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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 700x466, eggs (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821908 No.8821908 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on eggs. Are they actually bad for you?

>> No.8821918


>> No.8821921

Kinda high in cholesterol.

Egg whites are shit.

>> No.8821933
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In moderation.

>> No.8821954


>asking a board to redpill you on eggs

Man just google that shit. It's fucking common sense. Just eat them in moderation.

>> No.8822068

Almost cried reading this

>> No.8822082

>Nine grams of cholesterol in one sitting

>> No.8822092


>> No.8822098

Eating 50 a day is probably too many, I think you could eat 10 a day with no problems though.

>> No.8822152

No, they're not. They're delicious and nutritious. However, if eggs were all you ate, then you would probably experience some negative effects.

I've been eating at least 2 eggs almost every day for over 3 decades and all my cholesterol tests have measured within normal.

>> No.8822187

The "normal" cholesterol range is based on what is financially feasible for the health care system (since the target of clinical intervention is bringing people into that range). The average cholesterol level of people with heart attacks is actually in the normal range (170 in one large analysis). You need to be below 70 LDL to have a near zero chance of heart disease or failure. Such a number can only be achieved with a near-vegan egg-free diet.

>> No.8822191

Sounds like ass.

>> No.8822213

muh evil microscopic blood clotters that the doctor put me on lisinopril for.

You people should stop talking about health and dietary concerns. Every 16 year old on earth claims to know which foods are "healthy" or "bad for you" and you all sound fucking asinine.
Suggestion? Shut the fuck up and eat food. Google the ingredients. Stop talking about it.

>> No.8822218

They give me the runs about 70% of the time after I eat them (no matter how they're cooked), so I guess they're bad for me specifically

>> No.8822234
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Cholesterol is a leading cause of death, googled it like you asked.

>Shut the fuck up and eat food.
Doing it, pretty sure we all did.

>> No.8822396

that world's oldest woman who just died at 117 put her long life down to 3 eggs a day - two of them eaten raw.

>> No.8822407

That's fine but a myth to get you to eat stupid pills is not an ingredient.

>> No.8822414

>linking to a vegan blog site as if it were credible

>> No.8822423
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Don't you fags have anything better to do?

>> No.8822444

Only good if you eat 50 in an hour.

>> No.8822447

Cholesterol but you can balance it out if its your only source of protein.

>> No.8822493

Hey grainjude, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let egg into your heart then you will find you're making it better

>> No.8822536

How do we know he didn't just throw some eggs away?

>> No.8822707
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>eggs are bad for you because cholesterol

Holy shit

When will this meme end

>> No.8822733

>people who swear off meat but still eat eggs
It's the same fucking thing

>> No.8822840
File: 83 KB, 350x348, serveimage(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What?? But... Its not Gaston, it's Paul Newman in cool hand luke. How can noone in thread recognize this? Am I being pranked?

>> No.8822848

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.8822860

I have been eating over a dozen eggs per day for the last 5 or so years and my lipid profile has remained mostly the same.

My most recent blood test showed a total cholesterol of 176, HDL 66, and LDL 98. Triglycerides 62

Anyways, from what I understand, cholesterol is mostly synthesized within the body and the production is simply turned down if you're consuming a lot via diet. Some even argue that dietary cholesterol isn't the same thing. Regardless, none of it matters because all these values are predicated on a weak sedentary sorry excuse for a human being. Anyone that is remotely active has nothing to worry about

>> No.8822864

WTF is up with the Aus'tism with eggs? Is this amusing to you? Why?

>> No.8822920

You're totally wrong though. Vegans who never exercise actually have healthier arteries and lower cholesterol than meat-eating top athletes. Omnivore athletes have heart attacks all the time. Bob Harper just had one a while ago, it was all over the media because "muh fitness". And your blood levels are proof that cholesterol is elevated by cholesterol-rich foods because vegans have lower levels than yours, and everybody can reach lower levels than that by eating a healthy diet.

