell out of food.

A mother who cares about her children uses a meat thermometer to ensure the food is safe, and not overcooked.

>> No.8833117
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I made what I consider Vietnamese tacos. I marinated some pork loin in fish sauce mixed with some sugar and grilled it. I then topped it with pickled carrots and daikon, cilantro, jalapenos, and a spicy aoli. It was pretty damn good and I have some left over pork for tomorrow.

>> No.8834207

Would eat

>> No.8834468

Looks yummy, I just think your carrots and daikon could be a lot smaller cut. Those carrots especially look annoying to eat.

>> No.8834471
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Day one of octopus procedure. Thawed the octopus and gave it a good scrub in the sink with some kosher salt, to remove the algae and slime. Once it was fully clean, I threw it into the fridge while I prepared the brine.

I used a 2.5% brine flavored with honey, dried orange peel, star anise, and pu'erh tea. The octopus went into the tea brine for 3 hours, whereupon it was drained, quickly rinsed off, and returned to the fridge. It'll get cooked off tomorrow.

The brine not only helps season the octopus but the salt content helps break down some of the fibrous tissues, making it more tender.

Pic is the octopus thawing in cold water. This piece is a bit over 1kg.

>> No.8835128

Excited to see what you do with it.

>> No.8836706
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I made calzones today

>> No.8836713
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Money shot of the first one

It was great. Made the dough from scratch, had a bit of honey in it for sweetness, and a little cayenne.

>green bell pepper
>red onion
>thick sliced garlic

Brushed the crust with egg for dat shine.

>> No.8836718

Nice, would-have-seconds/10

>> No.8836743
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Thanks, I certainly tried.

It's bigger than it looks; those are pretty big plates, and I had trouble eating that one half.

Second one just came out of the oven. Chef knife next to it for size reference.

Not even sure if I'm allowed to call these calzones; they aren't folded, but crimped all the way around.

>> No.8836787
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Okay, so this one was a reverse experiment.

On >>8836706 this one, I put a layer of cheese on the bottom, suspecting this would help protect the crust from excess moisture/oils from the filling.

Suspicions confirmed: on this one, I put pepperoni as the bottom layer, and the oils seeped into the bottom crust, causing it to be quite oily.

In the future, I will always start with a layer of cheese.

Still tasted great, though.

>> No.8836855

100,000/10. Beautiful.

>> No.8836858

Calzones are pointless. They're just pizza that's harder to eat. No one likes them. Good day, sir.

>> No.8836883

man why is 4chan so fucking gay

i can't upload any pictures because its servers can't handle my superior phone's image file sizes

i want to show you fags my fuckin pork belly and fondant taters

>> No.8836892

Get "Photo and Picture Resizer".

It's stupid easy to use.

>> No.8836900

> pizza toppings conveniently stuffed into handheld-pizza-carrier-pocket
> less mess
> portable
> "wahh that's hard"

Anon, your opinion is dumb

>> No.8836913
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so here is my meh slab of pork belly. salted this sombitch up to dry it out a bit.

>> No.8836941
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taters. i've only done this once before, hope i don't fuck up

>> No.8836944

I'm always excited to see some pork belly, and last time I made fondant potatoes, they were bliss.


>> No.8836946

>what is a reference

>> No.8836963
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this is actually my first time with pork belly. fingers crossed.

here is the classic boxed wine/coffee mug combo for maximum cooking

>> No.8836966
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and here is some uncured bacon, because the theme for tonight is pork. it will also go quite well with...

>> No.8836978
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>> No.8836979
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...sprouts. bacon is now getting crispy, will probably sear the pork belly in the fat left over.

>> No.8836992
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Looks nice man. Pork belly is pretty awesome when it's done well and fondant potatoes are always awesome to see, looking forward to seeing the finished dish.

Now that octopus has been scrubbed and brined, it's time to cook it off. Trying a technique called a dry braise, where basically you cook the octopus in its own liquid. Started off by blanching it for about 30 seconds in boiling water, then put it into a dry dutch oven, which I put into a 200F oven.

>> No.8836996
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here's one for op

peter thinks you're all cool

>> No.8837018
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That picture is of the octopus right after it came out of the blanch by the way. This picture is the same octopus after about 3 hours in the oven. All that liquid came from the octopus- I didn't add anything at all yet. As you can see the skin is basically melting off- it's super full of gelatin and essentially dissolves during this process, which will add a ton of body and a nice coating texture to the liquid, which will be the base of my sauce. It's not tender enough yet, probably needs another hour or two, but it's getting there. This process takes a fair while but it should give us really good results- lots of pure octopus flavor and the super slow cooking process should really break down those tissue structures and make it super tender.

