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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 800x532, DSC06782-800x532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8745820 No.8745820 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Europeans like tacos?

>> No.8745841

I like tacos, it just there aren't many spics here so we mostly eat paki and chink food

>> No.8745852

I love tacos. We just don't have Mexicans here so the closest you'll get generally is shitty tex-mex unless you make it from scratch yourself.

>> No.8745855

this is a good job oportunity, spics can migrate to europe instead of the united states and bring their food with them.

within the first months you'll see a lot of these brand new "taquerias" al over europe, also mexicans play no bullshit so they can help fighting back against the moose slimes

>> No.8745857


t. good business idea, low competition

>if only people ate shit teir spic food outside of mexico or the US..
>tfw you realize mexico has no worthwhile food culture

>> No.8745859

I fucking love tacos m8.

>> No.8745864

because it's mediocre cuisine at best

>> No.8745880
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>Mexico has no worthwhile food culture

>> No.8745887

Lack of knowledge and lack of good fresh ingredients. I can barely get jalapenos here, and you can forget about all the other peppers needed for a decent chili. I've never seen tomatillos, epazote, or other mexican stuff. I can't even find fresh oregano easily. People have never heard of mole in their life. It'd probably be too expensive for just tacos.

>> No.8745892 [DELETED] 


The cuisine is one of Mexico's only redeeming features

>> No.8745899


The cuisine is Mexico's only redeeming feature

>> No.8745903

Actually these are valid points. The import costs of getting actual ingredients there would be hefty and difficult for some time.

>> No.8745905

>Why don't Europeans like tacos?

We have falafels. Which are just sand nigger tacos.

Same shitskin food basically.

>> No.8745922

Unless we pack a bunch of Mexicans together, and send them to the Mediterranean coasts. I would think they'd be able to grow a lot of their native plants there.

>> No.8745926

Do we even have tacos?
Not even talking about "authentic" mexican restaurant, we don't have any edible mexicans here in Germany.

>> No.8746026

germany here, i would eat one every other day if i had the chance. but no taco huts here, only döner.

>> No.8747036

there are a few decent !not-mexican places around. other options include getting yourself a mexican gf with a proper mexican mother. worth the attitude.
as people said, lack of ingredients and lack of actual mexicans (mex. restaurants) to promote more genuine cuisine.

how about an eurofag/amerifats exchange? muslims for mexicans, we can even do a 2:1 ratio.

>> No.8747048

That's an odd gif choice

>> No.8747055
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Tacos are Spanish.
Spain is in Europe.
Spain colonized Mexico.

>> No.8747062

For some people corn and corn floor products taste just wrong. It's not native. There's a gmo corn meme as well. Peppers are loved and this part is actively spreading. Now If you are about "let's wrap this meat and veg into bread-like envelope" specifically, every single nation has that anyway.
I'd sure have three mexicans for every one muslim by the way...

>> No.8747073

tacos are italian
the roman empire colonised spain

>> No.8747076

yurocucks wouldn't know what to do with them

>> No.8747089
File: 255 KB, 750x500, piadina-romagnola-by-lsantilli-fotolia-750x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

italian tacos confirmed

>> No.8747105

yeah, a calzone is basically a burrito, isn't it?
>italian tacos... -.-

>> No.8747112

>Bernal Díaz del Castillo documented the first taco feast enjoyed by Europeans, a meal which Hernán Cortés arranged for his captains in Coyoacán.

>> No.8747130

Ketchup was once a fish sauce, so what? it's gained widespread reputation as tomato ketchup, and guess what? tacos gained widespread recognition as mexican food.

>> No.8747147

Has anyone ever told you that you sound like you're disagreeing when you're agreeing. You clearly had an opposite take-away from the quote than I did.

>> No.8747163

It would seem so to those who fall for the "Trump wants to deport all non whites" meme. Nigga prez prolly loves him some burritos and shit.

>> No.8747169

not yet, but I get what you're saying. does sound agressive in retrospect. lets say I was "enthusiastically agreeing"

>> No.8747176

Sorry, I meant " 'n shit".

>> No.8747177

Italy once belonged to the dinosaurs. Tacos are dinosaurian.

