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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 640x619, degeneracy_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8767680 No.8767680 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't restore prohibition
>protip: you can't

>> No.8767684

it empowers gangsters and makes it difficult to buy booze

>> No.8767692

it only empowers gangsters because degenerates like you seek out booze. Prohibition "failed" because degenerates such as yourself were jailed instead of being given an instant dose of lead to the head.

>> No.8767695

give me one good reason we shouldn't legalize drugs

>> No.8767699

Alcohol cigerttes and marijuana use should be punishable by 5 years in the gulag, harder drugs, death.

>> No.8767701

This, you're essentially just making gangsters into emperors and stopping honest people from buying booze... also don't forget that quite a bit of the people in power were the ones sneaking booze and funding gangsters

>> No.8767704

Encourages degeneracy and addiction, weakens the bonds of a civil society, among other things.

>> No.8767713

cause booze gets you laid even if youre an awkward loser, take that away and youre gonna get a lot more school shooters

>> No.8767724

>things shouldn't be illegal because people do illegal things
>haha why even live in a society of laws only dumb redneck conservatives want that

>> No.8767734

ITT: bluepills

>> No.8767749

It's like you've never had a glass of red wine with lamb chops before.

>> No.8767771

Because beer and tapas is the best invention ever

>> No.8767786

>Tapas are a wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine.
Take your degeneracy back on the brown side of the wall, Jose.

>> No.8767792

>m-muh degeneracy

Not an argument.

>> No.8767798

if it was legal, public or private could monitor use and reduce the 'degeneracy' by bringing it into the open instead of illegal acts keeping it in the dark
>also, tax that shit and fix our debt problem

>> No.8767804

What is civil rights for 500$ Alex

>> No.8767806

>Brewing and winemaking part of many cultures
>Proven to have health benefits in moderation
>M-Muh degeneracy

I'm pretty /pol/ myself but let's get real, there's nothing wrong with drinking in reasonable amounts.

>> No.8767807

>b-but people will commit crime if its illegal
also not an argument.

>> No.8767819

>there's nothing wrong with drinking in reasonable amounts
>there's nothing wrong with drugs in reasonable amounts
>there's nothing wrong with racemixing in reasonable amounts
>there's nothing wrong with homosexual activity in reasonable amounts
What is a slippery slope

>> No.8767826

>Completely ignoring the other two points

No sane doctor will advise you to smoke a few joints on the weekend or marry a nigger in order to keep your health

>> No.8767830

Never said that.

The idea that making all psychoactive substances illegal will cure society of "degeneracy" is fucking retarded.

>weakens the bonds of a civil society
Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the Islamic world. Yup, they sure do have such a wonderful civil society over there.

>> No.8767840

>Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the Islamic world. Yup, they sure do have such a wonderful civil society over there.
>implying causation

>> No.8767846

The point still remains.

The legality of alcohol and "civil society" have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.8767849

You stupid nigger that's like saying the availability of kitchen knives encourages stabbings.

>> No.8767854

well doesnt it? maybe the gubment should step in there.....

>> No.8767865

>ceding that correlation is not causation
>"The point still remains"
You must be 18 years or older to post on 4chan dot org slash ceekay

>> No.8767872

can we just make a /ckpol/ board so you diddlers can blow each other where no one else has to watch for fuck's sake

>> No.8767877

what's the point of redpilling in a place where everyone is already redpilled?

>> No.8767881

please go promote your autism supremacy movement somewhere else

>> No.8767883
File: 16 KB, 211x172, ancient meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl+f freedom
0 results

>> No.8767885

Holy shit, I just realized that I've seen this exact argument on this board a few times now. Like the same responses and rebuttals. Pretty trippy.

>> No.8767887

ah yes, war IS peace.

>> No.8767889

deja wew

>> No.8767892

You haven't refuted the point.

Legal alcohol consumption does not cause "degeneracy", nor does it degrade some sense of "civility" to society.

>> No.8767894

No you retard. It's people that do bad things, not inanimate objects. Why do you think so many countries with high gun ownership rates (Switzerland, Iceland) have little violent crime to speak of while a good number countries with stricter gun ownership laws (The Honduras, Mexico) are crime ridden shitholes? Laws on paper vary SIGNIFICANTLY from how they are practiced and how well they achieve their outcome. But I don't know why I'm wasting my time explaining this to some baiting retard.