Planning on finishing the octopus on the grill, touching it with a little bit of tea smoke at the end to tie into the tea brine at the start, and completing the dish with burdock root, fava beans, oyster mushroom, cippolini onions, and what I'd call 'green spices'- tiny wasabi leaves, fresh green peppercorns, and pepper leaves, as well as the octopus sauce. I've never made a sauce like this or cooked octopus this way before, so I hope it turns out.

>> No.8837031
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i'm so frightened of cooking crazy shit like octopus. lend me strength.


>> No.8837038
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seasoned because i can't not fuck with my food. paprika, s and p

>> No.8837136

cunting potatoes take forever. good thing the weather is nice

>> No.8837142
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>> No.8837252

the damage is done.

>> No.8837255
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goddammit how do i work 4chan from my phone

>> No.8837271
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and the money shot. pork belly came out perfect. potatoes were creamy. sprouts could have used some more love, but i'm drunk, who cares. thanks for playing along.

>> No.8837294

I dunno man, it's all a matter of experience. Pork belly and fondant potatoes are both crazy shit to most people, I'd say. Octopus isn't too far off from what you're already doing.

Looks pretty tasty man. I'd throw down a pan sauce out of whatever you cooked the pork in, but that's just me. I'm a sucker for a good sauce. Pork looks nice and melty and tender.

>> No.8837300

i almost got weird and made a pan sauce with some wine, but i got greedy (hungry)

thanks for the kind words. looking forward to seeing how your octopus turns out, broski.

>> No.8837307

'sup Patti

Hope you all are doing well, thanks for posting

>> No.8837387

Thanks mate. Octopus is out of the oven now and resting in its juice. Tested a piece- it's fucking awesome, if I do say so myself. Easily the best I've ever done at cooking octopus. Super tender but not overly soft or mushy, and super flavorful.

The sauce I'm going to finish with Valencia orange, black garlic, and burnt honey.

>> No.8837642
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Octopus fully cooked. The skin is almost entirely gone. Texture as I said is awesome, tender but with a tiny bit of bite, almost like al dente pasta.

>> No.8837646
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Roasted oyster mushrooms.

>> No.8837662
File: 104 KB, 800x930, 7_octo 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octopus is off the grill. Used some of the same pu'erh tea that I included in the brine to give it a subtle bit of tea smoke at the end of the grilling process.

Meanwhile, I sweated off a shallot and added two cloves of black garlic, some valencia orange juice and zest, and some caramelized honey, then added the jus from the octopus and reduced it down. The gelatin from the octopus thickened it nicely.

>> No.8837829
File: 113 KB, 1181x1000, 7_octo 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished plate. Octopus brined in tea, dry-braised, and smoked with tea; crispy roasted oyster mushroom; burdock root; glazed cippolini onion; valencia orange and black garlic octopus jus, fava beans, and 'green spices' (minced pepper leaves, fresh green peppercorns from the vine, micro wasabi).

>> No.8837840

looks tasty, would go good with a white wine

>> No.8838256
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wew laddys

my family is helping my grandparents transition to a retirement community so i got mad loot son

all i wanted was /ck/ related gear, my cast iron game is obnoxious now, that roaster is magnalite which my mom is bat shit over, never heard of it but ill use it, the antique hand mixer is more decoration, also corning wear is always useful

stoked, gotta strip and reseason the cast iron cuz i have the autismo

>> No.8838295

Is there anywhere in Houston to get a panzarotto? I knew one place and it shut down like 5 years ago, Ive been itching for one ever since. Its like a deep fried calzone...

>> No.8838360
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just never had it always seen it and thought it looked gimmicky, this spicy one is pretty decent tho, gonna use it tonight

does this mean you're cancelling your reservations?

this looks pretty good ive been meaning to try making viet pork, maybe im a crazy catman but id even kick it up a notch and put it on naan or pita and make a viet gyro

bro this looks dank, im too hongry right now for all this


them some hearty lookin sprouts m8

:3 petey and patti friends4eva

this looks darn nice, i never had pork belly which might be good, i feel i could eat way more of it than is healthy

werd homie

m8 you are on some next level shit, ive only had fried calamari but id love to try something like this, those little onions look so good i could prob eat a plate of those

this looks like the only place not sure if its what u had in mind, make me want to try it

so tonight im gonna make the cajun chik pasta again, when i find a recipe i like i make it 2-3 times to get my muscle memory going, i want to get good at it might make it for friends this weekend, might post the finished plate

>very rare handle with care patti

>> No.8838596
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this shit is too good desu

>> No.8839358

recipe? that shit looks cash

>> No.8839459 [DELETED] 

pretty sweet hall
that roaster looks like a relic you'd find at the museum of appalachia

>> No.8840518

Oh man I would destroy that.

