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8809932 No.8809932 [Reply] [Original]

I have a working interview tomorrow and have no experience with professional dishwashing. However I've been put on permanent dish duty for 13 years and can polish just about anything in the house now to a mirror finish if it isn't completely burnt shit or polymerized carbon. Any tips for an industry virgin to completely slay the interview? Tricks, videos, guides, safety and health tips, so and so? The place is more of a sandwich bar but they say they're looking for a full time dishie, so what should I expect?

>> No.8809961


I salute you dishpig, you'll always get the first beer and meal of the night, if your employer isn't a shit.

>> No.8810014


if you just show up every day they don't give a fuck. that's more than most dishwashers.

get a different job. dishwashing is hell.

>> No.8810024

Doubtful that will happen. It's a lunch spot and closes before dinner. If I get the job I don't think I'll be doing as much work as in a regular restaurant. There seems to be room to help out with prep though and the hours are good, but I suspect I'm going to be given all the bitch jobs in the kitchen because the place doesn't use much tableware.

>> No.8810028


A job is a job, an in is an in. Always say yes to shifts, be flexible and willing to learn. You'll advance quickly.

>> No.8810049

You need to be able to keep up and not fuck things up in any number of other ways people manage to figure out (consistently ruining equipment, stacking wet dishes so water pools, pouring bleach in the silverware tub and leaving it overnight, on and on)

If you do show up all the fucking time and are a generally good worker, most places will overlook an astounding amount of fuck ups, though, I agree.

No XP needed. They probably just want to take a look at you to make sure you aren't totally strung out and can at least understand basic instructions, but they might be looking for someone who will prep in a pinch too. Most small places operate like that if the employee can handle it and the management is any good.

>> No.8810062

Ah yes, looks like the shit I inherit from lazy dishwashers everyday. Just stay baked and carry on.

>> No.8810098

I've never had a good experience with steel wool. Do dish dogs have to deal with it daily?

>> No.8810145

gloves gloves gloves fucking GLOVES
go to your nearest industrial supply place and buy some fucking elbow length chemical gloves

>> No.8810151

I learned to masturbate with steel wool when I got my first dish job.

>> No.8810167

Yes but the health inspector hates it because little pieces can fall off it you let it get too shitty. Fuck the health inspector. We wouldn't get perfect inspections if it wasn't for the steel wool doing such an amazing job.

>> No.8810198

nah I did dish for years when I didn't really want to advance in life, YEARS, and didn't use gloves once, bleached cutting boards every day... I'm still alive

>> No.8810354

If there are lots of dishes and you're working a 7 or 8 hour shift, I would recommend getting a plastic dish apron. I used to bike to and from work in the cold. Going home wet sucked, so I got an apron and it made things better. My boss was cool and even reimbursed me for it, but I doubt that's the case everywhere.

>> No.8810363

It's not gonna kill you, but for most people it'll fuck their hands up eventually. Not risking eczema to be tough or manly. I've got enough old people in my life that have to deal with it and it sucks shit for them.

>> No.8812015
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Potwash here.
Work fast. Stay organized. There is no such thing as "breaks."
Best of luck bro.

>> No.8812037

I washed dishes for 5 years at a Chinese buffet. Pretty popular place so sometimes I'd have shit to do like in OP's picture. I actually enjoyed the job.

>> No.8812048

Stay organized always. After a week or so you'll find your rhythm.
Ask to help with prep on slow days.

Did it for a year and a half. Not half-bad and i got pretty fit from it.

>> No.8812067

I'm a year and a half in too. My left hand grip strength is ridiculous because it holds the pots while the right hand scrubs. Right arm has stupid endurance from scrubbing tho... Or at least that's what I'd like to think ;^)

>> No.8812101

I would rather rape and kill someone and go to prison than be a dishwasher.

>> No.8812125

It's not all that bad. Plus a kitchen environment is fun as hell to work in.

>> No.8812128

Same. Did it for two years in highschool and it was a major part of why I went to college. Disgusting hot work for ungrateful shits. Working with scum of society.

>> No.8812129
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This thread makes me appreciate my desk job.

>tfw hands are dry
>tfw no hot steam blowing up my face
>tfw dont get cancer from all the carcinogens

>> No.8812132

Sick reference bro

>> No.8812137

God fucking damn that is a lot of dishes.

