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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8723258 No.8723258 [Reply] [Original]

too alarming now,
to talk about

>> No.8723265

Fuck now I want gyros. But what do you mean OP?

>> No.8723267

take your pictures down
shake it out

>> No.8723268


RIPIP Londonstan.

>> No.8723270

fuck yea kebabs, best drunk food.

>> No.8723271

I just wanted to have shitposting thread about the best fast food sandwich

>> No.8723286

Is it normal for gyros to have french fries in them?
The place near me puts fries in theirs and it's kind of weird.

>> No.8723300

Alarming? Some washed-up carreer crook killed four bystanders along with himself in a blue suicide, and the whole nation is supposed to be in shock now, or something? For what, because of the location?

C'mon. Crazy people do crazy things, and that's the long and short of it. Move along.

>> No.8723317

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.8723330

>get gyro piss drunk
>horrid shits and farts all the following day


>> No.8723345

gyro's shawarma's etc... have been SO violently sick WAY too many times off of these things to enjoy them anymore.

also purchased some ground lamb at blowout 50% off, made a lasagna with it, it tasted so badly of rotten goat that I can never do lamb again.

Enjoy while you still can, anons

>> No.8723402
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No, that's fucking weird.

A local place makes a "California burrito" which is a normal burrito plus french fries and cheese sauce.

I didn't realize that they put the fucking things inside the burrito, I thought they meant cheese fries on the side. Nope. Fucking disgusting is what it was.

>> No.8723409

Fuck off.


>> No.8723410

Well, last time I visited Greece I visited a gyro stand that sold gyros with fries in them so it might be kind of authentic?

>> No.8723429

>gyros to have french fries inside
there's a christian arab run place around here that does this, I like it

>> No.8724185

Normally the fries are on the side for me, never had em inside.

>> No.8724188

absolutely haram

>> No.8724714

as a California, the California burrito is my favorite. carne asada, fries, guac, beans, rice, cheese. some placed don't put always put rice but they should.

>> No.8724722

Went to a Mediterranean joint on a chance

Place was fucking empty and dead fucking silent

I think there were three people in the entire building including me

The woman who took my order only showed herself twice, when she took me to the table and took my order, and when they brought the food

The guy I assume made the food only came out to run the bill

Those were the best fucking gyros I've ever had and I bought two more to eat on the drive home

>> No.8724764

this is why your state is a joke and Trump won

>> No.8724818
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Yes it is, ignore all these yanks that have no clue about authentic gyro. If it doesn't have fries it's a kebab.

>> No.8724861

Thats whats up. King for a day

>> No.8724872

A burrito without rice is heresy.

>> No.8724880


That happened to me once when I went in a new shop up some backstreet, literally the best homecooked meals and most interesting menu I've ever had. The guy eagerly watched me from over the counter, relishing my enjoyment and making sure that I had everything that I wanted for a perfect cosy meal. I felt like a prince

When I went back a few weeks later they'd just adopted some basic chicken shop template and the cosy feeling had completely gone. I guess Kerem's cooking dreams went down the toilet at some point when he didn't have enough business to cook to order and stay afloat.

>> No.8725032

T. muhamad

>> No.8725043

that's a kebab

>> No.8725063

I thought that having fries in a burrito was a San Diego specialty.

>> No.8725066

That's the way I've gotten them over in Germany and here in America.

>> No.8725199 [DELETED] 

Maybe so, but I'm in Taipei, and there's no reason to ruin burritos here too. Keep that faggotry in California.

>> No.8725201

Maybe so, but I'm in Taipei, and there's no reason to ruin burritos here too. Keep that faggotry in California.

And in Germany, apparently. When are you guys gonna grow your balls back and remove kebab? Saving yourselves from rapists doesn't make you Nazis, people, it just makes you sane.

>> No.8725220

I live in a smallish town in NW Oregon.

While we do have some good stuff in town, if you want something special you really have to drive to Portland.

I used to work at a now-defunct Gyro spot in Portland years and years ago, and I've missed being able to get a decent Gyro.

A family opened up a Gyro truck in the weirdest spot a couple of years ago. Fantastic Gyros.

That fad never really reached here. I can't think of any other food trucks anywhere else in town, which makes it even weirder.

A Mexican guy bought the truck from the first family, and now HIS whole family runs it.

Gyros are the same as they were before change in ownership, but I can't enjoy them as often because the new owner nearly doubled the price.

I think it used to be $5.95 + $0.75 for feta. Now it's like $9.75 + $2.00 for feta.

Also, "Gyro" and "kebab" are literally the same thing. "Gyro" is just a word the Greeks started using because they're not huge fans of the Turks or their words.

Putting fries inside the sandwich is a thing they've only started doing fairly recently, and it's mostly convenience with the added benefit of being enabling them to skimp on both fries and meat.

It's like beans in chili and if you like it that way you should probably kill yourself.