>> No.8841981

oh shit, old school magnalite roasters are a huge thing. the new ones are shit tier but classic magnalites are great to cook in

>> No.8842226
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thx yall, heres the recipe, has good reviews and i subbed fresh gar', basil, chives and added parsley

ya my mom was flipping a shit about it but she already has one, its got some pitting so imma look into that

ill leave you with this from last week, mine is on the left it is a big mac luther burger the bottom bun is smooshed

>> No.8842446
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ok so i got this here snausage and it 2 days past the expiration date, and i have eggs that are not fresh, so i may just tempt fate cuz MADMAN and try for some scotch eggs in a minute

>> No.8842447

you're brewing a dangerous cocktail

>> No.8842452

One glorious day I will have a large backyard but now I also have a ghetto apartment garden. Herbs on the fire-escape. Veggies and rosemary bush on the roof. Like a criminal, I hide these activities from my jealous neighbors and zealous landlord.

>> No.8842562
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sausage passed the smell test we're just gonna call it slightly fermented, and im under the impression eggs are good if they havent hatched yet :^)

would be cool to have an apt with roof access type shit i just got a little fenced porch thing, desu i dont want a backyard i could make do with a small garden, just a few herbs is awesome i feel like martha stewart or something going out and picking herbs lol

>> No.8842579
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>Double Luther

OP No. You have cats to think about!

>> No.8842775

I'm glad to know cat cook is still making new content

>> No.8842813
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m8 i would wither away without me luther burgers, and honestly i always have a double patty, only game changer this time was the 3rd donut which brought it to ~1600calories, i was aiming for 5000 calories that day

thx m8 but pls call me el gato gourmet

>> No.8842818
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>> No.8842826
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ok so boiled 3 eggs cuz i usually tear one to pieces trying to peel it but i peeled all 3 this totes might fuck stuff up cuz only got 1 egg for dredge, cooking is 95% math its horrible

>> No.8842831
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pulled off a double dredge with 1 egg on all 3, ghetto fabulous

also this canadia beer is far too smooth for 9%

>> No.8842943
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I am refrigerating the other two for later I'll fry the for company or something

>> No.8842946
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a bunch of random pickled things, plating that knocks your socks off, much culture, i have really out done myself this time ;^)

>> No.8843180

Could you inform me as to what type of sausage that is perhaps?

>> No.8844041
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I made a braided sweat yeast bread and used the same dough for some sweet buns with raisins in 'em.

>> No.8844047
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Realized that the bread was way too big so I had to rearrange it. Pic is after I let the goodies rest for about 45minutes

>> No.8844052
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Instead of an eggwash I used condensed milk, I prefer that because I don't like the eggy taste I get from a regular eggwash.

>> No.8844067
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Went into the oven at 180°C for about 15minutes with a small bowl of water. Some people would've left it in then for a little bit longer but I like it it this way.

>> No.8844086
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Picture of the insides

>> No.8845061

What do I do with this /patty/?
Cubed chicken in Mexican seasonings. Also beer cause I think that's a rule

>> No.8845069
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Fuck me, here's the pic

>> No.8845239

Working on your plating there OP?

>> No.8846970

make nachos

>> No.8848596

this looks friggin good m8

yeah id probably do tacos or nachos or quesadillas or something

>> No.8848934

Did...you go to Whataburger and Shipley's and combine them?

I will do this soon. Good idea.

>> No.8849267

Patti is too damn adorable

>> No.8849439
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I went to make Jalapeno poppers, but realized my cream cheese went bad, but I already cut and seeded the Jalapenos.

Ended up cutting it into little pieces and pan fried then coated in cheese.

>> No.8849467

You could have just stuffed them with the cheddar and otherwise prepared them like normal.

>> No.8849783


I use the same thing, just sodium free. It's pretty amazing for that little extra kick with your chicken.

>> No.8850488
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Stopped for a snack

>> No.8851555
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made some weird ribs i found on sale was meh

>> No.8851664
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yooo this bread looks cash as fuck. Do you have a recipe?