>> No.8812957

I got the job. The loads are mostly kitchenware so I'm going to be scrubbing burnt cheese and sauce most of the time. It's pretty fun though I wish the pit wasn't so cluttered. There's no dedicated drying station so most of the stuff I rack is still slightly wet, and I'm encouraged to handle clean dishes with dirty hands. Is this normal?

>> No.8813007


enjoy your misery.

>> No.8813035

I'm "glad" you got the job and I guess now I don't need to tell you that your ability to do dishes at your house is completely irrelevant

>> No.8813057

When I dished I, I left the drying to the servers/air. Yeah, touching the clean dishes without washing your hands first aint no thang. I would at least rinse your hands off with the sprayer first though so no particles get stuck on the clean dishes, at least for stuff that leaves the kitchen.

>> No.8813070

>have to dress up for work
>have to follow company rules
>can't banter about literally anything with your co-workers as loudly as you please
>can't listen to whatever music you want
No thanks, m8. I'll take the kitchen.

>> No.8813076

yeah its p normal, but if you feel like yr hands are just absolutely filthy for reason (they shouldn't be for any extended period of time, yr dealing with hot water and maybe soap or sani all day) just wash em off real quick. congrats, lotta people hate dishwashing but I find it fun and I like the warm water.

>> No.8813080

>walk into new workplace
>see this
>do a 360°
>walk out again

>> No.8813081

word. workin my way thru college and not particularly excited for the academic environment I may end up in (sci major). Worked in a library for a while, sooo boring compared to the kitchen.

>> No.8813103

Ah, now that I remember there was a drying station but the dishie there didn't use it much. The machine is small and close to the ground so switching trays is a pain in the ass. Maybe I'll try to do it the correct way when they give me full control of the pit.

>> No.8813127

Maaaaaang fuck you and your quality establishment

>dish pit in isolated corner of kitchen

>no music allowed except for one old system halfway across the kitchen that only tunes to a station that plays the same song literally six times in a three hour period

>nobody talks to you except to ask for something to be washed

>breaks are mandatory but nobody even touches the dish area while gone so if it isn't a slow day you'll have your progress/stable situation obliterated and have to haul ass to try to catch back up

>> No.8813164
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this, fucking this, i worked in a shitty, dark, small room behind the kitchen for like 2 weeks before i fucked off, i didn't need the job.

>> No.8815046


>walk out

>> No.8815053

I know a dishwasher who just works for free. He complains to me sometimes about how he should just leave like leaving when you aren't getting paid is some farfetched notion and I just say: Yeah, you should leave. Then he nods and says maybe he will and then we have the same conversation again in a few weeks.

>> No.8815082

dont work too hard. being good at dishwashing just means you are less likely to be moved into a position that doesnt suck.

its a thankless shitty job, you usually work alone with no backup, and everyone will take you for granted.

people should be required to spend a day in the dish pit before they are allowed to work anywhere else in a restaurant.

>> No.8815084

Learn how to fizzbuzz

>> No.8815095

People really exist that look for advice on how to nail an interview for a dishwashing job? LOfuckingL

"Uhh hey guys, I've really got a lot of experience cleaning toilets and picking up vomit. I've got a big interview for a job at a hardware store tomorrow. Any advice? Should I bring a resume? Do I shake hands or just moonwalk out of there when I'm done? Pls no bully."

>> No.8815125

why are you fine when i have an alligator claw

>> No.8815151

>Dishwashers Unite
I really hope you do.
More people should become members of (or form) trade unions.
But 'murrica >omgcommunism.bat

Dishys always get shit on. BoH treat you like a slave, FoH treat you like you don't exist, managers treat you like a disposable resource.
And yet if you weren't there the whole damn thing would grind to a halt in a pile of it's own filth.
You are the glue that holds that place together Anon.
It's your job to be sticky, so the dishes aren't.

>> No.8816693

That's a rather nice speech my nigga

>> No.8816696

lol ya bro I lurk /r/kitchenconfidental too

>> No.8816710
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Never put a knife in a dishwasher or in a sink. Ever.

>> No.8817276
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advance quickly to where???
executive dishwasher?

dont be silly people this is a dead end job, if you're not paid well or get some other goodies it's not worth wasting your life on this.