>> No.8822941

insert a knife into your eye and fuck off

>> No.8822964

just because your total cholesterol is 130 and mine is 170 does not mean there is any difference in any objective measure of "cardiovascular health" like arterial wall thickening. it's a meme range used in a clinical setting to define large swathes of generally shitty humans.

>> No.8822985

Actually the progression of atherosclerosis stops exactly at around 150 total and 70 LDL. Anything above that promotes atherosclerosis and is chronically diseased.

>> No.8823033

Cholesterol is good

>> No.8823043


>> No.8823070
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>> No.8823149

>What is moderation, the thread
pretty much any food is fine for you if you don't stuff your face with it

>> No.8823507

Nah senpai you're just deluding yourself that a baby chicken is in no way ACTUALLY chicken because it isn't fertilised

>> No.8823577

While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human bloodstream.

>> No.8824068
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>> No.8824100 [DELETED] 


fuck no.

>> No.8824108

It's a medical website from an actual doctor linking and actually explaining scientific papers and research

>> No.8824113


Cholesterol, saturated fat, methionine, and choline from eggs are all bad for you

>> No.8824136

Let the "baby checken" out of its shell. See how it walks and flaps and clucks and eats and shits like an adult.

What's that?

It just lays there in a puddle, like a blob of protein, fat, and various nutrients?

Fancy that...

>> No.8824140

>an actual doctor
As opposed to what sort of doctor?

>> No.8824154

Meme doctors

>> No.8824158

Choline isn't bad for you, kek. Choline is an essential nutrient and it is nearly impossible for a man to get enough choline on a vegan diet unless you exercise so much that you can eat way more food

>> No.8824167

Too much choline is bad for you

>> No.8824168


>> No.8824169

>it isn't fertilised so it isn't REALLY chicken!!!

>> No.8824172

Thanks for agreeing. Glad to know some people aren't drooling retards here.

>> No.8824185

1. a domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.

1. an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. The eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.

An apple seed is not a tree, retard-kun.

>> No.8824786

>Vegans who never exercise actually have healthier arteries and lower cholesterol than meat-eating top athletes.
[Citation needed]

70-75% of people have blood cholesterol levels only lightly impacted by dietary cholesterol levels

Are you trying to mention angiogenesis here you vegan retard?

>> No.8824795

Too much water is bad for you

Too much vitamin K is bad for you

>> No.8825534
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>mfw I started a trend

>> No.8825594

>Redpill me on eggs. Are they actually bad for you?
ALL OF YOU ASSHOLES WHO ARE EATING EGGS you should think about those poor chickens that are living in small cages under forced feeding regime
so they can produce eggs for you and their chicken asses being stretched to the max "pooping" out eggs in super impressive speed for your selfish eating satisfaction.
HOW CRUEL OF YOU to contribute to their suffering.

>> No.8825618

If an unfertilized chicken egg is a chicken, then a woman's period is a child

>> No.8825833

is there some device or method so I can have easily peeled hardboiled eggs
i fucking love them but they're so fucking annoying to peel
i don't usually buy one off kitchen items, but i would for eggs

>> No.8825840
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you can try belt sander

>> No.8825900

back when i was a teen i would burn through 7 eggs a breakfast i had when i felt hungry. Threw some ham, green onions, and pepperjack in there too because I could. The whole thing was way over 1000 calories, and it usually kept me full the whole day.

anyone who tells you that eggs are bad for you are not to be trusted

>> No.8825908

but a random anonymous shitposter who just turned 20 yesterday is?

>> No.8825913
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>people fall for the "meat is bad for you" meme
come on guys

>> No.8825916

If they think eggs are good they could be trusted with my firstborn for all I care

>> No.8825922
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>> No.8825923

Meat causes disease. You would be best to avoid it.

>> No.8825949

Use a knife to make a precise crack along the middle of the egg and then peel it under running water.