Also, a general thank you to everyone in these threads. Haven't done any cooking in a while, but these ones are awesome, makes me want to share some of the sub par stuff I've been working on.

>> No.8853032

Going to try to make a french-style omelette tonight.

Probably going to fuck it up. Will post results.

>> No.8853463

Definitely post anything you've cooked, sup-par or not. OP regularly makes Luther burgers; no one will judge you here.

>> No.8853719
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>> No.8853724
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catfish (not to be confused with crawfish)

>> No.8853749


post more of the dog

>> No.8854624

That looks so good m8


>> No.8855659


Damn it, now I miss the swamp.

>> No.8856539

where the taters

>> No.8857259

I wonder if it's possible to make a pizza crust out of red potatoes.

I have red potatoes and pizza toppings.

They're there, buried. In any case, we had plenty of taters to go 'round.

I live in Houston now, but it's nice being close enough to East Texas to go partake in swamp activities.

>> No.8857847
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drunk food

ghetto pizzas made with tortillas

didn't have a cast iron ready, so they worked out better as pizza tacos

fuck it

>> No.8858750

>, ive started using extra hot mustard so much that normie mustard dont cut the mustard for me these days
This is how it starts. Eventually the dose you need will actually exceed a lethal dose and you end up waking up in a filthy basement with a paramedic shooting you full of Narcan.
I've read about this.

>> No.8858780
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So I had a hankerin for a reuben but not a lot of options around here actually have it. Thus my corned beef journey began.

>> No.8858785


ima creep up at night an steal ur cat

>> No.8858799
File: 503 KB, 2125x1196, corned beef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.5 Tbsp (~15g) Pink salt
>3/4c (~100g) Kosher salt
>1/2c (~50g) dark brown sugar
>8 quarts water
Mix salt and sugar into water and turn on high heat until boiling and everything has dissolved.

>> No.8858811
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the good shit

>2 Tbsp whole black peppercorns
>2 Tbsp coriander seeds
>1 Tbsp Allspice berries
>1 cinnamon stick snapped into pieces
>6 Bay leaves broken up
>2 Tbsp yellow mustard seeds
>8 whole cloves
>2 Tsp ground ginger

Get it ready but don't dump it in yet

>> No.8858827
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All right once the salt and sugar mix is boiling and fully dissolved, turn the heat off and move the pot off the burner. I put mine in a sink full of cold water to facilitate the cooling down process.

I added my seasonings posted above, then I added about 2 lbs of ice. I didn't measure, just make sure the mixture has cooled down sufficiently before putting it with your meat. The heat helps release the flavors; if you don't like flavor as much, you can do a dry rub instead.

>> No.8858840
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That's it for now sadly. Pop that hunk of meat in a 2 gallon freezer bag, then poor your pickling mix onto it. Use a good one, you don't want that shit to leak.

Shove it in the fridge and wait 10 days. Make sure it's fully submerged. Massage it at least once every day to help the flavor merge into the meat.

>> No.8858842

>poor your pickling mix
I meant pour. You get it I think. Good luck have fun

>> No.8859239

shut up retard

>> No.8859287

That looks beautiful.

>> No.8859943
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ok been busy srry for the neglect, bought another brand new used non-running motocycle over the weekend and spent the last few days bringing it back to life, made it happen and it passed the patti inspection so now time to cook up some quiet finger food and watch a movie


>> No.8859975
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going for some extra thick brit chip fries

so ill be needing to parboil em in a bit

>> No.8860009
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get the moisture off or yer gonna have a bad time

>> No.8860105
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frying everything twice its time consuming but gets results

will cool the wings in freezer in between fries

>> No.8860174

dude this is mad ghetto

>> No.8860176

are these tacos al pastor? looks delicious

Love your thread btw, OP. You're an absolute gem.

>> No.8860246
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they are pastor as in the pork on a spit but they call it trompo here which im p sure is pastor with the pineapple(pina) and they crisp it up on the flat top, $1 a piece aint bad and i spilled my beer and the guy just laughed at me :^o

ready for 2nd fry

>> No.8860257
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might be too much food(4u)

>> No.8861596 [DELETED] 
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Your great meals miss a pure glass of water as accompaniment to make them perfect.

>> No.8862458
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more drunk food

bacon, egg, cheese breakfast tacos

don't worry, the cheese got quite melty shortly after this image

>> No.8863470

That can't be worth the effort though

>> No.8863825
File: 642 KB, 2125x1196, half sour pickles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a few things tonight, pickles are what's up right now. They will be chillin' for a few days in my fridge.