I would never prepare for an interview as dishwasher wtf have some goddamn selfworth OP

>> No.8818068
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>be dishwasher ("steward")
>get medical, dental, vision, life and legal on the company plan
>get paid time-off, short and long-term leave
>40+ a week, guaranteed
>extremely competitive pay-rate
>set schedule, no variance on days or clock-in time
>get hands-on experience with expensive equipment and great food (you ever see sticker price on a Pacojet?)
>get garde manger shifts sometimes (dual-rate steward and cook tier 1)
idk man it's pretty comfy. i think i'm in line to move to full-time production eventually as well.

>> No.8818082

>>get medical, dental, vision, life and legal on the company plan
what fanfic tier restaurant are you working at that offers this shit?
>time off
>40+ a week
even this shit is false
>competitive pay rate
so minimum wage?
>set schedual
what fucking universe are you from?

>> No.8818088

dishwashers are like janitors, they think highly of themselves yet fail to see that anyone can do that entry level job and is usually directed towards illegal aliens :/

>> No.8818153
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it's a fine dining venue in a conference hotel property managed by a multinational corp for a different multinational corp so their executives and guests have somewhere to stay, eat and have meetings. it pays about 2 bux over minimum starting, the catch is that i'm the only dishwasher in that venue. we operate five days a week, dinner service only (for the public) with availability for executive parties (ie. board of directors is having a 16-top luncheon) at any time of day.

>> No.8818168

To the lowly educated and drop outs, it is quite attractive as they can't comprehend the contract they sign.

>> No.8818209


Dishwashing is a great job. Nobody bothers you, you run your own station and can get it down to clock work. Pots and pans are hard on the hands, no way around it. But its nice to have your own area and no one bugging you.

>> No.8818214

I do the same delivering booze and get paid more tho. Low standards are low.

>> No.8818230


Well good for you. Its a way to earn an honest living, not a career statement. You all make the world go round. And delivery can be dangerous. I read about it all the time, in the city at least

>> No.8818256

t. assblasted anon

>> No.8818273

Dude if you're a man, you should be able to handle it. Lots of guys quit because they can't handle the labor but I believe any man should be able to(we're not fucking kings here). Honest yet low pay. My job is honest and well paid. Both are entry level. Your choice. Also I do my job and go to school too. Not a career.

>> No.8819682
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Welcome to hell, Been dish washing for about a year now. Actually have to be on shift in about 2 1/2 hours and today in a short day just 6 hours. My average day work day is 15 1/2 to 16 1/2 hours. if your lucky you will just have 8 to 9 hours, just be ready to be one of the first BoH to show up and the last to leave. If your lucky you will have someone to wash with you can talk to. For the most part the job is easy but boring as fuck. If the chef is cool he may let you bring in a wireless speaker and play some music .

>> No.8819703

Why do washer jobs exist? Just get a robot to do it or have it shared between the staff.

>> No.8819750

>People really exist that look for advice on how to nail an interview for a dishwashing job? LOfuckingL

Fucking this. My advice to OP and anyone who seriously replied to this thread is that they need to fucking kill their self

>> No.8819759

You have to be either a Mexican, convict or a junkie to put yourself through that. Jesus Christ that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Tell me a huge chunk of that is doing kitchen work?

>> No.8819803


Dishes done then clean the dishwasher.Then the floor and the walls. Then Start cleaning the other sinks. Ask the cheifs what they want cleaned.

An idle dishwasher is a bad dishwasher

>> No.8819820
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None of the above you listed, I Had my knee replaced and couldn't find a job for years and this is the first place to give me work. They have placed me in a odd place though because they don't want to pay me over the table so I can't use them as work experience or references. Most of the time is at work is spent helping the cooks or waitstaff, I only spend about 6 hours really washing. Hell I spend around 3 hours just standing around talking or reading news and stuff on my phone. Moneys to good to pass up and thats why I Keep the job. Chef also doesn't mind that I go to the bar down the road during lunch but so does half our waitstaff does.

>> No.8819876


>> No.8819968

> dishwashing money is just too good to pass up
I thought i was poor with a shitty job as a roofer but that made me feel like a king

>> No.8819991

i.e. "work slow because working hard only rewards you with more work"

>> No.8820047

I've had a couple dish washing jobs. It's a thankless, dirty, degrading job. Easy as fuck though. It can be better or worse depending on your coworkers.

The last one I had was at a local Chinese place, so everything was naturally filthy (Chinese people are the dirtiest motherfuckers I've ever met). However, it was just the chef and I in the kitchen and we got along fine. He was an old ship captain who came over here to cook shitty food, gamble, and drink expensive booze to drown out the bitching from his cheapskate wife. I was allowed to smoke on the job though and he'd give me Davidoff cigarettes and Sapporo when it was a shit day.

