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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8709387 No.8709387 [Reply] [Original]

> bee me
> Invites family over for meal
> Makes spaghetti carbonara
> It comes out flawless
> Best tasting ever and looks like the picture in a book
> Serve a nice table wine
> Family does nothing but autistically complain because no red sauce on pasta
> Mom puts ketchup on hers

Why guys

>> No.8709394

>Why guys

Either it wasn't anywhere near as good as you though it was, or your family is trash (no insult intended) I lean towards the latter, because who the fuck puts ketchup on pasta other than trash?

>> No.8709397

I generally tell anyone I cook for, if they start pissing and moaning that x or y isn't right, they can cook for their fucking selves then.

>> No.8709408

people like your family generally aren't interested in trying anything new. Probably also the type to spend $20 at McDonalds daily but complain about how vegetables are too expensive

>> No.8709415


How shut in do you have to be for carbonara to be "something new"? It's not exactly a rare or exotic dish.

>> No.8709420

i feel you OP
>stumble upon fresh duck legs at a ching chong market
>buy 6 of them
>invite dad over for for dinner
>duck confit
>comes out literally perfect.
>"on sorry son I'm not really hungry i stopped at the hot dog truck on the way over"


but.. later
>kept his leftover legs
>shredded the meat with fork
>roasted some diced root vegetables
>fried potato strings
>crispy shallots
>spot of hoisin
>sunny side egg
>delicious duck hash for me and my family the net morning because fuck your hot dogs, dad.

>> No.8709428
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>> No.8709430
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You don't have a family. Enjoy your hand.

>> No.8709435

If you're full flyover normie-core then anything not smothered in cheese or with tons of sugar in it can be considered exotic.

>> No.8709445

Your post makes me wonder how to ensure any possible children of mine aren't shitty little nitpicks about food, like I admittedly was.

>> No.8709463

I've only learned what carbonara was these last few years after lurking /ck/. Before then it was some weird thing my sims ate.

It doesn't have to be rare or exotic. My family was never big on Italian food. If I wanted pasta before but didn't want or have a red sauce/pesto/alfredo then I just used butter, cheese, and garlic. Using eggs wouldn't have ever crossed my mind. I even just only learned what arrabiata was this past Christmas.

>> No.8709506

i tried so hard man. from the moment my toddler could eat solid food i was giving him stuff with exotic spice arrays and he gobbled it up. he even loved a little heat. anything we made, he ate. Fish. Brussels sprouts, exotic meats. whatever - the kid ate like a top chef judge for like 2 years.

then he stated going to play groups and pre school and all that stuff. the other kids were talking about tendies and hot dogs and telling him how gross his duck confit was.

Now he complains about everything and wants tendies and hot dogs. I tried so hard.

>> No.8709774

Just.... don't give him the tendies or hotdogs. Or make them do something they don't enjoy to earn them.

Shit, y'all too soft. Beat the tendies out of their system.

>> No.8709785

Dont be a cuck and cook foods that your child will enjoy, but invest some time now and again to feed it things that will go outside the child's comfort zone. Starting at a young age is good, but remember that a palate grows with the child.

It's also why anybody who hasn't developed a taste for fresh veggies and certain foods by adulthood are failures at life. Their taste buds are stuck at a developmental level.

>> No.8709849

>other kids were talking about tendies and hot dogs and telling him how gross his duck confit was.
>Now he complains about everything and wants tendies and hot dogs

You're not sending your kid to school with this as lunch are you?
He's complaining because is getting ripped on by all the other kids for having "weird" food

>> No.8709861

Are there any italian-style pasta dishes that work decently well with rice-noodles?

>> No.8709874

Hah. My grandma used to send me to school with a container filled with milk, sugar and cream crackers in it. Ain't no one thought that was normal food in that school.

>> No.8709891

sounds weird, but tastes allright: gaspacho w. leftover rice noodles from making stir fry the day before. also once dumped leftover plain white rice in gaspacho, also allright. doesnt change the flavour, more filling, made with already pre-cooked stuff = perfect for lazy hot days / after work summer dinners

>> No.8710325

My parents do shit like that to

>> No.8710617

If you send your kids to pleb center, they usually want to fit in. You should have given them pleb food for lunch.

>> No.8710622
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> Mom puts ketchup on hers

>> No.8710626

Why did you have ketchup in your refrigerator to begin with?