Half -sour pickles

>> No.8863829
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>1/4 cup kosher salt
>6 cups water
mix and let it dissolve just get it done for later

I added a few grinds of Pink Himalayan Salt, for the memes

>> No.8863834
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This is for 4-5 whole pickles in a half-gallon jar

>1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
>1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
>1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
>3 bay leave

>> No.8863835
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smash the shit up

I used a mortar and pestle from an online Biology class in 2012

>> No.8863836
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Put the pickles in the jar.

>> No.8863838
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6 cloves of garlic

>cut the root

>> No.8863841
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Toss the garlic and the spices on top of the pickles

>> No.8863843
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pour the salt water on top of everything until it reaches near the top and covers everything.

add your dill sprigs

>> No.8863847
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I cut the last three pickles into some wedges and sandwich slices. The only difference is that this jar has three cloves compared to the other jar with whole pickles that has six.

>> No.8863853

That's all for now folks. Going to wait 5-7 days before I crack em open and try it out.

Thanks to the anon who mentioned them in a thread a few days ago, inspired me to make these pickles.

>> No.8863860

Oh yeah, I'll be making some dank cookies later tonight. Stay tuned for that if this thread is still alive.

>> No.8863913

I've looked into pickling before, and noticed that when people pickle cucumbers at home, they don't turn into the dark, yellow-y, green that you find in stores.
Is this because those in stores are pickled for a longer time?

>> No.8863999
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Well sheeeiiit. Didn't even expect to get a response on this. I guess I'll start with some of the oldest stuff, I had a crack at making steak au poivre. Didn't use filet, and I seared the steaks with butter, thyme and garlic, then took the juice and put it in some cream with rosemary and some cracked peppercorns. Served with mash and asparagus/homemade hollandaise.

>> No.8864009

Good question! Guess I'll find out in a few days how mine look. If I were to guess, it's something to do with the chlorophyll undergoing some sort of chemical reaction. I only used salt water, no vinegar. Not sure if that would have something to do with it.

>> No.8864026
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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

dank edition

>1 egg
>1/2 cup unsalted butter
>1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed
>1/4 cup granulated sugar
>1 tablespoon vanilla extract
>1 1/2 cups old-fashioned whole rolled oats (not instant or quick cook)
>3/4 cup all-purpose flour
>1 teaspoon cinnamon
>1/2 teaspoon baking soda
>1 pinch salt
>1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
>1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
>1/2 cup nuts

>> No.8864030
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>1/2c unsalted butter, softened

>> No.8864034
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mix it all up and then add

>baking soda
>choco chips

>> No.8864035
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Add the chips and nuts after you've mixed everything else. It's better if you can refrigerate for a couple hours or even a day. Best to have chilled dough for the oven.

Results: delicious

>> No.8864037

Oh, whoops, I forgot to add:

>oven at 350F
>roll cookies into balls
>11 minutes
>take out and cool


>> No.8864677

>whenever a man has food to show-off
>SOMEHOW gets his gross sausage fingers in the shot
>for some reason they're always white and their fingers are always fat
>woman showing off food
>not so much as a goddamn fingernail

>> No.8865963

Why in the fuck is that butter green

>> No.8866055
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>> No.8866122

>dank edition

The hell do you think, slut?

>> No.8866209

DUDElmao#epic#420#vapenaysh XXXDDDD

>> No.8866235

Came for the cat pics, stayed for the OC. Keep it OP.

>> No.8866270
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>thread near post limit
>last minute OC posted
>thread gets shit up by 420 smonk it faggots, OC ignored
I hate this fucking board.

>> No.8866329

But you didn't give the OC a (You) either, unless you're the poster of that and now you're being a bitter faggot.

Either way, >>8863999 looks 10/10, and I would put it inside me.

>> No.8866871

Should I make another? Different poster about to post

>> No.8868226


>> No.8869919

this looks dank m80, i need to figure out what the deal with hollendaise sauce is

>> No.8870024

Julia Child's recipe takes around 15 minutes for me and has given the best results

http://www.. food.com/recipe/julia-childs-hollandaise-sauce-251332#activity-feed

Not the guy who made that steak, but I make the sauce pretty often. Medium to medium-low, and whisk it like a demon

>> No.8870059

i make this with chorizo shits cash, tacos are like the only breakfast food i mess with

its actually pretty easy and im a wing nerd

i would be interested in making pickles but i never see tiny cucumbers for sale where the heck you find them

might over cook them to cut down on risk of botulism but i have nothing to support this claim

that butter looks dank m8, no money shot?

if you are talking about me my fingers are pure muscle THEY DONT PLAY YA HEARD

:) thx

you love this place dont lie:^)

thx i will give it a try in the future, does it go on anything beside aspergers and eggs?