>> No.8747183

they dont have Paco serving tacos

they have Achmed serving kebabs

>> No.8747187

I like where this is going.

Please dont stop

>> No.8747262

I feel you

>> No.8747293
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>> No.8747315

Trump should fund this as an alternative to the wall. Establish a huge plantation in some shithole in the Mediterranean, offer to transport Mexican workers and their families there and pay them in food and housing to work the fields growing corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers, making cheese, ect. Then export those fine Mexican ingredients to Western Europe. We'll call it "Operation Get José and Stelios to be Neighbors so Harry can Eat Tacos".

>> No.8747318

Why don't americans have tastebuds?

>> No.8747344

I lot of people I know do, it's just that Mexican food is pretty rare in Europe. The only thing you can find in an average city is Tex-Mex crap (well, it's all right to eat that every now and then) but the only authentic restaurant I know of in the UK is a small chain called Lupita. It's pretty good but it's not cheap and the portions are fucking tiny. There may be other places I haven't heard of though and I'd be happy to know

>> No.8747393

Damn, that makes Europe a lot less appealing. Family-owned Mexican places in the US are great places to get a shitload of great food on the cheap. They fucking hook you up with a big plate of hearty food.

>> No.8747424

There's plenty of other options to choose from though. I haven't seen much of the US but in the UK it's fairly easy to find decent Indian and Chinese that are not terribly expensive. In my town there's a couple of noodle shops that are pretty decent and a bowl is about 5 to 7 quid.

>> No.8747515

>yuro cucks

>> No.8747778

Thing is we also have those in America. In addition to great Mexican.

>> No.8747782

>great Mexican
>north of, maybe, Guanajuato at best
Nope. The United States has essentially no good Mexican food. I don't give a shit about your MUH HOLE IN THE WALL. It isn't good.

>> No.8747788

So you're telling me that when I put the food in my mouth and it tasted good, it was actually an illusion cast by a wizard peering out of the kitchen?

>> No.8747793
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Are you trying to imply that Tex-Mex is bad?

>> No.8747798
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>> No.8747841


>> No.8747886

this much is true

>> No.8747904

If somebody handed me a food item that had that much coriander on it I'd throw it in their face.

>> No.8747923

Even if the cilantro was just there for aesthetic purposes and you were the photographer hired to photograph it?

>> No.8747935

we do, but it's the type of food that you can only do so much with. And......since our eating standards are generally higher than those of the average joe of california or texas, we eat other things more often than tacos.

>> No.8747968

>our eating standards are generally higher

>> No.8747976

are you laughing in russian?

>> No.8747983

Pick your poison.

>> No.8748119
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It is like the national friday meal in Sweden

>> No.8748138

Spics like football more than yuros and call it the same game.

>> No.8748147

But he loves mexican food you fucking bernout

>> No.8748152

You sound like your mother

>> No.8748170

Found the 4'11 shitskin wanna be indigenous mexican. You probably think youre a mayan.

>> No.8748176

That screams hipster and gringo. No one eats colored tortillas in mexico. Thats the shit corn they feed to livestock.

>> No.8748518

They do, they just can't afford them. The standard of living among Yuropoors is significantly lower than Amerifats'.

>> No.8748525

>implying that we care what a tripfag thinks

>> No.8748954



>> No.8749963

Wraps are cleary superior, not to mention all the middle eastern and turkish wraps alternatives, which go better with their respective cuisine.

>> No.8750105

Then you're an ignorant moron who wasn't looked properly

>> No.8750108

You don't have good Indian.

>> No.8750109

But I'm asian, what are you rambling about?

>> No.8750122

Sorry I didn't know that.
Now fuck off you smelly paki.

>> No.8750127

>paki = asian
Lol, what are you, south african or some shit? Go back to murdering striking miners or whatever it is you people do for fun

>> No.8750137
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>Pakistan isn't an Asian country.
Where do you think it is ?

>> No.8750142

Obesity at its' brightest guys.

>> No.8750143

>being this pedantic
>picking a random irrelevant asian country when someone says "I'm asian"
Q: Why didn't you pick Israel or Timor-Leste?

