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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 217 KB, 800x600, chicken-spaghetti-casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8741627 No.8741627 [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain to me the flyover states' obsession with """"""casseroles"""""""

>> No.8741632

Comfort food that's part of a lot of social interactions.

>> No.8741636

this is revolting

>> No.8741639


It's the ultimate lazy food that requires no skill whatsoever. Dump crap in a dish. Overcook the piss out of it.

And when you don't have anything of quality to compare it to in flyoverland it must seem pretty appealing.

>> No.8741640

Yeah, needs a cheese topping.

>> No.8741643


Blame Campbell's advertising and the 1950's>>8741632

>> No.8741646


>> No.8741649

When done right and with a decent recipe they're delicious, hearty, and encourage a social meal. However, as evidenced by your pic, they're easily to make into disgusting slop.

>> No.8741672

Depression Era government guidelines encouraged large consumption of milk when meat was unavailable This was often in the form of white sauces in casseroles. Home economists continued this trend during the war, and after women's magazines used it to market products (such as condensed cream of mushroom soup) with advertisements that posed as free recipes. Credulous housewives in the 'bubs took everything they read to heart and just assumed this was the modern,. efficient and economical way to cook.

>> No.8741810
File: 85 KB, 553x416, moussaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with a good casserole.

>> No.8741821

Go back to the pizza thread.

>> No.8741852

You are correct. But the Depression Era casseroles in America were not born of a desire to make something that tasted good. They came from home economists looking for cheap dishes to keep people from starving using the early 20th Century's limited understanding of nutrition. Those kinds of casseroles are terrible.

>> No.8741860

Are you ok? You are being hysterical.
Did someone insult you on some other thread? Are you a faggot?

>> No.8741974
File: 66 KB, 718x539, flyovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can virtually guarantee every one of you cleetuses are cousin-fucking flyovers

>> No.8741987

I live in NYC. But I did read A Square Meal, which gives you the history of how this shit got into the American diet.

>> No.8742006

>he's never had a good stew
Stews and casseroles are pretty much the same. Look at a french casoulet or a british cottage pie.

>> No.8742007

Better planes fly over than into our buildings

>> No.8742012

Stews are subhuman cumskin garbage dishes

>> No.8742016
File: 331 KB, 447x458, 1489200300058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we are talking about baked dishes that are basically garbage.

Lasagna is shit and I wish cancer on everyone who offers it to me.

>> No.8742017

Sorry Cletus your trailer home isn't a building

>> No.8742024

Your pic related isn't a casserole.

>> No.8742030

there's really no difference between a casserole, stew or a braise, anon.
You're really missing out on some good dishes.

>> No.8742082

Listen to this person, this is correct.

>> No.8742289


>> No.8742294

>literally the 3rd largest city in the country

>> No.8742296

>midwest city
>not flyover

>> No.8742307

You must have either had some shit lasagna or you have shit taste, man. A good lasagna is a great winter meal that you can feast on for days.

>> No.8742308
File: 219 KB, 511x341, chicago-dog[3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicago hotdogs and pizza
>both vastly superior to NY style anything
Stay mad NYfag

>> No.8742315

They gotta feed like 12 kids on their and their food stamps can only go so far so they mix a bunch of shitty food and overcook it and voila!
>muh casserole

>> No.8742329
File: 1.16 MB, 2208x3324, BAKED-ZITI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8742344
File: 2.36 MB, 2592x1936, cagoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure love me some Chicago pizza.

>> No.8742349

u misspelled wala

>> No.8742613
File: 157 KB, 3888x2592, Lasagna-Bolognese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is lasagna considered a casserole? what about shepherd's pie?

>> No.8742626


>> No.8742659


That looks like something that a dying stray dog would vomit up as it died

>> No.8742685
File: 178 KB, 1077x777, tater tot hotdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are hard to fuck up and use readily available ingredients

>> No.8742696

I was born and raised in the mid-west and I still have no idea why, OP. I guess they can be kept as left overs and be a good way to use up ingredients but casseroles suuuck.

I'd probably eat cassorole if my Mom made it...