>> No.8767896

>Why do you think so many countries with high gun ownership rates (Switzerland, Iceland) have little violent crime to speak of while a good number countries with stricter gun ownership laws (The Honduras, Mexico) are crime ridden shitholes?

>> No.8767897

>Why do you think so many countries with high gun ownership rates (Switzerland, Iceland) have little violent crime to speak
not many blacks live there

>> No.8767902

>Not social cohesion and a better designed criminal justice system

Go sit in the corner, retard.

>Not many blacks live there
>Ethnic homogeneity contributing to social cohesion

Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner!

>> No.8767907

Because OP is a fag and wants alcohol prohibited. Thats 100% enough reason

>> No.8767908
File: 33 KB, 288x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of those countries are capitalist

>> No.8767920

"Social cohesion" is an absolutely meaningless phrase.

Please tell me what GDP, economic growth and stability, and access to first-world amenities has to do with "social cohesion".

>> No.8767952

>I need my drinky drink and my druggie drug! Get away with spooky scary opinion!
>Letting me wear shackles means I'm free!
ITT: Millenials

>> No.8767956

The fact that you need to cooperate with people around you to achieve those things. You really think you can build a first world society by everyone being a NEET and helping nobody around them in any way possible?

For bitching about "muh degeneracy" and "muh civil societies" you sure don't know a lot about what contributes to civilized and moral societies.

>> No.8767964

are you mad that your stupid life is almost over

>> No.8767965

Because moving a legal drug into an Illegal catagory cuts out any taxes you would recieve from selling it as a country.
It's the same reason why we just foist ever mounting taxes onto cigarettes instead of outlawing them.

>> No.8767967

>Oh my god people disagreeing with me are millennials!

Aren't you done fucking up the West yet, grandpa? If you think the problems of millennials are anything but a product of your miserable failure as a generation, I've got some news for you.

>> No.8767975
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>> No.8767976

Ok. It didn't work. Full stop, it d i d n o t w o r k. It was a complete and utter failure, and in no way stopped people from distributing and drinking booze.
Wow, what a great idea! Just kill anyone who doesn't follow the law, right up until the people revolt and have you drawn and quartered for being such an insufferable prick.
Things shouldn't be illegal if the majority doesn't agree that they should be illegal. The purpose of government is to serve the people, not to demand they do as they're told.

>> No.8767977

the illegal drug trade is worth about 300 billion dollars, it funds violent criminals and terrorists

>> No.8767984

I'd like to see you ban every form of yeast and any fruit/vegetable with sugar in it, sugary beverage, or even sugar itself. Do you not know how simple it is to make alcohol?

Fucking waterhead.

>> No.8768007

>implying the boomers were failures.
The greatest generation fought two wars, my generation fought none, yours have enjoyed the luxury of a volunteer military. Your generation is what happens when you don't send the weak to go die in some foreign mud while the real men return to spread seed.

>> No.8768013

*fought one

>> No.8768020

My freedoms should not be subject to your petty health concerns or teetotaling morality.

>> No.8768033

You faggots sold all our manufacturing jobs to China, destabilized the Middle East to no return, fought in Vietnam which was fucking pointless anyways, grew up under the economic prosperity your parents gave you.

And if you want to mention degeneracy, I'd like to remind you that your generation brought about the sexual revolution, unprecedented drug use and normalized divorce. Fucking boomer scum. Die off already so we can clean up your mess.

>> No.8768061

Dumping any kind of alcohol or food product into the sewer is incredibly bad for the environment.

>> No.8768081

What, OP, do you think that if it becomes illegal again you can get rich bootlegging like the Kennedys did or something? There were more speakeasys than churches in most cities during the last prohibition, so it's not a bad business plan. However, since your retarded generation thinks it's a good idea to open up the borders and let in MS13+Sinaloa cartel members--they will monopolize the trade, and hugely increase their power and finances in the US.

Oh no, they'll definitely be sticking around for a few more years so we can pick up the tab for their failed mortgages and retarded healthcare plans. Wow, sure feels good paying for your faggots hip replacements because you were all too dumb and irresponsible to know how to save a dime!

Holy shit boomers seriously need to have a plague soon. They consume more drugs than any other generation but still advocate the most for the drug war (which they have hilariously lost since its inception, even creating multiple addiction and death epidemics). They have made a fantastic argument for why health care should not be a right.