A: Because you're Seth Efricen, now go kill some miners

>> No.8750163
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This is the type of intelligence level that thinks Afghanistan is in the Middle East.

>> No.8750169
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samefag seth efricen damage control doesn't even know there are dozens of countries in asia because he's only met one kind: paki (which to him is a catch all from anyone on the indian subcontinent plus sri lanka)

>> No.8750173

Well, that's another thread derailed.
Nice job, weebs.

>> No.8750187

Because burritos exist.

>> No.8750188

And gooks as well.

>> No.8750195

>Shart in mart detected

>> No.8750556

I live in a big city in poland and there's literally one restaurant that I know of that serves tacos and it's dumbly overpriced. I wish mexican fast food was popular here, it's such a good on-the-go food.
Or just that there were more mexican restaurants around so they wouldn't be able to get away with high prices for shit quality.

>> No.8750572

Fuck off needle dick. And i have no idea who the guy is impersonating me.

>> No.8750574 [DELETED] 

spoiler: europe isnt a country

>> No.8750586

>Its a caliphate

>> No.8750590


In Europe usually we don't like coriander, as it tastes like shit. On the other hand, I have fresh red and green jalapeños, chipotle flakes and pickled habaneros at home. The problem is, original ingredients are very expensive here, and good mexican restaurants are even more expensive. Taco Bell doesn't count, anon, we talk about real stuff done by pros.

>> No.8750595

We do like the occasional taco, we just hate those mexicans. Thank god there are so few of those bad hombres here.

>> No.8750596

>more incoherent rambling

>> No.8750606
File: 260 KB, 700x472, mexican-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats looks horrible! Fucking why? Tacos should be made from fresh ingredients not plastic bags.

>> No.8750608

Open your eyes and learn to read

>> No.8750617


Do you know geography, anon?

>> No.8750822

>there aren't many spics here

You guys are so fucking lucky.

>> No.8750826
File: 2.94 MB, 484x504, Authentic mexican food #1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL @ mexican food, mexican so called people and mexican "culture".

>> No.8750829
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>ITT: Spic hate
Most of the ones I've known are nice people. Polite, funny, hard-workers, very traditional and family-oriented, integrating into America very well. Way worse groups out there to be sure.

>> No.8750848
File: 2.91 MB, 456x574, Authentic mexican food #3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sigh... this flat out propaganda is tired paco.

You have to go back.

>> No.8750852

Spics no contest. Gang bangers and catholic families are better than gang rapes and sharia law

>> No.8750854
File: 2.60 MB, 732x480, Authentic mexican food #2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We just add more toppings holmes.

>> No.8750889

yeah, first generation mexibros are great. their children, however...

>> No.8750897
File: 2.95 MB, 484x504, Authentic mexican food #4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the 3rd or 4th generation they return to the mean average shit of their host nation.

Just look at the graduation and education rates for latrineo scum.


But that is ok because of tacos.

>> No.8750924

This. I've noticed that for Chinese people as well.

>> No.8751101

Trump Tower has the best taco bowls.

>> No.8751152

We've got hordes of Poles and Muslims instead, so I say we're still worse off.

>> No.8751158

4chan is NEET central, the mexicans are why I'm a kissless poor virgin

>> No.8751169

>he doesn't like cilantro
lol everyone laugh at the fag

>> No.8751183

¡pero cilantro es muy importante!

>> No.8751187


>fresh maize
>in Northern Europe

It's barely grown above Paris and most of what is ends up as animal feed.

>> No.8751192
File: 3.07 MB, 2400x2400, c71c7567-f7f6-4187-bc86-0263e5af9529_2.76484a078d64f6bca4fee0d4ba924a41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that's like the same type of 'tacos' some trailer trash in Oklahoma would make.

>> No.8751199


>In Europe usually we don't like coriander, as it tastes like shit

Can confirm.

Once made a chili and tried out coriander, it completely ruined the dish. If I wanted that taste I'd just spray deoderant over my food.