>> No.8742733
File: 94 KB, 650x402, flyovers.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do flyovers look like IRL? I think National Geographic sent a photographer across the Hudson River once, but he was immediately killed an eaten by superstitious locals who believed him to be an evil cuck (which they believe is some sort of witch I guess), brought to "culturally enrich" them (one of their deepest fears)

I always pictured them as looking something like this

>> No.8742767
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, ts5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't disrespect hotdish

>> No.8742774

>Implying flyovers have learned to make fire

>> No.8742775

They're easy and taste good

>> No.8742793

lol No quite like what's pictured but it's as boring I'd say. Really the whole reason why I moved away. I just hated living in a state that no bands/shows go to.

>> No.8742802

I've only had green bean casserole and I'm from the midwest
maybe that whole thing comes from shittier places that don't have access to decent ingredients because all their farms grow is corn syrup

>> No.8742803

>he thinks those are all the same person


>> No.8742843
File: 56 KB, 550x366, shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have computers

>> No.8742856

it's called a HotDish, newfag

>> No.8742942
File: 15 KB, 236x318, 1489924124831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about these flyovers but here in Scandinavia the casseroles are awesome when done properly.
>Ham/Pork casserole
>Cabbage casserole
>Minced meat casseroles
>Fish casseroles such as tuna/salmon
>Spaghetti and meatball casserole
>Vegetable casseroles
Alot of different possibilities as long as you make them by yourself and not the disgusting way ameriburgers make them as in just opening some cans of processed piss and shit, mixing them, putting cheese on top and then putting it in the oven calling it a "casserole".

Little off-topic but it's fucking disgusting in America where you can get nearly everything canned/sliced/prepacked and calling it cooking
>American "lasagna" 101
>Put premade lasagna sheets in tray
>Pour some canned tomato paste
>Top that with canned meat
>Add premade white sauce
>Add lasagna sheet
>Top with 4lbs of cheddar
>"Look at muh cooking skills mmmhhDURRR 'merica"

>> No.8742950

We are much too polite to ever do that, though we probably told him (politely) to GTFO. Now, if you excuse me, I must make my 10 minute, traffic-free journey from work to home.

>> No.8742992

Born and raised in the midwest. My mom made casseroles sometimes. They are actually very good if done well but probably loaded with sodium. Your obsession with this dying 1950s Midwest tradition is unsettling.

>> No.8743002

>what do flyovers look like IRL

Just look at the crowd the next time Trump has a rally.

>> No.8743020

I never ate a casserole in my life, disgusting shit

parents and family always tried to serve me that shit and I don't even know what it is

>> No.8743061

>calls out the Midwest as Trump supporters
>Midwest ranks 3rd in blue states behind north east and Pacific west

Are you unaware of the South and mountain West anon?

>> No.8743077
File: 110 KB, 941x588, 2016 Election Map by state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two states out of the entire midwest didn't go for Trump
>it wasn't us, I swear!
Ok Cleetus. Maybe you can join the South when they rise again

>> No.8743080

>tfw your small city has enough pull to turn your state blue.
Haha, fuck you Northern Kentucky. Sorry Egypt.

>> No.8743097

How are those riots and rallies goin' there mister socialist party? You done hootin an' hollerin at your vegan semen-ars so you gotta come shitpost home cookin'? You sure guzzle a lotta cum for hatin' them animal products, ya yuppie cuck.

>> No.8743102

where the hell do you find work in flyover country that actually pays enough to put the gas in your beater?

>> No.8743110
File: 49 KB, 410x265, alanralsky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a spammer or junk mail executive

>> No.8743112

>everything I said is true
>nothing refuted

Why did you reply to me again? Oh that's right there was that ad hominem strawman attack. Good post.

>> No.8743114

Nuclear Power Plants.
Because you pussies are always bitching about "muh meltdowns".

Also, you save on gas when you don't drive fagmobiles like you guys

>> No.8743117

Huh, I figured /ck/ would be comfy, but you fuckers are angrier and more divisive than /pol/.