>> No.8870083

It goes on anything that you could imagine runny egg yolk/butter would be good on. I would avoid using it on fried stuff, just that's just oil on oil. So that could limit your options ;)
I've never really experimented with it desu, it might be interesting to make it a lil spicy and try it with some wangs, if your alright with mixing the parents with their kids.

>> No.8870105

that basil actually looks beautiful

>> No.8870122

thanks u made my night buddy. /leaves/

>> No.8870133

>if your alright with mixing the parents with their kids.
eheheh. in addition, i always fucking hated that chicken and egg sandwich abomination.

>> No.8871792
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i try not to just pass this shit out like halloween candy but here is an ultra rare big n tall patti

>> No.8871881


Rub the belly, OP. You know you want to.

>> No.8871883

>touching a female tortoiseshell's stomach

It's like you want him to get killed or something.

>> No.8871895

all my kitters especially Patti love a belly rub, Giblers just hasnt realized it yet

>> No.8871900

is she laying on a bullet-proof vest?
just how bad is your hood, bro?

>> No.8871922

lol my place is ghetto but im too lazy for a vest, just gotta make sure to shoot first ;^) its a backpack i 2 wheel it everywhere so ive become a luggage whore, its slowly turning into a hoarder type obsession I NEED LUGGAGE

>> No.8871933

For 200 dollars.
What is a backpack?

>> No.8871947

I modified my backpack to carry a case of beer but now it's all torn up at the top zipper and even Walmart and hiking stores don't sell anything nearly as big.
I once was carrying a case by hand before they reinforced them and dropped it, causing 11 beers to spring holes, which I chugged immediately standing in the middle of the street. It was the beast too.
I don't know how I got across the creek but I blacked out and ended up at home covered in mud, apparently I fell into muddy water.
Then I decided to get a backpack and modify it. People were confused as to why I was shoving a whole case of beer in and then impressed when it slid right in and I walked off.
Rest in peace Everest.

>> No.8872266
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m8 i see your backpack case and raise you a bicycle keg, hauled this about 25 miles, took me a hot minute to dig this up

>> No.8872276

Fucking hell you've earned my respect. I carry up hills but the store is only a three minute walk away. This picture should be a motivational poster about dedication.

>> No.8872285

>keg on a bike
>harris county sheriffs
>whataburger parking lot

As a fellow Houstonian, I'm getting a Texas boner right now.

What was in the keg?

>> No.8872304

kek, that's the one on 290 and 6

OP, let's fuck. I'm making curry tomorrow.

>> No.8872778

This reminds me of a guy who used to ride past my work every day with a case of Keystone Light on his bike. Every damn day.

Godspeed, Keystone Light Guy.

>> No.8873141
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lol thx ive done some way crazier shit on cycles but this aint the board

:^) lonestar

thats at 290 and spring cypress but im in gunspoint now

lol ive never had keystone IT WASNT ME I SWEAR

made a guac burger, was not bad

>> No.8873692

The cucumbers are called kirby cucumbers I think. I found a bag of them at the store that said they were salad cucumbers, but perfect size for pickles. The butter was good, I posted the cookies. Maybe a bit much cinnamon but it was otherwise good.

>> No.8873698

>biking around with a mini keg of lonestar

>> No.8874001
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Wife me OP, we can have as many furry babys as you'd like.
I'd be your prep and pastry chef, also make killer cakes

>> No.8875616
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made some Slippery Jims at a buddys

>> No.8875681


>> No.8875963

I had that Blood and Honey over at the Bull and Bear this week.

Hands down the worse beer I've had in quite some time. Tasted sickly sweet and medicinal.

>> No.8875965

Oh, and OP, I think we're at image limit.

Whenever you make the next thread, I'll post the results of the curry I'm making today.

>> No.8877015

new thread when?

>> No.8878007

on a green board aswell, textbook error

>> No.8878047

:( Not a whore, but an Elf. Besides if you like him so much, apply too, he can choose.

Find me on Twin Wagons B&S server

>> No.8878136

Hail Patti, queen of /ck/

>> No.8878149

So long cat, such good stretches