>> No.8710629

So that I can put it on my well-done strip steak, duh.

>> No.8710632

This. This. This. A thousand times this.

>> No.8710650


Moutarde Maille Dijon is ketchup for non plebs.

>> No.8710654

>made a homemade pizza with sourdough crust and homemade sauce with toppings my parents like. Comes out perfect (they like thin and crispy). Mom takes a bite and says, "I honestly prefer Totinos."

Family sucks.

>> No.8710658

I live in flyoverville in Burgerclappia and most "people" here don't eat carbonara. It's not even on a lot of menus here.

>> No.8710659

>Having a palate so goddamn awful you can't eat pasta carbonara
What the fuck? Even normies should like egg bacon and cheese. Exchange your family for a new one. Let me guess, they normally just cook noodles and dump store bought tomato sauce on it?

The best part is totino's pizzas literally don't even have cheese on them. It's some imitation mozzarella made out of soybean oil.

>> No.8710663

Go to the nursery, find the kids who think tendies are good, and then point and laugh at them in front of their friends for being a pathetic little baby who only eats food for fat boring people. Make him cry in front of all his peers, knowing that he is a destined to be a dimwitted pleb who is afraid of the culinary unknown, and that he is a worthless speck of dust beneath the feet of the child who enjoys a good curry.

>> No.8710665

I'm starting to recognize this person from shitting up other threads on /ck/. >>8709387

>> No.8710668

Lol have had many similar experiences. Just don't cook anything nice for the ingrates.

>> No.8710677

He'd find out about pleb food eventually. No matter what he's going to pig out and gain a shit ton of weight from some perceived fault in your parenting.
Sorry, buddy. You shouldn't have had children.

This is a 100% guaranteed way to make sure your child has no friends. Shit like this gets around and the other parents start telling their children not to hang out around yours.

>> No.8710684

no ur moutarded

>> No.8710713

>weird thing my sims ate
I understand that anon

>> No.8710735

>He'd find out about pleb food eventually. No matter what he's going to pig out and gain a shit ton of weight from some perceived fault in your parenting.

That's not the case. When I was a kid we never went out to fast food or had microwave stuff. Every single meal was home-cooked awesomeness. (both my parents were good cooks). The only exceptions were 4-5 times a year when we'd go to a nice restaurant for a special occasion, like a birthday. By nice restaurant I mean white tablecloths, snooty waiters, and wine lists.

The first time I ever had fast food was in high school. We were on a trip and stopped by McDonald's. I was excited because I had hear people talk about how awesome it was, so I was all geared up and ready to stuff my face. I ordered....and then dissapointment kicked me in the nuts. The food sucked. I wondered how on earth people could actually eat burgers whose patties were so thin...so dry....so flavorless. Even the stuff my drunkard uncle BBQed on family get-togethers kicked the shit out of the big mac I had just ordered.

If you feed your children well they will develop a taste for the good stuff and will recognize fast food for the crap that it is.

>> No.8710797

Keep the rice noodles away from Italian cuisine you crazy fucker

>> No.8710934

>Totinos, imitation mozzarella

Yeah, I used fresh mozarrella too. Sad.

>> No.8711164
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>> No.8711173

for every person like you there's four that gain a bunch of weight after they move out because "MOMMY WOULDN'T BUY ME FROSTED SUGAR FUCKS OFF THE TV, SO I'M GOING TO BUY 5 BOXES AND EAT THEM EVERY MORNING"

>> No.8711205
File: 76 KB, 590x365, olive garden carbonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some Normiecore for all of you.
This is Olive Garden Carbonara.
>Sautéed seasoned chicken, shrimp and spaghetti tossed in a creamy sauce with bacon and roasted red peppers.
>1,570 calories (1 serving)
>2,460 mg sodium
>113 grams of fat

This is what flyovers picture when they hear Carbonara.

>> No.8711233

thats crazy, i always considered carbonara as something that even kids like.didnt even know that its possible to be this picky.DESU i would not cook for them ever unless specifically asked to do so, complaining about food that a friend or family put effort in is just rude

>> No.8711243

>roasted red peppers
>creamy sauce
olive garden makes me want to fucking puke, honestly. It's so far removed from real italian food it's actually crazy

>> No.8711293
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>> No.8711765
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>> No.8711777


>> No.8711829

>Why guys

They're still resentful about their son transitioning into a bee.

>> No.8711865
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>> No.8711874

Guys, I haven't been to /ck/ in years so quickly bring me up to speed...