>> No.8820128


Yeah I appreciate your thoughts. I am neither a dish washer or delivery person. But I have washed dishes and liked it.

Where my thoughts are is all the good people in my city who were out doing an honest job delivering food when some animal robbed and in several cases murdered them. They're lives ended trying to do an honest job and bring people their food because we live in such a fucked up society- I dare not call it civilization- where a young man cant even expect to deliver food for pay without being murdered in some urban shit hole. Fuck, the local Pizza Hut chain actually has de facto no-go zones that overlap with other chains. If they behave like animals, they dont get service in that area, and I dont blame them.

I had friends who were needed work where delivery positions were available and were terrified to apply because they didnt want to lose their life being dispatched to some new war zone for the sake of the simple decency of delivering food.

Yeah, it pisses me off. So lets leave it there because I can do without any manhood speeches thinking about dead, decent kids who just wanted an honest job while some shit bag blows their brains out for $30.

Guards everywhere, militarized school all because our glorious 'men and blue' wont take the fight to the animals and shoot the fucking sonofabitches on sight where they dwell. This city doesnt need federal aid. It needs a fucking air strike.

>> No.8820754

>terrified of delivering food because a couple people got rekt by nogs
Ur waaaaay more likely to get killed in a car crash than a random pizza murder they were scared of the wrong thing

>> No.8820788

No, that fucker is right. If you live in a major city in america, you live in a fucking war zone. The only reason travel advisories for visiting the US aren't declared by first world countries is purely political. This place is a jungle.

t. Shot in the face during an armed robbery at 5 PM in a fucking business district.

>> No.8820828

For the love of god, let the machine do the majority of the work for you.

>> No.8820936

Prove it faggot
t.not scared of delivering pizza

>> No.8820965


I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope recovery was swift and complete.

>> No.8820973


Vice may be a rag. You were saying though?

>> No.8820980

not everyone is lucky enough to have had any kind of guidance or life experience, man. I could have used some kind words going to my first couple interviews for shit tier jobs, if only to make me less nervous.

>> No.8820987


Diff anon, but thanks. I will read that.

>> No.8820988

A magazine article is proof?

>> No.8820995

because it's obviously not cost or space effective to do it that way, dipshit

>> No.8821238

So you're an alcoholic criple

>> No.8821494
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Dishwasher machine here. Currently working from 5-12. Have to clean up the lunch from the restaurant every time I check in. The service is slow until 8 when people come. Then I just wash regular dishes and glasses slowly because not enough people come to eat.

Chefs are really nice to me. When they get the plates wrong they often hand it to me so I eat really good and untouched dishes and desserts. Stewards are the worst assholes because they are always bragging about how much tips they earn and always leave my area dirty and messy and nobody responds.

My boss is a nice guy he understand my suffering and also brings me food and drinks once in a while. He pays me minimum wage and lets me arrive late and leave early sometimes when there is one or two tables left.

I think it is a pretty honourable job because I am the key of the restaurant. If I dont go no one will do the dishes and there will not be plates to serve the food. Without the dishwasher a restaurant can not open, always think that. 6 months in, doing it because my gf is pregnant and last week they told me they are moving me to the bar to become a bartender.

I fucking love my job.

>> No.8821569

i did this shit once for 2 months when i was 15. id go home feeling greasy and smelling like a pig. never again

>> No.8821616


Awesome. Nice station btw, cozy

>> No.8821629

Washed dishes at my work for about a year and 4 months before I got moved up to prep and salads, and general kitchen bitch.

It sucks at first, but if you get along with the other staff and get on everyone's good side, it can be a bearable job. People will be inclined to be nice to you because dishbitch is the shittiest job in the restaurant.

Also, keep everything clean and organized, it will make your life much, much easier.

>> No.8821641

I wasn't even talking about delivering to random locations lol. It's literally delivering to established accounts and dropping off the goods. If anyone wanted to rob the truck I'd say go for it. It's all insured and the likelihood of me getting shot is slim to none as I believe humans can't be that dumb to shoot me over a case of Jack Daniels.
>I have dropped over $1000 worth of liquor since I've started. Not a single problem with management.