>> No.8825951

>Meat causes disease.
Correlation != causation :^)

>> No.8825982


>> No.8825999

How do vegans get sick, in your world?

>> No.8826101

Vegans who eat a healthy diet are actually heart attack proof unlike omnivores with a """""healthy""""" diet

>> No.8826146
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>heart attack proof

>> No.8826198

It's true though. People with long-term total cholesterol below 150 do not get heart attacks. Atherosclerosis and fatty streaks are an unnatural disease process caused by high cholesterol. Heart attacks are not something that "can happen to anybody", they're the symptom of a disease caused exclusively by diet and obesity. No disease, no heart attack. With cholesterol below 150, smoking, coffee and sedentary behavior do not increase heart attack risk because elevated cholesterol is the sole baseline requirement for the disease process to occur

>> No.8826443

How do vegans die if they don't get diseases?

>> No.8826475
File: 1.47 MB, 480x270, ohmaiguuuhhhhd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Paul Newman did hardboiled eggs. There's a line in the song "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast where he's quoted as saying "When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge." I'm assuming since Gaston didn't specify how he ate them, someone just latched onto it and called it Gaston Mode.

>> No.8827962

Yeah eggs are terrible for you. They cause all kinds of heart diseases and digestive issues.

Stop buying them so the damn price'll go down.

>> No.8827999


My aunt was vegan most of her life. She died from intestinal cancer.

>> No.8828213

What happens if I cook whole eggs in the oven?

>> No.8828249

Nice trips on that bit of irony...

>> No.8830378

Cholesterol in the diet is good, your body needs it to make little things like brain matter and testosterone.

It's high levels in the blood that are bad, clogging the arteries. And it's now known that high blood levels aren't really associated with eating it, but due to other imbalances in the body such as being a fatty

>> No.8830390

Eggs are fantastic for clean eating fitness type diets because they contain almost all amino acids while being cheap and convenient to cook. I like them as a snack after a workout with some asparagus, roast it in the oven for 10 with some garlic and shit if you want to be fancy or just boil it for a couple minutes like the eggs and season with salt and pepper and a little butter or olive oil. Simple and nutritious as fuck.

I pretty much eat this minimalist kind of food for breakfast and lunch, then I try make something great that makes up all the rest of the calories and go to bed full.

>> No.8830845
File: 12 KB, 480x325, ginategg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not en every day technique, but i like to do this once or twice a week

purchase a couple of sous vide machines from amazon, ebay, whichever suits you best. they really are the most versatile machine that everyone should have in their kitchen. perfect for all foods, from pears to rice.
you want to go ahead and use at least 7 eggs for this method otherwise you wont get the yield youre looking for. separate the whites from the yolks, and place into separate bowls (duh)
whisk the whites to get a bit of air into them, and do the same for the yolks to bring them together into what is effectively one giant yolk
now the problem with the giant yolk, is that it does not retain its original shape. its a liquid, not a nice sphere of yolk. this is easy to fix. soak a little gelatin in water to activate it, and boil it down in some water. once it has dissolved, let it cool, and then add it to your yolk mixture
pour some canola oil into a large bowl or tube container. i use a large vase, but obviously that isnt technically a kitchen item. it just worked well due to its volume and shape. put the oil into the fridge, and let it cool down so it is more viscous.
take your gelatin yolk, and pour it into the chilled oil. this will create a giant yolk sphere, which you can then fish out with a slatted spoon. place the giant yolk into a bag for vacuum sealing. place the whites in to bag in the same way. vacuum seal both.
have the sous vides set to 35 and 45 for whites and yolks respectively. place the bags into the appropriate baths, and cook for 1 hour 35 minutes a piece.
remove both from the baths, remove from bags, and get a plate out for service
lay the whites onto a plate, and then lay your giant yolk into the centre of the whites, and voila! you have yourself a perfectly cooked, giant egg.]

like i said. not for every day, but twice a week is fine. great way to eat eggs.

>> No.8830910

Caveboys used to have nothing to eat but eggs