>> No.8751301

They eat that green tortilla a lot in Mexico city, they love it for their no cheese quesadillas

>> No.8751302

But fresh cilantro is the best. Almost citrusy

>> No.8751353


1) Coriander certainly doesn't belong in chili.

2) How familiar are you with using it? It can very easily overpower a dish, especially a long-cooked one like chili. Adding too much is easy and can really screw up a dish.

3) Is it really so rare in Europe? My fishmonger is Spanish and he raves about "culantro" which is a very similar herb. I also see Chefs like Marco Pierre White, Heston Blumenthal, and Gordon Ramsay call for it in many of their recipes.

>> No.8751362

and masked wrestling.

>> No.8751365

no, falafels suck. its like shitty faggot vegan tacos.

>> No.8751368

YOU suck

>> No.8751382

you, your mom, and falafels suck

>> No.8751527
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I'll open up a London torta shop!

>> No.8751663

I would completely believe it if you told me Donald Trump thought all Mexican food came from the American Southwest. It's fucking astounding the basic shit he doesn't know because he spent his whole life focused on real estate.

>> No.8751718

Fuck off

>> No.8752598

Falafel are completely different from any Mexican food I know of. The closest stuff there is to them are empanadas and croquettes. If I had to make up a Spanish word for falafel, it'd be "croquetas de garbanzo" (chickpea croquettes).
I think you might have mistaken falafel for dürüm kebabs, or gyros, which, in my opinion, are much better than any taco I have ever eaten.

>> No.8752689

You knew the "falafel" was the fried chickpeas, right?

>> No.8752716
File: 178 KB, 850x850, 11130291_670184996444611_8894299458798563982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has eaten at literally all the Mexican places in America, go to him for advice.

>> No.8752743
File: 10 KB, 226x223, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten Mexican in every US state except Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, and Maine. I've also eaten it in every Mexican state except Chihuahua, BC Sur, Sinaloa, Durango, Aguascalientes, Nayarit, and Colima. I promise you, I know more about this than most people alive. Also saved you some time on the reaction image.

>> No.8752757

Then you should know that Los Angeles and San Diego has very great Mexican. Not Tijuana/Ensenada/Oaxaca good but good enough to find a range of Mexican dishes

>> No.8752781

Missing out on not going to sinaloa. Mazatlan is great for seafood too. Everythings fresh. And alot of places there use a very runny version off guacamole. Its very tasty.

>> No.8752788

Northern Mexico has the best seafood. Not just Sinaloa, but Baja and Sorona to an extent. but yeah, Sinaloa has nice raw dishes

>> No.8752795

I was invited to a party in Los Mochis but the whole thing skeeved me out (lots of money and lots of insinuations about what kind of people were going that I was supposed to be impressed by I guess) so I made some excuses and didn't go

>> No.8752805

Also mazatlan is known for world class marlin fishing. Im sure theres a restaraunt that serves up marlin sashimi to be found. Imagine that profit margin. Catch a fish for 20 bucks at most and serve it for 20 bucks at least. This only happens in the establishments created strictly for tourists.

>> No.8752809

You probably made the right call desu senpai. I explore by day when i go and just get fucked up in the small towns plaza at night. I Never go to clubs or parties.

>> No.8752822

Mazatlan has some of the best shrimp I've tasted as well .Better than anything I've tried in asia or South America.

>> No.8752896

>people are too lazy to even make their own seasonings
Might as well just go to taco bell at that point.

>> No.8753007

spics and it's not even close.

>> No.8753023

amerifat here

if we're allowed to shoot 'em, u have a deal.

>> No.8753029

sounds like you'd love this place

it's fucking tits and I'm going tomorrow. every place over the past decade (or two) that's been in its location has failed, but they have been booming since the day they opened. the machete is literally the size of an avg adult's arm. been going there since the start about a year or two ago, and have eaten about 90% of the menu. everything is delicious and authentic.

>> No.8754402

>In Europe usually we don't like coriander, as it tastes like shit
This isn't true, but I've heard some people have a strong dislike to it, I've heard that if you don't have some genes and are missing some enzymes or something it tastes/smells like sopa. I think coriander is good and I'm from Europe.