>> No.8768104

The government doesn't get to tell me who I get to fuck.

>> No.8768131

Sometimes the reasonable amount is zero.
Sometimes the reasonable amount is greater than zero.
Take cocoa, for example, the reasonable amount for dogs is zero, but the reasonable amount for humans is about an ounce or two.

>> No.8768287

Stop making them illegal.
Its proven to reduce the use rate
Offer help to those who want to quit, rather then making them criminals.

Overall better society at large.

>> No.8768638

Prohibition failed because they targeted white people.

They learned the second time around, so the War on Drugs is actually very successful at removing negros.

>> No.8768646

>>Ethnic homogeneity

Surely you aren't talking about Switzerland, the country that's split between French and Germans.

>> No.8768657
File: 3.45 MB, 3837x3598, dirty-bastard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good idea. Post-prohibition trauma overreactions brought us the X-TREEM beer culture from millennials who think swear words and dragons are a requirement to distinguish "the newfangled craft beer" from so-called "normal beer" (don't you have the new craft beer yet? it's not 2015 anymore!)

If it worked once it will work doubleplusgood the second time. Imagine what kinds of beers we'll have in double-post-prohibition trauma times. Probably we'll go straight to beer that explodes when you open it, killing everyone at the table.

>> No.8769268

Fine, racial homogeneity. Point is no nignogs.

>> No.8769283

Because fuck you i like to drink
All it does it cause a crimewave, empower gangsters and lead to contaminated booze
This degeneracy meme is gay as fuck - just faggy underage virgin tryhard sour grapes

>> No.8769329

>Prohibition failed because they targeted white people.
>They learned the second time around, so the War on Drug

yeah. white people never smoke weed or snort coke.

fucking Nigger apologist trying to rewrite history.

in the fucking 80's, niggers were fucking out of control with crack & cheap pcp.

you couldn't ride the NYC subways or go out in LA at night. It was a different world in the '80's

>> No.8769333

You can make booze out of a bucket, water, sugar and yeast
How you gonna stop people doing that genius? 1984 style surveillance in every home? Ban sugar and anything containing sugar? Then where are you going to get the millions of people who agree with you and won't be turning and blind eye or on the take? How dya stop bootlegging?

Going against market forces is a guaranteed failure every time

>> No.8769339

Because alcohol is impossible to control, and because free countries should not create victimless crimes. Alcohol consumption in and of itself does not create a victim.

>> No.8769370

Because the government shouldn't decide what I do with my own body you statist fucks. reeeee

>> No.8769382


yeah fuck off

>> No.8769716

>The fact that you need to cooperate with people around you to achieve those things.
No fucking shit.

The point is, people cooperate together within a society when they share the reasonable expectation of prosperity and stability. Economic security and quality of life is what motivates cohesive society, not ethnic homogenization and not "degeneracy".

The legality of drugs and alcohol doesn't change that core principle.

>> No.8769729

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't legalize all drugs
>protip: you can't

>> No.8769739

you assume the laws are working.
Anybody who wants drugs can get drugs, or maybe get shot by a nigger for asking about drugs, which is not better than legal drugs.

>> No.8769748

You'd practically have to ban fermentation. Nigh impossible.

Look we've been producing alcohol since god knows when in every corner of the world, it's a natural part of every culture it's not going anywhere.

>> No.8769753


I know Muhammad was a pedophile warlord who created an ideology to EXCLUSIVELY suit his personal needs/desires, that subjugates the entirety of humanity involved in or surrounding it. That's why.

>> No.8769756
File: 60 KB, 625x626, 1491015693074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8769757


>not wanting to watch your doggo pal knot your drunken cousin at the family reunion.

What the fuck site do you think you're on?

>> No.8769784

Everyone pictured looks sad about the loss.

>> No.8769787

Speakeasys have shit ambiance.

>> No.8769813

There are more enjoyable ways to destroy society.

>> No.8769817

Then give up your guns. Same logic applies.

>> No.8769830

You can't protect people from themselves. Stop trying and let things take their course.

>> No.8769831


The only thing punishable by hard labour should be your spelling

>> No.8769835

Please do. I hate being an alcoholic.

>> No.8769840

or maybe the consumption of a diluted neurotoxin has little, if anything, to do with societal health.

>> No.8769867

Then just quit drinking, so drunks like me can just drink half as much when we get sick of being hungover all the time.