Is carbonara /ck/'s new meme food and is ketchup on pasta the new ketchup on steak?

>> No.8711877

Dunno man, anytime I make carbonara, the only thing anyone ever puts on it is more.

>> No.8711902
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You fucked up my puhsketti!!

>> No.8712119


carbonara is absolutely not a normal western dish unless you live in europe or you're a faggy douche from the big city.

carbonara is also shit.

>> No.8712130


what kind of douchebag sends his kid to school with fucking duck confit. you're a fucking terrible father.

>> No.8712137
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>Putting ketchup on carbonara

Flyover inbred scum

>> No.8712144


probably tasted like shit. sourdough crust pizza, probably with some pomodoro sauce not fit for a pizza

>> No.8712158
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>Not being from an Italian family

>> No.8712165

Fucking this.

>> No.8712171
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>> No.8712182

>posting the edit outside of /v/


>> No.8712187

>Being terrone

>> No.8712196


>> No.8712203
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Gimme my Hamburg Helper and ketchub!

>> No.8712218

Why does this seem to be such a common experience? I've never had friends or family complain when I cook for them. I'm not a bad cook but I know there have been times when I overcooked something but they still ate it with no bitching.
I'm gonna chalk it up to a lack of home training, growing up my mom always said "This is dinner, eat it or don't but if you don't you're not eating til the morning"
Hated it as a kid but it turned me into a well rounded adult. Culinary-wise at least.

>> No.8712260

Because unfortunately, everyone can cook, even if they can't.

Thus, everyone is a critique and everyone does it better 'their way'

As a professional chef with 12 years experience, I have learnt to just nod and play along or allow someone to interfere and immediately unfuck what they've just done rather than create drama.

A great example is my grandmother, who insists that you should cut potatoes small so they cook quicker. For the longest time, I would argue against it, because small veggies absorb water more than large veggies. She would insist that she never had a problem in her whole life, despite many, many occasions of potatoes being watery.

Of course, it was the potatoes fault, not the size of the cut.

So now I shrug whenever I'm over there, cut potatoes a reasonable size, allow her to turn down the stove when things boil, then immediately turn then back up when she's gone.

She can throw out my timing somewhat, but I'd sooner deal with a minor setback than have an argument that's based on her home cooking vs my professional experience.

As a wise man once said "It is what it is"

Some people just like to argue to be pretentious though, can't help those fuckers.

>> No.8712265 [DELETED] 


muh PATRICIAN bacon pasta xDXDXD

le bacon is SUCH a fancy topping, I feel like I'm really from little italia *glormps bacon noodles*

>> No.8712267
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Same Anon here. Yeah, I eat anything and learned by being told by my mum and grandmum that if I don't eat it, I'll be having it for breakfast. Girls and friends have never complained when I cooked, but I give it as general warning because I do it as a labor of love.

There was only once, a friend brought some cunt to a "sushi party" I did. Basically, pay $20 so I can buy fresh ingredients, and I make a wide array and custom sushi. Takes a lot of prep. Bitch basically was all condescendingly evaluating how well I roll and quality of ingredients. I stopped mid-roll and just stared across the counter at her until she stopped talking. Fuckin' self-entitled peeps, no respect, can't even have a good time.

>> No.8712440
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More Hamburg Helper paw! YeeeeeHAWWW!

>> No.8713293

>carbonara is absolutely not a normal western dish unless you live in 90% of the inhabited western world

>> No.8713337


my mother is a "cheese & carb" girl and my father still eats fishfinger sandwiches

they're slobs

>> No.8713560

thats more of a paella and surely not intended to be
>muh authentic

>> No.8713573

>Putting spaces after joke chevrons
Why do people do this shit

>> No.8713576

>my mother is a "cheese & carb" girl
So why wouldn't she like carbonara?

>> No.8713583

Look at his tits

>> No.8713665

My parents eat garbage food most of the time. They always overcook their vegetables to the point they become grey mush, then they cover them with some sugar sauce, they cover everything with a sugar sauce actually, and my mom has repeatedly told me how great the KFC buffet is and how I should try it sometime.