>> No.8754403

because asian in britain means paki instead of chink

>> No.8754847

Norwayfag here. Tacos are extremely popular here and basically a food tradition on fridays. I'm making tacos today in fact.

>> No.8754848

Sinaloa shrimp is famous in mexico. My grandpa used to fish for them with nets. But hes too old now. He just harvests jamaica to make some bomb ass fresh agua de jamaica

>> No.8754853

Why is that?

>> No.8754857

how the fuck can europeans not like tacos when spain is literally right there

>> No.8754867

Look up on google earth. Nah, im not even gonna try...

>> No.8754906
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Plenty of taco stands in London.
Not sure if the UK counts as Europe though.
t. American tourist.

>> No.8754924

To be fair, the majority of what most of the USA knows as "Mexican food" is in reality "Tex-Mex".

>> No.8754929

Add cumin to anything and it's basically tex-mex.

>> No.8754931

They dont, not anymore. You can have them, we dont need them.

>> No.8754933

Probably a marketing campaign by whatever company produces their taco related products.

>> No.8754942

Lol yeah being a Texan I never realized until an adult how there's not really any cumin in actual Mexican, it's really more of like a chili spice, or curry... that's probably why I love Indian food as well. :D

Mexican food seems to be much more about light freshness, than heavy spices like cumin. Except of course for moles and the like.

Whatever I dunno I love food.

>> No.8754951

are you German by any chance?

>> No.8754961
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Genau, ich heisse frau Merkel.

>> No.8754970

You sound like my ex husband

>> No.8754971

>butthurt kraut.
Merkel knows brexit signals the end of the EU and the collapse of the Fourth Reich.
Germany's fucked.
Odds on the Netherlands or France to leave next.

>> No.8754980

>cant even keep a man around with your fuckhole

Lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>> No.8755053

The fuck are you on? Blue tortillas are super popular, at least in DF. They sell in Walmart for fuck sakes.

>> No.8755073

because yuropeans are cu/ck/s

>> No.8755085

Thanks for the intelligent input, anon.

>> No.8755300

London is an anomaly though, it's like the New York of Europe. You can find every nationality there

>> No.8755327

You are correct.
London is so divorced from the rest of the UK it may as well be a separate country.
Central London is ok but anywhere else particularly south of the river is a shithole on par with some war zone like Chicago or Baghdad.

>> No.8755345

Does anyone know what any of that was?

>> No.8755377

Looks like standard elote fare and then he just goes full retard.

Mayo or Butter
Chili Powder

Who the fuck knows afterwards

>> No.8755464

Swede here, tacos is huuge here, a lot of families have "Taco Friday".

>> No.8755475


1) the recipe I was using called for it, made one before without it and it was great.

2) That was my first and only try. I only added a tiny bit and it already overpowered it.

3) Pretty sure Mediterranean people use it quite a bit because its indigenous there and that's the reason it ended up in Mexican cuisine, though I have to say I never encountered it there.

It's practically unknown in traditional dishes in the rest of Europe.

World class chefs using it isn't really representative of the average person.

>> No.8755479
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>> No.8755486

looked like esquites in the pot, kind of like a cousin to elotes but not sure why the fuck you would dump it all over a fresh elote

>> No.8755573


>> No.8755592

No idea. Never had one. It's probably like pita though, right?

>> No.8755600

It really is more complex than that. There are various types of ways of eating a taco and various ways to make it

>> No.8755605

What is even in a taco?

>> No.8755629


That's like asking what is even in a sandwich. There are countless different things you might put inside one.

>> No.8755882

or lahmacun

>> No.8755895

It is small as fucking shit, the shell is like 10 centimeters in diameter and it has almost 0 meat in it, you need at the very least 6 to not feel too hungry anymore

>> No.8755939


>you need at the very least 6 to not feel too hungry anymore

I'm sorry you yuropoors can only afford one

>> No.8756026

Middle eastern food is better than corn shit spics eat.

>> No.8756064


>> No.8756311

>Middle eastern food
EXCEPT mexican food has middle eastern culture especially the spices Spaniards brought + Lebanese influence. Shit is cash.

>> No.8756340
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Pretty much what this guy said.