>> No.8743120

Is that a brand? I don't know much about murder cages. I sold mine in 1999

>> No.8743127

>bus rider detected

>> No.8743147
File: 53 KB, 750x460, 2012_large[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>map in 2012, after Obama disappointed the entire portion of the """left""" skeptical of neolberalism and endless imperialist warfare
>midwest still blue as fuck for the incumbent
Seems to me that many people in the agricultural and industrial heartlands who were disillusioned with the "left" technocrats who barely pass for the forebears of emancipatory politics today saw a lot more potential in the complaints Trump was addressing than their usual voting patterns this time around. Romney and the Reaganesque business conservatives in general didn't really give them anything to believe in, but Trump is notable for bucking that trend.
The midwest is still fairly blue in outlook, despite a widely-held skepticism in Hillary "It's My Turn!" Clinton, who ran the furthest-right Democratic campaign since Johnson.

>> No.8743160

Last time I was on a bus was the airport shuttle when I had to visit flyover land for work. Internal combustion is cancer

>> No.8743165

>They said, "vote Goldwater and you'll get us sixty years of war."
>So my dad voted Goldwater, and we got sixty years of war.

>> No.8743170

There is no flyover obsession. I pretty much only have them after holidays due to leftovers.

>> No.8743183



As a Publixfag this triggers me, although Wegmans is ok

>> No.8743195


Hey! No one generally cooks like that. People will sooner get fast-food than fuck up recipes at home

>> No.8743312

>pickles and relish on a 'og
>mustard on a 'og
>tomato slices on a 'og
Tell me what's to like ahain?

>> No.8743340

>every casserole in Scandinavia is awesome
You just think that because most Scandinavian palates have evolved to tolerate rotten fish.

>> No.8743357

It's easy and cheap

>> No.8744278

>A City you want to fly over
All cities over three million metro are garbage tier for one reason. Take a wild fucking guess as to what.

>> No.8744317

>readily available ingredients
So fresh vegetables and good quality meat are so rare in flyoverland that the only things you consider "readily available" are canned garbage and tater tots? Disgusting, flyovers are fucking subhumans.

>> No.8744321

Cook in oven
It heats house up

>> No.8744337

to be fair, cousins are usually pretty fucking built

>> No.8744385


the subhuman here is the person who gives a fuck what people eat.

>> No.8744438

Canned and frozen are more readily available than fresh, yes. They're just as nutritious if not moreso, taste will be subjective. You make do sometimes.

>> No.8744476

>modern preservation techniques and mass transport make things less "readily available" than hoping someone's growing bell peppers within fifty miles of you in Minnesota

>> No.8746450

Remember the show Rosanne? Like that.

>> No.8746551
File: 202 KB, 2000x1104, lifebuzz-d1b0c21933895933bb7ab3f67c674338-limit_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You SAY that, but...

>> No.8746571

moossake is grreek

>> No.8746581

That's a gross looking casserole. But I guess it's just easy filling food for working class people. Peasant food if you will.

>> No.8746597

jack jr said they only eat at home when jack makes a video, otherwise they eat all their meals off-site

>> No.8746733
File: 73 KB, 500x509, 1490605197261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with canned tomatoes?

also implying you make your own pasta

>> No.8746745

Daily reminder that while flyovers may fuck their relatives, at least we don't sit and watch Trayvon or Ahmed in LA or NYC fuck our women.

>> No.8746768
File: 664 KB, 583x600, TrumpJUST3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Sorry. No. You are the idiots who voted to get cucked by drumpf. Now it's biting you in the ass. We fucking warned you.

>> No.8746777

why is there always some eurofag in every thread on every board talking about americans?

>> No.8746790
File: 461 KB, 565x486, 1486358622174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jew York and Commiefornia
fucking lmao'ing tbqhfam

>> No.8746799

go look at a county election map. almost every bit of cali's land mass voted trump. I guess 90% of that area is flyover too?

>> No.8746819
File: 24 KB, 800x600, 1486489166894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black baboon and fag infested commie shithole
>smog-filled frozen-over hellscape
>not flyovers
wew'd as hard as I could right there