>> No.8821740

ex pot washer here
>washed dishes for 4 years
>prep cook for 5, but still dish washed the occasional friday or saterday night
and there are such things as breaks, you just need to make a better system, and work faster and harder. Also get whip the fucking wait staff and kitchen staff into place so they don't fuck up your area

>saterday night
>ended the night at like 250 covers
>7pm that night i was just dicking around with nothing to wash
>ended up helping cleaning/opening oysters for a bit

>> No.8821859

just become a hobo and eat our ofitrashcans

>> No.8821999
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40k a year bro. Remember I don't pay taxes and bust my ass 40+ hours a week

>> No.8822312

$40k, even after/without taxes, is not a good money, unless you live south of the Wall or east of the Iron Curtain.

>> No.8822315

How so?

>> No.8822325

Actually that's pretty good money. $1000 x12 months for 1 bedroom apartment, $500 max for car and insurance x 12 months and you're only out 18k for the bare minimum not including food.

>> No.8822334

It's right around median in the US. The guy said he's been out of work due to injury, definitely beats unemployed. You can live pretty comfortably on 40k

>> No.8822377

i always hear people shitting on these ~35-45k figures. i live comfortably on 24k. i'm single and don't live somewhere like nyc or LA though.

>> No.8822393

I live on 3k a year.
You guys don't have the balls. I'm also white.

>> No.8822405

in a van?

>> No.8822410

$200 A month, church is loaning me their parsonage.
I was just projecting, I'm frail and hungry and wish for death. Send food please.

>> No.8822413

I'm trying to get a dishwashing job but every job offer wants people with at least 2 years dishwashing experience.
How is a NEET autist supposed to get a dishwashing job when they don't know anybody?

>> No.8822415

>being this new

>> No.8822428

Its lifestyle creep. People spend whatever they earn for the most part

>> No.8822430

You may as well give up, these people have stuck Satan stickers on our foreheads.
We're obviously verbal, capable and intelligent enough to communicate, but beyond that we are a scourge.
4Chan is the reason everyone avoids you, autism has become a joke because of these people. May as well cut off your legs because a double amputee would get a job before you any day.
You're fucked dude just stay on the couch and starve, at least you don't have to deal with people right now.

>> No.8822433
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Former dishbro here

Wear a bin bag, become human washing machine.

>> No.8822446

Bring a brand new sponge and rubber gloves with you to the interview. Tell them you were born ready.

>> No.8822514

KEK fuck it im doing this today. will report back.

>> No.8822945

same, i literally make 12k/yr while studying, but i can afford all my expenses plus a little spending and saving money, people just need to stop living in massive overpriced shitholes.

>> No.8824138

>be IT
>be sysadmin
>don't have to follow dress code because I work at a datacenter
>can banter as much as I want because only people there are security and coworkers

>> No.8824177


People like to live in overpriced shitholes for the "experience"... it's not worth it if you ask me. I'm living off of my GI Bill and fucking bartender wages and I still have money to go shooting, go out to eat, put money in my Roth IRA, AND save money for a rainy day.

People just need to get their fucking act together when it comes to finances

>> No.8825971
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Been a dishwasher for the past 3 months. It's not really a bad job. It's really the others surrounding you in the restaurant that can make it a pain in the ass.It's really bad that they can have a 110~ lbs kid running the dish pit by himself when the servers can't bring the fucking bus tubs back for you. The thing is, the front of the house can really make or break you sometimes. Always try to hit it good with the chefs though. They the ones that can feed you. What will the front do? They won't really come to help you at all man.

That's not to say just say fuck the front of the house. Just never rely on the hope of them helping you. Looking to get out of the hell already. Get some time in it though, because worst comes to worst, people always need food, so people will always need a dishwasher. We keep the place running more efficiently. Places will exist without us but they won't be as fast.

>> No.8826828

Man this takes me back.

I was a dishwasher for 7 bloody years; from 16 to 23. It wasn't a bad way of getting a bit of money but I was so happy when I finally left.

Kitchen staff were always a pretty good laugh. Miss the banter now that I work mostly with women who don't appreciate the humour.

>> No.8826837

to prep cook

>> No.8826842

or some kind of serial killer apron
that way you don't smell like dishwater at the end of the day. or at least a little less

>> No.8826847

front of the house is always full of useless cunts
constantly putting dirty dishes in the clean bins when there are two other empty dirty bins
not putting cutlery in the bin filled with water
not scraping the dishes properly
god they're useless