You know how flyovers are always going on about "america took the best of everything" (while they inhale a 60 oz slurpee through a giant straw?)

There is a country like that, and it's called the United States of Mexico

>> No.8756365

>calling a tortilla "shell"
Why do Americans always talk about shit they don't really know

>> No.8756372



>> No.8756411

I honestly believe the only reason Mexican food is so popular is because it's bordering America. American food on average isn't very good (especially not the stuff that is eaten daily as normal meals), so Mexican seems amazing. If you want spice, strong flavour, and lots of sauces, Indian is like that but much better.

t. Yuro who has been on vacation to Mexico

>> No.8756417

well yeah, that's pretty obvious
they're neighbours and they have a lot of mexican immigrants, it's not surprising that mexican cuisine is big over there

>> No.8756545

>mexican people are neighbors

Lel, no. Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico were entirely Mexican until the US saw the benefit of annexing (stealing) it. Since the food tradition was there, it was absorbed into the US culture.

>> No.8756560

Apples and oranges

>> No.8756585

Santa Maria company has a monopoly over mexican food ingredients in Europe. They produce low quality garbage.

>> No.8756593

American food literally is European food you retard, even memeburgers were invented by a German.

>> No.8756616

>durr durr we're all just Africans because like they found that skeleton named "Lucy"
Are you a pilot?

>> No.8756619
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What are you even talking about?

>> No.8756639

The point of the quote was to illustrate how Cortes and the other Spaniards had never eaten tacos before. Maize is a new world crop.

>> No.8756661
File: 3.65 MB, 4272x2848, Quite_the_happy_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would euromasterrace enjoy crappy mexi food. Dosnt make sense.

>> No.8756678

No, a calzone is more like an empanada. Gyros seem to be more taco-ish.

>> No.8756698

This tbqh. Spics just drown everything in spice to mask the flavor of their shitty tripe and the disgusting aftertaste of sewer water in all their cooking.

>> No.8756708

you're probably a 5'2'' 100 lb skinny whiteboy who likes watching his wife take cock from other shitskins

fucking cuck

>> No.8756716

No but tex mex restaurants in europe tend to be mediocre imo. I can make a better chili at home.

Tell me where to get them at a reasonable price and in Belgium and i'll be happy.

>> No.8756733

Idk, but you want to make mexicunts mad?
The word taco is 100% from spain.

>> No.8756751

>know someone from spain
>he's a redpill memer who talks about national socialism and trump unironically in public

>> No.8756810

Because we have our own White heritage that we choose not to betray.

>> No.8756816
File: 59 KB, 642x428, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't south americans like Shepard's Pie?

>> No.8756876

Learning about greasy spic food doesn't make you a billionaire

>> No.8756894

No, just a "small loan" :^)

>> No.8756907

Actually 6'1" 199 lbs, pure viking.
I can take you down ... like that.

>> No.8756917

show bussy as proof

>> No.8756941 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x1836, 20170401_023011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fag! Gonna punch you.

>> No.8756954

There is nothing wrong with eating box tacos.

>> No.8756975

>that thumb
fatty detected

>> No.8756987

>he deleted it
whitebois irrevocably BTFO

>> No.8757013
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x1836, 20170401_023011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all muscles.

>> No.8757023

I know right haha fucking white trash, why don't they grown their own corn, harvest it, grind it, nixtamalize it, dry it, roll it, fry it and have some super duper awesome homemade fresh tortillas haha lazy fucking white people amirite??

>> No.8757051

>picture in the background

>> No.8757071

What about it?

>> No.8757089

>mfw I look at your sausage fingers, fatty

>> No.8757135

Those fingers made me millions. Yours? Keep on fapping!

>> No.8757172

No one has ever seen a white boi nixtamalize corn, don't be stupid. Mexicans do it, though.

>> No.8757200

You realize you can buy better ingredients than a shitty box taco kit without doing everything from scratch, right?

>> No.8757211

If you aren't doing it from scratch, it's not authentic. What's the point? If you just buy your ingredients, you're just trailer trash :^)

>> No.8757507

in europe they call them kebabs