But they still typically appreciate actual good food/cooking and are willing to try new things for the most part. They love getting weird shit off the authentic menus at good chinese restaurants. My mom loves dim sum, and good sushi. They love vietnamese, thai, ethiopian, greek, "middle eastern", and anything "european", but they didn't like indian.
They also always love my cooking.
When I visit them my mom tries to get me to cook everything because I've taught her so many things, and my dad actually seems a bit embarrassed to cook and constantly apologizes for what he's made(usually on the grill/smoker) even when it turns out pretty great. I kinda feel bad one-upping him all the time. My grandma (his mother-in-law) is a rude german woman who has repeatedly bluntly declared that "Anon is a much better cook than you".

>t-thanks grandma...

>> No.8713679
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What is it with yanks and their incessant need to spout proper nouns and brand names. Are the raw qualifiers of food too complicated to compare, or does it boil down to the cultural value of names?

>> No.8713697

We are drilled with brand identity before we even learn to walk. You have no idea how many people use a brand name as a generic term, i.e. Coke for soda/pop, iPod for mp3 player, band-aid etc.

>> No.8713701

Corporatism and consumerism m8

>> No.8713763

the righteous must walk a long way, don't be mad and keep it up

>> No.8713782

>now he complains about everything and wants tendies

whats the problem? your son is growing up to be a fine young man

>> No.8713789

>doesn't cater to his guest's tastes
>gets offended when they don't like his tryhard cooking

>> No.8713796

white trash? Otherwise you're just dealing with people dumb enough and closed-minded enough to only accept the things they're used to, or at least approach it curiously

>> No.8713972

>This is a 100% guaranteed way to make sure your child has no friends
Yes, that's the point, you should surround them only with good influences and keep them away from shallow friendships that will turn them into plebs. Once they're mature enough to value good relationships with good people you can turn them loose into the world.

>> No.8714072

Band-aid is about the only one I use.

>> No.8714093


You're missing the point. It's not about denying kids what they demand. It's about having them used to a certain standard of quality so that they reject that crap when they do try it.

I remember asking my mom for various things that I saw advertised during my weekend morning cartoons. Multiple brands of sugary kid cereal, and also ranch salad dressing. Mom bought them for me, I tried them once, and then rejected them for the crap that they were.

>> No.8714190
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Threads like these make me thankful to have been raised with a mother who has excellent taste and is a fantastic cook. My Dad isn't a total pleb (like some of the horror stories in this thread) but he outright objects to eating anything vaguely Middle Eastern or Indian, and will usually go with the most boring, familiar thing on a menu.

>> No.8714226

>certain foods

Please explain

>> No.8714260

>DAE le never ketchup meme?! But Sriracha on all the things! I'm so hip and cool xd

No one likes you.

>> No.8714270

Yeah, I like totinos occasionally, but calling it pizza is being generous.

>> No.8714276

Cake is actually impressive for an amateur.

>> No.8714594
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>pasta carbonara

>> No.8714727


Why would you serve a carbonara as a main course? It's just pasta, eggs, guanciale and parmigiano, not fit for a balanced meal.

Maybe they would have appreciated it more as a small appetizer, like pasta is supposed to be served, with a more fulfilling main course in sight.

>> No.8715536
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>mfw I """ruined""" Christmas dinner by leaving the skin on the mashed potatoes
I've never been angrier. Moving out was the best thing to ever happen to my palette but every time I come home it's like returning to the stone age.

>> No.8715577

It's a valid complaint, nobody expects there to suddenly be lumpy skin in their mash pots.

>> No.8715656

Thats actually somewhat even in brick shape.
He deserves a prize.

>> No.8715667

What? That guy did nothing wrong.
Keep eating pouch potatoes my dude. Yum.

>> No.8715686
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>did nothing wrong
>served skins in potatoes, obviously without informing the guests
>had no alternative
>surprised a meal was 'ruined' because a major element of the plate wasn't to his guests taste


>> No.8715743


I wish so fucking much that I was from one of those traditional Italian families that loved to get together and cook elaborate meals every weekend. It seems like a mostly blissful existence to be quite honest.

>> No.8716016


I have a similar experience

>Cook for my family
>Soup with a lot of vegetables
>Noone touched it
>Ate a whole pot by myself

a few months later

>I did rice with vegetables
>For the first time after 2 years they came back with pizza
>I ate it alone again

2 years after that

>Cooking some bacon egg cupcakes
>Noone tried

I haven't cooked for my family for many years now and I won't ever again. They always ask "Why won't you cook something for us".

>> No.8716034
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>Joke chevrons

>> No.8716062

fuck i'm glad you're here